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E-learning Making content: Language Learning Using Youtube

Presented to the Assignment

For Subject Computer Based Media in Language Learning

Supporting Lecturer:

Anindita Badianti, M.Pd.

By Group 13:

1. Anisya Sofa Damayanti (12203183242)

2. Ida Fitriana Zulfa (12203183268)


JUNE 2021

Praise is to God, the author makes the presence of Allah SWT. For all his
gifts so that this paper can be resolved. Shalawat and best wishes are always
eternal to the Prophet Muhammad and his people.
In connection with the completion of writing this paper, the authors would like to
Mr. Dr. Maftukhin, M.Ag. as Rektor of the State Islamic Institute Tulungagung
Mrs. Anindita Badianti, M.Pd. As our lecture of Academic Writing who has
provided direction so that the paper can be completed.
All parties who have helped complete the writing of this paper.
Hopefully, their merit will be received by Allah SWT. And it is recorded
as good deeds. Finally, this work the author presents to all readers, with the hope
of constructive suggestions and criticism for improvement. Hopefully this paper is
useful and gets the pleasure of Allah SWT.

Tulungagung, June 22nd 2021

Acknowledgment .....................................................................................................
Table of Content .......................................................................................................
CHAPTER I : Introduction ......................................................................................
A. Background of the Study ..............................................................................
B. Formulation of the Research Problem .........................................................
C. The Purpose of Writing the Research Problem ............................................
CHAPTER II : Literature Review ............................................................................
A. The Definition of E-Learning .......................................................................
B. The Definition of YouTube ..........................................................................
C. Youtube for Teaching and Learning ...........................................................
D. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using YouTube in Language
Learning .......................................................................................................
CHAPTER III : Conclusion and Suggestion ............................................................
Conclusion ...............................................................................................................
Suggestion ................................................................................................................
References ................................................................................................................


A. Background of the Study

The role as a teacher is supposed to create interesting learning. Using modern

learning media such as YouTube. Currently very popular with teenagers as a
result of these technological developments. Especially when explaining material
that requires deeper exploration. Youtube can also be an effective medium to use,
besides that teachers must continue to monitor students for content that is viewed
from YouTube, therefore it needs support from various parties, especially in the
field of education.To realize an effective learning process and develop its
potential, students can get learning information from various sources, namely
textbooks, modules, television broadcasts and one of them is using the internet.
Because the internet can be used anytime and anywhere so that it can make it
easier for students, therefore students get second place in using the internet.

Many students during learning do not pay attention, many tend to play
cellphones and open content that is not related to learning or view social media, so
learning is not conducive. They have been warned before the KBM starts about
the rules during the learning process, but students still break the rules. Not only
that, there are other factors, because the learning media used by the teacher is less
effective, and the method given is the lecture method, making students feel bored
in learning so they are less active. In the 2013 curriculum, it is explained that the
process of teaching and learning activities is a process of interaction and
communication, namely the process of delivering messages from educators
through certain media to students. Learning media as a means to channel the
message of educators so that they can create an atmosphere of experience that
affects the thoughts, feelings of attention and willingness of students. So that the
use of learning media runs effectively.

B. Formulation of the Research Problem

1. What the definition of E-Learning
2. What the definition of Youtube
3. How to making Youtube for teaching and learning
4. What is the advantages and disadvantages using Youtube
C. The Purpose of Writing the Research Problem
1. To know what the definition of E-learning
2. To know what the definition of Youtube
3. To know how to making Youtube for teaching and learning
4. To know what is the advantages and disadvantages using Youtube
in Language Learning

A. Definition of E-learning

E-learning is composed of two parts, namely 'e' which stands for 'electronica' and 'learning'
which means 'learning'. So e-learning means learning by using electronic device assistance
services. So in practice, e-learning uses audio, video or computer equipment or a combination
of the three. In other words, e-learning is learning which in its implementation is supported by
technology services such as telephone, audio, videotape, satellite or computer transmission.1 In
line with that, Onno W. Purbo explains that the term " e" in e-learning is any technology used
to support teaching efforts through internet electronic technology. Internet, satellite,
audio/video tapes, interactive TV, and CD-ROM are some of the electronic media used.
Teaching may be delivered at the same time (synchronously) or at different times

In addition, there are those who explain the meaning of e-learning more broadly. Actually,
e-learning materials do not have to be distributed on-line either through local networks or the
internet. Interaction using the internet can be done on-line and real-time or off-line or archived.
Offline distribution using CD/DVD media is also an e-learning pattern. In this case,
applications and learning materials are developed as needed and distributed through CD/DVD
media, then the learner can take advantage of the CD/DVD and study in the place where he is.

