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Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

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Evaluating emissions reductions from zero waste strategies under

dynamic conditions: A case study from Boston
Joshua R. Castigliego a,b,c, Adam Pollack a,b, Cutler J. Cleveland a,b, Michael J. Walsh a,b,⇑
Institute for Sustainable Energy, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Earth and Environment, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA
Applied Economics Clinic, Arlington, MA, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In 2018 and 2019 the City of Boston (Massachusetts, USA) conducted zero waste and carbon neutral plan-
Received 1 November 2019 ning efforts. Here we present the results of an accompanying analysis of the impacts of zero waste strate-
Revised 8 February 2021 gies on greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions associated with waste treatment. Emissions analysis in the
Accepted 11 February 2021
waste sector is complicated by the contribution of significant indirect impacts that can exhibit temporal
and spatial heterogeneity. For example, lifecycle GHG analysis of waste-to-energy combustion grants
credits for the emissions avoided due to electricity generated from organic waste (biogenic carbon) that
displaces electricity generation that could be carbon-emitting. As electricity grids decarbonize, this credit
Life cycle assessment
approaches zero. Long-term emissions planning needs to account for such dynamics to realistically assess
Zero waste the GHG mitigation potential associated with alternative waste management strategies. Here, we seek to
Planning capture these dynamics in a forward-looking analysis of waste sector emissions under a zero-waste strat-
egy for the City of Boston. Using publicly available data sets such as EPA’s Waste Reduction Model
(WARM), we show that the implementation of zero waste strategies reduces the combustion of plastics
and biomass in waste-to-energy (WtE) combustion facilities and associated GHG emissions. While WtE
has been considered less-carbon intensive than other forms of waste treatment and fossil-based electric-
ity generation, our analysis shows that more renewables will eventually eliminate the perceived GHG
benefits associated with waste-to-energy combustion. While our approach provides policymakers with
an understanding of the impacts of decisions in a dynamic context, we also identify common knowledge
gaps in conducting forward-looking waste-GHG assessments.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction house gas (GHG) intensive waste treatment approaches to low-

GHG approaches. Cities such as Cambridge Massachusetts, San
Limiting the impact of municipal solid waste (MSW) on human Francisco California, Denver Colorado, and Portland Oregon have
and natural systems is a priority for governments and the private started to collect residential food waste in addition to recyclable
sector. Many cities are pursuing zero waste (ZW) strategies, which materials and garbage (City and County of Denver, 2019; City of
aim to reduce the amount of waste materials that are burned or Cambridge, 2019; City of Portland, 2019; San Francisco
landfilled by promoting responsible material production, con- Department of the Environment, 2019). Several states have started
sumption, reuse and recovery (Zero Waste International Alliance, to require the diversion of institutional and commercial food waste
2009). Further, concerns surrounding the carbon footprint of waste away from landfill and combustion and toward biological treat-
treatment options such as landfilling or combustion has prompted ment (Sandson and Broad Leib, 2019).
policymakers to promote efforts to increase diversion from green- Zero waste strategies aim to reduce the growing generation of
all types of waste streams, including: food wastes, plastics and
packaging, paper, industrial waste, and e-waste (Song et al.,
Abbreviations: CH4, Methane; CO2, Carbon Dioxide; CO2e, Carbon Dioxide
2015). Such strategies include source reduction, source separation,
Equivalent; GHG, Greenhouse Gas; GPC, Global Protocol for Community-Scale
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories; ICI, Industrial, Commercial, Institutional; reuse, repair, recycling, and biological treatment of organics. A
LCA, Life Cycle Assessment; MRF, Material Recovery Facility; MSW, Municipal Solid review of prior ZW studies indicate that entities are most success-
Waste; N2O, Nitrous Oxide; t CO2e, Tonne (Metric ton) of CO2e; WARM, EPA’s Waste ful at achieving ZW goals when ZW strategies are applied in a con-
Reduction Model; WtE, Waste-to-Energy; ZW, Zero Waste. sistent and holistic fashion across waste streams and geopolitical
⇑ Corresponding author.
0956-053X/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.R. Castigliego, A. Pollack, C.J. Cleveland et al. Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

