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alidité de la présente publication contenu technique des publications de Ia CEI ext cons rament revu par la CEL afin qu'il reflate 'éat aetuel de Technique, # renssignements relatifs A In date de reconfirmation de publication sont disponibles auprés du Buresy Central Tcet 5 renssignements relatifs & ces révisions, 4 [établis- nent der Editions réviséer et aux smendements peuvent © obtenvs auprar des Comilés nationaun de la 1s les document ci-deesous © ‘Bulletin de la CET © Anouatre de ts CEL Publi annveliement * Catalogue dee publications de la CEL Publié annuellement et mis & jour régulitrement rminolog c= qui canceine la terminologie générale, fe lecteur se ortera la CEI 50: Vocabulaire Electrorechnigue Inier. onal (VED) qui te presente sous forme de chapitnes ards taitant chacue d'un ajet defini, Der details splets sur Ie VEL peovent ge oblenus sor demande LF également le dictonnaite multiline de la CEL termes et dfinitons Fgurant dane la présente publi- fom ont if soit tide 0 VEL soit specifiquemen, rowvés aux fins de cette publication mboles graphiques et littéraux Jes synboles graphiques, les symboler litséraux et les ves d'usage general approuvés par Is CEl, le lecteut = is CEL 27 Hlecirorechnique; ymboles léraus 3 utiliser en = 12 CEI 417: Symboles graphiquer wriisables sur le materiel. Indes, releve. ef compilation des feuiles inaividueliee = cel Symboles graphigues pour schémas; our les appareils électromésicaux, +, la CEI878: Symboles graphiques pour équipemente Heciriques en pratique madicale symboles 2t signer contenus dane Is présente publi aa. ont &té soit tres de Ta CEI 27, de Ia CEI AIT, de EL 617 elou de la CEI 878, soit spécifiquersent aves aus fins de cette publication dlications rite @etudes 12 CEI établies par fe ma tention du fectour est ttirée sur les lites figurant 3 la i cette publication. qui Enumérent ler publications de EL prépartes par Je comité d'étder qui a te publication, Validity of this publication ‘The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC, thus ensuring that the content reflects current technology. Information relating to the date of the reconfiemation of ‘he publication is available from the TEC Central Office Information on the sevision work, the issue of revised editions and amendments may be obtained trom IEC National Commities and from ihe following IEC sources © TEC Butea IEC Yearbook Published yearly ‘Catalogue of TEC publications Published yearly wit regolar updates Terminology For general terminology, readers are refered to TEC 50: International Electrowechnicel Vocabulary (IEV), which i issued in the form of separate chapters each dealing ith specific field. Fall details of the TEV will be Supplied on tequest. See also the IEC Mulllingual Dictionary. ‘The terms and definitions contained in the prosent publi« ention have either been taken ftom the IEV or have been specifially approved forthe purpose of this publication, Graphical and letter symbols For graphical symbois. and letter symbols and signe approved ty the IEC for general use, resdere are referred to poblieations = IEC 27: Letter symbols to be uzed in electrical Technology: = TEC 417: Graphical symbole for use on equip iment. Index. survey and compilation of the single heats = TEC 617: Grophicat symbols for diagrams, and for medical electrial equipment, ~ TEC 878: Graphical symbols for electromedical ‘equipment im medical practic. ‘The symbols and signs contained in the present pobli- cation eve either been taken from IEC 27, IEC 417, TEC 617 and/or TEC 878, or have been specifically eppro= ved forte porpore ofthis publication. IEC publications prepared by the same techaical committee The attention of readers ie drawn to the end pages of this publication whieh list the TEC publications desuad by Ie technical commitiee which hae prepared the prosent publiestion 227-1 © GC: 1993 a CONTENTS Pago FOREWORD, 5 5 clause 1 General e 1.1 Scope .. : 9 1.2 Normative references ¢ 2 Definitions, tt 2.1 Delinitions relating to insulating and sheathing materials ... if 2.2 Definitions relating to the tests 1 2.3 Rated voltage ... 