Sport On The Barcoo: Race For Mayor On A Knife Edge

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Sport on the Barcoo

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Blackalls own community newspaper

B lackall Junior C ricket celebrates at the fall of a w icket

Johno your out w as the shout at the cricket on M arch 8

Sets of nines sees double

In sets of nine ends at the Blackall Bowls Club on Sunday, March 16 Gary Whiteld proved too good for Julie Blucher, winning 11-4 and 11-4. In handicap singles Rob Doyle ew out of the barrier to win seven of the rst eight ends to lead John Bowyer 17 0. It is not known what happened after that, but Rob never scored again, going down 33-17 on 21 ends. In A singles John Carter and Dally Holden had a hard-fought game with the scores being 28-26 after 32 ends with John getting a 2 and a 1 on the next two ends to win 31-26. In a top game of B singles played on Sunday, March 9 a much improved Ron Robinson and John Bowyer played for 37 ends.

Macca hits 42

After being 14-all on 16 ends then 26-all on 30 ends, John managed to get up to win 31-28. In sets of nine ends, young Mitchell Pngst showed his early form was no uke, going down narrowly to Tex Hayward 10-6 and 10-6. In another sets of nine game, Greg MacNamara started well against Rob Doyle, winning the rst set 9-5, but Rob came back to win the next two sets 12-5 and 12-4. In social play Jenny Turner and Dally Holden fell in against Julie Blucher and Roy Black 13-12. Social bowls only will be played on Sunday, March 23. Play will commence at 9:30 am

-- by Dally Holden

March 8 saw the second cricket game for the year, a social match between Blackall Junior Cricketers and the Barcoo Country Cricket Club, played out on the claypan in lovely weather. Batting rst Blackall Juniors won with a total of 150 runs. Best batsmen were Macca on 42 with Steven Bird on 35 and Mitchell Horsten on 19. Best bowlers for Barcoo were Steve Gillies, 4 overs 3/11 and Anthony Hyland, 3 overs 2/11. Barcoo were all out for 99, batting second. Best batsmen were Steve Gillies on 15, Johnno on 14 and Tim Ludgate, 12 not out. Best bowlers for BJC were Bradley Hayes, 4 overs 3/17 and Hamish Heard, 3 overs 2/7. The next cricket game will be on April 5.

Race for mayor on a knife edge

-- by Sally Cripps
The people of Blackall and Tambo will have to wait until next Tuesday before they know who their new mayor will be, with Jan Ross just four votes ahead of Barry Muir when counting nished last Saturday night. Les Wheelhouses 29 years in local government, 12 of them as mayor of the Blackall shire, came to an end on Saturday when he nished third in the polling with 299 votes. Jan Ross, a former Tambo shire councillor, nished the night with 473 votes while former Blackall shire councillor Barry Muir held 469 votes. Returning ofcer Lew Kelly said the nal outcome of the ballot would not be known until next Tuesday, March 25 when preferences would be distributed and the poll declared. This could change, depending on the direction of the Electoral Commissioner, Mr Kelly said. The 10 day wait is to give everyone a chance to have a say, taking into consideration delays in the post.

March 21 2008 ISSN 1832-6129

F irew orks lit up the sky at the E nd of C ouncil E xtravaganza

Full squad contests Keith Hayward Memorial shoot

The rst part of the Keith Hayward Memorial shoot was held at the Blackall Pistol Club last Sunday, March 16 with a full squad contesting the Standard Match pairs event. The event attracted shooters that had been absent for a while and it was good to see them back on the shooting line. Winning pair on the day was Dallas Kowald-Dawson and Peter Molle with a combined score of 910. Runners-up Ashley Adams and Doug Lane scored 828 with third place going to Bruce McPaul and Bruce Coward on 803. Other scores were Noelene Gleeson and Ricky Richardson on 782, Arthur Elmy and Spencer Astill on 745, and Len Russell and Doug Church with 704. Top individual score was 488 shot by Ashley Adams, just ahead of Dallas Kowald-Dawson on 484 and Noelene Gleeson on 483. Winning pair in the Air Pistol event was Ashley Adams and Doug Church with a score of 904. Runners-up were Noelene Gleeson and Arthur Elmy on 873

-- by Cindy Harvey

and third place to Len Russell and Doug Lane on 832. Spencer Astill and Arthur Elmy nished on 827. Ashley Adams had his eye in to nish with a top individual score of 530. The second half of the Keith Hayward Memorial shoot will be held on March 30 with the Centre Fire and Sports Pistol pairs events commencing at 9am.

The race for councillor in division three of the new Blackall-Tambo Regional Council is also very close, with Peter Skewes leading by eight votes on 121, from Roger Ellison on 113. Robbie Doyle polled 66 votes. In division one Grahame Schluter is ahead with 115 votes, followed by Viney Joshi on 78, Peter Evans on 61 and Megan Prow on 43. Graham Jarvis has 50 per cent, or 163 votes in division two, formerly the Tambo shire. He is trailed by Richard Sanderson on 91 votes and Marilyn Hobbs with 72 votes. Sally Cripps is 20 votes ahead of Tina Holden in division four, receiving 53 per cent or 162 votes to Tinas 142. There were 14 informal votes in that division, compared with 6 informal votes in total in the other three divisions. In an optional preferential system, a candidate requires a majority (50% + 1) of the formal votes in the count to be elected. If no candidate receives more than half of the rst preference

votes, a process of distributing preferences takes place where the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and those ballot papers are distributed to the remaining candidates according to the next preference shown on each ballot paper. This process of elimination continues until one candidate has a majority of the votes, at which time that person is elected. Whoever the new mayor is, they will be plunged straight into work, with Premier Anna Bligh hosting a summit of all new mayors next Thursday, March 27, at Parliament House. This meeting will be an opportunity to bring state and local government leaders together to discuss immediate issues such as the integration of services across regions and other aspects of the transition process for merging councils, Ms Bligh said. For all councils, there are other important issues to canvass, including capacity building for councils and improving accountability to ratepayers
co n tin u e d o n p a g e 3

Gardens galore -- page 6 End of council extravaganza -- page 11

Page 20 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008

Toads a common sight at Westhill

L e tte rs To T h e E d ito r

In response to the article in a recent Barcoo Independent about cane toads, Id like to share information about our experience with them at Westhill. We identied our rst cane toad at the Westhill homestead about three years ago. It was a huge toad, at least 20 cm long and was walking across the lawn late one afternoon. We disposed of it immediately. Within a couple of months more toads were sighted, another large one half buried in a garden bed and many smaller ones. In 2006, a local teenager came out one night and helped us catch all we could nd. There were over 70 toads caught that night just around the main house. That year, a roo shooter reported seeing cane toads several times at one of our big dams about 5 km from the house. I asked around the area at the time to see if any other cane toads had been seen. Some properties to the north and east of us had seen toads. Those to the south and west hadnt. Early last year, we held a Great Cane Toad Hunt evening and invited approximately two dozen friends out. We had printed off photos and descriptions of cane toads from the internet so that everyone was able to distinguish cane toads from native toads. We used disposable gloves and lidded buckets. Toads around the two homesteads were collected rst then we drove out to one of the dams and spent at least an hour there, collecting more toads. After three hours we had collected over 200 toads of all sizes, which lled a ten litre painters bucket. They were put into the cold room for the night, then in the freezer at the shearers quarters for about a month. After that we deposited them in the property dump. Within a couple of months there were just as many, if not more, toads around the main homestead again. Interestingly, the green frog population doesnt seem to have been adversely affected. It is now common to see cane toads along the road to town at night.

