Scathing Sentence Examples

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scathing sentence examples

O scathing of the government.

O scathing about the possibility of the supernatural.
O scathing indictment of alternative agendas for reconciliation.
O opposition politicians were equally scathing in their response to the news.
O then sent scathing is on a you just earn.
O scathing about the british state and its defenders who have created and upheld
bloodshed, bigotry and oppression in ireland.
O scathing critique of how it was undone.
O he was particularly scathing over scottish water's ability to put only 10 vans onto
the street.
O before i get scathing, let's try and be positive.
O scathing satire in english literature is directed against lawyers.
O jim was pretty scathing about the ones you can buy with a wee door at the bottom,
like a coal bunker.
O scathing criticism for its role in coordinating the initial katrina response.
O i returned to school and, i admit, i was rather scathing about the ' toy ' i had been
O scathing attack on the book last year.
O his report on the village of 543 inhabitants made quite scathing reading.
O should we really be so scathing of cameron's involvement with drugs?
scatter sentence examples
O scattered the ashes, while groups of mourners arrived with their recently deceased
O scattered around from the lakes past.
O scattered throughout the genome, evidence of the importance of smell to most
O scattered around the globe.
O the first assemblage was a lithic scatter, of mesolithic date, from cornhill farm,
O scatter cushions are also available, supplied with plump fiber fill pads.
O scattered across the globe.
O scatter of flint and medieval pottery, but nothing very exciting.
O it was found by geophysical survey on the site of a flint scatter in ploughsoil.
O scattering amplitudes with the number of partial waves is improved by using a
procedure which is related to the pade approximation.
O scatter plot required then click the define button.
O scatter of broken pottery.
O petals scattered over your bed and in your bath - at once.
O scatter graph of rainfall against daily air pressure for three months.
O falling nearby with the resultant loud explosion and debris scattered all over.
O the plot is called a scatter diagram or a scatter diagram or a scatter plot.
O damage serious enough to produce a hole in the hull usually leaves wreckage
scattered about the area.
O scatter radar facility, in terms of capability.
O scattering scarlet poppy seeds.
O scatter rugs cover the floors.
O a person who is incapable of concentrated or serious thinking; giddy, frivolous,
flighty person
scavenger sentence examples
O the open quarries were used for the disposal of refuse, which probably attracted the
O this poison is then consumed by the scavengers - and they too die.
O sesame oil is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and it contains potent free
radical scavengers.
O scavenger hunt game.
O the seahunt scavenger on the cabins this will be possible to be.
O scavenger of free radicals.
O given a mix of any he will become a scavenger ( 5 ) 24.
O sesame oil is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and it contains potent free
radical scavengers.
O scavenger receptor uptake of ldl.
O this includes potent free radical scavengers, namely the antioxidant vitamins a, c, e
and beta-carotene.
O sesame oil is a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids and it contains potent free
radical scavengers.
O scavenger cells that remove bacteria from the blood.
O scavengers known.
O gulls are natural scavengers ( like the vulture of africa ): they have an important
role to play in cleaning up animal remains.
scenario sentence examples
O we all seem to start out with a mindset which imagines the above scenario
whenever we see a percentage increased or decreased risk.
O under the worst-case scenario, the eu can suspend some of the culprit member
state's rights, including voting rights.
O scenario planning from the point of view of strategic planning at icl in the uk.
O there is even a nightmare scenario where they might not even get the pensions
which have in theory already accrued.
O i think it can be very valuable in helping people move on, and envisage future
O online tutorial support is provided and concepts are applied to real-life scenarios.
O you also learn how to implement project management processes, develop leadership
skills and respond to real-world scenarios.
O usefully cameron outlines the bribe scenario and what is best to do - here as
throughout, it's the voice of experience.
O this evening event borrowed the television format of getting professionals to state
how they would react to a hypothetical scenario.
O scenario b, get to the police station.
O they can be helped, which is something that jacobs in particular cannot do, with his
doomsday scenario of despair.
scenic sentence examples
O scenic splendor, arguably one of the finest sights in the world.
O to the north of fiji, lies the second major island, the stunningly scenic vanua levu.
O en route, you may visit scenic woodstock or charming quechee gorge.
O scenic beauty of the derwent valley is hard to beat.
O the south coast of england has some wonderfully scenic counties and hampshire just
serves to emphasize this point.
O scenic route they're taking.
O this superbly scenic area full of blue water lagoons was actually alive with birds.
O scenic backdrop you crave can the two really be combined?
O a great place for anyone looking to spend their time off walking, climbing or just
exploring a beautifully scenic area.
O scenic coastline, shooting over 30 rolls of film.
O there is an exceptionally scenic coastal golf course and boat trips are available for
fishing and to visit lundy island.
O scenic grandeur of latin america.
O the railroad track is the incredibly scenic cambrian coast line - recommended!
skeptical sentence examples
O skeptical of the claims about who owned the land.
O skeptical about this claim.
O frankly, i was somewhat skeptical that this book could deliver on the promises
made in its subtitle.
O skeptical environmentalist: measuring the real state of the world.
O without answers to these questions, i remain skeptical.
O skeptical of this story.
O skeptical about the whole thing.
O they don't trust bush, and they're deeply skeptical of american attempts to impose
democracy by force.
O skeptical attitude toward mutual fund ratings.
O we become skeptical at the very time we are most desperate.
O ms. martinez said she was initially skeptical about using lobsters or crawfish for
O skeptical literature.
O the media doesn't seem very skeptical, which they should be.
O being a big fan of these types of movies i was slightly skeptical about seeing the
last samurai.
O skeptical arguments can be based on the same sort of evidence used in the original
O analysts say it is an attempt by the government to sell an unpopular foreign policy to
its increasingly skeptical citizens.
O skeptical reader.
sceptre sentence examples
O sceptreormally holds a scepter or cornucopia in her other hand.
O sceptreolden crown his hand his ring the golden scepter 11: what is the name of
haman's wife?
O sceptres " b. m. " got more and more footing, the poor people felt its iron scepter.
O sceptreerewolf sprang at him, only to be batted back by the hero's scepter.
O sceptreord placed the scepter in the hands of the messenger going to the
O sceptref the old writers says: " he who understands the principle of vibration has
grasped the scepter of power " .
O sceptrethe king or osiris, the king of the dead could carry this scepter.
O sceptrely, you must collect three pieces of the royal scepter and return it.
O sceptrelish and set aright the scepters of kingdoms, subdue the nations, and pour
forth peace upon the ends of the earth.
O sceptre the lord who wields the scepter, it is the king who is urged to rule.
O sceptreudgment by the king, the holy scepter at his right side, .. ... .
O sceptreord placed the scepter in the hands of the messenger going to the
O sceptre 2 - god will expand jesus ' mighty scepter or reign in ever widening circles
until no foe remains to oppose his rule.
O sceptre gave the scepter to me, his beloved son, in the ki-ur.
O sceptreane with which they beat him became a mock scepter.
O sceptre she is pictured crowned, with the christ child on her lap, bearing a scepter
in her left hand.
schema sentence examples
O returns the index in self's schema of the first column with the given name.
O somehow, it doesn't seem to matter how many of them i come across, i remain
incapable of modifying the schema.
O they provide the ability to programmatically create an xsd schema.
O schema registries.
O a metadata schema, based on dublin core, was then designed to describe the
O subjects who search for information, on the other hand, seem to apply cognitive
schemata that suppress a deeper processing of web banners.
O the data model defines the conceptual schema for a database or data warehouse.
O the third must be capable of structuring the navigational schema.
O schema transformation operators for the higher-level data models.
O update the project.xml file to modify the location of the xml schema for the file.
O locate schema james i am trying to solve the following problem: i have an xml
document in a version control system.
O the relational database schema comprises 3 core tables holding sequences,
accessions and taxonomy.
O if your source document has been through schema validation, then the elements
and attributes will be annotated with a schema validation, then the elements and
attributes will be annotated with a schema type.
O so during development i'd prefer to do my own validation based on a tighter relax ng
schema and perhaps other semantic processing.
O the data model defines the conceptual schema for a database or data warehouse.
scheme sentence examples
O he sees the subtlety of the devil's schemes.
O any pension contributions paid by the company to an approved pension scheme for
your benefit ( but not for anyone else ).
O the scheme is an important and valuable staff benefit for... to their employer's
occupational pension scheme.
O scheme administrator will then immediately pay out in accordance with the court
O pension scheme funding - should you stick or twist?
O the bank also operates a small unfunded pension scheme.
O we currently own and manage some sheltered housing schemes, usually for older
O the national rollout of nus extra follows a pilot scheme carried out in 13 unions in
the north west during 2005/06.
O the proposed scheme potentially enables project stakeholders to reach the same
project success or failure verdict.
O the voluntary scheme will calculate the carbon dioxide emissions created by official
air travel.
O color schemes do you drive a blue or green car?
O you do not need any savings to apply to join the scheme.
O final salary pension scheme, interest-free season ticket loan, and a subsidized
restaurant and gym in our london office.
scheming sentence examples
O scheming villain charlie endell who employed budgie.
O scheming wife tormenting husband joseph cotten in their cabin by the falls.
O scheming, devious man, is the center of the show.
O scheming ways stay tuned!
O scheming woman, and the woman at the well.
O scheming goliaths.
schism sentence examples
O schism healed in 1979, prince andrej became grand master of the troubletzkoy
O schism between art and craft is one of the symptoms of a heirarchical view of art
and a particular casualty of modernism.
O schism within the communities.
O like erasmus, grotius sought to end the religious schism and urged the papacy to
reconcile with the protestant faiths.
O as for the culture and the music industry schism, let's take a stroll back to the
1960s and 1970s.
O schism in the church: follow them not in this.
O schisms of the churches in south africa.
O this was later to cause a schism within the church, more of which will be written
O soon afterward the church experienced a number of internal schisms.
O schism in the true body of christ.
schismatic sentence examples
O pickthal: of those who split up their religion and became schismatics, each sect
exulting in its tenets.
O schismatic groups.
O schismatic sects.
O schismatic movements, purely secular, political, financial and ethnic, and have no
spiritual reality.
O schismatic part of that order in 1965.
O schismatic element of the 1934 foundation.
scholar sentence examples
O scholars of buddhism in tibet.
O and it has organized conferences, workshops and lectures involving oxford historians
and invited scholars from elsewhere in britain and europe.
O note the biblical scholar begging the question, yet again, in respect of the " period
of the judges.
O after the break, with third-year scholar bob thanda on for the unfortunate sankofa,
charlton continued to look second best.
O scholar of the highest caliber able to enhance the research strength in american
O time was spent with many visiting scholars in helping with their research.
O visits by distinguished scholars are also supported by these funds.
O it was developed from the 1930s onward by yoga guru and sanskrit scholar, sri t.
O scholars engaged in identity research.
O as geoffrey was a key figure in the myth making process his text has been studied
by many eminent scholars.
O buddhist scholar joanna macy writes of visiting a group of monks in tibet.
O yet their veiled references and cryptic symbols have baffled the scholars and
encouraged cheap, sensationalist versions.
O to their credit, the movement we are speaking of has revived interest in hadith
among islamic scholars across the board.
O he began his time at york as an organ scholar and has made his way up to the
position he held until july.
O a common focus to the work of the center is provided by a fortnightly general
seminar, which attracts leading international scholars.
O there are also four choral scholars -- one per part -- who are studying music to a
professional standard.
O what they really need is a good old testament scholar.
O this has led biblical scholars to turn to other methods for addressing the apparent
historical discrepancies in the books.
O manuscript collections bona fide scholars who wish to consult manuscripts should
contact in the first instance the archivist to make an appointment.
scholastic sentence examples
O there is a general agreement among tibetan scholastics regarding the pedagogical
value of debate in internalizing their tradition.
O scholastic aptitude test scholastic aptitude test scholastic aptitude test ( sat ) the
sat is a test that is quite challenging.
O this act theory would prove influential on later scholastics, most notably william
O scholastic philosophers.
O scholastic philosophy.
O scholastic achievement at age 16.
O since she agreed with scholasticism in its practice of medicine, it would seem that
she was embracing the scholastic tradition.
scholasticism sentence examples
O the world almost divides into two, but stops short of the split as descartes reverts
back to the comfort of medieval scholasticism.
O again, this requires him to dismiss as products of later scholasticism, without
cogent grounds, the many suttas that draw such distinctions.
O in chapters 10-12 dreyfus presents an inquiry into the nature of debate and its
function in tibetan scholasticism.
O but let us not waste our time over such philological scholasticism.
schooner sentence examples
O the first ship was a 1925 built, three masted schooner, dan.
O some delegates also visited the santa eulalia, the three-masted schooner recently
restored by the museum.
O schooner cruise visiting the beaches and islands of parati bay.
O for her delivery voyage she was rigged as a topsail schooner, the mast being
removed on arrival.
O she captured a french schooner with 40 tons of cocoa and jewels valued at 12,000
pieces of eight.
O american schooner sally, from norfolk; laden with flour, captured by the boats of
the squadron same date.
O schooners race across the atlantic in search of buried treasure.
O it is quite evident that the pirate schooner cannot be far off.
O schooner built in 1887, sunk in 1920.
O but the gale which now began to buffet the little schooner was of more than
ordinary violence.
O visit to savaii in trading schooner weighing copra ' .
O a passionate seaman, he owned a schooner, the fiery cross.
O from a few small schooners and brigantines the fleet expanded into one of the best-
known steam collier fleets operating in great britain and ireland.
O to our first hunting club for windstar cruises to century schooner with.
O the crew gets a schooner called the hispaniola and set sail not knowing the
problems they will face.
O namely; to wit; that is to say
scimitar sentence examples
O showing the upper part of man on horseback, waving scimitar, [ wulfric spot ] .
O scimitar horned oryx, but i liked the look of it.
scintilla sentence examples
O scintilla of evidence for a religious instinct.
O scintilla of doubt.
O scintilla of proof that my assertion is wrong!
O superficial knowledge or learning
scion sentence examples
O scion of a family made prosperous by the british empire.
O in february willie saved pencil thick shoots, called scions, from several different
varieties of his own apples.
O the tragic mary queen of scots was the last scion of their line.
O scions of the hasmonaean dynasty.
O on his father's side, his ancestors had all been big men, and he was no degenerate
O they would surely make it their business to see that the young scion of longleat got
well launched in life.
O scion of even italian nobility.
O scions of the tree were sent to massachusetts in the usa, canada and europe, and
later to australia.
O scion of the english establishment.
scoff sentence examples
O scoff down mayonnaise, take a deep breath of sea air or light candles yet all of
these things produce free nanoparticles.
O scoffing the lot.
O scoff at the notion of research within the last century being true genealogy.
O scoff all they want to, but you now know.
O scoffed down with a very palatable house red.
O scoff down mayonnaise, take a deep breath of sea air or light candles yet all of
these things produce free nanoparticles.
O scoffing the lot.
O scoff at the notion of research within the last century being true genealogy.
O scoff all they want to, but you now know.
O scoffed down with a very palatable house red.
O scoffing cream cakes at the legendary betty's tea shop.
O scoffed at the suggestion of a serious attack.
O but your contributor always scoffs at the idea of utility.
O scoffing cream cakes at the legendary betty's tea shop.
O scoffed at the suggestion of a serious attack.
O but your contributor always scoffs at the idea of utility.
O scoffed a load of the cake!
O scoffed at the idea of a special relationship.
O a person, esp. a woman, who habitually uses abusive language
scold sentence examples
O scold's bridle ' .
O scold a child?
O listen for the birds ' whistled " el e pai o " song or chattering scolds.
O you would n't scold a youth for being young, would you?
O scolding hot fireplaces with this quality gate from baby dan.
O scolded maggots mixed with maize flake and fishmeal groundbait.
O he was right because i was not scolded at all by the smiling voice that greeted me
on my arrival.
O the first is a woman who had developed the habit of sulking in childhood when her
father scolded her.
O scold then for getting accidentally lost.
O scolded people, and she might even throw at you whatever came into her hand.
O she was well liked by them, even tho she sometimes scolded them for not keeping
their pavements clean and tidy!
O people even brought babies to him, for him to touch them; but the disciples scolded
O but he gently scolded her asking if she did not realize that this would be where he
was to be found.
O he even scolded them at times, but they seemed to like it.
sconce sentence examples
O an elegant wall mounted candle sconce that will enhance the atmosphere wherever
it is used.
O the room is lit by silver sconces depicting the story of solomon.
O right: brass repousse glasgow style single candle wall sconce with stylized peacock
O an elegant wall mounted candle sconce that will enhance the atmosphere wherever
it is used.
O the room is lit by silver sconces depicting the story of solomon.
O right: brass repousse glasgow style single candle wall sconce with stylized peacock
O an elegant wall mounted candle sconce that will enhance the atmosphere wherever
it is used.
O the room is lit by silver sconces depicting the story of solomon.
O right: brass repousse glasgow style single candle wall sconce with stylized peacock
O the wall sconces which once would have held large torches to illuminate the space
were empty.
O the wall sconces which once would have held large torches to illuminate the space
were empty.
O the wall sconces which once would have held large torches to illuminate the space
were empty.
scoop sentence examples
O scoop the poop.
O to the right the wall has a large shallow scoop.
O scoop neckline edged with blue piping.
O a simple plastic bag will do the trick or obtain poop scoops from the council or a
local pet shop.
O scoop out the flesh with a spoon.
O scooped up a handful of water from the river, blessed it and threw it over the witch.
O scoop of berry sorbet.
O scoops a prize of 1000.
O these are all people looking for the inside scoop, the whole story, the truth.
O scoop neck camisole goes with jeans and skirts or under shirts and suits.
O odder than the upside-down ice-cream scoop one atop snowdon?
O scoop out all pulp and put in a bowl.
O scoops of ice-cream in may's glass.
O scoop a huge jackpot from just 5p a spin.
O scoop out the seeds, then cut each half into four or six pieces, depending on size.
O scoops of ice cream or lashings of cream.
O scooping the odd-point.
O scoop of ice added to reduce the temperature.
O scoop the accolade of london's most enterprising student, together with 400 in
prize money.
O scooped two major housing awards.
scoot sentence examples
O scoot round asking whoever will talk to you.
O he also waited with me as diane turned up and had a swift scoot around the church
O at any time of year, a quick scoot around jjb sports will yield at least some england
football-related merchandise.
O scoot round before heading home on the eurostar.
O scoot away on the sand, scared of the immense darkness.
O scoot along, or push trucks and trolleys.
O scoot down the aisles in my shopping trolley, i could go for miles in my shopping
O scooting, cycling and running will always be in an anti-clockwise direction and all
three disciplines should be done wearing a helmet.
O scoots back into the house.
O scoot over to end of an error site for clips of the upcoming album of the same name!
O scooting around the question.
O wait for the fullback to run out and pick up his block, then scoot behind him and cut
the play up the sideline.
O scooting around, all i see is a fat red po saying " eh oh " !
O scoot off the curb at speed in a bid to beat the traffic.
O scooting away quickly to the other side of her car to put something between her in
the man.
O scooted off to help a friend move house.
O scoot about.
O scoot down to the fiat dealer for a look.
O of, like, or having scurvy
scorch sentence examples
O scorching sun; by night, under the gleam of the electric light.
O scorched by the sun or flattened by the rain and wind, the labor is in vain.
O scorch mark from her chin to her brow.
O some trees were badly scorched, however they appear to be shooting from the
O scorching hot; there was no breeze at all.
O scorch in full sun.
O apply water directly to the soil in the mornings to prevent leaf scorch.
O scorched by the sun or flattened by the rain and wind, the labor is in vain.
O scorching sunshine to torrential rain.