entities (Zaman, 2015). Zero waste is of special importance to waste streams evolve under zero waste strategies, emissions from
cities, which can benefit from the transition from waste being a the combustion of mixed waste streams will begin to look less
burden to waste being a resource (Zaman and Ahsan, 2020). Under- favorable from a net GHG perspective.
standing historical waste generation and future trends can help Here we perform an emission assessment of Boston’s waste
policymakers develop such strategies in a comprehensive manor stream using policy-interpretative dynamic GHG assessment prac-
(Ayeleru et al., 2018). Forecasts can be used to subsequently assess tices to elucidate how various changes in material and energy
the impact of potential ZW actions. flows impact system-wide emissions. This case study assesses
Such actions to promote waste diversion are typically informed the impact of waste management decisions under a changing
by the lifecycle assessment (LCA) of waste and waste treatment energy landscape. This work was conducted for the City of Boston
pathways. This allows for the estimation of various environmental as part of the Carbon Free Boston project that evaluated strategies
impacts including quantification of lifecycle GHG emissions – the for the City to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 (Boston
primary focus of our work here. This approach typically requires University Institute for Sustainable Energy, 2019; Castigliego
setting a system boundary in both process and time. This also et al., 2019). To the best of our knowledge, little or no study has
requires making fixed assumptions about energy or material prop- been carried out to perform an emissions assessment of waste
erties at the system boundary (Bakas et al., 2017; Morris, 2017; stream transitions using policy-interpretative dynamic GHG
2010). Quantifying these impacts remains a challenge for various assessment practices.
entities. While tools exist for assessing the impacts of waste –
notably the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Waste Reduc-
2. Boston’s waste management system
tion Model (WARM) or the Protocol for the Quantification of Green-
house Gas Emissions from Waste Management Activities
2.1. Waste generation
(Entreprises pour l’Environnement, 2013) – these tools provide
limited capabilities for understanding the impact of waste man-
Approximately 1.16 Million short tons (1.05 Mt) of MSW were
agement decisions over the long term as the emissions intensity
generated in Boston in 2017 with nearly 20% generated by house-
of elements of the waste system changes as policies evolve or as
holds and 80% being generated by industrial, commercial and insti-
a result of exogenous factors. This study seeks to understand the
tutional (ICI) entities (City of Boston, 2019). Through its waste
impacts of such changes for forecasting emissions impacts in the
contracts (recycling and disposal) and municipal-operated collec-
context of a city-scale zero-waste planning process to better
tion (yard waste) the City can obtain reasonably descriptive waste
inform and support decision-making. While many studies have
generation data by waste stream. Waste management by ICI enti-
conducted GHG inventories and assessments for historical years,
ties is greatly decentralized, and is governed primarily by individ-
none to our knowledge have evaluated how the long-term dynam-
ual contracts between ICI entities and private haulers. While a City
ics of lifecycle emissions factors can influence forward-looking
Commercial Trash Hauler Ordinance (City of Boston, 2008) requires
GHG assessments.
private haulers to be permitted and report collection metrics, the
The treatment of waste may generate net GHG emissions di-
ordinance does not cover a significant portion of small generators
rectly, most commonly through the pathways of landfill-based
and thus does not provide complete data. To compensate for this
anaerobic degradation of organic waste into methane or via the
lack of data, the Zero Waste Boston (City of Boston, 2019) analysis
combustion of fossil carbon-containing materials (Morris, 2010).
utilized industry generation factors and employment data
The treatment of waste may also generate indirect emissions
(California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
impacts. In the example above, both treatment pathways can
(CalRecycle), 2015) to estimate commercial generation and diver-
involve the generation of energy respectively from capturing and
sion tonnages. This adds an additional element of uncertainty
burning methane or from using the heat generated in the combus-
regarding the generation of waste from the ICI sector compared
tion of waste. These actions can avoid energy generation and GHG
to the residential sector.
emissions elsewhere and thus be treated as a credit to the system
Discarded materials in Massachusetts are either: diverted to
(Bakas et al., 2017; Morris, 2017; 2010). Such is also the case with
reuse, recycling, or biological treatment of organics); or disposed
the avoidance of energy use in raw material extraction associated
at a landfill or WtE combustion facility (Massachusetts
with recycling. Further, landfilling of biological material or applica-
Department of Environmental Protection, 2016). The city’s entire
tion organic waste to soils can result in a carbon storage. A more
residential disposal stream is collected and transported to regional
detailed summary of emissions impacts associated with waste
waste-to-energy (WtE) combustion facilities1 outside of the city
management practices is listed in Table S1.
boundary. Boston currently diverts about 25% of its waste to recy-
Generally, emissions assessments of waste management strate-
cling, which has increased from approximately 10% since Boston’s
gies have focused only on immediate impacts, and have not
adoption of single-stream recycling in 2009. Boston’s residential
accounted for broader system transformations that may change
recycling is processed at a local material recovery facility (MRF).
the net impact of the process over time—particularly at timescales
The recycling rates reported by the City are gross estimates based
relevant to policymaking (Levasseur et al., 2010). Most notably, the
on curbside collection amounts. Contamination, such as inclusion
carbon intensity of the displaced market energy is an essential
of non-recyclable or impure materials (e.g., greasy pizza boxes) in
input to a life cycle energy calculation—such as those used in EPA’s
this quantity is removed and sent to disposal. We assumed that ICI
WARM. In many regions, the carbon intensity of electricity is stea-
waste streams follow the same pathway as most commercial haulers
dily declining due to the growth of renewable energy. This trend is
transport waste to the same facilities.
expected to continue as many regions have committed to low-
carbon or carbon-free electricity supplies within the next 30 years
(Hertwich et al., 2015). This will lower the GHG-emissions factor 2.2. Emissions from Boston’s waste
for displaced energy generation from WtE’s life cycle impacts. This
has the potential to change WtE’s lifecycle performance relative to Boston’s disposal waste is burned at electricity-generating com-
other waste treatment options. WtE combustion is generally con- bustion facilities outside the city that feed into the regional ISO
sidered to have lower lifecycle GHG emissions than landfills—even New England grid. From a practical standpoint, the GHG-
those that generate electricity from captured methane (Kaplan
et al., 2009). As we show here, when grids become cleaner and 1
Covanta Haverhill, Covanta SEMASS, Wheelabrator Saugus

