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Descriptors Summary of Qualifications Examples Action Verbs Examples bullets

Increased/raised sales by 20% in first two months of

Driven, Diligent, Intense, Self-motivated, Productive, hard-working and dedicated to the Accomplished, chaired, completed,
Independent, Productive, stamina, hard- completion of any task assigned delivered, developed, expanded, facilitated,
worker, dedicated, ambitious, assertive, improved, increased, lowered, produced,
Regularly completed daily assignments ahead of schedule
ambitious, enterprising Effective and unpressured with time-sensitive tasks raised, reduced
and began further tasks

Streamlined communications process between

Orchesterator, Coordinator, Enlister, Multi- conducted, connected, controlled,
departments in a more effective manner
thinkinger, Organized, flexible, productive, Organized and efficient, with a strong eye for improving coordinated, determined, devised,
identifies relationships, arrange for current systems established, faciliated, implemented,
Redesigned stock unit to maximize space usage and ease
maximum productivity, strategic, attentive organized, reviewed, streamlined
of locating items

Altruist, Missionary, Purpose-driven, value- Team player who inspires colleagues and leads by Upheld commonly ignored company policies and practices,
oriented, driven, vision, ethical, consistent, example guided, influenced, Inspired, instilled, including . . .
Belief inspirational, dependable, leader, maintained, modeled, motivated,
trustworthy, faith-centered, steadfast, Dependable, consistent and driven by a strong code of persuaded, recruited, upheld Modeled integrity and instilled an appreciation for
honest ethics accuracy in new employees

People-focused team-player with a passion for creating Clarified procedures personal time off requests by
adhered, applied, arbitrated, clarified,
Equality, equity, fair, standards, people- and maintaning equity developing universal guidesheet for entire department
developed, enabled, maintained, managed,
Consistency focused, balanced, attentive, conscientious,
mediated, organized, reinforced,
dependable, diplomatic, systematizer, Fair-minded and impartial supervisor who applies Arbitrated staff disputes with non-partison decision-
reorganized, resolved, reviewed
consistent expectations throughout his/her staff making tactics

Compared results to expected outcomes and adjusted

analyzed, anticipated, compared,
Detail-oriented, data-driven decision approaches accordingly
Conscientious critical-thinker who considers multiple considered, contemplated, critiqued,
Deliberative maker, conscientious, attentive,
factors in the decision-making process defined, detected, determined, edited,
conscientious, planner, risk-assessor, Examined and used customer feedback to inform updates
established, examined, researched
in store practices

Clarified standards and practices by editing handbook to

Ogranized, consistent, structured, Steadfast and reliable self-starter who is equally
categorized, clarified, consolidated, include up-to-date language and address current job-
steadfast, time management, work productive when working independently or on a team
controlled, defined, determined, enforced, related scenarios
Discipline independently, assertive, attentive,
established, maintained, Organized,
conscientious, dependable, planner, Excellent time-management skills that enable me to
prioritized, reported, reviewed Prioritized job assignments in order of importance and
reliable, systematic establish and consistently meet deadlines
time sensitivity for self and colleagues

Goal-oriented visionary who cultivates colleagues' Defined strategic plans to pursue both short-term and long-
adjusted, coordinated, corrected, defined,
Director, Critical thinking, follow-through, investement toward common ends term departmental goals
determined, established, evaluated,
Focus dedicated, committed, efficient, goal-
navigated, outlined, planned, prioritized, re-
oriented, attentive, enterprising, Critical thinker who plans and prioritizes the most Sought teammates' input in both creating and setting
effective and efficient path towards success frequency of benchmarks for success
Descriptors Summary of Qualifications Examples Action Verbs Examples bullets

Strong work ethic, committed, self-starter, Completed multiple complicated projects efficiently,
Committed self-starter with a demonstrated history of
discplined, consistent, structured, value- completed, decreased, delegated, effectively, and within defined timelines
strong work ethic and reliable task completion
oriented, work independently, reliable, Delivered, delivered, demonstrated,
efficient, timeliness, punctuality, attentive, entrusted, helped, improved, increased, Entrusted with ever-increasing responsibilities and decision-
Excellent timeliness and punctuality who continually
conscientious, dependable, honest, loyal, lowered, maintained, raised, reduced making due to strong work ethic and exceptional
completes assignments well before the deadline
reliable, servant-minded volunteer, performance

