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Good turnout for sponsors day bowls

Thirty-four bowlers and visitors turned up at the Blackall Bowls Club on Sunday, November 2 to take part in a very successful day sponsored by the Barcoo Hotel and Auto-Pro. Jeff and Mark were thanked for a great day, along with Rob Doyle and John Bowyer who cooked the barbecue, and Don Daly and others who helped in the organising. The scores didnt matter as the winners were drawn out of the hat and besides, half the scorecards went missing. In social pairs on Sunday, November 9 Julie Blucher and Ross Browning were the narrow winners with 24 points, followed by Rob Doyle and Dally Holden on 23 points. Jenny Turner and John Bowyer were next with 18 points while Mitchell Pngst and Ron Robinson nished on 14 points. There will be social bowls on Sunday, November 16 with the same conditions of names drawn

Sport on the Barcoo

out of a hat. All visitors and non-bowlers are welcome to play and there will be prize money for the winners. Play will commence at 9 am. Members are asked to advise the club if they are available to play against Barcaldine in Blackall for the HAIC Trophy on November 23. Twelve or more players are required.

RRP $2.00

Blackalls own community newspaper

-- by Dally Holden

Blackstump Medical Centre open for business

Blackalls new surgery, the Blackstump Medical Centre was ofcially opened by Queensland Health Deputy Director General, Professor Andrew Wilson on November 5. Built at a cost of $1.4 million, the surgery in Thistle Street, described by Blackall practitioner Dr Viney Joshi as state of the art, took 10 months to complete. The expansion of the former two-room Community Health building began in December 2007 and the keys were handed over in September this year. Rain in January lled the holes dug for the buildings foundations and they had to be pumped out. An emotional Dr Joshi said he hoped the new surgery would give the community pleasure and satisfaction, as he had enjoyed serving the region. Les Wheelhouse asked me to come to Blackall for a look 10 years ago and I have loved my time in the bush, he said. I hope we can get a few more committed GPs to work out here. Purpose-built to a contemporary design, the building features disabled access, a dedicated childrens play area and four consulting rooms, one of which is serving as a resource area. A two-bay treatment room at the rear of the centre will enable Dr Joshi and colleagues to undertake minor procedures in clinical surroundings. Queensland Healths Wendy

November 14 2008 ISSN 1832-6129


-- by Sally Cripps

B ruce leave s e ld b e h in d

A small eld contested the Ricky & Sandra Richardson rapid re event held at the Blackall Pistol Club on Sunday, November 2. First place was taken out by Bruce McPaul who left the eld behind with an off-handicap score of 614. Second place went to Doug Lane on 546, closely followed by third placegetter Peter Molle on 544. Other scores were Spencer Astill on 520 and Doug Church on 378. Bruce McPaul had two top rounds of 88 in the eight

second sections of the event. The clubs next ofcial shoot will be the Peter & Margot Molle standard match and Aub & Janet Carter air pistol events to be held on November 16, starting at 9 am. The nal shoot for the year will be the Nev Noske standard match to be held on November 23, to be followed by the annual general meeting and breakup.

B lackall C am pdraft aids R iding for the D isabled

At the recent breakup of the Blackall Campdraft committee, president Roger Ellison presented junior member Sara Aspinall with a donation of $1460, to go towards her fundraising as Pony Club Junior Personality Quest entrant. All funds raised by Sara will aid the Riding for the Disabled organisation. The Blackall Campdraft committee has made donations to various charities over the past few years, such as the Royal Flying Doctor Service and the local hospital. The funds were raised on the Saturday night of the draft. The night also featured a bareback cutout, which was a great spectator event where riders displayed their ability to perform under lights. It was organised by Sara to also raise funds. Sara now has art union tickets to sell before nishing up her year in Blackwater on November 29, where the Pony Club Junior Personality Quest judging will take place and the winner announced at a formal dinner. M aking a splash at the intertow n sw im m ing m eet.

T he end sw im m er.

is nally near for this

R oger E llison presents S ara A spinall a donation tow ards her fundraising as P ony club Junior P ersonality Q uest

Jensen said the new medical centre had been undertaken as the former one was situated beneath the doctors residence. This is never an ideal situation, she said. At this stage no decision has been made about the future use of the old surgery. Blackall-Tambo mayor Jan Ross expressed her councils appreciation at the opening, saying the new centre would be a tremendous asset for the community in general. From a council perspective we have been pleased to be able to contribute the roadway in front of the building and hope to be able to make a start on the footpath soon, she said. Member for Gregory Vaughan Johnson said he hoped the visit by Queensland Health to open the medical centre had highlighted the health needs people have in the bush. Dr Viney and people like him do a wonderful job, he said. Professor Wilson, who has responsibilities for policy, planning and resourcing, spoke to the gathering at the opening about opportunities for doing things differently with health care in remote areas, with the establishment of an ofce of Rural Health. There was an ofce in Roma but we have now developed a much larger group to cater for the needs of rural people, he said.

B lackalls full quota of health professionals and adm inistrators w ere present at the opening of the new m edical centre, including D irector of N ursing G lory B aker, Q ueensland H ealths W endy Jensen from the Longreach regional ofce, D r V iney Joshi, D eputy D irector G eneral A ndrew W ilson, D r R ajiv G andhi, and C arleen A llom .

B arcoo R etirem ent V illage chair O w en S tockw ell w ith C r G raham Jarvis at the B lackstum p M edical C entre opening.

Q ueensland H ealth recruitm ent ofcer G erm aine K enny w ith K elley W alker, B lackalls representative on the regional health council, at the opening.

B lackall pharm acist Ian K insey and M em ber for G regory Vaughan Johnson.

A ssistance w as not required for these backstroke sw im m ers.

Page 20 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

Windy WWW launch -- page 3 Christmas Sign Comp on again details -- page 5

Another busy period has passed, entailing some travelling. A Works and Finance committee meeting was held at Scrubby Creek. This involved councillors checking the unfamiliar Tambo road system on their way to and from the meeting as well as seeing the southernmost boundary of the Blackall Tambo Regional Council area. Scrubby Creek is a sports reserve, which serves a large area which is well over 100 kilometres from any town. A monthly gun shoot is held, along with tennis, golf and swimming when there is water to swim in! Council was able to see rsthand the low level crossing on the Langlo River which was one of the projects completed by the former Tambo Shire Council. This project will give residents earlier access to cross the Langlo, as it can be uncrossable for some time after good rain. With engineer Graham Wills in attendance, the Blackall airport taxiway upgrade was discussed, with all councillors agreeing to seek funding for this important work. We would also like to increase the size of the apron area when the work is undertaken. This will make the Blackall airport far more user friendly. John Perry from Mead Consulting Services has been engaged to complete a business plan for the Blackall saleyards. John has visited the yards and has commenced consultation interviews. We look forward to his proposal. Council also approved the Tambo Community and Cultural Centre concept design plan. This plan will see the vacant Woodies for Goodies building in Arthur Street become a Visitor Information Centre, Education Centre, art gallery with workshop area, and a retail tenancy. The Tambo Community and Cultural Centre steering committee is to be congratulated on its dedicated attention to the details necessary to bring this plan to the stage of preparing specications for tender. Tenders will be called and will close by mid-December. Construction should be underway in 2009.


The LGAQ Planning and Development policy committee meeting was held in Brisbane on October 31. This was a most interesting gathering made of people involved in the planning and development of cities and towns far larger than Blackall. However, it was great to be included as there were only three participants from rural or remote Queensland in attendance. It certainly made me aware that we do live in Paradise just have to keep it that way! Complete failure in trying to pick the winner of the Melbourne Cup! Hope you all fared far better then I did on the day. November 5 saw the opening of the Black Stump Medical Centre by the deputy Director General of Health, Professor Andrew Wilson. This is indeed a boon to the dedicated medical team who work in Blackall. All are just so pleased with the spacious areas, state of the art according to Dr Viney Joshi. It is also great for the patients who attend the medical centre for consultations and treatment. Council had ensured the sealing of the roadway was completed well before the opening date. The footpath will be attended to after the new fence has been installed, making sure everyone has all-weather access to the medical centre. At 5pm that day, residents gathered at the end of Short Street for the opening of the Wood, Wool and Water sculptures created by world-renowned wood sculptor Robert Bridgewater who, together with wife Kate and their two small children Eadie and William, have been resident in Blackalls Living Arts Centre for the past month. This was a real outback adventure for the whole family, one which they have really enjoyed. The Wood, Wool and Water sculptures are a lasting memento of the 2008 Heartland Festival. They will add to the artistic collection of streetscape art in Blackall, which is visually attractive as well as a talking point for our community and visitors alike. I must say the wind which blew us inside out

was not to be ignored. Great loads of dust as well made conditions rather chancy as the ceremony progressed. Not to be put off, the sculptures were opened. Thursday, November 6 meant an early start to attend the RAPAD meeting in Longreach, where all manner of items were discussed. One of interest is the investigation by RAPAD into the feasibility of a recycling programme for the entire RAPAD area. I felt this could have some merit. There was no report on the progress of valuations from DNR and the effect they have on local government in this area. It was a very torrid day in Longreach - 42 degrees. No appreciable rainfall here at Byrgenna over the weekend but some worthwhile falls in the far southwest which has missed out for a long time. An email to hand tells us that deputy Premier Paul Lucas has extended the timeframe for the draft Regional Plan submissions, to November 30, should anyone care to take the time and make the effort to do this.

