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DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the best answer from the choices given.

1. This is considered as a lifelong process of learning

a. Education c. Management
b. Administration d. Extension

2. Extension classes are examples of this type of education

a. Formal c. Informal
b. Non-formal d. Basic

3. The clientele of extension are

a. Youths c. Adults
b. Youth and adults d. Farmers

4. The body of principles that governs the conduct of human activity.

a. Knowledge c. Science
b. Philosophy d. Incentives

5. This principle considers the involvement of the people in the planning, implementation and
evaluation of extension activities.
a. Participation c. Leadership
b. Cooperation d. Interest and needs

6. Extension provides educational opportunities with

a. Coercion c. Prescription
b. Compulsion d. Voluntary participation

7. Extension considers this/these person(s) in introducing development projects

a. Father c. Children
b. Mother d. All members of the family

8. The ultimate objective of extension is

a. economic development c. social development

b. people development d. physical development

9. Majority of the Filipinos live in this area and are involved in agricultural economy
a. Urban area c. Rurban area
b. Rural Area d. agricultural area
10. It means using land, labor, capital and managerial ability in the best possible combination to
produce marketable product

a. Effectiveness c. Productivity
b. Efficiency d. Profitability

11. Which is not included as a high value fruit tree

a. Mango c. Papaya
b. Guava d. Macopa

12. The ability to make decisions that achieve goals in the most efficient manner is

a. Managerial skill c. Manipulative skill

b. Psychomotor skill d. Planning skill

13. This is the principle of extension, which considers the level of knowledge and economic
status of the people
a. Grassroot approach c. participation
b. Cooperation d. Leadership

14. Extension programs are based on the people’s ______ on that they will certainly support the

a. Interests and needs c. Educational attainment

b. Social status d. income

15. A manifestation of the principle of cooperation is

a. Assistance provided by local leaders

b. Working alone to minimize errors
c. Identifying cooperator
d. Working together in the implementation of the project

16. The principle of voluntary education means

a. Participation with coercion

b. Participation with compulsion
c. Free-willing participation
d. Participation with lukewarm attitude

17. The population of the Philippines in 2002

a. 68 Million c. 78 Million
b. 86 Million d. 80 Million

18. The number of people below the poverty line in the Philippines in 2002

a. 32 Million c. 30 Million
b. 35 Million d. 20 Million

19. Poverty line in the Philippines in 2002 is equivalent to

a. P 40 c. P 38
b. P 50 d. P 45

20. Which is not a natural resource in the following?

a. Church c. Water
b. Land d. Minerals

21. The Philippines is composed of _____ regions

a. 13 c. 20
b. 16 d. 15

22. There are ______ provinces in the Philippines

a. 76 c. 86
b. 80 d. 96

23. Making the youth stay in their farms and homes will eventually reduce this to cities or urban
cities or urban areas.

a. Migration c. Employment
b. Immigration d. Underemployment

24. Much is to be desired in terms of environmental ____ like floods, wildlife nearing extinction,
pollution, garbage and trash, insecticide/rodenticides

a. degradation c. development
b. improvement d. management

25. Globalization concerns can be addressed thru extension by enhancing this among people in
agriculture and fisheries in both domestic and foreign markets

a. Cooperation c. Competitiveness
b. Complementation d. Commitment

26. This means being concerned with other people or giving the best in oneself in helping others.
a. Commitment c. Cooperation
b. Complementation d. Competitiveness

27. Which is the meaning of complementation?

a. Partnership c. Linkage
b. Networking d. Consortium

28. Extension work in the Philippines started in 1565 thru the establishment of model farms by
this group

a. Spaniards c. Japanese
b. Americans d. Taiwanese

29. This is the first formally organized department implementing extension and research program

a. The Demonstration and Extension Division c. The Extension Division

b. The Farm and Home Division d. The Demonstration Division

30. Founder of the Home Extension Service is

a. Maria T. Orosa c. Mary Osora

b. Maria Y. Orosa d. Maria Y. Osora

31. The year the 4-H Club in the Philippines was started

a. 1947 c. 1949
b. 1948 d. 1950

32. This was created on April 24, 1952 was signing of Republic Act 680

a. Bureau of Agricultural Extension

b. Agricultural Productivity Commission
c. Rice and Corn Administration
d. Presidential Assistant for Community Development

