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Symptoms and Treatment of Vomiting (Chardi)

Now we shall discourse on the chapter which deals with the (symptoms and) medical
treatment of vomiting (Cardi-Pratishedha).

Causes and Nomenclature:—

The bodily Doshas are deranged and aggravated per force by the use of extremely liquid,
emollient, unpalatable or oversalted food or of one taken at an improper time or in an
inordinate quantity or which is incongenial to the physical temperament of its user, as well as
by over-fatiguing physical exercise, fear, mental agitation, indigestion, presence of worms (in
the intestines), or quick eating or owing to pregnancy or any disgusting or loathsome causes.
Thus deranged, the Doshas rush up to the mouth and after covering the whole of it come out
with great force and with an aching pain in the limbs. This is, therefore,
called Vomiting (Cardi). 2.

The vital Vayu known as the Udana-Vayu coming in combination with the one known as
the Vyana-Vayu in a man addicted to incompatible food and drink leads to the derangement
of the bodily Doshas and rushes up to the upper part of his body (which causes vomiting). 3.

Premonitory Symptoms:—
Nausea, suppression of eructations, thin and saline water-brash and an aversion to food and
drink are the premonitory symptoms of vomiting. 4.

Specific Symptoms:—
Scanty ejections of frothy matter of strong astringent taste accompanied with a loud sound
and cramps at the back and the sides produce a sense of exhaustion or fatigue and increase
after the digestion of a meal and this should be ascribed to the action of the deranged
bodily Vayu. Vomiting of yellow, greenish or blood-streaked matter with an excessively
acid, pungent or bitter taste in the mouth and attended with such complications as fever,
dryness of mouth, fainting fits and burning and sucking (Chosha) sensations in the body,
should be ascribed to the action of the deranged Pitta. Excessively cold, white, sweet, thick
and mucous vomiting attended with horripilation, an aversion to food, heaviness of the limbs
and lassitude should be ascribed to the Kaphaja type of vomiting. The specific features of all
the three preceding types are present in the type due to the concerted action of all the three
Doshas. 5—8.

Traumatic Cases:—
The five cases of vomit ing due to any disgusting or loathsome cause or to pregnancy,
indigestion, presence of worms (in the bowels) or the taking of uncongenial food and drink,
should be duly classified according to the Dosha aggravated in each case. The stomach is
irritated in all types of vomiting. Fasting should, therefore, be the first remedy in these cases.
Violent cramps and nausea as well as the symptoms of Krimija-Hridroga are the special
characteristics of a case of vomiting due to the presence of worms in the bowels. 9—10.

A skilful physician shall not take in hand the medical treatment of a patient afflicted with
vomiting, where the patient is emaciated and is distressed with the supervening
symptoms,[1] and in which the ejected matter is mixed with pus and blood, and resembles the
variegated colour of a peacock’s plume and where vomiting is almost constant. 11.

General Treatment:—
In a case of vomiting marked by an excessive preponderance of any Dosha (or by the
presence of all the three Doshas), emetics or purgatives should be administered with a due
regard to the nature and intensity of the Dosha or Doshas involved. In cases due to the
concerted action of any two of the deranged bodily Doshas the medical treatment should be
determined according to their relative order of preponderance. Diet in these cases should
consist of dry and light articles and what the patient is accustomed to. Febrifuge decoctions
should be administered according to the nature and intensity of the deranged bodily Doshas
involved in each case. 12.

Treatment of Vataja Type:—

Draught of clarified butter churned from milk,[2] or the soup of Mudga and A malaka taken
with clarified butter and Saindhava- salt, or gruels (Yavagu) prepared with the drugs
of Panca-mula and taken with honey, would prove curative in the Vataja type of vomiting.
The use of the essence of any bird of the Vishkira group (e.g. chicken, etc.) taken with a little
quantity of salt and juice of acid-fruits would likewise prove efficacious. Lukewarm oily
purgtives mixed with salt are also recommended in such cases 13.

Pittaja Type:—
Cold drinks and decoctions of Pitta-subduing virtue would relieve vomiting due to the
derangement of Pitta. Emetics or purgatives composed of the drugs of the Madhura-drugs
and mixed with the expressed juice of Draksha may likewise be employed in the present
type. In violent attacks of vomiting the medicated clarified butter known as Tailvaka-
ghrita should also be prescribed. 14.

Treatment of Kaphaja Type:—

A decoction of the drugs of the Aragvadhadi- group or of Dasha-mula should be given with
honey in a case of vomiting due to the aggravation of Kapha. A cold infusion (Hima-
Kashaya) of Guduci mixed with honey would prove an excellent remedy in all the three
preceding types of vomiting. 15—16.
Vomiting due to (the use or sight of) any disgusting or loathsome thing should be treated with
agreeable things, while that peculiar to pregnancy should be relieved by giving to
the enceinte the things she longs for.

Traumatic Types:—

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