4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spicks & Specks 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 The Airships 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 Talking Heads 2:00 Parliament Question Time 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Art Museums Of The World 6:30 The Cook & The Chef (F) 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 The New Inventors: Grand Final 9:00 Stupid Stupid Man 9:30 Summer Heights High (R) 10:00 At The Movies (F) 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Cracker 12:25 Parliament Question Time 1.35 Movie: Citizen Kane (1941,Pg,R) 3:25 National Press Club Address 4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spicks & Specks 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Riddles Of The Bible 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Parkinson 1:30 Collectors 2:00 Parliament Question Time 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Planet Earth 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Two Men In A Tinnie 8:30 Exposed 9:30 Big Dreamers 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Yusuf Islam 12:25 Wildside 1.15 Parliament Question Time 2.15 Movie: Secret Beyond The Door (1948,Pg,R) 3:55 The Glass House 4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spicks & Specks 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Swamp Cats 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Rewind 1:30 Spicks & Specks (F) 2:00 Trial And Retribution 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Message Stick 6:30 Off The Map 7:00 News 7:30 Stateline 8:00 Collectors 8:30 The Stepfather 9:40 The Thick Of It (M*) 10:10 Lateline 10:55 triple j tv (F) 11:25 Good Game (F) 11:50 rage 5:00 rage 8:00 rage: Guest Programmer 9:00 triple j tv With The Doctor (F) 10:00 Let The Music Play 11:00 The Kumars at No.42 11:30 The Cook & The Chef 12:00 Stateline 12:30 Best Of Australian Story 1:00 Foreign Correspondent (F) 1:30 Bowls: NSW Open 2:30 WNBL: Adelaide Vs Canberra 4:00 Soccer: Queensland Roar Vs Sydney FC 6:00 Totally Frank 6.25 Minuscule: Ugly 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 News 7:30 Mountain With Griff Rhys Jones 8:25 News 8:35 The Bill 10:10 News 10:15 The last Detective 11:30 rage

Barcoo Independent TV Guide November 23 - 29 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 All For The Kids 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: 12 Days Of Terror (2003,M,R) 2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 TBA 11:30 Revenge TV 12:30 The Passion Of Spain Pt 2 1:30 Room For Improvement 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News 5:30 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Home Shopping 12:00 The View 1:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Heres Humphrey 4:00 Lab Rats Challenge 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two & A Half Men 7:30 Two & A Half Men 8:00 Two & A Half Men 8:30 Movie: Christmas With The Kranks (2004,Pg,R) 10:30 How To Have Sex After Marriage (F) 11:30 Just Shoot Me 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 All Of Us 1:00 Twins

5:20 UEFA Champions: Arsenal v Dynamo Kiev 8:00 Overseas News 3:30 Football Stars Of Tomorrow 4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Is Your House Killing You? 6:00 Global Village: The Flavours of Northern Morocco 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Food Safari: Korean Safari 8:00 Cooking In The Danger Zone 8:30 Rosas Story 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 NEWStopia 10:30 Movie: In the Company Of Men 12:40 Movie: Harrys Daughters 5:30 UEFA Champions: Bordeaux v Chelsea 8:00 Overseas News 3:30 Feast Greece 4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 UEFA Champions League Hour 6:30 World News Australia 7:35 Inspector Rex 8:30 The Eagle 9:30 World News Australia 10:05 Walkley Awards 2008 11:55 Queer As Folk 12:55 The Great Happiness Space 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 The Food Lovers Guide To Australia 1:30 Fidel Castro 2:35 Boudicas Treasures 3:30 Footprints in the Sand 4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Andre Rieu: The Fairy Tale 6:00 Global Village: Borneo, the Sacriced Forest 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Lionel Rose 8:30 As It Happened: Becoming Muhammad Ali 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 The Book that Shook the World 11.00 Movie: See How They Run 12:50 Movie: Someone Elses Happiness 5:20 Overseas News 11:55 Frocks Off 1:00 LAnnonciation 1:30 Desperate Man Blues 2.30 Us Art 21: Art In The 21st Century 3.30 This Is Civilization: Ye Gods 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Alain Ducasse: The Chefs Farewell 6:00 Classical Destinations 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters 8:30 Iron Chef 9:20 RocKwiz 10:00 Movie: Candy 11:50 SOS 12:55 NEWStopia 1:25 Drawn Together 1.50 Stripperella

Wednesday November 26

Jan Ross

NOVEMBER 18 Swan Hill bull sale 18 Blackall State School Presentation evening 22 Blackall State School musical 22 Blackall Pony Club presentations 23 Pistol Club AGM 25 CWA Christmas lunch 29 St Patricks Christmas fete 30 Advent & Christmas Tree festival DECEMBER 1 St Josephs speech night 5 Edgar Towner Memorial dinner 8-11 Tambo showjumping school 19 Blackall Club Christmas party MARCH 2009 7 Race meeting APRIL 2009 4 Tambo stock show 14-17 State showjumping/equitation titles


Advertising Rates 2008 1/8 pg ad: $12.50 1/6 pg ad: $25.00 1/4 pg ad: $31.50 1/3 pg ad: $43.50 1/2 pg ad: $62.50 Full page ad/Insert: $125

Please send your contributions to: Post or or call in personto :

Email: The Blackall Visitor Information Centre, 108a Shamrock St, Blackall Phone/fax: 4657 6966

Classied $5 for 3 lines plus $1.25 per extra line

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 10:00 All For Kids 10:30 2008 Australian Masters Golf 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 TBA 9:00 The Amazing Race 10:00 Bones 11:00 Heroes 12:00 Room For Improvement 12:30 Sons & Daughters 1:00 Last Chance Learners 1:30 Australias Strangest Home Improvements 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 10:00 All For Kids 10:30 2008 Australian Masters Golf 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Better Homes & Gardens 8:30 TBA 11:15 Movie: Revenge Of The Nerds (1984,M,R) 1:00 Movie: The Actors (2003,M) 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 6:30 My Friends Tigger & Pooh 7:00 Saturday Disney 9:00 Toon Disney 10:00 V8 Xtra 10:30 Sevens Motorsport 11:00 2008 Australian Masters Golf 4:30 Mercurios Menu 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 Queensland Weekender 6:00 News 6:30 Movie: TBA 8:30 Movie: TBA 11:15 Movie: Reign Of Fire (M,R) 1:10 Movie: City Of Ghosts (2002,M,R) 3:30 It Is Written 4:00 Home Shopping 5:00 Dateline NBC

5:30 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Home Shopping 12:00 The View 1:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two & A Half Men (R) 7:30 Getaway (F) 8:30 Crime Investigation Australia 9:30 RPA (F) 10:30 The Strip (F) 11:30 Seinfeld 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 Movie: Pavement (2005,AV) 2:20 Home Shopping 5:30 Today 9:00 The Kingdom Of Paramithi 9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 12:00 The Cricket Show 12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Fresh Cooking With AWW 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 Footprints 7:00 Two & A Half Men 7:30 Movie: Crocodile Dundee (1986,Pg,R) 9:40 Movie: Crocodile Dundee 2 (1988,Pg,R) 10:40 Movie: Wonderland (2003,AV,R) 1:50 Home Shopping 5:30 Christian City TV 6:00 Childrens Shows 9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 12:00 The Cricket Show 12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Fresh Cooking With AWW 5:30 Footprints 6:00 News 6:30 Australias Funniest Home Video Show (F) 7:30 Movie: Polar Express (2004,G,R) 9:40 Movie: Bad Santa (2003,MA,R) 11:35 Movie: Men In Black (1997,M,R) 1:30 George Lopez 2:00 Home Shopping

Thursday November 27 Friday November 28 Saturday November 29

Page 2 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008 - Page 19

Barcoo Independent TV Guide November 23 - 29 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

5:00 rage 6:30 Childrens Shows 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Inside Business 10:30 Offsiders 11:05 Asia Pacic Focus 11:30 Songs Of Praise 12:00 Landline 1:00 Gardening Australia 1:30 Message Stick 2:00 The Celts 3:00 Alice Neel 4:20 Mozart, Constanze and Georg 4:30 First Tuesday Book Club 5:00 Sunday Arts 6:00 At The Movies 6:30 The Einstein Factor: Grand Final 7:00 News 7:30 Eagle Island 8:25 News 8:30 Movie: Little Fish (2005) 10:20 Compass 10.50 Dickens In America 11:20 Ahead Of The Class (M*) 12:55 Movie: She Couldnt Say No (1954,G,R) 2:25 Movie: Tom, Dick & Harry (1941,G,R) 3:55 Our Boys 4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spicks & Specks 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Incredible Journeys With Steve Leonard 1:30 Atlantic Edge 2:00 Parliament Questions Time 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Landline Extra (F) 6:30 Talking Heads (F) 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Face Painting With Bill Leak 8:30 The Howard Years 9:20 Media Watch 9:35 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton 10:35 Lateline 11:10 Lateline Business 11:35 Bomb Harvest 12:30 Parliament Question Time 1.35 Movie: The Big Steal (1949,PG,R) 2:55 Babinda Boulders/Surf Dreaming 3:25 Bowls: Aust. Indoor Championships 4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spicks & Specks 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Sleek Geeks 11:05 Carbon Cops 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 The Einstein Factor 1:00 The New Inventors 1:30 Catalyst (F) 2:00 Parliament Question Time 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Time Team 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 The Museum 8:35 The Last Aztec Pt 2 (F) 9:30 Foreign Correspondent 10:00 Al Andalus 10:25 Lateline 11:00 Lateline Business 11:30 Iconoclasts 12:15 Parliament Question Time 1:15 Movie: This Land Is Mine (1943,Pg,R) 3:10 Movie: Curse Of The Cat People (Pg,R) 6:00 Choices 6:30 Yin Yang Yo! 7:00 Staines Down Drains 7:30 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 Kochies Business Builder 10:30 Sea Change, Tree Change 11:00 Rolex Spirit Of Yachting 11:30 Movie: Barbie In A Christmas Carol (G) 1:30 Home Improvement 2:00 Sevens V8 Supercars: Symmons Plains 5:30 Great South East 6:00 News 6:30 TBA 7:30 TBA 11:20 Movie: Big Trouble In Little China (1986,M,R) 1:20 Auction Squad 2:30 Home Shopping 3:30 NBC Meet The Press 4:30 NBC Today 5:30 News 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 All For The Kids 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: The Girl Next Door (1997,M,R) 2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 The Rich List 8:30 City Homicide (R) 9:30 Bones 10:30 Out Of The Question 11:00 Louis Theroux 12:15 Auction Squad 1:00 A Country Practice 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 All For Kids 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: The Glow (2001,M,R) 2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 TBA 8:30 Packed To The Rafters 9:30 All Saints 10:30 Surgery Saved My Life 11:30 Revenge TV 12:30 Kiwifruit 1:00 A Country Practice 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News G 5:30 Rise & Shine 6:00 Childrens Shows 7:30 Dont Come Monday 8:00 News 9:00 Cybershack 9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 12:00 The Cricket Show 12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Strong Voice 6:00 News 6:30 20 To 1 7:30 60 Minutes (F) 8:30 CSI: Miami 9:30 CSI: Miami (R) 10:30 Movie: High Crimes (2002,M,R) 12:50 WWE Afterburn 1:50 Home Shopping 5:30 Today 9:00 The Kingdom Of Paramithi 9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 12:00 The Cricket Show 12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Fresh Cooking With AWW 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two & A Half Men (R) 7:30 Weddings: Where Are They Now? 8:30 CSI (R) 9:30 Cold Case 10:30 True CSI: Cold Blood 11:30 Just Shoot Me 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 Shipwrecked 5:30 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Home Shopping 12:00 The View 1:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two & A Half Men (R) 7:30 The Chopping Block 8:30 Two & A Half Men (R) 9:00 Two & A Half Men (R) 9:30 20 To 1 (R) 10:30 Survivor: Micronesia Fan Vs Favourites 11:30 Girls Of The Playboy Mansion 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 ER General Classication PG 6:25 Overseas News 10:00 The Best of Insight 2008 11:00 Sunday Brunch Sessions 12:00 World Superbike Championships 08 1:00 Speedweek 3:00 Football Asia 3:30 UEFA Champions League Magazine 4:00 Les Murrays Football Feature 5:00 The World Game 6:00 Thalassa: Divers of the Caribbean 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8:35 When Dogs Teach Bears 9:40 Movie: Swimming Pool 11:25 Movie: Silentium 1:25 If The Dead Could Speak 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Living Black 1:30 Taking on the Taliban 2.35 Rendezvous With Death: Kennedy And Castro 3:20 The Drummer Of Ravels Bolero 3:30 Young And Restless In China 4:30 The Journal 5:00 The Crew 5:30 Corner Gas 6:00 Global Village: A Greek Odyssey 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Top Gear 8:30 Swift & Shift Couriers 9.00 South Park: The Early Years 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Shameless 10:55 Movie: Undead 12.40 Movie: Divergence 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 The Storm Rages Twice 2:05 Don Matteo 3:00 Here Comes The Neighbourhood 3:30 The Closet Tales of Australian Fashion 4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Corner Gas 6:00 Global Village: The Flying Prisoners 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 The Nest 8:30 Heat (Part 1) 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Heat (Part 2) 11:00 Movie: All Winter Without Fire 12.35 Emperor Hirohito

