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School of Computing and Engineering

Module details
Module Code NIA 2287
Module Title Analysis of Materials
Course Title/s

Assessment weighting, type and contact details

Title Strain and stress test of bicycle handlebars
Weighting 36%
Mode of working for Individual
assessment task Note : if the assessment task is to be completed on an individual
basis there should be no collusion or collaboration whilst working on
and subsequently submitting this assignment.
Module Leader L A Blunt Contact details:
Module Tutor/s S M Barrans (

Submission and feedback details

Hand-out date According to lab schedule, starting W/C 1st November 2021

How to submit your Via Brightspace

Submission date/s and 2 weeks after lab date, by 4pm
Expected amount of 9 hours
independent time you
should allocate to
complete this
Submission type and Report with a word limit of 1500 words.
Date by which your TBC
grade and feedback will
be returned

Additional guidance information

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Tutor Referral NO
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NIA2287 Analysis of Materials Assignment
Strain and stress in a shaft subjected to torsion and bending

It is not generally possible to measure stress directly from an engineering component and thus strain values from
strain gauges fixed to a test component are used to determine stress given an understanding of Hooke’s law. Such
stress and strain results may be used directly in the design analysis process of a component or as part of the
validation process for a theoretical analysis of a component.

Learning Outcomes
 Understand and demonstrate the application and function of a strain gauge rosette.
 Demonstrate the method for configuration of the strain gauge interface system to match the specific strain
gauge input and output requirements.
 Be able to plot a series of strain data points and create a strain v load chart.
 Know, and demonstrate from first principles, the method by which strain gauge rosette output values can be
used to plot Mohr’s circle for strain at the gauge location
 Demonstrate how Mohr’s circle for strain is used to find the direct strains in the x- and y-directions, and the
principal strain angle.
 Show how Hooke’s law can be used to calculate the direct stresses in the x- and y-directions and shear stress
for the x-y coordinate system, from direct strains in the x- and y-directions and shear strain for the x-y
coordinate system.
 Demonstrate an understanding of how the stresses and shear strain for the x-y coordinate system can be
used to determine the bending moment and torque in a shaft.

Laboratory work
 Test rig comprising:
o Bicycle frame with handlebars.
o Load hanger mounting points attached to the handlebars.
o Two 45 strain gauge rosettes attached to the handlebars close to the handlebar clamp.
 Load hanger and masses.
 Steel rules.
 Plumb line.
 Two P3 strain gauge data acquisition units and a PC will be used to record the strain data. The data
acquisition unit is driven from the computer as described below.

1. Wheatstone bridges and gauge factor are already set appropriately (quarter bridge and 2.1)
2. Ensure that the individual gauges within the strain gauge rosette are balanced.
3. Note the strain readings with no load applied.
4. With the aid of the steel rules and plumb line, measure the horizontal distances from the line of action of the
load to the centre of the handlebar shaft and cross section of the strain gauge rosettes. These are distances a
and b in figures 3 and 5 below.
5. Place the load hanger on the connection point designed to replicate a rider resisting their hands on the
dropped part of the handlebars.
6. Note the mass of the load hanger and the strain readings for both rosettes with this load applied.
7. Place a mass of 1 kg on the hanger and take a reading, repeat for values of up to 8 kg.
 You should wait for any movement of the mass to stop before taking your strain readings.
8. Remove the masses from the load hanger.
9. Remove the hanger.
10. Record a final zero value.
11. Position the load hanger on the connection point designed to replicate a rider resisting their hands on the
brake lever hoods.
12. Repeat steps 6 to 10. Note that the values of a and b recorded in step 5 will change with the new load

Results and Calculations

For both load hanger positions, carry out the following actions in Excel:

1. Create a graph showing the strain data series for the L, M and N limbs from both rosettes. These graphs
should be x-y scatter charts with the load data as the abscissa (x, horizontal) and the strain data as the
ordinate (y, vertical). Plot the data as points. Do not join these points with a line. You should format this
graph so that it is: easily readable in printed form; has appropriate axes titles; suitable legend (series) and
has a suitable title.
o For materials that are behaving elastically (assumed in this lab) the stress-strain (load-strain)
relationship is linear. Thus, a single coefficient links stress to strain. (In the first principal direction in
the uniaxial loading case this coefficient is Young’s modulus).
2. Returning to the Excel tables, using the “least squares regression method” find the gradient of a straight line
fitted to each data series. This can be done using the Excel LINEST function in a new row of cells at the
bottom of the table. (Note that LINEST will give the same gradient as that indicated by the coefficient of x in
the function of the fitted linear trend line. However, using LINEST removes the need to add trend lines and
hand transcribe the coefficients into the table). The on-line help gives the syntax for this command. The
‘known_y’ values are the strains and the ‘known_x’ values are the load. To ensure that the fitted line is not
forced to pass through the origin (zero intercept) and that no other statistical data about the regression is
output ‘Const’ and ‘Stats’ should be left blank. Configuring LINEST in this way will return the gradient of the
line of best fit to the selected data.
o The ratio of load to strain for each point gives an estimate of this coefficient, considering a range of
different load value data and taking the gradient of the fitted line gives an improved estimate.
o Zero load will produce zero strain (zero intercept) so arguably the fitted line could be forced to go
through the origin (0, 0). However, in this case this is not done as it can strongly influence the
outcome by not considering any error or bias that could systematically affect all readings. The
qualitative and quantitative consequences of forcing a zero intercept in this setting are good subjects
to consider in the experimental critique and error section of the report.
3. Using the gradient of the line of best fit calculate the strains "which would have been measured" by the
gauges on the rosette specified by your instructor and under the load specified by your instructor (this
process is called “interpolation”!). Unless otherwise stated all sample calculations in the report should be
carried out at this interpolated load.

