FORMATION OF SOIL by Poornima Nadun

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Poornima Nadun

Weathering describes the breaking down or dissolving of rock and minerals on the surface of the Earth.
Water,Ice,Acid ,Salts,Plants,Animals and temperature are all agent of weathering.
As, a result of erosion and weathering ,soil is form and also landscape also continuously change as a
result of weathering and erosion. Exposure the time plays a main roll in this criteria. The rocks under
the soil is less weathering and erosion. Exposure factors effect for weathering such as
water,wind,sunlight. As a result,of these factors rocks break down to tiny particles and that tiny
particles mix with animal,plant matter and support to form soil.
Rock weathering take place in mainly 3 ways as Physical ,Chemical and Biologically Rock weathering.
And also, biological weathering support living organisms to take part in weathering as a part of birth

Mechanical Weathering /Physical weathering

Mechanical weathering is also another name to define the term physical weathering . Water is the main
supporter in physical rock weathering. Liquid water and seeps into cracks and crevices .When water
seep into cracks and crevices in rocks. When liquid water turns to freeze water the water get volume get
expands and then it turns forming ice. This ice work as wedge. W hen ice turns to the liquid phase
water supports to erosion by carrying away tiny rock fragments. This specific process is called Frost
weathering or Cryofracturing. Temperature changes can also contribute for weathering. It refer as
Thermal Stress. As a result,of it rocks gets expand and get compressed. It caused to make cracks in
rocks and support in weathering. And also change in pressure is also contribute to exfoliation due to
weathering. In process unloading ,overlying materials are removed.
The clay and other materials near rocks also support for rock weathering. The clay and other materials
absorb the water and swell. And also the growth of crystals also support for rock weathering.

Chemical Weathering

Chemical weathering changes the molecular structure of rocks and soil. The formation of carbonic acid
that refers as carbonation support for rock weathering. Carbonic acid is especially effective in
dissolving limestone. The formation of rust support for chemical weathering. Rocks composed with
several type of ions. That ion combined with oxygen and support to form oxide that is rust.. The
formation of rust support in weakening of rock structures.
Another type of factor that influence to chemical rock weathering is hydration .Its a form of chemical
weathering in which the chemical bonds of the mineral are changed as it interacts with water. And also
Hydrolysis also support for rock weathering .In the process of hydrolysis a new solution (a mixture of 2
or more substance)is formed as chemicals in rock interact with water. In many rocks for ex:
Sodium mineral interacts with water to form a salt water solution.

Biological Weathering

Biological weathering is occur as a result of,involves of organisms. Such as,animals,plants,fungi,and

micro-organisms such as bacteria. While certain forms of biological weathering such as breaking down
of rocks by tree roots.
_Micro-organisms & Lichens_

Many micro-organisms in the soil on the surface of rocks can contribute. Some microbes take
phosphate ,calcium silica from rocks. They secrete enzymes and acids on surface and breakdown the
chemical in rock and utilize. And also the association between algae and fungi that is lichens grow on
rock surface and survive and live long time. As a result of lichens secretions,Rocks are weather and
also due to animal burrowing habitats for their survival also help in this process while animal excretion
also help in this due to combination of these factors Biological Rock weathering take place.

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