An Action Plan For The Reduction of Carbon Footprint

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An Action Plan for the Reduction of

Carbon Footprint

Submitted to:
Robertson Laban
Submitted by:
Group 2


Cortes, Patrick Alvin

Elevado, Shaina

Escobedo, Nica Tamara Glenise

Fernandez, Britney

Gonzales, Charmaine

Nebres, Kharl Laurence

Takeuchi, Joshua
Chapter I


Carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gasses (GHG) that is produced to

sustain a person’s lifestyle and activities, both directly and indirectly. GHGs that contribute to

carbon footprints can be emitted via the production and consumption of fossil fuels, food,

manufactured items, materials, roads, and transportation. Moreover, despite their importance,

carbon footprints are difficult to determine precisely due to a lack of information and limited data

on the intricate interconnections between contributing systems - including the influence of

natural processes that store or release carbon dioxide. According to the World Health

Organization, a carbon footprint is a measurement of the influence of your activities on the

amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) created by the combustion of fossil fuels and is expressed as a

weight of CO2 emissions produced in tonnes. Carbon footprints are often quantified in

equivalent tons of CO2 over the course of a year and can be linked to a person, a company, a

product, or an event among other things.

In the international context, carbon emissions in the atmosphere have increased

throughout time. This is evident in data recorded by international observatories across the globe

like Manua Loa Observatory. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), data suggests that there is acceleration in the increase of carbon dioxide

in the atmosphere. The data showed that in the 1980s the average growth of carbon emission was

0.6 ± 0.1 ppm per annum while the highest recorded was 3.5 ± 0.1 ppm per annum reported

during 2015-2016. In addition, Antarctica's carbon dioxide levels also show an increase. Dating

back to 800,000 years ago, over some glacial periods, data suggests that during ice ages or in

warmer interglacial ages carbon dioxide never exceeded 300 ppm. However, carbon dioxide

levels in Antarctica are currently at approximately 402.9 ppm. This was the first-ever recorded

carbon dioxide level in Antarctica that surpassed the 400 ppm mark. All this data implies that the

reason for the relentless growth of carbon dioxide levels is linear with the rise of fossil fuel

burning. Nowadays, approximately 60% of fossil fuel emissions stay in the atmosphere. Fossil

fuel emission

According to Moises Neil Seriño’s study, the issue of home carbon footprint disparity in

the Philippines is important when it comes to reducing household emissions and combating

climate change. Using the usual method for studying income inequality, his study studied

household carbon footprint disparity in the Philippines and decomposes it into consumption

sources. According to the findings, the wealthiest 20% of the population accounts for more than

50% of total home emissions. The Gini coefficient of carbon footprint increases from 0.455 to

0.475 between 2000 and 2006. This suggests that the carbon footprint gap between Filipino

households is widening and getting worse. The discrepancy in emissions between affluent and

poor homes is greater than the disparity between middle-income households, indicating a

non-monotonous link between household income and carbon emissions. This shows that overall

household emissions inequality is determined by differences in lifestyle and consumption

preferences. Furthermore, the decomposition study reveals that energy-intensive consumption,

such as fuel, light, and transportation, is the primary driver of carbon footprint inequality. At

whatever level of prosperity, encouraging less carbon-intensive or energy-efficient consumption

reduces not only emissions but also the gap in household carbon footprints.

Carbon footprints can be reduced through increasing energy efficiency and modifying

one's lifestyle and purchasing habits. Changing one's energy and transportation habits can reduce

one's major carbon footprint. Using public transportation, such as buses and trains, for example,

minimizes an individual's carbon footprint when compared to driving. Individuals and businesses

can minimize their carbon footprints by installing energy-efficient lighting, providing insulation

to buildings, or generating power with renewable energy sources. Wind-generated electricity, for

example, emits no direct carbon emissions. Reduced meat consumption and shifting purchase

patterns to products that require fewer carbon emissions to create and transport are two other

lifestyle choices that can reduce an individual's secondary carbon footprint.

By this, the action plan aims to provide temporary and long-term solutions to reduce the

carbon footprint of each individual with the use of different methods.

Statement of the Problem

With the fast development of the urbanization process, carbon footprint significantly

increased. It is well-known that CO2 emissions contribute to global warming and climate

change. It has significant impacts and consequences on people and the environment.

Furthermore, environmental packaging and proper waste treatment are critical to

lowering the entire carbon footprint of the manufacturing. Yet, simply technical measures will

not be able to significantly reverse the direction of climate change, as consumer habits have a

large influence on climate change. Appropriate purchasing patterns of low carbon products

within food product categories can help to reduce GHG emissions. The development of ways to

measure the carbon footprint of every type of food and its processing technology allows people

to make environmentally conscious decisions.

With that said, this study is bound to see how the carbon footprint affects the daily lives

of people. Thus, aim to analyze how to reduce the carbon footprint effects.

Analysis of the Problem in the STS Perspective

The advancement of technology has developed the lifestyle approach and its

opportunities for people worldwide. This considers the fact that during the rise of the industrial

revolution, many products have been invented and innovated. However, this considers climate

change which is a predicament that would fail to develop for the environment. In addition, this

will probably increase the demand for renewable resources. Based on an article, Electrical cars

might seem to have a substantial carbon footprint but it also gives an environmental downside
for mining since 58% of the mines have been extracted which is already greater than half of it

(Hasan, 2019). According to (Dyott & Ladiwala , 2017), Carbon Footprint is essential to the

environment which helps the company to seek an opportunity in terms of ecological,

environmental, and economical pursuit.

