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/* Subjects: Visual Arts, Design, Painting, Printmaking

COMMENTS: 1. intro
1=#N is a diligent and motivated student who takes pride in producing work of a
high quality.
2=#N has made steady progress throughout this semester course.
3=#N is an energetic and positive student who shows great potential in art.
4=#N is an enthusiastic and energetic student.
5=#N has produced work of a high standard in Visual Art.
6=#N is a focussed and engaged student.
7=#N is a very capable Visual Art student.
8=#N is a delightful and engaged student
9=#N is a positive and friendly student.
10=#N is a polite and respectful member of the class.
11=#N s a positive and friendly student who has gained confidence over the semester
12=#N is an engaged student who has worked steadily in class.
13=#N is a friendly member of the class who displays interest in the subject and
demonstrates a growing understanding of the skills taught.
14=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination to understand new skills
and technical processes.
15=#N is a positive and friendly student who has gained increasing confidence over
the semester.
16=#N is a polite and friendly student who has worked steadily in class.
17=#N has worked with focus and determination to improve #h skills in Visual Art.
18=#N has worked with focus and
19=#N always attends class with a polite and positive attitude.
20=#N has worked with focus and commitment to complete all tasks.

COMMENTS: 1. intro 9's

1=#N is a diligent and motivated student who takes pride in producing work of a
high quality.
2=#N has made steady progress throughout this semester course.
3=#N is an energetic and positive student who shows great potential in art.
4=#N is an enthusiastic and energetic student.
5=#N has produced work of a high standard in Visual Art.
6=#N is a focussed and engaged student.
7=#N is a very capable Visual Art student.
8=#N is a delightful and engaged student
9=#N is a positive and friendly student.
10=#N is a polite and respectful member of the class.
11=#N s a positive and friendly student who has gained confidence over the semester
12=#N is an engaged student who has worked steadily in class.
13=#N is a friendly member of the class who displays interest in the subject and
demonstrates a growing understanding of the skills taught.
14=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination to understand new skills
and technical processes.
15=#N is a positive and friendly student who has gained increasing confidence over
the semester.
16=#N is a polite and friendly student who has worked steadily in class.
17=#N has worked with focus and determination to improve #h skills in Visual Art.
18=#N always attends class with a polite and positive attitude.
19=#N has worked with focus and commitment to complete all tasks.
20=#N finds the skills of listening to and following instructions difficult.

COMMENTS: 10 - 1.intro
1=#N is a diligent and motivated student who takes pride in producing work of a
high quality.
2=#N is an energetic and positive student who shows great potential in art.
3=#N is an engaged and enthusiastic and student.
4=#N has produced work of a high standard.
5=#N is a focussed and engaged student.
6=#N is a very capable Visual Art student.
7=#N is a delightful and engaged student
8=#N is a positive and friendly student.
9=#N is a polite and respectful member of the class.
10=#N s a positive and friendly student who has gained increasing confidence in #h
11=#N is an engaged student who has worked steadily in class.
12=#N is a polite and respectful student who has worked steadily in class.
13=#N has worked with focus and determination to improve #h skills in Visual Art.
14=#N always attends class with a polite and positive attitude.
15=#N has worked with focus and commitment to complete all tasks.
16=#N works diligently in class, producing work of a high standard.
17=#N is a delightful and motivated student who sets high goals for #s.
18=#N is conscientious and capable student.
19=#N works steadily in class.

COMMENTS: 10 - 2. first sentence

1=#E has consistently set #s high standards and is always willing to put in extra
effort to extend #h skills and ideas.
2=#E work is always well-presented and #e has used a range of media and processes
with confidence and skill.
3=#E is always willing to put in the extra effort to extend #h ideas and skills and
takes pride in the work #e is creating.
4=#E takes pride in creating work that is well-presented and #e explores ideas
5=#E is always willing to put in extra effort to extend #h skills and ideas.
6=#E is always focussed in class and concentrates on completing tasks to the best
of #h ability.
7=#E has a very good understanding of how to develop #h ideas in response to the
artist model.
8=#E produced a successful #junior, but needs to ensure #e works consistently
across all tasks to maximise #h potential in Visual Art.
9=#E listens carefully to instructions and technical advice and uses this
proactively in #h work.
10=#E has used the media and processes explored to date with confidence,
sensitivity and understanding.
11=#E has strong observational drawing skills and is beginning to use tone and
texture with confidence.
12=#E used a range of media confidently and is beginning to use tone to show form
with more accuracy.
13=#E is beginning to record proportion, tone and detail with increasing accuracy
when drawing objects.
14=#E drawings show a confident and expressive use of media.
15=#E has an expressive drawing and painting style and demonstrated confidence and
a willingness to explore using media in a variety of ways.
16=#E understanding of fundamental drawing skills and #h confidence using a range
of media to describe form has strengthened with each task.
17=#E has a natural flair for painting and has used drawing and mixed media to
explore form, tone and layering with understanding and skill.
18=#E has confident drawing skills demonstrating an excellent understanding of
tone, texture and form in wet and dry media.

COMMENTS: 10 - 3. second sentence

1=#N has used a range of media and processes with confidence and sensitivity.
2=#N has a natural flair for painting, exploring layering and using colour to
create tone and form with understanding and skill.
3=#N has used range of media confidently and is beginning to strengthen #h
understanding of how to use paint to describe form.
4=#N explored layering of paint and colour to create tone, form and texture with
understanding and flair.
5=#N has a good grasp of how research informs #h work and can articulate how this
might influence #h ideas.
6=#N successfully used artist model concepts in #h work and presented #h ideas with
creativity and flair.
7=#N has endeavoured to extend #h ideas through drawing and seeking advice when
8=#N 's artist model research and the development of #h ideas through drawing
informed #h work with understanding and creativity.
9=#N develops #h ideas in response to artist models and research successfully.
10=#N integrated artist model concepts into #h work and presented #h ideas with
creativity and flair.
11=#N's drawing and artist model research informed the ideas for #h work with
understanding and creativity.
12=#N has used all media and processes with confidence and understanding.
13=#N painterly treatment of #h landscape was especially strong.
14=#N artist analysis was thoughtful and perceptive.
15=#N is developing greater confidence in #h abilities and with practice #h skills
will continue to improve.
16=#N used a wide range of drawing media with increasing confidence and is
beginning to describe form with more accuracy.
17=#N began to explore layering of paint to create tone and texture in a variety of
18=#N is always willing to listen to advice and extend #h skills and ideas.
19=#N's artist analysis was thoughtful and perceptive, and #e successfully used
artist model concepts in #h work.
20=#E has strong observational drawing skills and is beginning to use tone to
describe form with increasing understanding.

