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Presentation on
Computer Aided Engineering (302050)

Presented by:
Prof. Pradeep Gaikwad

Academic Year 2021-22


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pimpri Chinchwad Education Trust’s
Pimpri Chinchwad College of Engineering & Research
Basic Physics /
mechanics Numerical Power Plant
Methods Engineering
Subject Name

Mechanical Finite
Heat Transfer Elements

Mechanics Automation
Design of
Mathematics Machine

6/12/2019 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 2

Teaching and Examination Scheme

B. E. Mechanical Engineering
Teaching Faculties (2021-22):
• Prof. Pradeep Gaikwad (8hr Th + 12hr Pr)
• Mrs. Bhagyashree Bhosale (Lab Assistant )
Examination Scheme:
• Theory Paper(IN-SEM) : 30 Marks
• Theory Paper(END-SEM) : 70 Marks
• Practical: 50 Marks

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Sr.No Contents
Elemental Properties
C302050.1- DEFINE the use of CAE tools and DESCRIBE the
significance of shape functions in finite element formulations.

02 Meshing Techniques

03 1D Finite Element Analysis

04 2D Finite Element Analysis

05 Non-Linear and Dynamic Analysis

06 Applications of Computer Aided Engineering

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Fundamental Concepts of CAE
Solution of Problem:
 Analytical Methods
Classical Approach
100% Accurate Results
Applicable only for simple problems eg. Cantilever, simply supported beams

 Experimental Methods
Actual measurement of physical quantities such as vibrations, principal
stresses and strains

 Numerical Methods
Mathematical representation of physical problem
Gives approximate solution for complex problem
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Numerical Methods

Finite Elements Method:

 Finite

 Elements

 Methods

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Difference between Continuum Method
and FEM
No Continuum Method FEM

01 Analytical Method Numerical Method

02 Simple Problems Complex Problems

03 Linear Problems Non-linear Problems

04 Solution for entire body Solution for each node and element

Anisotropy and non- Anisotropy and non-homogeneity can

homogeneity can not be handled be handled

06 Method is complex Simple as software package is used

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Difference between FDM and FEM
Point wise approximation. Piece wise approximation. Ensures
Ensures continuity at only nodes continuity at nodes elements


Solution can be obtained at the nodes

Solution can be obtained only at
02 as well as at any point within the field
the nodes
using shape function
Need more number of nodes to Need lesser number of nodes to get
get good results good results
04 Simple Problems Complex Problems
Stair case approximation for
3/2/2022boundary slopes
Considers boundary as it is
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Finite Element Terminology

 Continuum or Domain
 Nodes
 Element
 Degree of Freedom
 Load or Forces
Point Load
Body Force
Surface / traction Force

 Constraints
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Finite Element Terminology

 Constraints
(1) Homogeneous Boundary Conditions:

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Finite Element Terminology

(2) Non-homogeneous Boundary Conditions:

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General FEM Procedure

Step I : Discretization of the given continuum

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General FEM Procedure

Step II : Selection of Displacement model

Polynomial Displacement Function
Trigonometric Displacement Function

Governing Conditions of Displacement Model

(1) Type and order of function
(2) Specific magnitude of displacement at nodes
(3) Convergence

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General FEM Procedure

Step III : Derivation of Elemental Stiffness matrices and

load Vectors

[Ke] {qe} = {fe}

Where, [Ke] = Elemental Stiffness Matrix,

{qe} = Elemental Displacement Vector,

{fe} = Elemental Force or Load Vector

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General FEM Procedure

Step IV : Assemblage of Elemental Equations to Obtain

Global Equilibrium Equations

[K] {Q} = {F}

Where, [K] = Global Stiffness Matrix,

{Q} = Global Displacement Vector,

{F} = Global Force or Load Vector

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General FEM Procedure

Step V : Application of Boundary Conditions

Elimination Method

Penalty Method

Multipoint Constraint Method

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General FEM Procedure

Step VI : To Determine the Unknown Parameters

Nodal Displacement

Elemental Strains

Elemental Stresses


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Preprocessor, Processor & Postprocessor

Preprocessor involves following Steps :

Choose discipline
eg. Structural, Thermal, Fluid, Electromagnetics etc.
Choose suitable element from library (NAFEMS)
Assign material & geometric properties
Construction of geometric model and importing
Discretization or meshing and mesh refinement
Application of boundary condition and loading

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Preprocessor, Processor & Postprocessor

Processor solver involves following Steps :

Program calls governing equations from model and solves for

primary quantities.
Governing equations are assembled into matrix form and
solved numerically.
Type of process depends upon type of analysis eg. Static or
dynamic, element type, material properties and boundary

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Preprocessor, Processor & Postprocessor

Postprocessor involves following Steps :

Reading results in tabular or graphical form.