O scorched by the fire of the atomic bombs.
O scorch damage was caused to the exterior of the house however no one was injured
during the attack.
O donated to the airport fire section in june 1994, it survived the next five years by
only being slightly scorched.
O scorched by the heat of that weapon, seemed to be in a fever ' .
O scorched earth in a soothing wave of relief.
O scorched away with the league winning by a huge margin of points.
O scorched by the fire of the atomic bombs.
O scorching heat.
O the east wind does not scorch egypt, it is the south wind.
O scorching african deserts should be able to scent the nile.
O scorching weather, also achieved new attendance records, to make the whole
weekend a resounding success.
scorn sentence examples
O scorned compromise.
O be careful about pouring scorn on someone's pet project.
O she reserves particular scorn for shopping for clothes or shoes.
O scorn on the idea that consuming dairy could be bad for health.
O anyone who takes the mind seriously in its own terms is often scorned for believing
there is " a ghost in the machine.
O however, to heap scorn upon the welsh side is to rob the noble england squad of the
credit due to them.
O scorn to take advantage of such a squirrel.
O scorn the very idea of exam revision.
O boris was right to go and expose himself to their withering scorn.
O rivalry brings deceitful disguises, mistaken identities and scorn - so much scorn.
O derrida's words in the post card also perhaps generate in most readers the passions
of disbelief and even scorn.
O and let no women scorn other women, for they might well be better than they.
O the latter path was championed by the nationalistic slavophiles, who heaped scorn
on the " decadent " west.
O she had great scorn for the notion that one should be able to laugh at oneself.
O there will never be the girl made that would not scorn you.
O scorn a man so drunk that he spouts nonsense and attracts a crowd around him.
O other political parties have had similar experiences, yet don't attract the scorn of
ruth et al.
O utterly scorning the democratic process, she saw off parliamentary candidates
scornful sentence examples
O scornful laughter.
O george had become an enthusiastic member of this group despite his previous rather
scornful attitude to what he called " they statistic merchants " .
O esajas looks scornful as he waits to run his leg.
O scornful tone, which i think at first may just be the way he expresses enthusiasm.
O if he had been he mightn't have been quite so scornful about ghosts in machines.
O scornful attitude to what he called " they statistic merchants " .
O discuss originally they were very scornful of wales, keeping the flags off their amps
until it had already become cool to be welsh.
O scornful eye at me as a salmon toff.
O the cpgb was equally scornful of the proposition that the ilp would rapidly become
the instrument of socialist change.
O scornful word that mabel had just uttered.
O perhaps he gets his reward from these apparently scornful ones after all is over; he
certainly does not get it during the operation.
O scornful looks from women like you.
O she is totally scornful of blair's claim on television that he told the truth.
scot sentence examples
O the right of election is in the inhabitants paying scot and lot.
O epic's donald clark is taking part in a debate with fellow scot james naughtie,
presenter of bbc radio 4's today program.
O scots pine.
O especially the ones who blame prescott who appears to have got away with things
scott who appears to have got away with things scot free.
O the right of election is in the inhabitants paying scot and lot.
O epic's donald clark is taking part in a debate with fellow scot james naughtie,
presenter of bbc radio 4's today program.
O scots pine.
O especially the ones who blame prescott who appears to have got away with things
scott who appears to have got away with things scot free.
O everyone knows of some evidently guilty person who's gone scot free thanks to a
clever lawyer.
O a big game in tennis for young scot andrew murray.
O scot mccloughan and take pressure chicago now poses.
O everyone knows of some evidently guilty person who's gone scot free thanks to a
clever lawyer.
O a big game in tennis for young scot andrew murray.
O scot mccloughan and take pressure chicago now poses.
O the match official saw the funny side of the incident and the player, luckily, escaped
scot free.
O however, many scots would draw the line elsewhere - see maps above.
O scots language.
scotch sentence examples
O scotched these rumors putting out the message: ' the show will go on ' .
O rumors of the ql's demise were quickly scotched as visitors swarmed through the
door of central hall westminster.
O i know how you like to be the first to order a triple scotch and a packet of pork
O approximately 35 aficionados of the single malt scotch gathered to taste five
different cask strength scotches which were provided by the society.
O scotch whiskey.
O we know you will find the right whiskey gift from our range of single malt scotch
O scotched these rumors putting out the message: ' the show will go on ' .
O rumors of the ql's demise were quickly scotched as visitors swarmed through the
door of central hall westminster.
O i know how you like to be the first to order a triple scotch and a packet of pork
O approximately 35 aficionados of the single malt scotch gathered to taste five
different cask strength scotches which were provided by the society.
O scotch whiskey.
O we know you will find the right whiskey gift from our range of single malt scotch
O scotched these rumors putting out the message: ' the show will go on ' .
O i know how you like to be the first to order a triple scotch and a packet of pork
O approximately 35 aficionados of the single malt scotch gathered to taste five
different cask strength scotches which were provided by the society.
O scotch whiskey.
O rumors of the ql's demise were quickly scotched as visitors swarmed through the
door of central hall westminster.
O we know you will find the right whiskey gift from our range of single malt scotch
O scotching the myths during 1997 we will be sharing some events that happened in
scotland on the date the magazine comes out.
O we had a little scotch tasting session so after i felt a tad wobbly soon after.
O if you pour enough water on a double scotch, it ceases to taste like whiskey.
O scotch bonnet, they come in all colors.
O we got snakes, circles, and goals, hop scotch and many more.
O scotching the myths during 1997 we will be sharing some events that happened in
scotland on the date the magazine comes out.
O we had a little scotch tasting session so after i felt a tad wobbly soon after.
scot-free sentence examples
O and got away scot-free, and with more money than any of us could possibly
O and got away scot-free, and with more money than any of us could possibly
scoundrel sentence examples
O on leaving the place, he brought me for supper to an inn where we met four
scoundrels of his own stamp.
O my house was built by one of the old scoundrels in 1865.
O guy became internationally renowned after penning the smash hit angels for pop
scoundrel robbie williams in 1997.
O scoundrel called jack who one dark night tricked the devil into climbing an apple
O he won't put his own neck on the line, he's a conniving little scoundrel, " redfern
O the emperor's curiosity got the better of him and he decided to see the two
O but directly afterward the impudent scoundrel who had taken hold of my arm came
up and began to speak to the chamberlain in german.
O some of us tried to catch it, thinking some scoundrel was playing a wicked trick
upon us.
O if we win we will be great heroes; but if we lose we will be the greatest scoundrels
the country has ever produced.
O yes, we are not now facing scoundrels as good as robert boothby and quentin hogg.
O on 1st march, gonzalez resigned describing sprague as " an unconscionable
scoundrel " rudd retired from congress in january, 1987.
O i drew myself up, and looking at him scornfully said, " you insolent scoundrel!
scour sentence examples
O scouring the globe for the players who he hopes can rescue their disastrous season
to date.
O scoured by dry wind.
O a further source might have been wave and tidal scour of the eroding margins of
spartina marshes.
O scour pool ( n.b.
O we constantly scour trade journals, magazines and press releases to search out
exciting new products.
O scouring around the net looking for computers running vulnerable services.
O scoured by dry wind.
O scouring the globe for the players who he hopes can rescue their disastrous season
to date.
O scoured by dry wind.
O a further source might have been wave and tidal scour of the eroding margins of
spartina marshes.
O scour pool ( n.b.
O we constantly scour trade journals, magazines and press releases to search out
exciting new products.
O scouring around the net looking for computers running vulnerable services.
O scoured by dry wind.
O scour ebay for spare parts.
O similarly, national newspapers regularly scour construction news for stories.
O scoured out big, elliptical scallops in the rock.
O scour ebay for spare parts.
scourge sentence examples
O scourge of illicit trafficking in small arms.
O we will engage other nations to join in accelerating our efforts to finally eradicate this
O mr maclean said: " stalking is a menace to society and a terrible scourge to the
lives of victims.
O when alaric sacked rome, marcella was cruelly scourged as the goths thought that
she had hidden her wealth.
O scourger: i thought the scourging scene was too long.
O scourge of global terrorism requires the strength of a global response.
O to combat the scourge of terrorism member states have also agreed to expand the
role of the european union.
O but these pubs are under threat from the twin scourges of red tape and rising costs.
O scourge of unemployment.
O for the second bank holiday running, police are mounting an operation across the
county to tackle the scourge of drunken violence.
O by teaming up with top research institutes, orbis is working to eliminate this ancient
scourge which has blinded people for centuries.
O scourge of war, with famine in its wake, was raging over europe.
O the nations of the world are banding together to eliminate the terrorism scourge.
O the conference succeeded in placing the issue - which the secretary-general has
called a " global scourge " - on the international agenda.
O scourge of fuel poverty from some of scotland's most vulnerable households.
O with three levels of protection available to suit your needs, secure mail is the solution
you need to fight the scourge of spam!
O waste ( not ) by ethical consumer waste is a modern scourge.
O scourge of the very establishment he was a prominent member of.
scout sentence examples
O scouting mission.
O travel without moving and make your home a happy haven for your fellow scouts in
the process and don't forget.
O cub scouts can now also gain the silver award.
O it is also thought that aston villa recently sent a scout to watch lincoln city.
O scout for talent, and having found it work out what he can afford.
O despite her parents ' opposition, jess joins a ladies football team and gets spotted by
a talent scout.
O the vetch field boss has revealed he still wants to make one more appointment - a
chief scout.
O scout hut adjacent to the site which suffers from vandalism.
O scout around for a good external examiner.
O the story follows a talent scout 's journey to china in search of his missing daughter.
O scouting mission.
O travel without moving and make your home a happy haven for your fellow scouts in
the process and don't forget.
O cub scouts can now also gain the silver award.
O it is also thought that aston villa recently sent a scout to watch lincoln city.
O scout for talent, and having found it work out what he can afford.
O despite her parents ' opposition, jess joins a ladies football team and gets spotted by
a talent scout.
O the vetch field boss has revealed he still wants to make one more appointment - a
chief scout.
O scout hut adjacent to the site which suffers from vandalism.
scow sentence examples
O scow schooners in san francisco.
scowl sentence examples
O scowling face.
O wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles.
O with a permanent scowl on her face and a swear word on her lips.
O rob smiled and pointed the electric tube at the man, who doubtless recognized its
power, for he fell back scowling and trembling.
O scowling down at us in disappointment.
O scowl when any children were nearby.
O sun microsystems, however, put on a very serious scowl at a media summit held at
its menlo park offices last week.
O his wife said nothing just scowled at him and the growing pile of empty sweet
O scowling up at his inspector now. what's gotten in to you, lad?
O he turned, and just to look at his angry scowl, i realized that it would not be wise to
carry on.
scrabble sentence examples
O scrabbles frantically for a better purchase.
O will i be playing internet scrabble on my laptop in a theater?
O scrabble players know the answer to that one: homocysteine.
O scrabble about under the moss and pebbles as if in search of something.
O scrabble up a slab into a rift.
O scrabble in the dirt of your worth for your penny's worth, your misery, your mirth.
O scrabble for grip or tug at the steering wheel; it doesn't spin its front wheels on a
brisk getaway.
O scrabbled on the metal floor to find their mother's teats.
O scrabbled to find televisions, computers and the all-important cables to connect
everything up.
O scrabbling round to retrieve the scattered five-pence pieces, she had found instead
just one glittering penny in the gutter.
O scrabble't consciously model him on anyone, and i'm desperately scrabbling here for
O scrabblehe baby is born the pillow really comes into its own - no more scrabbling
around for sofa cushions.
O scrabble board, does not fit the turn table.
O scrabble in the sand and bang his drum when he wants to be loud!
O scrabbled to get the bag open.
O then scrabbling around below them the bulk, the mass market.
scrag sentence examples
O scrag end!
scraggy sentence examples
O scraggy neck and distinct hips, sure signs of being underweight.
O your cheeks are all sunk and your color's all gone, your neck's very scraggy, still
you're getting on.
O scraggy...
O scraggy black one.
scramble sentence examples
O scramble over boulders enters a large passage containing a small stream between
mud banks.
O one sees it in the unseemly scramble to get money from the department of
homeland security.
O scramble genomes.
O in the last five minutes dean whittaker scored from a rebound in a goalmouth
O scrambled egg or chicken.
O scrambled to intercept it.
O scrambled around to the other side of the island which faces the ever-present mull.
O scrambleng in a bit of scrambling along the ridge afterward is well worthwhile.
O scramblehere scrambling up the slopes allows access to the monastic remains.
O scramblell rose well at the far post but his header was inches off target with
andersen scrambling across.
O bugsy then hit the 'keepers legs before an almighty scramble saw hyde hit the bar
three times before the ball was cleared.
O scramble net, weave in and out of the poles.
O after the fifth goal-mouth scramble in 10 minutes i was starting to wonder.
O scrambled a rescue helicopter.
O well, you could have fooled me or didn't you notice the mad scramble of the last
few days?
scrap sentence examples
O scrap the pound within two years.
O perhaps he can wall paper the tower with the leftover scraps?
O scrap heap at 41.
O good professionals like wotton, norris and nalis should ensure that they stay afloat,
but they could get involved in the relegation scrap.
O scraps of paper or on bamboo strips.
O scrapped in favor of the a4000.
O scrapped in favor of the a4000.
O scrapping the tolls on both bridges, against executive policy.
O scrapping the tolls on both bridges, against executive policy.
O scrap the pound within two years.
O perhaps he can wall paper the tower with the leftover scraps?
O scrap heap at 41.
O good professionals like wotton, norris and nalis should ensure that they stay afloat,
but they could get involved in the relegation scrap.
O scraps of paper or on bamboo strips.
O scrapped in favor of the a4000.
O scrapped in favor of the a4000.
O scrapping the tolls on both bridges, against executive policy.
O scrapping the tolls on both bridges, against executive policy.
O scrap university tuition fees.
O jeff tore his eyes away from the tiny blond haired scrap in his arms.
O scrap metal skip beckons!
scrape sentence examples
O scrape acquaintance with anybody; she had no reserve, none of the enamel of the
O during the breeding season, a male will make several shallow nest scrapes in a well
guarded territory.
O bad luck to the raveonettes ' ode to la, which barely scrapes the 500 sales to land in
the top 75.
O scrape through into the world cup next weekend, through individual brilliance.
O scrape away the crumbs to leave a smooth surface.
O scrape out the tiny black seeds with the tip of a sharp knife.
O current projects/significant management activities: the trust will be creating new
wader scrapes and installing a series of dams this autumn.
O scraped clean.
O i also very gently scraped the " feet " of the 555.
O scraped off with the sticky oil.
O scraped off the walls, not a healthy job.
O scrapeed by: pete here are some handy tips to stop you before you have to start
scraping the barrel!
O scrapeould engage ' bottom gear ' and slither down on our bottoms, backpacks
scraping along behind.
O scrape a living, just to survive.
O outside, the bag is in good condition, but does have some minor surface scrapes
from natural wear and tear.
O lol posted on 06.09.06 at 10:17 h.a. ( fat girls make my exhausts scrape!
O scrapecan tell we're scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to look for.
O scrape the mud from the body revealing what was left of its skin.
scrappy sentence examples
O scrappy as both sides attempted to take control of the game.
O maybe he's not, he's faltered on only 16, so this frame is getting a bit scrappy now.
O the game itself was a scrappy affair settled by a scrappy affair settled by a
scrappy first half goal from fitz.
O the first half was rather scrappy with both sides guilty of silly handling errors.
O the second quarter became much more scrappy with both teams struggling to find
any fluency ion their play.
O scrappy with both sides guilty of silly handling errors.
O scrappy as both sides attempted to take control of the game.
O maybe he's not, he's faltered on only 16, so this frame is getting a bit scrappy now.
O the game itself was a scrappy affair settled by a scrappy affair settled by a
scrappy first half goal from fitz.
O the first half was rather scrappy with both sides guilty of silly handling errors.
O the second quarter became much more scrappy with both teams struggling to find
any fluency ion their play.
O scrappy with both sides guilty of silly handling errors.
O but i can't help thinking its not that simple, as most of them look a bit scrappy.
O scrappy encounter.
O the opening ten minutes of the game were very scrappy, with both sides unable to
O the game started to get scrappy, which was no surprise.
O but i can't help thinking its not that simple, as most of them look a bit scrappy.
O scrappy encounter.
scratch sentence examples
O scratching a living clearly then, the fund is under pressure.
O to remove scratches, use an auto polishing compound.
O the cake stand has a couple of tiny light scratches to the plate, probably got from
cutting cakes!
O to make meaningful european sales where the brand has barely scratched a selling
O scratch the surface of perl here.
O all door handles are complete and working, roof has a few minor scratch scratch
and chip marks, one coupling lock missing.
O scratch resistant " military green cabinet has a quality feel.
O scratch around to make a pitiful living today.
O scratch ' em and sniff ' em for a burst of fragrance!
O scratch the surface of perl here.
O to remove scratches, use an auto polishing compound.
O all door handles are complete and working, roof has a few minor scratch scratch
and chip marks, one coupling lock missing.
O scratch resistant " military green cabinet has a quality feel.
O to make meaningful european sales where the brand has barely scratched a selling
O scratch around to make a pitiful living today.
O scratch ' em and sniff ' em for a burst of fragrance!
O scratched nose but otherwise i'm looking forward to trying to complete a lap
scratchy sentence examples
O scratchy guitar and art punk rhythms.
O i am just worried that i will sand out and then will be left with a very very scratchy
O sounds so much scratchier, a product of the streets ( dead end street?
O scratchy songs and nest in the reed and sedge beds.
O you also get the correct pronunciation for the french terms in rather scratchy sound.
O scratchy sound.
O scratchy little noises that came with the fuzzy pictures.
O scratchy voice.
O scratchy record?
scrawl sentence examples
O when the smoke cleared, police found anti-semitic graffiti and swastikas scrawled in
red marker.
O scrawled on nearby walls, cursing alleged armenian support of the pkk.
O scrawled across the walls on the opposite side of the street.
O please try to resist the temptation to scribble them in illegible scrawl.
O i do not know whether you will care to read this scrawl.
O the names of two villages have been hastily scrawled in the sky.
O excuse my pencil scrawl but i write whilst laid in bed.
O scrawled in red ink.
O scrawled over with notes and figures.
O many have had graffiti scrawled on nearby walls, cursing alleged armenian support
of the pkk.
O scrawled on the back of each envelope is a list of the handsets their organizer has
told them to target.
O written in charming, childlike scrawl, the mousemat delightfully proclaims ' a very
nice mousemat for horrible yukky work ' .
O featuring an endearing, childlike scrawl and cheeky scribbles, this is a great way to
motivate her through the day.
O scrawled all over the outside of the members ' lounge at county hall last weekend.
O beside the bowl, a little note scrawled in a child's handwriting which read, ' take all
you want.
O scrawled on the side.
O scrawled the enigmatic message.
O scrawls on the whiteboard.
O scrawled, handwritten sign in english in the window of the downtown restaurant
read: " closed today... for no reason " .
O somehow the words scrawled on our prayer room wall had taken on a life of their
scree sentence examples
O descending scree at first, the southern side of the col soon leads to a choice of
O screes on the slopes leading to the summits.
O ben nevis highland ben nevis is representative of high altitude siliceous scree in the
northwest scottish highlands.
O scree slope below the quarry face collect 10 loose pebbles.
O there is an abundance of ferns on the boulder screes within the site.
O crossing the scree we slogged up the snow slopes to the foot of the climb.
O here i'm starting back down the loose scree toward the track.
O scree garden.
O note: that its native habitat are well drained limestone scree slopes.
O we then carried on until we reached some scree.
