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Neo classical period

Teacher, Researcher & Material
Jahangirnagar University
Phone:- 01780357736
Neo classical period (1660—
The Restoration (1660—1700)
The Augustan (1700—1745)
The Age of Sensibility (1745—1785/1798)
The Restoration (1660—1700)
✓ The restoration of monarchy
✓ In 1662, Royal Society was established in
order to encourage scientific research.
✓ In 1695, the press was made free
✓Industrialization began in England
The Restoration
John Milton
✓ An epic poet
✓ Tennyson followed his blank verse
✓ His writings lack of humor
✓ Moral adoration was found in his writing
✓ The highest quality of his writing was sublimity
✓ A great master of verse in puritan period (1620—1660)
✓ বাাংলার মিল্টন বলা হয় হহিচন্দ্র বন্দাপাধ্যায়ন্ে।
❑ Paradise Lost (written in Blank Verse)
(1st disobedience of human beings)
❑ Paradise Regained
❑ Lycidas (Elegy) (Written at the death of Edward King, his friend)
❖ It is better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.
❖ Childhood shows the man as morning shows the day.
John bunyan
✓ A famous writer of religious sentiment
A. The Holy War (Allegory)
B. Pilgrim’s progress (Vanity fair: it symbolizes the
worldly pleasure where all necessary and comfortable
commodities are available)
C. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman
John Dryden
✓ One of the greatest political satirist
✓ Father of modern criticism
A. Absalom and Achitophel (The greatest political satire)
B. The Indian Emperor
C. All for Love
William congreve
✓ Famous for comedy of manners
A. The way of the world
B. Love for love
C. The double Dealer
Samuel Butler (another one was in
✓ Hudibars
The Augustan (1700—1745)
✓ Age of pope
✓ The first English daily (The Courant) was published
Alexander Pope
✓ Mock heroic epic poet
A. The Rape of the Lock (A mock heroic epic; The God Arial was
very anxious about the silly matter of Belinda (the heroine); being
worried for Belinda’s cosmetics, toilet, dress etc made the writing
a mock heroic epic)
B. An Essay on Criticism
C. An Essay on Man (To justify the way of God to men; like Paradise
Lost of Milton)
D. Dunciad
❑ To err is human, to forgive is divine .
❑ A little learning is a dangerous thing.
❑ Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
Jonathan Swift
✓ The greatest satirist in English literature
❑ Gulliver’s Travels (consisting 4 books; the
best satirical novel ; It was translated by Abul
Monsur Ahmed (গ্যামলভান্রর সফরনািা)
❑ The Tale of a Tub (A brilliant satirical
narrative related to church; A Tale of two
cities—Charles Dickens)
❑ The Battle of Books
❑A Journey to Stella
Daniel Defoe
✓ A great prose writer
❖ Robinson Crusoe
❖ Colonel Jack
❑ Today we love what tomorrow we hate; today we seek
what tomorrow we shun; today we desire what
tomorrow we fear.
Samuel Richardson
✓ English fiction began realistic through Richardson.
✓ Pamela or Virtue Rewarded (The first English novel)
✓ Clarissa
Age of Sensibility (1745—
✓ Age of Johnson
Dr. Samuel Johnson
❑ First Lexicographer (1755)
❑ Father of dictionary
✓ A preface to Shakespeare
Henry Fielding
✓ Father of English Novel (Jonathan Swift)
❑ Tom Jones (the best work)
❑ Amelia
❑ Joseph Andrews
Thomas Gray
✓ Graveyard poet (mostly found sentiment and emotion)
❑ Elegy written in a country’s Churchyard (Elegy written at the death of all
❑ Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, and waste its sweetness on the
dessert air
Sir Walter Scott
✓ father of regional and historical novels
❑ Ivanhoe (The masterpiece; novel)
❑Waverley (1st Novel)
❑Patriotism (The patriot; Robert Browning)
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