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Great start to Junior Magpies regular season

Saturday, April 12 saw the start of the regular season for the junior Magpies with a trip to Barcaldine to contest the under 7s, 8s, 10s, 12s, and 14s. Under 7s coach Brent Gerber managed to give all 20 players who turned up for the contest a good run in the three 10 minute periods, this in itself a feat on its own. The under 7s skill level and organisation on the eld is improving with every game, a tribute to Brent and his training helpers. The 8s continue to play well, with special mention going to Will Alexander for his great improvement both in defence and attack and also to Quinne Carolan for opening her try scoring for the year with a trifecta. The under 10s and 12s followed up their strong games from a fortnight ago in Ilfracombe with similar performances. With the under 12s being a few players short, AJ Hauff, Wilson Sprague, Peter Blucher and Andrew Davison put in a great effort and played both games. The under 14s rounded off the day with the bare minimum of 13 taking to the paddock. A few lapses in concentration along with a lack of match tness early in the season saw them go down to a strong Barcaldine side 24-18. All in all it was a great day for the Magpies, enjoyed by players and supporters alike. Parents made a special effort to get children to the game during the school holidays. The next game will be the weekend of April 26 against Longreach in Blackall. It is hoped to see all Magpie supporters at the game.

Sport on the Barcoo

RRP $2.00

Blackalls own community newspaper

-- by Peter Hauff

Blackall-Tambo council holds rst meeting

-- by Sally Cripps
Around 20 people attended the public Declaration of Ofce of the four councillors and mayor of the inaugural BlackallTambo Regional Council held on Wednesday, April 9. Following the swearing in ceremony the new council got down to business, electing Peter Skewes as deputy mayor. Meeting dates and times were agreed on, with the council deciding to conduct meetings in both Tambo and Blackall, on Wednesdays. The rst general meeting will be held in Tambo on April 23, followed by one in Blackall on May 14. All councillors belong to a new works and nance committee which will meet quarterly, the rst being in Blackall on June 25. The October works and nance meeting is scheduled to be held at the Scrubby Creek recreation club, which was a yearly feature of the former Tambo Shire Council calendar. Cr Skewes said alternating meetings was a good idea as it would be good for councillors to familiarise themselves with the different towns. I know very little about Tambos

April 18 2008 ISSN 1832-6129


U nder 7s in attack in B arcaldine against the S and G oannas

Close contest on the green

Sunday April 13 saw Ross Browning prove too good for Greg MacNamara in A singles at the Blackall Bowls Club, winning 3110. In handicap singles Alf Cameron and Tex Hayward had a good game, being 14-all after 14 ends but Alf appeared to tire a bit after that, enabling Tex to go on and win 31-19. Sets of Nine saw Gary Whiteld look in control, winning the rst set 8-3, but Ron Robinson played some very good bowls to win the nest two sets 11-2 and 8-3. Social play saw the team of Don Daly, John Bowyer and Rob Doyle lucky to escape with a 16-all draw against Dally Holden, visitor Ken and Julie Blucher. Some very good games were held on Sunday April 6, with the best being in handicap singles between the two Johns, Bowyer and Carter. Bowyer got a ying start, leading 11-0 after seven ends, but Carter made a great comeback to be down 23-21 after 28 ends. It was end for end to be 29-29 after 36 ends then 30-30 with

Bowyer getting one shot to win 31-30. In another handicap singles game Lou Kelly was in good form to beat Woody 33-13. Gumby Chapman and Rob Hayward had a very good game in A singles, lasting 40 ends with Rob nally winning 31-27. In B singles Don Daly appeared to be having problems with his new bowls, being down 21-3 after 14 ends, improving slightly to go down 31-10. Sets of Nine ends saw Dally Holden win the rst 10-4 but Roy Black reversed that, winning the second set 10-4. Dally then managed to get a big lead in the third set, winning 10-7. Playing bowls next week will be: Sets of Nine Ends R Browning v C Pngst, spotter G MacNamara; L Kelly v Woody, spotter J Blucher; B singles D Holden v M Gray, spotter T Hayward; handicap singles M Pngst v M Chapman, spotter R Robinson.

Junior cricketers win 9 a side

A nine a side game of cricket was organised for the latest match of the cricket season, held at the Country Cricket Club on Sunday, April 6. The Country Cricket Club batted rst, making 115 runs but the Blackall Junior Cricket made a few more, nishing with 128 runs. Best batsmen for Country Cricket Club were Macca (25 runs) and Johnno (18 runs); and best batsmen for Blackall Junior Cricket were Hamish Heard (29 runs) and Steven Bird (20 runs). Best bowlers for Blackall Junior Cricket were AJ Casey with 4-15 and Dwayne Kangan with 2-11, while the best bowlers for Country Cricket Club were Macca on 2-14, and Dave with 2-22. Special mention must be made of Bill Alexander who took four outstanding catches during the game. Players were grateful to Country Cricket Club captain Donald Isaac for the barbecue lunch and aftermatch entertainment.

roads or infrastructure, he said. Membership of committees was also decided. While mayor Jan Ross is an ex ofcio member of all committees, council appointed her and the CEO as directors of the Remote Area Planning and Development Board, and as the councils representatives on the Outback Regional Roads Group. Cr Ross will also represent council on the Central West Regional Planning Advisory Committee, and has taken a position on councils Rural Lands Working Group along with Cr Sally Cripps. Cr Cripps will also take part in Blackalls Wild Dog advisory committee, councils Tourism Development committee, its Cultural Development advisory committee, and RADF matters. The Blackall Saleyards advisory committee will be the responsibility of Cr Grahame Schluter, who has also taken on the Workplace Health and Safety committee and the Community Housing committee. Cr Graham Jarvis will belong to the latter committee as well, along with the Tambo Racecourse management committee, and the WORC Scheme community advisory committee in conjunction
continued on page 3

Annette shops and wins at IGA

Annette Kelly was last week presented with a voucher as the major winner in an IGA shopper rewards scheme and has won a holiday package valued at $5000. She won the prize by shopping with Blackall IGA and using her IGA Community Club card with purchases made at the store between September 2007 and February this year. Annette said she was blown away and delighted when told that she had won the prize. Good friends Margaret and Bluey Anderson said they had a few words for the person who rang Annette with the good news. We wanted to ask what theyd done to our mate she was lying on the oor! Margaret said. Its a very well-deserved prize Annette never stops. Blackall IGAs Tony Holloway said he and wife Naomi were thrilled to nd out that a great customer of theirs had won a prize. Annette is one of 13 winners in the latest Lucky Buys major prize draw.
co n tin u e d o n p a g e 3

-- by Dally Holden

-- by Cindy-Lee Harvey

Have your say about your community newspaper -- details page 2

Blackall Newspaper Group AGM

Page 20 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008

A fundraising rafe is underw ay at the B lackall M em orial & S ports C lub for John Turner follow ing the devastating loss of his belongings in a house re in B lackall last w eek. T he T histle S treet hom e w as destroyed by re just after 11am on W ednesday, A pril 9. P olice sergeant K evin O ngheen said the re w as due to accidental causes and there w ere no suspicious circum stances. T he F ire B rigade w as called to the scene w hen the re w as noticed but reghters w ere unable to save the tim ber dw elling.

Support your local newspaper! Have an idea to keep it running! Then come and along and share ideas at the Blackall Memorial & Sports Club, 5pm, Tuesday April 29.
APRIL 19 Spicks & Specks Kindy Quiz Night 20 CWA stalls day 23 Blackall-Tambo council meeting 24 Cattle sale 25 Anzac Day 26 Junior Magpies v Longreach 29 Blackall Newspaper Group AGM MAY 1 Landmark Beef Show and Sale 3 Woolscour bush dinner and tour 3 Show triathlon 4 Blackall show 7 Woolscour night dinner and tour 8 Cattle sale

Blackall Newspaper Group AGM

Apologies to Sally Cripps - 4657 5955.

10 10/11 10 12-23 14 15 16 16 16-18 17 17/18 17/18 20-23 20-23 21 22

This is my rst From the Mayors Desk column for the Barcoo Independent. I rmly believe that communication will be of paramount importance as the BlackallTambo Regional Council gets under way. On March 27 I attended the Premiers Summit of newly elected mayors in Brisbane, where personal integrity, accountability and transparency as well as responsibility were high on the list of priorities. Our very rst council meeting was of a statutory nature but nonetheless historical, where the councillors were inducted in the presence of their family and friends. I owe an apology to the many members as well as their families and friends, of the Blackall Swimming Club as I endeavoured to make sure that a message of congratulations to all those swimmers who have participated throughout the season was ready to be read on their Award Night. I believe it must be out there in cyberspace as I write this. It was a pleasant surprise to call in on the SpeakOut team as they held their various workshops over the past week. While the uptake rate was fewer than it could be I am sure the participants would have beneted greatly from the one-on-one tuition available. No doubt there will be far more students taking advantage of this unique opportunity in the future. It is great to see the main street centre lawns looking so well manicured and so green, a tribute to the efforts of the Blackall gardening team. Our next general council meeting will be held in Tambo on the 23rd of April.


