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Decomposition Reaction of Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

Name: Nerissa Do Teacher’s name: Ms Chetty

Research Question
How can heating 3 g of sodium hydrogen carbonate with a
Bunsen burner in 5 minute increments until a constant mass is
obtained be used to determine the accurate thermal
decomposition equation through comparison of actual yield with
theoretical values obtained through stoichiometry
Figure 1: Four possible equations for the thermal decomposition of sodium hydrogen
(percentage yield)? carbonate.

Thermal decomposition reactions:
The thermal decomposition of sodium hydrogen carbonate occurs at above 80 °C, where it
is broken down into its constituent elements of sodium carbonate, water and carbon
dioxide (Wong, 2014). Sodium hydrogen carbonate is an ionic compound composed of a
sodium cation and bicarbonate anion.
Figure 2: Molecular structure of sodium

Results hydrogen carbonate. (PubChem, 2022)

Qualitative results
Across all trials, there were minimal observable changes as the product remained a fine white powder similar to the
sodium hydrogen carbonate. However, the powder contracted into a disk-like structure and pulled away from the sides
of the crucible most noticeably after the first 5 minutes of heating, after which further shrinkage was not observed
(Figures 7, 8 and 9). Additionally, soot was present on the exterior of the crucible and lid due to the incomplete
combustion of the Bunsen burner flame when initially lit (Figure 10).

Figures 4, 5 & 6: Trial 3 unknown product after 5, 10 and 15 minutes of heating. Figure 7: Black soot on the rim of
crucible lid.

Raw data
Table 1 – Raw data showing the mass of substances and/or apparatus at various stages of the experimental procedure.

Mass (g)
Item weighed
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
1. Empty crucible and lid (±0.01) 40.52 40.53 40.32

2. Crucible, lid and NaHCO3 (±0.01) 43.54 43.54 43.31

3. Mass of NaHCO3 (±0.02) 3.02 3.01 2.99

4. Crucible, lid and NaHCO3 (after 1st heating) (±0.01) 42.40 42.35 42.21

5. Crucible, lid and NaHCO3 (after 2nd heating) (±0.01) 42.39 42.35 42.20

6. Crucible, lid and NaHCO3 (after 3rd heating) (±0.01) 42.38 N/A 42.20

7. Crucible, lid and NaHCO3 (after 4th heating) (±0.01) 42.38 N/A N/A

8. Mass of solid left behind in crucible (±0.02) 1.86 1.82 1.88

Calculation type
Table 2 – Sample Example
calculations to determine the theoretical yield of equations Uncertainty
1, 2, 3 and 4 through stoichiometry for comparison with actual yield by calculatingof calculation
percentage yield.
Initial mass of NaHCO3 Mass NaHC O 3=Mass of crucible ,lid∧NaHC O3 −Mass of crucible∧lid Absolute uncertainity
% Uncertainity= ×100
¿ 43.54−40.52¿ 3.02 g Measurement
×100¿ 0.662252≈ 0.66 % ¿
Mean initial mass
3.02+3.01+2.99 Maximum value−minimum value
x= ∑ x i¿ ¿ 3.006667 …≈ 3 .01 g( 2. d . p .) Half range=
n i =1 3 Number of trials
¿ ¿ 0.01 g
Actual product mass Actual product mass=Mass of crucible , lid∧NaHC O3 after final heating−Initial mass of crucible , lid uncertainity
% Uncertainity= ×100
¿ 42.38−40.52¿ 1.86 Measurement
¿ ×100 ¿ 1.075269 …≈ 1.08 %
Mean mass of product
1.86+1.82+ 1.88 Maximum value−minimum value
x= ∑ x i¿ ¿ 1.8533333 …≈ 1.85(2. d . p .) Half range=
n i =1 3 Number of trials
¿ ¿ 0.02 g

Expected mass NaOH 3.006667 … N/A

(Eq 1) mNaOH =n NaHCO × M NaOH ¿ ×(22.99+16+1.01)
( 22.99+ 1.01+12.01+3 × 16 )
¿ 0.03571 … ×(22.99+ 16+1.01)¿ 1.43158 …≈ 1.43
Expected mass Na 3.006667 … N/A
(Eq 2) mNa =n NaHCO × M Na¿ ×22.99 ¿ 0.03571 … ×2.99
( 22.99+ 1.01+12.01+3 × 16 )
¿ 0.82280 …≈ 0.82
Expected mass Na2CO3 mNa CO =nNaHCO × M Na CO
2 3 3 2 3
(Eq 3)
3.006667 …
×( 2× 22.99+ 12.01+ 3× 16)
( 22.99+1.01+12.01+3 ×16 )
0.03571… × 105.99
¿ ¿ 1.89666 …≈ 1.90 g
Expected mass Na2O (Eq 3.006667 … N/A
4) ×( 2× 22.99+ 16)
mNa O=n NaHCO × M Na O ( 22.99+1.01+12.01+3 ×16 )
2 3 2
0.03571… × 61.98
¿ ¿ 1.10911 …≈ 1.11 g
Percentage yield Eq 1 Actual mass 1.88 N/A
% yield= ×100¿ ×100¿ 129.46108 …
Theoretical mass 1.43158…
≈ 129.46 %
Percentage error Eq 1 | Actualmass−Theoretical mass| |1.88−1.43158 …| N/A
% error= ×100¿
Theoretical mass 1.43158…
¿ 29.46109 …≈ 29.46 %
Solid product Expected mass Actual mass Percentage yield Percentage error
(±0.02) (±0.03)
NaOH 1.43 129.46 29.46
Na 0.82 1.85 225.25 125.25
Na2CO3 1.90 97.72 2.28
Na2O 1.11 167.10 67.10
Processed data
Table 3: Processed data table for the four possible solid products.

