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a er es Republic of the Philippines Professional Regulation Commission 5 Slanila PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY BOARD OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND ALUED suBJECTS INSTRUCTION: Solent for ‘ler “he correct answer for each of the following queetions, Mark gale one a cach item by aheding the box corresponding to the letier of your she0t provided. STRICTLY NO BRASURZS ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 2 only MULTIPLE CHOICE: 1. Areservoir dar ho:38 an 8.00-KmA2 I Jake is 12.0 m deep. What ie the water pressure ut tho Dawe seer ae ake Dann Just behind the dam, the Peo) S18 Pn ©, 80K DTH ee ; trom rest and awe O* egy Aan nae accaaratone coma” in what ime after staring speed Qe Bite C108 bos ° certain town receives its water directly { ‘tower, ater in the tower le 26.0 m above the water faucet in a house, el ‘should be tne wetae ee eeathe at te tounet (Neglect the effects of the other 8.286 KPa ©. 248 kPa 0.295 kPa 4. A098 of annulty where the payments aro mice atthe stat of each period, beginning from the fet pated. annuus BOreinery srinuity 'G Petpatany 1. Deferred annuity 5. Two masses m, «5 kg and mg 10 kg have velocities v3 = 2 m/eec in the +x direction and v2 = 4 msec in the +y directicn, They collide and stick together. thalr final velocity after colision? A. 2.560 reisec 8, 2.850 msec 12.760 m/sec 0, 3.826 msec 6. If 4.88 g of a gan cocupios 2.76 L at 103 kPa end 22 deg C, guloulate the molar mass. A. 24.1. 9/700! ©4241 gimol €.21.4 g/mol D. 12.4 gimoi 7. Oil flows through a 4.0 em inside diarneter pips al an average speed of 2.5 mis. Find the flow in cums.” A 2Ax103 cu mie BATONS cumin, mis O)I.AX10NS cu, mis 8. Calculate the 11umber of moigs in 4.00 L of e gas mixture ai 25 deg C If the total pressure Is 0.995 atm. A. 0.138 mol @)0.183:mo! 6, 0.183 mol 0.0.136 mol 8. Compute the average spced of water In a pipe having an insite dlanveter of 8,0 em and delivering 2.8 cu. m. of, water per hout. 0.35 mv 8.0.20 mvs ©.0.40 mvs. 0.0.25 eve 410. The product of force end the time during which Itacta is known K momentum B. impact Oimpuse D. work 14, Formula for catcium chiorkte. seach 8. Cac! C..cact D.Cach 42. Aflerhow many yoors will an Investment tiple I Invested al 10% per annum, net of daductions, compounded ue st O11.12 6.10.16 D. 9.20 419, What is the branch elrcuit demand for 12 KW range ang & KW cooktop? A8 B11 40 0.15 . 14, Compute the least aocelerition with whlch a 48-kg woman can alide down « rope Ifthe rope osn withstand a N. wees me. 8.16.47 mist2 ©. 1.88 mieh2 31 vera, by cable at constant spead. The tension In the cablo ls equal to ean eae CaO twice the weight C. trioe the weight. half the weight | 16, P160,000 was frvestod at 6% compound mewn, tx free, for 10 yeare and 3 months. How muct. was the * a at the end of the, basis B, P240,196 C. P280,348, 1D, P380,224 Scanned with CamSc nn 17. In a hydraulic cross, the smal force. yinder has a diam 1. While the larger platon has a diameter Ma tores of Ct N Is appled tp the smal