33. After World War II, the Philippine Government requested the U.S. government to look over
the post war situation with the end in view of making suggestions for improvement to which the
U-S sent this mission
a. Bell Mission c. Ball Mission
b. Political Survey Mission d. Daniel

34. On August 8, 1963 the Bureau of Agricultural Extension was changed into

a. Agricultural Productivity Commission

b. Presidential Assistant for Community Development
c. Rice and Corn Administration
d. Community Development Council

35. The Bureau of Agricultural Extension was placed again under this Department on July 1,

a. Department of Agriculture c. Department of Forestry

b. Department of Interior d. Department of Animal Husbandry

36. The National Extension Program was appraised by the World Bank Mission in

a. 1978 c. 1980
b. 1979 d. 1977

37. This is the development strategy designed to improve the quality of life of farm families
through the resources pool of marketing assistance program, technology packaging, cooperatives
development with extension delivery system

a. Complementation Program c. Cooperation Program

b. Coordination Program d. Extension Program

38. In 1982, as the province was designated as the political unit of management for inducing
agricultural development, coordination and supervision of operations of the various agencies
involved in the delivery of agricultural service became the responsibility of the _____

a. Mayor c. Provincial Agriculturist

b. Provincial Governor d. Provincial

39. This is the merger of the Bureau of Agricultural Extension, the Philippine Training Center
for Rural Development and the Philippine Training Center by the virtue of the Executive Order
No. 116 (1987).

a. Agricultural Training Institute

b. Extension Delivery System
c. Complementation Program
d. Bureau of Cooperatives

40. The Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997 was created by this law

a. R.A. 8435 c. R.A. 4385

b. R.A. 8345 d. R.A. 4835

41. A principle of AFMA that the state shall enhance the competitiveness of the agriculture and
fisheries in both domestic and foreign markets is __________
a. Globalization c. Quality Assurance
b. Excellence d. Accreditation

42. Which of the following does not describe extension?

a. demonstration process c. communication process

b. educational process d. Autocratic process

43. It refers to the systematic procedure employed by the extension worker in getting vital
information across his/her client-learners.

a. Method c. Device
b. Technique d. Instructional materials

44. The art or skill of performance is referred to as

a. Method c. Device
b. Technique d. Instructional materials
45. This refers to a teaching aid or a tool used to facilitate instruction

a. Method c. Device
b. Technique d. Instructional material

46. Which one of the following does not contribute in the choice of extension teaching method:

a. Human factors c. Subject Area

b. Objectives d. None of these

47. Time and material factors in the choice of methods do not include:

a. Skill of the resource person in using the method

b. Preparation time
c. duration of the activity
d. Budget and facilities

48. It is a prepared oral presentation of a subject by a trainer or a resource person

a. Small group discussion c. Meetings

b. Lecture d. panel discussion

49. This is a planned and guided visit of a group of participants to a specific site or sites for the
purpose of obtaining first hand information about an organization and its services or produce

a. Field day c. Result demonstration

b. Field trip d. Excursion
50. This means not only to discuss results of research in a meeting but also to discuss any
activity or part of any activity with a specific purpose

a. Meeting c. Workshop
b. Seminar d. Brainstorming

51. A meeting or individual, preferably a small number usually in round table situation, who
meet for specific purpose is
a. Seminar c. Small group discussion
b. Conference d. Meeting

52. This is a method of acting out roles from real life situation and understanding the dynamics
of these roles.
a. Role playing c. Theater parts
b. Case study d. Balagtasan