The latest addition to Blackalls collection of public art was launched on the banks of the Barcoo river at the edge of town last Wednesday, November 5. The trio of timber sculptures titled Water, Wool & Wood, made by Victorian artist Robert Bridgewater, were commissioned as part of Blackalls annual Heartland Festival. The title is in honour of the Blackall Woolscour which celebrated its centenary this year. The sculptures were described as a lasting legacy of the centenary by Blackall-Tambo mayor Jan Ross, who did the honours amidst a windstorm. Standing nearly four metres tall, the artworks were made possible by a grant from art+place, the state governments public art fund. Placed on the banks of the Barcoo River, between the mural and steam machinery surrounding the Pioneer Bore, the rst drilled in Queensland, and the metal Eagle and Nest created by Richard Moffatt in 2007, the sculptures build upon Blackalls reputation as the art hub of western Queensland. I dont expect them to be

W indy launch for W ool, W ater, W ood sculpture

universally adored but I hope theyll create a conversation point in the community, and add to the town and bring visitors, Robert said. I think Blackall has a lot to offer I had lots of support from the council and the locals, and the Arts Centre is a great facility to work out of. Robert brought his wife and two young children up from Victoria and worked in the grounds of the Art Centre for a month, carving three giant timber logs into his interpretation of Wood, Water and Wool. He said he liked to work with simple shapes and use references to things in nature, so the project suited him well. A stark black Ironwood log reaches to the sky with wavy lines to represent water owing down a boredrain or a river, while a softer grey Bloodwood trunk is shaped to resemble a plume of smoke rising into the air, to represent the wood that was once burnt at the Woolscour. A squat piece of Beefwood has had scroll designs carved into it as a symbol of lambswool and old mens beards.

I wanted it to look like altar carvings and its horizontal to give the idea of a landscape as well, Robert said. The carvings have been nished with decking oil that can be reapplied every couple of years, but Robert said that one of the properties of wood was that it always weathers and changes. You expect and desire that, and you want the sculptures character to change as it ages, he said. Barcoo River oods werent expected to be a problem for the artworks Robert said a good soak would be good for them. They might just need hosing off afterwards. They have been xed in place to a cement base to be a permanent feature of the urban landscape.

Page 18 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

Sunday November 23 Monday November 24 Tuesday November 25

Tambo Stock Show comes forward

-- by Sally Cripps

A new date has been set for the Tambo Stock Show for 2009. It has been brought forward to April 4. This is a signicant date change, which has come about because of clashes with Anzac Day and Easter. Anna Nevell has been elected president and Stacey Ryrie and Craig Sanderson vice presidents. Plans are proposed to provide a covered display area, which will be an ongoing project and has been supported by the regional council, the state government and Tambo Stock Show funds.

A rtist R obert B ridgew ater and his w ife K ate (right) and their tw o children w ith the local people w h helped behind the scenes for the W ool, W ater & W ood sculptures,Louise C am pbell and R obyn A dam s. Left: M ayor Jan R oss battles the w ind to launch the W ool, W ater & W ood public art installation. A nna N evell (left) pictured w ith S elena C ourtice and A ndrew N ugent has been elected president of the Tam bo S tock S how.

Outback Emporium 2 has joined 5 Star! Open 7am to 7pm 7 days a week

Outback Emporium 2 68-72 Shamrock Street Blackall Phone 46 576 616

Programs correct at time of printing but may change owing to unforeseen circumstances
CLASSIFICATIONS: M Mature Classication Recommended for viewing by mature audiences. MA Mature Audience Not suitable for people under 15 years of age. AV

Parental Guidance Recommended

Adult Violence Classication Not suitable for people under 15 years of age.

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008 - Page 3

T he V icto ria C ro ss rem em bered in B la cka ll

Of all the orders and decorations open to members of the Australian Defence Force, the Victoria Cross remains the most honoured, the most coveted. It marks its wearer as one possessing supreme courage, a disregard for danger and complete devotion to duty. The Victoria Cross is a Maltese Cross in bronze adorned by a crown surmounted by a crowned lion, the emblem of the British royal family, in the centre, with a scroll bearing the inscription, For Valour. On the reverse is inscribed the date of the action. The ribbon is red. Ninety years ago, on the battleelds of France, Lieutenant Edgar Thomas Towner won the Victoria Cross. His valour and resourcefulness undoubtedly saved a very critical situation. Under intense re and wounded, Edgar Towner seized enemy guns, captured prisoners, maintained re and gave invaluable support and reconnaissance in the advance.

He was evacuated exhausted 30 hours after being wounded, by which time Mont St Quentin and Peronne were captured in what General Lord Rawlinson stated was the greatest single feat of the war. To commemorate such gallant actions by this young man from Blackall, a bronze statue has been commissioned for the Memorial Park. To raise funds for the project, a gala fundraising dinner is being held at the Cultural Centre on Friday, December 5. Geoffrey Towner, Edgars nephew will host the evening and encourages the community to attend and honour his uncles legacy. Seymours Department Store is supporting the dinner by taking bookings and selling tickets.

M ark and N ikita D uthie w ere m arried on the 2nd N ovem ber 2008 at B rindabella G ardens in Toow oom ba and then celebrated afterw ards w ith a reception at Toow om ba E vents C entre.

4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spicks & Specks 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 The Airships 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 Talking Heads 2:00 The Damnation Of Harvey McHugh 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Art Museums Of The World 6:30 The Cook & The Chef 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 The New Inventors 8:30 Spicks & Specks (F) 9:00 Stupid Stupid Man 9:30 Summer Heights High 10:00 At The Movies 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Cracker: Brotherly Love P3 12:25 Movie: Day Of The Trifds (1963,Pg) 2:00 Movie: First Yank Into Tokyo (1945,Pg) 3:25 National Press Club Address

Barcoo Independent TV Guide November 16 - 22 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 All For The Kids 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: The Brush Off (2003,M,R) 2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Air Crash Investigations 8:30 Criminal Minds 9:30 The Unit 10:30 Jonestown 12:30 The Passion Of Spain Pt 1 1:30 Room For Improvement 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News 5:30 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Home Shopping 12:00 The View 1:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi 4:00 Lab Rats Challenge 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two & A Half Men 7:30 Two & A Half Men 8:00 The Big Bang Theory 8:30 The Mentalist 9:30 CSI: NY 10:30 How To Have Sex After Marriage 11:30 Just Shoot Me 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 All Of Us 1:00 Twins

5:30 Overseas News 1.00 Movie: Facing Windows 2:50 Herstory 3:00 Salam Caf 3:30 Football Stars Of Tomorrow 4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Is Your House Killing You 6:00 Living Black 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Food Safari: Brazilian Safari 8:00 Cooking In The Danger Zone 8:30 A Well-Founded Fear 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 NEWStopia 10:30 Movie: Barry Lyndon 1:40 Women as Booty: The Wehrmacht and Prostitution 5:30 Overseas News 1:00 Australian Biography: Don Burrows 1:30 Trafalgar Battle Surgeon 2:25 Nurse Maggie 3:30 Feast Greece 4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 FIFA Futbol Mundial 6:00 Global Village: Romagna 6:30 World News Australia 7:35 Inspector Rex 8:30 The Eagle 9:35 World News Australia 10:05 Movie: The Shining 11:30 Queer As Folk 1:25 Vh1 Illustrated: Our Time Pervs 1:50 Life Support 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 The Food Lovers Guide to Australia 1:30 Human Version 2.0 2:25 The Dream Life of Rats 3:30 Living Black 4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Andre Rieu: The Fairytale 6:00 Global Village: GoromGorom - On the Desert Shores 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Summer of Love 8:30 As It Happened: The SS - Odessa 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Movie: A Clockwork Orange 12:20 Movie: Grimm 2:10 Life Support 5:20 Overseas News 12:55 Clint Eastwood: A Life In Film 2:25 Us Art 21: Art In The 21st Century 3:25 Franco Zefrelli 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Alian Ducasse At The Plaza Athenee 6:00 Classical Destinations 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Mythbusters 8:30 Iron Chef 9:20 RocKwiz 10:00 Movie: Full Metal Jacket 12:00 S.O.S 1:00 NEWStopia 1.30 Dawn Together 1.55 Stripperella

Wednesday November 19 Thursday November 20

It w as buckets of bubbles for the lucky w inners of the M elbourne C up sw eepstake at lunch at A vington last w eek - H eather Livingstone, S ally C am pbell and D avid H eath took hom e the loot from the afternoon hosted by A ndy and Jayne D exter.

