TCES Group of ARTIST Narrative Report

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TCES group of ARTIST Narrative Report

The term art encompasses a large variety of works, from paintings to sculptures,
architecture to design, and in modern times, digital art. Everyone can appreciate and marvel at
art, and being subjective in nature, different art forms appeal to different people. Art
appreciation, however, refers to the exploration and analysis of the art forms that we are exposed
to. It can be highly subjective, depending on an individual’s personal tastes and preferences, or
can be done on the basis of several grounds such as elements of design and mastery displayed in
the piece. Art appreciation also involves a deeper look into the setting and historical implication
and background of the piece, a study of its origins.
My inspiration is about to realize seeing my artist grow from nothing to become
individuals aspire for more. Their achievements are mine too and I was overwhelmed with their
compassion and hard work.
The day I started this group was on the year 2015,that time it was very difficult to
produce an art especially the oil on canvas because it is quite expensive but with help and
support of the parents we were able to come with arts materials and eventually created a master
My one artist Adam Benedict E. Lozada was very passionate on creating a
painting ,during that time encouraged him to just paint whatever comes in his mind, I was so
surprise seeing his mater pieces, they were very nice and absolutely amazing, together with my
other artists we uploaded their works via YouTube and face book using their personal account,
that I myself created for them and teaching them how to use social media with a sense of
Surprisingly they got good responses and this motivated them to go on with their works
and created more and more.
When I started teaching the art class many years ago, I developed an endangered species unit.
Students created wall-size paintings of endangered animals, and we combined them into a mural.
I remember watching the excitement and energy of the students as they read about the animals
and then made them “wall-size.” It was a very long time ago but seeing them,how happy they
were and learned so much because of that, it made me continue what I am doing.

Even after recent education accountability systems came into place and, in some ways, pushed
the arts to the background, the memory of my students’ enthusiasm stayed with me. I never
forgot the feeling of watching kids loving to learn, so despite some structural obstacles the arts
have always remained a part of my classroom. As rigor became a key factor in the Common
Core subjects, I also wanted to learn how to increase academic rigor in the arts and push lessons
past simply drawing pictures.

I learned that art has its own language, which opens up a new world to students. When
students learn about the elements of art [PDF] and principles of design [PDF], talking and
thinking about the visual arts becomes more than saying, “I like the way it looks.” Using the
vocabulary of art allows young students to talk about art with evidence, and when students
discuss and understand the language of art, they can then bring it into their own creations. Old
masterpieces now become their inspiration.
It makes me feel that I am in the right tract in teaching students with an integration of arts
as my helper in creating them the way I wanted them to become in the near future, An Artist who
are successful individuals or successful artists who love their country and be a good model to
others, so help me GOD!

Let us take look at my precious ones!

Art Class Adviser
School Head

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