Art Aappreciation 1

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Contemporary Art


Group Members:
Performance Art
Artworks that are created through
actions performed by the artist or other
participants, which may be live or
recorded, spontaneous or scripted
Performance art is a legitimate
artistic movement
Performance art is live.
Performance art has no rules or
Performance art is not for sale.
SHOOT By: Chris Burden

In many of his early 1970s performance pieces,

Burden put himself in danger, thus placing the
view er in a dif ficult position , ca ught betw een a
humanitarian instinct to intervene and the taboo
against touching and interacting with art pieces. To
pe rform Shoot, Bu rden stood in front of a wall wh ile
one friend shot him in the arm with a .22 long rifle,
and another friend documented the event with a

It was performed in front of a small, private audience One of Burden's most

notorious and violent performances, it touches on the idea of martyrdom, and
the notion that the artist may play a role in society as a kind of scapegoat. It
might also speak to issues of gun control and, in the context of the period, the
Vietnam War.
Through the Night Softly by: Chris Burden

The action of the poetically and ironically

titled Through the Night Softly consisted of
Burden slithering across broken glass in his
underwear with his hands bound behind his
back. This raw performance put the
audience in discomfort by having to view
the pain felt by Burden as shards of glass
shredded the bloodied front of his body.
to be cle ar to th e vi ew er s ho w re al pa in is an d
Burden wanted it
rf or m in g liv e so th at th e au di en ce ha d to ex pe rienc e
emphasized this by pe
to th e us e of co m m er cia ls to ad ve rtise fo r up co m in g
it in person. In contrast
d late ni gh t co m m er cia l sp ot s on a lo ca l te le vi sio n
events, Burden purchase
co nd clip of th is piec e so vi ew er s w ou ld ge t to se e it
station, running a ten-se
th ei r ho m es , th us pl ac in g th e ar tw or k on th e leve l
in the detached setting of
of our increa singly de tach ed re ce pt ion of ho rr ifi c ev en ts.
Rhythm 10 By: Marina Abramović
In Rhythm 10, Abramović uses a series of
20 knives to quickly stab at the spaces
between her outstretched fingers. Every
time she pierces her skin, she selects
another knife from those carefully laid out
in front of her. Halfway through, she
begins playing a recording of the first half
of the hour-long performance,

th e kn iv es st riki ng th e flo or, an d her ha nd ,

using the rhythmic beat of
, cu ttin g he rsel f at th e sa m e tim e. Th is
to repeat the same movements
Abr am ov ić 's us e of ritu al in he r w or k an d
piece exemplifies
e artist de scri be s as th e sy nc hr on icity betw ee n
demonstrates what th
the mistakes of the past and those of the present.
Rhythm 0 By: Marina Abramović

Rhythm 0, 1974 is one of Marina

Abramovic’s earliest and most
challenging works, in which she
examines the relationship between
performer and audience.

ive ro le, le t vi ew er s ac t on he r bo dy in an y w ay
Abramovic, in a pass
jects pl aced on a ta ble, in clud ing a fe at he r,
they chose, using 72 ob
m e gi ve plea su re , ot he rs m ight in flict pain .
scalpel, whip and pistol: so
ce gr ad ua lly be ca m e ag gr essiv e. Th e
Initially gentle, the audien
table an d pa rt s of th e or iginal
installation reconstructs the
Key Components:

Significant gesture
Reality vs. Fiction
Serial, Sync hro nous and Asynchronous
Scope and duration
Installation Art
- is an art form consisting of
three dimensional works that
are often site specific and
designed to transform interior
or exterior spaces to achieve an
effect. they are designed and
installed only in the space for
which they were created.
Installation as a visual art form
is labor intensive and the artist
usually works with fellow
artists and assistants with
welding, carpentry,
construction and fabrication
Con ceptua lism , the id ea or conc ep t be hi nd th e
work of art beca m e m or e im portan t th an th e actu al
technica l sk ill or ae sthe tic. Con ce pt ua l artist s us ed
whichever materials and forms were most
ap propri ate to ge t th ei r idea s acro ss .
T he Father of
Conceptual Art

Marcel Duchamp is often

seen as an important
forefather of conceptual art,
and his readymade Fountain
of 1917 cited as the first
conceptual artwork.
Neo-pop Art
N eo -Pop , or P os t-P op , is a br oad te rm th at
refers to a style th at h as be en in fl uen ce d by Pop A rt .
The first wave of N eo -P op A rt em erge d in th e 19 80 ’s
as a reaction to th e M in im al ism an d Con cep tu alism
of the 1970’s.

Michael Jackson and Bubbles is a

porcelain sculpture by the American
artist Jeff Koons. It was created in
1988 within the framework of his
Banality series . The life-size
porcelain sculpture depicts the
American singer-songwriter Michael
Jackson leaning back on a flower bed.
Inner Space’ was
created in 1987 by
Kenny Scharf in
Lowbrow Art style.
Find more prominent
pieces of still life at
Photorealis m is a st y le of ar t in w h ich
images ar e m ad e to lo o k so re al th at fo r th e
untrain ed ob se rv er it's alm o st im p oss ib le to
decide whether the p ictu re is a p h o to gr ap h
or a painting/drawing.
A Most photorealist painters
work directly from
photographs or digital
computer images - either by
using traditional grid
techniques, or by projecting
colour slide imagery onto the
Street Art
Street art is related to
graffiti art in that it is
created in public
locations and is usually
unsanctioned, but it
covers a wider range of
media and is more
connected with graphic
7 Different Types of

Street Art
One of the most popular
street art is the one done on walls. It
has a history which goes back to the
ancient Egyptian and Greek period.
Graffiti can be used to give out a
message or just to make a plain wall
look more attractive.
Graffiti Street Art


Sculptures are the 3D structures made by artists that are

displayed on the streets. It includes processes such as carving, modeling and
casting to make sculptures. Many sharp tools are used to carve different
materials, including stones, wood, and bones. Mostly the sculptures are
connected with political, religious, and historical belongings.
Poster Art

Poster art is a type of 2D artistic drawing that is printed

or drawn on papers. The artists use creative painting and
calligraphic skills to create posters. These posters are attached
to the walls or hung vertically on different events for the
viewers. Today poster art can be created using computer tools
and then printed on papers.
3D wall Graffiti

One of the most popular types of street art that attracts

customers is the 3D wall graffitis. It gives the feel like the objects in
the art are popping out of the wall.
Sticker Street Art

One From the childhood hobby of sticking stickers to our

hands and books, some of the artists have taken this concept to the
streets. They make eye-catching stickers of different sizes and post
them out on the streets to the trees, lampposts, walls and benches.
While some stickers can be removed easily, others are meant to
stay for a long time.
Spray Paint Murals

Many artists like to draw paintings directly on the walls using

spray paints. These are called murals and are usually the
representation of the abstract ideas of the artists. It makes the
walls look cooler, and some of the paintings may even look
Sideway Chalk Art

Many artists are talented enough to create realistic images

on the sidewalks. You may see a real man standing across the street,
but as you move closer, you will find that it is only an elongated piece
of art drawn on the sidewalk.
Thank you !

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