Desmond information sought

New date for campdraft

Would your readers have any information about events at Glenusk siding in 1915? My great-uncle, John Edward Desmond emigrated in 1913 with his wife Louise and three-year-old daughter Mary, to work on the Jericho-Blackall line, and were living in a tent at Glenusk siding on the 4th April, 1915, the date of their last letter to England. As my greatuncle was devoted to his only sister, my grandmother, the sudden cessation of letters and subsequent inability to trace the family has remained a mystery in following generations. When my grandmother tried to track him, she just received a letter from a priest telling her to put her faith in God. I would be grateful for any information you or your readers might be able to provide as to their disappearance - whether it be re, ood or other accident. Does anyone have any historical information about events in the Glenusk siding area that may explain their sudden disappearance? They did have another daughter, Frances Louisa Desmond, who was born there on 13.1.1914 but who sadly died there on the Sunday before 14.7.1914. Any help you can give me would be most appreciated. I am coming on a short trip to your area in May from Maryborough.

The Blackall Campdraft Association is busily preparing for its annual campdraft which is being held on the new dates of May 16, 17 & 18. Drafting will be over three days and a bar and canteen will be operating with entertainment being provided on Saturday night by Outback Sound. The event, previously set down for the rst weekend in April, was postponed to the new date so that members could attend an Equine Inuenza recovery program to be well informed on the protocols that will need to be followed in order to run the event. With EI almost eradicated in Australia the committee is condent that the event will go ahead as it has done in previous years. The dates were also chosen so that Blackalls draft may fall within the schedule of Barcaldine and Tambo. President Roger Ellison said that without the support of members who give almost 10 days donated time to walk cattle in, plus the donation of cattle by the Russell Pastoral Company of Champion, the event would almost be impossible to run.

T he B lackall C am pdraft A ssociation Inc w as honoured w hen Q ueensland G overnor Q uentin B ryce took the tim e to pose for a photo w ith m em bers w orking hard behind the bar at the dinner held in M s B ryces honour at the C ultural C entre recently. It was also Mr Ellisons belief that, as with most events in small towns, without the dedication of members and generosity of sponsors these events would not be able to continue. Anyone wishing to become a member or volunteer to help at the May campdraft should contact secretary Kellie Harlow.

Fantastic numbers sign up for junior league

The Blackall Junior Rugby League has commenced the new footy season with fantastic numbers signing on. Training has also started with excellent numbers in all grades. The Magpies will be competing in Under 7s, 8s, 10s, 12s, and 14s, with coaches being Brent Gerber, Peter Hauff, Dan Burton, Mark McKay and Peter Ward respectively. With such strong numbers back on the books the junior league will once again have perpetual trophies on Presentation Day. The rst game kicks off with a cluster day in Ilfracombe on Saturday March 29 where all ve towns will compete from Under 8s through to Under 16s. Later in the day the A grade will be playing for the Tommy Conlan Memorial trophy. The following day, March 30 will see a coaching clinic at the Blackall showgrounds, beginning at 8 am and nishing at 6 pm. Completion of this course enables the holder to coach from under 7s through to grade football. A number of participants have already nominated for this course but more positions are available to anyone interested in obtaining a Level 1 coaching certicate.

-- by Kellie Harlow

Elaine M Streeter

Chasing Stirling descendants

I am trying to trace descendants of Robert Stewart Stirling born at Gunbower, Pittsworth in 1877. Robert (Bob) Stirlings parents were John Stirling and Janet Stewart Stirling, married at Winchelsea, Victoria in 1866. He lived his early life at Lorne, Victoria with 10 siblings. They were Isabella (Belle), William, David, Janet, Elizabeth (Lizzie), George, James, Jean, Johnstone (Jack) and Annie. The family believes Robert lived in the Blackall district after leaving Lorne. I would greatly appreciate contact from family descendants interested in viewing our collection of photographs and perhaps adding to our family history.

Turngood Pty Ltd continues to be Blackall Junior Rugby Leagues major sponsor for the 2008 season. Towards the end of last year the group received assistance from Telstras Rugby League Assistance Fund. They were pleased to receive two hit shields, a tackle bag and a rst aid kit. Any children wanting to play and who have not yet signed up can still do so. Training sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 pm-6 pm at the showgrounds.

-- by Peter Hauff

Jill (Stirling) Keefe

PO Box 541 Robina Qld. 4226 Ph:07 5578 7674.

Richelle Walker DATE CLAIMERS

19 25

MARCH 21-24 Easter break 22-23 Blackall Open tennis tournament 30 Rugby league coaching clinic APRIL 4 5 14 19 Term one ends BCCC-BJC cricket match Term two starts CWA stalls day

Spicks & Specks Kindy Quiz Night Anzac Day

MAY 3 Woolscour bush dinner 3 Woolscour bush dinner and tour 4 Blackall show 7 Woolscour night dinner and tour

10-31 10/11 10 12

Heartland Festival Youth art mural Kindy Quick Shear Heartland Festival poet in residence starts 14 Woolscour night dinner and tour 16-18 Black Stump campdraft 21 Woolscour night dinner and tour

C oach B rent G erber keeping a close eye on S later S pinks, B lake A rnold, K ye G erber and F lynn H inds at their second training run.

R iley F lynn, M ason S pinks, Leroy B row n and S hauna K angan take off for their training session. P hotos - R oland B lucher

P resident P eter H auff looks on as Jack B anks goes pow ering through the hit shields held by W ill A lexander and Q uinne C arolan for the under 8s training session

Page 2 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008 - Page 19

Blackall cattle sales bring numbers from far and wide

Blackall Combined Agents yarded 2000 head at their weekly fat and store sale on March 6 and a further 1500 head on March 13. Cattle have been drawn from Hughenden, Winton, Longreach, Windorah and local districts and agents say that with very dry areas to the north west, the large numbers are expect to continue to move. Anyone travelling on the highways recently would have been overwhelmed with the number of livestock trucks currently on the road as massive numbers of cattle have been sent to meatworks, feedlots and restockers. Agents said that with Easter fast approaching, the rush to sell cattle was still on. At the March 6 sale, bullocks account Bailey Properties, Paradise Downs, Blackall sold to 155.2 c/kg to average 690 kg and return a top of $1100 per head. The Cameron family, Romulus, Blackall sold bullocks to 155.2 c/kg, averaging 650 kg to return $1046/hd. Jason and Anne Sprague, Neverfail, Blackall sold trade kill steers for 156.2 c/kg to return $786/hd, which were quickly snapped up by the Barcoo Butchery. K and B Gillies, Devenish, Blackall sold Brahman cross cows to 120 c/kg for 566 kg and $676/ hd, and also sold heavy heifers for 130 c/kg or $720/hd. Heavy feeder steers from Romulus sold for 164.2 c/kg or $702/hd. Ross and Sons, Vacy, Yaraka sold Santa heifers for 166.2 c/kg, averaging $497/hd. David Hardie, Dumfries, Blackall sold Brahman cross cows and calves for $680 per unit. Ray and Susie Mayne, Greenhills, Tambo sold Santa cows to 118 c/ kg while their heifers reached 129 c/kg. West Hill, Blackall sold Santa and Charolais steers to average 186 c/kg and average 326 kg.