Compared actual results with those expected and adjusted

applied, consolidated, corrected, approaches accordingly
counseled, critiqued, decreased, designed,
Problem-solver who identifies points of opportunity to
Problem-solver, resolve conflict, solution- detected, determined, devised, edited, (Detected/determined/defined) inefficiences in
increase effectivity and efficiency
focused, critical thinker, efficient, logical, eliminated, evaluated, expedited, departmental processes and
resourceful, troubleshooter, identified, improved, increased, lowered, (developed/designed/devised) improved systems for
Solution-focused critical-thinker who defines objectives
investigative/or, modified, overhauled, raised, reduced, replacement
and sees them through to completion
repaired, resolved, revised, streamlined,
streamlined, upgraded, Increased/improved/raised customer satisfaction ratings
by 10% within 5 months

advocated, applied, developed, exercised,

Developed action plan for trainings on corporate updates
Catalyst, Initiator, Starter, Originator, Action-focused team member who brings plans to reality faciliated, founded, helped, implemented,
to policies and practices
Influencer, action-focused, turn improved, increased, initiated, initiated,
thoughts/discussion into action, results- Results-oriented performer who defines strategies and instituted, integrated, launched, lead,
Met and exceeded weely sales challenge on 4 separate
oriented sees them through to completion lowered, outlined, planned, prioritized,
pursued, raised, reduced, trained

advised, chaired, conducted, consulted,

coordinated, counseled, defined,
Assertive leader who can effectively oversee multiple Prioritized preparation tasks for on-site inspections.
delegated, determined, directed, enforced,
Leader, decision-maker, work well under initiatives simultaneously Received passing scores for all inspections
established, guided, implemented,
Command pressure, assertive, motivational, visionary,
influenced, initiated, launched, led,
assertive, extraverted, Motivational visionary who can set a course and gain buy- Managed a staff of 5 individuals, overseeing their
lowered, managed, motivated, outlined,
in from others to come along scheduling and delegating assignments on a weekly basis
oversaw, planned, presided, prioritized,

Effective communicator who conveys important

information in an engaging and personable manner advocated, connected, conversed, Successfully advocated for changes to union provisions
Presenter, Convert ideas to words, relater, educated, encouraged, engaged, explained,
Communication effective, engager, motivational, trainer, Trainer with experience presenting to very diverse hosted, inspired, involved, Presented, Related to and encouraged troubled youth, meeting them
visionary, extraverted, Storyteller, Writer populations in a variety of settings reported, represented, responded, trained, where they were and providing a safe and caring
wrote environment within which to share
Descriptors Summary of Qualifications Examples Action Verbs Examples bullets

Driven and persistent go-getter who sees goals through to Office achieved highest sales in region four months in a
Driven, dedicated, persistent, goal- completion achieved, completed, controlled, row during tenure
Competition oriented, assertive, aspire, assertive, coordinated, improved, increased, lowered,
ambitious, enterprising, Team player who shares energy, encouragement and raised, reduced, Strove Lowered/reduced customer complaints by 25% in first
aspiration to his colleagues three months

collaborated, consulted, encouraged, Consulted on various development initiatives throughout

coach, leader, mentor, teacher, Increase expanded, expedited, helped, identified, department
Efficient and effective developer who can take an idea or
Maximizer efficiency and effectiveness, developer improved, improved, increased, inspired,
practice and find new ways to improve upon it
quality controller modified, motivated, streamlined, Updated promotional materials to reflect current trends
synthesized, updated, utilized and relate better to the intended audience
Developed and maintained an ever-growing client base for
Assertive and productive self-starter who is accustomed own lawncare practice over the course of four summers
Manager, decision-maker, confident,
to working independently advised, completed, consulted, delivered,
entrenreneur, leader, value-driven, work
Self-Assurance developed, entrusted, maintained, Entrusted to provide consultation to manager on several
independently, dedicated, steadfast,
Value-driven entrepreneur with a history of successful managed, navigated, planned departmental decision-making processes
assertive, self-reliant, risk-management,
business start-ups

Driven self-starter with a proven track record of increasing Increased/raised sales by 20% in first two months of
achieved, completed, earned, focused,
sales and meeting departmental goals employment
altruistic, work independently, self-starter, impacted, improved, increased, influenced,
driven, influential, impactful lowered, presided, raised, received,
Impactful and influential advocate for social justice within Recipient of employee-of-the-month multiple times in
reduced, streamlined
the community various roles

coached, collaborated, communicated, Developed relationships with community partners to

Natural networker who excels at building professional
charismatic, create new connections, connected, coordinated, developed, strengthen organization's resource base
engager, synergistic, networking/er, engaged, enlisted, hosted, influenced,
influential, initiator, extraverted, outgoing, inspired, involved, motivated, partnered, Strengthened investment by key stakeholders in new
Charismatic and influential professional with ability to
socializing/er persuaded, recruited, related, policies and procedures by involving them in the decision-
represent clients' needs across diverse business segments
strengthened making process