COMMENTS: 10 - 4. final sentence

1=#N must ensure #e completes all coursework to the best of #h ability.
2=#N must try to be more organised to ensure #e completes all coursework, as some
key tasks were missing or incomplete.
3=#N is developing greater confidence in #h abilities and with practice #h skills
will continue to improve.
4=#N must try to be more methodical and organised to ensure #e completes all course
work, as some key tasks were missing or incomplete.
5=#N works slowly and thoughtfully, however, #e must make sure #e completes all
course work.
6=#N attempted most course tasks, however, #e must ensure #e completes all work in
time for assessment.
7=Key tasks were missing or incomplete in #h final submission, resulting in grades
that do not reflect #h ability.
8=#N is developing more confidence in #h abilities and with practice #h skills will
continue to improve.
9=#E needs to ensure #e takes time and care to finish all work to the best of #h
ability as some of the homework activities appeared rushed.
10=#N has settled into steady work habits in the second half of the semester and
attempted most tasks. However, #e has tended to be disorganised and not prepared
for lessons.
11=#E needs to ensure that #e works carefully through tasks as #e has a tendency to
12=#E is to be commended the excellent standard #e achieved for all tasks.
13=A future goal is to extend #h responses to #h artist analysis.
14=A future goal is to work carefully to resolve ideas and final artworks as #e
tends to rush.
15=#N needs to focus on being more methodical and organised to ensure all
coursework is completed on time.
16=#E is to be commended for #h perseverance to improve and resolve #h final mixed
media artworks.
17=#E found #junior work difficult, however, #h perseverance paid off as #e created
a very successful #junior.
18=#E can be proud of #h final artworks.
19=A future focus for #N is to consider the extension of ideas and ensure all task
are completed.
20=#N must try to be more methodical and organised with time management and task
completion as key tasks were missing or incomplete.

COMMENTS: 2. first sentence

1=#E has consistently set #s high standards in this course and is always willing to
put in extra effort to extend #h skills and ideas.
2=#E works independently and enjoys experimenting with techniques and materials to
extend #h ideas and understanding of the artist model.
3=#E has strong drawing skills, recording tone, proportion, and details with
4=#E used a wide range of drawing media confidently and is beginning to use tone to
show form with more accuracy.
5=#H work is always well-presented and #e has used a wide range of media and
processes with confidence and skill.
6=#E takes pride in creating work that is well-presented and #e explores ideas
7=#E has strong observational drawing skills and a good understanding of the mixed-
media approaches covered in the course.
8=#E has a very good understanding of how to develop #h ideas in response to the
artist model.
9=#E has an expressive drawing and painting style and demonstrated confidence and a
willingness to explore using media in a variety of ways.
10=#E has used a wide range of media and processes confidently.
11=#E is always focussed in class and concentrates on completing tasks to the best
of #h ability.
12=#E is always willing to put in the extra effort and takes pride in the work #e
is creating.
13=#E listens carefully to instructions and technical advice and uses this
proactively in #h work.
14=#H understanding of fundamental drawing skills and how to describe form using a
range of media has strengthened with each task.
15=#H understanding of fundamental drawing skills and #h confidence using a range
of media to describe form has strengthened with each task.
16=#E produced a very successful #junior, but needs to ensure #e works consistently
across all tasks to maximise #h potential in Visual Art.
17=#E demonstrated perseverance in working with unfamiliar materials meeting the
challenging to create unique work.
18=#E is always willing to put in extra effort to extend #h skills and ideas.
19=#N rose to the technical challenges of the sculpture and painting units
producing work of a high standard.
20=Although #N faced some technical challenges making #h sculpture #e is to be
commended for #h perseverance to solve the problems and produce a successful work.

COMMENTS: 3. second sentence

1=#N has used a wide range of media and processes confidently and demonstrated a
flair for constructing form in the sculpture unit.
2=#N's sculpture and painting show flair and understanding of these processes.
3=#E has a natural flair for painting, exploring layering and using colour to
create tone and form with understanding and skill.
4=#N has used a wide range of media and processes confidently and is beginning to
strengthen #h understanding of how to use wet and dry media to describe form.
5=#N's sculpture was beautifully crafted with careful attention given to form,
pattern and colour.
6=#N excellent construction skills, understanding of form and attention to detail
were evident in #h sculpture.
7=The technical challenges inherent in the painting and sculpture units were
tackled with confidence and understanding.
8=#N worked with enthusiasm on #h sculpture and persevered with improving #h
understanding of the painting process and its challenges.
9=#E explored layering and using colour to create tone and form with understanding
and flair.
10=#N has a good grasp of how research informs #h work and can articulate how this
might influence #h ideas.
11=#E successfully used artist model concepts in #h work and presented #h ideas
with creativity and flair.
12=#E has endeavoured to broaden #h skills through experimentation, and seeking
advice when necessary.
13=#E has learnt how to develop #h ideas in response to research and worked with
skill and enthusiasm on #h sculpture.
14=#E drawing and artist model research informed the ideas for #h work with
15=#E has used a wide range of media and processes confidently.
16=#E used a wide range of drawing media with increasing confidence and is
beginning to describe form with more accuracy.
17=#N is developing more confidence in #h abilities and with practice #h skills
will continue to improve.
18=#H 's artist model research and the development of #h ideas through drawing
informed #h work with understanding and creativity.
19=Although #e faced some technical challenges with #h sculpture construction #e
persevered with developing #h ideas through research. and focussed on exploring
colour and pattern successfully.
20=#H worked with enthusiasm on #h sculpture and although #e faced some technical
challenges #e produced a successful result.

