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Name______________Olha Savko_____________________ Date __________24.11.

Qualification Test № 1

I. Paraphrase the sentences, using active vocabulary and changing grammatical form of the words
if necessary.
1. Tom has always been treated by his classmates as the one who has social problems and lacks proper
Tom has always been treated by his classmates as a socially disadvantaged child.

2. Nobody saw the child open the locked door and escape from the house.
Nobody saw the child open the locked door and slip out of the house.

3. Fleur gave confidence to Dana in her ambition to study Spanish.

Fleur encouraged Dana to study Spanish.

4. A well-paid job gave Ann a feeling of optimism she could cover all her expenses.
A well-paid job nurtured Ann’s optimism she could cover all her expenses.

5. I would recommend Philip for the position without any doubts.

I would recommend Philip for the position without hesitation.

6. The politician’s words had a surprising effect on the public.

The politician’s words horrified the public.

7. She has been behaving in a very strange way this week.

She has been behaving in a very odd way this week.

8. He worked so hard to satisfy all his family needs that fatigue wore him out.
He worked so hard to satisfy all his family needs that fatigue worked its way into the bone.

9. I didn’t take seriously the idea of going to Japan to visit my relatives.

I despised the idea of going to Japan to visit my relatives.

10. Louis kept making jokes at his wife’s expense he had to go.
Louis kept making jokes at putting his wife through this big expense.

II. Translate the sentences into English, using active vocabulary

1. Він весь час відволікався від теми розмови, ніби хотів сказати щось важливіше
He kept getting distracted from the topic of conversation, as if he wanted to say something more

2. Джон вихваляється своїми статками, тоді як його родина ледве зводить кінці з кінцями.
John flaunts his fortune while his family barely makes ends meet.

3. Батько сварив Мері за те, що вона постійно засмучує їх з матір’ю своєю поведінкою.
Father scolded Mary for constantly making her mother and him upset with her behavior.

4. Компліменти, які вчителі робили мені ще в середній школі, я з легкістю згадую до сьогодні.
The compliments that teachers paid me in secondary school, I accepted and remember even to this day.

5. Реформи займають першочергове значення на порядку денному.

Reforms are top priority on the agenda.
6. Прем’єр-міністр був дещо спантеличений запитаннями журналістів
The Prime Minister was somewhat bemused and dazed by the journalists' questions.

7. Вибачте, я не хотів бути з Вами таким різким! Мені дуже не зручно перед Вами!
I'm sorry, I didn't want to be so harsh with you! I am awfully sorry!

8. Я полюбляю зрідка випити келих вина до вечері.

I like to occasionally have a glass of wine in the midst of preparing the dinner.

9. Незважаючи ні на що, їй вдалося започаткувати і розвинути успішну компанію.

Despite everything, she managed to launch and develop a successful company.

10. Хороша освіта й відповідальне ставлення до своїх обов’язків є запорукою кар’єрного

A good schooling and a responsible attitude to one's duties are the key to job advancement.

III. Complete the sentences using one word.

1. Some days seem to drag on while others seem to fly by.
2. By and large, most people are honest.
3. Some fruit and vegetables contain pesticide residues that exceed the level permitted by law.
4. Edward kept to his word and paid back the money the next day.
5. Why do you always drag that in every time we argue?
6. Are you telling me the whole truth, or are you keeping something back?
7. By the way, we’re having a party on Saturday, can you come?
8. Stories and songs are often passed on by word of mouth.

IV. Translate the sentences, using phrasal verbs and idioms

1. Тобі слід бути готовим і добре думати під час співбесіди з містером Брауном.
You should be prepared and think clearly during your interview with Mr. Brown.

2. Не може бути, що він не бачить головного в проблемі, яку всі обговорюють.

It can’t be that he does’t see the main thing in the problem that everyone is discussing.

3. Ти кажеш – це журналіст Віл Сміт вперше дослідив цю справу? Це ім’я звучить мені в голові.
Are you saying that journalist Will Smith was the first, who investigated this case? That name rings in my

4. Не зроби так, щоб успіх зніс тобі голову. Не вихваляйся своїми здобутками!
Don't let success blow your mind. Don't flaunt your achievements!

5. Нас тримали у повному нерозумінні стосовно того, що відбувалося в країні.

We were kept in the dark about what was happening in the country.

6. Очевидно, що ми не виграємо цю справу в суді, оскільки в нас немає достатньо доказів.

It is obvious that we will not win this case in court because we do not have enough evidence.

7. Часом до Люсі повільно доходить, тож можливо вона не зрозуміла твоє прохання допомогти.
Sometimes Lucy is slow to catch on, so maybe she didn't understand your request for help.

8. Раптом в нас виникла чудова ідея вирішення цієї складної проблеми.

Suddenly we had a great idea to solve this complex problem.

9. Я не міг розібрати, що було написано в її листі через поганий почерк.

I could not make out what was written in her letter because of the poor handwriting.

10. Детектив Джонсон намагався скласти до купи всі факти під час розслідування заплутаної справи.
Detective Johnson tried to put together all the facts during the investigation of the complicated case.