On March 13 a total of 1508 head of fat and store cattle were yarded by the Combined Agents, and the market was described as fully rm against other sales conducted during the week. Limited bullocks were on offer, selling to a top of 152.2 c/kg and $982 on account of the Rice family of Torrens Creek. Droughtmaster bullocks offered by the Ford family of Hughenden sold for 152.2 c/kg to realize $852/head. The total yarding of cows averaged around 111 cents. Rob Thallan, Terrick Terrick, Blackall sold heavy Santa heifers to 153 c/kg. A draft of heavy heifers from the Gillies family, Devenish, Blackall sold to a top of 144.2 cents to average 141.9 cents or $669 for 472kg. The Special Weaner & Store Cattle Sale is next up for local agents, with 4500 head of cattle booked in for the March 27 sale.

Ms Bligh urges patient with Blackall-Tambo mayoral voting changes continued from page 1 through better performance statistics by management and reporting division:
frameworks, she said. Ms Bligh urged Queenslanders to be patient as the new councils worked through issues. This process inevitably will have its teething problems, and I encourage Queenslanders to have patience while it takes place. New mayors are charged with the task of bringing staff and organisational cultures together and this wont happen overnight. Division One Wheelhouse 91 Muir 122 Ross 85 Informal 1 Division Two Wheelhouse 26 Muir 44 Ross 256 Informal 1 Division Three Wheelhouse 92

Muir 154 Ross 55 Informal 1 Division Four Wheelhouse 90 Muir 149 Ross 77 Informal 0 Total in percentage terms Wheelhouse 24.09% Muir 37.79% Ross 38.11%


Blackall-Tambo councillor rst preference

Business as usual for new council

Business as usual is the message for staff of the new Blackall-Tambo Regional Council this week, and for members of the public dealing with the newly amalgamated shire. A $12 million Staff Support Package announced last year by the state government is designed to protect job security for council employees. The protection, which applies to everyone other than CEOs, mayors and councillors, will continue for three years from the council elections, through to March 15, 2011. The government also put in place a Local Government Employee Workforce Transition Code of Practice, which details the key principles for staff transition arrangements. These are that service delivery levels should be maintained or enhanced, and that, as far as possible, the locations at which local government employees perform their work should not be changed. While the Blackall-Tambo Local Transition Committee, now disbanded, could only make recommendations to the incoming council, it was keen to see the new council adhere to these principles. Interim CEO Brenda Kelly, who has become the Blackall-Tambo Regional Councils acting CEO since the Blackall and Tambo shire councils ceased to exist last Friday, told a recent community meeting that there would be no forced redundancies for three years. Another principle is that no employee will be moved, unless a position becomes available and an employee chooses to apply for that position, she said. Our interim stafng strategy is that all who were employed on March 14 would be employed in the same position on March 15. Other LTC actions included making Tricia Gleeson the acting Director of Finance in the new council, while former Tambo CEO Rob Hayward accepted the position of acting Director of Corporate and Community Services and manager of the Tambo ofce of the new regional council. Ms Kelly said Ross Browning had accepted the position of acting Director of Works, operating from Blackall. Because of the distances, we will operate two separate depots, Ms Kelly said. Tambo was also set to retain a superintendent of works. Tambos structure wont change

Division One Joshi 26.26% Schluter 38.72% Evans 20.54% Prow 14.48% Division Two Jarvis 50% Hobbs 22.09% Sanderson 27.91% Division Three Doyle 22% Ellison 37.67% Skewes 40.33% Division Four Holden 46.71% Cripps 53.29%

Im provem ents to the Blackall saleyards w as one of the big projects undertaken by the form er BlackallShire Councillastyear and form er councillorsColin Wood,Grahame Schluterand PeterEvanslooked the projectoverlastweek,along with interim CEO Brenda Kelly and admin ofcer A m anda S chulze.

too much, except who they report to, Ms Kelly added. The only other position reporting directly to the acting CEO is the acting Director of Water, Sewerage and Parks, a position accepted by Lawrie Doonar. Until the declaration of the poll on March 25, Ms Kelly, as acting CEO, also takes on the role of council. Once the new council becomes operational it will take responsibility for a new strategic direction. Ms Kelly told the community meeting that the Blackall-Tambo Regional Councils operating budget would nearly double as it rolled Blackalls $8-10 million budget and Tambos $6-8 million budget together. She said there were around 200 individual policies to review and determine whether to continue with two separate systems or whether they should be merged. Blackall and Tambo are in separate re and police districts, prompting the LTC to recommend to the new council that they continue operating under separate plans for at least the transition period, to give government departments a chance to sort themselves out.

Form erBlackallShire councillorsAlan Lane and PeterSkewes,along with interim CEO Brenda Kelly,took the opportunity to inspectthe new spelling centre pens atthe Blackallsaleyards while attending theirlast council m eeting for the B lackall shire last w eek. Page 18- The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008

Spend $100 and get 5% discount on Groceries* Spend $200 and get 7.5% discount on Groceries*
*Discount a

Blackall Four Square

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008 - Page 3

Lisa speaks about her battle with hair loss

For a lot of people, the condition Alopecia Areata Multilocularis (AA) means nothing. Two years ago Lisa Goodman was amongst those who hadnt heard the term before but in February 2006 she was diagnosed with the condition, which affects around 1 per cent of Australians. AA is a non-contagious autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks its own hair follicles and suppresses or stops hair growth. At rst Lisa started losing hair at the back of her head and had a bald spot the size of a 20 cent piece. This stayed the same way for about six months, when she started losing hair in three separate spots. It was not until the beginning of 2007 when her condition rapidly increased that she was forced to shave her head. It was around the same time as the Queensland Cancer Councils annual Shave for a Cure campaign so she was able to hide the real reason why she had shaved all her hair off.

Change of Trading Hours

Blackall Memorial & Sports Club
Notice to Members & Guests Regarding Change of Trading Hours Starting Monday 31st March 2008

At that stage I was still very embarrassed and unsure about my condition and found it easier if I could hide behind my bandanna, Lisa said. It has taken me a lot to be able to feel comfortable in public, showing people my condition. Because Alopecia is not fully understood there is no known cure at the moment. At the beginning of 2007 when Lisa had lost more than half her hair she had a dose of steroid injections to her head, which made small ve cent piece patches of hair grow back within six months. It was very uncomfortable and after enduring 20 injections to the affected areas on her scalp she was very relieved to have it over and done with. She has also used many natural medicines and remedies over the past two years but stopped taking them recently. After two years I have come to terms with my condition, she said. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that I will be a better person for it.