COMMENTS: 4. final
1=A future focus for #N is to extend #h practical skills which with practice, will
continue to strengthen.
2=must try to be more organised to ensure #e completes all coursework, as some key
tasks were missing or incomplete.
3=#N rose to the technical challenges of the sculpture and painting units producing
work of a very good standard.
4=#N must try to be more methodical and organised to ensure #e completes all course
work, as some key tasks were missing or incomplete.
5=Key tasks were missing or incomplete in #h final submission, resulting in grades
that do not reflect #h ability.
6=#N works slowly and thoughtfully, however, #e must make sure #e completes all
course work.
7=#N is developing more confidence in #h abilities and with practice #h skills will
continue to improve.
8=#N need to focus on adding detail to #h work.
9=#E needs to ensure #e takes time and care to finish all work to the best of #h
ability as some of the homework activities appeared rushed.
10=#N attempted most course tasks, however, #e must ensure #e completes all work in
time for assessment.
11=#N has settled into steady work habits in the second half of the semester and
attempted most tasks. However, #e has tended to be disorganised and not prepared
for lessons.
12=#E must give equal attention to homework tasks as #e does to #h class work.
13=A future goal for #N would be to focus on exploring a range of tones to show
14=#N needs to focus on being more methodical and organised to ensure all course
work on time.
15=#E is to be commended the excellent standard #e achieved for all tasks.
16=Greater perseverance with some of the technical challenges #e faced when
constructing #h sculpture would have given #e confidence as #h ideas had potential.
17=Although #N faced some technical challenges making #h sculpture #e is to be
commended for #h perseverance to solve the problems and produce a successful work.

COMMENTS: 7 and 8 - 1. intro

1=#N is a diligent and motivated student who takes pride in producing work of a
high standard.
2=#N has made steady progress throughout this semester course.
3=#N is an energetic and positive student who shows great potential in art.
4=#N is an engaged and enthusiastic and student.
5=#N has produced work of a high standard in Visual Art.
6=#N is a focussed and engaged student.
7=#N is a very capable Visual Art student.
8=#N is a delightful and engaged student
9=#N is a positive and friendly student.
10=#N is a polite and respectful member of the class.
11=#N s a positive and friendly student who has gained confidence over the semester
12=#N is an engaged student who has worked steadily in class.
13=#N is a polite and respectful student who has worked steadily in class.
14=#N has worked with focus and determination to improve #h skills in Visual Art.
15=#N always attends class with a polite and positive attitude.
16=#N has worked with focus and commitment to complete all tasks.
17=#N works diligently in class, producing work of a high standard.
18=#N is a delightful and motivated student who sets high goals for #s.
19=#N is conscientious and capable student.
20=#N works steadily in class.

COMMENTS: 7 and 8 - 2. First sentence

1=#E has consistently set #s a high standard in this course and is always willing
to put in extra effort to extend #h skills and ideas.
2=#E has a natural flair for painting and has used drawing and mixed media to
explore form, tone and layering with understanding and skill.
3=#E is always willing to put in the extra effort to extend #h ideas and skills and
takes pride in the work #e is creating.
4=#E work is always well-presented and #e has used a range of media and processes
with confidence and skill.
5=#E takes pride in creating work that is well-presented and #e explores ideas
6=#N models form with some accuracy, however, #e needs to continue to look
carefully at the shape of the object when drawing from observation.
7=#E has a very good understanding of how to develop #h ideas in response to the
artist model.
8=#E listens carefully to instructions and actively uses technical advice to extend
#h skills.
9=#E has used the media and processes investigated in this semester course with
confidence, sensitivity and understanding.
10=#E is beginning to record proportion, tone and detail with increasing accuracy
when drawing objects.
11=#E has strong observational drawing skills and is beginning to use tone and
texture with confidence.
12=#E is always focussed in class and concentrates on completing tasks to the best
of #h ability.
13=#E produced a successful #junior, but needs to ensure #e works consistently
across all tasks to maximise #h potential in Visual Art.
14=#E drawings show a confident and expressive use of media.
15=#E used a range of media confidently and is beginning to use tone to show form
with more accuracy.
16=#E has an expressive drawing and painting style and demonstrated confidence and
a willingness to explore using media in a variety of ways.
17=#E understanding of fundamental drawing skills and #h confidence using a range
of media to describe form has strengthened with each task.
18=#E listens carefully to instructions and acts on technical advice.
19=#N is able to record proportion from observation with accuracy, however, #e
needs to ensure that #e follows the form when shading from light to dark. #N has
made a confident start to #h painting.
20=#N is able to record proportion from observation with accuracy, however, #e
needs to ensure that #e follows the form when shading from light to dark.

COMMENTS: 7 and 8 - 3. second sentence

1=#N has used a range of media and processes with confidence and sensitivity.
2=#N has used range of media confidently and is beginning to strengthen #h
understanding of how to use paint to describe form.
3=#N has a natural flair for painting, exploring layering and using colour to
create tone and form with understanding and skill.
4=#N explored layering and using colour to create tone and form with understanding
and flair.
5=#N has a good grasp of how research informs #h work and can articulate how this
might influence #h ideas.
6=#N successfully used artist model concepts in #h work and presented #h ideas with
creativity and flair.
7=#N has learnt how to develop #h ideas in response to research and worked with
skill and enthusiasm on #h mixed media pieces.
8=#N integrated artist model concepts into #h work and presented #h ideas with
creativity and flair.
9=#N 's artist model research and the development of #h ideas through drawing
informed #h work with understanding and creativity.
10=#N artist analysis was personal and thoughtful.
11=#N's drawing and artist model research informed the ideas for #h work with
understanding and creativity.
12=#N's drawing and artist model research creatively informed the ideas for #h work
with understanding.
13=#N has endeavoured to extend #h ideas and skills by seeking advice when
14=#N painterly treatment of #h Christian symbol was especially strong.
15=#N used a range of wet and dry media with increasing confidence and is beginning
to describe form with more accuracy.
16=#N is developing greater confidence in #h abilities and with practice #h skills
will continue to improve.
17=#N began to explore layering of paint to create tone and texture in a variety of
18=#N tree of life weaving was beautifully made. #E considered colours and texture
to produce an excellent result.
19=#N is always willing to listen to advice on how to extend #h ideas and skills.

