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Kerangka Paper


Component Content
The background of the research 1 kalimat
Purpose 1 kalimat
Methodologies 3-4 kalimat
Principal results 1 kalimat
Major conclusions 1 kalimat
Its contributions to the field. 1 kalimat

Body of Paper

Component Content
1. What is Known? (Our understanding of the
4-5 kalimat

2. What is Unknown? (What is the gap we want to

- berisi negatif
4-5 kalimat
- belum ada info
- Pada kenyataan
- Yang berbeda
3. How and why? should we fill the gap?
(Your rationale and purpose/hypothesis)
- Kebaruan
- Buat clue
- Tujuan riset
- SPO: Subyek – Predikat – Obyek 2-3 kalimat
- Contoh: Ikan lele tidak banyak
dibudidayakan di daerah
- Banyaknya, budidaya ikan lele dengan
menggunakan pakan tidak alami
4. Research method
Research design,
Population and samples 4-5 kalimat
5. Result : What result did you get? 4-5 kalimat
6. Discussion: How do the result fill the gap? 4-5 kalimat
7. Conclusion: What does this mean for us going
forward? 4-5 kalimat

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