"How U.S. Cities Can Prepare For Atomic War" - Wiener, Deutsch

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How U.S. Cities Can Prepare for Atomic War M.LT. PROFESSORS SUGGEST A BOLD PLAN TO PREVENT PANIC AND LIMIT DESTRUCTION As the Russian sponsored anmnies of Com ard through Korea last week the growing likeli pwe Uhreat to this nation which fs et ina smashed south Woad Wart h calar vulnerability of big American cities to atomic weapons “ ‘combination of eo factors: the intense congestion of the ‘ites a th immense destructive power ofthe bomb. The scene at lft, ome the immediate and total devastation ofa lage area, wi into the hundreds of thowsande, This would be te inital blow, in tell, yet possibly less tribe than what would follow rand water cutoff, food sup. through suburbia communis Shelter them. Marea ruptured a thelr ety eee presents ap unique amoug all made public se farin at it Aefenve problem instead of dea by Norbert Wiener ofthe tathematician who tec S<-v01 nv ACETIE MEN YORKS FIFTH AVENUE IS PARALYEIO BY CONGESTION eouriwues on next rae 77 ¢-NAP oF mrtMeAL eT TOP BEFORE THE PLAN A PLACE FOR BOMBED-OUT REFUGEES TO G0 CITIES vs. A-BOMBS conrineo BY-PASSES FOR RAILROADS WOULD KEEP TRAFFIC ROLLING, ENABLE NATION TO HIT BACK FOR THE 1 MAN IN 7 WHO SHAVES DAILY keep the face looking young and healthy! Modern life now means daily shaving for milions of men. But frequent ‘tang afen results in ugly ol looking kin To help ann ove th oly we developed. Glider—a ich, soothing cream containing tapes ingredient to hep preserve {be youthtal qualities of the face. ‘Now-every time you shave with pve four face the his wondecel sultan ash our ays look ing and Feling remtarably ft You can et Cider at any ae ga counter: Or well ke gla tml you S guestsze tube—enogh for dines full wecks-abeolutely free. Just write The JB, Will Company, Dept, 16-14 Glstonbury, C EA (Canada: NilleLaSaio, Qoe} Se ula, JvEVERE —< SWINE Lives” WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING RUM WHENER'S COMABORATORE were Karl Densch ef) a Giorgi de Sencilns, members of BLT's hstry parent. The Planners Evaluate Their Plan The Wiener defense plan represents the work of thee men Profesor Wiener himself cho origiated the dea, and Pro fesors Dente end De Sontillana (bnve), sho helped to dee telop i Ade by Lave to camment onthe cil and econ Fe camsequences of thir ahem, its author had this toy ‘The decentralization of our cites on the spots on which they stan, pln the releme of ur whole cammuication eyster from the thet ft dastous teup, ar reforms which ae long overdue, war oF no marily a communications crater, serving tie wine the bosdy. Iisa place where rallcads, phono and telegraph centers come together, where idea, inform nd goods can be exchanged, Obviously, the ‘litently its means of communication a All ofthis applies to the nature of cities n times of peace as uch asitdcesin times of wat, hen they aremustered for defene,Thetrallic jan in stevia subways, the jams on the telephone cients jams ‘which fray our nerves and squander our time-—are evidence that our ‘ties as they now exist are not nearly in their be 'We believe thatthe measures which we haves {internal growth which is now taking plue in most of our big muniet- And they would presumably lead ta greater spread of althy Senirural fe on the urban periphery THhot oar suggestions are ot theets of militarim, so taken by another power. Our plan iy nota tok sovmany ofthe present aypects of evil defons questions rather rotct lve. If is exp ‘cause any real defense must he expensive, four suggestions areadopted—and eventually they willbe adopted, {or they ao prompted by thelogic of things—they wil eve three polit. snd mal consequences, Theft wil be areengniton ofthe pi hut nolarge Ame arc expetlale no matter ow espe pacar fh it ou the poner aid most congested dstriets were no concer & the inhale {ante ofthe residential suburb. ‘The third eonsequene wil be international. As fe belts are ut coun our ir, they wil beoome fares rewarding age tack, At the same time the Sea of fe conceived in other counsien Git x Ete SENET; as CITIES vs. A-BOMBS com DUNCAN HINES Suggeve- ‘America's feremost authority on fod ted dent, author of futher of Advesaurs fa Good Eating, Lodging for Night Evacuation of London FILM SHOWS HOW CITY MEETS ATOMIC THREAT DESERTED PICCADILLY CIRCUS, fo MCR AyD

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