COMMENTS: 7 and 8 - 4. third sentence

1=#E has responded well to the use of an artist model and made insightful comments
for the artist research task.
2=#N has attempted all tasks in class with enthusiasm and persevered when #e has
found work challenging.
3=#N models form with some accuracy, however, #e needs to continue to look
carefully at the shape of the object when drawing from observation.
4=#E has responded well to the use of an artist model and made insightful comments
for the artist research task.
5=#N made a confident start to #h painting that demonstrated creativity with
composition and scale.
6=#N's artist analysis was commendable and demonstrated #h high-level thinking and
understanding of terminology.
7=#N 's Rebecca Rabouche analysis was in-depth and revealed #h perceptive
analytical skills and good understanding of terminology.
8=#N is focussed in class, however, #e needs to ensure that #e completes all tasks
to the deadline.
9=#E listened carefully to instructions and persevered when #e found some tasks
more challenging.
10=#N models form with some accuracy, however, #e needs to continue to look
carefully at the shape of the object when drawing from observation.
11=#N enjoys the creative process although #h urgency to complete some tasks means
that they are not completed to a consistent standard.
12=#E has gained increasing confidence working across a range of media, and #h
final work reflects #h creativity, and a good understanding of the artist model.
13=#N produced creative planning pages towards #h final painting that extended
14=#N made a confident and bold start to #h painting in the style of the chosen
artist model.
15=#N made a confident start to #h painting that demonstrated creativity with
composition and scale.
16=#N is able to record proportion from observation with accuracy, however, #e
needs to ensure that #e follows the form when shading from light to dark. #N has
made a confident start to #h painting.
17=#N is able to record proportion from observation with accuracy, however, #e
needs to ensure that #e follows the form when shading from light to dark.
18=#N artist analysis revealed #h thoughtful analytical skills and a good
understanding of terminology.

COMMENTS: 7 and 8 - 5. final sentence

1=#N is developing more confidence in #h abilities and with practice #h skills will
continue to improve.
2=#N must ensure #e completes all coursework to the best of #h ability.
3=#N must try to be more organised to ensure #e completes all coursework, as some
key tasks were missing or incomplete.
4=#N must try to be more methodical and organised to ensure #e completes all course
work, as some key tasks were missing or incomplete.
5=#N works slowly and thoughtfully, however, #e must make sure #e completes all
course work.
6=Key tasks were missing or incomplete in #h final submission, resulting in grades
that do not reflect #h ability.
7=#E needs to ensure #e takes time and care to finish all work to the best of #h
ability as some of the homework activities appeared rushed.
8=#N attempted most course tasks, however, #e must ensure #e completes all work in
time for assessment.
9=#N has settled into steady work habits in the second half of the semester and
attempted most tasks. However, #e has tended to be disorganised and not prepared
for lessons.
10=#E needs to ensure that #e works carefully through tasks as #e has a tendency to
11=#E must give equal attention to homework tasks as #e does to #h class work.
12=A future goal for #N would be to focus on exploring a range of tones to show
13=A future goal is to extend #h responses to #h artist analysis.
14=A future goal is to work carefully to resolve ideas and final artworks as #e
tends to rush.
15=#E is to be commended for #h perseverance to improve and resolve #h final mixed
media artworks.
16=#E is to be commended the excellent standard #e achieved for all tasks.
17=#N needs to focus on being more methodical and organised to ensure all
coursework is completed on time.
18=#E can be proud of #h final artworks.
19=#E found #junior work difficult, however, #h perseverance paid off as #e created
a very successful #junior.

COMMENTS: Art1 - Introduction

1=#N is an able and conscientious member of the class who displays a real interest
in the subject.
2=#N is a diligent and motivated student who takes pride in producing work of a
high quality.
3=#N is an engaged student and enthusiastic student who skillfully uses media with
confidence and understanding.
4=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination to understand new skills
and technical processes.
5=#N has produced work of a high standard in Visual Art.
6=#N always attends class with a polite and positive attitude
7=#N is a positive friendly student who has gained confidence in #h abilities.
8=#N has a good grasp of how research informs #? and can articulate how this might
influence #h ideas.
9=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination and focus.
10=#N is a friendly member of the class who displays interest in the subject and
demonstrates a growing understanding of the skills taught.
11=#N is a positive and friendly student who has gained confidence over the
12=#N has worked with focus and commitment to complete all tasks.
13=#N worked with focus and enthusiasm to develop #h skills.
14=#N is a lively and enthusiastic member of the class.
15=#N is an engaged student who works steadily in class.
16=#N worked with engagement and focus to develop #h skills in class.
17=#N is a polite and friendly student who has worked steadily in class.
18=#N has worked with commitment to develop #h understanding of drawing and
painting skills
19=#N has worked with focus and determination to improve #h skills in Visual Art.
20=#N finds the skills of listening to and following instructions difficult.

COMMENTS: Art2 - Knowledge

1=#E needs to develop #h understanding of the skills and concepts taught so far.
2=#E demonstrates an excellent understanding of all the new skills and concepts
taught so far.
3=#E has developed an excellent understanding of all the new skills and concepts
taught so far.
4=#E needs to develop #h understanding of the skills and concepts taught so far.
5=#E must explore and use a wider variety if ideas, media and techniques in order
to develop greater confidence to review, modify and enhance #h work.
6=#E has a strong observational drawing skills and a good understanding of all
media and processes covered in the course.
7=#E understanding of composition, colour and #h skills using a range of media have
strengthen with each task.
8=#E has confident drawing skills demonstrating an excellent understanding of tone,
texture and form in wet and dry media.
9=#E has strong observational drawing skills and is beginning to use tone and
texture with confidence
10=#E completed all set tasks producing a strong composition idea for #h #7Art and
a thoughtful response to #h art appreciation task.
11=#H drawing skills have strengthened over the course demonstrating and increasing
confidence and understanding of tone and texture.
12=#E has confident drawing skills and demonstrated an excellent understanding of
tone, texture and form.
13=#E uses a wide range of drawing media confidently and is beginning to use tone
to show form with more accuracy.
14=#E is always focussed in class and concentrates on completing tasks to the best
of #h ability.
15=#E works independently and enjoys experimenting with techniques and materials to
extend #h ideas and understanding.
16=#E has very successfully explored and used a wide variety of ideas, media and
techniques and has developed the confidence to review, modify and enhance #h work
as it progresses.
17=#E has explored and used a wide variety of ideas, media and techniques and is
beginning to develop the confidence to review, modify and enhance #h work as it