J.R. Castigliego, A. Pollack, C.J. Cleveland et al. Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

emissions intensity associated with the electricity generated at 3. Methodology

these facilities is a function of the fraction of the material that is
fossil carbon (e.g., plastics)—with biogenic carbon generated from Aligning ZW goals with GHG mitigation goals requires a com-
organic waste assumed to be carbon-neutral. A nominal amount prehensive understanding of the emissions associated with waste
of CH4, and N2O are assumed to be generated by incomplete com- management strategies. We evaluated the GHG impact of such
bustion of both the biogenic and fossil-based waste (US EPA, 2016; strategies by first defining how emissions are generated across
US EPA, 2015). the waste stream. Next, we applied presumed diversion-factors
City-GHG accounting guidelines, such as Global Protocol for by material type (Table S4) to reflect the impact of zero-waste
Community-Scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories (GPC), typi- strategies material flows (generation and diversion) to alternative
cally attribute such emissions associated with such WtE systems treatment pathways. Finally, we used publicly available lifecycle
to the stationary energy generation sector. As a result, city-level emissions factors (US EPA, 2016) to assess emissions on a material
waste management decisions that reduce the flow of waste to basis. Since factors for avoided emissions are based on historical
WtE facilities—and thus reduce emissions—will not materially carbon intensities for electricity generation, we recalculated these
change Boston’s reported GHG emissions because WtE plants deli- based on forecasts defined by state-level regulations stipulating
ver a small fraction of all the electricity supplied to the ISO New the future carbon intensity of procured electricity. This allowed
England grid (US EPA, 2015). us to conduct a representative forward-looking assessment of
In this study we evaluated the downstream emissions associ- emissions from the waste stream in a dynamic context.
ated with waste treatment pathways by directly attributing emis- As with all forward-looking assessments, our study is reliant on
sions to the functional unit of waste (e.g., per ton) rather than to several underlying assumptions about the future. While our fore-
electricity generation (e.g., per kWh). We do so in order to assess cast for the carbon intensity of procured electricity is defined by
the impacts of waste policy on GHG emissions throughout the current regulation, it is likely that this regulation will become more
waste management system. Our approach provides insight into stringent, more influential, and harder to accurately forecast our
the effects of future policies and activities on GHG emissions that assumptions about future capture rates (Table S4) which are an
may not be observed in the City’s current accounting methodology. interpretation of presumed policy impacts that may be more or
This provides decision-makers with information on GHG impacts less stringent and impactful than what is assumed here. In this
associated with each waste management alternative (Bakas et al., assessment, these assumptions best reflect the principals and
2017). objectives selected for the Zero Waste Boston initiative, and ulti-
mately provide a basis for evaluating GHG impacts.

