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Name : Evi Puji Astuti

NIM : 21121014P

Part I. Listening

1. (A). The dance was fun

(B). It was a good time to dance
(C). She thinks the man is such a good dancer.
(D). Tonight is the last time to dance
Keyword: ( have good time)

2. (A). She’s quite thirsty

(B). She’ll be ready in a half hour
(C). She needs to leave now
(D). She was ready thirty minutes a go
Keyword: ( Need about thity minutes)

3. (A). The woman should teach the class

(B). The cake is not that good
(C). It’s a good idea to speak with instructor
(D).He would like to discuss psychology with the woman
Keyword: ( should talk with the teacher)

4. (A). She has a starring role

(B).She has not found a job yet
(C).She found the lost dog
(D).She just began working
Keyword: ( Started new job yesterday)

5. (A). He shares everything he has

(B). He has to find his lost shirt
(C). He is climbing the stairs to the Apartment
(D). He has to get a roommate
Keyword: (Need someone to share in the new apartmen)

6. (A). His vacation is full of activities

(B). In autumn he‘ll have a vacation
(C). He can’t have a vacation because he suffered a fall
(D). He is foolish to take a vacation now
Keyword: (In the fall)

7. (A). The book was very enjoyable

(B). It was unpleasant to get rid of the bugs
(C). She only reads when it is quiet
(D). It is pleasant to ride a bike
Keyword: (Quite pleasant to read)

8. (A). He hasn’t travelled much lately

(B). There were a lot of cars on the road
(C). He needs to lose weight
(D). The tray was thick and heavy
Keyword: (Traffic was very heavy)

9. (A). He doesn’t know how to play the game

(B). He has to write a story for class
(C). He needs to complete an assignment
(D). He has already finished the report.
Keyword: (To finish the reportb so he can’t join)

10. (A). He always minds his own business

(B). He manages to avoid working
(C). He is the manager of the department
(D). He is the boss of his own company
Keyword: (Manage his own business)

11. (A). He was on time

(B). He regrets being late
(C). He doesn’t know why he was late
(D). He hasn’t come there lately
Keyword: ( I was not late)

12. (A). She is sorry she brought the book

(B). She remembered to say she was sorry
(C). She forgot the book
(D). She didn’t remember the ring it
Keyword: ( I didn’t remember to bring it)

13. (A). The baby’s nodding off

(B). The baby’s asleep
(C). The baby’s on the way home
(D). The baby’s just waking up.
Keyword: ( No, she’s not)

14. (A). He wants to go by himself

(B). He isn't going on the trip
(C). He has a large number of friends
(D). He isn’t travelling a lone
Keyword: (Travelling with a group so he is not alone)

15. (A). She doesn’t have time to park the car

(B). She has some free time
(C). She has not been to the park in a while
(D). The park is too wild
Keyword: (Im sure that’s not dead)

16. (A). He closed the windows

(B). It didn’t rain
(C). The windows were open during the rain
(D). He saw the rain through the windows

Keyword: (The window don’t close so the rain get in )

17. (A). She’s certain the plant’s alive

(B). She isn’t sure what happened to the plant.
(C). She planned to throw it out
(D). She’s sure the plant should be thrown out.
Keyword: (Im sure that’s so dead)

18. (A). The apple is good because it’s sweet

(B). There is an apple in each suite
(C). The apple doesn’t look good
(D). The apple is sour
Keyword: (its not sweet)

19. (A). It’s cheap

(B). It costs a lot
(C). It has a few problems
(D). It’s hard to find
Keyword: (The restaurantis not very expensive)

20. (A). She must leave the rock there

(B). She needs a big rock
(C). She should take the rock with her
(D). She should take a bigger rock.
Keyword: (its too big)

21. (A) Going to work

(B) Getting some exercise
(C) Relaxing for a while
(D) Visiting her friend Jim
Keyword: ( Lets go to the gym for a while, its mean that do the exercise)

22. (A) Completing the work later

(B) Finishing more of the work now
(C) Trying to do the work today
(D) Resting tomorrow
Keyword: (Finish it tomorrow)

23. (A) Cooling off the house

(B) Turning down the beat
(C) Raising the temperature
(D) Finding something to eat
Keyword: (Turn on the heat)

