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Secondly, the development outcomes as effectiveness in interaction and adjustment

to the norm, social expectation, conviction to the social moral and value. Thirdly, cognitive
process, affection or emotion are three main core components. And finally. The
demonstration of self-affection.

Social emotional competence is recognized as important and teachable

characteristics of any individuals, and it should be acquired by both children and adults. It
could be indicators of one's adjustment through the life course either for short term and
long term concerns. In the short term, social emotional competence expresses children's
ability to conduct favorable behavior, build and sustain healthy relationships with others
and have a better school performance. In the long term social-emotional competence
plays a significant role in preventing risk behaviors and possible consequences of being
exposed to the risk factors. To explain social and emotional processes in education a
number of terms had been used.

One of the most popular terms is social and emotional learning developed by the
Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning. Through the process as
defined by CASEL individuals acquire and effectively apply knowledge, attitudes and skills.
It's necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, as
well as feel and show empathy for others, Establish and maintain positive relationships
and make responsible decisions.
As such, the main focus of any social emotional learning programs is building a
supportive learning environment, where students find learning as a challenging and
meaningful activity.
There are five core competencies defined in social and emotional learning modules,
according to CASEL. Namely: self-awareness, self-management and social awareness,
Relationship management, and responsible decision making. There are also several terms
which are closely used Alongside social and emotional learning, but social and emotional
education is mostly seen and sometimes used interchangeably. If we take, for instance,
social and emotional education, then it has been significantly recognized by the network of
experts working on the social dimension of education and training. As a move towards a
broader perspective of social and emotional matters in school.
Social and emotional education refers to the educational approaches that in bad
relational and contextual curricula to develop social and emotional competence for key
aspects of individual development, including personal, social and academic.
The concept on the one hand employs social and emotional learning core module,
while integrating more recent advanced concepts including positive education, which is a
blend of academic learning with character and well-being and mindfulness on the other
hand. Therefore, there is a shift from social and emotional learning to social and emotional
education. It is intended to include a wider view of teaching and learning taking into
account the classroom environment, entire school ecology, parental engagement and
teacher effectiveness in both social and emotional learning illustration as well as

Unidentified [00:11:08] Of course, we have to mention the.

Speaker 1 [00:11:12] Context of teachers.

Unidentified [00:11:15] Social and emotional confidence in education. So of.

Speaker 1 [00:11:29] Course, social and emotional competence plays. An important role
in education and duties. At the same time, a significant indicator of an individual's life
achievements. Both, in short.

Unidentified [00:12:03] And long term.

Speaker 1 [00:12:09] Of course, we have to say that nowadays it is surprising how little
research programs. Relating to improving social and emotional competence for teachers
that exist. Unfortunately. Nevertheless. So probably some of you, after graduating from the
university, will take interest in such issues and so continue working on these matters.

Unidentified [00:12:57] And then so of.