53. An activity where a group of people meet together to discuss informally and deliberately on
topic of mutual concern is ______

a. Brainstorming c. Panel Discussion

b. Group discussion d. Meeting

54. It is one, if not the oldest, of all teaching methods which emphasizes the principle of learning
by doing.

a. result demonstration c. Demonstration

b. Method demonstration d. Hands-on

55. An informal type of group communication usually composed of no fewer than three and no
more than six members.

a. Panel discussion c. Meeting

b. Small group discussion d. Conference

56. These methods of extension teaching are particularly useful in making large group of people
aware of new ideas and practices or alerting them to sudden emergencies

a. Group c. Mass
b. Individual d. Media

57. One of the fastest, most powerful and in many countries the only way of communicating with
the masses of rural people who understand the language of transmission

a. Television c. Poster
b. Radio d. Leaflet
58. A sheet of paper or cardboard with an illustration and usually a few simple words designed to
catch the attention of the passerby.

a. Poster c. Flyer
b. Wallnewspaper d. Billboard

59. This is well organized plan for bringing about widespread adaptation of particular practice

a. Political campaign c. Promotional campaign

b. Educational campaign d. Campaign

60. Extension is described as this process because it starts where the people are and with what
they have and gradually works up to what they ought to be.
a. Educational c. democratic
b. Continuous d. Autocratic

61. This has to be planned continuously in order to know where we are, where we had been, and
where we are going
a. Monitoring c. Evaluation
b. Documentation d. Processing

62. This changes if the people could feel and see the outcomes and efforts of the extension

a. Skill c. Culture
b. Knowledge d. Perception

63. This is the gap between the present situation and the desired situation.

a. Problem c. Issue
b. Need d. Concern

64. This is the best method of extension teaching

a. Demonstration c. Farm and Home Visits

b. Field Trip d. A variety of methods

65. A method of extension teaching which shows after a period of time what happened after a
practice is adopted is

a. A method demonstration c. Meetings

b. Result demonstration d. Field trip

66. In this method, the step by step procedure of doing a thing is shown

a. Method demonstration c. Meetings

b. Result demonstration d. Field Trip

67. This method of extension teaching which appeal to man’s desire to go places and see things

a. Travel c. Field trip

b. Field day d. Farm and home visits

68. The new paradigm in agriculture is to look at farming as a/an

a. Way of life c. Business

b. Family traditions to uphold d. Art

69. The components of agricultural development that will facilitate the attainment of its
objectives are called

a. Accelerators c. Fundamentals
b. Essentials d. Requisites

70. Which of the following does not describe “process”?

a. It does not have a beginning and an end

b. It is unidirectional
c. It is continuing
d. There are steps which are sequential

71. A veterinarian’s intervention that is directed towards sick animals is called

a. Medical c. Specialized
b. Expert’s d. Technical

72. When one’s actions are not according to one’s beliefs, the feeling that will be experienced is

a. Affective resonance c. Active-reactive resonance

b. Cognitive dissonance d. Experiential imbalance

73. The type of agriculture where the production of plants and animals is for the use of the
family and not for the market is

a. Sustainable agriculture c. Modern agriculture

b. Extractive agriculture d. Traditional Agriculture

74. A development theory wherein there was the creation of metropolis in the third world
countries to facilitate the transfer of economic surplus to the western countries.

a. Modernization theory c. Dependency theory

b. World System theory d. Development theory

75. The establishment of credit unions (Rural Bank of 1952) to provide production credit to the
farmers place under its term of President

a. Manuel L. Quezon c. Elpidio Quirino

b. Manuel B. Roxas d. Ramon Magsaysay

76. The comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program was a program of President

a. Joseph Ejercito Estrada c. Fidel V. Ramos

b. Ferdinand E. Marcos d. Corazon C. Aquino

77. The Masagana 99 was a program of President

a. Joseph Ejercito Estrada c. Corazon Aquino

b. Ferdinand E. Marcos d. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

78. He was the first president of the Republic of the Philippines who was granted a loan of P 75
M and during his term, agricultural production increased substantially