8 - 3 Marking ... : 18 “3.1 Indication of origin and cable identification 13 3.2 Durability 16 3.3 Legibitity 16 4 Core identification .. : 16 41° Core identification by colours 16 4.2 Core identification by numbers 7 : 5 General requirements for the construction of cables - is 5.1. Conductors... 9 5.2 ai 53 Ea 5.4 Extruded inner covering ar 5.5 Sheath = 29 5.6 Tests on completed cables...... 33 6 Guide to use of the cables .... 39 a Annex A — Code designation. 207-1 © IEC: 1993 INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION POLYVINYL CHLORIDE INSULATED CABLES OF RATED VOLTAGES UP TO AND INCLUDING 450/750 V Part 1: General requirements FOREWORD 1) The IEC {International Elactratechnical Commission) ie a worldwide organization for standorsioeli ‘comprising all national elacrotachnical committogs (/EC National Committees). The object of the IF = promote international cooperation on all questions cancaming standardization in the lactrial ain Glectronic fields, To this end and in addition to athar activites, tho IEC publishes Intemational Standards, Their preparation Is entrusted to ‘technical commitaes; any IEC National Commitige intorosied! in tha subject dealt with may participate in this, preparatory work. International, governmentel si non-governmental organizations liaieing with the, IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC Callaborates closely with the Intemational Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance wit ‘enditions determined by agraament betwoen the two organizations. ‘The formal docisions rinted markings shall be durable. Compliance with this requirement shall be checked by he test given in 1:8 of IEC 227-2, 13 Legibility Al markings shall be legible. “he colours of the identification threads shall. be easy to recognize or easily made ecognizable, if necessary, by cleaning with petrol or other suitable solvent. 1 Core identification ach core shall be identified as follows: = in cables having up to and including five cores by colour, see 4.1; = in cables having more than five cores by number, see 4.2. NOTE ~The colour scheme, and in particular the schame for rigid multicore eables, is undor consideration, 1 Core identification by colours A.A General requirements dentification of the cores of a cable shall be achieved by the use of coloured insulation or ither suitable method, tach core of a cable shail have only one colour, except the core identified by a combina- ion of the colours green-and-yeliow. “he colours red, grey, white and, when not in combination, green and yellow, shall not be ised for any multicore cable. 14.2 Colour scheme “he pretefred colour scheme for flexible cables and single-core cabies is: = single-core.cable: no preferred colour scheme; — two-core cable: no preferred colour scheme: NOTE ~ It is not necessary 10 idantiy the cores of non-sheathed flat wo:core cords. — three-core cable: either green-and-yellow, light blue, brown, or light blue, black, brow either green-and-yellow, light blue, black, brown, or light blue, black, brown, black or brown: = five-core cable: either green-and-yellow, light blue, black, brown, black or ‘brown, of light blue, black, brown, black or brown, black oz brown, = four-core cable: 227-1 @ IEC: 1983 The colours shall be clearly identifiable and durable. Durability, shall be. checked by the test given in 1.8 of IEC 227-2. 