Figure 8 – Column graph comparing actual and expected mass yield of the thermal decomposition of
NaHCO3, assuming product as NaOH, Na, Na2CO3 or NaO

The actual yield mass of unknown solid product formed through the thermal decomposition of sodium
hydrogen carbonate was 1.85 ±0.02 g over an average of 15 minutes (Table 3). By comparing the
actual yield mass with the theoretical yield of the four potential solid products, the reaction with the
optimal percentage yield of 97.72% and the lowest percentage error of 2.28% is equation 3:
2 NaHCO3 → Na2 CO 3 (s) +CO2 (g) + H 2 O(g )

This can be similarly seen in Figure 8, where the theoretical solid product mass of Equation 3 is
closest to the expected mass. In contrast, the percentage yield of all other potential reactions were well
above 100% (Table 3), which opposes the law of conservation of mass, which states that additional
mass cannot be created (Sterner et al., 2011). As the percentage uncertainty for the average product
mass is merely ±1.08%, these significant deviations from the maximum yield percentage of 100%
cannot be caused by random error. Thus, they are evidently not the correct equations to represent the
thermal decomposition of sodium hydrogen carbonate. Therefore, the quantitative results indicate that
the solid product is sodium carbonate, which is supported by literature.
Due to the similitude in appearance between the sodium hydrogen carbonate and its four potential
solid products, qualitative observations cannot be used to support the quantitative results. As the solid
state of all products appear as a fine white powder composed of small crystals, the only observable
change upon heating was the contraction of the solid away from the walls of the crucible to form a
more compact disk due to the evaporation of water from the sodium hydrogen carbonate (Figures 4, 5
& 6). Whilst this potentially eliminates the first equation ( NaHCO 3 → NaOH +CO2 (g) ¿ as it does
not have water as a by-product, it cannot be used to determine which of the remaining three equations
are correct.
Therefore, the quantitative results suggest that the accurate thermal decomposition reaction of sodium
hydrogen carbonate is Equation 3, producing sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water.

The experimental results indicate that sodium hydrogen carbonate decomposes into sodium carbonate as
the ratio between actual and theoretical yield mass is 97.7%, which is closest to the optimal percentage
yield of 100%. This answers the research question and is supported by literature as whilst it is impossible
to attain the theoretical yield of 100% in a practical setting, the close proximity of 97.72% to this ideal
value indicates the successful conservation of mass with minimal losses (CK-12 Foundation, 2022).
However, although the same mass of sodium hydrogen carbonate was used for all trials, the reaction time
and mass of product differed significantly, indicating the influence of experimental error:

Explanation of error Impact on results Improvements

Systematic As the completion of Experimental yield mass A scale with a higher degree
error reaction was identified when would be consistently of accuracy (±0.00001) can
two identical consecutive lower than theoretical yield be utilised to more
masses were obtained, any values as the reaction may accurately determine
change in mass lesser than have not reached reaction completion.
the degree of accuracy of completion. Cannot Alternatively, the gas
the balance used could not confidently state whether produced from the reaction
be detected. any trials proceeded to (CO2) can be bubbled
completion. through water as a visible
Random As Bunsen burner The fluctuating Maintain Bunsen burner
error temperatures cannot be temperature irregularly flame across trials instead of
precisely regulated, they influences rate of reaction repeatedly relighting to
may have fluctuated during and the precision of trial minimise adjustments made
the trials. Additionally, the timings. to the gas taps and air collar,
air hole or gas taps may not thus maintaining a more
have been open to the same consistent heating
extent, influencing both the temperature.
temperature and size of the
flame contacting the

Degree to which the crucible The degree to which the

lid was left ajar may have The presence of by-product crucible lid is placed can be
impacted the evaporation of and impurities such as soot marked with a pen to
water, a by-product of the may result in an arbitrarily enhance uniformity in all
reaction. higher mass reading. trials. Remove any soot or
impurities on the crucible
The soot present on the with paper towel prior to
exterior of the crucible after weighing.
heating was not removed.

Residual heat may have Use alternate method of

allowed the reaction to identifying reaction
Contributed to lack of
continue after the Bunsen completion that does not
timing consistency and
burner flame was turned off require removal from heat
and stopwatch paused. source.
Possible extensions to this experiment include identifying the effect of different temperatures on the
rate of sodium hydrogen carbonate decomposition.

Thus, by comparing the actual yield mass with the theoretical mass calculated using stoichiometric
ratios, it can be concluded that the appropriate equation representing the thermal decomposition of
sodium hydrogen carbonate is equation 3:
2 NaHCO3 → Na2 CO 3 (s) +CO2 (g) + H 2 O(g )

The high yield percentage of sodium carbonate at 97.72% with a low percentage error of ±1.08%
indicates a high reaction efficiency that has been minimally influenced by random and systematic
error. Hence, it can be concluded that the results are an accurate reflection of the thermal
decomposition of sodium hydrogen carbonate into sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide and water, as it
abides by the law of conservation of mass through its high percentage yield relative to theoretical

CK-12 Foundation. (2022). Theoretical Yield and Percent Yield. Chemistry Libretexts.
PubChem. (2022). Sodium bicarbonate. National Library of Medicine.
Sterner, R. W., Small, G.E. & Hood, J. M. (2011). The Conservation of Mass. The Nature Education
Knowledge Project.
Wong, V. (2014). The thermal decomposition of sodium hydrogen carbonate. Catalyst.

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