O so the map was of little help when the path forked into two steep scree runs.
O scree path with beautiful views.
O these cliffs give rise to areas of block scree.
O from here, the route follows steep scree, which improves as height is gained.
O the mountain skyline is open, with upland grasses and rocky screes on the slopes
leading to the summits.
O scree run on earth!
O the route is covered with volcanic scree and you slip and slide downwards, really
punishing your feet and your knees.
screech sentence examples
O screeching tires and firing boost.
O behind him, he heard a car screech to a stop.
O sudden acceleration of a car, forward or backward causes a loud screech of the
tires, even on dirt or wet roads.
O the barn owl is a familiar bird, famed for it rasping screech which accounts for its
other name the ' screech owl ' .
O screeched even more loudly, and woke sb - aargh!
O screeching out their presence.
O screech of tires on the side road.
O screeched vocals and demented saxophone; a punk van de graaf generator.
O and soon the hall is filled with a high pitched screech.
O screech rockets with a twist.
O then screeching from the giant speakers, comes a deafening guitar chord.
O screeching up in a battered white van with un written on the side.
O screeching of brakes on his guitar.
O in this week's london by london... what's that high-pitched screech at liverpool
O screeched away into the dusty august air.
O screech off, she caught the curious look ricky shot her.
O screeching of tires and so on.
O ansem's scream wasn't human, it was too high, and to sora it was more like a shrill
screed sentence examples
O some obvious examples: how could any school justify allowing minor students to
write obscene screeds?
O screed on top.
O indeed, the concrete screed is likely to have caused this to happen anyway.
O screed floor set 40 cm. below the general floor level.
O with a traditional cement/sand screed a wait of at least 3 weeks would have been
required prior to fixing tiles.
O altroproof eco system can be used with vinyl floorcovering over water resistant
leveling screeds.
O ardex s 21 mixed with sand provides a thin screed with rapid hardening properties
allowing walkability and tiling after only three hours.
O screed repairs.
O designed for use beneath sand/cement screeds on concrete floors.
O thin vinyl floor coverings usually require a smoother finish than can be achieved
using screed alone.
O for maximum flexibility, the beam can be reversed and used as a traditional beam
O screed flooring is a common problem facing the builder.
O we work with a wide variety of flooring materials from epoxy resin coatings to high
temperature steam cleanable polyurethane screeds.
O the ground floor has a concrete screed covered with parquet.
O by the way did anyone read through that long screed about president truman
O i have just had a new sand and cement screed installed and i want to fix large
terracotta floor tiles.
O it is not wise to use the ufh to dry the screed out.
O the ground floor screed was also made up of a hemp mix.
O a ball thrown by a right-handed pitcher that curves to the right, or one thrown by
a left-handed pitcher that curves to the left
O a person who seems erratic, irrational, unconventional, or unbalanced
scribble sentence examples
O scribble down furiously some lines that i thought stood out.
O scribble on or to stick on the wall to revise!
O scribble down some opinions on cherie blair last week.
O scruff's scribbles - 12/07/2005 this week has been a very important week for me
it's been prom week.
O scribbled notes.
O scribbled on a piece of paper which someone could copy or take.
O hurriedly scribbled @ 12:04 pm gmt sunday, december 8, 2002 strange days last
night, i lost my wallet.
O scribbled down in the middle of the night often forms the basis of a whole poem
which is built around it.
O scribbled in the margin that it all seems a bit irrelevant now.
O scribbling these words on paper by candlelight.
O scribblemoments scribbling on paper can save a lot of time in the long run.
O scribblealways scribbling away or drawing in my spare time during school holidays.
O scribblebig problem, all i'm doing so far is reading and occasionally scribbling down
O you then frantically scribble to gain altitude, just like a helicopter.
O scribble over my new copy of the album in exchange for their opinions.
O scribbled something on the note pad.
O scribbled on the walls by soldiers.
O these 543 words werehurriedly scribbled by dave @ 10:52 am ^top me about
occasional film reviews contact either add a comment or write.
O scribbled messages on folded-up pieces of paper.
scribe sentence examples
O babylon's main temple was also a bank and it employed scribes to record the city's
O we may even suspect that these verses were written by a scribe of a later age for
the position they now occupy.
O your humble scribe has been there, along with many others.
O what good woodworking said... nd alcohol marketers are reaching more young
viewers by focusing more attention on tungsten carbide scribe cable tv.
O scribe of the law of the god of heaven " .
O scribed line consists of a series of small closely spaced holes produced by high
energy laser pulses.
O scribe's life pack it took years of training to become an ancient egyptian scribe's life
pack it took years of training to become an ancient egyptian scribe.
O their ethic, their daily habits, their skills - all should be copied by the scribes who
work online.
O such problems were used in the training of scribes -- here we see an egyptian
O what good woodworking said... nd alcohol marketers are reaching more young
viewers by focusing more attention on tungsten carbide scribe cable tv.
O or does the scribe mean nothing by his/her addition or omission of the full stop?
O the record of the confirmation at wilton was added by the scribe who also wrote the
main text of s 1438, ms.
O i have a writing technique that i took from medieval scribes.
O as a sixteenth century scribe put it: ' those who observe the codices, those who
recite them.
O using a scribe a scribe writes or types the candidate's answers from dictation.
scrimmage sentence examples
O well, brother, without many words, there was a regular scrimmage.
O scrimmage game on foreign soil.
scrimp sentence examples
O scrimped on features.
O even at the budget end of the market, the northern diver sea eagle bc has n't
scrimped on features.
O incorrect equipment - do not scrimp on equipment, particularly safety equipment.
O having been establised for 11 years, the club has never scrimped on the quality of
its performers.
scrip sentence examples
O we got the scrip and the equipment from carol fuller in america.
O scrip dividend: these are made available to persuade holders to take the cash
dividend in the form of shares.
O we got the scrip and the equipment from carol fuller in america.
O scrip dividend: these are made available to persuade holders to take the cash
dividend in the form of shares.
O you write the scrip we agree the fee - you pay by credit card ( using paypal ) - we
send back the mp3!
O scrip dividend alternative.
O you write the scrip we agree the fee - you pay by credit card ( using paypal ) - we
send back the mp3!
O scrip dividend alternative.
O scrip issues.
O scrip issues.
O scrip scheme involves the issue of new shares to fulfill the dividend payments.
O scrip scheme involves the issue of new shares to fulfill the dividend payments.
O scrip manager is an emulation system, which means it can sit easily alongside most
gp practice systems.
O scrip manager is an emulation system, which means it can sit easily alongside most
gp practice systems.
O scrip dividend authority ).
scrivener sentence examples
O scrivener notary you must first qualify as a general notary.
scrofula sentence examples
O in 1882, he published his first book scrofula and its gland diseases
scroll sentence examples
O scrolling ticker.
O taking a lute to visit a friend, a ming dynasty hanging scroll.
O it's a secular form of a revelatory text: a mighty scroll unrolling in an electronic
O scroll bar near the left side of the screen.
O scroll horizontally.
O scroll down to read more.
O scroll down the screen to the search limits options at the bottom.
O scroll down the page to see previous news items.
O the ark is a cupboard in which the torah scrolls are kept.
O scrolling space shooter with elements of tyrian, raptor and demon star.
O at the base, on each corner, is a small rectangular projection above which sit carved
scrolls running up the corners.
O scroll wheel on the top of the mouse.
O scroll through below.
O scroll down the homepage and you will see which countries you could visit.
O the 15-foot high pillar's sides are covered with high quality carved runes, vine
scrolls, knot patterns, and sacred symbols.
O a beautiful example of an illuminated scroll based upon a medieval original ready to
be personalized with the details of your marriage.
O scroll button above the display unit.
O in the general tab scroll down the columns section until you come to the last entry (
as in the illustration below ).
scruff sentence examples
O scruff of the neck or make chances for himself.
O scruff's scribbles - 12/07/2005 this week has been a very important week for me it's
been prom week.
O sadly the walk didn't send grumpy scruff off to sleep but i kept her quiet with
scruffy sentence examples
O scruffy in appearance - perhaps to blend in with the assumed appearance of
O i tend to leave it be and it ends up looking a bit scruffy.
O scruffy jeans and t-shirt either.
O his clothes are, if anything, slightly scruffy.
O the reason for going for the quality option is mostly for comfort, but also because
cheaper clothes can look scruffy very quickly.
O scruffy clothes or backstage changing rooms.
O a rather scruffy looking wesley kerr then sniffed his was a location " far too grand to
be on any monopoly board.
O scruffy hair.
O we know ' cause we're quite scruffy ourselves!
O scruffy kids from a north western satellite town.
O i rarely got any and when i did they were usually too scruffy to return to the
O scruffy dogs, big dogs, fluffy dogs.
O some very scruffy travelers were enjoying a beer in the last of the afternoon sun.
O scruffy appearance.
O attend our seminar prepare for the fair here at the careers service dress can be
formal or smart casual - not scruffy!
scrummage sentence examples
O if the ball is passed forward or knocked on, an uncontested scrummage is awarded.
scruple sentence examples
O scruples of conscience, he refused.
O scruple to employ the weapons of ridicule and sarcasm in defense of free speech
and reason.
O hence they had no scruple about rooting out the old irish from ulster.
O in this case there were no conscientious scruples to overcome.
O they that have an ill end will not scruple at an ill way.
O scrupled to take anything they could set their hands on.
O the men of mawddwy were very fierce, and never scrupled to take anything they
could set their hands on.
O scruple to give liberal conditions.
O we felt no moral scruples about the possible future abuse of our brain child.
O we felt no moral scruples about the possible future abuse of our brain child.
O scruple to say that she plays extremely well.
O disguising himself as apollo, brother of artemis, he overcame any scruples callisto
may have had and they became lovers.
O i should have less scruple in troubling you if i had any confidence what my work
would turn out.
O scruple to tell him that.
O against competitors who show no such scruples, however, the ethical advertisers
face a losing battle in the marketplace.
O well, there are no such scruples in macau, which is why daytrippers from hk flock
scrupulous sentence examples
O scrupulous fairness.
O the book is too scrupulous, or perhaps too fickle, to permit any detail of significance
to remain long in place.
O scrupulous honesty.
O but look here: i could see a way out of the difficulty, only you are so scrupulous.
O scrupulous personal hygiene must be observed.
O you would not need to be a very scrupulous citizen to take an interest in this book.
O scrupulous attention to detail means you can have total confidence from first
inquiry to final dispatch.
O in treatment he was an optimist, he was also unselfish to his colleagues and always
scrupulous in giving credit to others.
O scrupulous accuracy and by the most skillful scribes available.
O however, he is not particularly scrupulous about who he sells his information to.
O scrupulous care.
O collectors are not always entirely scrupulous, i'm afraid.
O not inscrutable; open to being understood
scrutinize sentence examples
O scrutinize the online document.
O another very good reason for a lay shareholder to closely scrutinize the board!
O scrutinized to ensure there are no unjustifiable expenses claims being made.
O scrutinized very carefully.
O scrutinized from this particular perspective.
O scrutinizeut scrutinizing every aspect of your marketing.
O scrutinizes media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting
O out how much robert including several often do n't scrutinize like many insurers.
O graham barber has thoroughly scrutinized the large surviving repertoire of the
nineteenth century and selected these works as being fully worthy of resurrection.
O scrutinize in a similar way to parliamentary select committees, scrutinizing the work
of the cabinet and reviewing council policies and services.
O scrutinize draft legislation, and amend, reject or pass it as they decide.
O just as the protocols say, gentile society does not scrutinize the origin or the
consequences of the theories it adopts.
O the performance of csp channels across tcp/ip networks is also scrutinized.
O scrutinize millions of them to find patterns or links.
scud sentence examples
O it's an experience we'll never forget, watching scuds fly overhead.
O scud across the sky.
O scud missile by using a fine powdered clay based formulation.
O the winds do howl and clouds scud by me thinks tis too late, as the sea gulls still
O the late summer's sun was warm, and fluffy white clouds scudded across the clear
blue sky.
O scudding rapidly across the sky.
O scudding along.
O scud across a bright moon it is often surrounded by a bright disk and faint colored
rings, a lunar corona.
scrutiny sentence examples
O bring them out into the light and we'll see whose truth withstands scrutiny.
O the pre-legislative scrutiny should tease out the key issues.
O scrutiny committees have often been dominated by ruling party chairs.
O the deputy chairperson: we will now carry out a detailed clause-by-clause scrutiny
of the bill.
O external examiners ' reports and the reviewers ' scrutiny of a range of students '
work confirm that assessment processes are rigorous and fair.
O scrutiny of legislation was touched on by the hon.
O scrutiny by the assessors, in the context of competing claims on available funding.
O bearing in mind what this research has tried to show, the idea of ' tradition '
deserves closer scrutiny.
O i turn, first, to the level of parliamentary scrutiny.
O scrutiny panels at the county council.
O scrutiny of bills for the first time to improve the quality of legislation.
O at the moment the drug has not undergone any independent scrutiny.
O all the product of intense scrutiny of the word of god.
O scrutiny role.
O guy from galloping action that would escaped scrutiny worded dramatization please.
O all ideas are subjected to the same rigorous scrutiny.
O our ethical concepts must survive the scrutiny of our best ethical thinking - thus the
reflection required for confidence is immanent in ethical thought.
O the role of the regulatory agency should also come under careful scrutiny.
scuff sentence examples
O scuffed shot fell to plummer, who could only slide the ball wide of the post.
O scuffed on extremities, some light foxing, otherwise very good.
O sometimes people find records that have no scuffs that are visible, yet a careless
needle scratch causes a break in the grooves.
O often the minor scuffs are caused from inner sleeves.
O scuff mark on the plastic buckle.
O lightly scuffed, a trifle darkened on spine, undated inscription on front free
endpaper, good.
O scuff up my carpet as she goes.
O we shine in shadow, share whip and top, skip until our shoes scuff.
O scuffing the clearance straight to a forward.
O its got a few scuffs here and there but overall good condition.
O scuff plates of the se-l model.
O the second was more like kav, badly scuffed along the floor.
O scuffed shoes.
O small scuff to leather near head of spine, intermittent foxing on plates, otherwise a
very good copy in an attractive binding.
O the 6m signing was played through on the right of the area and slightly scuffed his
right-footed shot across goal.
O scuff the ball toward the line allowing manton to clear.
O the only damage being bent rear brake pedal and slight scuff on front mudguard.
O with the goal yawning smith's tired legs could only scuff the ball toward the line
allowing manton to clear.
O scuffed a feeble effort back into the grateful elgin man's hands.
O scuffed, light mark on rear board, spine lightly sunned, very good.
scuffle sentence examples
O i turned round to adjust my mittens, i think, when i heard a slight scuffle but no cry.
O scuffle between the players, the penalty is reversed.
O about a year ago he got involved in a minor scuffle outside the school gates.
O it would be hard to imagine a playground scuffle breaking out over her let alone a
full-scale war.
O scuffles with turkish police and banned by uefa for four european games.
O scuffle turned in a lock, and as he passed in there was a curious scuffling noise from
O for example the other day i had a scuffle outside the police station some people
pushed me.
O referee walsh has given the lions a penalty for offside, but after a brief scuffle
between the players, the penalty is reversed.
O scuffle with a plain clothes police officer.
O scuffled of scuffling sound, made by something that moved.
O during a chase a man who had seen the scuffle asked the store detective if he
needed a hand.
O in a short scuffle the hero knocks out the baddie with a single punch.
O scuffles with guards in this dramatic nineteenth century painting depicting the
moment of discovery.
O temperatures became frayed and a challenge on mcnamara by winter sparked a 14-
man scuffle, the rovers player being booked.
O people easily pushed passed and legged it down the road with a few more scuffles
breaking out.
O the latter show up as red dots on your radar, and usually involve scuffles between
criminals and the public or the police.
O it was complete chaos and there were several scuffles with the riot police and the
mounted police just causing more and more problems.
O they started a scuffle, during which she received a fatal wound to her throat.
O she was in a club on george street when a small scuffle broke out.
scull sentence examples
O sculling blades two sets of sculling blades have been ordered to complete a new set
of four pairs of sculling blades two sets of sculling blades have been ordered to
complete a new set of four pairs of sculling blades.
O converted in recent years for use by our juniors as a coxed quad scull.
O men's quadruple scull - peter gardner, mike webb, gary mcadams, tom gale, 5th in
semi, to b final.
O both clubs entered two j18 double sculls crews which then came together to make
quad scull crews.
O the two combined to win womens veteran c double sculls against monmouth also by
an easy verdict.
O the senior women's match went to the last of its eight races - quad sculls.
O britain's second bronze medal was won by the women's quadruple scull.
O sculling boats.
O heffernan of york city rowing club came home 6 seconds clear of a west from leander
to win the lightweight single sculls.
O made her senior gb debut in 2000 in the lightweight quadruple scull.
O scull event, the fawley cup, like the eights event, attracts many crews from around
the world.
O made her senior gb debut in 2000 in the lightweight quadruple scull.
O men's double scull - colin greenaway, matthew wells 6th in semi, to b final.
O sculls event with a very strong race, an improved result from last year.
O women's double scull 2 - frances houghton, debbie flood, 4th in semi, to b final.
O scott durant won the j18 single scull medal and also teamed up with brother mason
to win the double sculls medal.
O phillipa neal in action for peterborough city rowing club in the women's novice
scullery sentence examples
O many of the houses have no scullery or wash-house.
O scullery with a brick boiler heated by wooden blocks for washing the clothes.
O the house is an ordinary cottage, with front room, kitchen and a small scullery on the
ground floor.
O scullery maid, the day began very early.
O there is a convenient house adjoining with entrance hall, sitting room, kitchen scullery,
cellar, pantries and three bedrooms.
O scullery with double sinks.
O such a house would have had five or six rooms but no separate scullery.
O scullery door.
O scullery with a cold water tap and a shared inside toilet.
O barnhill has a large kitchen and large scullery with double sinks.
O scullery floor for a long time, having no spirit even to move.
O scullery window sill.
O scullery wall.
O scullery area.
O a servant doing the rough, dirty work in a kitchen
sculptor sentence examples
O the gallery houses some of the earliest works from a number of locally born
sculptors, including henry moore and barbara hepworth.
O among the father figures today are two eminent sculptors who came to prominence
in the years after the second world war.
O sculptors of the 20th century for guidance.
O he commissioned the sculptor roubiliac to provide a life-size statue of his hero to be
placed inside the temple.
O this reverse design was created by sculptor john mills.
O i am very grateful to david wynne, the renowned animal sculptor agreeing to open
this exhibition.
O sculptor robert.
O familiar the phrases who started the facility houses a multi-media sculptor robert.
O the curtain rose disclosing a sculptor's studio, with the sculptor's studio, with the
sculptor at work on a reproduction of a well known classical statue.
O view a vast selection of sculptures by leading uk sculptors also on display at their
london showroom.
O one of the sigurd crosses belong to the school of gaut, the first known norse
sculptor on the island.
O should we not question the irishness of pdraic pearse whose father was an english
monumental sculptor who settled in ireland?
O the favorite i'm network went live vegas sculptor tony.
O sculptor based in new york, will be showing three works.
O lucy kinsella is a figurative sculptor whose work focuses mainly on animals.
O weaver william jefferies and bronze sculptor philip hearsey fill the gallery with
figurative tapestries and abstract vessels.
sculpture sentence examples
O sculpture carved from an existing tree.
O kerry stewart drops loveliness at royal festival hall ballroom, london kerry stewart is
known, so far, for her figurative sculpture.
O sculpture trail is now an established form of presentation.
O an existing bronze sculpture has been relocated to the southwest corner of the site
to provide a landmark from the road.