Jan Ross


Girl Guides Mothers Day cent sale Youth art mural Kindy Quick Shear Heartland Festival poet in residence Woolscour night dinner and tour Cattle sale Up The Garden Path workshop Woolscour open mike night Black Stump campdraft SpeakOut Drop In workshops Poetry workshop Wool felt hat making workshop Resin art workshop Wool history display Woolscour night dinner and tour Cattle sale

23 24 24/25 24-28 25-29 28 29 29/30 30 31 31

31 JUNE 4 Woolscour night dinner and tour 5 Cattle sale 7 Woolscour bush dinner and tour 11 Woolscour night dinner and tour 12 Cattle sale

Heartland Festival celebration dinner Woolscour celebration/ bush dinner Gillespie Open Garden Painting workshop Quilting workshop Woolscour night dinner and tour Cattle sale Knitting workshop Heartland Festival Art Show opening Art show Matilda Highway race meeting In The Bin lm night

4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Fact Of Fiction 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 Talking Heads 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Travel Oz 6:30 The Cook And The Chef 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 The New Inventors 8:30 Spicks & Specks 9:00 The IT Crowd 9:30 The Armstrong And Miller Show 10:00 At The Movies 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Murphys Law 12:30 Rewind 1:20 Movie: Fort Apache (G,1948,R) 3:25 National Press Club Address 4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:05 Battleplan 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Pie In The Sky 1:30 Collectors 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Grand Designs 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Catalyst 8:30 The State Within 9:35 Franklins Lost Expedition 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:35 Live At The Basement 12:25 Movie: Men Are Not Gods 1:45 Movie: Forget Me Not (1937) 3:00 Schools Spectacular Reunion 3:55 Croc Country 4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Bears: Spy In The Woods 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Bleak House 1:30 Spicks & Specks 2:00 How The Hell Did We Get Here? 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Message Stick 6:30 Can We Help? 7:00 News 7:30 Stateline 8:00 Collectors 8:30 Midsomer Murders 10:05 Grumpy Old Men 10:35 Lateline 11:25 The Catherine Tate Show 11:55 triple j tv 12:25 Good Game 12:55 rage (M) 5:00 rage 8:00 rage: Guest Programmer 9:00 Triple j tv With The Doctor 10:00 jtv Live: The Go-Betweens Tribute 11:00 Totally Frank 11:30 The Cook & The Chef 12:00 Stateline 12:30 Australian Story 1:00 Foreign Correspondent 1:30 Can We Help? 2:00 RL: 2008 4:00 Movie: Guns Of Hate (Pg,1948,R) 5:00 Bowls: Australian Open 2008 6:00 My Family 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 News 7:30 Doc Martin 8:25 News 8:30 The Bill 10:05 News 10:05 Spooks (M*,R) 11:00 Like Father, Like Son (M*,R) 12:10 rage (M)

Barcoo Independent TV Guide April 27 - May 3 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Mystery Woman: In The Shadows (M,2007) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8:00 The Real Seachange 8:30 Movie: Raiders Of The Lost Ark (M,1981,R) 11:00 Seconds From Disaster 12:00 Family Plots 12:30 Young Ramsay 1:30 Kiwifruit 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: The End Of Eden (M,1996,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 That 70s Show 8:00 How I Met Your Mother 8:30 Ghost Whisperer 9:30 Lost 10:30 Family Guy 11:00 American Dad 11:30 Stargate Atlantis 12:30 Marshall Law 1:30 Room For Improvement 2:00 Infomercial 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Charge Of The Light Brigade (M,1968,R) 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Better Homes & Gardens 8:30 AFL: West Coast v Carlton 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Confessions Of A Dangerous Mind (MA) 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Childrens Shows 12:00 Eclipse 1:00 V8 Xtra 1:30 Sevens Motorsport 2:00 AFL: Hawthorn v Collingwood 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 Hook Line Sinker 6:00 News 6:30 That 70s Show (R) 7:00 AFL: Richmond v St Kilda 10:30 Michael Palins New Europe 11:45 Born To Kill 12:45 Movie: Anybodys Nightmare (M,2001,R) 2:45 White Fury: The Untamed Tibet 3:45 It Is Written 4:15 Home Shopping 5:00 Dateline NBC 5.30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Hi-5 12.00 Movie: It Could Happen To You (Pg,R) 2.00 Racing: Oaks Day 4.00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 My Kids A Star 8:30 I Shouldnt Be Alive 9:30 Canal Road 10:30 Sensing Murder 11:30 Nightline 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 Water Rats 5:30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12.00 Movie: The Company (Pg,2003) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Hi-5 4.00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 Getaway 8:30 Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares 9.30 The Footy Show 11:00 Nightline 11:30 The Footy Show Late 1:30 Home Shopping 5.30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12.00 Movie: Blow Dry (M,2001,R) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 Footprints 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 NRL: City v Country 10:00 TBA 12:00 Nightline 12:30 The Alice 1:30 Home Shopping 5:00 Popoff Ministries 5:30 Christian City TV 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:30 Surfari 12:00 Malcolm In The Middle 12.30 Discover Downunder 1:00 Racing: Sydney Cup 4:30 Talk To The Animals 5:00 Garden Gurus 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 Australias Funniest Home Video Show 7:30 TBA 9:40 NBL: Wests Tigers v Brisbane Broncos 11:50 Movie: Kalifornia (AV,1993,R) 2.00 Home Shopping

4:30 UEFA Champions League Live Match 6:5 Overseas News 2:30 Tales From A Suitcase 3:00 If Only 3:30 Give Me A Break 4:00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Living Black 6:30 News 7:30 Food Safari 8:00 Policing The Pacic 8:30 Dateline 9:30 News 10:00 Newstopia 10:30 Movie: The Eye 2 12:10 Movie: Feathers In My Head 4:30 UEFA Champions League Match 6:55 Overseas News 2:30 Dateline 3:30 The Lost Gods 4.00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7.40 Stockinger 8:30 Unit One 9:35 News 10:05 The Movie Show 10:15 UEFA Champions League Hour 11:15 Movie: Honolulu 12:50 Movie: Terkel In Trouble 4:30 UEFA Champions League Match 6:55 Overseas News 1:30 Insight 2:30 Overseas News 3:30 Living Black 4.00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Louis XVII: Unsolved Enigma 8:30 As It Happened: Deadly Battles of World War 1 9:30 News 10:00 Turn Me On: The History Of The Vibrator 10.20 Movie: Ferpect Crime 12:10 Movie: Beyond Our Ken 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 A Village Romeo And Juliet 3:00 The Red Baton 4:00 Claudio Capotondi: Sculptor 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Mythbusters 6:30 News 7:30 Top Gear 8:35 Big Love 9:35 RocKwiz 10:15 Movie: Thirty-Five Something 12:10 SOS..Shorts On Screen 1:10 Newstopia 1:40 Insiders Guide To Happiness

Wednesday April 30 Thursday May 1 Friday May 2 Saturday May 3

Page 2 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008 - Page 19

5:00 rage 6:30 Childrens Shows 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Inside Business 10:30 Offsiders 11:00 Asia Pacic Focus 11:30 Songs Of Praise 12:00 Landline 1:00 Gardening Australia 1:30 Message Stick 2:00 The War 3:00 Raising Valhalla 3:50 Stone Upon Stone Upon Stone 4:00 Art Safari 4:30 Discovery With Richard Gill And The Sydney Symphony 5:00 Sunday Arts 6:00 At The Movies 6:30 The Einstein Factor 7:00 News 7:30 Robin Hood 8:15 Creature Comforts 8:25 News 8:30 East Of Everything 9:25 Compass 9:55 Margot 10:55 The Nightingale 11:45 Inside Australia 12:35 Movie: Day Of The Trifds 2:10 Movie: Invaders From Mars 3:25 Their Spirit Still Shines

Barcoo Independent TV Guide April 27 - May 3 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Choices 6:30 Childrens Shows 7:30 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Great Outdoors 11:00 Infomercial 12:00 Australias Deadliest Destinations 1:00 AFL: Brisbane Lions v Melbourne 4:00 According To Jim 4:30 Destination New Zealand 5:00 Mercurios Menu 5:30 Great South East 6:00 News 6:30 Gladiators 7:30 Police Files Unlocked 8:00 My Name Is Earl 8:30 Greys Anatomy 9:30 Brothers & Sisters 10:30 Suburban Secrets 11:00 The First 48 12:00 AFL: Kangaroos v Sydney 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 NBC Meet The Press 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: While I Was Gone (M,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Border Security Australias Front Line 8:00 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 8:30 Desperate Housewives 9:30 Dirty Sexy Money 10:30 Millionaire Makers 11:30 3D Rock 12:00 Movie: The Lost Battalion (AV,2001,R) 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Forgotten Sins (M,1996,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Australias Got Talent 8:30 All Saints 9:30 Mistresses 10:30 The Palace 11:30 Cheaters 12:30 Top 40 Celebrity Countdown 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today