Dison, what ia te re'en tne inves Paton roglecting HON? 1B. A basset i 5 KN 6.8.5 KN D.8.8KN 1 How fr 1s ttxrown with an Tnital 1 3 above the nortzontal from the throwing Point wil te banabal eae oe cus Aan ange of 20 degrose A788 m Bez m 884m D. 708m a 19, Branch circuit larger than . re) ia ‘Ampere shat auppi ony non-ightng outa iad. B.202M C.4.32M 42M 21. At cu. m. tank ie fled with a gas at reture C and a pressure of 100 kPa, How much le there Wt Gee i propane with Sragsey” TPwnbre 20g Cand =e B. 20.618 ©. 1,942 D. 2.002 5 am } A Cimat engine operates batw i 2 . 10 KW of power Is produced, rejectos hechrata on /#0n reservoirs at 20 deg C and 200 deg C. If A263 kts 820.2 hie 16.5 kre D.12kve ke f 0.80 6 0.91 m deep in tank which Is otherwise fied with water. H the tant S08 mineh, WORE the pressure, In KPa, ott bosom oi tence 421.80 8.27.89 G2010 0.23.48 24, Beer ege © Teeeive F20,000 in 10 years, It interest le computed at 6% compounded quartarty, how much rials 8.P11,036.25 6. P14,045.25 ©, P11,068.25 28. How many grarce are represanted in 2.60 mol of Hy0? o B07 C438 0, 32.7 The Standord etmospherio pressure in hetere te (p = 600 kg/eu. m, is: ‘om Bae me Orrm ' 27. Aside (2 in) of & square har is loadin tansion by a force of 12 Kips. Deterrine the ncrmal atrees In al in the ABS Be 028 ©: " 28. What ls the accumulated smount ‘end of each year, with interest rate a as edad an pout Of fe-yonr annuity paying P8:000 wt the A P40,519.21 B. P40,681.29 ©P0,484.20 D, P40,329.10. 29, Calculate the strain for a ‘in length = 0.088 cm and a length of 1.00 mi. ‘0.000217 2.00088 woeass D. 0.000211 30. A 1.0-0hig mans has.a kinetic energy of 1.0 fb speed is ‘A025 fe B10 Re 1.4 Re 9.8.0 Ms 34. How mach prosauire is needad to raise water tothe top ofthe buliding which Ie 1250 ft high? ‘Ata beg, In. B. 428 toeq, in ‘Oeaivon in, 1D, 482 Ibveq. In. 32. The folowing forces act on en object: 10 N ta the north, 20 N fo the southeast, and 6 N to the woet. The magnitude of thair reaultant is AGN ®ion C.13N G.23N 33, 11200 cx. ofa gas weighs 0.268 g at §.7.P., what l te molecutar weight? 10 8.20 30 D.40 34. A machine cost'g P1,800,000 has a ite of 8 years. Uning straight Ine method, the total depreciation at the and ‘of 4" year Is P8:10,000. Determine the salvage value of the machine, ‘A. P160,00€ 8. P260,000 ©. P300,000 B)P200,000 136. The denaity of yc 1s 465 Ib/cu.f. Find the mass in grems of 9.00 oc of zino. B. 66.6 0.48.8 0.85.6 36, Energy 1s addec to alr wtth a paddle wheat eo that AT = 100 deg C while P » constant In an inaulated container. The paddle-whoel work is cs @sr ns 8.423 kd ©. 400ks 0. 363 ks Prof 10°16 16 eae B. atto O©ppeta D. femto denaty of the gas ls 0.003 slugs per cubic foot, what le the specific weight of Vie gaa? aia @rsawen. &, 78.3.Niou, m. 1. 