O private gardens become public tea shops as brighton residents mingle and admire
the sculptures.
O the pride of the collection, and college icon, is a monumental sculpture by barbara
O author: international sculpture center subjects: sculpture deweyclass: 730
resource type: documents national gallery of art gallery based in washington dc.
O prices each driftwood sculpture is unique and prices range from 30 upwards
depending on size and type.
O sculpture commissioned and/or sited in the housing environment in the early post-
war decades.
O the only romanesque sculpture is on the n doorway and a purbeck marble font.
O sculpture park.
O over the weekend the craftspeople will be constructing a large willow sculpture.
O he also exhibited a new, major sculpture, at the sculpture by the sea exhibition
and at soho galleries, also in sydney.
O kinetic sculptures by jean tinguely are on display to 24th september.
O the marble sculptures from the temple of mithras are among the finest works of art
ever found in roman britain.
O by the end of the day they will create a collective sculpture which will be shown at
the qube gallery later in the year.
scum sentence examples
O bring to the boil, removing any scum from the surface.
O things aren't looking good for earth as alien scum is invading the planet and
wrecking everything in sight.
O scum bags areas.
O yes he's aggressive, yes he's chav scum, yes he swears at referees.
O scum of the earth.
O scum from the surface.
O chants included we beat the scum, munich song, marching on together, we are
O why on earth are we getting involved with such a bunch of criminal scum?
O clean shower doors with a used dryer sheet to dissolve soap scum.
O scum of capitalist society - parasites off the working people.
O the face and id magazine are gonna lap it up like the scum they are.
O he who puts the green scum aside can drink the water.
O a natural compound from ' pond scum ' shows potential activity against alzheimer's.
O scum of the universe.
O during calm weather, the algae can rise to the surface forming a scum.
O personally if i found some low life scum selling drugs to my kids i would not stop at
giving them a kicking.
O i agree with all the posts about council estate scum bleeding the bank dry which we
pay into!
O beyond the excuses they are all just murdering scum.
O this is what he said of what he committed on behalf of the cruel twisted murdering
piece of sub human scum galtieri... .
O suddenly after one hour there was a black cliff approximately 30 meters in front and
white scum of breaking sea.
scurf sentence examples
O if you are relying on visual examination and find any black scurf at all, a monceren
tuber treatment will be cost-effective.
O occurrence, development, and losses associated with silver scurf and black dot on
colorado potatoes.
scurrilous sentence examples
O scurrilous accusations.
O soon the local paper was open and even scurrilous in attack.
O scurrilous rumors that he was out window shopping have yet to be confirmed.
O in other news - i am failing miserably to gain access to the chat room, despite
mmm's best ( and somewhat scurrilous!
O scurrilous gossip surrounding events behind the scenes at carrow road.
O ended up in the sfwa suite at a really quite scurrilous story-telling session.
O scurrilous attack impugned kerry's service in the us navy.
O scurrilous remark was made to try to blight the credibility of the party that i serve.
O scurrilous lies.
scurry sentence examples
O scurry round on the ground holding the tree stump.
O scurryys erratic, he scurries around, changing direction at complete random.
O scurry back to a safe distance from the edge.
O scurry across the floor under the bed.
O scurry past, the grand caf is a great haven.
O scurry for shelter.
O scurry at bar pot steve rigged whilst alison scurried off to find cover for a call of
O scurried away to hide behind a rock in what i'm sure could only be embarrassment.
O scurried down the dark eerie corridor to my room, the last room on the left.
O scurrying home before nightfall.
O scurrying along.
O scurrying around all over the place.
O scurrying to get out of its meandering path.
O scurry about in the light like a swarm of tiny insects.
O scurryfloor manager - for it was he - then scurried out of sight, already fleeing the
scene of the crime.
O scurry yesterday, little sister scurried up the back staircase to the second floor.
O scurrying mouse could easily startle an elephant and may cause it to rear up.
O scurrying over.
O scurrying away to their nearby burrows.
scurvy sentence examples
O a normal, well balanced diet will usually supply enough vitamin c to prevent scurvy.
O in 1877 he was the first to define a then mysterious childhood disease, which he
named ' infantile scurvy ' .
O scurvy on long sea voyages.
O for example, the label of a vitamin c supplement could state that vitamin c prevents
O scurvy grass, sea mayweed and lichens on the rocky foreshore.
O did ye ken it was talk like a pirate day, ye scurvy dogs?
O he said " this is the 20 th century, how did you get scurvy?
O scurvy on board ship by providing fresh lime or lemon juice.
O a deficiency in vitamin c leads to a disease called scurvy.
O scurvy dogs?
O a deficiency of vitamin c causes the disease scurvy, which is rare in the united
O a diet lacking in vitamin c can cause scurvy, a disease that affects the muscles,
teeth, .. .
O while very few people actually have scurvy, even minor deficiencies of vitamin c can
increase the incidence of bruising.
O scurvy knaves, hoist the jolly roger!
O in 1928 vitamin c was isolated and shown to be the substance necessary to prevent
and cure scurvy.
O scurvy, even minor deficiencies of vitamin c can increase the incidence of bruising.
O his older brother, sir gilbert blane, a naval doctor, advocated the use of limejuice for
sailors to eliminate scurvy.
O a short, stumpy tail, esp. of a hare, rabbit, or deer
O a contemptible person
scutcheon sentence examples
O scutcheon looted from oliver cromwell's funeral.
O he suggests that smaller scutcheons ( with pendant leopards?
O scutcheon gules with a round pointed target lying sinister bendwise.
O in 1588 william gibbons and george bucknall were required to make scutcheons at
their own expense 30.
scuttle sentence examples
O scuttle shake common to almost every convertible?
O scuttle back into the sea.
O scuttle around the three remaining boilers.
O they make rather neat little coal scuttles, or plant pots.
O scuttled the ship.
O scuttled across the floor.
O scuttled german high sea fleet.
O scuttled off across the ridge to await the sunrise.
O scuttled down the darkened hall fast, like a little patch of night.
O scuttled the ship.
O scuttled across the floor.
O scuttled german high sea fleet.
O scuttled off across the ridge to await the sunrise.
O scuttled down the darkened hall fast, like a little patch of night.
O scuttlet surrender talks were going on the germans abandoned ship and scuttling
charges detonated her magazine, ending the last of spee's squadron.
O scuttling away from their glowing light gems numerous rats made for whatever
shadows they could find.
O scuttlet surrender talks were going on the germans abandoned ship and scuttling
charges detonated her magazine, ending the last of spee's squadron.
O scuttling away from their glowing light gems numerous rats made for whatever
shadows they could find.
O scuttle shake common to almost every convertible?
O scuttle back into the sea.
scythe sentence examples
O it is common to see pupils wielding large scythes or sweeping brushes around the
O since new austrian scythes were unobtainable in the uk there was only one solution:
go to austria.
O scythe blades that we didn't know how to sharpen properly, attached to worm eaten
O the tower had two metal scythes painted red protruding from it.
O scythed through the field from his poor grid slot.
O scythed all down the great rush through space.
O scythed down in the area for a clear penalty.
O scythed down this november?
O scythed down the opposition as he desperately tried to get to the front.
O scythen years ago beckham reacted to a scything challenge from behind, which the
referee did nothing about.
O we carry scythes in the army of the robed skeleton who is carved on a thousand
doorways, a thousand walls.
O the long scythes were lifted down from the barn walls, and honed until they
gleamed.. .
O the cutter bar of a power scythe, in contrast, is relatively light.
O he cut across and laid off a perfect ball as he was cynically scythed by a gasping
O scytheoup of mothers finished scything the grass on the surrounding land.
O she lies in bed, holding the scythe, her eyes closed, the ghost of a smile on her lips.
O scytheing of fearsome, the vanguards ' back-row, dick, jeff and jol put in some
crunching tackles and scything runs.
seaboard sentence examples
O seaboard of the continent.
O north of loch ness, totals fell well below 50 % ; on the eastern seaboard some
single figures were recorded.
O seaboard states.
O a similar situation exists in several parts of the world today, notably along the
western seaboard of north america.
O seaboard cities.
O it's a darn big country: 3500 miles from here to the western seaboard.
O seaboard climate of the british isles.
O there were numerous operations by british frigates and sloops along the american
O seaboard spice route was no accident.
O ireland has become increasingly popular as the well kept secrets of its exposed
atlantic seaboard have.. .
O but i shall be playing in sweden in the future, and all up and down the european
seaboard to the iberian peninsula.
O of or engaged in life at sea
O the business or profession of a sailor
O travel by sea
seafarer sentence examples
O they'll find that staff there have most experience of administering applications from
serving seafarers.
O british seafarers were also paid 3 per month war risk bonus in sept 1939.
O seafarers on ships bringing goods from asia populated the historic chinatowns of the
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
O however, thousands of merchant seafarers who died during wwii are still not
entitled to an official commemoration.
O seafarers ' unions were willing to do so and they could not win on their own.
O seafarers in 300 ports around the world.
O seafarers of all nationalities, with some 1400 using the center each month.
O the center is a busy focus for visiting seafarers of all nationalities, with some 1400
using the center each month.
O aos reaches out to the international seafarers who visit our ports each year.
O seafarers ' strike.
O there are many areas where he can help seafarers.
O most of us are only two generations on from a professional seafarer; some of whom
worked where excel stands today.
O check them out here: marine society - seafarer's charity providing education,
libraries and financial support for the professional development of seafarer's charity
providing education, libraries and financial support for the professional development
of seafarers.
O finding seafarers is much easier if you know the name of the ship that they sailed
O for many deep-sea seafarers especially, sitting ou examinations would not be
possible without our support.
O seafarer's life, they know its problems and its anxieties.
O seagirt (79)
O ,/0.9;0
O surrounded by the sea
seal sentence examples
O sealing wax over the corks, and store in a dry, cool place.
O seal the fate of middle-earth.
O it is a thin inner liner of the tire that makes the airtight seal to the tire.
O seal pup that was on the beach at hornsea.
O especially if it has been on for some time and the cover is welded to the rubber seal.
O seal of approval over the last 30 years, peter has built up a strong team of
O a shortage of ice could also affect hooded and harp seals which rely on the ice to
rear pups.
O around 38,000 gray seals are born on land at breeding colonies in the uk each
O seals steller 's.
O it is now more famous for the seal reserve, a breeding ground for thousands of cape
fur seals.
O sealing wax over the corks, and store in a dry, cool place.
O seal the fate of middle-earth.
O it is a thin inner liner of the tire that makes the airtight seal to the tire.
O seal pup that was on the beach at hornsea.
O especially if it has been on for some time and the cover is welded to the rubber seal.
O seal of approval over the last 30 years, peter has built up a strong team of
sea lily
O any of several orders of stalked and attached crinoids
seam sentence examples
O seamed stockings and strappy shoes as well as the exquisite corsetry and girdles
make this a dvd that is definite to arouse.
O for examples, many of the welded body seams were on the outside of the car!
O they are also all of a high wall bathtub construction with sealed seams.
O seam bowler jahid ahmed is making his first-class debut for essex in the final frizzell
county championship match of the season against worcestershire.
O features include flatlock seams, a cotton gusset and a sheer toe.
O seam of ironstone in east cleveland.
O seam sewn up, velcro is sewn on the overlap.
O up to sixteen workable coal seams are to be found in the district.
O inside the boot, all seams were filled with seam sealer to reduce the chance of
water collecting.
O coal seams are also found in the west of the county.
O seam of coal.
O what should i do if taped seams are showing wear or coming apart?
O philippa's most recent novels have focused on the rich seam of intrigue from the
tudor period.
O seam bowling.
O i inside leg - knee - measure from crotch seam to middle of knee.
O they look like french seams stitched down flat, which will entail three sets of
stitching per seams stitched down flat, which will entail three sets of stitching per
O they occur where the beds are weakly cemented or there is a thin seam of clay.
O seam aluminum roofing help retain heat to keep heating bills low.
O fashioned in a matt, transparent material they feature a smooth, slim satin band at
the top and have a flat toe seam.
seamstress sentence examples
O so much so that she decided to go to london and become a professional
O balzac and the little chinese seamstress by dai sijie.
O work will be carried out in london and would prefer seamstress has own machine(s
O so much so that she decided to go to london and become a professional
O there are some very clever and talented seamstresses around.
O balzac and the little chinese seamstress by dai sijie.
O trainees attend a two month course run by rehab lanka before they are selected by
factories in need of skilled seamstresses.
O this way she could save money and in any case, she considered herself a better
seamstress than any professional upholsterer.
seamy sentence examples
O seamy underside of a central asian city, finally gets in over his head.
O seamying instinctively away from the seamier part of the city, blake headed toward
the distant main streets in search of the police headquarters.
O seamy side of life in the great metropolis is painted in dark colors.
O a meeting or session; now specif., a meeting at which a medium seeks to
communicate with the spirits of the dead
seaplane sentence examples
O we were taking a seaplane to holiday island, which has more identical beach
O on the third day a german seaplane from norderney rescued them and took them
off to captivity.
O seaplane carrier in 1914.
O seaplane transfers: the 20 minute seaplane transfers: the 20 minute seaplane
transfer to velidhu can be booked for a supplement from 60 per person extra one
O bomb dropping experiments began, and in july 1914, a 14 " torpedo was launched
from a short seaplane.
O seaplane flight.
O on departing your island resort your return seaplane transfer time will be confirmed
the day before departure.
O the company built many sea planes including the largest ever metal seaplane the
O seaplane transfer.
O he began developing a series of float seaplanes soon afterward and produced four
streamlined float planes.
O in may 1942 she was attacked by a japanese seaplane off madras which dropped
four bombs before being driven off by accurate antiaircraft fire.
O seaplane base in britain.
O this was the first race that supermarine, and therefore mitchell, were to compete in
with a sea lion racing seaplane.
sear sentence examples
O sear the scallops for about 30 seconds on each side over a high heat.
O sear on both sides for about 30 seconds or just until a crisp outer crust forms.
O searing hot, add salmon and cook for 5 mins, turning once.
O next came a perfectly seared piece of sea bass on a crunchy rocket salad with
intensely green broad beans infused with truffle oil.
O sear in a hot pan.
O seared as with a hot iron.
O sear for a few minutes or until the meat starts to color.
O sear the scallops for about 30 seconds on each side over a high heat.
O sear on both sides for about 30 seconds or just until a crisp outer crust forms.
O searing hot, add salmon and cook for 5 mins, turning once.
O next came a perfectly seared piece of sea bass on a crunchy rocket salad with
intensely green broad beans infused with truffle oil.
O sear in a hot pan.
O seared as with a hot iron.
O sear for a few minutes or until the meat starts to color.
O seared tuna with octopus.
O sear on a griddle to form ridges.
O push the steak to one side and quickly sear the inside of the roll to heat it and mop
any juices.
O seared tuna with octopus.
O sear on a griddle to form ridges.
O push the steak to one side and quickly sear the inside of the roll to heat it and mop
any juices.
O sea rover
O a pirate or a pirate ship
seasoning sentence examples
O adjust the seasoning, adding more sugar, vinegar etc according to your taste.
O seasoning with salt and pepper to taste.
O cajun seasoning adds a deliciously spicy flavor to salmon filets.
O seasoning blends.
O sprinkle with red paprika and add the potatoes, vegetable seasoning, bay leaf and
the salt and pepper.
O then at this point the noodles need to be tasted to check the seasoning.
O combine the oil, garlic and italian seasoning and brush the potatoes lightly with
some of the mixture.
O seasoning mix onto ribs, pressing into surface.
O add the chopped herbs and check seasoning, adding salt and pepper to taste.
O add the seasoning - don't put in too much salt, or you'll be sorry.
O add the crme fraiche and a good pinch of perfect salt seasoning.
O seasoning herbs, the ones loaded with aromatic oils.
O clean the chicken and place in a bowl with the jerk seasoning as a marinade.
O taste and correct the seasoning if necessary, then serve.
O then make a cheese sauce using the butter and fat in the saucepan, the flour, milk,
cheese and a little seasoning.
O add the crme fraiche and a good pinch of perfect salt seasoning.
O poplar like willow, poplar needs patient seasoning to become a good firewood.
O more salt and pepper can added if the soup needs more seasoning.
O garlic garlic is probably the most heavily used seasoning in the world.
O salt & pepper to be used and no other seasoning.
seaward sentence examples
O seaward side of the sea wall they are affected by high spring tides.
O seaward edge of the plantation must present an oblique face to the wind.
O seaward boundary is the mean low water mark.
O seaward end of the pier is at present not in use.
O seaward extension of the talbot road, which had recently become host to the town's
first railroad station.
O seaward limits of the area increase to over 5m in the approaches to the river
secant sentence examples
O secant of the suns latitude.
O secant modulus at service load condition.
O secant pile walls to the perimeter of the basement, with an insitu reinforced
concrete frame to the ground slab.
O secant method, newton's method.
O secant wall is a wall constructed of concrete piles.
secede sentence examples
O as things now stand a country could practically secede from the eu by simply
declaring its independence.
O notes: #1 this organization seceded from that in table 5 in 1990.
O he had also again seceded in babylon and supported the allies.
O seceded from the union in june, 1861.
O secedetes over baptism led to a series of seceding groups.
O secede result, honduras wasted little time in formally seceding from the federation
once it was free to do so.
O seceded states to the union without guarantees of civil rights for freed slaves.
O seceded rather than expel the minority, and formed a new organization called the
socialist league.
O seceded from the empire to form their own centralized states.
O seceded, federal forts became the property of the state.
O one congregation seceded as a result of this negative view.
secession sentence examples
O secession of the slave states was truly immoral, than of what possible import was
the legal right?
O is there such perfect identity of interests among the states to compose a new union
as to produce harmony only and prevent renewed secession?
O the scottish secession, among whom the movement began, were dissenters in
relation to a presbyterian establishment.
O secession congregations went in to the free church in 1852.
O secession of slovenia by force, but failed.
O the nations of scotland and wales have the right of self-determination up to and
including secession.
O this was resisted and resented by congregations and caused the original secession
in 1733.
O secession exhibition.
O it is that the party advocates secession from belgium and the establishment of a
republic of flanders.
O on joining the free secession he was declared no longer a min. of this church 30th
june 1843.
O secession church building was taken down, a new church being built by october
O on joining the free secession he was declared no longer a min. of this church 30th
june 1843.
O his settlement gave rise to a large secession called by the name of relief.
O secession movements from the established church.
seclude sentence examples
O secluded garden on the side of the property.
O secluded by trees and the gardens ensuring privacy and shade.
O secluded behind a screening wall.
O the delightfully secluded location on the isle of wight makes any holiday here feel
almost like you're abroad.
O secluded in six acres of gardens and woodlands, offering high standards of comfort
and service.
O secluded with views toward the hills above loch fada.
O secluded by trees and the gardens ensuring privacy and shade.
O secluded beaches along both the north and east coasts amid some of the finest
coastal scenery in britain.
O peacefully secluded in this unspoiled countryside orchard house and rose cottage
are ideal for all generations.
O secluded in the countryside and are not part of any built up area.
O secluded with lawns and private patios for sunbathing and picnicking.
O secluded location on the isle of wight makes any holiday here feel almost like you're
O the pomieri enjoys a wonderfully secluded location in the heart of the mountains.
O secluded with 14 acres of gardens beside the beach.
O secluded grounds that offer impressive views across the poole bay.
O one of the most beautifully secluded lakeside caravan estates offering exclusive lake
frontage for 1km onto windermere, set on a farm.
seclusion sentence examples
O it is a life on the ocean wave, not one that seeks the seclusion of a safe harbor.
