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Part 1
{20 marks}
You must answer this question.

Question 1
You received an email from your friend, Faisal. Reply his email.

Hi Rozy,

I have just started my university life and I rented a house with another course mate.
We wanted to cook our own food. What should we buy? Where do you suggest we
go, supermarket or wet market? Why?


Write an email to your friend in about 80 words in the space provided.















2|P a ge
Part 2
{20 marks}
You must answer this question.
Question 2
You and your classmates are discussing about choosing a career as a social media influencer or working in
an office. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay about your choice.
In your essay, you should write about:
- your choice of career
- pros and cons of your choice
- do you think academic qualification is required to become successful?
Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.
Write your answer in 125 – 150 words in an appropriate style.

3|P a ge
4|P a ge
Part 3
{20 marks}
Write your answer in 200 – 250 words in an appropriate style on this question paper.
Write the question number in the box of at the top of the answer space.
Question 3
You see a notice on the school’s bulletin board.

Articles wanted!
Protect Your Neighbourhood
- What are some common crimes that could happen in your
- When do these crimes usually happens?
- Suggest ways to prevent crimes from happening in your community.
Write an article answering these questions.
The best article will be published in the school’s bulletin.

Write your article.

Question 4
You recently attended a family day. Write a review of the accommodation and the activities you did.

Write your review with the help of these questions:

 Where was it?

 What makes the facilities suitable?
 Would you recommend it to your peers? Why?

Write your review.

Question 5
Your teacher has asked you to write a story for the school magazine. The story must begin with the
following words:
To me this is something new, I could not wait...
Your story must include:
 a description of your experience
 state a lesson that you have learned from the experience
Write your story.

5|P a ge

Question Number:


6|P a ge


7|P a ge

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