Speaker 1 [00:13:01] Has his own faith in the science. Still. Despite the fact that there's a
lack of research and training programs, social and emotional learning theory and functional
practice have started to be adapted into teacher training programs. But there is a paradox
that majority of preschool to high school teachers believe. In the positive outcomes of
social and emotional learning. Believes that social and emotional competence is important
to learning. The nevertheless lacked the belief in themselves to be the key deliverer of any
program, and they need strong support to operate it effectively. Accordingly, it is
suggested that in many needed support for teachers competency. Confidence. Oh, and
social emotional competence seems to be a crucial factor. Therefore, it is necessary to
assess in detail the importance of social and emotional competence for teachers
performance. In the literature, one may come across for emerging viewpoints regarding
the significance. Of teachers. Social and emotional competence. The first is. Social and
emotional confidence maintains teachers well-being and desires. Career motivation. That's
in short focus on this viewpoint. So well-being is the first favorable condition. Which
contributes to teacher's, professional and personal life. However, teachers well-being in
the literature is often related to the negative impact of stress. On teachers burnout and
retention problems. De change is listed on clearing profession, the role in which the actors
mainly demonstrate they are caring to others. As such, teachers are always expected to
be experts in every aspect. Of the schools from teaching lifelong learning, administration
assessment, even psychology. Of course, very often we say that the teachers are
supposed to not only to know the very subject they are teaching, thus being highly
qualified specialists, but they should be good with it. Psychologists know much about
language planning, the administration, and so on and so forth. As a result, the teaching
profession is one of the most challenging ones. Alongside with medical staff, by the way.
So in this very field of study, is it still very various researches have been conducted. And
for instance, in this respect, what has been analyzed in them is, for instance, the influence
of stress upon doctors and patients. So the influence of physical diseases. Upon the very
process. Of O curing the patients and so on. As a fourth, for instance, high level of chronic
stress can lead to severe physical and mental illnesses, they say. That physical health
concern, for instance. Shows that high stress tremendously affects quality and quantity of
sleep. Apart from physical diseases, stress is responsible for a high incidence of
workplace burnout, which is marked by mental fatigue, depersonalization and a poor
sense of achievement. Particularly stress and poor emotion management. Diminish
teachers intrinsic motives. Reduces feelings of. Self efficacy media. Taken together, these
are most common causes of teachers dissatisfaction and resignation. Social and
emotional competence helps teachers to maintain the wellbeing and career motivation. We
see that teachers with positive emotional experience. Likely to have a resilient motivation
and feel more equipped to deal with the complex demands of teaching. In particular, self
awareness and self management. Strongly provide teachers. It was crucial ability to deal
with. The most emotional demand of teachers. With these abilities, teachers are capable of
controlling or regulating and navigating the emotions and behaviors. More effectively. As a
result, do you choose to stay in the world mental state which helps them utilize appropriate
energy? As well as capabilities to become the most responsible and helpful to their
students ever changing needs. The effects could be illustrated by positive outcomes from
several intervention programs built upon the social and emotional learning concept. Such
is. Cultivation, awareness and resilience in education. For every dollar that this killer. And
best of regulation. In. And understanding of social situations in teaching that trust the
shortened form. These are the programs which are intended to study the effects caused by
the various studies on various outcomes of implementing social and emotional
competencies as well as social emotional learning. Having participated in these programs
each year, report fewer symptoms. Of depersonalization. Appraisal the teaching. Even
more feelings of the praise and singing the teaching as meaningful, joyful and satisfying.
All ready to devote themselves to teaching and supporting students. This second viewpoint
concerns the fact that the social and emotional competence influence the positive teachers
relationship together with instructional methods in class. How teacher and student connect
and interact with each other is a decisive factor. To determine students academic
attainment and social development. Teachers well-being and disease skills dealing with
diverse needs to students. Could impact strongly on Jesus Union, the relationship. Firstly,
it is a matter of fact that teachers wellbeing has a direct link to students well-being. For
instance, in one of the empirical research works, it has been stated that cortisol. And
gorgeous levels in the morning in students can be related to teachers burnout. The
researchers also comment on public. On the fact that students will normally perceive
teachers negative emotions and the manifestations. And the good. Oh, the hall. On
teacher student healthy relationship. In contrast, teachers with high social and emotional
competence. Recognize an individual student's emotions and understand the cognitive
appraisals behind that. These teachers, in turn, are able to make sense for their students
emotionally motivated reasons. And this sequence behavior is. When teachers are able to
understand the students emotional expression. And the respective appraisals. They have
more feelings of the meaningful roles. By the students size sides. Likely to get closest to
students circumstances. Understand them more and find the best way to support students
overcoming the daily difficulties. Which could be. Is it physical? Or psychological ones. As
such, teachers become the reliable. And. Effective. Supporting sources for students. As a
result. Both teachers and students well-being are ensured. And it warrants. The
significance, the healthy relationship of them, which is conceded as the two sides of the
same coin. Now the third viewpoint. Is it? That social. And emotional competence. Impacts
on general successful classroom management. Effective cholesterol management is built
on the constructive and healthy teacher student relationships in the classroom. Classroom
management is one of the important responsibilities of teachers and schools because
creating socially and emotionally healthy. Classroom climates isn't a prerequisite to
achieve any academic objectives in school. When teachers effectively manage the change
in classrooms it. They arrange students as well as place time and resources in the way.
That promotes the most efficient the learning process. This management involves teachers
into a number of unplanned situations in which teachers need to demonstrate the abilities
to use effective classroom management skills or take weeks. It also highly requires
teachers. To successfully discipline students behaviors. Because every single behavior of
one student. Could influence other students behavior as well as classroom safety is a
relevant learning activity as. And particularly teachers overwhelming remarks that students
misbehavior is the main reason. For a high rate discipline. Than ever before. So let's stop
here for the time being. Just.

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