MCN Short Definition

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acute bilirubin encephalopathy

- a neurological condition that occurs in newborns caused by a very high level of bilirubin
which can result to permanent structural damage and irreversible damage to the brain.
2. Intrauterine Growth Retardation
- a condition iin which the unborn baby unable to achieved the determined growth potential
of a fetus size or smaller than the expected fo the number of weeks of pregnancy.
3. Apnea of newborns
- a pause breathing that lasts for 20 seconds or longer for full term infants, and may have a
repeated episodes of normal breathing then alternating with brief pauses in breathing.
4. Large for gestational age
- it is newborn baby who are weigh more than their usual number of weeks of pregnancy.
5. Apparent life-threatening event
- is an episode that is frightening to the observer as near-miss sudden infant death syndrome
occur characterized by apnea, color change like cyanotic and change in muscle tone usually
it diminished and there is a sudden choking.
6. Low-birth-weight infant
- this are usually used to described babies who are born weighing less than 5 pounds, 8
ounces (2,500 grams).
7. Appropriate for gestational age
- it describe the baby’s gestational age findings after birth match the calendar age and if the
baby’s weight is appropriate for the gestational age.
8. - Macrosomia
It describe a newborn who’s ;arger than average which weigh more than 8 pounds, 13
ounces or 4,000 grams, as it growth beyond a specific threshold regardless of gestational
9. Brown fat
- serves as built-in heater in the newbabies, where the babies are born with a lot of brwon
fats behind their shoulder blades which is a way the body creates ht and prevent shivering.
10. Ophthalmia neonatorum
- an eye infection which cause during birth by contact with the mother’s birth canal that is
infested with a sexually-transmitted disease and occurs within the first 30 days.
11. Caudal regression syndrome
- a rare complex disorder that impairs the development of the lower (caudal) half to the
body, in which the segment of the spine and the spinal cord fails to develop.
12. Periodic respirations
- an abnormal breathing that shows a sign of irregular respiratory rhythm which there is a
series of 3 seconds or more respiratory pauses characterized a period of shallow and deep
breathing alternate.
13.Development cere
14.Periventricular leukomalacia
- it is a type of brain injury that is common in premature and low birthweight babies which
resulted by softeninng of white brain tissue near the ventricles.
15. Dysmature
- it is a baby born after 42 weeks or a prolonged gestation period which shows a weight gain
in uterus after the due date has stopped.
16. Post-term infant
- are infants that are born at a gestational age greater than 42 weeks.
17. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
- it it used in open-heart surgery where it pumps and oxygenate the patient’s blood outside
the body, this will help the heart and lungs to rest.
18. Post-term syndrome
- refers to infants’ unique and characteristic appearances caused by prolonged pregnancy. It
characterized as wrinkled, patchy, and peeling skin on the palm and soles, long nails, and an
open eyes that unusually alert.
19. Fetal alcohol syndrome
- a condition in where the baby is exposed from alcohol during the mother’s pregnancy
which resulted in poor growth where baby may have low birth weights and small heads or
even birth defects.
20. Preterm infant
- newborn babies that are being born alive before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
21. Gestational age
- it described how far along the mother is pregnant which is measured from the first day of
the last menstrual cycle of a mother to the current date.
22. Shoulder dystocia
- it is medical emergency where the shoulder of the baby get stuck during vaginal delivery
which resulted to the baby unable to breath and the umbilical cord being squeezed.
23. Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
- a bleeding disorder that manifest in the first week of life after delivery cause by a low level
of Vit. K which is responsible for blood clotting.
24. Small for gestational age
- used to describe when the baby is smaller than the usual number of weeks of pregnancy
and weigh less than about 3 kg.
25. Hydrops fetalis
- a condition where there is an abnormal amount f fluid build up in the tissues or organs of
the baby resulted to extensive swelling or edema
26. Term infants
- these are newborn babies that are born between 37 and 42 completed weeks.
27. Hyperbilirubinemia
- a condition where there is a too much bilirubin in the baby’s blood which may cause of
28. Very-low-birth-weight infants
- these are newborn babies born weighing less than 1,500 grams.

1. Anencephaly
- a serious birth defect in which the baby is born without part of the brain and skull which is
not fully develop while the baby is in the uterus.
2. Hydrocephalus
- a condition in which there is a build up of cerebrospinal fluid builds up within the hallow
places inside the brain which the ventricles, this excess fluid causes the ventricle to widen.
3. Ankyloglossia
- also know as tongue tie which a short lingual frenum (a line under the tongue) interferes
the normal tongue movement as the tongue remain attached to the floor of their mouth.
4. Meningocele
- it is a sac of fluid that is being push through the gap in the spine or being potrude from the
spinal column.
5. Arnold-Chiari Malformation
- a condition in which the brain tissue extendor being push down into the spinal canal
6. Omphalocele
- a birth defect in which the organ of the baby such as intestines, liver and other organs are
outsideof the belly through the belly botton.
7. Atresia
- a birth defect in which the baby’s esophagus that connects the mouth to the stomach does
not properly develop
8. Polydactyly
- a condtion where a baby born with an extra one or more fingers that is usually small and
abnormally developed.
9. Cleft lip
- a birth defect in which the lip of the baby did not form properly during pregnancy, it either
there is an opening or split in the upper lip.
10. Spina Bifida
- a baby's spine and spinal cord did not develop properly in the womb, which cause a gap
in the spine.
11. Cleft palate
- a birth defect in which the baby is born with an opening in the roof of the mouth which
resulted a hole between the nose and mouth.
12. Stenosis
- also means narrowing or there is a constriction which can cause pressure to the affected
part of the body.
13. Developmental hip dysplasia
- it a problem in the baby’s hip joint forms in which the ball and socket joint of the hip does
not form properly resulted to an abnormaldeveloppment of acetabulum with or without hip
14. Syndactyly
- a condition in which baby are born with fused or webbed fingers
9two or more fingers do not separate).
15. Encephalocele
- it happens when the neural tube do not close completely during pregnancy as it
characterized by sac-like protrusions of the brain and the membranes that cover it through
openings in the skull.
16. Transillumination
- a bright light used by the dotors to test and identifies abnormalities in the baby’s body
17. Fistula
- an abnormal connection between two body parts such as an organ or blood vessel
18. Volvulus
-means to twis, it occurs when a loop of intestine twists around itself and the mesentery that
supplies it, causing a bowel obstruction.
19. Frenulum
- connecting fold of membrane that restrain a part of the body such as penis and tongue
which may result in tearing or shortening that can restrain the function of the body with

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