a. Manuel L. Quezon c. Manuel Roxas

b. Elpidio Quirino d. Ramon Magsaysay

79. Among the five senses, the most important are

a. Touch and sight c. Sight and hearing

b. Touch and smell d. smell and sight

80. The story that a picture tells refers to

a. The introduction c. The content

b. The title d. The caption

81. They are realistic replicas of real things

a. Objects c. Maps
b. Specimen d. Models

82. They are information supplied in tabular from to show sequences and relationships.

a. Charts c. Statistical tables

b. Graphs d. Bar graphs

83. They are the most accurate of all graphs

a. Line graphs c. Pie graphs
b. Bar graphs d. Pictorial graphs

84. Which of the following is/are goals of AFMA

a. Poverty alleviation and Social Equity c. Food Security

b. Global Competitiveness d. A, B and C

85. The stage of the adoption process wherein the farmers would apply the technology on a large
scale in preference to old methods

a. Awareness c. Trial
b. Interest d. Adoption

86. People participate in developing programs and projects by providing the field but are not
involved in the experimentation or in the process of learning.

a. Passive c. Interactive
b. Functional d. Cooperate

87. Farmer’s knowledge level and attitude are being influenced unknowingly.

a. Coercion c. Exchange
b. Manipulation d. Providing service

88. A form of communication used in rallies and demonstration.

a. Interpersonal c. Discussion
b. Intrapersonal d. Shared

89. An extension approach wherein foreign advice is provided to local staff.

a. General c. Project
b. Participatory d. Commodity

90. The extension approach practiced by DA-ATI

a. Participatory c. General
b. Commodity d. Project

91. The extension approach practiced by PhilRice

a. Participatory c. General
b. Commodity d. Project
92. If upstream research is the responsibility of the national RDE network, down stream research
id the responsibility
a. Regional RDE c. Municipal RDE
b. Provincial RDE d. Barangay RDE

93. “An action which leads to desirable outcome is likely to be repeated in similar
circumstances” is the basic law of

a. Extension c. Learning
b. Communication d. Motivation

94. It is an example of individual method of extension

a. Farm and Home Visits c. Campaign

b. Fairs/Exhibits d. Field day

95. They are the first persons in the locality who will adopt an innovation

a. Laggards c. Early adopters

b. Innovators d. Majority early adopters

96. It is the total process by which an innovation spreads out among clients until a large number
have adopted it.
a. Intervention c. Diffusion
b. Adoption d. Evaluation

97. This extension approach is highly disciplined and patterned, with fixed schedule of training
of village extension workers to farmers
a. Project extension approach
b. participatory approach
c. Farming systems development approach
d. Training and visit approach

98. Increasing private sector participation in the agricultural extension activities to improve the
delivery of service.
a. Commercialization
b. Cost-recovery scheme
c. Privatization
d. Revitalization
99. The Philippines adopted the Training and Visit System as a result of the appraisal of the
country’s agricultural extension service by the

a. World Bank mission

b. Bell Bank mission
c. ASEAN mission
d. New Society Agricultural Task Force
100. RA 7160 devolved the agricultural extension service of the Development of Agriculture to

a. State colleges and universities

b. Local government units
c. Non-government organizations that are into extension works
d. All of the above

101. The Bureau of Agricultural Extension was created by virtue of republic Act No. 680 on

a. August 8, 1963 c. June 16, 1952

b. July 16, 1952 d. November 1, 1972

102. The functions of the Department of Agriculture was developed to the local government
units through the enactment of the Republic Act 7160 on November 10, 1991 otherwise known

a. Bell Survey Mission

b. Land Reform Code
c. Local Government Code
d. National Integrated Pest Management Program

103. In the Philippines, agricultural extension work started in the 19th century through the
induction of

a. Communal irrigation system c. “granja modelos” (model farms)

b. Cooperative organization for farmers d. Sorjan Farming

104. The primary functions of Extension agencies in agriculture and rural development is to
disseminate __________
a. Resources c. Technologies
b. Infrastructure d. Diseases

105. The various government and non-government research center/agencies in the country are
continuously generating __________ in livestock crops, fisheries, forestry and natural resources.

a. Technologies c. Infrastructure
b. Breeder seeds d. Natural resources

106. When a technology is ready for dissemination it has passed specific _______ established by
credible organization/groups.