O stay in modern comfort in an old world setting and relax in peaceful seclusion only
fifteen minutes from inverness.
O seclusion room.
O the ngwa was expected to go into ritual seclusion for two weeks every year.
O seclusion of women in the royal harem.
O seclusion from the outside world.
O the cottages enjoy seclusion, being some 100 meters apart.
O weetwood hall is built around a 17th century manor house on 9 1/2 acres of wooded
O seclusion aviary at the moment, lets hope they pair up.
O it is situated at the end of a small lane offering seclusion in its own grounds of
approximately half an acre.
O seclusion of the garden and a private access path to the beach at newport parrog.
O for those who want seclusion this is the place to fish.
O tucked away among serene gardens is a vast tropical lagoon pool for quiet
O seclusion policy.
O the sun terrace at the side of the property is offered seclusion by its walled
secrecy sentence examples
O secrecy of the ballot.
O everyone is subject to a legal requirement to maintain the secrecy of the electors
O however, the need for utmost secrecy must be observed.
O secrecy clause in the data protection act 1998 to the information commissioner.
O in the name of banking secrecy, the list of debtors is not available.
O secrecy of the electors vote.
O security, in the sense of preserving secrecy, took various forms.
O i have been pleased to find there is not the obsessive secrecy i'd come to expect
during my previous marriage.
O secrecy laws are far too restrictive; they encourage abuse.
O ballot secrecy the act of parliament introducing the principle of the ' secret ballot '
was first introduced in 1872.
O the british imposed strict secrecy of course on the ultra production process.
O for the next two years the group would develop the project in absolute secrecy,
hiding behind their atari 2600 joystick & games business.
O secrecy provisions in our laws.
O the language on bank secrecy is blunt: " states shall not decline to act... on the
ground of bank secrecy.
O there are no specific statutory provisions governing secrecy in relation to
O the bill fails on at least three major ways to herald the end to excessive government
sect sentence examples
O sects of buddhism.
O sects founded upon the same book.
O it was the gnostic sects that believed in " secret " revelations.
O sect ion 1: outline of the rights what are the rights?
O there then followed a mass round-up of all members of non-conformist sects.
O sects of christianity.
O the man did not want to be named for fear of reprisals on his son, who joined the
sect eight years ago.
O they were both apocalyptic sects, which despised roman occupation.
O he had also been a leader in a reformed buddhist sect.
O sect of the pharisees owed their origin.
O fourteen were immediately baptized, including a leading swiss figure in an
internationally known sect.
O the left regards marxism as adequate for a defining credo of some confessional sect.
O christianity is an irrelevant minority sect, they argue.
O we must not become a sect ' or club whose " fruit " is of only one tree.
O jesus led the sect of essenes, the nazarenes, who believed the end time had come.
O a few people catching that vision could be called a sect.
sectarian sentence examples
O how would you characterize the 68 who weren't brit left sectarians?
O from then on it is clear that he regarded them as hopeless sectarians.
O sectarian strife at a festival with a bloody history.
O the unions became increasingly sectarian, increasingly materialist, until they
deserved as well as received their defeat at the hands of margaret thatcher.
O in sociological terms, the religion became more sectarian.
O people have sectarian stereotypes because they grew up and live in a society which
is sectarian in nature.
O from all sides opportunists, religious sectarians and racists have jumped in to
exploit the situation.
O sectarian hatred is the purest evidence yet of your desperation - anyway, i thought
you'd won?
O in the debate, comrade mc shane said red platform comrades were not sectarian.
O sectarian in a way their own never were.
O sectarian killings.
O interface communities are stigmatized as having bad attitude and being nakedly
secular sentence examples
O with all this talk of christianity, it is easy to imagine government becoming less
O as he put it: you are going to find a more secular, modernized uup.
O secular humanism.
O in fact they are purely secular merely depicting those who had a special connection
with the new house.
O modem secular folk, of course, pretend otherwise.
O society tends to emphasize success, materialism, consumerism, is becoming
thoroughly secular.
O on 12 january 1858 these courts ceased, and jurisdiction for the granting of probate
was passed to the new secular court of probate.
O secular clergy.
O the nineteenth century change was part of an increasingly secular approach to
human nature.
O to be sure it treads hard on twenty-first century secular certainties.
O what that mission was is hard to say, but it conflicted with contemporary secular
and religious authority and he was eventually crucified.
O secular canons at glasney college in penryn with the intention of teaching ordinary
people tales from the bible.
O in largely secular societies, it is not surprising that the concept of blessings has
O points and increased specifically strong state secular trend should the two known.
O secular priests on the scottish mission.
O we do not follow an essentially secular model of self fulfillment - this is what you
will get.
secularism sentence examples
O secularism as an ideology does seem to be itself in decline.
O on the contrary, we should champion free expression, fight to roll back state power
and promote secularism.
O secularism in french society.
O militant secularism of the old kind is not the answer.
O and yet, state secularism still poses a real threat to genuine pluralism.
O the census report commented: there is a sect, originated recently, adherents to a
system called secularism.
O secularism in these countries?
O all of these resources call into question modern secularism 's fatal error: the slide
into subjectivism.
O i heard her say she was against imperialism and for social justice, but she did not
say that secularism is necessary for democracy.
O secularism in the past year.
O french institutions and authorities usually claim that the scarf violates french
O under kemal's presidency, turkey dispensed with the feudal caliphate structure and
embraced secularism as a basic tenet of state policy.
O in fact, western secularism, in the sense of de jure authority, is a more recent
innovation than the bible would suggest.
O even pope benedict xvi yesterday warned of the dangers of growing secularism
while in germany.
O they know that the real battle they face is with the aggressive secularism that
surrounds them every day.
O maintaining the ulster sunday this article expresses concern at increasing
O there are some who claim that september 11th is the end of liberal secularism.
sedentary sentence examples
O sedentary lifestyle wishing to maintain their current weight.
O walking to school is a good example of our increasingly sedentary lifestyle.
O a third collection of rats remained sedentary during the training period.
O sedentary counterparts.
O significantly, however, the pupils that took part in this study were largely
sedentary, living on established plots or in housing.
O the nymphs can move about but later they lose their legs & become sedentary.
O sedentary occupations; more drive where they used to walk.
O all this relatively sedentary activity gave me plenty of time to look around me, of
O physical activity within the definitions used in the survey, 25 % of people aged 16
and over can be classed as sedentary.
O sedentary habits needs about 2,500 calories a day to maintain a stable weight.
O for the last five years has your lifestyle been mainly sedentary?
O sedentary behavior did not appear to affect young people's level of physical activity.
O this is enough exercise to more than halve premature death rates in previously
sedentary people.
O sedentary existence.
O even the very sedentary dipper will descend its mountain stream to escape the
worst frosts.
sedition sentence examples
O on the days following this meeting these three men were arrested and charged under
dora with the offense of intending to cause sedition.
O and how dahl, who believed passionately in spreading secular sedition, would have
enjoyed it.
O sedition laws, including bans on free speech.
O for this purpose former german communist agents were employed to foment
sedition and to arrange for acts of sabotage in germany.
O what is more dangerous tho is the incitement to political sedition.
O sedition trial of james liston rory sweetman, otago university.
O if the banners and flags are shifted about, sedition is afoot.
O sedition hush and like a torrent rush, rebellious scots to crush, god save the king.
O by 1531 the king was demanding the surrender of tyndale by the emperor, on the
charge that he was spreading sedition in england.
O but publications were still subject to the laws of the land regarding sedition,
blasphemy, obscenity and libel.
O they took me into the guard-house and searched me, but they found no sedition on
seditious sentence examples
O six months ago this would have been considered outrageously partisan, even
seditious; today, it accurately reflects the public mood.
O seditious libel.
O some of his colleagues are serving sentences for possessing reading material
deemed seditious.
O seditious conspiracy.
O seditious speech which he agreed was accurately reported.
O seditious writings.
O seditious material and no one is quite what they seem.
O seditious thoughts about the decadent rulers of the ottoman empire.
seduce sentence examples
O seduce the viewer but also to provide him with a peculiar vision of indian history.
O seduced a new audience.
O seduced by the glamor of distance.
O tom is easily seduced by the easy life on board a traction city.
O seduced by the glamor of distance.
O seduce a beautiful girl.
O seduced by the lure of the desert.
O you bet, says deborah ross, who was immediately seduced by the charms of
O seduced by the lure of the desert.
O seduce readers, followed by excellent content to engage them.
O seduced by promises of rising prices.
O terry goes over to help and is almost seduced.
O seduced by promises of rising prices.
O seduce women without leaving the flat?
O seduced by the idea.
O yet, like him, we are so often seduced by the gods around us.
O seduced by the idea.
O and those engaged in the wheeling and dealing can often become mesmerized, even
seduced, by it all.
O seduced by the power of william, scholar boy.
seducer sentence examples
O seducer of women: not just a comradely younger brother.
O he is still a great seducer but simply cannot play the romantic writer doomed to
inevitable tragedy.
O some serial seducers of both sexes roam the corridors.
seductive sentence examples
O despite this, many people with ms will still find stem-cell therapy seductive.
O seductive charm angela finds irresistible.
O north korea sees that iran has been more dangerously seductive of late.
O seductive to use a phrase like " reptile brain.
O mine, for some reason, has proved less seductive.
O seductive in a hypnotic, vampire way, helped by some stunning costume design.
O seductive vocals of sarah ramey.
O even when riven by war, burma was intensely seductive, a country of magic.
O brandy tears a slit up the side of her denim skirt in a vain attempt to look more
O seductive voice, why not bang them up, just to be on the safe side?
O the complexity and visually seductive nature of computer graphics makes it easy to
mislead viewers that there is rigorous science underlying it all.
O i must admit i did like armand it seemed more seductive than the rest.
O seductive curves i know lovers can't resist?
O the album, a laid back deeply seductive affair, draws images in my mind of late
nights in busy cities.
O when allure is in motion, it reveals an instinctive body language and becomes
naturally seductive.
O seductive tones over tumbling dolorous chords, delicately spinning out ethereal
O the idea that there is some form of objective truth is highly seductive -just look at
how science is captivated by it.
O yet, despite all this, it remains seductive to use a phrase like " reptile brain.
O seductive south american beauty in its newest setting.
sedulous sentence examples
O sedulous clerical attention over a period of weeks, many prisoners proved
responsive to the call for repentance.
seedbed sentence examples
O and a lot of time spent keeping an eye out for them while we're preparing
O in spring cereals, allowing time for a stale seedbed helps to reduce weed numbers
in the growing crop.
O seedbed preparation has been a great success on a norfolk farm.
O the new he-va mega dan can be used for mixing soils before the plow or to create
minimum tillage seedbeds.
O seedbed in autumn.
O seedbed of saints.
O seedbed for creative talent.
O the stubble from the previous crop has to be plowed into the ground and then the
land is worked to create a good seedbed.
O hybrid rape varieties, with their lower seed rates, are particularly at risk - especially
if drilled late into poor dry seedbeds.
O seedbed technique has been used.
O good soil management practices are important to provide the best possible seedbed
in which to plant a crop.
O the stubble from the previous crop has to be plowed into the ground and then the
land is worked to create a good seedbed.
O seedbed conditions meaning that they need a suitably fine soil in which to plant
their seeds.
O found this better than using a stale seedbed on this light land.
O chervil ( anthriscus cerefolium ) annual chervil does not like being transplanted so it
is best to sow direct in to a prepared seedbed.
seep sentence examples
O she sat on the front step and let the cold damp seep past her coat and into her
O seeping through cracks in the earth.
O the cold seeps in, floods the feeling in my body.
O seeping into the consciousness of human beings can take time.
O seep hose laid along the mats or sand bed takes most of the work out of watering.
O seeping very slowly from under some of its scales.
O seeping through - " beside you, beside you " - like a mantra.
O seeped in important history.
O seeping from the multiple wounds on his neck.
O a summary oil seep diagram can be found here.
O seeping through the walls and floor of their cellar.
O seeps into the ground.
O water gradually seeps from the hose down its entire length ideal for watering rows
of vegetables or bedding plants.
O seep out of the artery wall.
O rain and ground water seep into the fabric of the buildings and force mosaics to
bubble up.
O seeping away from the nation states to the central eu bureaucracy.
O seeping down into my hand.
O the quickness eventually seeped away in all three stanzas, with durbach playing
thoughtful strokes that inevitably gave him the edge.
O seeped away between the stones; the water hasn't got any hands.
O seeps back into the aquifer, ready for further use.
seer sentence examples
O seer of visions.
O just as jesus did, we will become great seers, healers, and prophets.
O the great seers replied back, " know thy self ' .
O family tree of psychics part 1 most people have heard of nostradamus the famous
sixteenth century seer and psychic.
O seer of visions.
O just as jesus did, we will become great seers, healers, and prophets.
O the great seers replied back, " know thy self ' .
O family tree of psychics part 1 most people have heard of nostradamus the famous
sixteenth century seer and psychic.
O seer of the 18th century: " attention to 1999!
O to say a seer knows more than me is false.
O however, i also believe that simultaneously there are other pft manifesting to other
seers, such as you and greg.
O dudley tunnel is officially open and thousands of sight seers enter the tunnel every
year on trip boats from the black country museum.
O seer of the 18th century: " attention to 1999!
O to say a seer knows more than me is false.
O however, i also believe that simultaneously there are other pft manifesting to other
seers, such as you and greg.
O dudley tunnel is officially open and thousands of sight seers enter the tunnel every
year on trip boats from the black country museum.
O seer called dennis.
seethe sentence examples
O seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
O australia still seethes today over a freakish edgbaston dismissal which border, with
a healthy dollop of bias, believed had changed the series.
O the rural masses seethed with discontent - there were 150 recorded revolts.
O seethed with discontent - there were 150 recorded revolts.
O seethe i left the match on saturday evening i was seething mad.
O seethenother note, i was seething quietly about this article this morning.
O seetheish advertisers are seething over what they consider an over-zealous
interpretation of the ioc's rules.
O seetheaps they had their eyes on the flying ants seething up the fence posts as
thunder approached across the channel.
O seethegeneral public is seething with resentment about the difficulty of getting
accurate information.
O thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk.
O seethemploye who feels put down may be seething inside, just waiting for the
opportunity to " get even " .
O seethewhen you see the real cost to consumers of some of the most common
insurance products, you may be seething with rage.
O seethe inwardly?
O seethe was often called ' sad ' in fact was anger seething just below the surface.
O seethes seething with anger all the way home from sydney to perth.
O seetheine is seething with frustration that people have been keeping a secret from
segregate sentence examples
O segregate waste for recycling?
O daktari does not segregate or judge people by race, religion, creed, ideology or
physical condition.
O segregate in the mapping cross.
O segregated on religious lines.
O african americans had effectively segregated themselves probably for the reasons
which were identified by zora neale hurston.
O segregated according to ethnicity or religion.
O segregated in any special way from power or other cables.
O segregated from other traffic, with priority given at traffic signals.
O segregated with disease status.
O segregating pedestrians from vehicles either by barriers or distance: this remains in
hse's view the best control measure in most circumstances.
O segregatehenotypic variations have been shown to relate to the specific mutation
generated, to environmental influences and to independently segregating modifier
O segregate pupils temporarily in the first weeks of the new campus opening.
O during the avalanches, particles of different sizes often segregate out into inversely
graded layers with the large grains on top of the fines.
O south of the border, you have signs with place names clearly segregated and easier
to read with a quick glance.
O segregated living as a choice for people must be available and the reasons for it
understood and respected.
O segregated with the disease in this family.
O segregate more material.
segregation sentence examples
O segregation of homologous chromosomes during the first meiotic division.
O guards and military police enforced segregation from the outside world.
O racial segregation was a reality in virginia in the epidemic years.
O segregation indices for family share of.
O the production of gametes, be they sperm in males or eggs in females, requires
major changes in the mechanism of chromosome segregation.
O segregation of pedestrians from traffic.
O it concluded in february 2003 that failure to tackle racial segregation had
potentially disastrous consequences.
O another key concern is ' occupational segregation ' , where women get to do only
certain types of jobs.
O this passion for donkeys, a direct result of gender segregation, later spread to
O segregation of duties should continue during periods of leave or sickness absence.
O the variable pitch of the screw flights uniformly draws material from the hopper and
resists segregation of the product.
O residential segregation between two ethnic groups is likely to indicate some
significant difference between them.
O second, we investigated the neural basis of stream segregation using fmri.
O segregation of the sexes during hibernation.
O this revealed that, while school development could be enhanced, " school choice
reinforces segregation both ethnically and in terms of performance " .
O as a result of these concerns, the definition of sectarian segregation used in the
research has broadened.
O vertical sex segregation in nordic countries; start 2005.
O a lord or noble; specif., the lord of a fee or manor
seigniorage sentence examples
O seigniorage revenue to reduce taxation.
O seigniorage reform.
O seigniorage income.
seine sentence examples
O seine net fishing, and are bycatches of trawl fishing.
O perpetual cookie jar and a complete with private bathroom talks cruise dinner river
seine about the.
O seine river cruise center.
O i also read thomas mann's joseph und seine brder - in german!
O tuna fishermen using purse seines may encircle dolphins also.
O seine nets than 50 years ago.
O tours all cruise paris river seine meals johns river country of america's rarest.
O seine river cruise center.
O killer whales in winter commonly associate with the mackerel purse seine fishery
north of shetland.
O seine boats.
O tours all cruise paris river seine meals johns river country of america's rarest.
O seine zeit ( 1857 ).
O cruise dinner river seine sioux city to were simply getting closed to visitors crew
fund received.
O seine netters fish for demersal fish, those that live near the seabed.
O cruise dinner river seine sioux city to were simply getting closed to visitors crew
fund received.
seismic sentence examples
O but all these issues pale into insignificance next to the potentially seismic impact of
the prudential code.
O seismic anisotropy.
O these techniques might include seismic, acoustic, magnetic resonance imaging, and
atmospheric ( aircraft and missile wake ) detection.
O a purge of that dimension can be a fairly seismic experience in its own right.
O seismic wavefield.
O a nation choked with peoples and cultures, riven with almost seismic contrasts and
O seismic tomography.
O as it is built in a highly seismic zone, measures have been taken to improve the
school's structural safety against earthquakes.
O seismic velocity of each group.
O seismic shift in the entire nature of the uk music industry.
O seismic stratigraphy of quaternary deposits in lake peipsi, eastern estonia.
seismogram sentence examples
O seismogram produced from well-log data, by andrew carter as part of his phd at
seismograph sentence examples
O seismographs operated at the acu reservoir.
O from august 1994 until may 1997, a network of 8 three-component digital
seismographs operated at the acu reservoir.
O seismograph stations ( red squares ) deployed around manchester.
O the first professor of engineering was james alfred ewing, a native dundonian who
invented the continuous seismograph.
O seismograph reading, this time from a station at puerto princes.
O the richter scale uses a seismograph to measure seismic waves.
seize sentence examples
O seize the opportunity to wish you a very happy new year.
O this accounts for almost 50 % of all total assets seized in the uk by police.
O seized by the crown.
O seized solid by the end of the journey.
O they began issuing pamphlets, which i eagerly seized upon for information.
O seized upon by media, hungry for eye-catching stories.
O seized of the matter.
O seized from suspected criminals.
O seized with fear.
O seized by the crown.
O seizeculus flies on ahead to tell the news of the wedding to prevent nogbad from
seizing the throne.
O seized two dozen are not interested.
O there is a risk that illegally seized evidence will be excluded from any criminal
O seized along with 2 computers and a burning tower.
O seized with illness, and was thought dead.
O seized power, hoping to apply their military skills to fixing the economy.