COMMENTS: Art3 - Attainment (1)

1=#E has mastered all the new painting, drawing and printing techniques and is able
to select and use them appropriately.
2=#E has mastered all the new painting, drawing and printing techniques and is able
to select and use them appropriately.
3=#E needs to practice the new painting, drawing and printing techniques to achieve
#h goals.
4=#E finds some of the painting, drawing and printing techniques challenging.
5=#E makes effective use of many different techniques and always produces artwork
of a good standard.
6=#E makes excellent use of many different techniques and always produces artwork
of a very high standard.
7=#E responds enthusiastically and expressively to different kinds of art media,
particularly paints, graphite pencils, watercolours and collage.
8=#E always shows great pride and care in #h work and confidently uses any new
technique #h is introduced to.
9=Although #N enjoys all different forms of artwork, #h work has sometimes suffered
through being somewhat rushed. #E realises this and shown good progress in taking a
little more care.
10=#E makes excellent drawings showing precise observations.
11=#E makes careful detailed drawings of natural objects and has shown a greater
awareness using light and tone to show form.
12=#N worked with enthusiasm on #h wire sculpture and has persevered with improving
#h understanding of the printmaking process and its challenges.
13=The technical challenges inherent in the printmaking and sculpture units were
tackled with confidence and understanding.
14=#N enjoys all forms of artwork and #h confidence when drawing and using mixed
media has improved greatly over the year.
15=#E enjoys art lessons, but needs to ensure #h works at a quick enough pace to
complete #h work.
16=#E enjoys art lessons, but needs to take a little more time and care to ensure
#h work is not rushed.
17=#N has a very good understanding of how to develop #h ideas in response to the
artist model.
18=#N has a good understanding and control of the media, processes and techniques
covered in the course.
19=#N enjoyed painting and began to explore mixing tones of colour and applying
paint in a variety of ways.
20=#H drawing tasks show #h improving confidence when using pencil to describe
tone, texture and form.

COMMENTS: Art4 - Attainment (2)

1=#N has learnt to take care when drawing with a pencil and to take account of
light and tone.
2=#E shows an awareness of contrasting colours and their effects.
3=#N shows great imagination and flair in #h work which is always of a very high
4=#N demonstrated an excellent understanding of layering paint to create tone, form
and texture.
5=#N cupcake sculptures demonstrate #h attention to detail and excellent
construction skills.
6=#H #junior demonstrated #h attention to detail and excellent construction and
painting skills.
7=#E demonstrated flair working in three dimensions; #h #junior was completed to a
high standard using materials with innovation and understanding.
8=#H #junior demonstrated #h attention to detail and excellent construction skills.
9=#E is beginning to understand how to use dry and wet media to create tone and
10=#E is beginning to explore mixing tones of colour and applying paint in a
variety of ways.
11=#H clay cupcake sculpture was completed with flair and sensitivity for using
texture and creating form.
12=#E takes pride in #h work and consistently strives to improve #h understanding
and skills.
13=#H responses to the artist model analysis was thoughtful and well-expressed.
14=#N has tried very hard to improve #h observational drawings using pencil and
takes good care of #h work.
15=#N needs to make more detailed observations in order to improve #h drawing
16=#E mixed tones of colour successfully and painted edges with care. #E explored
layering and mixing colour to create tone with understanding and flair.
17=#N demonstrated strong observational drawing skills and is beginning to use wet
and dry media to describe form.
18=#N is always willing to put in extra effort to extend #h skills and ideas.
19=#N's #junior show flair and an excellent understanding of these processes.
20=#H attention to detail and design skills were evident in #h #junior units.

COMMENTS: Art5 - Communication

1=#N is able to communicate confidently about #h work, eloquently using the
appropriate art language.
2=#N is able to communicate well about #h work and uses appropriate art language.

COMMENTS: Art6 - Targets

1=I hope #e can maintain #h determination to use and understand all aspects of the
2=#E should aim to increase #h confidence by making an effort to be more involved
in class discussion.
3=#E should try to take a more positive attitude to #h work.
4=#E should make an effort to be more actively involved during lessons.
5=#E should aim to produce #h best work at all times.
6=#E needs to take more time over tasks to ensure a higher level of control and
more polished final pieces.
7=#N needs to take time to practice the new skills taught.
8=#E needs to spend a little more time on #h homework.
9=#E should make an effort to concentrate more during lessons.
10=I would like to see #m make more effort to avoid being distracted during
11=#E should try to improve the presentation of #h work.
12=#E must ensure #e completes all tasks to achieve the grades #e is capable of
13=#N must give equal attention to #h homework tasks as #e does to #h class work.
14=#N must ensure #e takes the time to finish all work to the best of #h ability.
15=#N must try to be more methodical and organised to ensure #e completes all
course work to the standard #e is capable of attaining.
16=Key tasks were missing or incomplete resulting in grades that do not reflect #h
17=#N must try to be more methodical and organised to ensure #e completes all
course work, as key tasks were missing or incomplete.
18=#N works slowly and thoughtfully, however, #e must make sure #e completes all
course work to achieve the grades to is capable of attaining.
19=A future focus for #N is to extend #h practical skills which with practice, will
continue to strengthen.

COMMENTS: Art7 - Final

1=A very impressive year. Well done #N!
2=Overall, an impressive year - keep up the good work!
3=Overall, a very good year. Well done #N!
4=Overall, a good year.
5=A reasonable year overall - but #N needs to work on #h areas of weakness next

COMMENTS: Design 1 introduction

1=#N has worked diligently to improve #h understanding of Design elements and
conventions and always strives to achieve #h best.
2=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination and focus.
3=#N is an engaged and enthusiastic student.
4=#N is a thoughtful student who has the potential to achieve in Design.
5=#N has produced work of a high standard in Design this year.
6=#N has worked diligently to improve #h understanding of design elements and
strives to improve and build on #h ideas with a reflective mind-set.
7=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination to understand new skills
and technical processes.
8=#N is a dedicated student who has a natural flair for design.
9=#N is a friendly and engaging member of the class.
10=#N is a hardworking student who always attends class with a polite and positive
11=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination to understand new skills
and technical processes.
12=#N is a friendly member of the class who displays interest in the subject and
demonstrates a growing understanding of the skills taught.
13=#N is a thoughtful student who demonstrates a growing understanding of the
skills taught.

