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Official Open


School of Interdisciplinary Studies
Polytechnic Foundation Programme
Bridging English 1
Group Oral Presentation 1b (20 marks)
Task Sheet AY2022 S1

Oral Presentation 1b (Group)

Objective: The purpose of this presentation is for you to learn about current and pertinent
issues concerning Singapore, the Singaporean society and the world around us. You need to
research and evaluate the issue and offer some recommendations. Here is a list of topics and
each group will select one topic:

1. Social Media and their impact on youths

2. Special needs children and the challenges in caring for them
3. Youths and drug addiction
4. Perspectives on the war in Ukraine
5. Dangers of nuclear war
6. The 24-hour food culture and its impact on our health
7. The rapidly aging society and its impact on our society
8. Food waste and its impact on our environment
9. The use of plastic and its impact on the environment
10. Technology and the future of work

1. Form groups of 4 or 5 members.
2. Select a research topic and the analyse the issue(s) from various perspectives.
3. Discuss and evaluate the issue(s) and make recommendations or suggestions.

Assessment Tasks and Scope

 Prepare a 10 to 12 minute PowerPoint presentation on Points 2 and 3 above. Each

group member must speak for at least 2 minutes to be considered for the grading for this
assessment. Students whose speeches are shorter than 2 minutes will be penalized.

 Your group must announce your choice of topic to your tutor and the class and
there must not be any repetition of the topic between groups. Two groups cannot
choose the same topic unless approved by your tutor. Last minute changes without
seeking approval of the selected topic by your tutor will result in a penalty of marks
deduction for the group.

 Your PPT presentation must be submitted on Brightspace on the day of the


Submission Deadline

Due date: 26 & 28 July 2022 (Mon/Wed classes) and 27 & 29 July 2022 (Tue/Thu classes)

1 BE1_Oral Presentation 1b_AY2022_S1

Official Open

Tips and Pointers

1. You can use your tutor’s input, class and group discussions, newspaper articles,
resource materials on Brightspace as well as your own research materials to complete
this assessment.

2. Work together as a team to coordinate and collaborate on the research and preparation.

3. Do not divide the work and present a disjointed and piecemeal delivery. Remember this
is teamwork.

Late Submission Penalty

For each day past the deadline, 10% of the total possible marks (i.e. 3 marks) will be deducted
up to a maximum of 7 calendar days (i.e. 21 marks), after which a zero mark is given. Request
for an extension of the deadline is only possible if there is a valid reason supported by a valid
document such as a medical certificate.


Before you start work on the assignment, check that you have read and understood the
plagiarism policy on

The assignment must be your original work. Do not attempt to copy from any source. If you are
found to have copied from any source e.g online source or another student’s work, you will
receive a zero mark. Do NOT lend anyone a copy of your assignment for reference because
both lender and borrower will get a zero mark.

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