Week 1 - Verb To Be Interrogative

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The interrogative form in YES/NO questions begins in capital letter with the correct form of

verb to be + subject + complement. The short answer needs a comma to separate the subject
and the verb to be. The affirmaive form is written in full. The negative form can be written in
full or in contraction.

La forma interrogativa con respuestas SI/ NO inician siempre en mayúscula con la forma
correcta del verbo to be + el sujeto o pronombre + el complemento. La respuesta corta en
forma afirmativa lleva una coma que separa al pronombre del verbo. La respuesta afirmativa
siempre se escribe de forma completa. La respuesta negativa se puede escribir de forma
completa o de forma contraída.

Complete the questions with the correct verb ro be form Is – Are - Am

0. Am I intelligent?

1. _Are___ you sad?

2. __Is__ he happy?

3. _Is__ she a musician?

4. _Is___ it cold?

5. _Are___ we friends?

6. __Are__ you teachers?

7. _Are___ they Spanish?

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