Flexible team-player who easily adapts to an ever Designed/created innovative procedures to address shifts
Early adopter, Accommodator/ing, changing environment anticipated, assisted, created, designed, in customer needs by utilizing/using data-based decision
Creative, innovative, data-driven,flexible, developed, devised, diversified, educated, making processes
multi-tasker, ever-changing environment, Innovative planner who develops (??) in response to shifts established, faciliated, helped,
planner in expectations implemented Anticipated potential contingencies in customer service
and devised appropriate responses
Descriptors Summary of Qualifications Examples Action Verbs Examples bullets

Create connections between key players,

synergistic, build rapport, considerate, People-focused engager with a passion for creating
Planned departmental events by identifying common
caring, accepting, equality, equity, faith- equitable opportunities for marginalized individuals built, cared, collaborated, cooperated,
interests among the staff
centered, Integrator, humanitarian, social coordinated, delegated, engaged, enlisted,
advocated, appreciation/passion for Considerate team-player with an ability to find faciliated, for, Identified, involved, selected,
Collaborated with other staff to implement equity
diversity/inclusion, synthesizer, people- commonalities and develop synergistic collaborations synthesized
measures to create a stronger envrionment of inclusion
focused, facilitator, team-player, between individuals of varying backgrounds
extraverted, insightful

Cultivated a space of confidence and respect through

acknowledged, advised, assessed,
public acknowledgement of individual's accomplishments
People-focused leader who recognizes and uses celebrated, coached, communicated,
People-focused, coach, promote individual opportunities to coach staff and peers cultivated, delegated, encouraged, Guided,
Mentored new employees regarding job details and office
Developer growth, supportive, leader, trainer, helped, hosted, influenced, inspired,
climate/culture in an informal, peer-friendly way
professional growth, constructive, insightful Supportive trainer who helps others identify opportunities listened, mentored, motivated, praised,
for professional growth recognized, strengthened, supported,
Delegated veteran employees with new responsibilities
and tasks to broaden their experience base

advised, advocated, analyzed, assisted,

Excellent communicator who helps others articulate their coached, collaborated, communicated, Assisted patients with basic life functions while
People-focused, analyzer, relatable, safe,
thoughts and intentions clearly and with impact connected, cooperated, counseled, maintaining an atmosphere of dignity and respect
welcoming, client-focused, rapport,
Empathy deescalated, enabled, encouraged,
communicator, mediator, emotional
Exceptional emotional intelligence and ability to engaged, envisioned, guided, helped, Developed supportive and empathetic rapport with
intelligence, insightful, perceptive, sensitive
deescalate confrontational interactions hosted, inspired, listened, mediated, individuals seeking help in extreme circumstances
Related, supported

Engaging team player who synthesizes individuals' ideas

assured, collaborated, communicated, Collaborated with major stakeholders in developing and
Strive for consensus, collaborative, into a common plan or direction
cooperated, coordinated, deescalated, implementing new strategies or techniques
emotional intelligence,negotiator, team
Harmony enabled, engaged, enlisted, facilitated,
player, resolve conflict, coordinate Mediator whose emotional intelligence helps facilitate
hosted, identified, involved, listened, Resolved interpersonal conflicts between team members
discussion, mediator, diplomatic, sensitive conflict resolution with both understanding and
mediated, moderated, resolved, solved by facilitating concensus, therefore increasing productivity

coached, collaborated, communicated,

Empathetic activator with a passion for influencing change Moderated staff meetings, ensuring a safe and respectful
cooperated, coordinated, delegated,
barrier-buster, Create an atmosphere of towards equity environment for ideas and thoughts to be shared
empathized, enabled, encouraged,
Includer inclusion, empathetic, collaborative,
engaged, enlisted, expanded, gathered,
extraverted, sensitive Inclusive event planner who values and considers multiple Coordinated inter-departmental events and parties with
hosted, included, inspired, involved,
perspectives regard to personal scheduling to assure maximum inclusion
related, supported, valued
Descriptors Summary of Qualifications Examples Action Verbs Examples bullets

Leader with an eye for identifying and utilizing team Appreciated, built, coached,
Enabled team-level productivity by combining individuals'
members' strengths communicated, cooperated, coordinated,
Identify strengths, cultivate an atmosphere complimentary strengths for synergistic outcomes
delegated, enabled, encouraged, engaged,
Individualization of cooperation, leader, collaborative,
Excellent teacher whose classroom techniques enlisted, facilitated, hosted, identified,
synergistic, builds rapport Designed calendar highlighting team members' birthdays,
accommodate for the various learning styles of the inspired, involved, maximized, recruited,
work anniversaries, and other important dates
students selected, synergized, utilized

celebrated, coached, communicated,

enthusiastic, motivator, energetic/izer, complimented, enabled, encouraged, Implemented "Praise Points" box for peers to submit
Enthusiastic motivator who instills energy and . . . . Among
Positivity encourager, synergistic, optimistic, encouraged, energized, faciliated, compliments for their colleagues to be read publicly once a
performer, increased, inspired, involved, motivated, month
motivated, praised, strengthened

