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(KAMUI-s) HEAT EXCHANGER FOSHAN KAMUI HEAT EXCHANGER CO.,LTD Hepameutaruiconcn Mipiewharhacan Fshan-KAMU! Hest Exchanger CO..CD ajo venture carpraton between Foshan Contant Hiya Machinery Co.,LTD (Chna) and KAMUI Company LTD ‘Gepan)specengn wale coded ord cle ea exchanger wes xa In dy 1881994 wih etal ivestment of USD 4.8 Mion, covering anaes of 25000 square motor. "We dana pedo equpment and ERP nfomaborakzed manoper et \protuces he prods sc tase on Japaeselechnaue are hey have acme ‘te aunendeaton $0800! ver2000 Maren 2004 compotion was grand he pamtoprotics Natal Gre A pressure vse Vous kd sha ibe ype and pat fype haat exchanges prodeed ae welsnown fo thor igh tconcy. ‘conan nergy an stable eae quay Al presenti prodices mor fen 100000 heat exchanges annual widely ol toughout the whol cout (mcg Hong Kong an Tawan dis), receving warm wekcme and acceptance The prods are ‘380 expres to dapen Gomany ty Amonca Aust Mise East and Southeast ‘Aso. raking KAN ofarous brand in ts els Bat ofthe 8 ube yp and pln ype het exchanges are widely Used n pte macnenconeioon machinery ores yorAAs saa ESE, Systeme equrent ae ses sich as pote recy ae seen chemical indusr.metakrgy ele and nuclea eves foods medicine. The heat achanges produces ince shelttbe an pat ype. The shel ‘ube types ning SUSLR sores FCFCY setos BCC serie and RC een aed ‘he pb pes ncadng FAN series FANE seres-AOA A eres FADC snes pale exchanges FKE sais and 3 were smong whe St seras te patent produc of KAM! company. ‘Wcome contact wh us wu have pease prow ut super and ght sree er you The enternal motto of Foshan-KAMUI corporaion Enterpiise,Creation and Contribution We lock trward to czopeneating wh fms Both at home and abroad an Schieuing muta development FOSHAN-KAMUI HEAT EXCHANGER Ct Pt? ici ean The Development Trocess and Fuctore Appearance of KAMUIs Co..LTD 1994 Japan Kant cO.17D, 1998 sss COLT. 2000 2001 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 | 2004 2005 2007 Fovtagnauutnin Ecrnge CoD was eben ‘herman eeoomea bart gaelic Foshan KAU TREES brary Enepres ofa os ‘The main canemen bent prea of Feehan KAM wes also nat Macana&ausy Emerson ar ames Hen 8 Now Techy Entel Guang Bence ° = Grane he Fri Busnessnanirveinert Vinguad ‘eonony Erp ot Gaargbong brace eta, seus aurea of $0 990-290 4 Mash erie of Chargheng Distt Foshan Cy " Te 17808 contre worsnap was eunsosn ne Nation gh {Now Tacrtayeaponre Our oamnan Cty mh 25 ‘Gane ne peti retie atone Grae A renin eee iriy Income 18 ian RIE ine Ponce sity lo rage ne pot Ant ha acer enaus tana Guangdong Povoce “ne Pasn Heat Excange Sunt wore wae shed Inidrch and ra lormal Pccac pros Foshan WAMU Pse Heat changer Co. LTD was exabined (etch anit 1 on ar COOLING & HEATING DEPEND ON [CORE! HEAT EXCHANGER OF KAMU1S NOT ONLY PRODUGT|BUTALSO WORK OF ART Cur company produced heat exchangers are widely use in plastic machinery. construction machinery. compressor hyaraulicaystom a-conationing system, ganerator equipmant an otharinductris such 3 petroleum industry chemical industry, metallurgy. at separation, txtle and nuclear devicas. Foshan KAMUL have hold abuncani experience ofheat exchanger design and manufacture. We can design and manuTacture Ihe non-standard products based onthe parameter and requtes provided by customers, An provide Nigh quality products and thoughtful satice fr customers Desiga Temperature 200 41, The Model ofthe Products 100 —*x 00x00 | = types otnsataiont-verteatno showingtorionta in showing epira) aml low:2-mecim low, Sarge low Types ofconnecting tube sce:F angeino showing pra) | | |. cnannato the tube sie: -our chants U-two channels oshowingsone channel = [Brera ate snot mneen it moran, —— types fastening he tube pie fr moving tube plate L_ — he series o oi-coplers:Si-stalanal ow ype: Berbere ube iypefre-"ntube type] 2, The Using Pressure of Product 1 Standard procucts:the meximel pressure of shel side:.oMpa, The maximal pressure oftube sige-0 Mpa. 2 Special