More Support For People With Disabilities in Singapore

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I slightly agree with this view. In Singapore, people with disabilities do receive support to help them.

However, I just feel that there could be more support towards the treatment of other people
towards them.

In Singapore, there are foundations and charities created to help the people with disabilities. The
support includes giving them regular meals, financial support, and taking care of them. Thus, In
Singapore, even when born with disabilities which gives them a disadvantage in life, there is support
to make sure their lives are not as difficult and they would be able to catch up with society.
Foundations like the disabled people association offer help to people with disabilities, where the
volunteers would bring them joy and help them with the problems they face. Thus, they would at
least have some sort support to help them in society.

However, more support is needed when it comes to peoples views towards people with disabilities.
People in our society often look down on people with disabilities and think that they are weird, thus
treating them differently from a normal person. People with disabilities are often called names like
crazy and weird in public, which will make the person with disabilities hate themselves but yet can
do nothing. This could really harm their mental health which would affect them negatively.

In addition , more support is also needed when it comes to equality between people with disabilities
and people without disabilities. When people with disabilities achieve the same accomplishment as
people without disabilities, they are often rewarded less, and their achievement is also less known.
For example, when Paralympians earn a gold medal in the Paralympics, they get less money than a
regular person winning a gold medal in the Olympics. Additionally, they are also not as known as
there is not many articles about it. Thus, they are given lesser when accomplishing achievements,
which is a worse treatment towards them compared to regular people rewards. Therefore, I think
that in Singapore, people with disabilities should receive a bit more support .

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