a. Protocol/criteria c. Content
b. Market d. Implementation
107. Technology can be defined as:

a. Body of tools and products c. Technologies and processes

b. Materials d. All of the above

108. The field of extension is described as a continuous process of _________ technologies in

order to satisfy human needs

a. Disseminating c. Selling
b. Generating d. Analyzing

109. Technologies can be categorized as

a. Product c. Service and information

b. Process d. All of the above

110. Rice, drier, hybrid rice, tissue cultured macapuno, copra meal in swine rations, and others
are examples of __________ technologies.

a. Product c. Information
b. Process d. Serving

111. Integrated pest management, improved forestry scheme, community based farming system,
biological method of coconut oil extraction are examples of _________

a. Product c. Information
b. Process d. Serving

112. R and D center also generate _______ not only technologies that are important to
agriculture and rural development.

a. Product c. Information
b. Process d. Service

113. Technologies are ready for dissemination if these have met the following criteria

a. General adaptability c. Social Acceptability

b. Economic Profitability d. All of the above

114. The purpose of piloting technologies are

a. Confirm and demonstrate the feasibility of a technology

b. Gauge and users reaction to the introduction of technology
c. Identify potential problem related to widen adoption
d. All of the above
115. The process of spreading the technologies and information from one agency to another,
from one person to another person, from one group to another group, from generation to
generation is called ______ process

a. Adoption c. Learning
b. Diffusion d. Teaching

116. The ultimate objective of diffusion a process is users _________ of technology

a. Adoption c. Learning
b. Diffusion d. Teaching

117. The process of technology ________ may requires different methods of extension in order
to become effective

a. Adoption c. Learning
b. Diffusion d. Teaching

118. This is the stage when a person utilizes a particular technology until such time that there are
no other new technologies

a. Adoption c. Learning
b. Diffusion d. Teaching

119. Some progressive farmers conduct personal experiments, modify the technologies and
discover new process and procedure, as such they are considered as:

a. Cooperator c. Para-Professional
b. Farmer-scientist d. Demonstrator

120. The effective extension worker designs his technology promotion strategy to the stage of
diffusion or present thinking of the ________

a. Target audience c. Sponsoring agency

b. Co-extension worker d. Research agency

121. The first stage of diffusion is _________ wherein the target users/clients merely know the
technology or innovation

a. awareness c. trial
b. interest d. evaluation
122. This is the stage when the person is attracted to the technology and seeks more factual

a. awareness c. trial
b. interest d. evaluation

123. In this stage, the individual tries and experiments the new technology after weighing the
advantage and risks involved
a. awareness c. trial
b. interest d. evaluation

124. Based on available information and actual experiences/experiments on the technology, the
individual assesses its goodness over existing practice/technology. This is the _____ stage.

a. awareness c. trial
b. interest d. evaluation

125. This stage refers to the large scale and continuous use of the technology, characterized by
feeling of satisfaction on the part of the user

a. evaluation c. interest
b. adoption d. trial

126. In the process of technology adoption, sometimes the farmer/person makes _________ on
the technology to fit his resources and needs

a. Innovation c. Modification
b. Revision d. All of the above

127. The first group of people in this community to bring in a new idea or practices are called

a. laggards c. early adoptors

b. innovators d. early majority

128. They are characterized by their conservation, are older than average and seldom take any

a. laggards c. early adoption

b. innovators d. early majority

129. The technology can be described as _______________ if the magnitude of expected

benefits like increased net income, more employment, higher foreign exchange earning/savings.

a. Technically feasible c. Socially acceptable

b. Economically viable d. Environmental
130. The technology helps maintain ecological balance, does not have harmful environmental
consequences, it is characterized to have

a. technically feasible c. Socially acceptable

b. Economically viable d. Environment soundness

131. The technology has shown goodness or its better than existing practice/product

a. Technically sound c. Socially acceptable

b. Economically viable d. Environmental
132. Extension workers assist target clients like farmers from____________.

