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increasing the bulk or weight.

In another case, however

pretty. Must we postulate as many allied qualities as there

of the empire. Its external elevation consisted of four

stimulated the settlers at Panama, who had heard of a great

are made of glass, it it desirable to put them in wooden

died at Amherst, Massachusetts, on the 30th of July 1901.

and portages traversed the area of middle and eastern Canada,

certain defined points -- Tabatinga, on the Amazon; Cameta,

whence was soon derived the name Beverfuvck or Beverwvck. In

(1767). He wrote a work throwing doubt on the canonical

which the writer complains of in English agriculture must be

(1852); E. Reclus, Nouvelle geographie universelle, vols.

appear to have ruled undisturbed over a small territory in

unsuitable conditions, and also to the decomposing action of

appeared at Bologna in 1645. The original MS. is preserved

aroused by a striking situation he could be brisk, vigorous

conduct of the foreign affairs of the republic. He was sent

1904 28 4 22 4 16 4

Characeae. Sometimes several pyrenoids occur in each

The observations were divided into three periods: the fore

illustrated in the results obtained from the investigations at

lead ore found in Cornwall, used by potters for its green glaze.

quartzite. These divisions are folded on highly inclined or

Puteoli. It was there that he entertained his cultured

colours, with very few exceptions, are no longer used in

Large cords 9.90 1/3 ,, 2.194 1/3 ,, 2.887

unknown to the wiser among the rulers of Spain. They

British commander, Captain Robert Barclay. On Lake Ontario

Company, imploring the company's representative to come

him from his oldest friend. The Peerage Bill, introduced

sunset. On the other hand, light can penetrate some distance

IV. Origin, Nature and History of Aegean Civilization.---The

Americans, who had far greater facilities for building than

government, and reached a circulation of 10,000 copies. For

river, for the collection of export duties on rubber, which

Egypt, together with Moslem Spain. It originated with Mahommed

into the corresponding movements, which may be merely imagined

mathematical and astronomical subjects. Ibn Ezra died on the

enemy. On the 25th of September 1523 he once more landed

language. Even in that event, the information which would be

controlled by this element, met in November 1867, and framed

and living in diplomatic posts in Spain and England, for

Narses, against the Goths, Vandals, Franks and Persians. The

from it,'' the theory is really untenable. In sober contrast

Stewart (1861.) This latter, based on MS. material preserved at

path (W). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,509

the Italian government, being lodged in the Corsini palace,

subdued only ten years later, and that terrible insurrections

disease it is impossible for the surgeon to say exactly

Alembert continued to the end to lead the quiet and frugal

votes to 2953. (See The Times, 14th of September 1905.)

due to this fact, that order should reign in the Sharifan

of Europe,'' but of the Orthodox tsar determined to take the

1893 688,669 1,107,960 456,571 30,390

cellar. On the right is the palace of Charles V., a cold-looking

never could conceive how they had been made, there being

a co-educational school at which Mary Lyon, the founder of

fearing that the Portuguese, who had just revolted from Spain

mown. Attica was famous for its olives and figs, but general

conceived the idea of his didactic poem, ``The Pleasures of

(see Bosanquet, op. cit. p. 54). Among modern writers the

death he was connected with the Johns Hopkins University,

The consideration covenanted for by the poet's friends was

touches on foreign affairs; the second, to the ``Gentlemen of

Uber die Hochgebirgsflora des tropischen Afrika, 1892).

the academy ran a tilt against the abbe Delille and his

1302 a l'an 1311 by G. Schlumberger (Paris, 1902). (D. H.)

flesh was boiled off the bones at once (``scarification''), or

of the Consuls, very little changed since the time of the

like that of Hissariik, in central Phtygia and at Pteria

received his signature, with the words, ``I approve of this

AMMAN, PAUL (1634-1691), German physician and botanist, was

B.RP.N. Boho reipublicae natus.

first dropped the a- as in the Italian form mandola; the

Olive Oil . . . 306 9 2.9

meet the particular wants of troops engaged in the vicinity;

upon Gratian to call a general council from all parts of the

roused the jealousy of the northerners, and a treaty which

liability. By the common law, as we have seen, the exemption

camera, &c.), they cause a confusion, named chromatic

impartiality. It was his peculiar virtue that he could quote

discharge has been rapid, a rest will enable the cell to resume

so. There are probably more than 100,000 sq. m. of cod-banks

1874 to 1877 as the gateway to the Cassiar mines in British

high court of letters, and a rallying-point for educated

interior and offers easy means of communication. Both the main

discovered by their navigators Portugal claimed sovereign

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