4.1.3” Colour eémbination green-ard-yeiiow ‘The distribution of the colours for the core coloured green-and-yellow shall comply with the following condition (which is in accordance with IEC 173): for every 15 mm length of cofe, one of these colours shall cover at least 30 % and not more than 70 % of the surface of the core, the other colour covering the remainder. NOTE ~ Inlormation an the use of the colours green-anc-yaliow and light bl Its understood that the colours green aad yallow, when they are combined as specified abova, are rocog- tited oxclusivaly as a meana of identification of the core intonded for use as.eartn connection or sitar ‘ted that the cslour light-biue ig intended for the-identification, of. the. core. intended te bo cannacted to neutral i, ig no neutral ight blue can be used to identity any core exces jarthing of protective conductor. 4.2. Core identification by numbers 4.2.1 General requirements i The Insulation of the cores of the same colour and numbered sequentially, except tor the core coloured green-and-yellow, if one is included. ‘The green-and-yellow core, if any, shall comply with the requirement of 4.1.9 and shall ve in the outer layer. ‘The numberifig shall start by number 1 In the inner fayer.:- ‘The numbers shall be printed in arabic numerals on the outer surfaces of the cores. All the numbers shall be of the same colour, which shall contrast. with the colour of the insulative. The numerals shall be legible. 4.2.2. Preferred arrangement of marking 5 ‘The numbers shall be repeated, at regular intervals along the core, consecutive numbers being inverted in relation to each other.. When the number is a single aumieral, 4’dash shall’be placed tinderneath it I the number consists of two numerals, these shall be below the other and a dash placed below the lower numeral, The spacing d between consecutive numbers shall not excoad 50 mm. 227-1 © IEC: 1993 ~13- ‘The arrangement of the marks is shown in the figure below. 4.2.3 Durability Printed numerals shall be durable. Compliance with this requirement shall be checked by the test given in 1.8 of IEC 227-2, 5 General requirements for the construction of cables $1 Conductors 5.1.1. Material A ‘The conductors shall consist of annealed copper, except for the.wires of tinsel cords, tor which a copper alloy may be used. The wires may be plain or tinned, 5.1.2 Construction The maximum diameters of the wires of flexible conductors — other than the conductors of tinsel cords - and the minimum number of the wires of rigid conductors snail be in accordance with IEC 228. The classes of the conductors relevant to the various types of cables are given in the particular specifications (see IEC 227-3, IEC 227-4, etc.) Conductors of cables for fixed installations shall be circular solid, circular stranded or compacted circular stranded conductors. For tinsel cords each conductor shall comprise a number of strands or groups of strands, twisted together, each strand being composed of one or more flattened wires of coppar oF copper alloy, helically wound on a thread of cotton, polyamide or similar material 5.1.3, Check on construction Compliance with the requirements of 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, including the requirements o¢ HEC 228, shail be checkad by inspection and by measurement. 5.1.4 Electrical resistance For cables ~ other than tinsel cords ~ the resistance of each conductor at 20 °C shail ha is accordance with the requirements of IEC 228 for the given class of the conductor. 227-1 © IEC: 1993, -21- 5.2. Insulation 5.2.1 Material The insulation shall be polyvinyl chloride compound of the type specified for each type of cable-in-the particular specitications (see IEC 227-3, IEC, 227-4, etc.) ‘Type PVCIC in the case of cables for fixed installation, ‘Type PVCID in the case of tlexible cables. ‘Type PVC/E in the case of heat-resistant cables for internal wiring, The test requirements for this Compounds are specified in table 1 The maximum operating temperatures for cables insulated with any of the above types uf compound and covered by the particular specifications (see IEC 227-3, 1EC 227-4, etc.) are given in those publications, 5.2.2 Application to the conductor ‘The insulation shall be so applied that it