2.3. Zero waste planning in Boston

3.1. Classification of waste emissions
As a part of its 2014 Climate Action Plan update, Boston commit-
ted to become a ‘‘waste- and litter-free city” (City of Boston, 2014). We evaluated two categories of emissions specific to the mate-
A major step towards this goal was launched in 2018 in the form of rial type and treatment pathway:
Zero Waste Boston, a planning initiative that aims to ‘‘. . .transform
Boston into a ZW city through planning, policy, and community (i) Direct Emissions: Emissions from waste decomposition and
engagement” (City of Boston, 2019). A commonly adopted bench- combustion, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),
mark for achieving ZW is to divert at least 90% of waste from land- nitrous oxide (N2O), or biogenic CO2.
fills and WtE facilities (Zero Waste International Alliance, 2009)— (ii) Avoided Emissions: Emission ‘‘savings” or ‘‘benefits” that
this target served as the basis for our forecasts of ZW strategies potentially could be realized via energy recovery, material
and impacts. recovery, and carbon storage.
The Zero Waste Boston initiative outlined a set of strategies to
help Boston achieve its ZW goals (City of Boston, 2019). Each of The magnitude and type of direct emissions associated with
these strategies requires new rules to incentivize diversion activi- MSW treatment varies based on the treatment process and mate-
ties, new services to handle the capacity for increased diversion, rial type (Table S1). Direct material emissions are easily mapped
and education and outreach initiatives to help residents and busi- to a specific method of waste treatment, and in principle are
nesses move toward ZW. New rules include: requirements on directly measurable, e.g., the combustion of waste to generate elec-
diversion of construction waste, problem materials, and reusable tricity (Entreprises pour l’Environnement, 2013; US EPA, 2016).
and fixable goods; incentive programs such as pay-as-you-throw; Avoided emissions are more challenging to estimate. They often
and out-right bans of problem packaging at supermarkets and vary greatly by location and can change significantly over time
restaurants. New services include food waste collection services, due to regional and temporal heterogeneity in displaced energy
neighborhood drop-off centers, and City-owned transfer and pro- and material generation processes (Entreprises pour
cessing facilities. Moreover, education and outreach initiatives l’Environnement, 2013; US EPA, 2016). The calculation of avoided
include technical assistance (e.g., small business support and resi- emissions due to energy recovery from waste combustion is very
dential fix-it kitchens), behavior-change marketing campaigns, and sensitive to assumptions regarding the design and efficiency of
community waste prevention and recycling grants. Compost the WtE plant, and the characteristics of those avoided electricity
actions were identified as a priority and include expanding back- generation sources (Eriksson and Finnveden, 2017). For example,
yard composting, piloting of residential compost collection, in recent years, both electricity generation and the provision of
increasing composting at institutional and commercial facilities, raw virgin materials have become less GHG-intensive, which cor-
and increasing compost capacity. The Zero Waste Boston analysis respondingly decreases the potential avoided emissions. This trend
projected that implementation of these strategies would increase is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. For these and other
the overall diversion rate from 25% to 80% or more by 2050 (City reasons, avoided emissions often are reported separately from
of Boston, 2019). Each strategy evaluated in Zero Waste Boston direct emissions in most GHG accounting methodologies
was presumed to have an impact on the magnitude of diversion (Entreprises pour l’Environnement, 2013).
(e.g., % of organics being diverted based on ICI sector diversion Our analysis focuses on emissions associated with tradeoffs
mandate) (Table S4). associated with material processing. Preliminary assessment of
J.R. Castigliego, A. Pollack, C.J. Cleveland et al. Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