Blackall State School

Junior Middle Senior Strong Foundations, Broad Horizons
Principal: Mrs Leanne Martin
Shamrock Street, P O Box 136, Blackall Q 4472 Phone: (07) 4657 7333 Fax: (07) 4657 7300 Email:

Blackall Amateur Swimming Assoc. management committee and members would like to sincerely thank
Tony & Naomi Holloway of Blackall IGA & Bernie & Rolanda Ruddle of the Union Hotel for their contribution as the major sponsors of this years Blackall Open Meet.
Furthermore, we thank the following sponsors for their continued financial support of the Blackall Open, ensuring its success - Bauers Corner Store, Seymours Dept Store, Peter Shaw & Co, Sharkys Fish & Pizza Shack, Bevan & Julie Hauff, Vorgee, Blackall Caravan Park, Parnabys Refrigeration, Spinks Concreting, Universal Garden Centre, Choyces Livestock Transport, Roger & Gayle Ellison, Coolibah Motel, Schluters Bakery & George Bourne & Assoc.

Blackall State School is calling for enrolments from Parents of children who are eligible for the 2009 Preparatory class. In normal circumstances children may only be enrolled in the Preparatory Year if they were born on or after 1 July 2003 and on or before 30 June 2004. Please contact the Principal for an information pack.
Blackall State School
P.O. Box 136 Shamrock Street Blackall Qld 4472

Phone: 07 4657 7333


07 4657 7300

4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spicks & Specks 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Riddles Of The Bible 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Parkinson 1:30 Collectors 2:00 The Damnation Of Harvey McHugh 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Planet Earth 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Catalyst (F) 8:35 Adam Hills Live 9:30 Hairtales 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:25 Mariza And The Story Of Fado 12:30 Wildside 1:20 Movie: Murder, My Sweet (1945,Pg,R) 2:55 Movie: Danger Patrol (1937,Pg,R) 3:55 The Glass House 4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spicks & Specks 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Shark Coasts 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Rewind 1:30 Spicks & Specks 2:00 Trial And Retribution (M*) 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Message Stick 6:30 Can We Help? 7:00 News 7:30 Stateline 8:00 Collectors 8:30 The Stepfather (M*) 9:40 The Thick Of It (MA*) 10:10 Lateline 10:55 Review With Myles Barlow (F) 11:20 triple j tv 11:50 Good Game 12:20 rage 5:00 rage 8:00 rage: Guest Programmers 9:00 triple j tv With The Doctor 10:00 Making The Monkees 11:00 Black Books 11:30 The Cook & The Chef 12:00 Stateline 12:30 Best Of Australian Story 1:00 Foreign Correspondent 1:30 Bowls: NSW Open 2:30 WNBL: Sydney Uni Vs Canberra 4:00 Soccer: Canberra United Vs Adelaide United 6:00 Totally Frank 6.25 Minuscule: Wasp Belle 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 News 7:30 Mountain With Griff Rhys Jones: Wales 8:25 News 8:30 The Bill 10:10 News 10:15 The Ghost Squad 11:05 The last Detective 12:20 rage

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 9.30 All For The Kids 12:00 Movie: The Clearing 2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Make Me A Supermodel 8:30 The Amazing Race 9:30 Bones 10:30 Heroes 11:30 Scrubs 12:00 Hot Auctions 12:30 Sons & Daughters 1:00 Last Chance Learners 1:30 Australias Strangest Home Improvements 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 All For The Kids 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Proof (2005,M) 2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Better Homes & Gardens 8.30 Move: I, Robot (2004,M,R) 10.50 Movie: The Ring Two (2005,M) 12:55 Movie: Alien Abduction (1998,M,R) 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Childrens Shows 7:00 Saturday Disney 9:00 Movie: High School Musical 2 (2007,G,R) 11:00 Toon Disney 12:00 Eclipse 1:00 Home Improvement 1:30 Scrubs 2:00 Sevens V8 Supercars: Symmons Plains 5:30 Qld Weekender 6:00 News 6:30 Movie: Chicken Little (2005,Pg) 8:05 Movie: Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London (2004,Pg) 10.05 Movie: Flight Of The Phoenix (2003,M,R) 12.15 Move: Antitrust (2001,MA,R) 2:25 Auction Squad 3:30 It Is Written 4:00 Home Shopping 5:00 Dateline NBC

5:30 Today 9:00 The Kingdom Of Paramithi 9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 12:00 The Cricket Show 12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Fresh Cooking With AWW 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two & A Half Men 7:30 Getaway 8:30 The Strip 9:30 RPA 10:30 Amazing Medical Stories 11:30 Seineld 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 MAD TV 1.30 Home Shopping 5:30 Today 9:00 The Kingdom Of Paramithi 9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 12:00 The Cricket Show 12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Fresh Cooking With AWW 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 Footprints 7:00 Two & A Half Men 7:30 Movie: Harry Potter & The Goblet Of Fire (2006,Pg) 10:50 Movie: Anaconda (1997,M) 12:45 Mad TV 1.45 Home Shopping 5:30 Christian City TV 6:00 Childrens Shows 9:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 12:00 The Cricket Show 12:30 Cricket: Australia Vs New Zealand 5:00 Australias Funniest Home Video Show 6:00 News 6:30 Rugby League Cup: Final 9:00 Movie: The 6th Day (2000,M,R) 11:30 Movie: Ride With The Devil (1999,AV) 2.00 Home Shopping

Friday November 21 Saturday November 22

Page 4 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008 - Page 17

5:00 rage 6:30 Childrens Shows 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Inside Business 10:30 Offsiders 11:00 Asia Pacic Focus 11:30 Songs Of Praise 12:00 Landline 1:00 Gardening Australia 1:30 Message Stick 2:00 The Celts 3:00 Who The #$&% Is Jackson Pollock? 4:10 Conversations With Australian Artists 4:30 Art Museums Of The World 5:00 Sunday Arts 6:00 At The Movies 6:30 The Einstein Factor 7:00 News 7:30 Humpbacks: From Fire To Ice 8:25 News 8.30 A Room With A View 10:05 Compass 10:35 Dickens In America: Boston 11:10 Order In The House 12:10 Movie: The Last Detail (1973,M) 1.50 Movie: Full Confession (1939,Pg) 3:05 Movie: Stagecoach Kid (1949,G) 4:00 Our Boys

Barcoo Independent TV Guide November 16 - 22 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Choices 6:30 Yin Yang Yo! 7:00 Staines Down Drains 7:30 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 Kochies Business Builders 10:30 Sea Change, Tree Change 11:00 Rolex Spirit Of Yachting 11:30 Home Improvement 12.00 Noosa Triathlon 2.00 Scrubs 2:30 Bond On Location: The Making Of Quantum Of Solace 3.00 Movie: Fat Albert (2004,G) 5:00 Queenslands Best Living 5:30 Great South East 6:00 News 6:30 The Outdoor Room With Jamie Durie 7:00 Kath & Kim 7:30 Where Are They Now 8:30 Movie: Legally Blonde (2001,Pg,R) 10:30 Movie: Bringing Down The House (2003,M,R) 12:30 Movie: Dirt (2004,M,R) 2:30 Home Shopping 3:30 NBC Meet The Press 4:30 NBC Today 5:30 News 5:30 Rise & Shine 6:00 Childrens Shows 7:30 Dont Come Monday 8:00 News 9:00 Wide World Of Sports (F) 11:00 Samsung Melbourne Marathon 12:00 Speed Machine F1 Boats 12:30 Footprints 1:00 WWE Afterburn 2:00 Seinfeld 2:30 Movie: The New Guy (2002,Pg) 4:30 Travel Wild 5:00 The Gurus Explore Canada 6:00 News 6:30 This Is Your Life 8:30 RL: World Cup: Australia Vs Fiji 10.45 The Mexican (2001,M,R) 1.15 A1 GP World Cup Of Motorsport 2:15 Home Shopping

6:25 Overseas News 10:00 The Best Of Insight 2008 11:05 Sunday Brunch Sessions 12:00 Cycling: Tour Du Faso 2008 1:00 Speedweek 1:30 FIFA U17 Womens World Cup Final 4:00 Football Asia 4:30 UEFA Champions League Magazine 5:00 The World Game 6:00 Thalassa: Village in the Ice 6.30 World News Australia 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8:35 Wheres My Robot 9:35 Movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey 12:05 Death on the Staircase: The Aftermath 12:50 TV Around the World: Russia 1:20 If The Dead Could Speak 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Living Black 1:30 Haditha: The Rules of Engagement 2:30 Rendezvous With Death: Kennedy and Castro 3:30 Insight 4:30 The Journal 5:00 The Crew 5:30 Corner Gas 6:00 Global Village: The Isles of Croatia 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 Top Gear Australia 8:30 Swift and Shift Couriers 9:00 South Park: The Early Years 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Shameless 10:50 The Dark Side of the Moon 11:50 Movie: Bichunmoo 1:55 Life Support 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 The Storm Rages Twice 2:00 Don Matteo 3:00 Here Comes The Neighbourhood 3:30 Food Safari: Mauritian Safari 4:00 The Journal 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Corner Gas 6:00 Global Village: The MdocWine Marathon 6:30 World News Australia 7:30 The Nest 8:30 The Price of Sugar 9:30 World News Australia 10:00 Manda Bala 11.40 Movie: Lolita

On Tuesday, October 28 the Blackall CWA hosted its annual Pink Ribbon morning tea to raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Held in Sandra Eagles garden with food galore and a lot of pretty hats, the event attracted over 60 people. Just over $900 was raised on the day. Along with a recent donation, this will allow the CWA to forward $5910 to the NBCF. Tents loaned by the Blackall Tennis Club provided some shade for the function.