Judge whether FEM result makes any sense of physical
Comparison of results.
Error estimation and authenticity.

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Equilibrium Problems and Propagation Problems

 Aerospace Engineering
 Automotive Engineering
 Biomedical Engineering
 Civil Engineering
 Electrical Engineering
 Hydraulic Engineering
 Mechanical Engineering
 Nuclear Engineering
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Error Analysis

 Domain Approximation Error

 Quadrature and Finite Arithmetic Errors

 Solution Approximation Error

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Types of Error Estimation

 A Priori Error Estimates

 A Posteriori Error Estimates

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Meshing Techniques

 Structured Mesh

 Unstructured Mesh

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Criteria for Good Meshing

 Shape of Element
 Number of Elements
 Topological Consistency
 Automatic and adaptable

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Mesh Generation Methods

 Mapped Mesh Generation

 Free Mesh Generation

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Mesh Refinement Methods

 h - Refinement

 P – Refinement

 hP – Refinement

 r - Refinement

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Advantages of FEA
Can handle complex geometry and contours.
Can handle complex analysis type. eg. Vibration, non-linear,
transient etc.
Can handle complex loading conditions. eg. Nodal based,
element based, volume based, time and frequency based etc.
Can handle complex constraints eg. Fixed, simply supported, roller
supported, symmetric and unsymmetrical boundary conditions.
Can handle bodies of homogenous and non-homogenous materials.
Can handle special material effects such as temperature, moisture,
electricity etc.

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Disadvantages of FEA

Specific numerical solution is required for specific problem.

Obtained solution is approximate for higher order problem.
Experience and judgment is required to construct good FEA model.
Powerful and reliable FEA software is essential.
A digital computer with large memory is required to store the data.

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Force Distribution
Internal Forces
External Forces
Point Load
Body Force
Surface Forces Surface Forces: T(x)
Body Forces: F(x)

Sectioned Axially Loaded Beam

Cantilever Beam Under Self-Weight Loading

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Force Distribution
Internal Forces
External Forces

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Force Distribution

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Force Distribution


yz yx  x  xy  xz 
xy  
y x   [ ]   yx y  yz 
xz   zx
  zy  z 


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2D Stress Equilibrium Equations

 y
y  dy
y  yx
 yx  dy
Fy xy  dx
x x
Fx x  dx
 xy x

 yx
Body Forces

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Equilibrium Equation Example

Assuming no body forces, show that the following

stresses satisfy the equilibrium equations
3Pxy N 3P y2
x   3
 ,  y  0 ,  xy   (1  2 )
2c 2c 4c c
 x  yx 3Py 3Py
 0   3  3 0 a
x y 2c 2c
 xy  y
  0  00  0 a
x y

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3D Stress Equilibrium Equations

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3D Stress Equilibrium Equations
F x  0 ;  Fy  0 ;  Fz  0
  x    xy 
  x dydz    x  dx dydz   xy dxdz   xy  dy dxdz
 x   y 
  xz 
  xz dxdy   xz  dz dxdy  Fx dxdydz  0
 z 
 x  xy  xz
    Fx  0
x y z
 xy  y  yz
Similarly,    Fy  0
x y z
 xz  yz  z
   Fz  0
x y z
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Stress Equilibrium Equations

Stress Equilibrium Equations.mp4

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Stain Displacement Relations
dy u v w
y D'
 x  ; y  ; z 
C' x y z

u v
 xy  
y C D B'
y x
A'  v w
 yz  
z y
dy v
A dx B w u
 xz  
x z
x  xy  xz 
 
Three-Dimensional Theory   [ ]   yx  y  yz 
 zx  zy  z 

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Deformation and Strain Example
Determine the components of strain for the following displacement field
u  Axz , v  B( x 2  y 2 ) , w  Cxy , where A, B, C are constants
x   Az
 y   2 By
z  0
1  u v  1
 xy      0  2 Bx   Bx
2  y x  2
1  v w  1 1
 yz      0  Cx   Cx
2  z y  2 2
1  w u  1
 zx      Cy  Ax 
2  x z  2
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Strain-Stress Relationships in 3D
 The stress transformations equations were derived solely from
equilibrium conditions and they are material independent.

