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Research Problem........................................................................................................................................2
Background and Objective..........................................................................................................................3
Project Requirements Analysis and Specification.......................................................................................5
A peer to peer network is a decentralized network which got no central unit and every computer
is directly connected to each other within the network. Peer to Peer network is formed when two
or more than two computers are connected with a single wire in order to share their resources.
The computers connected with a wire are not shared with any other medium like servers or
routers. This kind of networks can help small offices to share common resources of their
computers [1].

Research Problem
1-Is the peer to peer networking system provides security to identify the users?

2-How Peer to Peer networking improves the data integrity?

3-How P2P network make the communication user friendly?

Before the peer to peer network, following were the problems faced by people.

1- User authentication

Before peer to peer networking, user authentication was the problem for computers sharing their
details. Peer to Peer solved this problem by putting restrictions of User name, password in order
to identify the user.

2- Integrity of data

Before peer to peer networking, the transferred of data was not secured. A hacker can hack the
information transferring between two persons and change it according to his own desire. P2P
provides the facility of data integrity and it does not allow any attacker to modify the
conversation or data transferred between two computers.

3- Usability

The interface of transferring data between two computers was not user friendly before P2P
networking. By using P2P networking, it is very easy for the beginner to transfer data within the
Background and Objective
In the Peer to Peer network, each peer needs the rating to trust each other. A node x which wants
to access the data from a node z needs a rating and reputation which is considered a base to
access the data. Let say the node x wants to download a file within the system. It will send a
query message within the system about the need of the file. The peer to peer group manager will
rotate the message in the group and make sure the message has been reached to each peer of the
group. The peers who got the files instantly replies with a green signal. The function of group
manager here is to collect the details of the peers who are willing to share the require file and
send the details to the node x. Now, node x will need the rating and reputation of each peer so
that it can download the required file from the peer which has the highest rating within the group.
The same rating and reputation will be used by the pickup node z, which has the highest rating in
the group. It will analyze the rating of node x before giving it the permission to download the
file. Once both of the nodes have verified their rating and reputation, they can exchange their
experience and rating. It is the task of the group manager to assign the reputation to each user.
Now to calculate the rating and reputation, the group manager will need the mean, mode and
median of the rating and reputation so that it can assign a reputation score to each peer. The
group manager uses a generic formula to calculate the mean, mode, and median.

Let the peer x has received the following rating from the other peers out of 10.

8,7,10, 9, 6, 10,9, 8,9,10

So, the calculated mean for his rating received so far from the other peers is: 8.6

8,7,10, 9, 6, 10,9, 8,9,10

Now it turns to calculate the median for the same ratings received by the peer x.

Here the median is 6.

8,7,10, 9, 6, 10,9, 8,9,10

Here the mode will be 10. A mode is a number which is repeated in the list more often than any
other number. These data can be extracted by applying suitable queries. It is the duty of the
manager to dump the data in the database of each peer. There are many online platforms which
are offering the database storages. We can also ask the manager to put the data in the SQL using
the local server. Whether the data is stored on the local server or online, the query to extract the
data is the same.

We can add the values of mean, median and mode in the database by the following query:


INSERT INTO table_name (C1,C2,C3...) // here C= column

VALUES (V1,V2,V3...);// Here, V= value

Similarly, we a peer can extract the required data from the database by requesting the manager of
the group. It can run the following query to access the database.



This query will give the peer access to extract information of a peer from a specific data.


SELECT Peer_Name FROM Employees

Here the Employees is the table and you can select any peer by writing the same of the Peer.

How can we calculate the reputation score?

Let we have trust matrix which is considered as a base for the trusting each other in the peer to
peer statistics approach. Here the trust matrix is equal to R= r-ij. Here the r is the score earned by
the peer j and it was issued by the peer i. If no rating and reputation are transferred between two
nodes, then the r-ij factors are set as zero. All of the scores must be normalized by the peer itself
and this score(s-ij) can be calculated as.

s-ij= r-ij / ∑-j r-ij

That’s how we can calculate our trust matrix which is necessary for two nodes to communicate
with each other [2] .
Project Requirements Analysis and Specification
In order to design a peer to peer network, the first thing which is required is the User Interface.

 The User Interface should be built as simple as possible, it should be user-friendly and
easy to understand for beginners.
 The next requirement is the hardware interface. Most of the Peer to peer networks use
webcams and microphones of users. The hardware interfaces contain Desktop computers,
laptops, and the mobile phones.
 To store data of customers somewhere on the cloud, the project will be needed a hosting
account where it can store all of its data. To manage the database, the programming
language like JavaScript can be used.

There are also some safety and security requirements for the project.

 There should be some ethical rules which should be followed by the users to use the
 Users should have the maturity that their data is safe over the cloud and no third party can
mess with their data [3].
[1] M. Thodi and S. Fujita, "Collaborative Development Environment in Peer-to-Peer
Networks," 2016 Fourth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR),
Hiroshima, 2016, pp. 586-589.

[2] R. Zhou, K. Hwang and M. Cai, "GossipTrust for Fast Reputation Aggregation in Peer-to-
Peer Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 20, no. 9, pp.
1282-1295, Sept. 2008.

[3] A. Koz and R. (. L. Lagendijk, "Distributed Content Based Video Identification in Peer-to-
Peer Networks: Requirements and Solutions," in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 19, no.
3, pp. 475-491, March 2017.

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