P ink R ibbon D ay

The prize for the prettiest hat went to Trethella Smith, with a special junior prize being awarded to Maddie Price. Yvonne Ross won the best decorated bra for her inspired creation and she also provided some glorious gladioli and lilies that were sold after the event. The tub trug rafe was won by Gillian Prow and Robbie Stockwells book, donated by himself, was won by Michele Elmy. The lucky door prize was won by Alison Mobbs.

Rafe Time running out

C W A S talls D ay

4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spick And Specks 6:00 Childrens Show 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Incredible Journeys With Steve Leonard (G) 1:30 Atlantic Edge 2:00 The Damnation Of Harvey McHugh 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Landline Extra 6:30 Talking Heads 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Face Painting With Bill Leak 8:30 The Howard Years 9:35 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton 10:25 Lateline 11:00 Lateline Business 11:25 A Machine To Die For 12:30 Movie: Wedding Rehearsal (1933,G,R) 1:55 Movie: Letter From An Unknown Woman (1948,G,R) 3:25 Bowls: Australian Indoor Championships 4:30 G.P. 5:30 Spicks And Specks 6.00 Childrens Show 11:00 Sleek Geeks 11.30 Carbon Cops 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Einstein Factor 1:00 New Inventors 1:30 Catalyst 2:00 The Damnation Of Harvey McHugh 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Time Team 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Navy Divers (F) 8:35 The Last Aztec: Pt 1 9:30 Foreign Correspondent 10:00 Peter And The Wolf 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:35 Iconoclasts 12:20 Movie: Death Drums Along The River (1962,Pg,R) 1:50 Movie: Sanders Of The River (1935,Pg,R) 3:35 Murder Prevention

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 All For The Kids 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Someone Is Watching (1998,M,R) 2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 The Rich List 8:30 City Homicide (R) 9:30 Bones 10:30 Out Of The Question 11:00 Louis Theroux 12:15 Auction Squad 1:10 A Country Practice 2:05 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 All For The Kids 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Search For A Homeless Man (1998,M,R) 2:00 Desperate Housewives 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 The Zoo 8:00 Find My Family 8:30 Packed To The Rafters 9:30 All Saints 10:30 Surgery Saved My Life 11:30 Revenge TV 12:30 Kiwifruit 1:00 A Country Practice 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:30 News G

5:30 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Home Shopping 12:00 The View 1:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Home Shopping 3:30 The Kingdom Of Paramithi 4:00 Lab Rats Challenge 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two & A Half Men 7:30 Domestic Blitz 8:30 CSI 9:30 Cold Case 10:30 True CSI 11:30 Just Shoot Me 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 Shipwrecked 5:30 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Home Shopping 12:00 The View 1:00 The Ellen Degeneres Show 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Heres Humphrey 4:00 Lab Rats Challenge 4:30 News 5:00 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two & A Half Men 7:30 The Chopping Block 8:30 Two & A Half Men 9:00 Two & A Half Men 9:30 20 To 1 10:30 Survivor: Micronesia - Fans v Favourites 11:30 Girls Of The Playboy Mansion 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 ER General Classication PG

On Sunday, November 9 another successful Stalls Day was held by the Blackall CWA, with a steady ow of people through the doors. Cotters Garden Ornaments were again kept busy with items walking out the gates, along with a new addition this year of pot plants which went over well also. Various inside stall holders also reported a successful day. The kitchen staff provided a scrumptious morning tea which was enjoyed thoroughly by those who partook. The winner of the 100s Board was Sally Peacock, the Fruit and Veg Tray was won by Amelia Jones and the Hi-Lites Tupperware Set was won by Jackie Paton. The CWA Christmas luncheon will be held at the Memorial Club on Tuesday, November 25. President Rebecca Parry can supply further details. Top: A dm iring the ow ers C entre: F rances B lacker show s off som e vibrant ow ers A bove: M anning the front gate at S andra E agles Left: Yvonne R oss bra entry

Time is running out to be in the running for a wonderful holiday to Kingsher Bay Resort, courtesy of the Blackall Kindergarten and Limited Hours Day Care Centre. The group is running a rafe with a holiday for a family of four for 7 days at Fraser Island as rst prize. Second prize is a limited edition framed photograph titled Storm over the airport taken and kindly donated by Rob Stockwell. The prize will be drawn at the centres break-up on December 5. Tickets are limited and sell for $5 each and can be purchased from the centre in Thistle Street.

Page 16 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

Sunday November 16 Monday November 17 Tuesday November18

Its on again! Christmas sign competition - send in a photo of your decorated property sign/mailbox/front gate and be in the running for a years subscription to the Barcoo Independent. Below is last years winner to give you inspiration. Winner announced via email before New Year and in the rst paper of 2008.

Christmas Competition

Programs correct at time of printing but may change owing to unforeseen circumstances
CLASSIFICATIONS: M Mature Classication Recommended for viewing by mature audiences. MA Mature Audience Not suitable for people under 15 years of age. AV

Parental Guidance Recommended

Adult Violence Classication Not suitable for people under 15 years of age.

Spend $30 on She range of cosmetics and receive a beautiful Pink Shoulder bag for Free Phone 46 575 616
The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008 - Page 5

O u tback regions national park to u rism co n trib u te s $ 5 9 .8 m illio n to re g io n

Queensland Tourism Minister, Desley Boyle and Queensland Minister for Sustainability, Climate Change and Innovation, Andrew McNamara have this morning presented research to State Parliament revealing a $59.8 million contribution to the state economy from national park visitors in the Outback. The research from Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC) has revealed that in comparison with the other three regions included in the report, the Outback recorded the largest proportion of intrastate visitors (79.1%). This compares with 73.6% for the Carnarvon region, 43% in the Gold Coast area and 11% in Tropical North Queensland. During the research period, those aged between 45 and 64 dominated (51.9%) with a further 10.5 percent aged 65 plus. Minister for Sustainability, Climate Change and Innovation, Andrew McNamara says the report conrms the signicance of the Carnarvon regions parks and forests as a major attraction for tourists, which in turn delivers signicant economic contribution to the regions and States economies. The report measured both the spending by visitors where a national park was a feature of their holiday and those who included a national park visit in their trip. The results show that in the Outback region $11.4 million dollars came from visitors where a national park was the focus of their holiday with a total $59.8 million generated from additional spending including accommodation, fuel, car hire and eating out. Mr McNamara said. Tourism Minister Desley Boyle says it comes as no surprise that the regions national parks have such an appeal with domestic and international visitors. The report highlights how the region benets from national park related tourism with a mix of intrastate, interstate and international visitors coming to experience the areas natural attractions. Ms Boyle said. Visitor surveys were undertaken in ve national parks in the region, Diamantina, Bladensburg, Lochern, Welford and Idalia. The region was one of four in chosen for the pilot research project which was funded by Tourism Queensland, the Environmental Protection agency and Sustainable Tourism cooperative Research Centre. CEO of STCRC,Ian Kean says the research is timely. With increasing tourism competition from other countries, it is important to understand the interest that both domestic and international visitors have in the national parks in Queensland and the contribution to the Queensland economy of visitor expenditure related to parks, Mr Kean said. The availability of this information assists with decisions relating to the provision of facilities and other developments that could further improve visitor satisfaction in national parks and attract additional visitors in the future.

During November and December 2008 show one of the following super saver vouchers or mention this add when booking in your car for a service or ordering/purchasing products to redeem your offer.


pay only

with any general auto service* at Autopro workshop Not valid with any other offer. Expires 24/12/08

for a set of front or rear


purchasing any 5Lt engine oil at the normal retail price. Limit of 1 filter per person per week.
Not valid with any other offer. Expires 24/12/08

50% OFF your oil filter when

$50 OFF
Kompressor fridge/freezers or

Coolice rotormoulded Iceboxes Over 40litre capacity Not valid with any other offer. Expires 24/12/08

$25 OFF

E d g a r T o w n e r M e m o r i a l Di n n e r

On Friday, 5th December 2008 at the Blackall Cultural Centre C o m m e n c i n g at 6. 0 0 p m , the Edgar Towner Memorial Dinner
Host - Geoffrey Towner, representing the Towner family. MC - Mal Booth, Head of the Research Centre, AWM. Guest Speaker - William Eicholtz, acclaimed sculptor, Commissioned for the commemorative bronze statue. A representative of Edgar Towners Victoria Cross medal set.

Includes oil filter, up to 6 Litres of engine oil (excludes full synthetic oils) and general safety check and up to 1.5 hours labour. Excess oil quantity required charged at normal price.

pay only $99 general auto service

20% OFF

all Scorpion compressors, framing guns, nail guns, staple and brad guns INCLUDING Catalogue items.
Nominal freight charges may apply.

*Off Normal Retail prices, excludes catalogue items. FREIGHT FREE on all Kincrome products INCLUDING catalogue items

ALL Kincrome and Sidchrome tools, tool kits and boxes

10% OFF

The gala evening will raise funds for the proposed sculpture honouring Blackalls heroic son, Edgar Towner, who was awarded the Victoria Cross for his inspirational bravery in France in 1918.