98.2 Nicu. m. Scanned with CamSc > to equalize the ‘wo concentrations? © Ss" & the diffusion of » solvent into « stronger solution in en elternet & Purtfcaton 8. Elctrotyala D.Hydroiyals ae hh used? ve Os rae Bee “oosens 0.0.19 KW-hr 41. Whats the pressure of 4€7 gramme n ane teen SoBe en Te" Oe oa SP amano aG CT, + Wa ls the frequency of oseitation of a body Its , Mi ta. 0.048 kg and k ia 0.8 N/m? A051 Hz B.06eHs moore He ue 0.82 Hz 43. A measure of how it amity atthe temperature. ey 7a ae compu wih « tacky pe eae - | A 80lKd wooden cube, 30, estivty uetivhy e Tao 4.0 nat tng reel 80, can he ay autmerged a wale puad ced endow etm Fotoum. 6. 700kyeum. - 0, 600 kg/aurm. tam 18130 degreeu. * ** "RUAN of to 101 foro appled et the eure pot wher fe angle Betwoen a ee 3.18.1 be ©.10.8 be Ose The ar MM orm 00. ne oi O20 rt : : C. 12, AT. A2 tom at. i p What fe the tral temperature See lom-deg F) are dropped Into a gallon of 40 deg F: of water, Door meee Dat2 ear cwanszcege | OMS 7AdNaF 48. rubber bend yas fn unstretohed iength of 180 mm Wit le stretohed around @ pole having a dlemesr of Cis nw the average normal evan in the 1. ier 8. 0.0236 ©. 0.0283 * @o.osre 49. In @ certain process, 800 cal of land st tha same Ume 100 joules of work are song: nat tae a Supplied t « eytan, eee 8.476.100. car 8 cal ©8239 cal reg h 101-11 (ase 2) tp the bees 10 squivaiont AA2.25 45.78 ©. 40.68 0.62.95 Mt 81. Aa eenployee obtained a loan of P40,000 at a nia of 6% compounded annually in order to bulld @ house.’ How Much must he pay moni he loon win «puto of 10 eau? A. P20. P910,22 ©. P106,76 DP t16.64 82. Convert the bash 10 integar 482 tas baso 16 equivalent ®r180 B.tFC - C.2a3 0. 1420 53. Convert 110 dex: F to deg ¢, 13.33 8.42.22 6.40.23 0, 48,32 racy (07 Years, a payment of $ 200 Is dus. At an inlereet raie of 6%, what fs tha A918 kPa. 106 kre 6.819 kPa D180 kPa. ‘55. What is the speed Of light tntough -water whose index of ratrection ls 1.337 AANSX10G mis. G)22Wxt0WS ms“ C.2.51x 10° ve 0.2.70 x 108 mvs Determine the maximum shearing siete in 8 ¢in.dlarietor soll ehat caring @ torque of 228,000 Bein, # 10,000 lea, 1B. 17,000 Iiveq. in. C. 18,000 Ihveq. in. ne ecos ae $9. A square stze! bar ie 60 mm on f side and 260 mm long. It is touded by an axial tenalie force of 200 KN, If . = 0.3, determine the change of per unk volume, e Rose 8. 0,000018 0.00016 0. 0.016 0. Caloutate ‘nitrogen st 160 K and 2'MPa contained in 0.2 ou, m. re ow 5.8903 ©.823k9 0.2.19 kg (1. A acid cruar aha ls requlced to transmit 200 KW while tutng at 1.6 reve. The allowable shearing olvess a ‘ ameter. ON aan Sisson ©. 1260 0. 158mm Scanned with CamSc ' 22 Whate 9 emp ermine rating of TW . tg Teac Find ime maximum shane sess fs vector han 3000 eat masa ot bce c A-GFQoNoe! sevice vine to convert 8 wt New toe Pb dager 5 The member of the boant shall hols the ter evooaron offtca for tam of Ag. LOT! Shel have been appointed end cont 2 os 80 deg F and vouere V,¢ 24 cu #0 comprenmed 120 pois The tra torparvare weg nemene €7. Caloulete the © 370 9. 