COMMENTS: Design 2 first sentence

1=#E is always focussed in class and concentrates on completing tasks to the best
of #h ability.
2=#E has consistently set #s high standards in this course and is always willing to
put in extra effort to extend #h skills and ideas.
3=#E is always focussed in class and concentrates on completing tasks to the best
of #h ability.
4=#E takes pride in creating work that is well-presented and #e explores ideas
5=#E has a very good understanding of fundamental drawing skills and how to develop
#h ideas.
6=#E actively sought feedback asking meaningful clarifying questions in order to
fully understand the task requirements and to achieve #h best.
7=#E is an inquisitive learner and is becoming more confident making connections
between #h ideas and how to explore these in design.
8=#E has become proficient with the Adobe programs we use in Design and is able to
translate #h ideas into successful images with increasing confidence.
9=#E is continuing to strengthen #h understanding of design conventions and is
using imagery and typography with increasing flair.
10=#E demonstrates flair for the elements of design, and a growing understanding of
design conventions.
11=#E has worked steadily to improve #h understanding of design elements and
strives to achieve #h best.
12=#E actively seeks feedback asking meaningful clarifying questions in order to
fully understand the task requirements and to achieve #h best.
13=#E has a good grasp of essentials skills in Design, however, #e has struggled to
keep up-to-date with class tasks and formative assessments.
14=#E managed #h time wisely by coming to class prepared and approaching class
activities with enthusiasm.

COMMENTS: Design 3 second sentence

1=#H practical work is imaginative and creative. #E is always willing to take the
risk and try new approaches and ideas.
2=One of #h greatest strengths is #h willingness to listen to and implement advice.
3=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to
constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas.
4=#N is open to engaging in critical discussion about #h work in order to extend #h
ideas and is continuing to strengthen #h understanding of image, typography and
design elements
5=#N engages in critical discussion about #h work with confidence and curiosity,
and is successfully using #h artist models to inform #h work.
6=#N is continuing to strengthen #h understanding of image and typography elements
and design conventions.
7=#H ideas are developing sequentially and reflect understanding of #h artist
8=#E engages in critical discussions about #m work with confidence, curiosity and
9=#E actively engages in critical discussions about #m work with confidence,
curiosity and maturity.
10=#E listens carefully to instructions and is responsive to feedback.
11=#E has a good grasp of how research informs design and can articulate how this
might influence #h ideas with confidence, curiosity and maturity.
12=#E ideas develop sequentially and #e is continuing to strengthen #h
understanding of image, typography and design elements.
13=#E has successfully used #h artist model's to inform #h work and is open to
exploring new ideas and approaches.
14=#E must continue to support #h effort in class with consistent homework in order
to maximize #h potential in this subject.
15=#N actively seeks advise and listens carefully to advice.
16=#E has a good grasp of how research informs design and can articulate how this
might influence #h ideas.
17=#E has a good grasp of how research informs #h work and can articulate how this
might influence #h ideas, however, #e now needs to put this into action.
18=In #h practical work #e is always creative and imaginative producing unique
solutions to the set tasks.

COMMENTS: Design 4 final sentence

1=#N consistently uses #m class time constructively and is well-organised.
2=#N is to be commended on #h proficiency with the Adobe Programs used in Design.
3=With the external deadline very close it is important #N uses #h artist models to
help #h make purposeful decisions about use of colour, treatment of objects and
4=#N must ensure #e produces work regularly to meet the requirements of the
5=With the external deadline very close is is important #N uses #h artist models to
help #h make purposeful decisions colour, treatment of objects and the use of
typography to attain the result #e is capable of achieving.
6=#N must ensure #e is producing work regularly to meet the requirements of the
7=#N needs to ensure that #e manages #m time effectively until #m portfolio is due
as #m desire for perfection has meant that #e has restarted numerous works and is a
8=#E now needs to focus on the resolution of ideas and completion of work.
9=#N is beginning to use aspects of #m artist model ideas to extend #m work and is
encouraged to focus on this and on managing #m time effectively to ensure all work
is completed by the deadline.
10=#E will need to focus on resolution and completion of #m work to ensure #e
reaches #m potential.
11=#N has made a good effort to catch up on #m work, however, #e will need to
ensure #e utilizes the remaining time effectively to complete #m folio.
12=Revisiting #h artist models will help to consolidate the development of #h final
packaging brief for Design.
13=#E now needs to focus on the resolution of ideas and completion of work.
14=#E actively engages in critical discussions about #m work with confidence,
curiosity and maturity.
15=#N has successfully used #m artist model's to inform #m work and is open to
exploring new ideas and techniques.
16=Revisiting #h artist models will help to extend #h final brief for Design.
17=Revisiting #h artist models and focus on resolution of ideas and work completion
will ensure #e reaches #h potential.

COMMENTS: Painting 1 introduction

1=#N has worked diligently to improve #h understanding of painting conventions and
always strives to achieve #h best.
2=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination and focus.
3=#N is an engaged and enthusiastic student.
4=#N is a thoughtful student who has the potential to achieve in Painting.
5=#N has worked diligently to improve #h understanding of painting conventioons and
strives to improve and build on #h ideas with a reflective mindset.
6=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination to understand new skills
and technical processes.
7=#N is a dedicated student who has a natural flair for Painting.
8=#N is a friendly and engaging member of the class.
9=#N is a hardworking student who always attends class with a polite and positive
10=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination to understand new skills
and technical processes.
11=#N is a friendly member of the class who displays interest in the subject and
demonstrates a growing understanding of the skills taught.
12=#N is an engaged and enthusiastic student who skillfully uses media with
confidence and understanding.
13=#N is a creative student who skillfully records information in a variety of
14=#N is conscientious and capable student who consistently uses #h class time
15=#N is a creative student who has strong observational drawing skills.
16=#N has developed a very distinctive personal style that demonstrates #h
understanding of painting techniques.
17=#N is quietly focussed in class and has developed #h skills in Visual Art.
18=#N has worked consistently this year to develop #h skills in Visual Art.