Not valid with any other offer. Expires 24/12/08

Not valid with any other offer. Expires 24/12/08

Not valid with any other offer. Expires 24/12/08

Dress: Cocktail / Black Tie Tickets: $90.00 Veterans $40.00 RSVP 28th November Phone 4657 4889 for Bookings & P u r c h a se Tic k e t s @ S e y m o u r s

Not valid in conjunction with any other offer, Invoices for eligible services must be paid for within 2 business days upon completion of the service. Winners will be drawn at 4:30pm each Friday and notified by telephone or mail.

One winner will be drawn each week during Nov and Dec 2008. Book your car, truck, 4WD or bike at Autopro Workshop today on ph 4657 4100 or came in and see us at 1 Rose St, Blackall.

WIN the cost of your auto service back in cash !!

*auto service must include minimum of oil and oil filter replacement done at the same service. Services MUST BE completed and paid for on the same day to qualify for the offer. Other offers apply to cash sales only.

Page 6 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008 - Page 15

Blackall starts intertown swim season

The Blackall Amateur Swimming Association kicked off the intertown swimming season in central Queensland, hosting its annual meet on Saturday. The Blackall Open attracted teams from Barcaldine, Longreach, Charleville, Alpha, Tambo and Winton, and saw 100 individual swimmers nominated on the day. Outstanding performances from many competitors were noted with particular mention to Natalie Dendle of Blackall who competed in nine events including her age group and open events to claim seven new pool records. Natalie now holds the club records for 14 year girl 50m buttery, backstroke, freestyle and 200m individual medley and girls open 100m buttery, backstroke and freestyle events. As this will be the last Blackall

Open meet Natalie competes in prior to leaving for boarding school at Fairhome College next year, she left her mark in a sensational fashion. Many new Blackall swim club members enjoyed their rst intertown competition, with Lauren Meehan-Johnson, Jemma Jones, Shannon Thomson, Bayley Williams, Kyle Williams and Aaron Williams all showing great promise for the future of their club. Blackall swimmers taking home trophies at the end of the day were: age champions 7 yr Bridget Dendle, 11yr Jamee Johnson, 14yr Natalie Dendle, 9yr AJ Hauff and 14yr Aaron Williams. Runner-up age champions included 6yr Lilly Richardson, 12yr Joshua McErlean and 15 & over Harley Kowald-Dawson. Overall points results for the day

were Longreach 48, Fairholme 63, Tambo 67, Winton 181, Alpha 186, Charleville 200, Blackall 280 and Barcaldine awarded the Union Hotel overall points shield with 369pts. The Blackall IGA Shield was contested between ve teams of eight swimmers with Barcaldine once again claiming victory. Next on the agenda for BASA members is the George Merlin Shield in Longreach on Saturday, November 22. This meet is sure to attract a lot of interest as it will be the rst major event swum in Longreachs newly upgraded aquatic centre. Blackall swimmers will then travel to Tambo the following weekend on November 30 for their annual short course meet.
P h o to s co u rte sy o f C h ris W illia m s

C ouncil asks for C up holiday for Tam b o

Workers and shop owners in Tambo may be joining Blackall and district residents in having a public holiday on Melbourne Cup Day in 2009, if a request to the state government is successful. The Blackall-Tambo Regional Council this week decided to ask the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations for Tambos inclusion on the list of gazetted holidays, for Tuesday, November 3, 2009. Blackall people had their rst taste of this gazetted holiday this month as the result of a request by the previous Blackall Shire Council. Cr Peter Skewes explained to this weeks meeting that he had lobbied for a holiday on Melbourne Cup Day. It used to be a shemozzle people were taking days off and closing their doors willy-nilly gazetting a day as a holiday means that everyone does it at the same time, he said. Traditionally, Blackall has not asked for a show holiday. Nor has Tambo. Cr Graham Jarvis said he

thought the idea was a good one. You dont get any work out of anyone so you may as well be shut, he said. We get our services from Charleville and they close up for the day, so its really a wasted business day. Other places that have a public holiday on Melbourne Cup Day in Queensland are Barcaldine, parts of the Roma region, parts of the Torres Strait, Burke shire, Murweh shire (afternoon only), Paroo shire, and Quilpie shire.

H ave You G ot Talent? A udition F or T he Q 150 E ntertainm ent S hed

The talent search is on for artists, performers, story tellers and bands to audition for the Q150 shed touring Queensland in 2009, Premier Anna Bligh said this week. The shed, reminiscent of the iconic Australian shearing shed, will tour to more than 10 towns next year, including Blackall, with the rst tour beginning in June and the second in November. If youve got talent, nows the time to show it, Ms Bligh said. Public auditions will be held in Rockhampton on 2 December 2008. The best performers will not only go on to perform in their local Q150 shed alongside performers like Raw Dance, they also have the chance to be chosen to perform at the nal show in Brisbane in December 2009, said the premier. Member for Fitzroy Jim Pearce said this was a great opportunity for up-and-coming performers to springboard their entertainment careers. And what a great year to debut, Queenslands 150th anniversary year. If that sounds like you, nominate now, said Mr Pearce. Nominations close 5pm on Friday 21 November 2008. Nomination forms are available at www.q150. Nominees should submit a completed Expression of Interest with support materials such as an artist biography, performance DVD, music CD, photographs and an activity proposal to: Q150 Shed Tour, PO Box 3943, South Brisbane Qld 4101. Talent scouts are Lyndon Terracini, Chief Executive of Major Brisbane Festivals and Graeme Potter, Director of the Queensland Governments Queenslands 150th Celebrations Unit. By day the schools, young people and community groups have the opportunity to participate in educational workshops and exhibits commemorating Queenslands rich history. But by night, the venue comes alive with entertainment, showcasing music and performances from some of Queenslands most talented artists such the urban young dancers of Raw Dance. Mr Terracini said he would love to hear from anyone who would like to be part of the entertainment at the Q150 shed.

-- by Zoe Johnson

Theres a lot of talented people living in different towns and cities and the bush and I would love to hear from them. Its a chance for them to strut their stuff. Bank of Queensland is presenting the Q150 Shed as it tours the State in 2009. 2009 marks Queenslands 150th year of separation from New South Wales. Prospective nominees can contact the Producer, Q150 Tour, au, (07) 3833 5400 for further information. 2008 Regional Auditions 1 December Maryborough, 2 December Rockhampton, 3 December Mackay, 4 December Townsville, 5 December Cairns, 8 December Caboolture, 9 December Mount Isa.

S olu tio n s fo r p u zzle s o n p a g e 1 2

3 2 6 9 4 7 5 8 1 1 5 7 8 2 6 4 3 9 4 9 8 5 3 1 7 2 6 8 1 4 6 9 2 3 7 5
5 7 2 1 8 3 6 9 4 6 3 9 4 7 5 8 1 2 2 6 5 3 1 8 9 4 7
7 4 3 2 6 9 1 5 8 9 8 1 7 5 4 2 6 3
Across: 1 Petroleum, 5 Adam, 6 Lad, 9 Christmas stocking, 12 Sun, 13 Out, 14 Den, 16 Disarming, 18 Am, 21 Enthusiastic, 23 All, 24 Encyclopaedia, 26 Problem, 27 Perpendicular, 28 Against, 30 No, 31 Go, 32 Determining, 36 After, 38 Windows, 39 Belief, 41 Saying, 42 Angrily. Down: 1 Pack, 2 Turn, 3 Op shop, 4 Masked, 5 Ants, 6 Legs, 7 Drink, 8 Sin, 10 Mat, 11 Corresponding, 14 Disappear, 15 Nail, 17 Stitched, 19 Attempt, 20 Repairs, 21 Explanations, 22 Uncertain, 25 Delightful, 29 Adding, 33 Rusty, 34 Ice, 35 Safer, 37 Red, 38 We, 39 Bag, 40 Inn.

A present of rain in a sock formed part of a winning combination in 2007

Open 7am to 7pm7 days a week

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008 - Page 7

Page 14- The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

BLACKALL SUNDAY 16th NOV SUNDAY 14th DEC Shire Cultural Centre. 17 Hawthorn St TAMBO MONDAY 17th NOV MONDAY 15th DEC Tambo Multipurpose Centre. 24 Arthur St

Octobers lowest temperature of 10.6 degrees on the 23rd was quite warmer than the lowest recorded temperature of 3 degrees back in 1982, while the hottest night for October was on the 6th with 21.9 degrees, which by comparison was cool compared to the 25.8 degrees recorded in 1980. The mean low temperature of 17.9 was warmer than the recorded average of 16.5. The highest recorded maximum temperature of 36.2 degrees on October 30 and 31 was cooler than the highest recorded temperature of 41.2 degrees, back on October 31, 1995. The highest mean temperature of 32.1 was only .1 degree cooler than the highest recorded mean maximum of 32.2. October lived up to its reputation as a drier month with the recorded rain of 137 points (34.2 mm) falling from Oct 11 to 13. This was only slightly above the recorded mean of 129 points (32.8 mm), while the highest recorded fall of 659 points (167.3 mm) fell back in October 1920.

O cto b e r h e a ts u p

Health News from the Blackall Hospital

Hygiene fact sheet

One of the most effective ways to stop germs from spreading is to wash and dry hands correctly. Many infections can be spread by germs passed on from one person to another, these can include: the common cold diarrhoea vomiting. These infections can pose problems for caregivers, parents and children in group care. The risk of infection is greater for children who may be with other children constantly - such as those in group care. This is merely because of the children's greater exposure to a larger number of people and therefore germs; and to young children's poor hygiene due to their developmental stage1. However, germ transmission can be reduced and prevented through correct handwashing2. Knowledge and continued practice of correct handwashing technique is essential to reduce germs from spreading in any environment but is critical in childcare environments. Commitment to hand hygiene and related guidelines by caregivers has been identified as a crucial means of infection control in child care settings3. More serious infections such as hepatitis A and viral meningitis which are also spread by germs passed from one person to another, can be reduced and prevented through correct handwashing behaviour1. To stop germs being passed in child care settings, it is important that all children and staff know how to wash their hands correctly. It is also important to wash hands on a regular basis and for the correct amount of time. The good news is that Queensland Health has developed a handy wash and brush timer.
References and further reading

RFDS drought eld day at Gillespie, held on October 24 under the trellis of grapevines adjacent to the swimming pool.