products Design acoraing to customers requirement pee ne ate. WY Os ES) SLISLR series | ‘a lt fow i spta type, in succession changing which is mat Ishigh, the loss ofpressure is tow. 2.The cooling tube is made of capper to rol fn outside. The product have biggerheating surface but tle sé weight ‘are 20r4 channels in water sige.but large quantity of lowtarge nd well-istibuted. overcomes the by Wadiiona deflector s0 he ficiency of heat ransfer ordi to technology and production management eyle of KAMUI JAPAN, The quality of KAMUIFS'heat exchanger i rliable and stable. '5.SLseries shell tabe type heat exchangers anewtype one, which is produced according to most ‘sovanced process introduces rom JAPAN. Ithas been registered the patent already in CHINA, JAPAN, USA, TAIWAN area, 41, The Construction Scheme of the Water-cooled Heat Exchanger of SL/SLR series (2, The Fur ‘SL-3XXUX ic S Gree tase scale ser) Heat rejection a(keattr) Condition fits itovess (Sees € Smyrna 60 sy SELSHXUX (mri foo Heat rejection aykcathn) aoa) ea ae ese eat rejection kcal) condition tai SL-SXXWX TS Litjcoe peu eeeere Heat rejection aykcatthr) Conattion Uimontcesieerree se © Sani eesisg we Se SOHmin 3, Method of Selecting and defining Heat Exchanger 1 Catala neat jecien rood Olkcaltr) (Ay eaeulats according to tonperatire an quant of cl requirement OC aT) Inte formula: C-Spocelhestotet »-Dersty oli ot q-CuanyofatT,-itanpersture oe ot (Gael ccd tthe apie cab Ve of ric rstre QPP o-Ps tne frm Pring rower systematic nya pease Po-—Outl ine ecive poner Ph Fuel. iene due Oe err poner 20no2ee mete of cooker ‘Deck th parrmance cme based on cles heat rescin ans quart The pee eave mbna oss Trae may be aerence of conen beter 2:8 wo and patormance esting Selec aware sma pe cola he cy os emalne Sow water lage and T between i and water age a0. (ress owas tg one We can sre fer yo elec cool, caso hat you sl nee corating dear aout elem contact wit sales parent of KAM 4, Notice 1 Thestarandpe produto suai fresh wate Operating pressure eos # Opa Opratng posure of wat 0p. ' Dur een season fo coong weleryou shoul charge the ech wear tm tw hat excangor when thesystemotiork |4.Gsn rie feat utter id) pera yerin rr een abt cotng ott FC(Y) series Heat Exchanger Main Characteristic of FLY) Series Ss F.C series water-cooled heat exchanger ea fin-Avbe onewhich adopt the rational structure and itis designed by advanced teemnique fom abroad, Smal-acae product isthe immovable ype of he ube plates model's FC. The model FCY sre medium-isrge progucte nich are moving tbe “Tha haat tbe is made of copper fo rll fn outside, The prodvct has iggor heating Suitable forcooiing of cleaner fudin ower vacity. teen be opie te such industy a8 plastic ‘machinery hydraulic eulpment.compraseoubrieaingeystem ofthin oul power sireisenceimplamant nd eet devien ot ‘Because the model FCY of FC series adopts the mavng ube-pate the core ofthe tube canbe dismanted ‘The FC seri products cover market mote widely gel ean design and manutacture various cooler rom smal io big size. according to customers requirements Geers Ane eau =a cen) leis Melon} few Genes 41, The Construction Scheme of the Water-cooled Heat Exchanger of FC Series 2. The Specifications And Dimensions Of FC Series Products (immovable type of tube plate) efo[e jejeje a sea2 97 10 w99 | 22 290 108 3, The Construction Scheme of the Water-cooled Heat Exchanger of FCY Series: 4, The Construction Scheme of the Water-cooled " paieneer eee Hit excarar oF esi mile = ele Tepes 20 180 120 1ez8 105 140 138 a2 Ret | Li } ees L| | ‘Feven|208 380) 19 40. 