C ouncil agrees to base rate

continued from

5:00 Popoff Ministries 5:30 Rise and Shine 6:00 Childrens Programs 7:30 Sunday 9:30 Wide World Of Sports 11:00 The Sunday Footy Show 12:00 Sunday Roast 1:00 The Car Show 1:30 Speed Machine 2.00 Everwood 3:00 Gilmore Girls 4:00 NRL: Sharks v Wests Tigers 6:00 News 6:30 Animal Emergency 7:00 RFDS: Royal Flying Doctor Service 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 CSI 9:30 Without A Trace 10:30 Crime Investigation Australia 11:45 Movie: Red Planet (M,2001) 1:45 Home Shopping 5:30 Creo 6.00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh cooking with AWW 12:00 Movie: Autumn In New York (M,2000,R) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Footprints 5:30 Antique Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 Life In Cold Blood 8:30 Sea Patrol II The Coup 9:30 CSI: NY 10.30 True CSI 11.30 Nightline 12.00 Home Shopping 12:30 The Dead Zone 1:30 Stingers 5.300 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12:00 Movie: The Pretender (M,2001,R) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antique Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 Moment Of Truth 8:30 Kitchen Nightmares U.S.A 9:30 Ladette To Lady 10:30 Balls Of Steel 11.15 Nightline 11:45 Home Shopping 12.15 The Wire 1:30 The Avengers

6:55 Overseas News 11:00 From Mozart To Morrison 11:30 FIVB World Tour Beach Volleyball 12:00 32nd Marathon De Paris 1:00 Speedweek 3:00 Euro 2008 Magazine 3:30 UEFA Champions League 2007/2008 Magazine 4:00 Les Murrays Football Feature 5:00 The World Game 6:00 Thalassa 6:30 News 7:30 Lost Worlds: Life Under Napoleon 8:30 The Hawking Paradox 9:30 Movie: The Airlift 11:15 City Of Men 11:50 Cocaine 12:45 The Storm Rages Twice 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Living Black 1:30 The Madrid Connection 2:30 Dateline 3:30 Insight 4:30 The Journal 5.00 The Crew 5:30 Football Stars Of Tomorrow 6.00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Mythbusters 8:30 The Movie Show 8.35 South Park 9:00 Drawn Together 9:30 News 10:00 Funland 10.55 The Insiders Guide To Happiness 11:55 Movie: The Piano Tuner Of Earthquakes 1:40 Samurai Champloo 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Movie: A Song For Martin 2:30 Tales From A Suitcase 3:00 Everyone Loves A Wedding 3:30 Vasilis Garden 4:00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Insight 8.30 Cutting Edge: Taking On The Taliban 9:30 News 10.00 Bearing Witness 11:40 Movie: The Unforgiven

4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Pilot Guides 1:30 The Cook & The Chef 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Landline Extra 6:30 Talking Heads 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The 7:30 Report 8:00 Australian Story 8:30 Four Corners 9:20 Media Watch 9:35 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton 10:35 Lateline 11:10 Lateline Business 11:35 Sex Bomb 12:25 Movie: Death Drums Along The River (1962) 1:15 Movie: Lydia (1941) 3:25 Bowls World Championships 2008 4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Grand Designs 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 The Einstein Factor 1:00 The New Inventors 1:30 Catalyst 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Time Team 7:00 News 7:30 The 7:30 Report 8:00 Stress Buster 8:30 Millionaires Mission 9:30 Foreign Correspondent 10:00 Jennifer Byrne Presents 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:35 Four Corners 12:20 Media Watch 12:35 Movie: Men In War (1957) 2:15 Movie: Armored Car Robbery (Pg,1950,R) 3:25 WildWatch2: Invasions 3:55 A Case For The Coroner

Support for local retailer

with Cr Skewes. Cr Skewes is a member of the Enterprise Bargaining Agreement committee and will chair the Local Disaster Management Group. Remuneration scales were also set, with council agreeing to a base rate plus a meeting fee. Keeping within the category recommendations set by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal, the base rate for the mayor will be $50 000 or 39.51 per cent of a Queensland MPs salary, while the deputy mayor will receive a base amount of $19 000 (15.02 per cent of MP salary) and councillors will T he new B lackall-Tam bo R egional C ouncil - S ally C ripps, be paid a base rate of $13 000 (10.28 per cent of MP P eter S kew es, Jan R oss, G raham e S chluter, G raham salary). Jarvis. Blackall-Tambo Regional Council has been determined as a category 1 council, or the lowest pay business, and for Cr Ross to have the use of a council eet vehicle for council purposes. scale. Cr Skewes said setting pay scales was not just These amounts are indexed to MP salaries as the about the current councillors remuneration. tribunal has recommended that councillor salaries People have got to feel they are able to afford to be increase at the same time as politicians salaries, on a councillor, he said. July 1 each year. Local Government Minister Warren Pitt The meeting fee was set at $350 per meeting, with said the level of reimbursement for local 16 ordinary or works and nance meetings scheduled councillors was a matter for individual councils for a 12 month period. determine within prescribed guidelines. An amalgamation loading, designed to reect the to While it is not mandatory, council can determine additional workload expected to be managed by councillors, will also be paid on a decreasing scale to reimburse councillors for such things as their travel to and from council meetings, or approve use for the next four years. For the rst period, from March 15 2008 to June of a council vehicle for this purpose, Mr Pitt said. Pitt said councils should consider 2009, the mayor will receive $5060, the deputy mayor Mr community expectations when developing $2210 and councillors $1580. Councillors will be reimbursed for private vehicle their expenses reimbursement policies and usage for attendance at council meetings and approving other entitlements for councillors. A copy of the guidelines applying to expenses and committee meetings. Resolutions were also passed to have a telephone facilities is available online at www.localgovernment. installed at mayor Rosss residence for council
continued from page1

Page 18- The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008

Sunday April 27 Monday April 28 Tuesday April 29

Director Chris Douglas said the loyalty program had enjoyed great success across participating stores. Customers love being rewarded when shopping with and supporting their local independent retailer, he said. Annettes main difculty now is convincing husband Bob to head south for the holiday. I want to go towards snow but Bob wants to head north to sh, she said. I think Tasmania sounds really good.

-- by Sally Cripps

LIONEL SMITH, original owner of the Coolibah Motel, will be in Blackall from Friday-Monday (2-5 May 2008) to see family and friends. Lionel will be accompanied by his sons, Peter and Jeffery. A morning tea to catch up has been organised for 10.30 am on Sat May 3rd in the Anglican hall. Contact Trethella Smith 46574574.

Programs correct at time of printing but may change owing to unforeseen circumstances
CLASSIFICATIONS: M Mature Classication Recommended for viewing by mature audiences. MA Mature Audience Not suitable for people under 15 years of age. General Classication AV


Parental Guidance Recommended

Adult Violence Classication Not suitable for people under 15 years of age.

Now @ Outback Emporium, Blackall Phone 46 576 220

Stick it where the sun shines!

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008 - Page 3

Last Anzac Day at old cenotaph precinct

This year will be the last Anzac Day conducted at the cenotaph within its current Memorial Park environs. As previously reported in the Barcoo Independent a joint project is underway between the state government, the Blackall-Tambo Regional Council and the Blackall RSL to upgrade the cenotaph and its surrounds. Blackall RSL Sub Branch president Terry Brennan said his goal had been to have the project completed for Anzac Day this year. Unfortunately, due to the lead time to supply bronze plaques, the very earliest the project could have commenced was the week leading up to Anzac Day, he said. Terry said that following discussions with the BlackallTambo Regional Council it was agreed to undertake the major works required for the project in early June. This decision has a silver lining in that the Memorial Park lawns and general surrounds will be in perfect condition for Anzac Day this year rather than suffering from the visible scars necessary to undertake the work, he said. He added that the decision to delay the works was a win-win for all involved as it provided time to ensure the project is carried out to the highest standard, and permitted detailed planning for the rededication of the cenotaph on Anzac Day 2009. Terry said he was looking forward to working with the council and local contractors to ensure the project is completed to a standard that all can be proud of. Individual Wreath Laying Anzac Day ceremonies will commence with a dawn service at 6am in the Memorial Park. Terry said the numbers attending this very special and emotional ceremony have been increasing each year and he hoped this trend would continue this year. The morning march and ceremony will commence at 9.40

Management & Staff would like to congratulate Annette Kelly on winning the $5000 prize from our loyalty programme.
We thank our loyal customers for your continued support.