Hand hygiene and related guidelines Staying Healthy in Childcare provides the following upto-date information on hand hygiene and related guidelines. How to wash hands: wet hands with running water and spread liquid soap over hands rub your hands vigorously as you wash them use your new wash and brush timer for the full process or count to 10 slowly wash your hands all over particularly wash palms, backs of hands and around wrists in between fingers, under finger nails rinse hands thoroughly, remove all suds and germs thorough rinsing will help prevent dermatitis from suds turn off the tap using paper towel pat dry your hands with a new paper towel. When to wash childrens and your hands: on centre arrival/departure/outside play/rest time before food, babies bottles and medicine after nappy change/removing gloves after wiping any noses/toilet after garbage/cleaning blood or faeces. Items in the facility that should be washed daily: bathroom tap handles, toilet seats, toilet handles, door knobs, floors and other facility surfaces toys and objects put in the mouth mattress covers and linen if each child does not use the same mattress cover everyday.
Useful resources Germ Busters Early Childhood is a comprehensive hygiene improvement program that includes resources and activities for children, parents and staff. The program is fun to use and is easily incorporated into the daily routine of child care facilities and schools. Germ Busters Early Childhood is an ideal tool for childcare facilities undergoing accreditation. To order your copy of Germ Busters, contact the Gold Coast Population Health Unit on (07) 5509 7222.

Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Min Max Temp (C) 14 20.9 18.1 20.3 21.5 21.9 18 16.1 18.6 19.6 19.1 19 18.4 19.8 18.1 19 17.1 16.1 16 15 15.8 17.5 10.6 10.8 11.8 17 20.5 20.1 20.9 21 21.3 32.6 32.1 32.5 34.1 35.4 32.8 32 27.8 30.8 30.9 29 30.2 30.8 32.2 33.5 32.3 31.2 30.8 30.6 32.1 33.5 29.8 28.4 29.1 32 33.5 33.8 34.5 35.7 36.2 36.2

Rain (mm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.6 32.4 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Dir Speed max wind gust( km/h) NNE NNE NE NE NNE S SE SSE SSE ESE SSW NNE NNE SW SE S E ENE E ENE N ESE ESE SE E NNE N N NNE NNE NE 46 52 35 37 37 43 44 39 39 48 48 44 39 54 33 33 33 41 39 33 30 50 41 35 31 39 46 33 39 43 35

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C aptain R oger R udduck, S enior P ilot w ith the R F D S at C harleville, speaking on airstrip m aintenance and lighting as required by the R F D S

Hans Middle Bacon Rashers $7.98 kg Fresh Carrots 2 kg bag $2.49 ea Premium Sliced Rump Steak $9.99 kg Pantene Range 350 ml $5.49 ea Golden Circle Cordial 2 L $2.49 ea
Page 8 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

1 Germ Busters Early Childhood. 2001. Improving Hygiene in Your Centre, Australia. Queensland Health. 2 Chin, James. 2000. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 17th ed. New York. American Public Health Association 3 Miller, T. & D Patrick. Dec. 2001. The Effect of a Prescribed Hand Care Procedure on Bacterial Transmission by Touch Contact in a Childcare Environment. 4 Staying Healthy in Child Care. 2005. Preventing infectious diseases in child care, 4th ed, Commonwealth of Australia.

P eta W a lker has som e health checks done by S teph W inters, C om m unity N urse from B arcaldine, w ho took her blood pressure w hile S tacey C arroll, C ardiac R ehab N urse from Longreach, takes a blood glucose or a non-fasting blood cholestrol test.

Antenatal Shared Care And Postnatal Followup Care: Ph: Blackall Hospital On 4650 7700 6th Nov, 27th Nov, 11th Dec Audiologist: Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. Visiting Longreach On The19th 21st Nov Child Health And Adult/ Child Hearing Tests: Ph: Blackall Hospital On 4650 7700 Referrals Required From Local GP For A Hearing Test 10th Nov Community Health Indigenous Health, Qiddi & Social Workers: Ph: Longreach Community Health Service On 4658 3344. Continence Advisor: Ph: Joanne De Vries On 4658 3622. Dentist: All Patients Who Require Dental Treatment Need To Register On A Waiting List To Be Able To Get An Appointment. Ph: Blackall Hospital To Add Name Onto List. Barcaldine Dental Clinic- 4651 1311, Longreach Hospital- 4658 4720, Private Clinic Longreach- 4658 1283 Dietician: Ph: Blackall Hospital For Appointment. 27 Nov. Dermatologist: Referrals Required From Local Gp. Ph: Black Stump Surgery On 4657 4677 for an appointment Emotional & Social Well Being Team: Ph: 4658 1928 For Details. Ent (Ears, Nose, And Throat) Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735 Longreach 19 21 Nov. Foot Care Clinic: Ph: Blackall Hospital For Appointment. Dates: 24th & 25th Nov Gastroenterologist: Dr Stevenson -referrals Required Local GP. Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital For Appointment On 4658 4735. Gynaecologist And Obstetric (Fog Team) Dr Alison Shearer Will Be In Blackall On 10th Nov. Referrals Required From Your Local GP. Ph: Blackall Hospital For An Appointment. Ophthalmologist: Dr Glasson/ Dr Stark Will Be Visiting Blackall In Feb 2009. Referrals Are Required. Contact Blackall Hospital On 4650 7700. Optometrist: Geoff Fitzpatrick Call 1800 008 020 Blackall- Mon 1st Dec, 2008. Orthodontist: Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital On 4658 4735 23rd-25th Nov Orthopaedics:

Specialist Dates from the Blackall Hospital

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008 - Page 13

Ph: Longreach Hospital On 4658 4735. Mental Health Nurse: Ph: Longreach Hospital On 4658 4700 For Appointment, Visits Blackall And Tambo Weekly. Paediatrician Team (Child Psychiatrist And Paediatrician): Dr Helen Heussler- Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital On 4658 4735. Referrals Required.Podiatrist: Currently Visits The Longreach Hospital Monthly. Ph: Longreach Hospital On 46584700 For Appointment. Psychiatrist: Ph: Mental Health At The Longreach Hospital On 4658 4700 For Info or Appointment. Referrals Are Required From Your GP. Psychologist: Ph: Longreach RFDS On 4658 1928 For Appointment. The Psychologist Comes To Blackall Monthly. Physiotherapist: Currently Provides Services To Longreach And Barcaldine Weekly. Ph: Longreach Hospital On 4658 4700 Or Barcaldine Hospital On 4651 1311. Queensland Illicit Drug Diversion Initative/ Drug And Alcohol Worker: Ph: The Mental Health Team At Longreach Hospital On 4652 7951. Visits Blackall Clients On A Needs Basis. Relationships Australia : Visit Blackall On A Needs Basis. Ph: 1300 364 277 For An Appointment. Respiratory Physician: Ph: Patti Smith, Longreach Hospital For Appointment On 4658 4735. Surgeon: Contact The Longreach Hospital For Inquires. Speech Therapist: Ph: Erika Healy On 4652 7951 For Appointments. Well Womans Clinic Doctor: Dr Louise Russell Visits Blackall Hospital 2 Days A Month. Ph: Blackall Hospital On 4650 7700. Dates: 10 & 11Dec, 5 & 6 Feb, 2009 Well Womans Clinic Nurse: Louise Cameron Ph Blackall Hospital for Appointment 19 NovThe Yaraka Clinics. Dr Louise Russell Is Visiting The Yaraka Clinic On- 12th Nov. Well Womans Nurse Louise Cameron Is Visiting Yaraka In- Nov Dates To Be Conrmed.

Puzzle Page
1 2 3 4
















24 26


27 28 29







36 38




3 Second-hand store (2,4) 4 Hide under a false appearance 1 Black gold (9) (6) 5 Eves man (4) 5 Aardvarks fare (4) 6 Young fellow (3) 9 Hung during the festive season 6 Staying power (4) 7 Consume alcohol (5) (9,8) 8 Break a commandment (3) 12 Overhead light? (3) 10 Welcome site (3) 13 Opposite of in (3) 11 Conforming in every respect 14 Animal house (3) (13) 16 Render harmless (9) 14 Cease to exist (9) 18 I __ (2) 15 Catch but good (4) 21 Showing great excitement 17 Do needlework (8) (12) 19 Try (7) 23 Thats ___! (3) 20 Put in working order again (7) 24 A reference work (13) 21Makes something 26 A source of difculty (7) understandable (12) 27 Extremely steep (13) 22 Not sure (9) 28 Next to (7) 25 Greatly pleasing (10) 30 __, you are wrong (2) 29 Totaling (6) 31 Have a __ (2) 33 Out of practice (5) 32 Come to a decision about 34 Crystal meth, in slang (3) something (11) 35 Free from danger (5) 36 Following (5) 37 Bloodshot (3) 38 Opening in a wall (7) 38 You & I (2) 39 Conviction (6) 39 Groceries holder (3) 41 Express in words (6) 40 Bed-and-breakfast (3) 42 With anger (7)