If my hair grows back, great, if it doesnt then I will have to work around it. Either way, apart from having patchy hair I am perfectly healthy. Lisa encouraged people to research Alopecia on the internet and said that if people had any questions they could feel free to come and see her, and have a look at what her head looks like uncovered. She thanked family and friends for their support, along with the Princess Charlottes Alopecia Foundation.

Alopecia Areata Multilocularis (AA) affects around 1 percent of Australians

Friday April 4

Monday to Saturday Bar hours 10am to Midnight. Lunch 12noon to 2pm Monday to Saturday Dinner 6pm to 9pm Monday to Thursday 6pm to 10pm Friday and Saturday.
(Friday & Saturday night buffet vegetables & salads)

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Saturday April 5

Rashers $7.98 kg

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4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Fact Of Fiction 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 Talking Heads 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Rick Steins French Odyssey 6:30 The Cook And The Chef 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 The New Inventors 8:30 Spicks & Specks 9:00 Stupid Stupid Man 9:30 The Armstrong & Miller Show 10:00 At The Movies 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Blackpool 12:30 Rewind 1:20 Movie: Maids Night Out 2:25 Movie: Danger Patrol 3:25 National Press Club Address 4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:05 Battleplan 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Pie In The Sky 1:30 Collectors 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Grand Designs 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Catalyst 8:35 Life On Mars 9:35 Let The Music Play 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:35 Live At The Basement 12:35 Movie: Two Tickets To Broadway (G,1951,R) 2:25 Movie: Two Tickets To Broadway (G,1951,R) 3:00 Wild Australasia 3:55 Dead Ringers 4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:05 Nature Of Australia 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Bleak House 1:30 Spicks & Specks 2:00 The Way We Were 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Message Stick 6:30 Can We Help? 7:00 News 7:30 Stateline 8:00 Collectors 8:30 Midsomer Murders 10:05 Grumpy Old Women 10:35 Lateline 11:20 The Catherine Tate Show 11:50 triple j tv 12:20 Good Game 12:50 rage (M) 5:00 rage 8:00 rage: Guest Programmer 9:00 Triple j tv With The Doctor 10:00 Live At The Basement 11:00 Totally Frank 11:30 The Cook & The Chef 12:00 Stateline 12:30 Australian Story 1:00 Foreign Correspondent 1:30 Can We Help? 2:00 Rugby League: (QLD) 2008 4:00 Island Life: Kangaroo Island 5:00 Bowls: Australian Open 2008 6:00 My Family 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 News 7:30 Doc Martin 8:25 News 8:30 The Bill 10:05 News 10:10 Spooks (M*,R) 11:05 Jericho (M*,R) 12:40 rage (M)

Barcoo Independent TV Guide - March - 30 - April 5 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Haunting Sarah (M,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 RSPCA Animal Rescue 8:00 The Real Seachange 8:30 TBA 11:10 Seconds From Disaster 12:10 I Survived Lightning 1:05 Infomercial 3:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: As Time Runs Out (M,1999,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Samantha Who? 8:00 How I Met Your Mother 8:30 TBA 10:20 Family Guy 11:20 Stargate Atlantis 12:20 Room For Improvement 1:00 Infomercial 3:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Deep In My Heart (Pg,1999,R) 2:00 According To Jim 2:30 Mercurios Menu 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Better Homes & Gardens 8:30 AFL: Western Bulldogs v St Kilda 11:30 News 12:00 TBA 2:00 Infomerical 3:00 NBC Today 5:00 Childrens Shows 12:00 Eclipse 1:00 AFL: Kangaroos v Hawthorn 4:00 V8 Xtra 4:30 Sevens Motorsport 5:00 2008 Supaloc Saloon Car Mountain Challenge 5:30 Hook Line Sinker 6:00 News 6:30 AFL: Essendon v Carlton 10:00 Michael Palins New Europe 11:15 Forensic Investigators 12:15 Movie: Sins Of The Father (M,2002,R) 2:15 Movie: Body & Soul (M,1998,R) 4:15 Home Shopping 5:00 Dateline NBC 5.30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12.00 Movie: The Big Time (M,2002,R) 2.00 Days of our lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Hi-5 4.00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 The Chopping Block 8:30 I Shouldnt Be Alive 9:30 Cashmere Maa 10:35 Sensing Murder 11:30 Nightline 12:00 Water Rats 5:30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12.00 Movie: Quarrantine (M,1997) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Hi-5 4.00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 Getaway 8:30 TBA 9.30 The Footy Show 11:00 Nightline 11:30 Movie: The Dead Pool (1988,R) 5.30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12.00 Movie: Private Benjamin (M,1980,R) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 NRL: Melbourne Storm v Brisbane Broncos 9:30 NRL: Bulldogs v Sydney Roosters 11:30 Nightline 12:00 Movie: Shattered Glass (M,2003,R) 5:00 Popoff 5:30 Christian City TV 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:30 Surfari 12:00 Katiet 12.30 Horse Racing: Coolmore Classic 3:30 George Lopez 4:00 Discover Downunder 4:30 Talk To The Animals 5:00 Garden Gurus 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 Australias Funniest Home Video Show 7:30 TBA 12.00 The Alice 1:00 Mad TV

4:30 UEFA Champions League 2007/2008 6:55 WeatherWatch & Music 7:55 Overseas News 3:30 Classical Destinations 4:00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Living Black 6:30 News 7:30 Food Safari 8:00 Loves Harvest: Garlic 8:30 Dateline 9:30 News 10:00 Newstopia 10:30 Movie: One Missed Call 12:30 Movie: Daybreak 4.30 UEFA Champions League 2007/2008 6:55 WeatherWatch & Music 7:55 Overseas News 2:30 Dateline 3:30 Chinese News 4.00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7.40 Stockinger 8:30 Unit One 9:35 News 10:05 The Movie Show 10:15 UEFA Champions League Hour 11:15 Movie: Musa 4.30 UEFA Champions League 2007/2008 6:55 WeatherWatch & Music 7:55 Overseas News 1:30 Insight 2:30 Overseas News 4.00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Voices Of The World 8:30 As It Happened: The Long March 9:30 News 10:00 Plaster Caster 11.40 Movie: Madame Sata 1:25 Swordsmen Of The Passes 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 The Firebird 2:00 Close Up: Shostakovich 3:05 The Real James Dean 4:00 Catching The Tide 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Mythbusters 6:30 News 7:30 Top Gear 8:35 Big Love 9:35 RocKwiz 10:50 Movie: The Spanish Apartment 12:15 SOS..Shorts On Screen 1:15 Newstopia 1:45 Insiders Guide To Happiness