B. Definition of Youtube

YouTube is a social media platform that contains online videos or on YouTube there are
various kinds of videos stored in online storage in the form of the YouTube platform, so that
the video can be viewed and accessed by anyone and anywhere as long as there is access to the
internet. In YouTube everyone can also upload their videos for free just by having a google
account as a personal YouTube account. YouTube was originally founded in March 2005 by
former employees who had worked at PayPal, namely Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed
Karim3. The advantage of YouTube compared to other video websites is that in YouTube
videos have freedom of duration, so there are many videos of varying duration, and all videos
can be uploaded for free just by having a google account connected to YouTube.

Tafiardi. (2005). Meningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui e-learning. Jurnal Pendidikan Penabur - No.04/ThIV/Juli
Antonius Aditya Hartanto dan Onno W. Purbo. (2002). E-Learning berbasis PHP dan MySql, Elex Media
Komputindo, Jakarta.
F.Faiqah, M.Nadjib, , & Amir, andi subhan. (2016). Youtube as a means of communication for
makassarvidgram community 123. Journal of Communication Kareba, 5(2).
file:///C:/Users/A455L/Downloads/1905-3324-1-SM (3).pdf
According to a survey from We Are Social launched by, in Indonesia in
2019 YouTube social media had the number one most users with a percentage of 88% of the
total 150 million social media users in Indonesia4. YouTube by some people is often used as a
learning medium to develop their own skills or abilities independently, therefore YouTube has
many benefits and uses because everyone can use it as a medium forget more information.
Judging from the data mentioned above, internet and social media users are dominated by
productive age between 19-34 years. This is closely related to students because the dominance
of the student age range is in the productive age, and is always close to social media, the
internet and so on.
C. Youtube for Teaching and Learning
In the YouTube application, there are many kinds of videos that we can use while teaching
inside in EFL classroom as learning media. It also served to learn videos for every skill in the
English language. According to Carrier (1990), teachers must first adjust what video are taught
in learning in the classroom so that it matches the level of language students have. The teachers
also have to teach the language to their students. However, to teach them about language, the
teachers should give media that will support them to improve their English, such as video on
The teacher also chooses the appropriate video on the syllabus that is applied; the teacher
can also use the time in the game for learning. The teacher must also be the correct learning
model for his students, so students can be comfortable and participate in the class. This means
that the teacher can understand the video that they give to the students. Also, the writer wants
to use a video about how to do or make something from YouTube application. The purpose is
to want to know is it effective or not using video as learning media and is it can be motivation
for students in their learning process.
1. How to Upload Videos to YouTube
How to upload videos to YouTube is actually very easy. You can do this via a
smartphone if you don't have a PC or laptop, as long as the connection is stable and you
already have a YouTube account that is also linked to a Gmail account.

Riyanto, A. D. (2019). Hootsuite (We are Social): Indonesian Digital Report 2019. Andi.Link.
Step 1: Sign In to the Website
As previously stated, to be able to upload videos to the YouTube page, you must have a
Gmail account and login to the website. Enter your email address and
password into the login form, then you will be redirected to the YouTube dashboard (if
you already have a channel) or directed to create a new channel if you don't have one
Step 2: Uploading Videos

After successfully logging in and entering the YouTube dashboard, you can directly
upload videos by selecting the upload video sign which is located in the upper right

Press the “Create” button then click the “Upload video” menu.
Here is a view of the latest upload page. You can drag video files to the upload city area
or you can also press the "Select file" button.
Find the location of the folder where you saved the video file then double click
it or you can also select the “Open” button

Step 3: Fill in the Title, Description and Other Basic Info

While your video file is in the process of being uploaded, you can fill in and complete
some important information related to the video content that you present. For example
like Video title, description, thumbnail, category, tag, language and viewability.
Add necessary important details to your video. If this info is missing, your upload will be
saved as a draft on the Videos page.
Title : Fill it with clear and interesting words
Description: Info that appears below your video.
Thumbnail: The image the viewer saw before clicking on your video.
Viewers : You have to tell YouTube whether your video is suitable for Kids to watch or
Step 4: Advanced Information Settings

In addition to needing to add the basic information described in step 3, it is also

recommended that you complete the advanced information settings as below.
Playlists : Add your videos to an existing playlist, or create a new playlist.
End screen: Works if you want to add a visual element to the end of your video.
Cards: Used to add interactive content to your videos.