Cattle sale rates improve

Blackall Combined Agents yarded 1422 cattle in their weekly sale on November 6. Rates for all categories of cattle in both centres improved, but extreme hot weather throughout western Queensland slowed numbers to the saleyards. Properly nished fat cattle are now in limited supply hence the increased rates. Gillespie Grazing Co, Blackall sold bulls to top at 133.2 c/kg to return $1345.32. Nugent Pastoral Company, Tambo sold bulls to top at 137 c/ kg to return $1396.01. Swan Hill Cattle Co, Blackall sold a good line of cows to top at 148 c/kg to average 146.2 c/kg to return $945. Les Thomas from Yaraka sold a good line of steers to average 171.2 c/kg to return $376.21. Graham and Ros Bauer of Greendale, Tambo had a Charbray cow top at $155.2 c/kg for 730 kg to return $1132. The Ballinger Family of Sedan, Yaraka sold Santa cows at 148.2 c/kg for 581 kg to return $862/ head. Geoff and Cassie Swanson of Bexhill, Tambo sold Santa heifers topping at 147 c/kg for 457 kg to return $673. Janine Hawkes of Merrigal, Yaraka sold good quality Charolais cross steers to 182.2 c/kg for 219 kg to return $399. Rich Enterprises, Boorara, Blackall sold Santa cross cows for 148 c/kg for 624 kg and $927/ head, for an average 140 c/kg for 541 kg and $759/head. Stewart and Sally Campbell, Clarenden, Blackall sold trade steers for 167 c/kg for $901/ head. They also had feeder steers make 168 c/kg for 471 kg and $793/head. Inkerman Grazing, Hathaway, Barcaldine sold Brahman weaner steers for 168 c/kg for 240 kg and $404/head with the heifer draft making to 152 c/kg for 272 kg and $414/head. Riverview Cattle Co also sold Brahman heifers for 149 c/kg for 256 kg and $382/head. The previous week, agents yarded 1400 head with values for fat cattle fully rm while the store market saw improvements on the previous weeks rates. Bullocks from Duthie Park Grazing Co, Blackall sold for $170.2 c/kg for 613 kg and $1043 per head. Santa/Charolais cross cows from Swan Hill Cattle Co sold for a top of $146.2 c/kg for 571 kg and $835 per head. They also sold heavy heifers to a top of $164 c/kg for 489 kg to return $802. Duthie Park Angus/Santa cross heifers sold to $147.2 c for 321 kg for $473. The Swan Hill Charolais cross weaner heifers sold for a top of $167.2 c/kg for 300 kg and returned $502 per head. A fat and store sale was scheduled for yesterday, November 13, while bookings are being taken for a weaner and store sale on December 4.



1 Wolves run in (4) 2 Go sour (4)

Gday kids, Welcome to kids corner. Hasnt it been hot! I have spent many an afternoon down by the river under the trees trying to fine a nice cool breeze and they have been far and few between. This is definitely swimming weather, and thankfully swimming club has started up again just in time one might say. So if you enjoy swimming or just want to have fun and cool off at the same time, than I would suggest joining swim club. A couple of weeks ago I had the great pleasure of being invited to The Twisted Tale of Little Red Riding Hood a play put on by the Blackall State School - junior school. The kids did a wonderfully entertaining twisted version of the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood. The whole junior school got involved and sang and danced their little hearts away to the pleasure of their parents and friends. There are some very talented children in Blackall and I would like to thank them and their teachers for putting on this fun and very enjoyable performance for Blackall, and hopefully they will continue to entertain us with future performances. Keep safe and keep cool. !!!!COLOURING COMPETITION!!!! Eddie Emu

S olutions on page 14 KIDS CORNER with Eddie Emu

5 6 3 4 2 6 7 8 2 9 1 3 5 6 8 1 2

9 4 5 7

4 2

cooking capers
1 sheet puff pastry 1/3 cup cream cheese spread 2 tablespoons tomato sauce teaspoon oregano 60g sliced salami Put sheet of pastry on breadboard. Spread cheese spread over pastry. Spread on tomato sauce. Sprinkle with oregano and salami slices. Roll up pastry into a tight roll. Wrap in cling wrap. Put into fridge for 1 hour. Cut into 2cm slices. Place on greased tray. Bake in 200.C oven for 15 minutes.
Thank you Ben Timms for you yummy recipe, hope you enjoy your Eddie Emu snack at the National Bistro. If you have a recipe that you would like to share with us a Kids Corner please send it in.


Eddies Riddle of the Week:
I run but I never walk, I have a mouth but I never talk, I have a bed but I never lie. What am I? Q. What do you call a fairy that hasnt had a bath? Q. What do you call a scared dinosaur? A. A Nervous Rex!

Hey kids dont forget to send in your colourful master-pieces for the Christmas colouring competition. We have received only a few; you can see them on display in the National Bistro window. Who knows your colourful master-piece might be a winner. We have some wonderful prizes, one for a boy and one for a girl. #$20.00 Toy gift voucher# kindly donated by Ian and Di Kinsley of Toy Kingdom: AND #$10.00 food voucher# kindly donated by Anika Cameron of the National Bistro. So dont be shy and send in your entries soon (Photocopies acceptable), before time runs out. Winners will be announced in the last addition of The Barcoo Independent for 2008 on the 12th of December. Entries can be left at the Blackall State School Ofce, St Josephs School Ofce or at the Independent Ofce in the Visitor Information Centre.

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Page 12 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

A. Stinker bell!

A: A river.


Landmark Operations Limited. ABN 73 008 743 217. AFSL 247332. FIN LMK0339 09/08.

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008 - Page 9

trip to the Blackall Fire Station. During the trip they saw Captain Tierney cut a car with the Jaws of Life and re ghter Katherine also showed them the full re ghting outt. The students are now familiar with re awareness and what they should do if they are ever in trouble. ***** A Prep Open Day was held at St Josephs School for those children keen to get a taste of schooling for next year. Seven new students had a great morning watching assembly, a slide show about the school and taking part in a variety of fun activities in the classroom. ***** St Josephs Schools Adopt-a-Cop Luke Johnson recently braved the crowd and had his head shaved on a school assembly. Luke was raising money for Bluey Day in support of Leukaemia. Students laughed as they watched the locks fall until all he was left with was a mohawk! Parents showed their support for the cause as they threw in money to raise approximately $180 to add to Lukes already gathered donations. ***** On Friday Oct 24, the Blackall State School primary students held a musical of The Very Twisted Tale of Little Red Riding Hood. The account, based on the original fable of Little Red Riding Hood, was made memorable by the altered storyline, which included many unexpected skits, provoking much laughter amongst the audience. ***** A Prep Orientation 2009 will be held on November 12 from 9 am in the Prep/1/2 building at the state school. Parents and children will be engaged in information sessions aimed at exploring the early years curriculum to help them prepare for entry into school in 2009. ***** Late last term, Avril Fazel and Brigid Allan accompanied Ronan Robinson, Mackenzie Martin, Stevie Harlow, Cheree Dougall and Ashlii Timms to the Writers Festival in Brisbane. During the week they attended seminars with authors, participated in a

Around the schools St Josephs Prep/Year One class recently made a poetry workshop with published poets, and attended

My Fair Lady at the Performing Arts Centre. ***** On November 22 high school students from the state school will be performing the musical Arabian Nights at the Cultural Centre. The evening of dance and drama will commence at 6 pm and entry will be a gold coin donation. ***** Gibby Rooney was one of the ve-member team from the Longreach School of Distance Education to score an honours award in the regional Optiminds challenge in Mt Isa recently. The teams task was to choose the three worst inventions in history and present them in a creative way, as part of the social sciences challenge. They had 10 minutes to perform and $50 to spend on costumes. All inventions chosen by Gibby and her team mates had to do with plastic and the problems it causes in the environment. Some of the other nominations for worst inventions included high heels and noise pollution. ***** The following Blackall students from LSODE successfully completed the 2008 MS Readathon, helping to raise $816.15 for Australians living with Multiple Sclerosis: Georgia Sprague, Wilson Sprague and Declan Russell. ***** LSODE encouragement awards this term have gone to Hollie Taylor, Alannah Kemp, Georgia Sprague, Ivy Schmidt, and Gibby Rooney


In Memoriam Ernest George Dagan (E rn ie S n r) P a sse d a w a y N o ve m b e r 1 9 , 2 0 0 6 A lw a ys in o u r th o u g h ts H u sb a n d to H a ze l (d e c) F a th e r to E rn ie (d e c), S a lly, Jo h n , R o ss a n d th e ir fa m ilie s.

ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIEDS Only $5 per minimum of 3 lines - $1.25 each extra line * For Sale * Happy Birthday * * In Memoriam * AGM *

S t Josephs S chools A dopt-a-C op Luke Johnson proudly show s of his m oa-haw k after having his head shaved for B lueys D ay w hich is in support of Leukaem ia

LS O D E staff w ith students from the B lackall/A lpha cluster area w ho participated in the annual sw im cam p held 3 - 4 N ovem ber.

Around the schools

A llanah K em p, yr 7 LS O D E , at her last cam p before heading to boarding school next year.

Photos For Sale T h e B arcoo Independent has p h o to s taken by S ally C ripps in 2 0 0 7 /8 for sale. P lease call in to th e B lackall V isitor Inform ation C e n tre to view and/or purchase th e p h otos. Only $2 each

B lackall S tate S chool prim ary students perform the play T he Very Tw isted Tale O f Little R ed R iding H ood.

M oving on from the schoolroom , R obyn K em p accepting a presentation from F iona R ussell in recognition of her tim e spent w ith LS O D E . S tudents A llanah K em p, K irby P hillips and A lex H inrichsen w ill be attending boarding schools in R ockham pton and Toow oom ba next year.

Where the word of GOD becomes a way of life

SUNDAY 9.00am


I. M. Plumbing
Ian Martin

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Page 10 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008

30 People Seriously interested in Losing 5-30 kilos Call Pauline PH: 0749 833136 MOB: 0427 857386


E lla P earson, D eclan R ussell and Justin G uningham at the LS O D E S w im C am p 2008.


R onan R obinson, M ackenzie M artin, S tevie H arlow, C heree D ougall and A shlii Tim m s, from the B S S participated in a poetry w orkshop w ith published poets, G host B oy and P ascal.

The Prep/Year One class from St Josephs enjoyed a trip to the Blackall Fire Station.

Rev Peter Aay 4651 2662 Graham and Meryl Gibson 46574740 Phil & Ricky Walker 4657 4884 Warren & Marg Lehman 4657 4546 Ladies Fellowship: Heather Whitfield 4657 4564 Thrift Shop: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 9am to 12 noon Flo Moore 4657 4465 Betty Walker 4657 4746
Dont give instructions just report for duty

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, November 14 2008 - Page 11

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