Heaps of opportunities for poets in Blackall in May

am and it is requested those marching assemble in the area of IGA no later than 9.30 am. A very pleasing development over the last couple of years has been the number of individual families who have expressed a desire to lay a wreath during the morning service in memory of loved ones who have served their country in time of peace as well as conict. Terry encouraged any individual, family or community organisation who would like to order a wreath to contact Sub Branch secretary Donny Daly on 0427 400 754. Terry anticipated that there would be signicant community involvement in all Anzac Day ceremonies, including students from the Blackall State School, members of the emergency services and the wider community. The ofcial guest this year is Warrant Ofcer Class Two Glen Rynkiewicz from the 20th Surveillance and Target Acquisition Regiment located in Brisbane.

Woolly Words at the Woolscour open mike

session sing a song, recite a poem, tell a yarn Blackall Woolscour, 6pm, Friday May 16, BBQ available, BYO drinks Poetry workshop with Graham Nunn take the chance to work with a nationally recognised poet over a weekend designed to Pen a Powerful Poem Sat/Sun May 17/18, Blackall Arts Centre, $20/day Wood, Water & Wool Poetry Competition - $1600 prizemoney, bush and contemporary poetry, open and junior sections, closing May 19, $5 entry fee Poetry Recital and Awards Presentation Heartland Festival Celebration Dinner, Blackall Cultural Centre, Friday May 23
Supported by Terrick Merinos, Strathmore Santa Gertrudis Stud, Melrose SAMMs

For further information, workshop registration and competition entry forms contact Sally Cripps phone 4657 5955 email

4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:05 Fact Or Fiction 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 Talking Heads 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Travel Oz 6:30 The Cook And The Chef 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 The New Inventors 8:30 Spicks & Specks 9:00 The IT Crowd 9:30 The Armstrong And Miller Show 10:00 At The Movies 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Blackpool 12:30 Rewind 1:20 Movie: Irene (G,1940,R) 3:00 Mr. Bean: Back To School, Mr. Bean 3:25 National Press Club Address 4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Revealing Gallipoli 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Pie In The Sky 1:30 Collectors 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Grand Designs 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Catalyst 8:30 Gallipoli Submarine 9:30 Missing: Presumed Dead 10:25 Lateline 11:00 Lateline Business 11:30 Live At The Basement 12:30 Movie: 21 Days (1940) 1:50 Movie: The Bamboo Blonde (G,1946,R) 3:00 Movie: Behind The Headlines (Pg,1937,R) 3:55 Croc Country 4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 10:00 ANZAC Day March 2008 12:30 Gallipoli Dawn Service 1:30 Villers-Bretonneux Memorial Service 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Message Stick 6:30 Can We Help? 7:00 News 7:30 Stateline 8:00 Collectors 8:30 Midsomer Murders 10:05 Grumpy Old Men 10:35 Lateline 11:25 The Catherine Tate Show 11:55 Triple j tv 12:25 Good Game 12:55 rage 5:00 rage 8:00 rage: Guest Programmers 9:00 Triple j tv With The Doctor 10:00 JET Live At The Forum 11:00 Totally Frank 11:30 The Cook & The Chef 12:00 Stateline 12:30 Australian Story 1:00 Foreign Correspondent 1:30 Can We Help? 2:00 RL: Norths Devils Vs Redcliffe Dolphins 4:00 Movie: Along The Rio Grande 5:00 Bowls Australian Open 2008 6:00 My Family 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 News 7:30 Doc Martin 8:25 News 8:30 The Bill 10:05 News 10:10 Spooks (M*,R) 11:05 Jericho (R,F) 12:40 rage (M)

Barcoo Independent TV Guide April 20 - 26 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Mystery Woman: Oh Baby (M) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8:00 The Real Seachange 8:30 Movie: Die Another Day (M,2002,R) 11:15 Seconds From Disaster 12:15 Family Plots 12:45 Young Ramsay 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Boat Trip (M,2002,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 That 70s Show 8:00 How I Met Your Mother 8:30 Ghost Whisperer 9:30 Lost 10:30 Family Guy 11:00 American Dad 11:30 Stargate Atlantis 12:30 Marshall Law 1:20 Room For Improvement 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: The Desert Rats (G,1953,R) 2:00 AFL: Collingwood v Essendon 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Better Homes & Gardens 8:30 AFL: Freemantle v Geelong 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Above Suspicion 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Childrens Shows 12:00 Eclipse 1:00 V8 Xtra 1:30 Sevens Motorsport 2:30 Variety Explorer 3:00 George & Mildred 3:40 The Good Life 4:20 Keeping Up Appearances 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 Hook Line & Sinker 6:00 News 6:30 That 70s Show 7:00 AFL: Bulldogs v West Coast 10:30 Michael Palins New Europe 11:40 Movie: A Line In The Sand (M,R) 1:40 Movie: Personal Velocity (MA,2002,R) 4:10 Home Shopping 5:00 Dateline NBC 5:30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking with AWW 12.00 Movie: Flipper (Pg,1996,R) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Hi-5 4.00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:30 Two And A Half Men 7:30 My Kids A Star 8:30 I Shouldnt Be Alive 9:30 Canal Road 10:30 Sensing Murder 11.30 Nightline 12:00 Home Shopping 12:30 Water Rats

5:30 Creo 6:00 Today 9.00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12.00 Movie: Our Lips Are Sealed (Pg,2000) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Hi-5 4.00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 Getaway 8:30 Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares 9:30 The Footy Show 11:00 Nightline 11:30 The Footy Show Late 1:30 Home Shopping

5:30 Creo 6.00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11.00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12.00 Movie: The Prince & The Pauper (G,2000,R) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 Footprints 7:00 Two & A Half Men 7:30 NRL Brisbane Broncos v South Sydney Rabbitohs 10:00 Movie: Demolition Man (M,1993,R) 12:30 Home Shopping 1:00 Mad TV 5:00 Popoff Ministries 5:30 Christian City TV 7:30 Childrens Shows 11:30 Surfari 12.00 Malcolm In The Middle 12:30 George Lopez 1:00 Discover Downunder 1:30 Racing: Derby Doncaster 4:30 Talk To The Animals 5:00 The Garden Gurus 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 Australias Funniest Home Video Show 7:30 Movie: Harry Potter & the Goblet Of Fire (Pg,2006) 10:50 Movie: Little Nicky 12:30 Home Shopping 1:00 The Alice

4:30 UEFA Champions League Live Match 6:55 Overseas News 2:30 Tales From A Suitcase 3:00 If Only 3:30 The Lifestyle Experts 4:00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Living Black 6:30 News 7:30 Food Safari 8:00 Inside Australia: Loves Harvest 8:30 Dateline 9:30 News 10:00 Newstopia 10:30 Movie: The Eye 12:15 Movie: Rats 4:30 UEFA Champions League Live Match 6:55 Overseas News 2:30 Dateline 3:30 The Lost Gods 4.00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:35 Stockinger 8:30 Unit One 9:30 News 10:05 The Movie Show 10:15 UEFA Champions League Hour 11:15 Movie: Jump Tomorrow 12:55 Black Soldier Blues 4:30 UEFA Cup Live 6:55 Overseas News 1:00 Bob Brought The War Home 1:30 Insight 2:30 Korean Anzacs 3:30 Living Black 4.00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Gallipoli 8:30 As It Happened: The Rape Of Nanking 9:30 News 10:10 Lovesick 12.00 Movie: Beneath Her Window 1:35 VH1 Illustrated 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 La Boheme 2:45 Colin McCahon: I Am 4:00 True Stories 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Mythbusters 6:30 News 7:30 Top Gear 8:35 Big Love 9.35 Rockwiz 10:25 Movie: Jet Lag 12:00 SOSShorts On Screen 1:00 Newstopia 1:30 Insiders Guide To Happiness

Wednesday April 23 Thursday April 24 Friday April 25 Saturday April 26

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The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008 - Page 17

5:00 rage 6:30 Childrens Shows 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Inside Business 10:30 Offsiders 11:00 Asia Pacic Focus 11:30 Hymns Of Glory 12:00 Landline 1:00 Gardening Australia 1:30 Message Stick 2:00 The War 3:00 The Perfect Home (F) 3:45 Stone Upon Stone Upon Stone 3:55 Art Safari: Takashi Murakami 4:30 Discovery With Richard Gill And The Sydney Symphony: Haydn Symphony No 94: Surprise 5:00 Sunday Arts 6:00 At The Movies 6:30 The Einstein Factor 7:00 News 7:30 Robin Hood 8:15 Creature Comforts 8:25 News 8:30 East Of Everything (M*) 9:25 Compass 10:00 Margot 11:00 Music From The Inside Out 12:30 Sudden Death 1:20 Movie: Wedding Rehearsal 2:05 Movie: The Challenge (1938) 3:55 Lloydies 4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Pilot Guides 1:30 The Cook & The Chef 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Landline Extra 6:30 Talking Heads 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The 7:30 Report 8:00 Australian Story 8:30 Four Corners 9:20 Media Watch 9:35 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton 10:35 Lateline 11:10 Lateline Business 11:35 Agincourt 12:30 Teachers 1:20 Movie: Big Combo 2:55 Auntie Connie 3:25 Bowls World Championships 2008 4:30 Parkinson 5:30 The Lion Man 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Grand Designs 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 The Einstein Factor 1:00 The New Inventors 1:30 Catalyst 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Time Team 7:00 News 7:30 The 7:30 Report 8:00 Stress Buster: Swan Care 8:30 How Art Made The World (F) 9:30 Foreign Correspondent 10:00 Artscape 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:35 Four Corners 12:20 Media Watch 12:35 Trial And Retribution 1:30 Movie: The Fugitive (Pg,1947,R) 3:25 WildWatch2: Backyards 3:55 A Case For The Coroner