V. Translate the newspaper article into English:

У Лондоні жінки влаштували акцію проти бренду Victoria’s Secret
Група жінок 6 грудня у Лондоні влаштували акцію із закликом до модних брендів
збільшити різноманітність в індустрії моди.
Жінки влаштували демонстрацію у центрі Лондона, біля магазину бренду Victoria’s Secret.
Вони тримали у руках плакати й вигукували гасла.
Згодом учасниці акції увійшли у магазин бренду і, знімаючи на відео свій протест,
вигукували гасло «Мода підвела нас». Жінки різного відтінку шкіри і різної статури протестували
у спідній білизні.
Приводом для протесту стало щорічне шоу модного бренду жіночої білизни Victoria’s
Secret, яке відбулося ввечері 2 грудня в Нью-Йорку. У шоу взяли участь зірки світового
модельного бізнесу. Водночас директор з маркетингу компанії Ед Разек не обрав для шоу жодну з
«плюс-сайз» моделей чи транс-моделей, через що користувачі соцмереж розкритикували його.

A group of women held an action in London calling on fashion brands to increase diversity in the
fashion industry on the 6th of December.
Women staged a demonstration in central London, near Victoria's Secret store. They were helding
posters and shouting slogans.
Subsequently, the participants of the action entered the store and, filming their protest on video,
shouted the slogan "fashion has let us down". Women of different skin colors and different physiques
protested in their underwear.
The reason for the protest was the annual show of the fashion lingerie brand Victoria's Secret,
which took place on the 2nd of December, in the evening, in New York. The show was attended by stars of
the world modeling business. At the same time, the company's marketing director, Ed Razek did not
choose any of the "plus-size" models or trans models for the show, which is why social networks users
criticized him.

VI. Write an essay giving your opinion and suggestions in answer to the following questions: “What is
the concept of culture code?” “What is cultural identity?” and “What is culture shock?

Culture code may seem a puzzling term to define, but actually it is a notion that a lot of countries
and nations have without even knowing it. To my mind, culture code is a set of values, types of behaviors,
mentality and beliefs shared by a nation in some particular culture. Culture code can also be interpreted
as defining a set of images that are associated with a particular group of stereotypes in the minds. I
believe that culture code is acquired subconsciously, and it is hidden even from our own understanding,
but is seen in our actions.
The term, which is closely connected to culture code and its definition is cultural identity. But
what exactly is it? Identity is about knowing what is acceptable and true for oneself. We form a cultural
identity when we subconsciously interpret and incorporate signals from the outer world around us into
our own identity. Thus, I believe that cultural identity is a critical piece of personal identity and
worldview that develops as one absorbs, interprets, and adopts the beliefs, values, behaviors, and norms
of the communities in one’s life.
Everyone likes travelling, but no one likes to experience cultural shock, which is a common issue,
when you are encounter and collide with new countries, nations, mindsets. I perceive the notion of culture
shock as a rather nerve-wrecking phenomenon, a sense of anxiety, nervousness and alienation caused by
being exposed to a new environment and culture. Some people can overcome it, or fail to do it, I think it
depends on how flexible, stereotypic and biased one is.

VII. Write the stylistical analysis of the extract below, defining the underlined SDs and
their usage. Present your own commentary and interpretation of the author’s purport and means
used to depict it via image-bearing words and stylistically colored vocabulary.

Jerome K. Jerome
A Charming Woman

Jerome K. Jerome (1859 – 1927) is a British writer of the Victorian period, best known for his
comic novels. His most famous and enduring work is Three Men in a Boat. Other works include the essay
collections Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow and Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow; Three Men on the
Bummel, a sequel to Three Men in a Boat; and several other novels.

“I’ve always thought of you as a staid, middle-aged man,” she said, with a delicious little laugh,
then added in low soft tones, “I’m so very pleased to meet you, really.”
The words were conventional, but her voice crept round like a warm caress.
“Come and talk to me,” she said, seating herself upon a small settee, and making room for me.
I sat down awkwardly beside her, my head buzzing just a little, as with one glass too many of
champagne. I was in my literary childhood. One small book and a few essays and criticisms, scattered
through various obscure periodicals had been as yet my only contributions to current literature. The
sudden discovery that I was the Mr. Anybody, and that charming women thought of me, and were
delighted to meet me, was a brain-disturbing thought.
“And it was really you who wrote that clever book?” she continued, “and all those brilliant things,
in the magazines and journals. Oh, it must be delightful to be clever.”
She gave breath to a little sigh of vain regret that went to my heart. To console her I commenced a
laboured compliment, but she stopped me with her fan.
“I don’t want you to pay me compliments,” she said, “I want us to be friends. Of course, in years,
I’m old enough to be your mother. But you know the world, and you’re so different to the other people
one meets. Society is so hollow and artificial; don’t you find it so? You don’t know how I long sometimes
to get away from it, to know someone to whom I could show my real self, who would understand me.
You’ll come and see me sometimes—I’m always at home on Wednesdays – and let me talk to you, won’t
you, and you must tell me all your clever thoughts.”

I would like to analyse the extract under consideration from stylistic point of view.
In the text we can observe the following stylistic devices.
Example Device Meaning
a delicious little laugh Compound epithet Author uses this SD to portray the laugh of a woman.
With this laugh author also depicts her personality
low soft tones Compound epithet To portray the mood of that woman
her voice crept round Simile and To show that she was warm, sensitive woman
like a warm caress personification
with one glass too hyperbole To show the exaggeration of the speaker
many of champagne
I was the Mr. Anybody antonomasia The speaker associates himself with Mr. Anybody, to
show that this woman did not care about his personality
Oh, it must be irony Maybe she envies him for being smart and having the
delightful to be clever possibility to study
She gave breath to a Personification, This may be a periphrasis of some strange feeling that
little sigh of vain regret periphrasis started to pass between them
that went to my heart
you know the world metonymy the world is the people, the abilities of the word,
advancements etc.
Society is so hollow metonymy The society is people
and artificial

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