fits closely on the conductor, but for cables other than tinsel cords, it shall be possible to remove it without damage to the insulation itself to the conductor.or to the tin any. Compliance shall be checked by inspection and by manual test. 5.2.3 Thickness ‘The mean value of the thickness of insulation shall be not less than the specified value for each type and size of cable shown in the tables of the particular specifications (IEC 227-3, IEC 227-4, etc.). However, the thickness at any place may be less than the specified value provided that the difference does not exceed-0,1 mm + 10 % of the specified value. Compliance shail be checked by the test given in 1.9 of IEC 227-2. 5.2.4. Mechanical properties before and after ageing The insulation shall have adequate mechanical strength and elasticity within the tempera ture limits to whictr it may be exposed in normal use... Compliance shail be checked by carrying out the tests specified in table 1. ‘The applicable test methods and the results to be obtained are specified in table 1. 227-1 @ IEC: 1993 =23- Table 1 ~ Requirements for the non-electrical tests for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulation : 2 a «lel. 7 a | Type of component Test method At. Test Unit ine at described in No. Pvere | Pvc | pycre EC [Subclausa + | Tensile srength and | laeit | on slongation at break 1.5 | Properties in he state as daivrod 1.1 | Vatuos tbe obtained for the toile stongth: = median, min, Nimm? | 12,5 10,0 15.0 1.12 | Values 0 be obtained fr tho slongstion at bres Timed, in, « | ws | to | aso | 1.2. | Proporios stor ageing anreta| inavoven | and | an 1.2.1 | Ageing conditions: Bit] ot Stamperature co [cosa | sore | 1ose2 duration of treatment n | 7x24 | rea | tone 1.22 | Values 19 be obtained for the tensile stongih: = magian. min Mmm] 125 | 100 | 180 | - casino mx | 220 | 220 | res | 1.2.3 | Values t0 be obtained for the | | | siongation a break | | winery in x | 2s | 10 | variation, max % | 20 | sa 2 | tase ofmass ost aina2 | aa 2.1. | Agoing consitions 8 vc | asa | cose | 1ss2 = Guraton of treatment » | teat | reae | tonze 2.2 | Values tobe obtained forthe | Joss of mass, max, mgiem? 20 20 20 a | Test of non-contaminaton ? at | Ageing conditions As in Rot. No anv2] ana | 12 | | 3.2 | Mechanical properties ater = || ageing . Values tobe obtained Asin Rat NO 122 and 123 4 | dst shock est ainat] 9. 4.1 | Tost conditions | vNemperature “o | soa] so22| ose | Titration ot reatment | onan 4.2. | Aasuits to be obtained | Aveonce ot exacke | ") Vatiation: Difference baqween the’ median oxpraszed a8 a percantage of the later 2) tf appticabie, value after againg and tha madian value without ageing, 227-1 @1EC: 1993 = 28 - Table 1 (ena) ja 2 2 4 5 8 7 7 ~ Type of compound Test method i Ret Test at deserved in ee evere | pvoio | vere | tec |sutetause [5 | Pressure ast at high tamperature airs |e | 5.1 | Test conttons | ~ force exercand bythe blado 8.14 ofc 6143-1 duration af heating under load 8.15 of 6 611-3.1 = temperature soz2 | 7022 | so22 5.2 | Aesuts tobe obtsines = median ofthe depth of penetration, max. so | = | so § | Bending ost stow tomperature lorie | at [on Test conctons temperature vot isez! sez! see = period af application of tow Seo 8.1.4 and 8.1 Sof 160 811-1 | | meer | [5:2 | Resuits tobe obtained Absence of cracks |? | elongation test at ow f] aa tamperature | | [7 | Test conions ~ temperature wss2/-isee]> - i pered of application of tow 8.34 andas.s of IC 811-1 $7.2. | peau be obtained | | = slengation without Break, in » | |» | - | impact stat tow temperature? | artes | os 8.1 | Test conctons ~tomperature vo lasezl weet - = period of applcation of low Seo 85.5 of IEC a1t-1.4 perature | ~mass of hammer See 85.4 of IEC 811-144 5.2 | Results to be obtained S00 8.5.5 of 16 811-1-4 9 Tharmal stability test | [ert-3-2 8 9.1 | Test conations | ~ temperature wo | - | - feoosas 9.2. | Resutt to be obtained: = Moan