600 |300| 0150] - ons) fon | | Sarees | | i ese | ese say ease] || me) |e a | ty aa ee Sazin| | eu c eners BC(Y) series Heat Exchanger 1, The Construction Scheme of Water-cooled Heat Exchanger of BC Series Main Characteristic of BC(Y)Series 2{V)etes watar-coola nest exchangers a pae small niz product ste mmovabie ype lhe tabe- Products which are the moving ube-lat yo = (hou! ling fin oulside).whicn have high heat cofficient of membrane ous tow ana bette aby terest potion stable for cooling ot er Nd arghigher visit, bel exchanging of We canasiectstainers sel or other spacialloy or BC(Y) sis according custome lor heat exenanginging chemical indsly hightemperature mecum and thot roing fin utd) of radiona ervture. THe {namocell 8, The mse BC¥ are mesiumirbe 3 manutature various coolers, om smaltabig 2, The Specifications and Dimensions of BC Sor Producs(immovable type of tube-plate) ma Teele eel [ele le pa] sacar) [eae | ene | | ner, | calilicte ou) mae FOSHAN-KAMUI HEAT EXCHANGER CO.,LTD. ‘The Construction Scheme of Water-cooled Heat Exchanger of BCY Series. 4, The Specifications and Dimensions of BC Series Producs(movable tube-plate) conn kolo] ofelr lows] wpw Pepe pep] om ow) = | Roz oe a) Seale Rez, vm a7 [ae esa a | an] ore | met (om 400] 300, zo) — | san | aor (lS RBS, roe t@.W ares | SHELLAND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER 1 Summarize ‘hell 8 tube type neat exchanger is suitable for cooling of cleaner Hud in ower visit can be apeliog ‘mainy to suen incustry a8 plastic machinery hydeaule pressure equipment ir compressor system o hi oll anc lubricating ol uid power eoincienceimpiement, electc device, ote. Feshan Kamulneat exchanger Co.,Lie.specalzes in various kines of shal & tube type coolers. The products which the company produce have 3 major series atpresent:BC(Vjeeries.FC{Y ries FC(Y)seres ‘Sleres,8C{iserae me morane ousie flow and better ably to resist polation suitable for ocling of ier ‘uid and niger vieciaty:FC(Y) series exchanger i fide exchanger.The product have bigger heating ‘exchanger adopt spiral water conervaney diversion board and wing slice whichis in charge of conducting heat Ithas the advantage of high effiency in changing thermal and lit loss of pressure ana smal volume ‘and £0 08 : ach of heat exchangar series has alot of designs of=pecification and types in order to me ‘ofusere requirements. desices bese products,the company can make various dinds of large-scale special heat exenanger according othe request a users, but mall size ang high afcleney sutabe forthe cooling af the general ue: SL series he 2. Conformation ‘Sha & tube type hast exchangarie composed of water cover tube board ,eceptacie,heattube bat boar aiproot gasket and foot rect otc¢ Fig. shows. The space the component surrounds scale SHELL SIDE whichis in charge of surface and socket: The communicaing space inside ofthe heat ube Is calle TUBE SIDE which managed to conduct eating SHELL SIDE fuid exchange heat with TUBE SIDE. through the hes ube, makes temperature af the high-temperature fui crop.achieve the goal of cooling FOSHAN-KAMUI HEAT EXCHANGER co.1o. [KAM Urs 3, Installation 2.1 Whe caring annealing ho product please une the machinery of hosing, so a nto hut ryan’ body ane tmoge the potucis Using the eftopo that wil not sre he pi. 132 Ping of is pectuct has two way: Screw read to connec and connect with the Ranging. when adopt Sow {vead way of conactng one, shuld select the size sutabe tor moving handing an ake the mown pestion that han one close tothe screy tread uncion. Adopt“O"typa ube lop eal way of Range connocing, shoud Piping weld alerting af he “0” type maser oop. 3.8 Before oi hopping eno shoul! remove he feel mater ar dt in the plein 3.4 Areshaust opening and cecharge port shouldbe set onthe ppaine. 3.5 The fot eho fhe greduct shad be natalie ey onthe ground of use ‘2.6 Te hd wich il entre product an at hee tong pete 4, Use and Maintenance 4:1 Wo usig he product cart cee the rere ae! amped on product dla plate aed “secepanc cette a odes” ‘42 Ti procs cn ony se te wera the coing medium excerpt ore Sor tn fran or he water gully oh sh water Tab! ‘The cooling water quality standard tem Coating water PH vawe(2s) 05-80 ‘Conductivty25C) Siem <200 200 Total ca" ma") Mot <200 o ‘Aeidwastageiceco,) | Mall 100 <0 oo Maju <200 <0 soe Mit -<200 | <0 Fe Mott “10

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