24. (A) Fixing the car

(B)Breaking the news to the other
(C) Buying another automobile
(D) Going down the hill in the car
Keyword: (why don’t you getting the new one its mean buy a new car)

25. (A) Putting up shelves

(B)Selling the books
(C) Looking for the lost books
(D) Rearranging the books
Keyword: (Organize the book)

26. (A)Visiting her sister

(B) Getting a baby sitter
(C) Letting her sister see the clothes
(D) Giving the clothes away
Keyword: (Giving the cloth for her sister)

27. (A) Postponing the trip

(B) Leaving immediately
(C) Putting on a play tomorrow
(D) Going later tonight
Keyword: (Lets put the trip for tomorrow)

28. (A) Working on the term paper the whole day

(B) Spending a little money on paper
(C) Doing a better job of planning her term paper
(D)Spending the whole term on the paper
Keyword: ( Staying to the library doing the paper whole day)

29. (A) Getting a new television

(B) Checking which programs are coming on
(C) Checking their watches
(D) Seeing a comedy on television
Keyword: ( lets watch it then)

30. (A) Making some extra money

(B) Depositing the money in his account
(C) Buying something with the money
(D) Checking out several banks
Keyword: ( Put it on the bank)

Part II. Structure and Written Expression

31. Mark Twain _____ the years after the Civil War the “Gilded Age.”
(A) called
(B) calling
(C) he called
(D) his calls
Kalimat tersebut telah memiliki Subject yaitu Mark Twain tetapi tidak memiliki verb. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) called
karena bentuk kalimatnya simple past dan bentuk verb yang paling tepat untuk digunakan.

32. Early ____ toes instead of hooves on their

(A) horses
(B) had horses
(C) horses had
(D) horses having
Kalimat tersebut belum memiliki subject dan verb. Dan jawaban yang tepat adalah (C) karena horses sebagai subject dan had
sebagai verb

33. ______ grow close to the ground in the short Arctic summer.
(A) Above tundra plants
(B) Tundra plants
(C) Tundra plants are found
(D) For tundra plants
Kalimat tersebut belum memiliki subject dan telah mempunyai verb yaitu grow. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) tundra plants
karena tundra plants adalah subject.

34. In 1867, ____ Alaska from the Russians for $7.2 million.
(A) purchased the United States
(B) to purchase the United States
(C) the United States’ purchase of
(D) the United States purchased
Kalimat tersebut belum memiliki Subject dan Verb. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (D) karena the United States
adalah subject dan purchased adalah verb.

35. Between 1725 and 1750, New England witnessed an increase in the specialization of _____.
(A) occupations
(B) occupies
(C) they occupied
(D) it occupied them

. Kalimat tersebut belum memiliki Subject dan Verb. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (D) karena the United States adalah
subject dan purchased adalah verb.

36. The large carotid artery ____ to the main parts of the brain.
(A) carrying blood
(B) blood is carried
(C) carries blood
(D) blood carries
Kalimat tersebut sudah memiliki Subject yaitu large carotid artery dan belum memiliki verb. Dan Jawaban tepat
adalah (C) carries (verb) blood (object) karena terdapat verb yang tepat dalam frasa ini.

37. _____ radio as the first practical system of wireless telegraphy.

(A) Marconi’s development
(B) The development by Marconi
(C) Developing Marconi
(D) Marconi developed
Kalimat tersebut belum memiliki Subject dan verb. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (D) Marconi developed karena
Marconi adalah subject dan developed adalah verb.

38. In 1975, the first successful space probe to ____ beginning to send information back to Earth.
(A) Venus
(B) Venus the
(C) Venus was
(D) Venus it was
tersebut sudah terdapat subject yaitu first sucessful space belum memiliki verb. Dan Jawaban tepat adalah (C)
Venus was karena was adalah verb untuk first sucessful space, dan Venus adalah object of preposition dari to.

39. The two biggest resort _____ Arkansas are Hot Springs and Eureka Springs.
(A) in
(B) towns in
(C) towns are
(D) towns are in
Kalimat tersebut sudah terdapat Subject yang belum yaitu two biggest resort karena verbnya are, artinya subject belum
lengkap karena harus dalam bentuk plural. Jawaban yang tepat adalah (B) towns in karena towns (plural subject) dan sejalan
dengan verbnya are.