value of ha thermal | sabi ime, rin fone f= |= | to "Due to climatic conditions, national standards may raquire a lowar test tamperature to be used. ® if specitiad in the particular specications (IEC 227-3, (EC 227-4, ste.) 227-1 ©1EC: 1993, -27- 5.3. Filler 5.3.4 Mater Unless otherwise specitied in the particular specifications {EC 227-3, IEC 227-4, ete fillers shall be composed of one of the following or of any combination of the following: the a compound based on unvulcanized rubber of plastics: or = natural or synthetic textiles; or mn = paper. When the filler is composed of unvuicanized rubber, there shall be no harmful interactions between its constituents and the insulation and/or the sheath, Compliance with requirement shall be checked by the test given in 8.1.4 of IEC 811-1 5.3.2 Application For each type of cable, the particular specifications (IEC 227-3, IEC 227-4, ete.) specify whether that cable includes fillers or whether the sheath or inner covering may penetrate between the cores, thus forming a filling. The fillers shail fill he spaces between the cores giving the assembly’ 4 practically circular shape. The fillers shall not adhere to the cores. The assembly of cores and fillers may be held together by a film or tape. ; 5.4 Extruded inner cavering 5.4.1 Material Unless otherwise specified in the particular specifications (IEC 2274, etc.), the extruded ner covering shall be composed of a compound based on unvulcanized rubber or plas- ties. Where the inner covering is composed of unvulcanized rubber, there shall be no harmful interactions between its constituents and the insulation and/or the sheath: Compliance with this requirement shall be checked by the test given in 8.1.4 of IEC 811-1-2. 5.4.2 Application ‘The extruded inner covering shall surround the cores and may penetrate the spaces between them giving the assembly a practical circular shape. The extruded inner covering shall not adhere to the cores. For each type of cable, the particular specifications (IEC 227-4, etc.) indicate whether that cable includes an extruded inner covering or not, or whether the outer sheath may pene- trate between the cores, thus forming a filling. 227-1 @ IEC: 93 =29- 5.4.3 Thickness Unless otherwise specified in the particular specitications (IEC 227-4, etc:), no measure- ment is required for the extruded inner covering. 5.5 Sheath 5.5.1 Material ‘The sheath shail be polyvinyl chloride. compound. of the type specified for each type of cable in the particular specifications (see IEC 227-4, atc.) type PVC/STS in the case of cables for fixed installations; ~ type PVC/STS in the case of flexible cables. ‘The test requirements for these compounds are specified in table 2. 5.5.2 Application ‘The.sheath shall be extruded ina single layer: a) om the core, in the case of single-care cabiés; : b) on the assembly of cores and fillers or inner covering, if any, in the case of other cables. . ‘The sheath shall not adhere to the cores. A separator, consisting of a film or-tape, may be placed under the sheath. In certain cases. indicated in the particular specifications (IEC 227-4, etc.), the siiwatts may penetrate into the spaces between the cores, thus forming a filling (see 5.4.2). 5.5.3. Thickness The mean value of the thickness shall not be less than the specified value for each type and size of cable shown in the tables of the particular specifications (IEC’227-4, etc.) However, the thickness at any place may be less than the specified value provided that the difference does not exceed 0,1 mm + 15 % of the specified value, unless otherwisa specified Compliance shall be checked by the test given in 1.10 of IEC 227-2. 5.5.4 Mechanical properties before and after ageing The sheath shail have adequate mechanical strength and elasticity within the temperature limits to which it may be exposed in normal use: Compliance shall be checked by carrying cut the tests specified in table 2. ‘The applicable test values and the results to be obtained are specified in table 2. 