emissions attributable to transportation were found to be minor achieved by 2040 with increased source reduction and education
and were excluded from our analysis due to uncertainty related and outreach efforts (Fig. 2 bottom). Our model assesses both sce-
to temporal (e.g., the deployment of electric collection trucks), spa- narios from 2017 to 2050 (Fig. 3).
tial (e.g., the distance driven by such trucks) and operational attri-
butes (e.g., the deployment of additional trucks for organics 3.4. GHG quantification methodology
We used emissions and energy-yield factors for each material
3.2. The characterization of energy, materials and emissions type from EPA’s Waste Reduction Model (WARM) v14 (US EPA,
2016). We disaggregated and then modified some of the assump-
Once discarded materials enter the waste stream, they either tions and data in WARM to improve accuracy and flexibility. In par-
follow: a diversion pathway by being recycled or biologically trea- ticular we updated WARM data to represent the regional ISO New
ted; or a disposal pathway via landfilling or combustion (Fig. 1). England electricity grid mix (US EPA, 2015) and with up-to-date
The proportion of material (M) that flows through each waste global warming potentials (IPCC, 2013). Further, disaggregation
stream or management practice relies on the management deci- of WARM factors allows us to explicitly break out emissions by
sions and policies of the governing body. type (e.g., direct or avoided). This is especially important for under-
Depending on its composition, direct treatment of the waste standing the relative contribution of different types of GHG emis-
stream may emit any combination of GHGs, such as CO2, CH4, sions and their relative uncertainty associated with each
N2O, or biogenic CO2, at varying magnitudes. We divided MSW treatment pathway.
materials into six main compositional categories: paper, plastics,
metals, glass, organics (food waste, yard waste, etc.), and others 3.4.1. Emissions from MSW management practices
(textiles, leather, rubber, electronics, etc.). These materials contain Once Boston’s waste streams were quantified for the residential
either biogenic carbon (paper and organics), fossil carbon (plas- and ICI sectors, we mapped material breakdowns captured from
tics), or no carbon (glass and metals) (US EPA, 2016). The source waste audits for each waste stream (Casella Waste Systems,
of carbon (fossil or biogenic) in a material determines whether 2018; Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection,
the emissions have a net global warming potential (fossil) or not 2017) (Tables S5 and S6) to WARM material classifications
(biogenic). Further, anaerobic breakdown of biological carbon in (Table S7). Materials that could not be mapped to WARM classifi-
these pathways can produce methane, which has a large global cations were excluded from our analysis.2 This comprised approxi-
warming potential relative to CO2. It is important to note that each mately 13% of the residential stream and 8% of the commercial
waste treatment pathway has different GHG implications for each stream. The mapping process requires some critical evaluation of
material type. For instance, the combustion of plastic waste reported materials and their compatibility with WARM classifica-
releases CO2 and N2O, but if recycled or landfilled it will not release tions. For example, the choice of mapping plastics to specific mate-
any emissions. On the other hand, organic waste releases N2O and rial categories can significantly impact estimated emissions:
biogenic CO2 if combusted, and releases CH4, N2O, and biogenic WARM utilizes a WtE combustion carbon intensity of 2.79 t CO2e
CO2 if landfilled or anaerobically digested – the magnitude of these per short ton waste for HDPE (high-density polyethylene), LDPE
emissions factors can vary significantly depending on process con- (low-density polyethylene), or PP (polypropylene) plastics, and a
ditions (Sun et al., 2019). value of 2.04 t CO2e per short ton waste for PET (polyethylene
terephthalate) plastics. Some waste audit categories clearly indicate
3.3. MSW generation and composition the material type (e.g., #1 PET plastic). Others indicate an uncharac-
terizable mixture of plastic types or material composites (e.g., Bulk
We employed a bottom-up approach to evaluate changes in Rigid Plastic Items, Other Plastic Film). These can often comprise a
GHG emissions as waste streams change due to various waste significant portion of the waste stream. In this case, we mapped
diversion policies. MSW generation in the residential and commer- these uncharacterizable materials to the mixed plastic WARM classi-
cial sectors are forecasted separately due to their distinct MSW fication which represents a weighted average of plastic streams. Due
characteristics and differing data quality. As noted above in section to the uncertainty associated with some of these audit categories
2, the Boston Public Works Department collects and reports data approximately 70% of plastics gets allocated to the mixed plastics
on the generation of residential MSW, while we assume that data WARM classification. Allocating mixed plastics to higher carbon-
on ICI waste generation follows patterns of employment by sector intensity material types yielded unrealistic facility-scale GHG emis-
(California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery sions. While our mapping results in realistic, albeit high values for
(CalRecycle), 2015). aggregate facility emissions (discussed below in comparison to
Waste characterization studies conducted at the regional WtE actual facilities), we acknowledge that this remains a large source
facilities were used to define Boston’s disposal stream by material of uncertainty due to data limitations. More accurate audits of the
type (Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, properties of the mixed or composite materials would help to reduce
2017). Similarly, composition measurements were obtained from uncertainty.
Boston’s local MRF to define the city’s recycling stream. We WARM provides a set of lifecycle emission factors by material
assumed 20% of all recycling material inputs received by their facil- type and by MSW management practice: recycling (Table S8);
ity is contamination and must be diverted back into the disposal composting (Table S9); combustion (Table S10); and landfill
stream based upon local facility operations (Casella Waste (Table S11). We note that there can be significant variability and
Systems, 2018). We assessed the changes associated with Boston’s uncertainty embodied in the emissions coefficients used here. In
waste management system under two management scenarios: (1) particular, avoided emissions from carbon storage have uncer-
Baseline, and (2) a ZW Pathway (Table S2 and Table S3). In both tainty due to variability in land management practices, local cli-
scenarios future MSW generation is assumed to be driven by pop- mate, soil conditions, and rate of compost application.
ulation (residential MSW) and employment (commercial MSW). Uncertainty is primarily due to a lack of agreement in the literature
The reference pathway assumes diversion rates held constant at
existing levels (Fig. 2 top). The ZW Pathway assumes that 80%
diversion will be achieved by 2030 in line with Zero Waste Bos- 2
These include household hazardous waste (e.g., lightbulbs, batteries, paint, etc.),
ton’s proposed policy initiatives, and that 90% diversion will be bulky materials, and restaurant fats/oils/greases.

J.R. Castigliego, A. Pollack, C.J. Cleveland et al. Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

Fig. 1. Material and Emission Flows in the MSW Management System.