Wednesday April 2 Thursday April 3

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5:00 rage 6:30 Childrens Shows 9:00 Insiders 10:00 Inside Business 10:30 Offsiders 11:00 Asia Pacic Focus 11:30 Hymns Of Glory 12:00 Landline 1:00 Gardening Australia 1:30 Message Stick 2:00 The War 3:00 Impressionism: Revenge Of The Nice 4:40 Martis Party 5:00 Sunday Arts 6:00 At The Movies 6:30 The Einstein Factor 7:00 News 7:30 Robin Hood 8:15 Creature Comforts 8:25 News 8:30 East Of Everything 9:25 Compass 10:00 Paradise Found 10:50 4 Better 4 Worse 11:45 Movie: Mexican Spitres Elephant (G,1942,R) 12:50 Movie: The Spanish Main (G,1045,R) 2:35 Movie: Two OClock Courage (Pg,1948,R) 3:55 Love And Money 4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Pilot Guides 1:30 The Cook & The Chef 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Landline Extra 6:30 Talking Heads 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The 7:30 Report 8:00 Australian Story 8:30 Four Corners 9:20 Media Watch 9:35 Enough Rope With Andrew Denton 10:35 Lateline 11:10 Lateline Business 11:35 The Cult Of The Suicide Bomber 12:25 Teachers 1:15 Movie: Ladies Day (G,1943,R) 2:20 Movie: Pop Always Pays (G,1940,R) 3:25 Bowls World Championships 2008 4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Grand Designs 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 The Einstein Factor 1:00 The New Inventors 1:30 Catalyst 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Time Team 7:00 News 7:30 The 7:30 Report 8:00 Stuff 8:30 How Art Made The World 9:30 Foreign Correspondent 10:00 First Tuesday Book Club With Jennifer Byrne 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:35 Four Corners 12:20 Media Watch 12:35 Movie: Anne Of Windy Poplars (G,1940,R) 2:05 Movie: Star Of Midnight (Pg,1935,R) 3:35 Snakefest 3:55 Welcher And Welcher

Barcoo Independent TV Guide - March 30 - April 5 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Choices 6:30 Childrens Shows 7:30 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 Beyond Tomorrow 11:00 Movie: The Neptune Factor (G, 1973,R) 1:00 AFL: Geelong v Essendon 4:00 According To Jim 4:30 Extreme: Skinny Celebrities 5:30 Great South East 6:00 News 6:30 Gladiators 7:30 TBA 8:40 Greys Anatomy 9:40 Brothers & Sisters 11:05 The First 48 12:05 Movie: The Perfect Wife (M,2002,R) 2:05 Ships Of The Desert 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 NBC Meet The Press 5:00 Popoff 6:00 Rise and Shine 6:30 Childrens Programs 7:30 Sunday 9:30 Wide World Of Sports 11:00 The Sunday Footy Show 12:00 Sunday Roast 1:00 The Car Show 1:30 Speed Machine 2.00 Everwood 3:00 Gilmore Girls 4:00 NRL: Bulldogs v Wests Tigers 6:00 News 6:30 Animal Emergency 7:00 RFDS: Royal Flying Doctor Service 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 Movie: TBA (Pg,2004,R) 9:30 TBA 10:30 Crime Investigation Australia 12:00 Movie: Youre Dead (M,1998) 5:30 Creo 6.00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh cooking with AWW 12:00 Movie: Jack & Sarah (M,1995,R) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antique Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 TBA 8:00 TBA 8:30 TBA 9:30 CSI: NY 10.30 Ramseys Kitchen Nightmares 11.30 Nightline 12.00 Stingers 5.300 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12:00 Movie: Other Peoples Money (M,1991,R) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antique Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 Moment Of Truth 8:30 Kitchen Nightmares U.S.A 9:30 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 10:30 Amazing Medical Stories 11.30 Nightline 12.00 The Avengers
General Classication PG

Neville Ernest Smith March 4, 1934 February 25, 2008

Neville Ernest Smith was born on March 4, 1934 in Rockhampton to Ruby May Smith and Ernest George Smith, and was the youngest brother of Lionel and Beryl. He was a fast mover in childhood and quickly earned the title of Neville the Devil after frequently wandering away from home, safely turning up a couple of hours later with a policeman and large icecream cone rmly in his hand and a smile on his face. Neville and Beryl were often commandeered by Lionel to collect bottles to earn extra pocket money. Beryl also took charge of baby-sitting Neville for a penny, to curtail his wanderings. His schooling commenced at Allenstown Sate School, moving onto Emerald State followed by year 7 and sub-junior at Rockhampton Boys Grammar while his parents were running a butcher shop in Emerald. Nevilles rst job, fresh out of school, was as a sales assistant in the menswear department at Stewarts in Rockhampton. He then relocated with his family to Brisbane where he was employed as an ofce boy at E Saxon and Co. A prime opportunity arose with the family purchase of a butchers shop in Thistle St, Blackall on the corner of Barcoo Lane, subsequently trading under the name of Smiths Butchery. A very good relationship existed within the family business with no rows and solid family commitment. At that time meat was eaten three times per day so the workload was intense with 14 bullocks, 40 sheep and 3 pigs slaughtered every week. A pattern of prompt customer service was set in place with Nevilles personal responsibility to focus on the young and single. Lucky him, especially when a new and attractive young and unattached lady - Miss Trethella Mossman started as an ofce girl with AML&F in 1953. Their eyes and hearts locked when Trethella purchased one piece of rump steak and after two magical years of courting Neville and Trethella married on October 19, 1957 at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Blackall. Neville and Lionel were always full of good business ideas, the outcome of which included the Barcoo Poultry Company and the sh shop (Blackall Seafoods, opposite the present 4 Square store) where Neville excelled in making pies and toffee apples. A new enterprise began with the Dairy King ice cream and frozen food business, operating from the rear of the sh shop and delivering throughout the central west. The operation of the frozen food business involved many refrigeration breakdowns, which, out of necessity, began an additional career in refrigeration repairs. Neville would obligingly venture out day or night if anyone were in trouble a service he maintained well into his retirement. In 1965, Neville and Trethella purchased the old softdrink factory in Garden Street. In 1972, they purchased Tristrams softdrink factory in Shamrock Street from Messrs Green & Heaps. The business operations were moved to the new premises and the old factory sold for removal. This then became known as Smithys Softdrinks. For many years the business served Blackall and the west with top quality softdrinks. However, in more recent years, the competition from multi-nationals created the opportunity to diversify into many other products and became a wholesale distribution business. Two popular softdrinks produced were NE Thing and Portello. These were only two of the 15 avours Neville offered for sale. Smithys Softdrinks provided a great community service with softdrinks, ice, chips and so on being delivered and set up any time for private and public functions. Neville had a great marketing slogan - If you must drink and drive, drink Smithys

6:55 Overseas News 11:00 Dvoraks Te Deum 11:30 Cycling: 110th Austral-Melbourne 12:00 Cycling: Paris-Nice Pro Tour 1:00 Speedweek 3:00 Euro 2008 Magazine 3:30 UEFA Champions League 2007/2008 Magazine 4:00 Les Murrays Football Feature 5:00 The World Game 6:00 Thalassa 6:30 News 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8:30 Men In Danger 9:30 Movie: Kurt Wallander: The African 11:15 The Bunker 1:00 The Storm Rages Twice 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 The Food Lovers Guide To Australia 1:30 Iron Ladies Of Liberia 2:30 Dateline 3:30 Insight 4:30 The Journal 5.00 The Crew 5:30 Living Black 6.00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Mythbusters 8:30 The Movie Show 8.35 South Park 9:00 Drawn Together 9:30 News 10:00 Sinchronicity 10.55 The Insiders Guide To Happiness 11:50 Movie: Bad Boys: A True Story 1:35 Ghost In The Shell 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Movie: A Chinese Odyssey 2:30 Tales From A Suitcase 3:00 Everyone Loves A Wedding 3:30 Help 4:00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Insight 8.30 Growing Up On-Line 9:30 News 10.00 On A Tightrope 11:10 Movie: My Teacher, Mr Kim 1:20 Israel And Bosnia