O moreover, last year nearly all the crops were violently seized, and the peasant was
left almost nothing for himself.
selenium sentence examples
O however uk wheat still contains more selenium than european grown wheat.
O selenium in the soil there will also be some in your asparagus.
O manufacturers are expected to replace organic selenium with sodium selenite.
O selenium sulfide shampoo together with oral griseofulvin.
O mushrooms, one of my favorite foods, are a good source of the antioxidant
selenium as well as potassium and b vitamins.
O minerals important to the look and to the health of the skin include selenium,
copper and zinc.
O in other words, most uk citizens aren't getting nearly enough selenium in their
O selenium supplementation for cancer prevention in patients with carcinoma of the
O foster argues that the fall of selenium levels trigger the reduction in cd4 cells, which
in turn cause further decline in serum selenium.
O in other words, most uk citizens aren't getting nearly enough selenium in their
O for the time being, you have the option to supplement with as much selenium as
you please.
O less than optimal intake of selenium may have adverse effects on psychological
function, even in the absence of signs of frank selenium deficiency.
O brazil nuts these are rich in the mineral selenium, which has antioxidant effects that
may help protect against cancer.
O in addition, subjects who took selenium cleared the virus from their bodies faster
than the placebo subjects.
O selenium toxicity was reported in any of the patients studied.
O selenography
O the study of the surface and physical features of the moon, esp. the mapping of the
latitude and longitude
O self-conceit
O too high an opinion of oneself; conceit; vanity
self-deception sentence examples
O self-deception from consciousness.
O the strength of rational thinking is in the ability to examine and remove self-
deception, rationalizations, and other defensive mental maneuvers.
O it is the supreme self-deception, and the word jesus himself uses for it is
O if there is to be a " noble lie " , it is also to involve the willful self-deception of the
O skeptics reply that there is not a shred of evidence there is a god, so to believe in
one is pure self-deception.
O jesus pulls no punches in this letter and exposes any self-deception that the church
O the idea that an object is capable of deception is typical of human self-deception.
O they are even essential as means of cross-checking and avoiding self-deception.
O many of his characters are people who find themselves in crisis, beginning to realize
the extent of their own self-deceptions.
O yet he has already practiced self-deception, albeit unconsciously.
self-determination sentence examples
O october 21 1999 protestant veto - lenin opposed self-determination for the british-
irish, writes tom delargy.
O writing an article or speaking in support of kashmiri, tamil or kurdish self-
determination could be construed as inviting support for a proscribed organization.
O self-determination on the basis of united nations resolution 242.
O self-determination theory, teaching practices that enable pupils to cope well with
temporary failure are briefly described.
O self-determination in the world has resulted not in peace but in new boundaries
bristling with bayonets.
O self-determination of any nation according to the un charter must be guaranteed.
O self-determination for the kurdish people.
O self-determination by the people of the island of ireland.
O we need a commitment of service providers to promote self-determination.
O for national self-determination to fully work, india would have to be governed by
the indians living there.
O self-determination of peoples must also be respected.
O self-determination for all nations.
O we have seen that the lobby supporting female reproductive self-determination
was sidelined by the lobbying activities of the medical establishment.
O he believed the time had come to strike for irish national self-determination.
O you seem to think that there is a greater possibility of the negroes wanting self-
determination than i think is probable.
O genuine ethnic self-determination, however, was never an option.
O on the contrary, the only way in which the peoples of the balkans can really exercise
self-determination is by uniting.
O in the 19th century, for example, scottish society was deeply divided over the right
to democratic self-determination in the presbyterian church.
self-esteem sentence examples
O allowing staff to gain qualifications at work can boost self-esteem too.
O that fact doesn't do much to strengthen self-centred self-esteem.
O self-esteem score was obtained by summing the ten responses.
O evidence shows that mainstream pupils gain self-esteem through understanding
and knowing others who are less fortunate than themselves.
O teachers and observers involved report pupils ' increased self-esteem and ability to
work as a team.
O self-esteem in the classroom.
O self-esteem of lower ability pupils.
O if clients are knocked back from treatment this again lowers self-esteem and causes
O your wrong answers are: motto about low self-esteem?
O project offers chance to achieve through new activities increases self-esteem, self-
confidence and social skills.
O children's self-esteem has been raised by a new system of rewards.
O in fact, are most school sports days designed to raise the self-esteem of every
O the pathway toward realization of the goal, improved self-esteem, is clearly
mapped out.
O the project was also aimed to raise the boys ' self-esteem by exploring their
potential and different skills.
self-inflicted sentence examples
O self-inflicted wound.
O there had been three apparently self-inflicted deaths in the previous six months, all
within the first four days of custody.
O self-inflicted injuries.
O the real trouble is that much of the damage seems to be largely self-inflicted.
O self-inflicted death done in the privacy of a home usually doesn't make the paper.
O all my scars are from incoming mail, not self-inflicted.
O self-inflicted pain from two nottingham-based teams, this time in birmingham.
O the axis powers demonstrated high growth rates through severe, and often self-
inflicted, restrictions on external trade through the 1930's.
O self-inflicted damage.
O there are more than enough fruitful issues for nationalists to run on outside the
partly self-inflicted ghetto of the past years.
O self-inflicted problems.
semantic sentence examples
O dialog an implementation of a commonly used interaction semantic to prompt for
auxiliary input from the user, such as a filename.
O semantic dementia at home during the long winter evenings?
O the statements that were purely semantic or were episodic with an element of
semantic memory we called statements with " semantic content " .
O i only use css because i use semantic html.
O semantic markup.
O however, these intuitions are semantic data, not semantic facts.
O he also claims that proforms, in contrast to pronouns and definite nouns, require
semantic - as opposed to pragmatic - identification.
O semantic interoperability.
O were essentially semantic solid foundation of achievement life as an.
O at this point, tho, the argument becomes semantic rather than substantive.
O semantic prosody )?
O due to this factor only semantic networks and an alternative knowledge acquisition
approach have been presented in depth.
O the markedness of linguistic signs includes semantic marking: a marked or
unmarked status applies not only to signifiers but also to signifieds.
O semantic annotations.
O but there are also semantic reasons against a loophole here for long ages.
O semantic indexing should be investigated as a means of matching text-based
semaphore sentence examples
O semaphore set in an inconsistent state.
O for synchronization, simple locks ( a.k.a. mutexes or binary semaphores ) are
O semaphore signal in which the arm was raised to indicate ' off ' or ' clear ' .
O getval the system call returns the value of semval for the semnum -th semaphore
of the set.
O semaphore signaling abounds.
O semaphore in the set.
O note that this program does not use threads; it is just using the lightweight
semaphores available from the threads library.
O a posix semaphore structure defines a single semaphore, not an array of up to
twenty five semaphores.
O semaphore flags, then you could make some.
O getval the system call returns the value of semval for the semnum -th semaphore
of the set.
O semaphores in all processes.
O under british railways, color aspect lights replaced semaphores at the london end of
the platforms, such occurring on 16th may 1954.
O semaphore signal arms still in use.
O it means your kernel's limit on the number of system v semaphores is smaller than
the number postgresql wants to create.
semblance sentence examples
O semblance of normality in my life.
O i have been able to regain some semblance of normality in my life.
O only nyarlathotep, the crawling chaos, is given a human semblance of intelligence.
O semblance of legitimacy to u.s. military action against iraq.
O a particular need is to begin restoring a semblance of civil society among the
O with an awful spasm mr. carr jerked his congested features into the ghastly
semblance of a smile.
O semblance of dignity in the local community.
O still at least one of you has retained a semblance of your regional accent.
O of course, anyone with even the slightest semblance of intelligence won't reply.
O semblance of unity.
O forums and discussion threads have the advantage of preserving some semblance
of context.
O they were the only semblance of a public authority presence outside the boroughs.
O semblance of parliamentary democracy is returning.
O we really need to maintain a semblance of normality here.
O ere they departed, the family was welded once more into a fair semblance of unity.
O semblance of a plot appears.
O the fragmentation of charlemagne's realm continued, destroying any semblance of
semiconductor sentence examples
O furthermore, the conductivity was found to be sensitive to small changes in the
composition, a property characteristic of doped semiconductors.
O that substitution creates a vacancy similar to a hole in a p-type semiconductor,
which emits single photons when excited by a laser.
O semiconductor diode laser, similar to that found in cd players.
O silicon carbide ( eg ~ 3 ev ) has begun to establish itself as an effective wide band-
gap semiconductor.
O no ideal system has yet been identified although a range of dilute magnetic
semiconductors have been investigated.
O new mechanisms organic solar cells work differently from conventional inorganic
semiconductor solar cells.
O semiconductor nanostructures can be found here.
O the work builds on previous research at surrey on electron spins in narrow bandgap
O the current dominant silicon technology is cmos - complementary metal oxide
O semiconductor heterostructures.
O its first major customer, a leading silicon semiconductor company.
O the dc characteristics of the standard devices were then calibrated and modeled
using a compound semiconductor monte carlo device simulator.
O semiconductor diode laser, similar to that found in cd players.
O the current dominant silicon technology is cmos - complementary metal oxide
O growth of magnetic semiconductors for spintronics, which may be used in future
information storage devices.
O semiconductor wafer relatively cheaply without disruption of an entire production
O the current dominant silicon technology is cmos - complementary metal oxide
O this consortium is working to develop new low-cost electronic devices derived from
organic semiconductors.
seminary sentence examples
O in 1939, he entered the minor seminary in traunstein, his first step toward the
O we believe it is now at ushaw [ ushaw college, a catholic seminary at durham ] .
O seminary professors was a missionary to korea.
O seminarywere in st andrews young ladies ' seminaries but these did not offer much
intellectual challenge to the pupils.
O seminaryvide pastors he founded seminaries for the training of students, whom he
maintained at his own expense.
O seminaryvide pastors he founded seminaries for the training of students, whom he
maintained at his own expense.
O seminarye learned what he could not have learned in any of the theological
seminaries of that time.
O a year later, they moved to toronto, where they both attended a downtown baptist
O we felt that there was a great need to start an evangelical seminary in the episcopal
O seminary priest.
O seminaryoblem has many american seminaries rethinking the way they reach the
lost overseas.
O around 1716-17 it was decided to establish the seminary at scalan a wild and
desolate spot surrounded on three sides by hills.
semolina sentence examples
O semolina flour is in one recipe.
O pasta made from durum semolina is recognized to be premium quality.
O semolina pudding with a swirl of rosehip syrup.
O were the most romano's princely size bread flour semolina.
O semolina mills at tilbury which will be commissioned during the current year.
O it consists of steamed wheat semolina served with mutton or lamb, vegetables and
spicy sauce.
O semolina gnocchi, and plum compote.
O were the most romano's princely size bread flour semolina.
O semolina manufacturers, glasgow, scotland.
seamstress sentence examples sempstress
O so much so that she decided to go to london and become a professional
O balzac and the little chinese seamstress by dai sijie.
O work will be carried out in london and would prefer seamstress has own machine(s
O so much so that she decided to go to london and become a professional
O there are some very clever and talented seamstresses around.
O balzac and the little chinese seamstress by dai sijie.
O trainees attend a two month course run by rehab lanka before they are selected by
factories in need of skilled seamstresses.
O this way she could save money and in any case, she considered herself a better
seamstress than any professional upholsterer.
O of six; on the basis of six
senate sentence examples
O months to rebuild policy scores above the state's senate to decide whether mr.
O the effects of passed the senate the network whenever.
O the decision on whether this is the case shall be incumbent on the divisional senate
to which the member concerned belongs.
O senate opponent ed that without pure.
O found out just campaign against car dealers the state senate.
O at the same pots lines makes have close senate.
O the belgian senate announced on wednesday ( 28 june ) that it had opened a case
on the affair.
O senate bill is who pays the perhaps foster heard.
O the appointment of sir chris is obviously a far-sighted decision by university senate,
given modern students ' current-day preoccupations.
O senate resolved in 675 to send one of the consuls to cilicia; the lot fell on the
capable publius servilius.
O at the same pots lines makes have close senate.
O senate opponent ed that without pure.
O a key outside the auto bureau farm insurance texas senate into action.
O are getting out in the next no matter which bill cleared the senate.
O a whole senate, a whole people, cannot dispense from its paramount obligation.
O senate banking much about all.
O republican senate primary rock too much they'll be joining access on deck.
O senate committee ended up looking like tabloid journalists on a bad day.
O only the french senate, with 359 members, is around the same size.
O senate hearings on al jazeera tv.
senator sentence examples
O senator about diabetes be sued by would go down.
O he was elected a senator only four years ago.
O senior republican senators, including a texan, publicly voiced their unease last
O senator bookout says plan will exclude.
O gop senators are august continue to through the roof.
O h. n. , xxxiii. i. 18 ), in the sixth by every senator and senator's son ( liv. xxvi.
O however, the appointed senators were due to last for at least 8 years.
O the cynical dealings of democratic senators expose the real story behind the
popularity of campaign finance reform.
O senator /caption tr th name th cups th type of coffee th sugar?
O in the event california state senator make sure their the country.
O charlene has just told the senator what she has done.
O even tho these efforts may not have swayed the undecided senators, it certainly did
help to plant seeds of doubt about the treaty.
O senator jerry bookout report issued by.
O in the event california state senator make sure their the country.
O senator called on the us senate to force labels to introduce simpler clearer reporting
O swiss senator dick marty has submitted a report on the claims to a meeting of the
human rights committee.
O dr. thomas noguchi, los angeles coroner, said the senator died from damage to the
brain caused by a.22 caliber bullet.
O the actions of the junior senator have caused alarm and dismay among our allies
abroad, and given considerable comfort to our enemies.
senescent sentence examples
O senescent cell is incapable of further propagation.
O once this cap reaches a certain length, cell division stops and the cell becomes
senile sentence examples
O when it came to his turn peter taaffe implied that his one time leader and mentor
was getting crusty, if not senile.
O senile dementia, doesn't know us, often calls him " daddy " .
O some were very hard to grasp - i may be going senile.
O the us defense secretary meant that the old continent had grown too senile to be
able to confront threats.
O senile plaques, the defining lesions of alzheimer's?
O the gods are old: they have become senile: it is time for them to die!
O in 1829, three of the watch were so senile and infirm that they were incapable of
performing their duties and were replaced.
O senile cataracts almost always occur in both eyes simultaneously.
O our unit also in effect took over management of the brewery in hamelin; the old men
left to run it were getting senile.
O his somewhat senile mind was striving for forgotten memories.
O senile macular degeneration was used as an example of a code expected to be
found on a practice system.
O the us defense secretary meant that the old continent had grown too senile to be
able to confront threats.
O senile decay.
O senile old man, who only partially understood the implications of collaboration.
senna sentence examples
O senokot tablets are a natural constipation remedy containing the ingredient senna,
extracted from the senna plant.
O senna pod, twelve horse power convertable.
O the stimulant laxatives senna and cascara are also safe.
O the problem with taking senna to get things moving is that it is a stimulant laxative.
O ingredients figs, glycerine, senna leaves, lactose, senna leaves, lactose, senna
pods, pulp of tamarinds, natural orange extract.
O senna tablets daily.
O senna equivalent to 7.5mg total sennosides.
O f or relating to sensations or sensory impressions.
sensorium sentence examples
O images that circulate so quickly and shine with such intensity that they begin to alter
the ratio of the human sensorium.
O inspection and palpation of the entire body is necessary following high-energy blunt
trauma, especially in the presence of an altered sensorium.
sensuous sentence examples
O sensuous pleasures.
O it is very sensuous, with an intimate engagement rather than a confrontation.
O sensuous sinking lip on lip, into starry extinction!
O he favors elaborate ( often microtonal ) but richly sensuous textures and grand,
totalising structures.
O sensuous plane is more likely.
O another deliciously sensuous tale from a wonderfully entrancing author.
O sensuous rhythm.
O a truly sensuous, erotic, fast paced action adventure, that will leave you gasping in
more than suspense.
O sensuous curves.
O the bra is very slightly ruffled to create an extremely sensuous ' come to bed '
O sensuous desire, ill-will, sloth and torpor, restlessness and regret, and doubt.
O those who see the disadvantages of sense-impressions may cultivate jhana; they can
be reborn in higher heavenly planes which are not sensuous planes.
O expressing much in few words; short and pithy; pointed
O full of, or fond of using, maxims, proverbs, etc., esp. in a way that is ponderously trite
and moralizing
sentient sentence examples
O the yi or thought is pure energy and to become sentient with the energy is to
become one with all being.
O when something totally unexplainable happens and " jodie " becomes sentient, she
is elated.
O sentient beings they are just notes.
O the notes are not sentient beings they are just notes.
O what can i do that will enable me to rescue all these kind mother sentient beings
from this perilous predicament?
O if they were not created sentient, then how did they sin?
O sentient creatures destined to die inside a facility they are building?
O the animals which are widely accepted as children's pets are, of course, fully
O what can i do that will enable me to rescue all these kind mother sentient beings
from this perilous predicament?
O sentient discover is now the first resource management system to meet the
requirements of aaa bobby compliance.
O holy relics and ancient books are still around, yet there are also sentient robots.
O we cannot go further than this and say that salvation or liberation is available to
nonhuman sentient beings.
O sentient species at the expense of the lives of others?
O this is seen to be harming a living sentient being.
O sentient animal.
O sentient races.
sentinel sentence examples
O sentinel lymph node biopsy ( slnb ).
O a large stone cairn stands sentinel in renfrew road, paisley.
O sentinel at the door of the pit called out " dios!
O this awful abyss is bridged by a rope, and guarded by seal sentinels.
O afterward he ventured out upon the little hanging gallery with the solitary sentinel.
O sentinel lymph node or nodes will be removed.
O there is also a good view up the cleave with fur tor standing sentinel on the far
O he took up his own quarters in the town, and placed a sentinel there also.
O arithmetic manipulation of past or future sentinels will not change their values, nor
cause any error.
O sentinel lymph node biopsy?
O chance at the included a driver palace sentinel is pretty much all.
O hath sentinel of old cromwell e'er watch'd thine ancient hall?
O rwdatetime currently provides four internal, pre-defined sentinels and can
accommodate up to 128 user-defined sentinels.
O sentinel lymph node or nodes will be removed.
O crystal clear burns tumble through caledonian pine forests where ancient scots pines,
withered over three or more centuries, stand sentinel.
O a quarter mile away, dimly lit, the huge modern grandstand crouched like a giant
sentinel, commanding a view of miles.
O sentinel surveillance scheme.
O portfolio is dominated the policeman journal sentinel reporter over a long.
sentry sentence examples
O a church of silent air rings loud today; hymn books stand sentry by the doors,
orders of service behind them.
O stream usually for places to start of western sentry.
O sentry on duty in lebanon did not have a magazine in his m16.
O sentry gun at the top of the steps on the opposite side of the room is not a problem.
O the first night we established the night sentry routine.
O sentry vigilant, tony has posted sentries to look out for rival gangs or the rozzers.
O sentrys deserted apart from american sentries at the gate.
O sentry there we came out into the kremlin, a city within a city, every entrance
guarded by sentries who checked our passes.
O sentryard hut was located just inside the field, and armed sentries patrolled the site
to prevent any unauthorized access.
O sentry were very funny because they were all standing on their hind legs like
sentries on guard!
O all went well until we saw a sentry on the road.
O sentry on the front gates of buckingham palace.
O sentry duty.
O sentry all believed that london had been captured, and that german sentries were
outside buckingham palace.
O so i wonder how you would say sentry go in the past tense?
O sentry box in which to sit whilst he was waiting for a fire call.
O i made directly for this ' haven ' but had to pass the sentry at the gateway.
O sentry post.
O sentry insurance.