COMMENTS: Painting 2 first sentence

1=#E works independently and enjoys experimenting with techniques and materials to
extend #h ideas and understanding.
2=#H ideas are developing sequentially and reflect a clear understanding of #h
artist models.
3=#E has consistently set #s high standards in this course and is always willing to
put in extra effort to extend #h skills and ideas.
4=#E has strong drawing skills, recording tone, proportion, and details with
5=#E is always focussed in class and concentrates on completing tasks to the best
of #h ability.
6=#E is always focussed in class and concentrates on completing tasks to the best
of #h ability.
7=#H understanding of composition, colour and #h skills in using a range of media
have strengthened with each task.
8=#E has a very good understanding of fundamental painting skills and how to
develop #h ideas.
9=#E actively sought feedback asking meaningful clarifying questions in order to
fully understand the task requirements and to achieve #h best.
10=#N has settled into steady work habits in the second half of the semester and
attempted most tasks. However, #e has tended to be disorganised and not prepared
for lessons.
11=#E is developing a deeper understanding of the importance of an artist model and
is now incorporating these ideas successfully in #h work.
12=#E is confident articulating #h ideas and is successfully incorporating ideas
from #h artist models into #h own work in a creative and individual way.
13=#E is able to record information with skill and attention to detail in a variety
of media, and is beginning to extend #h understanding of using colour and layering
to create depth in #h painting.
14=#E has strong observational drawing skills and uses a range of media with
confidence; #N's woodcut print was particularly successful.
15=#E is developing a distinctive personal style and is working on a layering
colour and detail to add depth to #h paintings.
16=#E has been able to interpret #h artist models well and can utilise their
techniques and compositions into #h own work with confidence.
17=#E is developing a deeper understanding of the importance of an artist model and
is now incorporating these ideas into #h work.
18=#E is developing a distinctive personal style and approach to colour, and is now
working on layering and detail to create depth in #h paintings.
19=#H observational drawing skills have strengthen and #h painting skills reflect a
developing confidence when using tone, texture and layering to describe form.
20=#N is encouraged to extend #h drawing and painting skills over the holiday break
to ensure #e has the required work for #h internal.

COMMENTS: Painting 3 second sentence

1=One of #h greatest strengths is #h willingness to listen to and implement advice.
2=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to
constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas.
3=In #h practical work #e is always creative and imaginative producing unique
solutions to the set tasks.
4=#N is open to engaging in critical discussion about #h work in order to extend #h
ideas and is continuing to strengthen #h understanding of painting conventions.
5=#E actively engages in critical discussions about #m work with confidence,
curiosity and maturity.
6=#E is able to record information with skill and attention to detail in a variety
of media, and is beginning to extend #h understanding colour and layering in #h
7=#H ideas are developing sequentially and reflect understanding of #h artist
8=#E is developing a distinctive painting style and is beginning to extend #h use
of colour to create layers depth.
9=#E is developing a distinctive personal style and is working on a layering colour
and detail to add depth to #h paintings.
10=#E listens carefully to instructions and is responsive to feedback.
11=#E ideas develop sequentially and #e has a strong feel for colour and
12=#N engages in critical discussion about #h work with confidence and curiosity,
and is successfully using #h artist models to inform #h work.
13=#E has successfully used #h artist model's to inform #h work and is open to
exploring new ideas and techniques
14=#E must continue to support #h effort in class with consistent homework in order
to maximize #h potential in this subject.
15=#N is developing a distinctive painterly style, although, greater attention to
detail in #h paintings would be beneficial.
16=#N actively seeks advise and listens carefully to advice.
17=#N has successfully incorporated aspects of #h chosen artist models into #h
work, however, #e now needs to focus on developing #h composition ideas
sequentially for #h final painting series.
18=#E is recording from observation with more accuracy and attention to detail and
listens carefully to instructions.
19=#N has successfully used #h artist model's to inform #h work and is open to
exploring new ideas and techniques.
20=#E is confident articulating #h ideas and has a good understanding of how to use
#h artist models to inform #h work.

COMMENTS: Painting 4 final sentence

1=#E is confident articulating her ideas and is successfully using her artist
models to inform her own work in a creative and individual way. With the external
deadline very close it is important #N uses #h artist models to help #h make
purposeful decisions about use of colour and treatment of objects.
2=#E is confident in articulating her ideas and is successfully using her artist
models to inform her own work in a creative and individual way.
3=With the external deadline very close is is important #N uses #h artist models to
help #h make purposeful decisions colour, treatment of objects to attain the result
#e is capable of achieving.
4=#N must ensure #e is producing work regularly to meet the requirements of the
5=#N is encouraged to extend #h drawing and painting skills over the holiday break
to ensure #e has the required work for #h external folio.
6=#N needs to ensure that #e manages #m time effectively until #m folio is due as
#m desire for perfection has meant that #e has restarted numerous works and is a
7=#E now needs to focus on the resolution of ideas and completion of work.
8=#N is beginning to use aspects of #m artist model ideas to extend #m work and is
encouraged to focus on this and on managing #m time effectively to ensure all work
is completed by the deadline.
9=#E will need to focus on resolution and completion of #m work to ensure #e
reaches #m potential in this subject.
10=#N has made a good effort to catch up on #m work, however, #e will need to
ensure #e utilizes the remaining time effectively to complete #m folio.
11=#N has successfully used #m artist model's to inform #m work and is open to
exploring new ideas and techniques.
12=Revisiting #h artist models will help to consolidate the development of #h final
painting series.
13=#N is now working on adding depth to #m paintings by focussing on layering
colour and detail.
14=#N needs to focus on being more methodical and organised to ensure all course
work on time.
15=#N is encouraged to extend #h ideas in reference to #h artist models and to
focus on managing #h time effectively to ensure all work is completed by the
16=#N has a flair for composition and #h continued focus on the development and
extension of #h ideas will ensure #e reaches #h potential in this subject.
17=Revisiting #h artist models will help #h to consolidate the development of ideas
for compositions and the use of colour in #h final painting series.
18=#N is now working on adding depth to #h paintings by focussing on layering
colour and detail.
19=#E has successfully incorporated aspects of #h chosen artist models into #h
work, however, #e now needs to focus on developing #h composition ideas
sequentially for #h final painting series.
20=Continued commitment, focus on concept development, and the resolution of ideas
will ensure that #e reaches #h potential in this subject.