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Sunday March 30 Monday March 31 Tuesday April 1

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: The Importance Of Being Earnest (G,2002,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Border Security Australias Front Line 8:00 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 8:30 Desperate Housewives 9:30 Dirty Sexy Money 10:30 Boston Legal 11:30 3D Rock 12:00 France: Soaring With The Senses 1:00 Infomercial 3:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Borderline Normal (Pg,2000,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 It Takes Two 9:00 All Saints 10:00 My Shocking Story 11:00 Cheaters 12:00 France: Soaring With The Senses 1:00 Infomercial 4:00 NBC Today

and stay alive. People remember Nevilles uniform of Jackie Howe singlet and thongs, which is quite a contrast to todays workplace health and safety regulations. After a successful 34 years, the factory was sold and Neville semiretired, mainly due to the loss of his leg. He kept himself busy with his love for xing fridges and passion for his garden. Neville loved his tennis and was well known for his fancy slicing style. Most weekends saw Neville on the courts. Tennis became the family sport and was a good grounding for the Smith family lifestyle. Yalleroi tennis Sundays have great memories for all the family as well as all the social days and tournaments at the Blackall Tennis Club. Neville was very proud to be honoured as a life member of the Blackall Tennis Club. Neville was a regular worshipper at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church and held the position of Church Warden for many years. Neville, a gentle, kind and caring man, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, February 26 after experiencing poor health for some time. He is deeply loved and will be cherished forever by Trethella, Bradley, Ross and Margaret, Alan and Sue and Marg and Noel and his 11 grandchildren Rhiannon, Kurt, Roxanne, Angus, Isabella, Lochlan, Lily, Hugh, Ella-May, Cyrilla and Bryson.

Programs correct at time of printing but may change owing to unforeseen circumstances
CLASSIFICATIONS: M Mature Classication Recommended for viewing by mature audiences. MA Mature Audience Not suitable for people under 15 years of age. AV

Parental Guidance Recommended

Adult Violence Classication Not suitable for people under 15 years of age.

Curtains, Blinds, Track, Conduit, Rod and Brackets Pre-made Curtains & Blinds, Aluminium Venetian Blinds, Timber Venetians, Block-Out & Light Filtering Blinds, Matchstick Rollup Blinds, Curtain Track, Rod Sets, Conduit, Brackets and accessories at Outback Emporium 1, 126 Shamrock Street, Blackall
The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008 - Page 5

Garden adventures at Heartland Festival

Being led up the garden path is one of the treats in store for people attending Blackalls annual Garden Expo on Friday, May 16. One of the rst events scheduled for the 2008 Heartland Festival, the ever-popular Garden Expo will this year feature Mt Coot-tha Botanical Garden curator Ross McKinnon along with Roma Street Parklands landscape architect Lawrie Smith. The two men will take turns to speak throughout the expo at the Blackall Arts Centre. One of Rosss talks is titled Up The Garden Path Adventures of a Curator. He will also be exploring modern medicinal plants in the backyard and relating his adventures amongst South Americas plant life. The gardens at Mt Coot-tha, which Ross is in charge of, are internationally regarded as one of the worlds leading sub-tropical botanic gardens, featuring signicant plant collections including the worlds largest representative collection of Australian native rainforests plants. Last years expo was enthusiastically received by novice and expert gardeners alike from around the central west, with many inspired by designer Shelly Dark to create, design and renovate in their own outback oasis. Ross McKinnon and Lawrie Smith are from very different gardening professions and will offer some entertaining perspectives to the wests gardeners this year. Lawrie Smith will be presenting his experiences and interests in landscape design and the use of native plants. Ross will also be speaking at a Woolly Words poetry recital and barbecue at the Blackall Woolscour on the evening of May 16. There will be a small fee to cover costs of smokos and lunches at the expo, and market stalls will line the Arts Centre verandahs for browsing during breaks. The expo has been organised by the Blackall Garden Club, which recently received viceregal attention when Queensland Governor Quentin Bryce visited the garden at Dumfries, south of Blackall. Heartland Festival organisers

said it was exciting to be bringing another prominent gardening feature to the west, as it was obviously an important part of living in the bush. People wishing to have a market stall at the expo should contact Lindy Hardie or Kylie Banks. Heartland Festival coordinator Julanne Doonar (4657 4821) can advise on accommodation options for people visiting Blackall during the festival.

R oss M cK innon w ill be a guest speaker at the G arden E xpo.



Gillespie garden to open to public

A majestic Blackall district garden which recently featured on ABC-TVs Gardening Australia program will open up to the public in May, as part of the Australian Open Garden Scheme and the Blackall Heartland Festival. The garden at Gillespie, situated off the Landsborough Highway approximately 40 kilometres from Blackall and 60 kilometres from Tambo, not far from the Barcoo River, is a beautiful spacious haven created and cared for by Peta and Butch Walker. The original Northampton Downs homestead, built sometime after the lease was taken up in 1861, is situated in the garden, along with an in-ground swimming pool. As is the case in so many western gardens, the philosophy behind the expansive lawns and shade trees at Gillespie has been to create a green oasis to serve as a retreat from the semi-arid climate, particularly in drought times. The Open Garden Scheme is a

INTEREST IN HOUSE FOR RELOCATION Tambo Shire Council has available one house for relocation. The house is located at 26 Albert Street Tambo and will be available for removal after 4 April 2008. All costs associated with the removal will be the responsibility of the successful tenderer. Expressions of interest close on Friday 4 April 2008. The successful tenderer is required to remove the premises by no later than Friday 2 May 2008. Details, oor plan and photos of the house are available by contacting Mr Mark Hill, Supervisor of Works on 46546133 or 0427546403. All expressions of interest are to be addressed to the Chief Executive Ofcer, Tambo Shire Council, PO Box 136, Tambo 4478. Rob Hayward Chief Executive Ofcer

national organisation that aims to make some of Australias best private gardens open to the public, to promote the knowledge and pleasure of gardening. To be included, the gardens must be good examples of their type, interesting and well maintained. It has proved its popularity around the country, with around 275 000 adults and countless thousands of children visiting gardens in the Scheme each year. With garden tourism fast on the increase in western Queensland, Blackall is well situated to take advantage. Gardening features as one of the central activities in the fastgrowing Heartland Festival, and the Gillespie Open Garden days fall right in the middle of the festival, on May 24 and 25. Organisers said the trip to Gillespie was well worth it, to see how creative people could be in the sometimes harsh western landscape.