Barcoo Independent TV Guide April 20 - 26 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Choices 6:30 Oban Star Racer 7:00 Blinky Bills Around The World Adventures 8:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 The Great Outdoors 11:00 Mooloolaba Triathlon 12:00 Sevens V8 Supercars 2008 2:00 AFL: Western Bulldogs v Richmond 5:00 According To Jim 5:30 Great South East 6:00 News 6:30 Gladiators 7:30 Police Files Unlocked 8:00 My Name Is Earl 8:30 Greys Anatomy 9:30 Brothers & Sisters 10:30 Suburban Secrets 11:00 The First 48 12:00 Movie: Below (M,2002,R) 2:00 Exploring Cape York Peninsula 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 NBC Meet The Press 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Loves Enduring Promise (Pg,2004,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Border Security: Australias Front Line 8:00 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 8:30 Desperate Housewives 9:30 Dirty Sexy Money 11:00 Boston Legal (R) 11:30 30 Rock 12:00 Movie: Halloween: Resurrection (AV,2002,R) 1:00 Infomercial 2:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 Raggs 11:30 News 12:00 The 2008 Miss USA 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 It Takes Two 9:30 All Saints 10:30 My Shocking Story 11:30 Cheaters 12:30 Top 40 Celebrity Countdown 2:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today

5:00 Popoff Ministries 5:30 Rise & Shine (G,R) 6.00 Childrens Programs 7:30 Sunday 9:30 Wide World Of Sports 11:00 The Sunday Footy Show 12:00 Sunday Roast 1:00 The Car Show 1:30 Speed Machine 2:00 Australian Surf Lifesaving Championships 4:00 NRL: West Tigers v Sydney Rabbitohs 6:00 News 6:30 Animal Emergency 7:00 RFDS: Royal Flying Doctors Service 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 CSI 9:30 Without A Trace 10:30 Crime Investigation Australia 12:00 Movie: Shadow Of A Vampire (M,2000,R) 2:00 Home Shopping 5.30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh cooking with AWW 12.00 Movie: Curly Sue (Pg,1992,R) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 Power Of 10 8.30 Sea Patrol II 9:30 CSI: NY 10:30 True CSI 11.30 Nightline 12:00 Home Shopping 12.30 The Dead Zone 1:30 World Cup Of Motorsport 5.30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWA 12:00 Movie: Bedazzled (Pg,2000,R) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6.00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7.30 Moment Of Truth 8:30 Kitchen Nightmares USA 9:30 Ladette To Lady 10.30 Balls Of Steel 11:15 Nightline 11:45 Home Shopping 12:15 The Wire 1:30 The Avengers

6:55 Overseas News 10:00 WeatherWatch & Music 10:30 Croatian News 11:00 UCI Track Cycling World Championships 12:00 IAAF World Cross Country Championships 1:00 Speedweek 2:00 FIA World Rally Championship 3:00 Football Asia 3:30 UEFA Champions League 2007/2008 Magazine 4:00 Les Murrays Football Feature - Serie A 5:00 The World Game 6:00 Thalassa 6:30 News 7:30 Lost Worlds: Life Under Napoleon 8:30 The Gulf Stream And The Next Ice Age 9:30 Movie: The Airlift 11:10 City Of Men 11:50 Cocaine 12.45 The Storm Rages Twice 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Tales From A Suitcase 1:30 The Nuclear Comeback 2:30 Dateline 3:30 Insight 4:30 The Journal 5.00 The Crew 5:30 Living Black 6.00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Mythbusters 8:35 South Park 9:00 Drawn Together 9:30 News 10:00 Funland 10:55 The Insiders Guide To Happiness 11:50 Movie: The Triad Zone 1:40 Samurai Champloo 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Whispering Death: Beaughter, Forgotten Warhorse 2:35 Tales From A Suitcase 3:00 Everyone Loves A Wedding 3.30 Vasilis Garden 4:00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Insight 8.30 Cutting Edge: Geraldo: Who Can I Trust? 9:30 News 10.00 Fog Of War 11:30 Movie: Ive Been Waiting So Long 1:40 My Mother, My Abuser

Show triathlon goes off road

This years show triathlon, scheduled for Saturday, May 3 is going off road to get away from trafc issues. Organiser Jason Sprague said the bike leg of the race would be conducted internally, around the perimeter of the showgrounds. Depending on the age of the competitor, youll do either one, two, three or four laps of the course, which is one kilometre long, he said. The same goes for the swim leg at the Aquatic Centre competitors in the 8 and under swim across the pool, those in the 12 and under swim 50 metres, leaving the 17 and unders to swim 100 metres and the open contestants to tackle 200 metres. Everyone does an 800 metre run round the outside of the oval to nish. Registration for the triathlon begins at 3pm at the Aquatic Centre and will get underway at 3.30 pm. For the bike leg its essential that helmets, upper body cover and appropriate footwear is worn. The schedules are out, the entertainment is booked and the kids are keen. With the show only two weeks away the Barcoo Pastoral Society is working hard to make this years annual show on Sunday, May 4 a day and night of terric entertainment, according to Society president Judy Atkinson. Judy said that Liz Harvey has taken on the pavilion head steward job. Liz is hopeful that everyone is madly sewing, baking, painting and organizing their entries to make the pavilion a huge success, she said. Along with the pavilion there will be sheep, the wool court, cattle, poultry, caged birds, a prime lamb carcase competition and yard dog trails. Puppet shows are scheduled for the younger members of the community. Windy Wizard will be holding a juggling, balloon twisting and clowning skills workshop for the children as well as performing throughout the day, which has been made possible by RADF funding. A tug of war competition for kids will be happening during the day, while the night show will commence with the adult tug o war featuring local teams. Teams of six in male, female and mixed competition need to be nominated with Lisa Goodman by May 1, and there are prizes to be won. Dont forget to visit the Radical Reptiles enclosure and the side shows, Judy said. And if you are the proud owner of a clever,

Show only a fortnight off

The Blackall Hospital Auxiliary held its annual general meeting on March 13, with president Glady Hayward giving her report and thanking the hospital staff and volunteers for all their efforts in making last year such a success. In 2007 the auxiliary purchased a new sofa bed, new quilts, pillows and covers for Auxiliary House. Approval has also been given for the purchase of blinds for Auxiliary House, two single sofa beds and one blood chair for use in the hospital. The auxiliary elected its new committee for 2008 with Glady staying on as president and Rev Beth ONeil as vice president. John Turner is secretary, Jenny Avery is treasurer and Glory Baker takes the reins as publicity ofcer. At the completion of the meeting, discussions were held on the 40th anniversary of the Springtime Affair. People with suggestions for this event should contact Glory Baker on 4650 7700. The next meeting of the Blackall Hospital Auxiliary will be held on May 8 and all are welcome to attend.

G lady continues to lead H ospital A uxiliary

Page 16 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008

Sunday April 20 Monday April 21 Tuesday April 22

Programs correct at time of printing but may change owing to unforeseen circumstances
CLASSIFICATIONS: M Mature Classication Recommended for viewing by mature audiences. MA Mature Audience Not suitable for people under 15 years of age. General Classication AV

Parental Guidance Recommended

Adult Violence Classication Not suitable for people under 15 years of age.

Curtains, Blinds, Track, Conduit, Rod and Brackets Pre-made Curtains & Blinds, Aluminium Venetian Blinds, Timber Venetians, Block-Out & Light Filtering Blinds, Matchstick Rollup Blinds, Curtain Track, Rod Sets, Conduit, Brackets and accessories at Outback Emporium 1, 126 Shamrock Street, Blackall

colourful, furry pet or a pet with loads of personality now is the time to start preparing for the Pet Show. Bring your precious pet along and show it off you may even win some prize money. With the weather starting to cool and peoples enthusiasm for pulling on the gardening gloves and grabbing the garden fork growing, the Talking Gardening Panel, with three garden gurus, will add inspiration to the enthusiasm. Judy said there would be an opportunity to ask questions of the panellists as well. Local fashion houses, Seymours and Outback Emporium, along with Irvines from Longreach will be providing clothes for the fashion parades. Also for those interested in fashion will be a Fashion of the Show competition for teen girls, women and men. Following the night tug of war will be the rodeo that not only has the riders hearts racing but also the spectators. There will be reworks, sponsored by Landmark, to light up the sky, and a barbeque, bar, sideshows and music will keep everyone happy until late into the night. For some lucky person there will be a Gate Prize of $50. Judy said people should also look out for the opportunity to win $50 in the schedule cover competition.