The presence of carbon footprint provides safety for the untreated carbon that could

accumulate in the atmosphere. From the investment perspective, it supplies a lot of analysis for

the company to maximize efficiency and absolute records for greenhouse gas emissions. On the

other hand, From a company perspective, Increasing the transparency of carbon intensity can aid

in better management of emissions, as well as assess business risk and opportunity. Moreover,

utilizing Carbon Footprint reduces emissions especially Carbon Dioxide which has the potential

to cause damage to the environment. According to research, the goal in mitigating climate

change is to maintain 2 degrees Celsius average temperature above pre-industrial levels by 2050.

These emissions have been primordial ever since chemicals and other reactions caused by

humans have started which are Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide. These compounds

are most likely to deal with a high risk of irreversible, severe, and widespread impact globally.

(Dyott & Ladiwala, 2017)

Reflection on the Problem

Human beings are pleasure seekers in nature and for years of reaching and getting what it

wants it blocks the idea of also looking at the effects of what they do. Having a good life is not

impossible as long as there are limitations in consuming things that require the production of

carbon dioxide or adding up to the carbon footprint. In this case, carbon footprint contributors

should also know how to sustain the clean air needed for breathing in order for us to have a

prolonged good life. Humans and animals are great contributors to carbon footprints but due to

the need for space for humans for their houses and infrastructures the only thing that uses carbon

dioxide which is trees are also decreasing. If the irresponsible ways of humans continue global

warming will also continue. There are tons of ways how we can prevent contributing to the

carbon footprints. Recycling can be a big solution because a simple recycled material can

prevent the production of carbon dioxide. Mopping the floor can also decrease the temperature of

homes diminishing the usage of AC or air conditioners. The main solution for this problem is to

be responsible for the things humans will do to suffice their needs.


The development of the global population, as well as the economic and industrial sectors,

has had a significant impact on the Earth's ability to absorb carbon emissions both on land and at

sea. The phrase 'carbon footprint' was coined to describe and tackle this problem. This word is

often used to represent the detrimental impact of human actions on the planet online, in the press,

in numerous studies, and at global development events. Our carbon footprint has a harmful effect

on the environment in a variety of ways: it is the primary cause of human-caused climate change,
it contributes to urban air pollution, it causes toxic acid rain, it further acidifies coastlines and

oceans, and it exacerbates the melting of polar glaciers and ice.

Below are some of the most significant impacts of a carbon footprint on the environment:

1. CO2 emissions continue to rise, causing global warming and climate change, as well as

disastrous weather occurrences.

2. Toxic urban haze, which hangs above major cities, causes a high rate of respiratory

diseases and even cancer.

3. Acid rain has a disastrous effect on human health, wildlife, and flora when it occurs in the

presence of other substances in the atmosphere.

4. Large numbers of marine animals have perished as a result of acidic seas. Acid is

bleaching coral reefs, which provide protection and are home to a variety of marine

species, as a result of rising temperatures.

5. Glaciers and polar ice that are rapidly melting reduce the Earth's ability to reflect

sunlight, which has a ripple effect on Arctic food webs.

Climate change has the potential to be overpowering. As mentioned above, the entire

amount of greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide and methane) produced by human actions is

referred to as a carbon footprint. The average carbon footprint of an American is 16 tons, one of

the highest rates in the world. The average carbon emission on a global scale is closer to four

tons. By 2050, the estimated global carbon footprint per year must reduce to less than 2 tons to

have the best chance of averting a 2°C rise in global temperatures. It takes time to reduce

individual carbon footprints from 16 to 2 tons.

Monitoring your carbon footprint can help you reduce the environmental impact of your

usage. There are a variety of internet tools available to help you calculate your carbon footprint.

We can begin to make a great difference by making little improvements to our activities. Here

are some of the solutions that you can do to help our environment to solve the issues of carbon


1. One of the most effective strategies to lessen your carbon footprint is to watch what you

eat every day. This is due to the fact that the meat and dairy industries are among the

leading sources of global greenhouse gas emissions. Indeed, some academics believe that

these industries are the primary contributors to climate change. Meanwhile, incorporating

more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet is an excellent approach to both lessen

your carbon emissions and enhance your health due to modern farming methods.

2. Carry your own reusable shopping bags and avoid things with a lot of plastic wrapping.

3. Growing your own vegetables and fruits is a great way to contribute. Your new plants and

trees will help in the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas.

If you produce part of your own food, you'll be reducing the amount of CO2 released into

the atmosphere by the fossil-fuel-burning vehicles, planes, and ferries that deliver your

food to you from afar.

4. To avoid wasting resources, make sure you only buy what you need.

5. A typical car emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide each year. It accomplishes

this by burning fossil fuels like gasoline, which emits carbon dioxide through the exhaust

pipe. According to one analysis, vehicle transport was responsible for an estimated 17%
of worldwide greenhouse gas emissions in 2018. If you want to lower your carbon

footprint, you should examine other forms of transportation that do not rely on the

combustion of fossil fuels.

6. Whereas individual acts are crucial in the fight against climate change, real progress will

be made when we pool our resources. You can help campaign for a safer future for us all

by joining the worldwide revolt against the current damaging 'business as usual mentality

of governments and companies.

Everything is interrelated in the ecology in which we live. And every one of our actions

sets in motion a chain of events that has an influence on the environment and our future on it.

Most of the rise in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the last 150 years has been caused

by human activities. Reductions in carbon emissions help to alleviate the effects of global

climate change, promote public health, strengthen the global economy, and preserve

biodiversity. When we combat climate change, we help to ensure that our generation and

future generations will have cleaner air, water, and food.


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