about the appropriate time horizon to measure carbon storage, as on the use of lifecycle factors in long-term assessments that sup-
carbon is slowly emitted over the course of time (Ximenes et al., port policy-making. While it is possible that the carbon intensity
2019). WARM uses a 10-year time frame which results in a much of the grid may deviate from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Stan-
larger carbon storage credit across material types than other dard regulation, it is quite certain that the emissions intensity of
accounting methods (Hodge et al., 2016). For consistency across electricity will significantly decline at that rate over the next
our approaches we used the reported values for WARM, but cau- 30 years. This contrasts with knowledge about the future emis-
tion that our estimates for carbon storage are highly uncertain sions intensity associated with material recovery (or more broadly
and may only represent best case scenarios that describe best man- consumption emissions), which is influenced by a complex chain of
agement practices (Henriksen et al., 2019; Ximenes et al., 2019). policy, technology, and consumer changes across countries and
Decisions that are influenced by the carbon storage potential of industrial entities. Better frameworks are needed for the evalua-
compost should seek to better quantify carbon storage potential tion of these impacts.
in the specific application of the compost.
We recalculated the WARM emission factors for avoided emis- 3.4.2. Comparison with measured emissions from waste combustion
sions from electricity generation by developing a forecast for the Direct measurements of the emissions intensity of WtE com-
average grid emissions intensity through 2050 based on the Mas- bustion on a per-unit of waste basis is not typically reported—
sachusetts Clean Energy Standard (Clean Energy Standard (310 emissions registries such as eGRID consistently report emissions
CMR 7.75), 2017). We simulated this policy by assuming that in per energy-unit generated (US EPA, 2015). Covanta, the operator
20% of electricity sold in 2020 comes from carbon-free sources of two Massachusetts WtE facilities, reported a national average
and increases to 80% by 2050 at a rate of 2% per year with the bal- emission intensity of 0.38 t CO2e per short ton of MSW from its
ance of electricity generated by natural gas combined cycle facili- WtE facilities from 2015 to 2017 in a personal communication
ties (Table S12). The emissions intensity declines from 327 kg (Van Brunt, 2018). Our methodology generates an average emis-
CO2e per MWh in 2017 to 76 kg CO2e per MWh in 2050. Assuming sion intensity of 0.44 t CO2e per short ton of MSW. Both of these
no change in the material composition of the disposal stream and values are below most natural gas electricity generation facilities
the energy it generates, the impact of this change results in a and nearly all coal-based generation (US EPA, 2015). The discrep-
decline of avoided emissions by 76.8% per ton of waste. ancy between our value and the Covanta estimate is likely due in
The fact that our methodology utilizes a dynamic emissions large part to different methodologies. We used a bottom-up
intensity for avoided emissions from electricity generation, but approach that relies on (i) waste tonnage data reported by the City;
not for avoided emissions from material recovery via recycling is (ii) composition of waste based on data at the three WtE facilities
an obvious inconsistency. This highlights a fundamental limitation that receive the city’s waste (and waste from other municipalities);
J.R. Castigliego, A. Pollack, C.J. Cleveland et al. Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

Fig. 2. Boston’s Current and Future Waste Flows. Top: Municipal solid waste (MSW) in 2017. Bottom: MSW under 90% diversion conditions in 2050. Units are in 1,000 tons
and percentage of total material waste generated or diverted. Along the left are the categories of MSW. Along the right are waste disposal and waste diversion strategies. In
the bottom graph, 10% of the MSW stream is disposed, 29% is recycled, 32% is organics diversion, 17% is other diversion, and 13% is source reduction. Values in columns may
not add to equal values due to rounding. Sources: Calculations based on data from Boston Department of Public Works, Zero Waste Boston, and Massachusetts Department of
Environmental Protection.

and (iii) the emissions intensity that WARM assigns to each type of the disposal stream. This suggests that there is substantial oppor-
waste. This approach requires an imperfect mapping of waste com- tunity for diverting food waste to biological treatment. Further,
position data (an approximation of Boston’s actual waste composi- there is additional potential to divert the paper, plastic, metal,
tion) to WARM classifications (e.g., categorizing uncertain plastic and glass fractions of the waste stream that, for the most part,
types). As a result, we anticipate that the emissions we report for are recyclable or potentially recyclable. The flow between the other
combustion are likely higher than those observed and reported at materials category and recycling represents the portion of the
the Covanta facilities. A fertile area for future research is the appli- recycling stream that is recycling contamination, which amounts
cation of measured data to improve the accuracy of bottom-up to 20%.
methods such as WARM. A zero-waste Boston would divert 90% of its waste stream from
disposal and only send 10% of its waste to disposal (Fig. 2 bottom).
This remainder consists of uncaptured paper, plastic, metal, glass,
4. Results and discussion food waste, and other organic materials (4% in aggregate) and
difficult-to-divert composite materials (6%). Note that Zero Waste
4.1. The impacts of Zero Waste Boston on waste flows Boston’s strategies would shift disposal from the largest current
waste pathway to the smallest by 2050 (Fig. 3).
In 2017, approximately 75% of Boston’s MSW stream was sent Zero Waste Boston’s strategies would dramatically reduce the
to combustion facilities for final treatment, with the remaining fraction of food waste in the disposal stream (Fig. 4). With little
25% entering diversion pathways (Fig. 2 top). Compositionally, food waste remaining in the disposal stream, additional efforts to
food waste accounted for 23% (263,000 short tons) of the total address materials in the disposal stream must be implemented to
waste stream, but only 8% (22,000 short tons) was diverted from hit the diversion targets. Under an 80% diversion target or higher,
J.R. Castigliego, A. Pollack, C.J. Cleveland et al. Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

Fig. 3. Boston’s MSW Generation Trajectory from 2015 to 2050.