227-1 ©1EC: 1993 -3t- Table 2 — Requirements for the non-electrical tests for polyvinyl chloride (PYC) sheaths 1 2 3 “ 5 3 | ‘Type af compound ‘Test method be Tos Unit dosed in . PYCISTe PYCISTS 1EC |Subelause 1 | Tonaie svengih ana arcna | 92 slongation a break 11 | Propertos inthe state as dei 1.1.1 | Values to be obtained for he | enste svangin | |] = median, min: Nimm? | 125° 10,0 1.1.2 | Values tb obtained forme | | slongation at break: | | veda, * 12s 180 1.2. | Properties ator ageing arte | erga 1.2.1 | Againg conditions: [ ! “omperature vc [vase | sone Jor | o2 | Graton of tment fs Pee | teas 1.2.2 | Values to be obtained for the | wines. want | 12s | 19.0 = variation '!; max. % £20 £20 1.2.8 | vatuos 1 obtained lor tne tlongation et beak sinter, * 1a 150 | TTeniton ma, = 220 220 i Lees of mass tnt | saz} az | Ageing conditions | Asin { lame | et. No. 1.2.1 ' 22 | Vatuoe oe obtained forthe | loss of mass, mex mocn?| 20 | 20 3 | Testo non contamination ® | sas 3.1 | Ageing conditions Asin patnori2 | 3.2 | Mechanica! properes ater | | veins j | | Values 10 be obtained | | {32 ana 123 + | Heat shock est jovar | oz ut | Tost conditions i = temperature cc | wore | sore Tduaton of veatment t : " 1.2 | Result to be obtained | Absence of cracks tha median value aitar againg and the median value withaut ageing, tawar. | Variation: Oiarance b expressed as a percentage of 1 2 applicable, 227-1 © IEC: 1993 -33- Table 2 (end) n t-[ oc a 4 5 ‘ a | Type of compound Tost metnod — Bet Test | un Goveibed in everste | evorsts | 10 _|subeaute 3 | Proceure ost at high temperature a | st | Test conditions |, = force exercised by the blade: jee 8.2.4 of IEC B11-3-1 duration of heating undor toad Seo 8.2.5 of IEC 811-3-1 = temperature “c 0 | roe | | eee | | inedian of tho sath of panetraton, max x ° so | 6 | Blonaing test at iow tome | | jattt4 | 82 2.1 | Tost condtons } | ~ temperature"? “co ] -18 22 1522 period of apaticaton of ow Sea 0.23 of 0 11-14 2 | Rosuts 1 be obtinet Aveonea ot eacks 7 | Stongatio ts at ow errs f ns | tomporatue 7 | Tost conditions | = temperature" "oC | ntse2 | 15220 | ported f application of ow | cee ace oniec attr | comperatre 7.2 | Aasuit to be obtained: “Songation without enki. « x0 20 3 | impact tet at low amperawe | ante] as a1 | Tost conatong | temperature "! “ 22 a1522 || Lpeted ot pean oto sees Sof eo a1 t-4 Peers eee see 85.4 of 6 a1 ttt | 82 Result to be obtained | Soo 8.5.6 of IEC 811-14 | 1s ovat climate condtons, national standard may require the use ofa lower fst tomperatr, 5.6 Tests on completed cables 5.6.1 Electrical properties ‘The cables shall have adequate dielectric strength and insulation resistance. Compliance shall be checked by carrying out the tests specified in table 2. tha tact mathade and the results to be obtained are specified in table 3. 227-1 @ IEC: 1993 ~35 - Tableau 3 ~ Requirements for electrical tests for PVG insulated cables 1 poo 2 > fl]. 7 yest pained Re. Test Unit described in No, g00¥ | Soov | 7S50V | IEC |Subclause 1 Méasurement of the resistance of Jezr-2 Bt conductors 11 | values 60 obtained, max Seo 1E¢ 228 and partes | specications | (ise 2072 160 2974, ae) Voltage test on complated cables | j227-2 22 21 | Testeondtions: : Tnismurntengi ofthe sampto | om | | 10 | 40 = enum ped of fmerson iawator s fia dia fia | setpernure ofthe water *0 | aes] aes | wes | | 22 | Vottags apres (ac) v | 2000 | 2000 | 200 2.8 | uration ofeach appicaton of _L_| volgen mi a a a a at | Renuit tobe obiaines 3 | votage tnt on cree ara | 2s | a | Testeoratons: | “anata sample eo) sf s fos | = mem pod fori sf a hapa Namperature of the water zors| 2025 | crs 3.2 | Applied voltage (a.c.) Secoriog wo sectiog ickness | or nauiaver | pe and iting 0.8 mm v | 1500 | 500.) = | ~Sfoweeing 08 mer v | 2000 | 2000 | 2500 23 | owaonatsachapeicaiont | an | s | 5 | s