Ergo Visual Sense Group Activity

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Bataan Peninsula State University

College of Engineering and Architecture

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering




Submitted by: BSIE-3B

A lm a r io , E - J a y
A u s t r ia , I v y
E s t r e lla , P a u lin e
M a c a p a g a l, J o s u e
M a lla r i, C r is t in e A ir a

Date of Submission: November 20, 2022


Subject Instructor
Activity 4:
Light Level in Workplaces with Measurements and Standards
(by Group)

Direction: Find your group according to the location of your houses. A group of five (5)
students can complete all the process. Report via photos or vid eos and should be
upload ed or submitted to your Google classroom with d etailed instructions f rom the


1. Turn the power switch to select the range to the desired lux/FC range.
2. Hold the “Photo Detector” to the light source in a horizontal position.
3. Read the illumination nominal from the LCD.
4. To hold a measurement, press the “Hold” button, the reading will freeze in the
display until the button is pressed again.
5. If the input signal is too strong, the instrument will display one “1” only, then a
higher range should be selected .
6. For measurements made on the Lux 20000 or 50000 ranges, the displayed reading
must be multiplied by 10 and 100 respectively.

Objective: Identif y whether the existing lighting system is ad equate or not f or the
specif ic workplace. And to improve the lightning system to avoid eye f atigue, eye strain
and glare.
This activity is an analyzation of a specif ic study area of one of the members of
the group accord ing to its light intensity and f actors that could aff ect the person based
on the capacity and light distribution on his/her study area.
Doing this activity, we use a lux light mete r app to measure the light intensity of
the study area.

On this activity, we have chosen one person a mo ng our me mbers that has the
lowest lux measureme nt of all in each study area.

Here is the gathered information of each member:

1. E-Jay Almario – with a light intensity of 90 lux.

2. Ivy Austria – with a light intensity of 44 lux.

3. Pauline Estrella – with a light intensity of 72 lux.

4. Josue Macapagal– with a light intensity of 119 lux.

5. Cristine Aira Mallari – with a light intensity of 434 lux.


Based on the data given, it clearly shows that Ms. I vy Austria has a poor study area in
terms of good lighting. She has the lowest lux measurement which makes the center of
all this analyzation of the light level in his workplaces with measurements and
stand ard s. The light intensity of her study area measures only 44 lux which basically
considered as:

Public areas with dark surroundings 20 -50

Ms. Ivy Austria’s study area information:

Look at your surround ings; describe the following according to productive lighting:
1. Ceilings are painted white or in a light colour.
• Yes
2. Walls are painted white or in a light color.
• Yes
3. Skylights or windows are used to take advantage of daylight.
• Yes
4. Multiple light source s are used at workstations or in your study area.
• Yes
5. Study area or workstation s are arranged so that work requiring strong light is done
near window s or under skylights.
• Yes
6. Blinds, curtains, louvers, shades, trees, and vines are used to prevent or diminish
direct glare from the sun.
• Yes
7. Lamps are placed high to provide evenly distributed general lighting.
• Yes
8. Lighting fixtures are placed at a high positio n or lampshad es provid ed to prevent
direct glare.
• Yes
9. Local lamps are used to provid e adequate light required for detailed work.
• No
10. Lamps, window s, and workstations are positio ned to prevent glare.
• Yes


• Quality of LED light, replace my current LED light bulb into high amount of Kelvin and Watts

Public areas with dark surroundings 20 -50


Warehouses, Homes, Theaters, Archives


Easy Office Work, Classes 250


After doing all of the recommendation, the light intensity in Ms. Austria’s study area increased.
In her study are, from 44 lux to 204 lux which is almost 250 lux. Changing the LED light bulb is a
important to increase the intensity of light, and using LED desk lamp gives me a control on what kind of
color to use and additional light.

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