People-centered leader who invests in and acknowledges Built personal rapport with residents/patients so they
coached, collaborated, communicated,
individual growth in each team member would feel recognized and cared for as unique individuals
caretaker, Team player, cooperative, connected, cooperated, engaged, helped,
rapport, people-centered, sensitive hosted, inspired, involved, listened,
. . . who contributes to the strength of his/her team and Engaged with employees through weekly check-ins to
participated, represented, supported
supports teammates' initiatives discuss work-related issues as well as personal life and

Used data-driven decision-making processes to explore

Measurer, Fact-finder/user, Logician, Objective analyst who is an excellent resource for classified, compiled, consulted, designed,
trends and changes in customer behavior
Observer, Identify cause-and-effect, impartial consultations determined, devised, dissected, edited,
Analytical explore multiple facets, data-driven, educated, evaluated, examined,
Evaluated and edited/revised
objective, critical thinker, attentive, Exceptional critical thinking skills that help identify causes formulated, generated, identified,
emails/documents/communications for brevity without
conscientious, logical, perceptive as well as formulate solutions identified, informed, revised
sacrificing important detail

Studious learner who allows historical context influence analyze, apply, consulted, counseled, Defined historical context and outcomes to better plan for
decision making defined, determined, dissected, resolution to current challenges
Data-driven decision maker, learner,
Context established, examined, explain,
reflective, studious
Exemplary leader who aligns major decisions with the reestablished, Research, researched, Delivered presentations to help staff understand the 'why'
organization's mission and values revisited behind new changes and directions
Descriptors Summary of Qualifications Examples Action Verbs Examples bullets

defined, determined, developed, Energized,

Energetic, forecaster, visionary, synergetic, Energetic/strategic/synergistic visionary who develops engaged, identified, inspired, motivated, Defined strategic plans to meet both short-term and long-
strategic goals and sees them through outlined, planned, reflected, synergized, term departmental goals

conceived, created, designed, developed,

Developed and introduced several new tools to the
drafted, engineered, formulated,
designer, inventor, artist, innovator, department to help expedite processes
Creative designer with an eye for opportunities to improve generated, Identified, increased, initiated,
Ideation Synthesizer, creative, innovative,
efficiency and effectivity inspired, instituted, integrated, introduced,
imaginative Identified alternative solutions/options to replace
lowered, proposed, raised, reduced,
ineffective means for satisfying customers/guests

archived, categorized, collaborated,

Maintained records and compiled tables/graphs for review
Collected, collected, compiled, consulted,
by supervisor
Critical-thinker with excellent recall and ability to identify designed, gathered, generated, graphed,
Input Life-long learner, attentive, resourceful,
pertinent archived data maintained, obtained, organized,
Organized and redesigned neglected filing system and
organized, researched, researched, solved,
materials for easy access

analyzed, compared, conceived, consulted,

Compared theory to results and used this data to revise
counseled, critiqued, determined,
overall approach
Introspective, reflective, analytical, Introspective critical-thinker who enjoys exploring and developed, discussed, dissected, educated,
creative, logical, writer, discussing new ideas and concepts evaluated, explained, explored, focused,
Consulted on multiple committees for process
generated, identified, informed, instructed,
researched, solved, studied, synthesized

Gathered and studied relevant data to assist supervisor in

planning processes
acquired, explored, familiarized, identified,
Life-long learner, self-improvement, Life-long learner who seeks opportunities for continuous
Learner informed, instructed, mastered,
adaptable, attentive, professional development Familiarized self with wide array of internal processes and
researched, researched, solved, studied
policies, in turn serving as a resource for new employees
on these topics
Descriptors Summary of Qualifications Examples Action Verbs Examples bullets

Analyzed results and adjusted approaches accordingly to

analyzed, compared, consolidated, better meet goals
Effective planner who takes goals and outlines the best consulted, coordinated, counseled,
Innovative, creative, critical thinker, data- path to their completion critiqued, defined, designed, determined, Defined strategic plans to meet both short-term and long-
Strategic driven, evaluator, planner, problem-solver, developed, devised, dissected, diversified, term departmental goals
conscientious, logical, perceptive Problem-solver who can effectively and objectively established, evaluated, formulated,
navigate solutions and put out fires Identified, implemented, instituted, Developed/devised/designed several strategic
integrated, launched, navigated, planned responses/innovative approaches to meet unexpected
challenges in staffing, material loss, etc. Cards loaned by Sue Kraus for Strengths
Resources: s/ShowMedia.ashx?id=08ae59be-312c-
resume-and-cover-letter-construction/ interpretations skills-in-demand

2-page handout gives connectedness a

NOTE 'things and events' focus, while weblink
gives it a 'people' focus

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