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Health & Safety Adviser




1. PPE: Fundamentals Yes No

Do you use PPE as the last resort, protecting people by other means where
Is your PPE policy based on risk assessment? (During a routine
inspection, or following an accident, an inspector might ask you to:
justify why you chose PPE as a control measure instead of dealing with
the hazard at source; explain why you selected a particular type of PPE;
and show that you chose it because it was the most suitable means of
protecting people.)
Do you consult users both before deciding on the use of PPE – and in
choosing the actual PPE offered?
Do senior staff lead by example – wearing their own PPE whenever it is
2. PPE: Issue
Do you choose PPE so that it is suitable for the risk and comfortable for
the wearer? (Discomfort is one of the most common reasons people give
for not wearing their PPE.)
Is all your PPE CE-marked to show that it’s made to an approved standard?
Do you offer alternatives, e.g. different models of safety footwear, so
that you give a measure of personal choice while still providing
adequate protection?
Do you have clear guidelines so that everyone knows which PPE must be
worn in what circumstances?
Do you ensure PPE is compatible with other PPE the person is expected
to wear, for example, by using hard hats with built-in hearing
Do your PPE arrangements cover mobile staff as well as those based at fixed
Do you record all PPE personally issued or available to employees?

© 2021 Agora Business Publications LLP. The information in this document is for general guidance only and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or
entity. The document may need to be tailored to suit individual circumstances and professional advice should be sought before any action is taken, or any decision is made to refrain from
action. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Agora Business Publications LLP and our contributors do not accept liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other losses or
damages of whatsoever kind arising from any action or inaction of the user other than liability limited to the fee paid for the document.
Health & Safety Adviser
Is all employee PPE provided free of charge?
3. PPE: Training
Do you train all employees so that they know what PPE is required, how to
use it properly and how to look after it?
Have you told employees where they can get further PPE and who to tell if
there is a problem?
Do you record all training given to employees?
Have you trained managers and supervisors in their responsibilities for
ensuring PPE is worn?
4. PPE: Storage
Have you made arrangements for PPE to be stored when not in use?
Do these keep the PPE clean and free of contamination?
5. PPE: Maintenance
Is replacement PPE readily available when needed?
Have you made arrangements for cleaning (not required for disposable
Do you keep in stock consumables such as filters and batteries and
disposable PPE such as ear plugs?
Do you have a system of regular PPE checks?

© 2021 Agora Business Publications LLP. The information in this document is for general guidance only and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or
entity. The document may need to be tailored to suit individual circumstances and professional advice should be sought before any action is taken, or any decision is made to refrain from
action. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Agora Business Publications LLP and our contributors do not accept liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other losses or
damages of whatsoever kind arising from any action or inaction of the user other than liability limited to the fee paid for the document.

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