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008 - Page 5

Heartland craft workshops soon to start

A dazzling array of craft workshops are being offered in May as part of this years Heartland Festival, with offerings ranging from resin art and wool felt hat making to patchwork quilting, acrylic painting and knitting. With the centenary of the Blackall Woolscour in mind, festival organisers were keen to give people an opportunity to work with wool. Renowned felting artist Phillipa Rooke, who will be instructing at the hat making workshop on May 17/18, is one of the worlds best felt makers. Workshop participants will be creating a wool felt hat and Nuno felt scarf, Nuno felt being a ne layer of wool felted into a very ne base fabric to create a light drapable fabric. These items will then form part of the fashion parade that will strut its stuff during the Matilda Highway race meeting at the conclusion of the Heartland Festival. Workshop organiser Lisa Kings said the weekend would give people an opportunity to attend a class that does not often happen in rural areas and was sure to ll quickly. register for this workshop.

Feature artist

2 New Jobs at Blackall Newsagency

We are seeking a person who can take on the role of office assistant and be trained in Bank Of Queensland as well as all aspects of the Newsagency. The other role is someone who is customer service orientated based primarily with-in the newsagency with a view of being trained for Bank Of Queensland at a later date.
Please contact Keren Greenhalgh in store or on the details below. Blackall Newsagency 128 Shamrock St Blackall Qld 4472 Ph: (07) 46574404 Fax:(07) 46574223 Email:

W H H art sw im trophies to N at and K yle

The Blackall Swimming Club has wrapped up yet another successful season, culminating in their club championships on Saturday, April 5. Nearly 50 members competed on the day in 98 events with notable performances by Blake Arnold in setting a new club record in the boys 6 & under 15m freestyle, and by Natalie Dendle in claiming new pool and club records in the girls 14yrs 50m freestyle, buttery, backstroke and 200m individual medley events. The annual WH Hart Memorial100m freestyle event, which has been running since 1962 and is sponsored by Linda Baker and family, was contested at the conclusion of the meet. Kyle Richardson took out the mens event and Natalie Dendle won the womens nal. As this is the third consecutive year both these swimmers have won this event, in accordance with the rules they now become the permanent owners of their respective perpetual trophies. Once the championships were over a presentation dinner was held at the Blackall Multipurpose Sport and Rec facility. The evening was well attended with over 100 family and friends joining together to celebrate the childrens achievements. Bevan Hauff was the MC for the evening and delivered the Presidents Report on behalf of Glenys Kowald. Glenys thanked all children and parents for their ongoing support and contribution to swimming in the central west and paid special thanks to the Blackall Multipurpose Association for its donations to the club. The club had a very busy but successful season, attending seven regional meets and having swimmers qualify for age state championships and school state championships. Natalie Dendle qualied for both championships and was selected for the CQ relay team, while Jamee Johnson and Josh McErlean attended Primary School State Championships in March. Acknowledgement was also made of committee members Dwayne Kangan, Kathy Dendle, Julie Hauff, Zoe Johnson and Karen Wilson for all their hard work throughout the season. Special presentations were made to several members, including Gary Dendle and Lawrie Doonar, who received personalised whistles for their tireless efforts in refereeing every week, while Karyn and Kevin Lee were presented with club towels to thank them for their continued support of BASA, and Carol and Kelvin Blacker were presented with a gift certicate in acknowledgement of their contribution to the club on Thursday evenings, at carnivals and on presentation night. RESULTS: Overall Points 100m & 200m Freestyle - AJ Hauff 24 pts and Jamee Johnson 38 pts WH Greenhalgh Memorial Individual Medley 100m & 200m Zach Frost & AJ Hauff 38 pts and Natalie Dendle 37 pts Michael Bohan Memorial Sprint Night overall - Zach Frost 136 pts and Jamee Johnson 114 pts Highest overall points E Grade - Lilly Richardson, Will Alexander, Nathan Wilde D Grade - Quinne Carolan & Andrew Davison C Grade - Zach Frost & Charley Brown B Grade - Jamee Johnson & Kelly Hauff A Grade - Natalie Dendle & Harley Kowald Dawson Highest Overall Points all grades, girls - Jamee Johnson; Boys Zach Frost Dawn Kowald Memorial sportsmanship award - Joshua McErlean Barracuda Spirit Award - Kyle Richardson Presidents Trophy - Kellen Wilde Captains Award Rosie Alexander and Blake Arnold Swimming Excellence award Natalie Dendle Encouragement awards - Leroy Brown and Isaac Hunter Swim Star Cap awards - Sarah Isaac, Carly Thomson, Will Parry Carnival Rep awards - Pagen Arnold, Natalie Dendle, Claire

The feature artist of the Heartland Festival Art Show, Graham W Smith will be taking the acrylic painting workshop from May 2428, covering topics such as the use and mixing of colour, using texture, landscapes, street scenes, seascapes, painting outdoors and painting from your photograph. With an art career spanning 40 years, creating over 2000 paintings, master pastellist Graham has won over 110 rst prizes in all mediums, including 37 major acquisitive awards. He has works in Japanese, US, NZ, UK and Hong Kong corporate ofces and has held over 15 successful solo exhibitions in NSW and Queensland including the Inverell Art Gallery, the Logan Art Gallery and other venues including the Qld Law Society. In demand as a generous, enthusiastic, well organised and professional tutor, Graham has conducted many repeat workshops in all mediums in Queensland, NSW, SA and WA. People wishing to get involved with the painting workshop should contact Lesley Heatley.

Doonar, Tessa Doonar, Zach Frost, Sarah Isaac, Jamee Johnson, Wade Kangan, Harley Kowald-Dawson, Kellen Wilde, Adan Wilson, AJ Hauff, Kelly Hauff, Logan Hauff, Charley Brown, Logan Harlow and Nathan Wilde.

-- by Zoe Johnson

Jam ee Johnson and A J H auff proudly display the trophies they received at the sw im m ing club presentation night.

Resin art

Expatriate Quilter

Four days of experimentation with resin art will take place between May 20-23, giving people a chance to create masterpieces such as bracelets, platters and resin jewellery with Matt Dwyer. Matt is a jewellery, lighting and object designer whose work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in Barcelona, Shanghai, Bangkok and Singapore. In taking a lighthearted approach to design, Matts work has contained unusual materials such as Velcro hair rollers or electrical wires from discarded household appliances. More recently his work has physically embraced a sense of play, making spinning tops that double as neckpieces and little rag doll brooches whose heads and limbs bob around as the wearer moves. Robyn Adams is the contact person for people planning to

New Ways With Machine Blocks is the theme of the quilting workshop being run from May 25-29 with expatriate Blackall tutor Gerry Easey. She is going to be teaching upbeat modern techniques to create stunning effects whilst experimenting with different fabrics and tools. Gerry says her main interest is the visual and illusory effect that pieced quilts give. She is keen to renew friendships in her old home town and to pass on her latest quilting ideas. Lorna Evans is taking names for the quilting workshop. All workshop fees have been set at $25 a day and there will be additional costs for materials used. Classes have limits on the number of people that can attend so organisers recommend booking early to ensure a place.

Come and visit Landmark Blackall

We service the Blackall District with our team of experienced Staff in:

D elight w as evident w hen these young sw im m ers recevied their aw ards on presentation night.

Dead heat nish for rapid re

Merchandise, Livestock, Finance, Insurance, Wool, Rural Property


Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm Sat 9-11am - 103 Shamrock St, Blackall

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Strong competition resulted in a dead heat in the Roger & Gayle Ellison Rapid Fire handicap event held at the Blackall Pistol Club on Sunday, April 6 with Spencer Astill and Peter Molle both scoring 563 and rst place. After a countback of 10s the winning medal went to Spencer Astill. Peter was runner-up and third place went to Len Russell on 555. Other scores were: Bruce McPaul on 545, just one ahead of Doug Lane on 544, Bruce Coward 531, Lloyd Marsh 422, and Peter Fenson 413. Top off pistol score went to Len Russell with a 416, just ahead of Bruce McPaul on 414. The next ofcial shoot is the Cowards Earthmoving standard match and air pistol events to be held on April 27.