Subtitles and CC : Enter a subtitle file if your video uses subtitles and CC.
Video language : Select the original language of the video.
Tags : Add descriptive keywords to help correct errors in search.
Category : Choose your video category, such as education or comedy. Category selection
is usually ignored by ordinary YouTubers, even though the function of categories and
tags is very important to make your videos easier to find.
Video location : Add the location where your video was recorded.
Recording date : Enter the video recording date.
License and ownership rights: Choose a standard copyright license or a Creative
Commons license.
Comments and ratings: Choose whether viewers can comment on the video or not.
Choose whether viewers can see the number of likes and dislikes on your video or not.
Additional settings
Age restrictions: Put an age limit on videos that may not be suitable for all viewers.
Embedding: Choose if your video can be embedded on various other sites.
Notifications: Indicate if you want to send new video notifications to subscribers.
Paid promotion: Notify viewers and YouTube that your video has paid promotion.
Step 5: Preview and Publish

This stage is included in the finalization process to see if the video has been successfully
uploaded perfectly and all the required information has been entered.
Check and make sure that the settings you choose are in accordance with the guidelines
from Google. Then after you feel satisfied, you can click the "Done" button to
immediately show the video publicly.5

D. The advantages and disadvantages using Youtube in Language Learning

Basically, in order for the learning process to achieve the expected goals, the use of
5 in january 20,2020
Youtube media in listening learning can help. In accordance with the formulation of the
study that has been described above, what are the advantages and disadvantages of
Youtube media in learning to listen to language.
1. Advantages
a. Get information related to learning materials.
b. Facilitate discussions or conduct questions and answers by reviewing a tutorial video.
c. Make it easier to learn English by watching learning videos.
d. Learners are easy to memorize if the learning material is in the form of
2. Disadvantages
a. Slow internet network so there are obstacles to play videos the learning.
b. The image resolution is less clear when the video is downloaded with a capacity low.
c. Learners get bored easily if the learning videos are less interesting.
d. If there is no internet, the teacher must download the video learning before teaching.6

Kartika Yulianti Wulandari, 2017, Using Youtube Media in Learning Listening French, Universitas Pendidikan
Indonesia | |

A. Conclusion
YouTube is a social media platform that contains online videos or on YouTube there are
various kinds of videos stored in online storage in the form of the YouTube platform, so that
the video can be viewed and accessed by anyone and anywhere as long as there is access to the
internet. In the YouTube application, there are many kinds of videos that we can use while
teaching inside in EFL classroom as learning media. It also served to learn videos for every
skill in the English language. The teachers should give media that will support them to
improve their English, such as video on YouTube.
The teacher also chooses the appropriate video on the syllabus that is applied; the teacher
can also use the time in the game for learning. The teacher must also be the correct learning
model for his students, so students can be comfortable and participate in the class. This means
that the teacher can understand the video that they give to the students. Also, the writer wants
to use a video about how to do or make something from YouTube application. The purpose is
to want to know is it effective or not using video as learning media and is it can be motivation
for students in their learning process. The authors has included the steps "How to Upload
Videos to YouTube", Advantages and disadvantages of Youtube media in learning to listen to
language in the Chapter II.

B. Sugesstion
The findings of this study indicate the integration of information technology in learning
and teaching the performing arts can be done using YouTube. In the context of teaching and
learning, YouTube is used as a video repository to assist both lecturers and students. At the
same, innovation and creativity among lecturers and students can be triggered. There are still
many shortcoming and wekness, because the author lack the ideas listed or reference in this
paper. We hope that readers provide constructive criticism and suggestion for the perfect paper
to the author in writing a paper at the next opportunity. And we hope the writing that the write
can be useful for readers.

Antonius Aditya Hartanto dan Onno W. Purbo. (2002). E-Learning berbasis PHP dan MySql,
Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta.

F.Faiqah, M.Nadjib, , & Amir, andi subhan. (2016). Youtube as a means of communication
formakassarvidgram community 123. Journal of Communication Kareba, 5(2).
file:///C:/Users/A455L/Downloads/1905-3324-1-SM (3).pdf

Kartika Yulianti Wulandari, 2017, Using Youtube Media in Learning Listening French,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Riyanto, A. D. (2019). Hootsuite (We are Social): Indonesian Digital Report 2019. Andi.Link.

Tafiardi. (2005). Meningkatkan mutu pendidikan melalui e-learning. Jurnal Pendidikan Penabur
- No.04/ThIV/Juli 2005 in january 20,2020

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