valtage. min 24 | Results tobe cbtsines No breakdown + | "Weasuremeni ination era | aa 4.1 | Test conditions: | vNanath af samate a jos |os fos- provous vale 95 38a Bat non. 2 3 Sninimom pared ofimmersion | » | 2 | 2 | 2 ianatwatee | sNemperatire of water | Sse uoer ee 42. | Results 0 be obtained | wee 227-3, 20 227-4, te.) 227-1 © IEC: 1993 -37- 5.6.2 Overall dimensions ‘The mean overall dimensions of the cables shall be within the limits specified in the tables in the particular specifications (see IEC 227-3, IEC 227-4, etc). ‘The difference between any two values of the overall diameter of sheathed circular cablos of the same cross-section (ovallty) shall not exceed 15 % of the upper limit specitied for the mean overali diameter. Compliance shall be checked by the tests given in 1.11 of IEC 227-2. 5.6.3 Mechanical strength of flexible cables ‘The flexible cables shall be capable of withstanding bending and other mechanical stresses occurring in normal use. When specified in the particular specifications (see [EC 227-5, ete.), compliance shall be checked by the test given in clause 3 of IEC 227-2. Flexing test for flexible cables See 3.1 of IEC 227-2 During the.test with 15 000 backward and forward movements. j.2. 30 000 single strokes, neither interruption of the current nor short circuit between the conductors shall occur. Alter the test, the sample shall withstand the voltage test carried out in accordance with 2.2 of IEC 227-2. Bending test for tinsel cord See 3.2 of IEC 227-2. During the test with 60 000 bending cycies, i.e. 120 000 single strokes, interruption of {ire current shall not occur. After the test, the sampie shail withstand the voltage test carried out in accordance with 2.2 of IEC 227-2, the voltage. however, being 1 500 V and applied only between the conductors connected together and the water. Snatch test for tinsel cord See 3.3 of IEC 227-2. During the test, interruption of the current shall not ocour. Test for separation of cores See 3.4 of IEC 227-2. ‘The force shall be between 3 N and 30 N, 227-1 © 16C: 1993 -99- 5.8.4 Flame retardance All the cables shail comply with the test specified in IEC 932-1. 6 Gulde to use of the cables Under consideration, 227-1 @ IEC: 1993 -"- Annex A | (normative) Code designation Cables of the types covered by this standard are designated by two numerals, procaded by the reference number of this standard. The first numeral indicates the basic class of cable; the second numeral indicates the particular type withi ‘The classes and types are as follows: 0 the basic class. Non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring. 01. Single-core non-sheathed cable with rigid conductor for general purposes (227 IEC 01). 02: Single-core non-sheathed cable with flexible ‘conductor for general purposoe (227 IEC 02) 05. Single-core non-sheathed cable with solid conductor for internal wiring for « conductor temperature of 70 °C (227 IEC 05). 06, Single-core non-sheathed cable with flexible conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 70 °C (227 IEC 06). 07. Single-core non-sheathed cable with solid conductor for internal witing for a conductor temperature of 90 °C (227 IC 07). 08, Single-core non-sheathed cable with flexible conductor for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 90 °C (227 1EC 08). ‘Sheathed cables for fixed wiring. 40. Light polyvinyl chloride sheathed cable (227 IEC 10). Non-sheathed tlexible cables for light duty. 41, Flat tinsel cord (227 IEC 41). 42, Flat non-sheathed cord (227 IEC 42). 43. Cord for decorative chains (227 IEC 43). Sheathed tlexible cables for normal duty. 52. Light polyvinyl chloride sheathed cord (227 IEC 52) 53, Ordinary polyvinyl chloride sheathed cord (227 1C $3), Sheathed flexible cables tor special duty. 71 Flat polyvinyl chloride sheathed lift cables and cables for flexible connections (227 IEC 710).

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