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The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008 - Page 15

Cattle keeping on coming

Blackall Combined Agents yarded 3128 head at the April 10 weekly sale, following on from 1800 head sold the previous week and 4000 head under the hammer at the blue ribbon store and weaner sale on March 27. Last weeks fat market eased on a par with southern markets earlier in the week, but store cattle held to a rm market with all regular buyers in attendance. In a week where export and fat prices eased Blackall was once again in front of averages when taking freight into consideration. Dry seasonal conditions west of Longreach and in the north west continued to boost numbers through the yard. EC and WT Rice, Torrens Creek sold Santa cross ox for 153.2 c/kg or $855 for 558 kg units. They also sold a draft of feeder steers which topped at 163.2c to make $737 for 452 kg. Glenn and Jan Angus, Prairie sold exceptional Santa, Droughtmaster, Charbray cross feeder steers to top at 170 c/kg weighing 482 kg. Their draft of 144 steers averaged 162 c/kg for 490 kg. A line of 101 Charolais cross steers from DG and GH East, Longreach topped at 185.2c to average 178c or $595.21 per head. Ross and Sons, Isisford sold Santa cross steers to a top of 175.2c or $627.80 for 358 kg.

Pick up a stitch at knitting workshops

The age-old craft of knitting will get a colourful facelift when the Heartland Festival stages a twoday workshop in Blackall at the end of May. Tutor Michelle Hartrick is coming all the way from Scone in New South Wales to pass on her love of knitting to the people of Blackall and surrounding areas on May 29/30. Knitted garments have gone from the utilitarian focus of war years to fashion items, she said. The knitting resurgence of the 1980s inspired knitting design which became creative and colourful. Women began knitting with new yarns which were heavily inuenced by Italian and American designers, and garments became fashion statements. Michelle likes to feature the versatile yarns of today which include ne merino for traditional lace knitting, alpaca, silk, bamboo, tofu, soy silk, kid mohair, cotton, cashmere all very knittable for both casual and more formal wear and will be featuring these in starter kits, with funky needles, for sale to get the workshop underway. Day one of the workshop will concentrate on beginner knitters, while day two will have an emphasis on colour for the more advanced knitter. I am keen to show people how they can express themselves through knitting, Michelle said. One technique which is a lot of fun is shadow knitting, an illusory style which uses two colours and plain and purl, following a simple graph. The shadow effect varies with the direction of viewing and is due to the different height of knit stitches on the wrong side of the rows. A knit stitch is at while a purl stitch is raised, so one can change which colour (dark or light) stands out. When looking straight at the knitted piece, the stitches look approximately the same but from an angle only the raised purl stitches are visible. Knitters often enjoy watching when the picture created becomes visible, and its a popular style for children to wear, said Michelle. She has been a great supporter of group knitting and has had her own caf knitting group in Port Macquarie. She currently convenes a sit to knit group in Scone where she instructs both newcomers and those wanting to resume an old hobby. This type of knitting appeals to a wide range of people, including men, she said. There are those who no longer knit for the family or themselves, but still like the communal feel, relaxation and interest that this experience brings. Others are beginners and community knitting is a simple project to become involved with. Of course, there is the social aspect and camaraderie that an age old craft can bring. Michelle is currently studying a Masters in Knitting Technique with the Knitters Guild of America, and has raised $20 000 by running parades for various charity groups in New South Wales. Her own knitted items will be one of the features of the fashion parade to be held at the Matilda Highway race meeting the day after the workshops. Knitted fashion is right up there with the runway catwalk stuff, let me tell you, she said. I am so excited to be invited to come out to western Queensland to share my love of knitting with everyone, she added. During the workshops she will be giving short talks on the art of

R oad trains line up to unload stock for the latest cattle sale at the B lackall yards. The Bulloo Lakes Pastoral Trust, Adavale sent in 40 Angus cross mickeys weighing 204 kg which made 182.2 c/kg or $373.05 a head. WD & RA Milton, Longreach presented 350 Brahman and Brahman cross light feeder steers which averaged 164 c/kg for 320 kg. Ian Hoch, Alpha sold 53 Hereford cross heifers to a top of 142.6 c/kg to average 141.6c or $579.80 for 409 kg. La Plata Grazing Co, Blackall sold 32 Brahman cross cows to a top of 122.2 c/kg, averaging 118.2c or $634.72 for 529 kg. Gillespie Grazing Co had a draft of Santa bulls which topped at 120.2c or $835/head for 706 kg. The next Blackall Combined Agents cattle sale was scheduled for Thursday, April 17.

knitting, community of knitting, and the history of knitting, and has a great selection of Australian knitting books through the ages a real trip down memory lane. Sally Cripps is the contact person for those wishing to register for the days. Fees are $25 a day and starter kits will cost no more than $30.

Public Holiday Blackall and district residents are advised that the annual Public Show Holiday has been moved and is now on Tuesday, 4 November for the annual Melbourne Cup. Overgrown Allotments Owners of land within Blackall are reminded to regularly mow the grass and undergrowth to keep the land tidy. Failure to do so creates hazards from vermin, snakes and res. Regular inspections of the town are being carried out to ensure owners are compliant with Local Laws. Fires in the Town Area The lighting and maintaining of res is prohibited on land situated within the town area. Illegal Dumping in the Shire Residents of Blackall are reminded that the only place legally available for the dumping of any waste including green waste (lawn clipping, branches etc) is at the Blackall Rubbish Dump situated along Evora Road the dumping of green waste at Fallisons Crossing along Daisy Street or along the Jericho Road or in any place other then the Council Rubbish
Please send your contributions to: Email: barcooindependent@yahoo. Post: PO Box 195, Blackall Q Phone/fax: 4657 6966 or in person: The Blackall Visitor Information Centre, 108a Shamrock St, Blackall

Council News

Dump is illegal and Council will take appropriate action against individuals found to be dumping in this areas. Dogs in Blackall A reminder that all dogs kept within the town of Blackall the age of 3 months and over must be registered with Council and must wear a current identifying tag. No dog is permitted in a public place, which includes footpaths and streets, unless the dog is under a persons effective control. Water Restriction Hours From 1 October to 30 April sprinklers are banned between the hours of 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday. No water restrictions are in force over the weekends. Be WaterWise save money, energy and the environment WaterWise Tip: Wash your car with a bucket and trigger nozzle over a grassed area. Photos For Sale T he B arcoo Independent has photos taken by S ally C ripps in 2007/8 for sale. P lease call in to the B lackall V isitor Inform ation C entre to view and/or purchase the photos. Only $2 each

An example of shadow knitting is this Dark Mark Illusion Scarf by Lindsay which is a Harry Potter favourite. The clever shading is done with two colours and just plain and purl knitting from a simple graph.

A K id m ohair ne lace vest is an exam ple of knitted fashions created by tutor M ichelle H artrick


Advertising Rates 2008

1/8 pg ad: $12.50 1/6 pg ad: $25.00 1/4 pg ad: $31.50 1/2 pg ad: $62.50 Full page ad/Insert: $125

1/3 pg ad: $43.50 Classied $5 for 3 lines plus $1.25 per extra line

Where all good brands meet--> Outback Emporium, Blackall Phone 46 576 220
The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008 - Page 7

Page 14- The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008

O n a recent holiday to B risbane, Logan, M itchell, C ooper and H arrison H auff m et W ayne B ennett and three of the broncos players, K arm ichael H unt, P eter W allace and C raig F raw ley at their training run at R ed H ill. T hey w ere able to w atch the team training under coaches Ivan H enjack and W ayne B ennett and w ere also able to get m any of the players autographs.

The Central Queensland Beef Cattle Show and Sale.


Come along and enjoy
Windy Wizard showing off his clowning and tricks. Be part

of his interactive workshop with balloon twisting and more. Funtime Puppet Theatre featuring The Punch and Judy Show. Radical Reptiles that slither and slide Horse events including gymkhana and stockmans challenges Sheep, wool, cattle, poultry, caged birds and dog judging The Pavilion full of creations Fashion Parades with fashions for women, men and children Bring your cutest, most colourful, furriest or pet with personality to the Pet Show Have your gardening questions answered by The Talking Gardening Panel Plus plenty of entertainment including Tug o War, Rodeo, Fireworks, Barbeque, Sideshows, Bar and music till late. Lucky Gate Prize of $50 Dont forget the triathlon Saturday afternoon
Specialist Dates
ORTHOPAEDICS: Ph Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. OUTPATIENTS: Free service held at the Blackall Hospital at 9.00am Weekdays only. Maximum of four patients per day so please book early at Administration before 9am. Please call 4650 7700 to book.MENTAL HEALTH NURSE: Ph: Longreach Hospital 4658 4700 to make an appointment. PAEDIATRICIAN TEAM (Child Psychiatrist and Paediatrician): Dr Helen Heussler- visiting Longreach Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital for appointment 4658 4735. Referal required PODIATRIST: Ph: Maree Longreach Hospital 4658 4700. PSYCHIATRIST: Dr Richard Zimmerman Ph: Mental Health Longreach Hospital 4658 4700; Blackall Hospital Wednesday April 23. Referrals required. PSYCHOLOGIST: Ph: Longreach RFDS 4658 1928 for appointment. Blackall March 19. PHYSIOTHERAPIST: Ph: Longreach Hospital 4658 4700. Ph: Barcaldine 4651 1311 QUEENSLAND ILLICIT DRUG DIVERSION INITATIVE: Ph: Longreach Mental Health 4652 7951. RELATIONSHIPS AUSTRALIA: Visit Blackall on a needs basis. Phone 1300 364 277 RESPIRATORY PHYSICIAN: Dr Simon Bowler. Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. SURGEON: Phone Longreach Hospital for enquires. SPEECH THERAPIST: Ph: Erika Healy 4652 7951 WELL WOMENS CLINIC NURSE: Louise Cameron - May 21. Ph: Blackall Hospital 4650 7700 to make an appointment. WELL WOMENS CLINIC DOCTOR: Dr Louise Russell - Blackall April 30 & May 1 Ph: Blackall Hospital on 4650 7700 to register on waiting list.