 Here the material properties will be considered (strain) taking into

account the following:
(a)The material is uniform throughout the body (homogeneous)
(b)The material has the same properties in all directions (isotropic)
(c)The material follows Hooke’s law (linearly elastic material)
Hooke’s law: Linear relationship between stress and strain.
For uniaxial stress: (E = modulus of elasticity or Young’s modulus)
σ = Eε
lateral Strain transverse
Poisson ' s Ratio :    
Axial Strain longitudin al
For pure shear : (G = Shear modulus of elasticity) ; τ = Gγ
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Strain-Stress Relationships in 3D
From Generalized Hooke’s law
 x  y  z
x   
 y  x  z
y   
 z  x  y
z   
where, E  Modulus of Elasticity or Young ' s Modulus
  Poisson' s Ratio
and Modulus of Rigidity (G ) is defined as
Shear Stress  xy
G 
Shear Srain  xy
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Strain-Stress Relationships in 3D
We know that, the relation between modulus of elasticity (E)
and modulus of rigidity (G) is
E  2 G (1   )
G 
2 (1   )
 xy
Therefore ,  xy  becomes
 xy 1
 xy   2 (1   ). xy
2 (1   )
2 (1   )
i .e .  xy   xy
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Strain-Stress Relationships in 3D
2 (1   ) 2 (1   )
Also ,  yz   yz ;  xz   xz
writing in matrix form ,
x   1   0 0 0   x 
      
 y   1  0 0 0  y
z  1    1 0 0 0   z 
     
  xy  E  0 0 0 2 (1   ) 0 0   xy 
  yz   0 0 0 0 2 (1   ) 0   yz 
    
  xz   0 0 0 0 0 2 (1   )   xz 
  D ; where , D  Dynamic matrix
  Strain components
  Stress components
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Stress-Strain Relationships in 3D
From Generalized Hooke’ s law
x  y  z
x   
y  x  z
y   
z  x  y
z   
Adding the above equations,
1 2 x 2 y 2 z
 x   y   z  ( x   y   z )   
 x   y   z  ( x   y   z )(1  2 )
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Stress-Strain Relationships in 3D
or J 1  I 1(1  2 )
I1 J1

E (1  2 )
where, I 1 1st Stress invarient   x   y   z
J 1  1st Strain invarient   x   y   z
An invarient is a quantity which does not change its value even
after changing the coordinate system. Now rearranging previous equation,
 x  y  z  x  x
x     
x 
x  (1   )  ( x   y   z )
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Stress-Strain Relationships in 3D
x I1
x  (1   )  
 . J 1
  x  x (1   ) 
E (1  2 )
x . J 1
(1   )   x 
E (1  2 )
 xE J1
x   E
(1   ) (1  2 )(1   )
 E E
 x  x  ( x   y   z )
(1   ) (1  2 )(1   )
 xE  x E  y E  z E
x    
(1   ) (1  2 )(1   ) (1  2 )(1   ) (1  2 )(1   )

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Stress-Strain Relationships in 3D
 xE     y E  z E
x  1   
(1   )  (1  2 )  (1  2 )(1   ) (1  2 )(1   )
E (1   ) E E
x  . x  . y  . z
(1   )(1  2 ) (1   )(1  2 ) (1   )(1  2 )
Similarly ,
E (1   ) E E
y  . y  . z  . x
(1   )(1  2 ) (1   )(1  2 ) (1   )(1  2 )
E (1   ) E E
z  . z  . x  . y
(1   )(1  2 ) (1   )(1  2 ) (1   )(1  2 )
 xy
G  xy  G. xy
 xy
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Stress-Strain Relationships in 3D
  xy  . xy Similarly,  yz  . yz ;  xz  . xz
2(1   ) 2(1   ) 2(1   )
writing in matrix form
(1   )   0 0 0 
 x    (1   )  0 0 0  x 
     
