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The traditional IR theories like realism and liberalism were mainly Euro-centric and ignored how

colonialism played a role in determining the global power dynamics. The post-colonial scholars filled
this gap by explaining the role of imperialism and colonization in shaping the world today. The post-
colonial theory states that even though the colonial system is currently non-existent in the world
since the late 20th century, it does exist as a worldview that sees the west as superior to the east.
This worldview determines the behavior of states with each other and their power dynamics.

The enforcement of a democratic system in Afghanistan with the pressure of NATO coalition forces
proves how the post-colonial theory is relevant when analyzing state decisions. The theory suggests
that the patterns of control during the colonial time are still applied in the modern world although
not that formally. Where before the colonized were coerced to recognize imperial rule, they are now
forced to accept the western democratic system. Hence, we saw the U.S placing its representatives
like Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani as democratically elected leaders in Afghanistan thus, completely
sidelining the native system of tribal governance that was prevalent for centuries.

A ban on the immigration of Muslims from multiple states by the former US president Donald Trump
and his efforts to reduce the immigration of refugees from war-torn areas is evidence of how the
post-colonial orientalist mindset shapes the perception of the western people about the colonized
east. As explained by Edward Said, Orientalism is a discourse that reduces all the colonized people as
being uncivilized, backward, and terrorizing. This stereotype then results in hostile policies like these
to eliminate the inferior population from entering the superior lands. As a result of terming the
colonized East as the” Other”, the anxiety towards their culture and actions increases, and they are
seen as a threat to the West. Only if Trump had based his perception on how the majority of
Muslims are and how they think about the same violence he fears, rather than on the orientalist
basis, his policies would have been different. However, as the orientalists base their knowledge and
understandings on how they observe the east and not on how the indigenous observe themselves, a
stereotype of the East is created.

The post-colonial theory states that the western states having a colonizing history, although have
formally ended their colonialist regimes in the world, However, their actions can be traced back to
the colonial mindset of being entitled to take the most atrocious steps to increase power without
any repercussions. The 2003 invasion of Iraq justified by the false perception of weapons of mass
destruction being present there, later turned out to be false. The actual reason was discovered to be
mobilizing Iraqi oil production to increase global oil flows, moderate global oil prices, and benefit the
west. And this could be achieved only after removing the nationalistic regime of Saddam Hussain and
privatizing the oil sector. Hence, this indicates how the colonial method of invasion to gain economic
control and stability can still be witnessed in the world.

The U.S intervention in Libya as explained by Obama was on humanitarian grounds; to save the
people from the misery of the Qaddafi dictatorship and not because it was a threat to the security of
the West. This reveals how not always do western countries intervene just when their self-interest is
at stake but also when their responsibility to save the uncivilized easterners comes by. Again this
feeling of responsibility is a consequence of the orientalist thinking that the colonized are inferior,
oppressed, and in need of help.

Lastly, the effort of the current president of the United States along with other Western powers to
revive the nuclear deal with Iran also gives relevance to the post-colonial theory in explaining state
decisions. The struggle of western powers to minimize Irans’ nuclear development program in return
for easing up the economic sanctions placed on it shows the orientalist stereotyping of the east by
the west. This leads to the nuclear powers owned by those in the east being seen as a threat to
global security while the nuclear powers of states like France and the United Kingdom are not seen
the same way just because they are not owned by the “East”. When colonialism existed as a system
colonizers physically went to countries and exploited them economically to impose their ideas on
them. However, events like the nuclear deal with Iran highlight that the same colonial exploitations
are now being done through new methods like sanctions and embargos to achieve the goals of the

The havoc and unrest created by the invasion of Western powers in previously colonized lands
explains the presence of the colonial worldview due to which they cannot stand to see the once-
colonized states governing according to their own systems and values and not according to the
superior form of western governance and values. Interventions in countries like Syria, Iraq, and Libya
as explained briefly are evidence of that feeling of entitlement and responsibility that comes with
the orientalist worldview. This has shaped the power dynamics in their favor by making developing
powers weaker.

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