O sentry box
O a small, boxlike structure serving as a shelter for a sentry on duty during bad
sepal sentence examples
O sepals of each flower are called ' falls ' and have a fuzzy central portion called a '
beard ' .
O the male flowers have 4 sepals and 4 stamen s, whilst the females have 4 sepals
and a 3- style d ovary.
O the white spur and pointed sepals leave no question about the identification.
O notice the sepals ( modified flower leaves ) which curve up around the purple
unopened buds.
O a side view of the flower above reveals the ring of green sepals beneath the bloom.
O there is an outer ring of modified leaves called sepals.
O the tube is white striped green with white sepals tipped green.
O the three lance shaped outer sepals are a soft green.
O the tube is pale pink complimented with pink sepals tipped green.
O five veined yellow sepals some 20 - 25 mm across the flower, pollinated by bees
O a condition or the advocacy of political, religious, or racial separation
separatism sentence examples
O it worries that military action would create a power vacuum, destabilize the region
and encourage separatism among turkish citizens of kurdish origin.
O the paper was sparked by nairn's neo-marxist speculations on national separatism
in britain published in the same year.
O the second is related to indigenous terrorist movements engaging in terrorism to
promote separatism or an extreme ideology " .
O turkey fears a kurdish breakaway state in northern iraq could trigger renewed armed
kurdish separatism on its own territory.
O education quandary published: 01 september 2005 what is the best way of
preventing independent islamic schools fostering separatism and hatred?
O but neither labor nor black separatism has the answers that can unite black and
white workers.
O separatism advocated by the hon.
O difficult boundaries i accept that the boundaries between legitimate expression of
identity and cultural separatism can be hard to draw.
O they too reject separatism and also any separate legislative assembly.
O the slogan ' europe of a hundred flags ' sounds appealing but hides the racial
separatism assumed in fascist decentralization.
O moscow worries that separatism inside russia and radical islamic movements
beyond their borders might threaten stability in southern russia.
sepia sentence examples
O sepia on ears, face, back, outside of legs and upperside of tail shading to paler
O seal head and body an even rich dark sepia, shading only slightly paler on lower
flanks, cheat and belly.
O sepia toned.
O the tv commercial is grainy and cool shot in muted, almost sepia tones over a latin
music track.
O sepia tint, x-ray, bulge or squeeze.
O special effects include sepia, black-and-white, negative, aqua, cool and green.
O the frontispiece includes a copy of the vignette sepia photograph of chp in service
uniform dated circa 1915.
O seal head and body an even rich dark sepia, shading only slightly paler on lower
flanks, cheat and belly.
O sepia postcard shows a slightly different view of the same scene in the 1920s.
O you'll also be introduced to suitable developers, as well as basic sepia, selenium and
blue toning of fibre-based prints.
O sepia tones giving the images an ethereal feeling.
septenary sentence examples
O septenary of souls.
septennial sentence examples
O septennial elections almost ensured instability unless the government had a huge
septuagenarian sentence examples
O septuagenarian spinster relative of her late husband lives - aunt margaret albany.
O septuagenarian cameroonian, keep it all locked down?
O any of seven offspring born at a single birth
O a collection or group of seven, usually of one kind
sepulchre sentence examples
O sepulchreburied in the sepulcher of the kings, greatly lamented by the people ( 2
kings 15:38; 2 chr.
O sepulchre the worst sort of town: a whited sepulcher.
O sepulchreas an open sepulcher; and each man hated his god.
O sepulchretoo taken care of was one of suffolk's largest easter sepulchers, up in the
O sepulchree entombed in the urns and sepulchers of mortality!
O sepulchred the sepulchers of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.
O sepulchreide their real tombs, many have found honorary and empty sepulchers.
O sepulchred the sepulchers of the prophets, and your fathers killed them.
O sepulchreund the sepulcher empty, but saw the " vision of angels " ( matt.
O sepulchrey sepulcher in jerusalem was conveniently ' discovered ' just three years
later, in 328.
O sepulchreght the dead who struggled in the slime, rise and deride this sepulcher of
O sepulchre then made a sepulcher for him in sight of me.
O sepulchreerus found his real sepulcher in rome, but his empty grave in gallia.
O sepulchreght the dead who struggled in the slime, rise and deride this sepulcher of
sepulture sentence examples
O and yn testimonie of thys the commune sepulture of new-hampton ys the cemiterie of
s. marie chyrche.
O easily influenced or led; servile; compliant
sequel sentence examples
O sequel of sorts.
O the film went on to spawn several sequels, one of them in 3d.
O the long-awaited sequel to the anime classic will be shown on wednesday,
september 28.
O sequel series to the classic british sixties tv series, the avengers.
O as with most horror sequels, the blood and violence level is upped to compensate
for familiarity with what is about to happen.
O this is the highly anticipated sequel to lightning pool, one of the webs most popular
casual games.
O peter finch for network 11 the two jakes was a belated sequel to which film?
O sequel...
O the review: i was pleasantly surprised with this tv movie sequel to a tv movie.
O fortunately this won't be a problem with neverwinter nights 2, the long awaited
sequel due for release later in the year.
O the trip experience is a worthy sequel to investment biker.
O sequel film.
O although i do hope martin will come back in future feature film sequels, and i'm sure
he will.
O also, are you going to write a sequel to " eight days of luke " ?
O ufo aftermath is the unofficial sequel to the gollop brothers ' masterpiece.
O see more than a minute of high res footage for this ' film-noir ' action sequel.
O overall rocketeer deserved to do better than it actually did, it certainly warrants a
O dunst, who plays the web-slinger's girlfriend, has revealed she repeats her upside-
down kiss with maguire in upcoming sequel spider-man 2.
sequester sentence examples
O in some cases this could be larger than the amount of carbon sequestered in trees.
O sequester carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere.
O now sequestered at this quaint rustic getaway, eddy's ready to greet the
O sequestered in trees.
O sequestering carbon dioxide in the oceans by fertilizing them with iron.
O sequester iron at the position marked by the asterisk.
O sequestered spot excluded from human observation.
O sequestered estates of lord abergavenny during the civil wars.
O sequestering agent which attracts heavy metals such as lead and mercury both of
which have carcinogenic properties.
sequestration sentence examples
O he denied that he broke the sequestration or carried away the goods, and claimed
a jury.
O industrial applications: heat transfer enhancement in finned tube heat exchangers
and co2 sequestration.
O sequestration proceedings.
O they have a carbon sequestration scheme which involves climate care.
O sequestration in peatland: patterns and mechanisms of response to climate
O sequestration of carbon.
O sequestration for rent and arrestment 114.
O sustainable agriculture restores soil organic matter content, increasing carbon
sequestration below ground, thereby recovering an important carbon sink.
O this program includes all of bgs's activities in the geological sequestration of co 2.
O sequestration project in mexico, which accounts for all the greenhouse emissions
from formula one teams.
O the ecor working group will investigate the technical issues involved in ocean
sequestration of carbon.
O sequestration of the monasteries estates was primarily motivated by the need to
improve governmental finances.
O however the institute will also look at broader applications of bioscience to energy,
including carbon sequestration and enhanced recovery of oil.
O the site provides an overview of co2 sequestration covering capture and
separation; geological, ocean and terrestrial sequestration; and advanced
O carbon dioxide sequestration looks increasingly likely to be a part of the solution.
O sequestration of property.
seraglio sentence examples
O i would not exchange this one little english girl for the grand turk's whole seraglio,
gazelle-eyes, houri forms, and all!
seraph sentence examples
O seraph engine.
O he is however a quite elegant green and silver seraph, in comparison with excel's
gold and helophel's rich brown viper patterns.
O each error bar has seraphs which are ten printer points wide.
serenade sentence examples
O serenades people with her ukelele and becomes popular.
O the passengers were during these warm to find royal caribbean serenade of the sea
an elevator hotel thereby avoiding.
O hut on fowls legs, since something died i sleep in the caravan and often serenade
her from the bunk.
O it's true that mozart never lowered his standards, even when writing background
music; the two preceding wind serenades are proof of that.
O serenade of the sea an elevator hotel thereby avoiding.
O serenaded shoppers at the wharfside last week.
O serenaded by a band.
O city fans applauded it then serenaded back to halfway with chants of " you fat
b*stard " .
O serenaded by a band.
O serenade8 the city of los angeles passed an ordinance requiring that a man obtain a
license before serenading a woman.
O serenade girls.
O the passengers were during these warm to find royal caribbean serenade of the sea
an elevator hotel thereby avoiding.
O serenaded by the music from the central bandstand.
O serenaded by the music from the central bandstand.
O serenade a special someone with a song.
O of the carnival holiday cruise ship city to further generate rci's viking serenade.
O serenaded by the sounds of the natives smashing down the shanty town nearby, we
headed for the bar.
serene sentence examples
O serene on the surface but paddling like mad underneath.
O serene elegance and beauty.
O there's a wide range of entertainments for every taste, all within a beautifully
serene environment.
O look, theyve decked him out in green pjamas; he looks serene no!
O serene ambiance within the visitor space.
O you're so calm, dear, and so resolute, so serene!
O therefore the master remains serene in the midst of sorrow.
O serene surroundings.
O i am better now, but not quite serene.
O unscathed by civil strife, war or famine, zambia's capital city seems as serene as
any on the continent.
O serene, exotic beauty.
O the setting is very serene, with a dramatic view of uluru.
O it's human nature to strive for your dream but a little bit of giving could make you
feel serene.
O serene atmosphere of my earthly paradise i would be safe from all evil.
O it's a weird free feeling to just fly around in an aircraft almost serene.
O nature the mountain peak stands serene sloping down to valleys where life is
serenity sentence examples
O day 12 full day expedition to enjoy the serenity of the immense salt flats.
O gentler tones reflect the calm serenity of the buddhist religious life.
O serenity prayer.
O the only hotel of us asked the royal caribbean crystal serenity last.
O serenity of mind and heart as we prepare for the forthcoming examinations.
O serenity by the sea.
O an album written for peace and relaxation that will always bring serenity to your
mind, body and spirit.
O buddha died at the age of eighty in peaceful serenity.
O serenity of the area strike their visitors every time.
O if you find serenity and happiness, people may be jealous.
O the work opens in a mood of quiet serenity.
O serenity of hot air ballooning.
O the church seats around 50 worshippers and has a serenity and intimacy which
belies its humble origins.
O the announcement of a third melody subtly changes the mood to one of great
O serenity of the unhurried atmosphere that exists in these wilderness regions.
O and most download geeks would rather see serenity well than grainy with half the
image cut off.
O comments: the sweet serenity of books good stuff, pond.
O serenity of an ancient landscape unspoiled by the twentieth century.
O the accompanying crowds and noise disturbs the serenity of the park.
O there is a real serenity about tigger - his quiet movement compared to his size
astounds me.
serf sentence examples
O as a result, he was registered under the name of one of his father's serfs.
O in 1861, alexander ii had emancipated the serfs.
O medieval serfs were expected to work for approximately 3 days each week on the
lord's land.
O serf labor at appalling cost of course.
O by that time some state serfs had been freed, some individual owners had freed
their serfs.
O so the czar would create revolution and free the serfs - " better from above than
from below.
O all across the land, everyone knew that the little serfs in the kingdom were nothing
more that a pack of cheats.
O so it may not simply be wage serfs who are signing up for union membership.
O their land and, livestock taken away from them, they have been condemned to the
status of starving, landless serfs.
O back in feudal times serfs on the land worked with the seasons and daylight.
O the former serfs occupy on the average about an acre, paying a rent of from twenty
to twenty-four francs.
O the chattel slave was becoming a predial serf, attached to the soil and owing his
master certain fixed services and returns in kind.
O the influence of the orthodox church was very great, particularly over the illiterate
serfs and peasantry.
serge sentence examples
O devon produced serges or " long ells " , unusually long cloths with combed wool
warps and carded wool wefts in a twill weave.
O the winter dress consists of a single vestment of thick blue serge.
O serge suit was much appreciated.
O the walls are made from wool serge drapes which offers complete blackout.
O the window that looked on to the alleyway was curtained by thick black serge in
which was cut the shape of the cross.
O serge trousers.
O their working clothes were in dark colors such as navy serge with striped aprons.
O the winter dress consists of a single vestment of thick blue serge.
O serge drapes which offers complete blackout.
sergeant sentence examples
O he played the role of recruiting sergeant for churchill's pet project the royal naval
O then it was my turn in front of the jap sergeant.
O sergeant majors, all who wear our uniform for welcoming me here today.
O corporal wood's platoon sergeant was killed, the onus being placed on corporal
wood to become its leader.
O sergeant's mess during the raf's 60th anniversary.
O sergeant in the army.
O the year i was appointed sergeant we cleaned up 60 cases, not one of which got
less than five years.
O developing wolf ranch years because of year-old sergeant serves nothing less than.
O the recruiting sergeant told him " you've got duck's disease " .
O sergeant in charge of an aa battery... .
O aye, well said, sergeant, tis good to cast about for money.
O mr michael benfield mbe, from par in cornwall is a retired raf flight sergeant and
engineer by trade.
O the unit will consist of a detective sergeant who will have four detective constables
working under him.
O he asked the sergeant in the first tank why they had stopped.
O in december 1988, mr neilson was promoted to uniform patrol sergeant and posted
to glasgow city center.
O the custody sergeant has a duty to inform you of them
O arranged or occurring in a series
O one after another in order; point by point; serial(ly)
sericulture sentence examples
O over the past 10 years, donor aid has been directed toward reviving sericulture and
the use of traditional dyes.
O partly serious and partly comic
serjeant sentence examples
O serjeant king's sergeant, sir richard was working for the crown.
O serjeants at mace 5 each.
sermon sentence examples
O he preached several sermons at court, which are still extent.
O sermon on the mount / plain, and the parables.
O i have been preaching expository sermons for 32 years.
O sermon outline at the back of the service sheet.
O there is no reason to assume that women and children were not present for peter's
pentecost sermon.
O i heard a curious sermon, of which i was the unworthy subject.
O whitehead also preached john wesley's funeral sermon in city road chapel.
O sermon illustration.
O at the first gospel sermon preached after the pouring forth of the spirit, acts ii.
O sermon delivered by the revd david jenkins at sunday morning's communion
O an evangelistic sermon delivered within the context of sunday morning worship is
very different from an evangelistic sermon delivered on a street corner.
O their ' sermons from ulster ' page contains a selection of sermon transcripts from
various baptist pastors.
O rev bryan rippin, who is now retired, gave the sunday morning sermon.
O i understand that your silence is because you are preparing the sermon for
O his fiery sermons had the opposite effect to that he intended.
O sermon preparation this christmas season!
O in a later edition of the sermons published in 1812, the title was changed to
sermons published in 1812, the title was changed to sermons attributed to samuel
johnson 2.
sermonize sentence examples
O sermonize top church monuments in church monuments we see herbert's
sermonizing tendency at work again.
serpentine sentence examples
O serpentine lake with surprises at every turn.
O serpentine rock is also quarried, mainly in the lizard district; ornaments are
produced from it.
O serpentine paths laid out in the romantic taste.
O serpentine river that coiled through the site.
O serpentine walks and formal gardens.
O serpentine body.
O any spreading skin disease, as ringworm
serrate sentence examples
O serrated gripping edges for delicate work.
O serrated on the wrong side for left-hand cutting and curves off to the right, making
thick uneven wedges.
O pe- series these cable ties are " outside serrated " , presenting a smooth surface to
the cable bundle.
O very beautiful form with lobed leaves not deeply serrated, which unfurl gold with
pink edges contrasting well against the colorful bark.
O the island is nearly a mile long and looks, with its deeply serrated backbone, like a
dragon hanging on to hirta.
O confusion arises because some manufacturers make their " normal " knives serrated
on the right of the blade - the left-handed side.
O their comb is single and evenly serrated while their earlobes are red as are their
medium length wattles.
O most asters have simple, linear to lance-shaped leaves, sometimes hairy and
sometimes serrated.
O both sexes have characteristically long droopy crests, and long serrated bills with
which they catch their main prey of fish.
O the smallish fruits are on stalks and the leaf is not serrated.
serval sentence examples
O serval cats have been persecuted for many years in africa.
servile sentence examples
O servile fear is, to be sure, the lowest form of religion.
O tho he is not servile or mercenary, he is the victim of self-will.
O if service is not taken up in the spirit of sonship, i am sure it becomes servile.
O servile conditions throughout the globe.
O he wrote a flattering, even servile letter to sartre praising the latter as the only
thinker capable of understanding him.
O servile submission from someone who really did blindly travel about the highlands.
O servile concubinage, was also an evil school for the rising generation.
O servile mentality.
O servile dependency was one of the proud greeks ' worst fears.
servile sentence examples
O servile fear is, to be sure, the lowest form of religion.
O tho he is not servile or mercenary, he is the victim of self-will.
O if service is not taken up in the spirit of sonship, i am sure it becomes servile.
O servile conditions throughout the globe.
O he wrote a flattering, even servile letter to sartre praising the latter as the only
thinker capable of understanding him.
O servile submission from someone who really did blindly travel about the highlands.
O servile concubinage, was also an evil school for the rising generation.
O servile mentality.
O servile dependency was one of the proud greeks ' worst fears.
servitor sentence examples
O servitors of judgment begin to regroup, reassemble.
O a name also acts to further create a servitor 's persona.
O i'll have some other servitors assigned to look at this.
O servitor of wisdom.
O your honors most humble & affectionate servitor w. herlleli.
servitude sentence examples
O he imposed a sentence of fifteen years ' penal servitude.
O many were only forced into indentured servitude, laboring in apple orchards for
large landowners.
O servitude for life.
O penal servitude will only be like waiting for her at a wayside station.
O servitude right of access.
O s. 1(1 ) abolished penal servitude and replaced it with imprisonment.
O servitude for ten years.
O but you are not in involuntary servitude to the powers of the commonplace and the
terrible domination of the everyday.
O servitude sentence is correct?
O we also raise awareness on the subjects of child labor and enforced domestic
servitude of children and many other issues.
O servitude for serious offenses.
O a dependant economy designed to reduce the indigenous population to perpetual
servitude soon developed.
O hitlerism imposes servitude not only on the body but on the mind and even on the
O having bristles
O like a bristle or bristles; bristlelike
setback sentence examples
O the 3rd xi's own title hopes suffered a setback with defeat at home to chester
boughton hall.
O setback as a result.
O this latest embarrassing setback follows news last month that well testing at
another siberian field would be delayed due to melting permafrost.
O former liverpool and england star jamie redknapp, has suffered with numerous injury
setbacks during his career.
O setbacks in the 2005 general election.
O setback for the government was last month's acquittal of andrew meldrum,
correspondent of the guardian and the observer.
O you may even go trekking and overcome setbacks along the way, but ultimately
achieve your goal.
O the injuries, he added, had been only a temporary setback.
O that way you scoop up plenty of shares cheaply with each market setback, ensuring
you make a decent profit in the long run.
O setbacks in recent years.
O the soviet union encountered the same setback in somalia and the sudan.
O how often is a win achieved without some minor setbacks?
O setback in technology markets and the value fell by 16.3 % .
O the decline in our vote represents a real setback for our project of transforming
O david palmer has had a very serious setback to his career.
sever sentence examples
O sever all ties with woody?
O mccallister looked through the window to where the bell rope had been neatly
severed thirty feet above the playground.
O severs off line.
O severed when kneaded together, so neither can [ pg.
O severing of cyber links to the main gba computer.
O severed from the rest, again, the scale of fees applied.
O severed limbs down the street some of americas biggest diamond retail areas.
O children learn how to make black eyes, bruises, burns and even partially severed
O severing of ties but also the exit of leading comrade, ian donovan.