 y    (1   ) 0 0 0   y
 z  E  (1  2 )  z 
   0 0 0 0 0   
 xy  (1   )(1  2 )  2   xy 
 0 (1  2 )
 yz  0 0 0 0   yz 
   2   
 xz   (1  2 )   xz 
 0 0 0 0 0 
 2 
  D ; where, D  Dynamic matrix
  Strain components
  Stress components
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Plane Stress Problem
If a body has dimensions along normal direction (z - direction or thickness)
and loading applied in this direction is treated as plane stress problem.
Example : A ring fitted on to a shaft (Shown in figure)
For Plane Stress Problem case :
 z  0 ;  xz  0 ;  yz  0
Therefore from previous equation
x  1  0   x 
  1   
  y   E   1 0   y 
 xy   0 0 2(1  )  xy 
 
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Plane Strain Problem
If dimension along longitudinal direction is very long (i.e. length) and
loading is applied perpendicular to longitudinal axis then problem is
treated as plane strain problem.
Example : A thick cylinder subjected to internal fluid pressure
For Plane Strain Problem case :
 z  0 ;  xz  0 ;  yz  0
Therefore from previous equation

 
 x  (1  )  0  x 
  E    
 
 y  (1   )(1  2 )  (1  ) 0   y 
 xy   0 (1  2 )   
  0  xy 
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Stress-Strain Temperature Relations
The change in length per unit original length due to change in temperature
is said to be thermal strain. For isotropic materials, the temperature change
T(x, y, z) results in a uniform strain, which depends on the coefficient of
linear expansion  of the material. Also, this strain does not cause any
stresses when the body is free to deform.
For elastic and isotropic materials, we have;
 x   1  0   x    x 0 
  1     
  y     1 0   y     y 0 
  E  0 0 2(1  )  xy   xy 0 
 xy  
or   E 1   0
where,  0  Initial Strain
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Stress-Strain Temperature Relations
We can also express stresses in terms of strains by
solving the above equation :

 x       
 1  0 
   x  x 0 
  E
 1 
 y   0     y     y0 
  (1   ) 0 0
(1   )       
 xy      xy   xy 0  
 2 
or   E   0
where,  0   E 0  Initial Stress

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Stress-Strain Temperature Relations
For example, the stress is related to strain by :
 
 x  (1  )  0     x    x0  
  E     
 y     (1  ) 0     y     y0 
  (1   )(1  2 )  (1  2 )       
 xy  0 0   xy   xy 0  
 2 
In the plane strain case, initial strains due to temperature change
(thermal loading) is given by :
  x 0  T 
   

 y0     T ; where,   coefficient of thermal expansion
   0 
 xy 0   
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Strain Energy

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Total Potential Energy

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Essential and Forced (Natural)
Boundary Condtions

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 57

Essential and Forced (Natural)
Boundary Condtions

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Banded Skyline Solutions (Method of Minimizing
Symmetric Banded Matrix

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3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 63

Skyline Storage

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 64

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Direct Approach

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 65

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Direct Approach

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 66

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Direct Approach

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 67

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Direct Approach

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 68

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Potential Energy Method

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 69

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Potential Energy Method

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 70

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Potential Energy Method

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 71

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Potential Energy Method

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 72

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Potential Energy Method

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 73

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Potential Energy Method

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 74

Derivation of Stiffness Matrix of Bar
Element by Potential Energy Method

3/2/2022 ©PCCOE&R, Ravet, Pune 75

Reference Books
 Daryl L, A First Course in the Finite Element Method,. Logan, 2007.

 G Lakshmi Narasaiah, Finite Element Analysis, B S

Publications, 2008.

 Y.M.Desai, T.I.Eldho and A.H.Shah, Finite Element Method with

Applications in Engineering, Pearson Education, 2011

 Chandrupatla T. R. and Belegunda A. D., Introduction to Finite

Elements in Engineering, Prentice Hall India, 2002.

 P., Seshu, Text book of Finite Element Analysis, PHI Learning Private
Ltd. , New Delhi, 2010.

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