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School of Interdisciplinary Studies
Polytechnic Foundation Programme
Bridging English 1
Group Oral Presentation 1b (20 marks)
Marksheet and Rubrics AY2022 S1

Reg No. Name Student ID Group* 10 Individual Total marks

Marks 10 Marks

*Tutor can award fewer marks to group member/s who contributed less.

Mark Allocation Feedback to students

Group – 10 marks

Content and

Introduction and

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Individual – 5 marks

Oral Delivery

Language Use

(5 marks)

Your oral presentation will be assessed on the following criteria:

Criteria Descriptors
Mark Allocation 8 to 10 6 to 7.5 5 to 5.5 0 to 4.5
A very good to excellent A fair to good understanding Some understanding of the Little to no
understanding of the topic, of the topic, issues and topic, issues and understanding of the
issues and challenges. challenges. Original and challenges. Proposal on topic, issues and
Group – 10 marks Creative, original, sound and feasible proposal lacking in how group can contribute challenges.. No proposal
feasible proposal clearly minor details. References in was either not original, not on how group can
Content and explained with appropriate APA format but with minor feasible, or not clearly contribute. No evidence
Research details. References provided in errors. explained. References not of research.
APA format. in APA format.
Introduction and A strong introduction that A relevant introduction that Minimal effort in No proper introduction
Conclusion informed audience of informed audience of introduction and/or an nor conclusion.
presentation content and presentation content. A clear ineffective conclusion.
captured their attention. A conclusion with key points
clear and effective conclusion summarised.
with key points emphasised.

Mark Allocation 8 to 10 6 to 7.5 5 to 5.5 0 to 4.5

Speaker spoke very clearly and Speaker spoke fairly clearly Speaker did not speak Speaker showed little
at a good pace to ensure to ensure audience clearly. Pace and/or tone evidence of preparation.
audience comprehension. comprehension. Delivery not appropriate. Frequent
Delivery was fluent and was mostly fluent. Speaker pauses and hesitations.
Individual – 10 expressive. Speaker used incorporated some humour, Minimal effort in using
marks humour, anecdote or surprising anecdote or surprising facts humour, anecdote or
facts that effectively enagaged to engage the audience. surprising facts to engage
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Oral Delivery audience throughout the the audience.

Language Use The vocabulary of the The vocabulary of the The vocabulary of the Language use was
presentation was appropriate presentation was appropriate presentation was incomprehensible.
for the topic. Good phrases and for the topic. Sentence somewhat appropriate for
sentence structures were used. structures were usually the topic. The presentation
The presentation content was correct. The presentation content contained frequent
grammatically correct. content was usually grammatical errors.
grammatically correct.

Cut into four squares. Each member should fill in individually. Fold each square and submit to tutor.

Peer Evaluation Peer Evaluation

3 = Full contribution 3 = Full contribution
2 = Adequate contribution 2 = Adequate contribution
1 = Little to no contribution* 1 = Little to no contribution*
*Provide reason for giving 1 (e.g. Overslept and did not attend 2 *Provide reason for giving 1 (e.g. Overslept and did not attend 2
meetings). Attach evidence if available (e.g. whatsapp messages). meetings). Attach evidence if available (e.g. whatsapp messages).

Name Level of contribution (3, 2, 1) Name Level of contribution (3, 2, 1)

Peer Evaluation Peer Evaluation

3 = Full contribution 3 = Full contribution
2 = Adequate contribution 2 = Adequate contribution
1 = Little to no contribution* 1 = Little to no contribution*
*Provide reason for giving 1 (e.g. Overslept and did not attend 2 *Provide reason for giving 1 (e.g. Overslept and did not attend 2
meetings). Attach evidence if available (e.g. whatsapp messages). meetings). Attach evidence if available (e.g. whatsapp messages).

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Name Level of contribution (3, 2, 1) Name Level of contribution (3, 2, 1)

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