200 subjected to a orina,h volite per unt volume of & tih-waed ste evr oeed ot ban ence and mae UA. Considere e200 Gme, DUS OF 0.8 MPL. The wes Ducrrnes te 14 mre. fe roan 82 8.1006 C10K8 Ors St. A parechutit rolles on wi neem rechite hav ne {mainly on her parachute) to decrease her downward veroony. trostermionst MM® # Maen of B60 a, oe ur ems ease emote SIGN woe we Shot we 60. Eee wenne 8.0.70 mera 6.2.58 ever2 Orne. ; Are My: Sage care mc ot 10 cm by 26 em beg on gage at "ue Ra wn ane nat assent tener sb nen net A. Secretary of the Department of Es nergy (DOE) 'Secretery of Department of Finance Secretar of DENR eld) D. President of TRANSCO 72, Atleast how mot receptacts outele) shal be instal Inthe bathroom? B. Two C. Three ©. Four Cringhtes 1 = 2 kg and my » 4 kg on & floniees hortzontal euctece are in ointact wan each othe’. 4 foros F 6 N le applied to block (masa my). How lanpe a foroe dows my exert or a? A2N BAN N O.0N 74. A man loane P'107,400 from a bank with interest at 8% annually. He agrees to pay hie obligation'e Dy paying @ equal anncal paymans, the fret bring due ts end of 10 Your, fsa te sorual paymante ‘A P4360. 10 8. P43,480.47 . P44.263.01 44,000.66 75. When an abject exerte @ force on another object the second abject exerts of the first w forve of he same ‘magnitude but in opposite direction, Thie statement ls in accordance ‘A. Newton's Firat Law of Motion Newton's Third Law of Motion 8. Newton's Second Law of Motion ‘Alot these 78. A barrel weighing 250 It ls suspended by @ rope 30 N ung. What hortzontal force fe necessary to hokd the barre! ldeways & ft from the vertical?” ‘A. 92.46 Id B. 04.62 ib C. 24.62 ib ©4226 77. What i the moment of inertia with reapect to the aude of rotation of a thin cioulas disk 1 s tumtable used by & Jif the mans of the dk ls 70 grame and Its radius fe 1.6 in? AATSIONG Kaan’? B.O.ABKIOAE Kg? C. 10.1108 kgue'2O)8. 0810-8 hme? Invested at 12% interest. compoundyd monthly, te Bret year Intervet, le newreet to OR Pro 1aG00 8. Pry teas Pro izte ppp i2sso 79, Determine ine niodulus of reelience (K/cu.m.) for maliesive cast iron: E © 165 GPs . nowmsl s0.ees = 230 MPS, 160.7 8.1708 C. 280.5 D. 280.8 of 18 re"? ot « certain ‘A particle reveling oF. » curved path has a velociy of 38 ms and s normal eccsleretion radive of curveture of the path at the point ie vee oom 869m c.6m ®rzm i Scanned with CamSc 61. In 1008 an original painting of Paso hes «:m, k troreased to arket 00 1205 Ite price has Fa NI rere ofinteret of ne pelcing 07 A 9 1085 te o% C.9.085 D. 11.9% 82. The Moody diagram is used Wi fuld mechanics to obtain A trecrag coefficient 8. the Stoudal number Sythe tevon factor. the pressure coef nt 83, A surveyors ates! tape 20 m : jong hae ‘crors-saction of ine the eongs 7 ce aR rath ard hold taut by a force ot ON are erat cm oatarmine te m 8.0.78 rem 4.78 mm 1.28 mm 44. Aneight of & 1.6 in le equivalent to 173. em 8.177 om ©. 207 em 0.223 om 1s fear ONY of 2.9 ht and «velocity a3. mi, The dance covered bythe wave n 0 m C.7.6 m- 0.6.0 m we median UVM 8 40 koh TSr 2.0 houra, at $0 kph for 1.0 hour, and at 20 kph for 0.60 hour, hae on mera ‘A 31 koh ®s0ich c. 48 koh 0.66 kph 17, The cols of D.C. motor atanar are wound with wire of ‘A copper Gymanganin ©. kanthal Oise 8. How much exte ral work ie done by an kde of 9.0 liters te « volume of $0.0 tere genet @ conetint prewoure of 20 mn? an oat OnPenng fom a volume: A105 kd ks C.66kd Gasoline hay #

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