4. In your Excel tables label the three strains ε l ε m ε n corresponding to the L, M and N limbs of each rosette as
indicated by the wiring scheme of the rig (the convention of anticlockwise alphabetic labelling of the limbs is
applied here)

5. Add a column to each table to show the shear strain γ ln , calculated using equation 1 (from the appendix).

6. Adding suitable columns to your Excel table use equations 2, 3 and 4 (from the appendix) to calculate the
strains along the length and perpendicular to the length of the handlebar shaft for each rosette. Assume that
the strain gauge rosette is mounted such that the x direction is rotated 45° clockwise from the n direction.

7. For the rosette specified by your instructor you should use the ε l ε m ε n strain rosette values for the
interpolated load (from section 3) to construct Mohr’s circle for strain from first principles.
o Using the methods detailed in your lecture notes and “Strain Gauge” video lecture, show a full step
by step graphical construction of Mohr’s circle for the strain field, at the location of the strain gauge
on the shaft, at the interpolated load value. Determine the angle (θ P) between the ‘n ’ direction of
the strain gauge coordinate system and the direction of the first principal strain measured positive in
the anti-clockwise direction.
o Show how the Mohr’s circle can be used to determine the strains defined using the x-y coordinate
system. Verify that these are consistent with your spreadsheet calculation.
o This process is detailed in your lecture notes and online video and should include SEVERAL diagrams
with annotation to illustrate how Mohr’s circle is constructed geometrically (using similar triangles)
without reference to any equations. Diagrams can be completed in a suitable software package (eg
Power Point, Word, Paint, Solidworks or similar). Hand drawn diagrams must be of a high quality.
8. Using the strains defined using the x-y coordinate system and Hooke’s law in 2 dimensions (equations 5 to 7
in the appendix) it is possible to calculate the stresses defined in the x and y directions. Carry out this
calculation at the interpolation point for both strain gauge rosettes and both load positions. For one of these
rosettes and load positions, verify the spreadsheet by carrying out a hand calculation.
9. From the measurements of load hanger position recorded in step 5 (for each load position), and with
reference to figure 3, calculate the torque applied to the handlebar shaft for all the load points in your
10. From the shear stresses calculated in point 8 and the torque calculated in step 9, it is possible to calculate
the shaft inner diameter using equation 8 from the appendix. You will need to rearrange the equation to do
this. Find the inner diameter using the data from each rosette and each load position.
11. Using the shaft inner diameter calculated in point 10, and the data from the rosette on the top of the
handlebars, use equation 9 to calculate the bending moment applied to the shaft for both load positions. For
one of the load positions, verify the spreadsheet by carrying out a hand calculation.
12. Based on the measurements taken in step 5 and with reference to figure 5, calculate the bending moment
applied to the handlebar shaft.

Discussion points
1. Compare the inner diameters calculated. How does this differ between the two rosettes and between the
two load hanger positions? Which set of data do you think will give you the most reliable result? Make sure
that you carefully justify your answer.
2. Compare the bending moment calculated for the two load positions both from the strain gauge data and
from the geometry measurement. Can you explain the differences in the data? Where are the possible
sources of error in the data and which set of data will be most reliable?

Lab report
 A conventional lab report layout for the experimental work in the lab, including the excel charts and tables,
with a commentary saying what the results are. Figures and tables should not be included if they are not
discussed in some way. They must always be referred to from the main body of the text.
 Sample calculations should be included for Excel functions used (functions from Excel referencing cells are
NOT acceptable) and a sample calculation for each step of the Mohr’s circle construction for plane strain
should be included.

 Sample calculations only need to be shown once, additional uses of the same formula only require a correct
answer be shown.
 A discussion of the experimental work including error and error magnitude assessment, and an experimental
o NOTE marks for the lab report are focused on attention to detail.
 The report should be structured as per the assessment criteria.