O severed from a body during the course of death or prior to death were not covered
by the regulation.
O severing a tendon.
O about 60m behind the keel at the stern end, the ship is completely severed in half.
O severing of a relationship.
O severed from occupation of each lot.
O severed artery in his wrist.
O early in the raid several telephone exchanges were damaged, and cables nearly
severed at points where they passed under the river hull.
O severs actin filaments, providing new plus ends for nucleation of actin filament
sewer sentence examples
O lenton was connected up to this intercepting sewer in 1875.
O there are three options: disposal to the foul sewer may be possible with the prior
arrangement of the local sewage provider.
O sewer overflow.
O the main low street outfall sewer was seriously damaged for a length of about 25
O lenton was connected up to this intercepting sewer in 1875.
O there are three options: disposal to the foul sewer may be possible with the prior
arrangement of the local sewage provider.
O sewer overflow.
O the main low street outfall sewer was seriously damaged for a length of about 25
O lenton was connected up to this intercepting sewer in 1875.
O there are three options: disposal to the foul sewer may be possible with the prior
arrangement of the local sewage provider.
O sewer overflow.
O the main low street outfall sewer was seriously damaged for a length of about 25
O the government provides the infrastructure - the drains, sewers, inoculation
programs, which enable us all to take preventive medicine seriously.
O that's fiber optic cables, by the way: presumably, you're talking about storm
sewers, and not sanitary sewers.
O 60 years old, or between the ages of 60 and 70
sexagesimal sentence examples
O sexagesimal angles.
O sexagesimal format.
O sexagesimal hours and degrees respectively.
O sexagesimal values in expressions are followed.
O sexagesimal system, with numerals denoted by letters of the arabic alphabet.
O sexagesimal subdivisions.
O #elating to 600 or to a 600-year period.
O 34:3 5 sexcentenaries
O 600th anniversary or its commemoration.
O happening every six years
O lasting six years
sextant sentence examples
O measure the altitude of polaris above the northern horizon, using the sextant.
O this was rapidly developed into the modern marine sextant.
O sextant observation that the navigator decides that he has witnessed the passing of
maximum altitude ( i.e.
O we have a sextant which i used to use every week for practice.
O table 1 illustrates these differences for the test and control brushes for the anterior
and posterior sextants of the mandible and maxilla.
O in the case to the side are many instruments including the first sextant, made by
john bird in about 1757.
sexton sentence examples
O sexton of the church.
O he bribed the sexton to lay him next to cathy with no casket walls between them
when he dies.
O he handled some own right sexton the air acquired.
O sexton host include gram heavyweight the travel channel to love quot.
O he says but murder him quot in a cavernous anne sexton.
O he handled some own right sexton the air acquired.
O sexton vincent van unprecedented growth we've the sessions which.
O by mike sexton the snow is a top pick.
O sexton mike sexton.
O are so many the five coin game pros mike sexton.
O sexton vincent van unprecedented growth we've the sessions which.
O i still feel that working as a church sexton should be part of all seminary degree (
for the pastorate ) programs.
sextuple sentence examples
O reg bamford lost to matthew burrow after completing a sextuple against the "
O sextuple peel.
O sextuple leave.
O sextuple attempt.
shabby sentence examples
O oh the walls are looking a bit shabby, i'll paint them pink... .
O shabby chic interior.
O plus it's slightly shabby, which adds to its charm.
O st peter, looking rather shabby, frankly, in this cottage garden.
O shabbyhouses on his old street had grown shabbier.
O shabby, worn-out clothes every day?
O not too shabby scoring wise today either for them both.
O parks and open spaces nationally became shabby at best.
O shabby coat of tawny hair.
O st peter, looking rather shabby, frankly, in this cottage garden.
O hey, maybe this internal thing ain't too shabby after all.
O shabby piece of bargaining brought home to me the strength and ruthlessness of
the forces ranged against us.
O in fact we are pretty easily deceived, so you can do a pretty shabby job of it and still
fool the eye.
O i've always had nice hands, but when i started to work retail they got very shabby.
O shabby appearance.
O superb food although the accommodation was a little shabby.
O compared to these coins, the coinage of all other nations, including the u.s. seemed
O shabby treatment boiled over on the third day of the conference
shack sentence examples
O all the family members were living together in a corrugated iron shack with a sandy
O mr crowther recently spent three days living in a wooden shack in the market
square at garstang to raise money for oxfam.
O shack on the beach and dad decided he wanted to try out this new sport.
O between the long grasses there are small plots of land dotted with tin shacks roofed
with dried palm branches.
O the lake still under construction 02/02/01 just the place to build a bamboo shack.
O the men would be jammed together at arm's length in a tiny shack buried in the
O shack on the outskirts of some sprawling city.
O a higher interest and hunting shacks can find a job.
O not bad from the director who began making his first feature in an abandoned
O only days earlier his mother had died in her sleep in the little shack.
O we just use the jackets going out of the radio shack.
O he's got this little shack in the garden where all the local bands rehearse.
O half way down the block, i saw the small shack looking house where my in-laws had
once lived.
O the resident population of dungeness live in a range of brick built houses and beach
shacks or chalets.
O shack made of reeds for a haircut: quickly clipped with unexpected skill.
O just a dirty old shack, where the hound dogs bark, that we called our home.
O all the family members were living together in a corrugated iron shack with a sandy
shackle sentence examples
O around the middle of each sow was a broad collar with an attached shackle,
securing her to the ground.
O rig uses single 8mm sheets with plastic snap shackles.
O shackle padlock.
O shackles still attached.
O shackles of religion hadn't removed the crippling chains of shyness.
O screw pin shackles are used mainly for non permanent applications.
O the pellet wire is shackled to the pellet or drum and the dan and picking-up wires
shackled together are also shackled to the drum.
O shackled up.
O these two freedoms single-handedly removed the shackles from international trade.
O shackle pins are also awaited.
O additionally, they would not shackle a roman citizen.
O shackles of debt five years earlier.
O screw pin shackles are used mainly for non permanent applications.
O only when you break the shackles of illusion can you experience the reality.
O shackle locks can be broken with one blow of a brick or hammer.
O shackles of work and family commitments and seize opportunities that time
previously prohibited.
O the original uphaul downhaul tackle the large steel shackle attached to the arm of
the centreplate has become very rusty.
shad sentence examples
O shad in local rivers and promote conservation issues.
O the habitat requirements of twaite shad are not fully understood.
O shad migration.
O take into account information from european sites for allis shad.
O the predator xs heavy jig handles the larger chubby shads and other heavier soft
plastic as well as other general lures.
O rubber shads and casting dead bait works very well when fish are differcult to catch.
O the juvenile shad can spend up to 2 years in the fresh water before heading out to
O shad species found in british waters.
O shad bodies and curly tail grubs in the main.
O shad stocks.
O a large, yellow, coarsegrained, pear-shaped citrus fruit resembling a grapefruit
O the citrus tree (Citrus grandis) it grows on
O shadoof
O a device consisting of a long, pivoted pole with a bucket on one end and a weight on the
other, used in the Near East for raising water, esp. in irrigating land
shadowgraph sentence examples
O shadowgraph technique.
shadowy sentence examples
O shadowy figure called the queen.
O the new characters in this novel are beginning to make themselves felt, tho they are
still somewhat shadowy.
O yet despite the recent biopic staring salma hayek - a long-standing fan of kahlo - she
remains somehow shadowy.
O shadowy realms where very few dare to go.
O his history is rather shadowy, which accounts for the many rumors regarding him.
O shadowy monster.
O the curate, enacted by mr. thomas thorne, was very shadowy.
O shadowy corner, the master relaxed back in his chair.
O the goal so shadowy seems and dim, yet plod on through the dark, brave heart,
with all thy might and main.
O shadowy existence in a dungeon like place.
O and what about how they're always mysteriously shadowy, viewed from the back,
and have deep commanding voices?
O shadowy presence of race.
O silver is too shadowy a figure to evoke any understanding or empathy.
shaft sentence examples
O shaft of brilliant sunlight fell through the dusty layers of a horse chestnut tree,
landing on the velvet vows of her shoes.
O the state of the pit at midnight there were many men present ready on the least call
for volunteers to descend the shaft.
O he also criticized the positioning of lamp stations, between which and the downcast
shaft naked lights and unlocked lamps were allowed.
O shaft encoder to operate a reflector.
O fitted with a high quality ram graphite shaft for extra distance.
O shafts of a wagon at stansfield.
O this is the long splined shaft with a sixteen tooth spur gear at one end on which are
mounted the other countershaft gears.
O the fire was discovered by smoke in the upcast shaft.
O here he worked on the stress on propeller shafts.
O shaft of a penis, everything has a natural length.
O from the prop shaft we ascended up the line to meet with bob's boat.
O the main pit was a vertical shaft like a lift shaft.
O opposite victoria dock is another ventilation shaft for the tunnels under the river.
O introduction the roller chain is used to transmit motion between rotating shafts via
sprockets mounted on the shafts.
O the nave arcades are of four bays, with octagonal shafts, molded capitals and bases,
and pointed arches of two chamfered orders.
O all opening door locks, cardan shafts and wheel sets etc. are certified to railtrack
group standards.
O shafts sunk during working of the mine.
shag sentence examples
O shag em 's kitchen.
O in fact, i've yet to get a shag on my own home soil.
O at one extremity of the island there is a large colony of nesting blue-eyed shags.
O shag pile carpet under the rabbit?
O ca n't shag your slack ass on the hard shoulder.
O out at midnight, totally shagged, all for the sake of 200m of unspeakable passage.
O out at midnight, totally shagged, all for the sake of 200m of unspeakable passage.
O out at midnight, totally shagged, all for the sake of 200m of unspeakable passage.
O shagging a small sheep.
O shagging rather than producing kids in test tubes.
O shagging a small sheep.
O shagging rather than producing kids in test tubes.
O shagging a small sheep.
O shagging rather than producing kids in test tubes.
O shag em 's kitchen.
O in fact, i've yet to get a shag on my own home soil.
O at one extremity of the island there is a large colony of nesting blue-eyed shags.
O shag pile carpet under the rabbit?
O ca n't shag your slack ass on the hard shoulder.
O out at midnight, totally shagged, all for the sake of 200m of unspeakable passage.
O out at midnight, totally shagged, all for the sake of 200m of unspeakable passage.
O out at midnight, totally shagged, all for the sake of 200m of unspeakable passage
O exhausted; tired: often with 4ut
shaggy sentence examples
O shaggy mane of hair and beard, brooding brows and gallic bearing.
O the bracts are pale green, about three times as long as in the normal type, and very
O they had shaggy, thick wool and two horns.
O shaggy beard to prove the point.
O with his slightly shaggy longish hair he looks like a rock star from the 1970's or
O shaggy area rug.
O shaggy soft coat.
O shaggy fur has a reddish wooly appearance on the underside; especially near the
O shaggy coated dog, his large brown eyes looking up at us.
shagreen sentence examples
O shagreen cigarette cases and lighters.
shaky sentence examples
O shaky at the back.
O john gregory ' s job security looks a bit shaky - unsurprisingly.
O shaky foundations.
O after a decidedly shaky start against coast rica, the german defense has conceded
just once in four games.
O in contrast, leeds looked shaky at the back.
O shaky in defense.
O shaky grasp of what genes actually do.
O a more serious disadvantage was his somewhat shaky memory.
O they both seemed very composed and i even overheard the judges laughing with
them which made me feel even more shaky!
O shaky start with a couple of unlucky points against them.
O however, your grasp of reality may be rather shaky at times.
O he managed to meet her gaze - if he seemed terribly shaky, so much the better.
O shaky ground.
O a slightly shaky picture taken of a 1930s car parked by the side of a suburban road.
O without the full deity of jesus christ, god the son, our salvation or guarantee to get
into heaven becomes shaky.
O shaky legs, blank mind... what the heck happened?
O this life is a pretty shaky situation, at best.
O the greater part of the manuscripts were in casanova's handwriting, which i could
see gradually beginning to get shaky with years.
O shaky defense, having conceded eight goals in the same six fixtures.
shale sentence examples
O here, although exposures are very poor, the silurian rocks comprise shales,
sandstones and limestones with a couple of beds of lava.
O these beds normally consist of brown bituminous paper shales with occasional beds
of beef.
O shale bings of west lothian have also accrued considerable heritage value.
O a sample of about 30kg of the colliery shale was obtained.
O calf close wood that overlies the shale is a total contrast to the rest of the reserve.
O look for angular black colored hard slate as these rocks can contain trilobites from
the silurian shales.
O shale slabs.
O to date no company has been able to get oil out of oil shale at a profit.
O the hard ' grit ' sandstones and intervening shales of the millstone grit outcrop west
of bradford and to the north of leeds.
O the headland is a sill, mainly composed of dolerite which was intruded horizontally
during the tertiary into gently dipping lower carboniferous shales.
O the shale mining communities of west lothian will continue to he heard through
shale mining communities of west lothian will continue to he heard through shale
O basically it involves soil amelioration for slag waste sites, coal shale waste, builders
rubble and pulverized fuel ash.
O the sub-horizontal fissures in the breccia are infilled with laminated shale of identical
lithology to the overlying basal bed of the blue lias formation.
O fabrics: ' a ' of small to medium tabular shale, gray in color, reasonably well
O shale band.
O finding plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs through working alum shale helps to scotch the
suspicion that they are merely late deposits on it.
O turning the stone over, the obverse side showed a delicate trace of leaves; shiny
black against the gray shale.
O shale oil industry.
O a twilled woolen fabric used largely for linings
sham sentence examples
O sham acupuncture in improving the quality of life after ischaemic stroke?
O a boycott is surely called for to expose the sham of this " recall " .
O the whole exercise brought home to me just what a miserable sham of a show
eastenders was.
O sham acupuncture was given twice a week for two weeks, followed by once a week
for 10 weeks.
O let us take the place of free thinkers and real skeptics, not shams.
O with every bedspread you order, recieve a matching pair of pillow shams free!
O sham of democracy the european parliament really is.
O the democratic process has become a sham - there is an elected dictatorship in
O how little real secret communion with god, without which, the outside is mere sham.
O sham marriage.
O sham of christianity, noting them down and hiding them away.
O the whole thing is a complete shambles and is making a sham of democracy.
O the pretense that official policy has been agreed in partnership with civil society is a
complete sham.
O sham manipulation.
O every moment of quality is ruined by another of total sham.
O sham injection.
O this incident highlights the regulatory sham surrounding bt crops [ 14, 15 ] .
O sham capitalist democracy.
shamble sentence examples
O shambled along.
O shambleless numbers of shambling zombies are in fact already poised to being a
massive attack on the invading ravers.
O shamble 90 minutes of shambling around in similar fashion we were nearly done for
the day.
O shambled out of the bus into the darkness.
O shambles i talk to this shambling figure, i keep asking myself the same question: is
this man a killer?
O shambletate we were in by 11, shambling off to the nearest bit of high ground
would not have been wise.
O shambleou're locked in with thousands of shambling corpses for the next 72 hours.
O shamblehat's the whole problem with this game, it is mediocre at best and at worst
a shambling wreck of a game.
O shamblelimpses of terror were far more frightening than the shambling monsters of
O shamblethe gorilla runs with a sidelong shambling gait, but more commonly
progresses by resting on its bent hands
shamrock sentence examples
O first student: i was told st patrick, patron saint of ireland, taught his people about
the trinity by using a shamrock.
O the national flowers are also shown; welsh daffodil, english rose, scottish thistle and
irish shamrock.
O shamrock with pride, and particularly so on st patrick's day.
O shamrock design, blocked blind on front board, blocked in gilt on spine.
O his followers adopted the custom of wearing a shamrock on his feast day.
O shamrock leaf the national emblem of ireland.
O a pretty device, the rose, shamrock, and thistle, and a star, were exhibited by mr.
shank sentence examples
O i couldn't resist the " seven hours braised lamb shank " which was very good
O all three stones are secured by a white gold claw setting on a yellow gold shank.
O shank nails with a thick strong nail head or screwed.
O they are long shanked with a long, barbless point that can be passed through a
joker without bursting it.
O a hexagon shank which helps to prevent spinning in the drill chuck or bit extension.
O shank of lamb.
O there is also a very slight curvature, but this is to be expected in a turned ebony
shank of this age.
O i thought i had just the piece for the job - a long medium-weight shank with a big
chunk of root on the end.
O shank diameter of inch, ie 6.35mm.
O i couldn't resist the " seven hours braised lamb shank " which was very good
O shank of the hook, which was tipped off with a chunk of frozen mackerel.
O has a 60mm shank to give access to deep rebates.
O what the number before the ' x ' means, is they are actually 1 hooks size longer or
shorter shank than standard.
O shank bone, located distally to the femur.
O wind the thread rib clockwise along the hook shank in even sections, secure the
loose end of the thread at the eye.
O the thin end had a sharp kink in it, which if removed would make the shank too
short for most people.
O shank end allows for correct setting for a bank of drills.
O it can be used with all 1/2 inch shank capacity routers.
O round tang a round steel shank which is inserted into the handle.
shanty sentence examples
O the guy even sings a sea shanty about his grandad's love rival.
O the busting shells were quite close enough to us and made a terrific din and
showered pieces of metal over our little shanty.
O shanty town dwellers were awakened with the thunder of revolution too.
O the guy even sings a sea shanty about his grandad's love rival.
O shantyking enough, but as i drew closer i could see the shanties.
O shantyore traditional sea shanties are your thing, hither to classic fm at 9. 9pm bbc-
4 matt monro.
O shantyking enough, but as i drew closer i could see the shanties.
O shantyore traditional sea shanties are your thing, hither to classic fm at 9. 9pm bbc-
4 matt monro.
O the guy even sings a sea shanty about his grandad's love rival.
O the busting shells were quite close enough to us and made a terrific din and
showered pieces of metal over our little shanty.
O shanty town dwellers were awakened with the thunder of revolution too.
O the guy even sings a sea shanty about his grandad's love rival.
O shantyking enough, but as i drew closer i could see the shanties.
O shantyore traditional sea shanties are your thing, hither to classic fm at 9. 9pm bbc-
4 matt monro.
O shantyking enough, but as i drew closer i could see the shanties.
O shantyore traditional sea shanties are your thing, hither to classic fm at 9. 9pm bbc-
4 matt monro.
O shanty towns where disease is rife.
shard sentence examples
O shards of roman pottery from the site are on display in the cafe.
O by strange coincidence the very next day we found a shard of attic ware.
O jagged shards of rock pursued him, bounding along, smashing flat whole swathes of
O inside were rows of pottery shards, each with a tiny white label.
O shards of broken glass, was a small card.
O anyone nearby was liable to be struck by flying shards of cast iron two inches thick.
O broken shards stabbing every time you breathe, cutting you up inside.
O page 13 1 [ a bunch of crystal shards appears in housenki's mouth. ] fx shards
flash 2 [ the shards blast out.
O shards of metal.
O the blast, felt up to 30 miles away, sent shards of glass flying over six blocks.
O hell, what's the big deal about a bunch of large, sharp, metal shards ripping open
your flesh?
O the pavement around the public telephone box outside the office block was carpeted
in small safety glass shards of the booths own empty windows.
O shards of ice formed by our breath rain down on us.
O the pavement around the public telephone box outside the office block was carpeted
in small safety glass shards of the booths own empty windows.
O secrets which are encoded in crystal shards retrieved from the sunken city.
O shards of light down the aisle.
O he crashes it down and a few stray cement shards ricochet off the brick wall behind
O hell, what's the big deal about a bunch of large, sharp, metal shards ripping open
your flesh?

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