the two largest fractions of the remaining disposal stream are generation is replaced with clean energy sources, MSW combus-
potentially recyclable plastics and problem materials.3 These mate- tion becomes one of the more carbon-intensive energy sources
rial types cannot easily be managed through current diversion path- on the grid. Thus, the annual avoided emissions credit from energy
ways like recycling and biological treatment. Instead, they must be recovery would decline by 74% by 2050 under the Massachusetts
prevented from entering the waste stream through source reduction Clean Energy Standard.
and source separation efforts or by improving recycling technology. For the illustrative purposes of this analysis, we assumed that
Boston’s non-diverted waste will continue to be combusted at
4.2. The impacts of Zero Waste Boston on GHG emissions WtE facilities. This assumption may not reflect the potential of
these WtE facilities to retire due to a changing regulatory and eco-
To estimate the GHG impact of increased diversion, we begin nomic landscape prior to 2050, which is also notably beyond the
with a baseline scenario that establishes the magnitude of Boston’s expected operating lifetime of these facilities.
waste-related emissions between 2017 and 2050 in the absence of
any new action by the City. The baseline scenario assumes that per
capita (residential) and tons per employee per year (ICI) generation 4.2.2. Zero waste pathway
rates remain constant through 2050. Our reliance on downscaled We assessed the impacts of ZW policies with the simplifying
state commercial waste data and compositional estimates leads assumption that diversion increases from 2020 to 2030 to achieve
to significant uncertainty in the magnitude of commercial waste the 80% diversion target, rises to 90% diversion by 2040, and
generation and emissions. Nevertheless, the assumption of con- remains constant through 2050. This is in comparison to the cur-
stant per capita rates of generation is a reasonable departure point rent diversion rate of 25%. The initial 80% diversion target is met
for analysis. by Zero Waste Boston’s strategies, which have associated
material-specific capture rates (Table S4) that estimate the per-
4.2.1. Baseline scenario centage of materials that each initiative would divert from the dis-
Table 1 shows the aggregate emissions associated with the posal stream. These actions include source reduction, which is
baseline and ZW scenarios. The processing (i.e., waste combustion, modeled here as the diversion pathway that reduces the materials
composting, etc.) of the city’s MSW generated an estimated 392.8 entering the waste stream. The additional 10% diversion increase
kt CO2e in 2017, equivalent to about 6% of the total emissions (from 80% to 90%) is met by enhanced source reduction and educa-
reported in the City’s 2015 emissions inventory (City of Boston, tion and outreach efforts.
2018). The baseline scenario assumes that the city’s overall diver- A 90% diversion rate is anticipated to cause annual direct emis-
sion rate remains constant at its current level of about 25%, while sions to drop by approximately 80.9% relative to the 2050 baseline
total generation grows due to increases in population and employ- (Table 1). Although direct emissions from organics composting are
ment. This results in a 14% increase in waste generation and direct expected to increase with increased diversion, overall direct emis-
process emissions from 2017 levels. The combustion of MSW con- sions are still expected to decline under the Zero Waste Pathway
tinues to be the city’s largest source of waste-related GHG due to less MSW being treated at WtE combustion facilities. In fact,
emissions. direct emissions from waste combustion are expected to decline by
The combustion of the city’s waste will generate increasingly 85.6%, which is equivalent to a GHG reduction of 377.4 kt CO2e.
small avoided emission benefits as the regional electricity grid sub- Fig. 5 shows the impact of a zero-waste pathway on the cumu-
stantially decarbonizes through 2050. Currently, the combustion of lative emissions from 2020 to 2050 by different categories. Under
biogenic carbon-rich MSW generates less GHGs per MWh than the this alternative pathway, cumulative direct emissions would
combustion of fossil fuels (US EPA, 2016). As natural gas electricity decline by 8 Mt CO2e (60% decrease), while 17 Mt CO2e (84%
increase) additional avoided emissions would be realized. By dis-
These include composite materials that are mainly composed of recyclable or
aggregating these cumulative emissions numbers by emissions
compostable materials (e.g., paper, plastics, metals, glass, organics, etc.), but also classification, we can compare the overall effect of the Zero Waste
contain other materials that prevent them from being directly recycled or composted. Pathway on Boston’s waste related GHG emissions. The diversion
J.R. Castigliego, A. Pollack, C.J. Cleveland et al. Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

Fig. 4. Boston’s Disposal Stream Composition by Material Type.

Table 1
Citywide direct and avoided emissions (kt CO2e). Values may not sum to totals due to rounding.

Direct Emissions Avoided Emissions Energy Recovery Material Recovery Carbon Storage
2017 Combustion 387.4 228.8 174.5 54.3 –
Recycling – 420.7 – 116.4 304.3
Composting 5.4 20.7 – – 20.7
Total 392.8 670.2 174.5 170.7 324.9
2050 Baseline Combustion 440.8 107.8 46.1 61.7 –
Recycling – 476.6 – 131.6 345.0
Composting 6.1 23.5 – – 23.5
Total 446.9 608.0 46.1 193.3 386.5
2050 Zero Waste Combustion 63.4 23.4 6.1 17.3 –
Recycling – 1206.2 – 328.8 877.4
Composting 18.8 93.6 – – 93.6
Total 82.2 1,323.3 6.1 346.1 971.0

