C1 Unit 7 Progress Test

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Test 7

Time 40 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.


There are five parts to the test.
Part 1 is a listening part.
All questions carry one mark.
There are 40 questions.

© UCLES 2016
Part 1
Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short recordings. For each one, choose the best answer. You will hear each
recording twice.

1 You hear two friends talking about an awkward moment in a conversation they have just had
with the man’s brother.

How does the woman feel about what she said?

A She should have avoided that particular topic.

B She should have apologised.
C She should have phrased her comment differently.

2 You hear a conversation between two friends about a train which they have just missed.

What is the woman doing?

A trying to excuse her own actions

B refusing to let her friend take the blame
C denying responsibility for what happened

3 You hear a man phoning his friend to apologise to her.

What does he say about his behaviour?

A It was untypical of him.

B It didn’t reflect his feelings at the time.
C It was inappropriate.

4 You hear a man leaving a message for a friend.

Why is Sam apologising to Vicki?

A because he made an unjustified complaint about her

B because he spoke to her in an inappropriate manner
C because of the way he handled a difficult customer

5 You hear two friends, a boy and a girl, talking about the girl’s blog.

What does the girl apologise for?

A posting pictures of the boy online

B failing to speak to the boy before doing something
C taking some images from the boy’s blog

6 You hear a woman leaving a voicemail for her sister, to apologise for a mistake she has made.

What does she say about her mistake?

A It was out of character for her to do this.

B There was a logical reason for what she did.
C She has worked out how to rectify the situation.

7 You hear a man called Simon telling a friend about a problem.

How does Simon feel now he’s apologised to Jane?

A He’s still angry about what she did.

B He thinks she should have apologised first.
C He’s embarrassed about the way he behaved towards her.

8 You hear a conversation between two colleagues.

Why does the man apologise to his friend?

A because he forgot to reply to her immediately

B because he sent his friend a text message which woke her up
C because he had wrongly accused his friend of losing something

3 Turn over ►
Part 2
Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about connections.

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each space.

9 Some scientists believe people from cooler countries are more ............ and tolerant of
people with different ideas.

A light-headed B heart-warming C half-hearted D open-minded

10 Digging the hard earth with old-fashioned tools was ............ work, but it was rewarding to be
part of a team.

A absent-minded B heartbreaking C backbreaking D hair-raising

11 The jokes about Fred were just intended as a bit of ............ fun, but he took them seriously.

A light-headed B half-hearted C narrow-minded D light-hearted

12 It’s ............ to imagine that robots could replace human nurses in hospitals one day.

A mouth-watering B back-breaking C mind-boggling D lifelike

13 Online friendships can help people living in remote areas to overcome ............ and feel more

A isolation B intimacy C materialism D security

14 Being able to contact his parents easily gave Harry a sense of ............ when he first left

A isolation B security C tolerance D loneliness

15 There’s great ............ among Artificial Intelligence scientists about their ability to develop a
robot with human consciousness.

A tolerance B optimism C selfishness D innovation

16 After living on her own, Jess found it difficult to adapt to the ............ of family life.

A intimacy B tolerance C prejudice D nervousness

Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the sentences about connections. What are the missing words?
Some letters are already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 It’s h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to think some people have no family or friends to talk to when

they are old.

18 I’m very a _ _ _ _ _ - m _ _ _ _ _ so I’d love a robot who could remind me to do things

when I forgot them.

19 It amazes me how l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ robots look these days; their hair and skin is almost like a

20 The chef created a m _ _ _ _ - w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ selection of dishes from different countries.

21 Once Tom got over his initial n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about singing in front of an audience, he
gained confidence.

22 Many elderly people suffer from l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , with some spending days or even
weeks without seeing family or friends.

23 One example of i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in this company has been the creative use of social

24 When I worked abroad, my reluctance to speak the local language was mistaken for
r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by colleagues.

5 Turn over ►
Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read the text about a mysterious old book.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space.

The Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich manuscript is an illustrated, handwritten book. What is so fascinating about this book
is the fact that it is totally unique. Virtually the only thing that is certain (25) ………… it dates from
the period between 1404 and 1438. The book (26) ………… have been created in northern Italy,
but nobody knows for sure. It is full of strange pictures of plants, animals, people, stars and
planets, but (27) ………… the writing in it which really fascinates people. It is written in an
unknown language. There are a few Latin words, but experts can't (28) ………… whether these
were added later or not.

Although the Voynich manuscript is centuries old, it wasn’t until the early twentieth century
(29) ………… its existence was revealed. At first, many people were convinced that it
(30) ………… have been created by an art forger in recent times. (31) ………… was only after the
manuscript had undergone carbon dating that it was proved to be a genuine Mediaeval artefact.
But what is it? Some people believe that it was written as a guide to herbal medicine. However,
nobody has yet deciphered the strange script, and there is only a slim (32) ………… that anyone
ever will.

25 A that is B is that C which is D is which

26 A may B must C can D would

27 A what is B is which C it is D that is

28 A find B identify C learn D tell

29 A where B that C which D what

30 A would B must C can D should

31 A There B What C That D It

32 A prospect B chance C opportunity D probability

7 Turn over ►
Part 5
Questions 33 – 40

Here are some sentences about connections.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence,
using the word given.
Do not change the word given.
You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
Write only the missing words.

33 This article couldn’t have been written by a professional journalist.


There’s ……………………….……………………….. could have been written by a

professional journalist.

34 I’m certain that Milly is going to make friends quickly at university.


I think that ……………………………….……………….. make friends quickly at university.

35 I’m sure that David was lonely when he first left home.


David ……………….……………………………….. lonely when he first left home.

36 I guess Emma didn’t enjoy the party much – she left early.


Emma ……………………….……………………….. the party much – she left early.

37 In his presentation, Josh said something really interesting about social networks.


In his presentation, what ………………….…………………………….. really interesting.

38 Technology concerns me because it’s making us more disconnected from each other.


The reason why ……………………….……………………….. it’s making us more

disconnected from each other.

39 Above all, more time is needed for scientists to develop conscious robots.


What ………………………….…………………….. more time to develop conscious robots.

40 I only realised I’d lost my mobile when I got home.


It was ……………….……………………………….. I realised I’d lost my mobile.





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