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Fundamentals of Digital Skills Week 11

Polytechnic Foundation Program
Academic Year 2022/23 Semester 1 Session 1&2
Spreadsheet Using Excel


1. Introduction to Excel

Introduction to Excel Basics

Excel, which is part of the MS Office suite of applications, is the industry standard for
spreadsheets. The power of spreadsheets is the ability to present numbers and
information in the form of a grid of cells and the ability to perform programmed
calculations automatically on the numerical data entered in cells.

The calculations are automatically updated if the data values in the cells are
changed and when the formulae are programmed using cell references instead of
hardcoded data values.

Cells can be referenced by lettered column and numbered row coordinates. The
modes of cell referencing are relative, absolute or mixed. An example of each is
given below.

Relative reference: A12, AA12

Absolute reference: $A$12, $AA$12
Mixed mode reference: $A12, AA$12

A range of cells can also be referenced by separating the starting cell reference and
the ending cell reference with a colon.

Linear range of cells: A12:A20 (vertical range), A12:D12 (horizontal range)

2-dimensional range of cells: A12:D20 (a 2-dimensional table of 32 cells)

A formula in a cell can easily be copied to other cells. However, care must be taken
as to whether the cell references in the formula should be absolute, relative or
mixed. Which type of referencing to use depends on the way you layout and design
the way data is to be computed.

You will need to download the 3 spreadsheets Week11_Tutorial Q1.xlsx,

Week11_Tutorial Q2.xlsx and Week11_Tutorial Q3.xlsx to do the following

These pre-prepared spreadsheets are found in Brightspace folder for this week.

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1. Download and open the spreadsheet Week11_Tutorial_Q1.xlsx. Enter the

appropriate formula in the spreadsheet cells to calculate the sub-total for each
line item & grand total.

GST 7%
Menu item Price Number of Order Sub-total
20 pieces Spicy Nuggets $12.85 12  
10 pieces Spicy Nuggets $8.90 20  
6 pieces Spicy Nuggets $5.50 11  
Double quarter pounder with cheese $8.95 25  
Quarter pounder with cheese $6.25 25  
Total (Excluding GST)  
GST Amount  
Total (Including GST)  

Note the Sub-Total for each line item does not include GST amount.
The GST Amount is the total GST for all the computed line items.
Finally, Total (including GST) is the total amount of all line items plus GST

Sum up the Number of Orders for those Orders which are more than or equal to
20 each.
(Use the SUMIF function for this)
Indicate your answers in the space provided in the spreadsheet.

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2. Download and open the spreadsheet Week11_Tutorial_Q2.xlsx.

Name Gender English Maths Physics Chemistry Biology Average Total
Joe M 56 58 60 45 66
David M 78 87 66 80 91
Danielle F 88 60 76 56 82
Jonathan M 66 71 78 47 37
Michelle F 56 82 56 77 88
Michael M 47 37 55 88 37
Victor M 77 88 47 65 87
Leslie M 88 37 90 87 80
Allison F 65 87 80 55 70
Mabel F 76 55 70 75 65
Kim F 98 75 65 74 75
Terence M 65 74 75 62 85
Jonaisah F 56 62 85 61 55
Daniel M 49 61 55 60 45
Jim M 72 66 45 66 80
Jennifer F 71 49 67 76 56
Lynn F 80 0 68 78 47

By subject English Maths Physics Chemistry Biology


(a) Use appropriate Excel formulae to calculate

 the total and average subject scores for all the students
 the average mark for the various subjects

(b) Click the Filter command in Data tab - Excel displays a filter arrow in each
database column. Click the arrow to find student(s) who scored above 72
marks in Chemistry.

(c) Use Conditional Formatting & Formulas to highlight the failure marks
(i.e. marks below 50) as shown below.
 With the subject’s marks highlighted, click on the Home menu at
the top of Excel.
 Locate the Styles panel, and the Conditional Formatting item.

(d) Use the COUNTIF function to count the total number of people whose
Gender is Male (M).

Note: after performing the activities for Q2(a), 2(b) and 2(c), your resultant
spreadsheet should look like the spreadsheet in Figure 2.

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Figure 2 (the resultant table after completing 2(a), (b), (c))

(e) Create a bar chart showing all the students’ names and subjects taken
with the marks.
 To create a chart, use the command in the Charts Group of Insert tab
 Use the Design tab to modify the chart design
 Reference: How to create a chart

Place the bar chart below in the spreadsheet.

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(f) Use the SORT and sort the students and their results by name in
alphabetical order. Use Conditional Formatting & Formulas to highlight
the failure marks (i.e. marks below 50).

(g) In between columns labelled English and Maths, create (or add a new
column). If this column is filled with color, you should select them and then
go to Conditional formatting > Clear rules > Clear rules from selected

Enter the formula to display “Pass” or “Fail” in new column according to

the English mark. Hint: =IF(C4>=50,"PASS","FAIL")

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3. Assume that you are a teacher and would like to use Microsoft Excel to
calculate marks for a group of students for a particular module that you are

The table below shows the assessment of the module:

Course Work – 60% Continuous Assessment 1 25%

 3 quizzes
 Average of 3 quizzes scores
Continuous Assessment 2 35%
Exam – 40%

Download and open the spreadsheet Week11_Tutorial_Q3.xlsx.

Your spreadsheet should contain the following:

Data for 10 students are in the following columns:

A Serial Number
B Student Name
C to E Quiz 1 to Quiz 3
F CA1 (Continuous Assessment 1)
G CA1 (Continuous Assessment 2)
H Exam
I Final

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(a) Use the “Fill” command to provide serial number

(b) Use appropriate Excel formulae to calculate

I. CA1 (Continuous Assessment 1) marks, round up to the nearest
II. Final marks, round up to the nearest integer.
Hint :
 Use the absolute cell reference to calculate the final marks
based on the assessment weightage.

(c) Use appropriate Excel formulae to calculate the average, maximum and
minimum for each column.

(d) Data in the spreadsheet to be properly formatted. Final Mark below 50 and
to be highlight in red. Columns to be resized to fit the data properly.

(e) Create an appropriate chart to show the CA1, CA2, Exam and Final marks
for the students.

Sample resultant spreadsheet is shown below:

Assessment Weightage 25% 35% 40%
S/No Name Quiz1 Quiz2 Quiz2 CA1 CA2 Exam Final
1 Alan Ang 85 55 40 60 85 65 71
2 Bobby Beng 80 60 45 62 75 70 70
3 Charles Chan 90 70 85 82 80 92 85
4 David Daniels 70 45 50 55 65 72 65
5 Edward Eng 75 55 60 63 50 69 61
6 Felicia Fang 90 45 70 68 65 72 69
7 Gavin 95 65 50 70 70 67 69
8 Howard Han 40 50 40 43 45 48 46
9 lan Innitus 75 55 45 58 50 50 52
10 John Jon 50 25 0 25 30 32 30
Average 75 53 49 59 62 64 62
Maximum 95 70 85 82 85 92 85
Minimum 40 25 0 25 30 32 30

Mo d ule Marks

CA1 CA2 Exam Final

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4. Submission

Submission of work:

a. Save and upload all the completed activities as advised by your tutors.

b. You should have submitted a total of 3 files:

XX – MyName –Wk11 Tutorial Q1.xlsx
XX – MyName –Wk11 Tutorial Q2.xlsx
XX – MyName –Wk11 Tutorial Q3.xlsx

where XX – refers to your class register number

And MyName refers to your name in NPAL

FDS 2022/23 Semester 1 Last update: 21/06/22

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