Win Holidays to Mooloolaba, Norfolk Island, Airlie Beach, Gold Coast, Brisbane ...
PLUS numerous trophies and prizes

Landmark Cattlemens Presentation Dinner

AUDIOLOGIST: Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. CARDIAC SPECIALIST TEAM: Ph: 4654 3277 for an appointment. CHILD HEALTH AND ADULT/ CHILD HEARING TESTS: The Child Health Nurse - Blackall April 28 & May 12. Ph: Blackall Hospital on 4650 7700 Referrals required for hearing tests. COMMUNITY HEALTH INDIGENOUS HEALTH, QIDDI & SOCIAL WORKERS: Ph: Longreach Community Health Service 4658 3344. CONTINENCE ADVISOR: Ph: Joanne de Vries on 4658 3622. DENTIST: All patients who require dental treatment must register on a waiting list. Phone Blackall Hospital to add name and family to the list. Barcaldine Dental Clinic- 4651 1311; Longreach Hospital- 4658 4720; Private Clinic Longreach- 4658 1283. DIETICIAN: Ph: Longreach Hospital for enquires. DERMATOLOGIST: Dr David Leslie visiting in May 2, 2008. Appointments at Black Stump Surgery on 4657 4677 Referral required. EMOTIONAL & SOCIAL WELL BEING TEAM: Ph: 4658 1928 for details. ENT (Ears, Nose, and Throat): Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. FOOT CARE CLINC: April 28, ph: Blackall Hospital GASTROENTEROLOGIST: Dr Stevenson -Referrals required. Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. GYNAECOLOGIST and OBSTETRIC: New Lady Doctor visiting Blackall May 26, 2008. Referral required. Ph: Blackall Hospital for an appointment. OPHTHALMOLOGIST: Dr Glasson/ Dr Stark Blackall October 2008. Referrals are required. Ph: 4650 7700 for an appointment. OPTOMETRIST: Geoff Fitzpatrick Blackall June 2. Ph: 1800 008 020. ORTHODONTIST: Ph: Patti Smith Longreach 4658 4735.

Blackall-Tambo Regional Council - Blackall Branch

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The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008 - Page 13

The Central Queensland Beef Cattle Show and Sale.

Friday 25th April 2008



ST (Tom) Orchard Memorial Trophy

Where Memorial Park When 6:00 AM

5 nights accommodation for 4 people at Newport Apartments Mooloolaba 7 nights accommodation for 2 people at the Colonial of Norfolk, Norfolk Island

Complimentary Breakfast, Tea and Coffee MORNING PARADE & CEREMONY

400-540kg 0-4 th 400kg+ 0 - 8 th 400-540kg 0 - 4 th

Return ight for 2 people to Brisbane 2 night weekend getaway for 2 people at Gold Coast International Hotel, Surfers Paradise

Assemble for March (in front of IGA) 09:30 AM March Commence 09:40 AM


2 night weekend getaway package at a quality Brisbane Hotel/Resort 4 nights accommodation for 2 people at the Metro Motel, Rockhampton 5 nights accommodation for 2 people at the Club Crocodile Airlie Beach 2 nights accommodation for 2 people in a spa room, inc continental breakfast, at the Cattle City Motor Inn Rockhampton

Ceremony in Memorial Park - 10:00 AM

Wreaths to be collected near IGA prior to commencement of March

Blackall-Tambo Regional Council - Blackall Branch

Any individual, family or community organisation who would like to order a wreath to lay during the morning ceremony and have not done so should contact Donny Daly on 0427 400 754. Wreaths will be available for collection from Donny Daly & Robyn Adams near IGA prior to the march.
In Remembrance of those who served their country, members of the Blackall RSL Ladies Auxiliary place a symbolic Cross and Poppy on the grave of every serviceman and woman interned in the Blackall cemetery. They invite you to visit the cemetery to view these graves, and mark the memory and service of these individuals in your own personal way and in your own time. The Crosses will be on display from Thursday 24th to Sunday 27th April 2008.
Additional Information or Assistance Contact Blackall RSL Sub Branch - President - Terry Brennan on 07 4651 0939 or 0419 179 974 or Secretary / Treasurer - Donny Daly on 0427 400 754

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The Barcoo Independent, Friday, April 18 2008 - Page 9

SpeakOut project gets underway in Blackall

A week lled with energy, creativity and inspiration marked the start of SpeakOuts delivery of creative industry employment training in Blackall. Based at Blackalls Memorial Hall, 10 young people from Blackall, Barcaldine and Longreach explored activities ranging from movie making and screenprinting to digital photography and stencilling in a week of intensive tutoring. Sammy Jo Marshall of Barcaldine said the concept really appealed to her from the start and the week hadnt disappointed. I thought it was going to be people telling us what to do and having set criteria but this is so different, she said. You dont think in a world of black and white, youre allowed to explore. Ive really gained an insight into the world of lm. Her comments were echoed by Claire Rawlins from Longreach. I was originally going to study psychology at uni but Ive gotten over that, Claire said. Now Im thinking of something to do with art, something I can really get my teeth into. The former Blackall shire had engaged in long term negotiations with SpeakOut to establish an ongoing presence in the town that would bring about a creative industry base for the central west. Called 22 Creative Pathways in the Central West, the initial program aims to attract 22 young people from the region to engage in diverse creative skills development over a series of intensive workshops from April through to July. With two intensive training sessions still to come in May and July, places are still available for newcomers. Ive been talking to mates and lots want to do it now, said Longreachs Bree Monaghan. Weve been putting in the effort and getting tired but its good effort. Participants are all working on personal projects, with common themes of community, identity and place, and self expression, expressed via short animations, photographic essays, digital stories and mixed media explorations. A showcase of the rst week of work was attended by 40 people at the Memorial Hall last Saturday evening, and a community drop-in workshop session is planned for May 17, to enable people to nd out more about the project. SpeakOut is also employing Hayley Judd as its community project support ofcer to provide on-ground program delivery, when she will operate out of the Memorial Hall on Tuesday mornings and Thursday afternoons. Blackall-Tambo Regional Council spokesperson Louise Campbell said the Blackall shire had wanted to nd ways to diversify into new industries for both economic and social outcomes and to provide solutions for youth capacity building. The long term aim is for creative enterprise and economic development, to skill, employ and retain young people, to encourage the return of skilled young people

back to the region, and to develop e-commerce and technology industry awareness in the region, Louise said. SpeakOut will support the community, in particular youth, to access services that are not currently available, and open pathways to diversify from traditional rural engagement towards technology advancement, which is essential for the 21st century.

-- by Sally Cripps

22 Multi Arts Community Workshop

( in conjunction with the Heartland Festival 2008)

Learn skills in visual art, mixed media collage, stop motion animation,lm and video, screen-printing, photography, stencilling and multimedia
H ayley Judd w orks w ith S peakout team m em ber A ndrew G ibbs to m ake a short m ovie.

Workshops led by the 22 participants and the SpeakOut Crew

Who: All ages When: Saturday 17th May 10am-12pm Where: Blackall Memorial Hall
Bring your own cotton light coloured t-shirt to screen print!
C aroline Turner explains som e of the art activities undertaken during the w eek.

For more information please email or call 07 46574442 on Tuesdays 8:30-12pm or Thursdays 1-5pm.
22 is a creative skills development program for young people from throughout the Central West Region.

A bove: S peakO uts Youth and C om m unity P rogram s coordinator F ran M oser checks out som e of the great artw ork produced w ith B lackall-Tam bo staff m em ber Louise C am pbell. R ight: S peakO ut advisory group m em ber S ally B ree M onaghan, Longreach plans C ripps has fun m aking a short m ovie, along w ith Jess H arse and D avid G oodm an. a stencilling project.

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