4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:05 Fact Or Fiction 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 National Press Club Address 1:30 Talking Heads 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Rick Steins French Odyssey 6:30 The Cook And The Chef 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 The New Inventors 8:30 Spicks & Specks 9:00 Stupid Stupid Man 9:30 The Armstrong And Miller Show 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:30 Blackpool 12:30 Rewind 1:20 The Pilots Funeral 1:50 Movie: She Couldnt Say No (G,1954,R) 3:25 National Press Club Address 4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:05 Battleplan 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Pie In The Sky 1:30 Collectors 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Grand Designs 7:00 News 7:30 The 7.30 Report 8:00 Catalyst 8:35 Life On Mars (M*) 9:35 Making The Monkees 10:25 Lateline 11:00 Lateline Business 11:30 Live At The Basement: Mick Hart 12:20 Princess Margaret: A Love Story 1:25 Movie: The Half-Breed (Pg,1952,R) 3:00 Wild Australasia 3:55 Dead Ringers 4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Nature Of Australia 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Bleak House 1:30 Spicks & Specks 2:00 The Way We Were 3:00 Childrens Shows 5:55 BtN Daily 6:00 Message Stick 6:30 Can We Help? 7:00 News 7:30 Stateline 8:00 Collectors 8:30 Midsomer Murders 10:05 Grumpy Old Women 10:35 Lateline 11:20 The Catherine Tate Show (M*) 11:50 Triple j tv 12:20 Good Game 12:50 rage 5:00 rage 9:00 Triple j tv With The Doctor 10:00 The Best Of Live At The Basement 11:00 Totally Frank 11:30 The Cook & The Chef 12:00 Stateline 12:30 Australian Story 12:30 Foreign Correspondent 1:30 Can We Help? 2:00 Rugby League: QLD 4:00 Island Life : Barrow Island 5:00 Bowls Australian Open 2008 6:00 My Family 6:30 Gardening Australia 7:00 News 7:30 Doc Martin 8:25 News 8:30 The Bill 10:05 News 10:10 Spooks (M*,R) 11:05 Wire In The Blood (R) 12:35 rage (M)

Barcoo Independent TV Guide March 23 - 29 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Solaris (M,2002,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 Seven News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Seven Wonders Of The Industrial World 8:40 A Touch Of Frost 11:00 Air Crash Investigations 12:00 I Survived Impaling 1:00 Infomercial 2:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: The Rats (M,2002,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 How I Met Your Mother 8:30 Movie: Legally Blonde 2 (Pg,2003) 10:30 Amercian Dad 11:00 Stargate Atlantis 12:00 Mountains Of Adventure 1:00 Infomercial 2:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Quigley Down Under (M,1990,R) 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Better Homes & Gardens 8:30 AFL: Brisbane Lions v Collingwood 11:30 The Woman Who Cant Stop Lying 12:30 Movie: Never Die Alone (AV,2004,R) 2:30 Room For Improvement 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 Childrens Shows 12:00 Eclipse 1:00 AFL: Melbourne v Western Bulldogs 4:00 V8 Xtra 4:30 Sevens Motorsport 5:00 2008 HQRA National Challenge 5:30 Queensland Weekender 6:00 News 6:30 AFL: St Kilda v Carlton 10:00 Movie: Welcome To Mooseport (Pg) 12:20 Movie: American Beauty (MA,1199,R) 2:45 Movie: The Man Who Wasnt There 5:00 Dateline NBC 5:30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking with AWW 12.00 Movie: Drive Time Murders (Pg,2001) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Hi-5 4.00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:30 Two And A Half Men 7:30 2008 Olympic Swimming Trials 8:30 I Shouldnt Be Alive 9:30 Cashmere Maa 10:30 Sensing Murder 11.30 Nightline 12:00 Water Rats
5:30 Creo 6:00 Today 9.00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12.00 Movie: We Were The Mulvaneys (M,2002) 2.00 Days Of Our Lives 3.00 Entertainment Tonight 3.30 Hi-5 4.00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 2008 Olympic Swimming Trials 8:30 Deadly Surf 9:30 The Footy Show 11:00 Nightline 11:30 The Footy Show Late 1:00 The Alice

5:30 Creo 6.00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11.00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWW 12.00 Movie: The Invisible Circus (M,2001) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 Footprints 7:00 Two & A Half Men 7:30 NRL Brisbane Broncos v Nth QLD Cowboys 9:30 NRL Parramatta Eels v Newcastle Knights 11.30 Nightline 12:00 Movie: Homeless To Harvard (M,2003) 5:00 Popoff Ministries 5:30 Christian City TV 7:30 Childrens Shows 11:30 Surfari 12.00 Pro Surf Boat Series 1:00 Movie: PT 109 (G,1963) 4.00 Discover Downunder 4:30 Talk To The Animals 5:00 The Garden Gurus 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 2008 Olympic Swimming Trials 7:30 Australias Funniest Home Video Show 8:30 Movie: Snow Queen (Pg,2002) 12:00 The Alice

5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Movie: My Jealous Barber 2:30 Tales From A Suitcase 3.00 If Only 3:30 Classical Destinations 4:00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Living Black 6:30 News 7:30 Food Safari 8:00 Downunder Grads 8:30 Dateline 9:30 News 10:00 Newstopia 10:30 Movie: At Point Blank 12:20 Movie: Spare Parts 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Australian Biography: Joan Kirner 1:30 Super Flu - Race Against A Killer 2:30 Dateline 3:30 The Lost Gods 4.00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:35 Stockinger 8:30 Unit One 9:30 News 10:05 The Movie Show 10:15 Movie: Before Night Falls 12:35 Movie: 2000 A D 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Wine Lovers Guide To Australia 1:30 Insight 2:30 Olympic Dreams 3:30 Living Black 4.00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8:30 As It Happened: The Long March 9:30 News 10:00 The Escort Agency 10.55 Movie: Last Chance Saloon 12:40 Swordsmen Of The Passes 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Il Trovatore 3:25 The Chopin Etudes 3:35 Once Upon A Time Mon Oncle 4:30 Newshour 5:30 Mythbusters Revealed 6:30 News 7:30 Top Gear 8:30 Big Love 9.35 Rockwiz 10:30 Movie: The Spanish Apartment 12:35 SOSShorts On Screen 1:35 Newstopia 2:05 Chappelles Show