40. NASA’S Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center _________ control center for the Mercury Gemini, and Apollo space flights.
(A) it was at the
(B) it was the
(C) was the
(D) the
Kalimat tersebut sudah terdapat subject yaitu Nasa’s Lyndon B.Johnson Space Center, dan belum memiliki verb. Jawaban
yang tepat adalah (C) was the karena was sebagai verb dan the adalah artikel untuk kata benda setelahnya, yaitu control

41. The first _____ appeared during the last period of the dinosaurs’ reign.
(A) flowers are plants
(B) plants have flowers
(C) plants flowers
(D) flowering plants
Jawaban terbaik adalah (D) karena flowering plants merupakan subject yang tepat untuk kalimat diatas. Flowering berfungsi
sebagai adjective.

42. The earliest medicines _____ from plants of various sorts.

(A) obtaining
(B) they obtained
(C) were obtained
(D) they were obtained
Kalimat diatas sudah memiliki subject “The earliest medicines”, tapi belum memiliki verb.
Jawaban terbaik adalah (C) were obtained dan tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat diatas. Kata obtained adalah Past
Participle yang berfungsi sebagai part of a verb.

43. Simple sails were made from canvas _____ over a frame.
(A) a stretch
(B) a stretch
(C) was stretched
(D) it was stretched
Kalimat diatas sudah memiliki Subject “Simple sails” dan Verb “were made”.Jawaban terbaik adalah (B) stretched. Stretched
adalah past participle yang berfungsi sebagai adjective.

44. Pluto’s moon, Charon, _____ in a slightly elliptical path around the planet.
(A) moving
(B) is moving
(C) it was moving
(D) in its movement
Kalimat diatas sudah memiliki Subject “Charon”, tapi belum memiliki Verb.Jawaban terbaik adalah (B) is moving, karena is
moving adalah verb.

45. Techniques of breath control form an essential part of any _____ program to improve the voice.
(A) it trains
(B) train
(C) trains
(D) training
Kalimat diatas sudah memiliki Subject “Techniques” dan Verb “form”.
Jawaban terbaik adalah (D) training karena training adalah present participle yang berfungsi sebagai adjective.

46. Robert E. Lee ____ the Confederate army to General Grant in 1865 at theAppomattox Courthouse.
(A) surrendered
(B) he surrendered
(C) surrendering
(D) surrender
Kalimat diatas sudah memiliki Subject “Rober E Lee” tapi belum memiliki Verb.Jawaban Terbaik adalah (A) surrendered
karena kalimat diatas berbentuk Past Tense (Lampau)

47. The pituitary gland, _____ the brain, releases hormones to control other glands.
(A) found below
(B) it is found below
(C) its foundation below
(D) finds itself below
Kalimat diatas sudah memiliki subject “The pituitary gland” dan verb “releases”.Jawaban terbaik adalah (A) found below
karena found adalah past participle yang berfungsi sebagai adjective untuk melengkapi kalimat diatas.

48. At around two years of age, many children regularly produce sentences _____ three or four words.
(A) are containing
(B) containing
(C) contain
(D) contains planet
Kalimat diatas sudah memiliki subject “many children” dan verb “produce”.Jawab terbaik adalah (B) containing karena
containing adalah present participle yg berfungsi sebagai adjective.

49. Multinational companies ________ it increasingly important to employ internationally acceptable brand names.
(A) finding
(B) are finding
(C) they find
(D) they are finding
Kalimat diatas sudah memiliki subject “Multinational companies”, tapi belum memiliki Verb.
Jawaban terbaik adalah (B) are finding yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat ini.

50. The cornea is located under the conjunctiva, on ______ of the eye.
(A) the part is exposed
(B) exposed the part
(C) the exposed part
(D) exposes the part
Kalimat diatas memiliki Subject yaitu The cornea dan verb nya adalah is located. Kalimat ini sudah lengkap, hanya perlu
dilengkapi dengan object of preposition (kata benda) dari kata on. Jawaban terbaik adalah (C) the exposed part yang
merupakan frasa kata benda/noun phrase (adjective+noun). Adjective (exposed) tersebut tersedia dalam bentuk past participle

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