a. Production c. Marketing
b. Post-harvest and processing d. All of the above

133. The technology is categorized as a component technology and ___________.

a. Package of technology c. Source of technology

b. Stage of technology d. Receiver of technology

134. Aside from the technology, this is the primary concern of an extension agency to be used in
disseminating a particular technology

a. Approaches and methods c. Market

b. Sources d. Characteristics

135. This embraces the entire spectrum of the technology promotion process and provides sound
philosophy and orientation.

a. Style c. Teaching
b. Approach d. Method

136. It is the procedural consisting of a series of action that is organized, orderly, systematic and
well planned aimed at facilitating technology adoption

a. Style c. Teaching
b. Approach d. Method

137. It is the step by way of guiding prospective adopters in knowing, trying and adopting
specific technology.
a. Style c. Teaching
b. Approach d. Method

138. It is implementational, a particular trick, strategy or individual artistry of the extension

a. Approach c. Method
b. Techniques d. None of the above

139. The participatory approach can be described as _________ process because every member
of a group of target users must be involved in the whole process of the project/program

a. aristocratic c. Bureaucratic
b. Democratic d. Modern

140. This approach provides an opportunity for project beneficiaries to be involved in problem
and need assessment up to program implementation to evaluation

a. Mass approach c. Commodity approach

b. participatory approach d. Community approach
141. This approach reaches a great number of people at the same time in a short period of time.

a. Mass approach c. Commodity approach

b. Participatory approach d. Community approach

142. This approach is basically used in creating awareness and awakening interest among target

a. Mass Approach c. Commodity Approach

b. Participatory Approach d. Community Approach

143. This approach is promoting a single technology

a. Commodity approach c. Single purpose approach

b. Community approach d. Mass Approach

144. If the agency is promoting a package of technology, the concept is seed to shelf technology.
This is called___________.

a. Commodity approach c. Single purpose approach

b. Community approach d. Mass Approach

145. This approach covers the promotion of a technology that starts from production storing,
processing and marketing

a. Commodity approach c. Single purpose approach

b. Community approach d. Mass Approach

146. This approach is used by an agency whether public or private to develop a community in all
aspects such as economic social cultural, political and environmental
a. Commodity approach c. Single purpose approach
b. Community Approach d. Mass Approach

147. Total community development in the object of the approach

a. Commodity approach c. Single purpose approach

b. Community approach d. Mass approach

148. In this approach, the target is categorized by regions or ecological zones as lowland upland
and coastal areas
a. Area approach c. Mass Approach
b. Commodity d. Participatory approach

149. This approach puts together the resources of different agencies, services of various
agencies, share their resources, agree on common goals and approaches.

a. Integrated approach c. Mass approach

b. Commodity approach d. Participatory approach

150. Project outcomes in the technology promotion process are:

a. Outputs c. Impacts
b. Effects d. All of the above

151. The integrated approach believes on the principle of _________.

a. Complementation c. Democracy
b. Competition d. None of the above

152. The integrated approach develops all areas of concern in community thereby it results

a. Holistic development c. Area Development

b. Agricultural Development d. National Development

153. In selecting an approach in technology promotion, major considerations are __________

a. Objective and nature of technology c. Agency resources

b. Cost of techno promotion d. All of the above

154. Technically, a _____ is a written document covering specific period of time, that contains
the organization/agency’s vision, mission, goals, program thrusts, approaches and strategies,
policies and rules, structure, manpower and funding requirements.

a. project c. program
b. plan d. mission
155. A plan has a time duration which can be described as:

a. long-range plan c. medium-range

b. short-range d. all of the above

156. Almost all plans are guided by a deep-seated beliefs or a general statement that guides the

a. objectives c. philosophy
b. mission d. policies

157. To make the organizational plan operational, it is broken down into________.

a. programs c. tasks
b. projects d. activities

158. The program is composed of realistic, doable and practical ________.

a. projects c. activities
b. tasks d. rules

159. Projects/Programs in extension can be characteristics as:

a. influenced by political leaders’vision and mission

b. interventions to solve peoples’ problems
c. influenced by the priorities of assisting agencies
d. all of the above