Any issues with submission or any other part of this assignment should be addressed to the assignment discussion
board on Brightspace.

The report should be no more than 1500 words long (excluding tables and figures) and should be submitted as a
single pdf or Word file to Brightspace.

CORRECTLY). A successful submission will result in YOU RECEIVING AN EMAIL RECEIPT! IF THIS DOES NOT

Assessment Criteria

 Introduction and Methodology (10%): Brief introduction stating the aim and objectives and some basic
theory relating to the experiment. Methodology should be in your own words with supporting imagery.
(Section should not exceed 500-600 words)

 Experimental results and calculations (30%): Strain results for channels L, M and N should be presented
clearly in 4 graphs, one for each rosette and each load hanger position. Graphs should be well laid out and
clear to the reader. A full copy of the results should be included but may be placed in the appendix.

 Construction of Mohr’s circle and Additional work (20%): This should include sufficient diagrams to show
clearly the stages in the construction of Mohr’s circle for the strain field and a short commentary to explain
the stages.

 Additional Calculations (10%): Calculations for stress, shaft diameter and bending moment should be shown
alongside calculated factors of safety.

 Discussion of experimental work (20%):

o This should include a critical appraisal of the experimental technique and a discussion of potential
sources of error and the likely magnitude of those errors.
o A comparison of the inner diameters and bending moments found should be carried out.
o Calculated strain values should also be noted and discussed.
o Any unexpected or remarkable results should be carefully considered and their impact on the
validity of other data discussed.
o Higher marks will be awarded here where the discussion demonstrates a deep understanding of the
subject material.

 Presentation and referencing (10%): The report should be clear and well structured. All figures and tables
should have numbers and titles and should be referred to from within the text. Graphs should have labeled
axes and a clear legend. A high standard of English is also expected in better quality reports (report writing
detail is important here so refer to your handbook on report writing for exact details of these requirements)
You should choose an appropriate format for the results, present numerical data to a sensible precision,
ensure that units being used are clear and use the correct type and style for all graphs. There should be no
ambiguity regarding any symbols or data presented. The reader should be guided through the results and
calculations with an appropriate commentary.


Material Properties
Listed in table 1 are the relevant material properties, these should be referenced in the lab report where applicable.
(Correct referencing format is expected.)

Table 1 Material properties for the shaft.

Data Table Handlebar material
Material property Units Aluminium
Young’s Modulus GPa 71
Poisson Ratio - 0.33


Strains aligned with the axis of the handle bars

Each rosette consists of 3 gauges arranged at 45 degrees to each other, as shown in figure 2. The strains can be
transformed using equations 1 to 4:



Figure 2. 45° strain gauge rosette

Eqn 1 γ ln =2 ε m−ε l−ε n
2 2
Eqn 2 ε x =ε l cos θ +ε n sin θ+γ ln cosθsinθ
2 2
Eqn 3 ε y =ε l sin θ+ ε n cos θ−γ ln cosθsinθ

Eqn 4 γ xy =−(ε ¿ ¿ l−ε n)sin 2 θ+γ ln cos 2θ ¿

ε l=¿ strain measured in the 'l' limb of the rosette

ε m =¿ strain measured in the 'm' limb of the rosette
ε n =¿ strain measured in the 'n' limb of the rosette
γ ln =¿ shear strain measured by the rosette
ε x =¿ direct strain in the x direction
ε y =¿ direct strain in the y direction
θ=¿ angle between the l direction and the x direction

2D version of Hooke’s law:
σ x= ( ε x +ν ε y ) σ y= ( ε y + ν ε x ) τ xy =G γ xy (eqns 5, 6, 7)
( 1−ν )
( 1−ν 2)
σ x =¿ Direct stress in x direction
σ y =¿ Direct stress in y direction
τ xy =¿ Shear stress for the x-y coordinate system
E=¿ Young's modulus
ν( Nu)=¿ Poissonratio
G=¿ Shear modulus ¿
2 ( 1+ ν )
Shaft in torsion and bending

For a hollow, circular cross section shaft placed in torsion and bending, the shear stress, τ , is given by:

16T Do
τ= (eqn 8)
π ( D o−Di )
4 4

Where: T =¿ Torque applied to the shaft, as defined in figure 3

D o =¿ Outer diameter of shaft =

D i=¿ Inner diameter of shaft



Figure 3. Calculation of torque applied to a shaft

And the bending stress, σ , is given by:

64 My
σ= (eqn 9)
π ( D 4o−D i4 )

Where: y=¿ Distance from neutral axis, as shown in figure 4

M =¿ Bending moment, as shown in figure 5

Figure 4. Distance from neutral axis

Figure 5. Calculation of bending moment


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