of material to composting and recycling can avoid even a greater ing less electricity to be generated per unit of waste input. From a
amount of emissions through carbon storage and material recovery practical standpoint, all landfills in Massachusetts are no-longer
respectively. receiving waste, further future emissions and waste management
regulations (e.g., broader implementation of Zero Waste) may
cause operation of WtE combustion facilities to become uneco-
4.2.3. Final waste treatment options
nomical. At this point the City of Boston will need to identify suit-
The goal of zero waste implies a future with no more burning or
able treatment options for the residual and non-recoverable waste
burying of waste material. Technical or economic limitations may
streams which may include out-of-state landfills.
make 100% diversion impractical. The zero-waste framework recog-
Our analysis suggests that landfilling is likely to be the most
nizes these potential constraints and sets a 90% diversion target
suitable option from a GHG perspective for final disposition of
that while aspirational and impactful, would leave Boston with
non-divertible waste. A more detailed analysis of landfilling
133,000 short tons of waste that still needs to be sent to disposal.
options and tradeoffs that consider energy recovery, location,
The diversion of organics and recoverable materials will leave a
transport distance and other factors will be necessary to maximize
waste stream mostly comprised of treated and composite materi-
reduction potentials.
als that are not recyclable or compostable under current technol-
The City also needs to develop a management strategy for the
ogy. As the composition of the waste stream changes the relative
organic waste stream that maximizes diversion to reach its ZW
GHG intensity of the final treatment alternatives also changes.
goal. In 2050 the diverted organic waste could amount to
Under Boston’s current waste stream, combustion is less GHG
444,000 short tons. The bulk of this waste could either be com-
intensive compared to state-of-the-art methane capture landfills
posted to generate a soil amendment, or anaerobically digested
(Fig. 6). Once the Zero Waste Boston strategies are implemented,
to generate methane and a smaller amount of soil amendment.
fewer organics and plastics will be in the disposal waste stream.
Emerging technologies could provide other treatment options for
Combustion of the low-organic residual waste stream is more
the certain parts of the organic waste stream (e.g., fats, oils) or
GHG-intensive than landfilling since the primary driver of landfill
the entire waste stream (Seltenrich, 2016). These include gasifica-
methane emissions has been diverted to biological treatment. Fur-
tion or thermal treatment processes that can render synthetic fuels
thermore, the diversion of organics and plastics will likely make
including liquid hydrocarbons which could be utilized in heavy
WtE combustion a less economically favorable treatment option
equipment, aviation and backup services.
due to a reduction in the energetic value of the waste stream, caus-

J.R. Castigliego, A. Pollack, C.J. Cleveland et al. Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

Fig. 5. Cumulative MSW GHG Emissions from 2020 to 2050. We present our results here as cumulative emissions to capture the time dynamics associated with the evolving
carbon intensity of the avoided emissions from energy recovery. The benefits of energy recovery will decline as the New England grid decarbonizes. We anticipate that the
emissions intensity of the avoided emissions from material recovery will also decline as the national economy decarbonizes, but we cannot reasonably estimate that change.
Additional avoided emissions from carbon storage can vary significantly by location.

Fig. 6. Emissions Intensity of Alternative Disposal Practices under Different Diversion Conditions. LFG: Landfill Gas.

5. Conclusion Declaration of Competing Interest

Our work here demonstrates the value of using a dynamic fore- The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
casting approach for demonstrating the GHG impacts associated cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
with waste management decisions. While WtE combustion cur- to influence the work reported in this paper.
rently appears to be a more preferential pathway than landfilling,
the application of zero waste strategies and a more renewable grid
will eliminate its GHG benefits. Ultimately the core driver of emis- Acknowledgments
sions reductions is the diversion of fossil fuel-based plastic wastes
away from combustion. The Carbon Free Boston project received funding from the follow-
This analysis would benefit from the improvement of three key ing entities:
data elements. The first is accurate, material-based generation data Sherry and Alan Leventhal Family Foundation, City of Boston,
for the commercial sector—Boston’s largest generator. The second C40.
is more robust forward-looking assumptions surrounding waste Barr Foundation, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Microsoft.
diversion pathways that reflect the evolving GHG impact of mate- The Grantham Foundation, National Grid, Orsted.
rial extraction and processing. Finally, more detailed and William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Eversource.
regionally-specific data surrounding the emissions impacts of com- Henry P. Kendall Foundation, Bank of America.
posting will enable a more robust evaluation of organic diversion Our work benefited enormously from the time, insights, and
GHG emissions. Despite these limitations, dynamic forecasting of documents supplied from a wide range of people. We appreciate
GHG emissions from waste is a valuable analytical framework for the insightful guidance and feedback for this analysis given by:
cities and similar entities seeking to account and understand their Kirstie Pecci, Michael Van Brunt, Bob Cappadona, Alison Brizius,
emissions from municipal solid waste. Kat Eshel, Susan Cascino, Amy Perlmutter, Ruth Abbe, Gary Liss,
J.R. Castigliego, A. Pollack, C.J. Cleveland et al. Waste Management 126 (2021) 170–179

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