COMMENTS: Senior intro extra

1=#Nis an intelligent and talented student who is committed to this subject. #E
explores concepts with innovation, attention to detail and appropriate techniques.
2=#N is an exceptional student who is committed and focussed on attaining #h goal.
3=#N is an exceptionally talented student who is committed to this subject.
4=#N is an intelligent and able student who works with a commitment to develop #h
skills and understanding of course requirements.
5=#Nis a highly competent student who has gone beyond #h comfort zone to extend #h
technique and thinking.
6=#N has worked with passion, commitment and creativity to develop #h skills and
knowledge in painting.
7=#N has exceptional painting ability and has worked consistently to fulfil course
8=#N is a capable student who finds it challenging to move on from work that is not
completed to perfection. #E needs to understand the value of experimeting with new
techniques and developing a sequence of idea that will enable #h to grow
9=#N is a capable student who has not always managed #h time wisely to complete
tasks to deadlines. #H focus on perfected images has also hindered the development
of #h ideas and completion of work.
10=#N is a polite and respectful member of the class.
11=#N s a positive and friendly student who has gained confidence over the semester
12=#N is an engaged student who has worked steadily in class.
13=#N is a friendly member of the class who displays interest in the subject and
demonstrates a growing understanding of the skills taught.
14=#N is a dedicated student who works with determination to understand new skills
and technical processes.
15=#N is a positive and friendly student who has gained increasing confidence over
the semester.
16=#N is a polite and friendly student who has worked steadily in class.
17=#N has worked with focus and determination to improve #h skills in Visual Art.
18=#N has worked with focus and
19=#N always attends class with a polite and positive attitude.
20=#N has worked with focus and commitment to complete all tasks.

COMMENTS: Strengths Studio

1=#H practical work is imaginative and creative. #E is always willing to take the
risk and try new media, styles or techniques.
2=One of #h greatest strengths is #h willingness to listen to and implement advice.
3=#H art work is imaginative and creative. In particular #e worked diligently on #h
painting, giving the extra time and effort needed to create a pleasing result.
4=#H work is of an excellent standard in both technical skills and creativity.
5=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to
constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas.
6=#E brings a high level of natural ability to #h studio works and willingly seeks
out critique and implements the advice given. At the same time #e has a very clear
vision of what #e wants to create and works diligently to make that vision happen.
7=At times #e finds the practical work difficult but #e is willing to give the
extra time needed to do the best that #e can.
8=#N was willing to give extra time beyond class to ensure that #h work was
completed on time.
9=In #h practical work #e is always creative and imaginative producing unique
solutions to the set tasks.
10=#H natural talent is combined with #h high personal goals and #h willingness to
give the additional time needed in order to succeed. This combination of talent and
determination is a fine recipe for success.
11=#E made great strides forward in the painting unit, in part, because #e was more
open to critique and more confident in being a risk taker. This helped #m to solve
the challenges #e faced with #h work.
12=#E showed a natural talent for photography and I hope that #e continues to build
on the skills #e has already developed.
13=Our focus was in developing skills of critical analysis, photography and
painting. #N created pleasing works in each unit.
14=One of #h greatest strengths is #h reflective mindset as it allows #m to
constantly improve and build upon #h original ideas.
15=#E showed a natural talent for photography and I hope that #e continues to build
on the skills #e has already developed. One of #h greatest strengths is #h
reflective mindset as it allows #m to constantly improve and build upon #h original

COMMENTS: Year 7 ART artist models

1=#N artist analysis revealed #h thoughtful analytical skills and a good
understanding of terminology.

1=mixed media
3=landscape painting
4=digital collage

LIST: 11Art
3=development of ideas

LIST: 12Des
1=adobe program
2=digital skills

LIST: How-to-improve
1=focus more in the lessons
2=put more time aside for homework
3=try not to chat during lessons
4=do more project research on the internet
5=develop #h computer skills
6=pay more attention to instructions

LIST: junior
1=thoughtful analysis of the artist study
2=thoughtful investigation of research tasks
3=family tree painting
4=tree of life weaving
5=development of ideas
6=art appreciation
7=mixed media work
8=sculpture unit
9=landscape painting
10=digital collage
12=Maori art symbol

LIST: SampleRatingList
1=an excellent
2=a good
3=an average
4=a disappointing
5=a poor

LIST: Unit
1=digital photography
5=relief printing

/* HELP: Creating & Importing Files
/* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at:
/* #N - Name
/* #E - She/He/They
/* #e - she/he/they
/* #H - His/Her/Their
/* #h = his/her/their
/* #b - girl/boy/child
/* #m - him/her/them
/* #s - herself/himself/themself
/* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam.
/* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics.
/* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break.
/* You can also import comment files in the,
/* Teachers Report Assistant format.
/* There are 1000s around the web.
/* School Report Writer automatically converts them.
/* When you upload, you will be shown the comments
/* you are about to import. You will be told if names
/* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which
/* comments to add to your comment bank.
/* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to
/* create one is to download a comment file from our site
/* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will
/* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you
/* make changes and save, the file should automatically be
/* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in
/* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other
/* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu)
/* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'.
/* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line).
/* They are ignored when files are imported.
/* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines
/* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere.
/* Files contain groups of comments and lists.
/* Each group should start with either:
/* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here
/* or
/* LIST: your-list-name-here
/* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain
/* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES.
/* Comment names can include spaces, and any other
/* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50).
/* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g.
/* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work
/* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent.
/* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation.
/* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics.
/* 4= etc...
/* LIST: Science-topics
/* 1= Heating and Cooling
/* 2= Light and Sound
/* 3= Exploring Magnetism
/* 4= Changing Earth
/* 5= etc...
/* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes.
/* So to import the two science examples above,
/* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise
/* the lines would be ignored when imported.
/* NEED MORE HELP? - we usually reply the same
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