160. The process composed of situation analysis, program planning, implementation, monitoring
and evaluation is called ________.

a. adoption process c. program development process

b. diffusion process d. communication process

161. The ____ is an activity of carefully and critically examining in the detail the conditions,
resources, nature/trends and quality of an area with special focus on problems and needs.

a. program evaluation c. situation analysis

b. program planning d. program implementation

162. The common document available in the barangay that describes the geographic, economic,
social, demographic, political, institutional and historical is called _______.

a. barangay profile c. barangay workplan

b. barangay budget d. barangay road
163. Planning as a major component of all program development process is basically a ______.

a. diffusion process c. evaluating process

b. decision making process d. learning process

164. it is the stage of deciding in advance what to do, when to do, how to do it, who will do it,
why and how much is needed.

a. program planning c. program monitoring

b. program evaluation d. program evaluation

165. the output or product of an agency or organization planning process is called _____.

a. technology plan c. feasibility study

b. strategy plan d. development plan

166. The agency/barangay development plan is made operational and ready for implementation
by preparing a detailed_______ with an approaved budgetary requirement

a. workplan/plan of work c. monitoring plan

b. proposal d. outline

167. Plans are made to ensure______.

a. effectiveness and efficiency c. satisfaction

b. productivity and profitability d. all of the above

168. _____ is the serious and systematic process of problem analysis, formulating objectives,
identifying solutions/projects, choosing strategies and estimating budgetary requirements

a. program evaluation c. program monitoring

b. program planning d. program implementation

169. Plans are important because:

a. serve as basis for evaluation accomplishments

b. guide implementers
c. basis for monitoring and evaluation
d. all of the above

170. Programs and projects in extension are based on existing _______ affecting a great number
of people.
a. local/political leaders c. climate
b. problems and needs d. religion

171. All programs/projects must contribute to the development of ______ and foremost.

a. technology first c. people first

b. resources first d. environmental first

172. programs/projects must be _______, this means continuity and viability of projects for a
long time and with minimum destruction from the environment.

a. sustainable c. productive
b. adaptable d. acceptable

173. Resources in the community can be categorized as:

a. human c. institutional
b. physical and natural d. all of the above

174. ____ is defined as the gap between the existing or current situation and the ideal or desired

a. extension c. need
b. protection d. objective

175. ____ needs are those needs that are known and readily identified and felt by the people

a. recognized c. unrecognized
b. family d. community needs

176. Due to limitations in education, information, level of economic and social living people
have ___ needs which are not known by them.

a. recognized c. unrecognized
b. family d. community needs

177. When problems are identified, the next step usually done is to ____.

a. evaluate c. internet
b. prioritize d. list

178. Solutions to identified problems and needs can be in the form of

a. programs c. tasks and activities

b. projects d. all of the above
179. When top executives or high local officials/officers of an organization or local government
units develop general plans, this is called____.

a. top level planning c. joint planning

b. low level planning/grassroot planning d. team planning

180. This is the evolving planning strategy wherein low level officials of the barangay or rural
people and members of the community participate in planning.
a. top level planning c. joint planning
b. low level planning/grassroot planning d. team planning

181. In development planning the problem analysis commonly used are:

a. macro web analysis c. problem tree analysis

b. micro web analysis d. all of the above

182. The focus of _____ is on one specific core/major problem

a. macro web analysis c. problem tree analysis

b. micro web analysis d. all of the above

183. This type of analysis is very exhaustive and may focus on many core and major problems in
the community.

a. macro web analysis c. problem tree analysis

b. micro web analysis d. all of the above

184. ____ is the process of establishing a viable and functional community is empowered to
identify their own problems, harness local resources and take action collectively.

a. community organizing c. brigade organizing

b. fraternity organizing d. all of the above
185. _____ is a problem solving approach whereby the community is empowered to identify
their own problems, harness local resources and take action collectively.

a. community organizing c. brigade organizing

b. fraternity organizing d. all of the above

186. A ____ is a group of people living in a specific geographic area, sharing common resources,
norms, beliefs and values.

a. fraternity c. community
b. club d. agency

187. A viable and functional organization serves:

a. to elicit people organization
b. venue to collectively plan, implement and evaluate projects
c. to mobilize and harness human, material and financial resources to achieve goals
d. all of the above

188. CO is a process that revolves around the lives, experiences and aspirations of the people. It
is described to be___.

a. people centered c. resource centered

b. environment centered d. all of the above

189. Community based approach can be described as:

a. people centered c. resource centered

b. environment centered d. all of the above

190. Before any organizing can be done, an initial____ should first be undertaken

a. community study c. feasibility study

b. climatic study d. political study

191. to gain first hand knowledge of the community, it is important to stay and live with the
people. This is called____.

a. evaluation c. conversion
b. immersion/integration d. communication

192. The guiding principle in integration of the community organizer is____

a. rapport building c. unification

b. cooperation d. teamwork

193. In the CO process, the best method for data gathering is ____.

a. integration c. cooperation
b. evaluation d. unification

194. A community organizer maybe internal or____ to the community

a. external c. local official

b. professional d. volunteer worker
195. In community organizing____ analysis, is an activity that helps raise the level of
conciousness of the people and the organizer.

a. social c. cultural
b. economic d. educational

196. People empowerment involves a learning process of the rural people developing their____.

a. capacity to identify issues, problems and needs

b. decide on solutions to their problems
c. act and manages their own affairs
d. all of the above

197. Every barangay has IRA wherein 20% development fund is allocated. IRA menas

a. Internal Rural Appraisal c. Internal Rapid Appraisal

b. Internal Revenue Allotment d. none of the above
198. LGU means_____

a. Local Government Units c. Local Government Union

b. Lead Government Unit d. None of the above

199. In extension and rural development, the agencies or people external to the community can
help but the ____ must do their jobs.

a. insiders/people c. researchers
b. teachers d. president

200. This approach refers to different groups of people with different specialization working
together in one project

a. pass approach c. commodity

b. interdisciplinary approach d. area approach
F. Practice Test in Agricultural Extension and Communication

1. A 21. B 41. A 61. C 81. D

2. B 22. A 42. D 62. C 82. A
3. B 23. A 43. A 63. B 83. A
4. B 24. A 44. B 64. D 84. D
5. A 25. C 45. C 65. B 85. D
6. D 26. A 46. D 66. A 86. D
7. D 27. A 47. A 67. C 87. B
8. B 28. A 48. B 68. C 88. A
9. B 29. D 49. B 69. A 89. C
10. B 30. B 50. A 70. B 90. C
11. D 31. A 51. B 71. D 91. B
12. A 32. A 52. A 72. B 92. B
13. A 33. A 53. A 73. D 93. C
14. A 34. A 54. C 74. C 94. A
15. D 35. A 55. A 75. D 95. C
16. C 36. A 56. C 76. D 96. C
17. D 37. A 57. B 77. B 97. D
18. A 38. B 58. A 78. B 98. C
19. C 39. A 59. B 79. C 99. A
20. A 40. A 60. B 80. A 100. B

101. B 121. A 141. A 161. C 181. D

102. C 122. B 142. A 162. A 182. B
103. C 123. C 143. C 163. D 183. A
104. C 124. D 144. C 164. A 184. A
105. A 125. B 145. A 165. B 185. A
106. A 126. D 146. B 166. A 186. C
107. D 127. B 147. B 167. D 187. D
108. A 128. A 148. A 168. B 188. A
109. D 129. B 149. A 169. D 189. A
110. A 130. D 150. D 170. B 190. A
111. B 131. A 151. A 171. C 191. B
112. C 132. D 152. A 172. A 192. A
113. D 133. A 153. D 173. C 193. A
114. D 134. A 154. B 174. C 194. A
115. B 135. B 155. D 175. A 195. A
116. A 136. D 156. C 176. C 196. D
117. B 137. D 157. A 177. B 197. B
118. A 138. B 158. A 178. D 198. A
119. B 139. B 159. D 179. A 199. A
120. A 140. B 160. C 180. B 200. B

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