Wednesday March 26 Thursday March 27 Friday March 28 Saturday March 29

Page 6 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, Februay 22 2008

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008 - Page 15

5:00 rage 6:30 Childrens Shows 9:00 The Planets 10:00 The Gospel Of Judas 11:30 Hymns Of Glory 12:00 Landline 1:00 Gardening Australia 1:30 Message Stick 2:00 The War 3:00 The Yellow House 4:15 Port Fairy Folk Festival 4:55 The Silence 5:00 Sunday Arts 6:00 At The Movies 6:30 The Einstein Factor 7:00 News 7:30 Robin Hood 8:15 Creature Comforts 8:25 News 8:30 Belonging (M*) 10:10 Compass 11:00 Not Only But Always 12:45 Order In The House 1:45 Movie: Lost Squadron 3:00 In The Shadow Of The Palms: Iraq 3:35 Love & Money 4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Landline 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 Pilot Guides 1:30 The Cook & The Chef 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:00 Landline Extra 6:30 Talking Heads 7:00 ABC News 7:30 The 7:30 Report 8:00 Australian Story 8:30 Four Corners 9:20 Media Watch 9:35 Apollo 13: The Inside Story 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Of Fatwas And Beauty Queens 11:50 Teachers 12:40 Movie: Rose Of Cimarron (1952) 1:55 Movie: San Quentin (Pg,1946,R) 3:00 The Roo Gully Diaries 3:25 Bowls World Championships 2008 4:30 Parkinson 6:00 Childrens Shows 11:00 Grand Designs 12:00 Midday Report 12:30 The Einstein Factor 1:00 The New Inventors 1:30 Catalyst 2:00 The Bill 3:00 Childrens Shows 6:05 Time Team 7:00 News 7:30 The 7:30 Report 8:00 Stuff 8:30 How Art Made The World 9:30 Foreign Correspondent 10:00 Artscape 10:30 Lateline 11:05 Lateline Business 11:35 Four Corners 12:20 Media Watch 12:35 Holy Cow! The Art Of John Kelly 1:00 Movie: Mohawk (1956) 2:20 Movie: The Mad Bomber (1973) 4:00 Welcher And Welcher

Barcoo Independent TV Guide - March 23 - 29 ABC SEVEN Imparja SBS

6:00 Choices 6:30 Oban Star Racer 7:00 Easter Sunrise Service 2008 8:00 Weekend Sunrise 10:00 Beyond Tomorrow 11:00 Jamie In Uganda 12:00 Movie: The King & I (G,1956,R) 3:00 Movie: Miracle In Lane 2 (G,2000,R) 5:00 Creek To Coast 5:30 How I Met Your Mother 6:00 News 6:30 The World Around Us 7:30 The Vicar Of Dibley Easter Special 8:30 Movie: Pearl Harbor (M,2001,R) 12:15 Movie: Article 99 (M,1992,R) 2:30 Infomercial 3:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 5:00 NBC Meet The Press 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Typhoon Island 1:00 AFL: Kangaroos v Essendon 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 Border Security: Australias Front Line 8:00 SCU: Serious Crash Unit 8:30 Movie: Insomnia (M,2002,R) 11:00 Boston Legal (R) 12:00 Guardians Of The Wild 1:00 Informercial 2:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today 6:00 Sunrise 9:00 The Morning Show 11:00 The Fairies 11:30 News 12:00 Movie: Striking Poses (M,1998,R) 2:00 All Saints 3:00 Infomercial 4:00 Its Academic 4:30 News 5:00 M*A*S*H 5:30 Deal Or No Deal 6:00 News 6:30 Today Tonight 7:00 Home & Away 7:30 It Takes Two 9:15 All Saints 10:15 My Shocking Story 11:15 Cheaters 12:15 Six Degrees 1:15 Infomercial 2:00 Home Shopping 4:00 NBC Today

Blackall Cleans Up Blackall VIC hosts CWOQTA meeting

Due to other activities being held in the community on Sunday, April 2, Clean Up Australia Day was held on Wednesday afternoon, March 12 in Blackall, with 35 children and adults attending. Rubbish including softdrink cans, paper, string, pieces of rubber, toys, a scratchie and a guide post under the Memorial Hall were all collected and placed in bags and taken to the rubbish tip. Overall, Blackall is a very tidy town and is very fortunate to have the WORC crew living as part of our community as they do a marvelous job of assisting with keeping our town tidy. Our tidy town also indicates that members of the community take pride in where they live. After the clean up children and adults met up with parents at Banks Park and enjoyed a sausage sizzle ably cooked by Melissa McKay. Children played games under the supervision of Guide leader Julie Blucher and the afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed by all. On Tuesday, March 4 the Blackall Shire Council and Visitor Information Centre hosted the Central West Outback Queensland Tourism Association committee meeting for the rst time. Tourism operators from Aramac, Barcaldine, Blackall, Ilfracombe, Longreach, Winton and Barcoo shires were in attendance. All are OQTA members from across the central west, dedicated to maximising the benets of the tourism industry to local towns. Kayla Schurmann from the Blackall Visitor Information Centre was elected as secretary of the committee at the meeting. Some of the topics discussed were the online booking system being introduced by RAPAD to outback operators, the formation of the proposed Colleague of Tourism steering committee, an OQTA membership drive, the Waltzing Matilda Centres 10th year

5:00 Popoff Ministries 5:30 Rise & Shine (G,R) 6.00 Childrens Programs 7:30 Sunday 9:30 Wide World Of Sports (G,R) 11:00 The Sunday Footy Show 12:00 Sunday Roast 3:00 Gilmore Girls 4:00 Melbourne Storm Vs Sharks 6:00 News 6:30 Animal Emergency 7:00 RFDS: Royal Flying Doctors Service 7:30 60 Minutes 8:30 Movie: Tears Of The Sun (M,2003,R) 11:00 2008 Olympic Swimming Trials 12:00 A1GP World Cup Of Motorsport 1:00 Mad TV 5.30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings with Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh cooking with AWW 12.00 Movie: Joe Somebody (Pg,2001) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6:00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7:30 2008 Olympic Swimming Trials 8.30 CSI 9:30 CSI: NY 10:30 True CSI 11.30 Nightline 12.00 Stingers 5.30 Creo 6:00 Today 9:00 Mornings With Kerri-Anne 11:00 News 11:30 Fresh Cooking With AWA 12:00 Movie: Strange Relations (M,2001) 2:00 Days Of Our Lives 3:00 Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Hi-5 4:00 The Shak 4:30 News 5:00 Bargain Hunt 5:30 Antiques Roadshow 6.00 News 6:30 A Current Affair 7:00 Two And A Half Men 7.30 Moment Of Truth 8:30 Kitchen Nightmares U.S.A 9.30 Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 10.30 Amazing Medical Stories 11:30 Nightline 12:00 2008 Olympic Swimming Trials 1:00 The Avengers

6:55 Overseas News 10:00 WeatherWatch & Music 10:30 Croatian News 11:00 IAAF World Indoor Athletics Championships 1:00 Speedweek 2:00 FIA World Rally Championship 3:00 Football Asia 3:30 UEFA Champions League 2007/2008 Magazine 4:00 Les Murrays Football Feature 5:00 The World Game 6:00 Thalassa 6:30 News 7:30 Who Do You Think You Are? 8:30 Once Upon A Time: Walt Disney 9:30 Movie: Spirited Away 11:10 Movie: Pathway to the Clouds 12.45 The Storm Rages Twice 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Oz Concert 2008 2:30 Dateline 3:30 Insight 4:30 The Journal 5.00 The Crew 5:30 Living Black 6.00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Mythbusters 8:35 South Park 9:00 Drawn Together 9:30 News 10:00 Sinchronicity 10:55 The Insiders Guide To Happiness 11:50 Movie: The Duel 1:35 Ghost In The Shell 5:20 Overseas News 1:00 Movie: Swing 2:30 Tales From A Suitcase 3:00 Everyone Loves A Wedding 3.30 Help 4:00 Business Report 4:30 The Journal 5:00 Newshour 6:00 Global Village 6:30 News 7:30 Insight 8.30 Cutting Edge: Chinas Sexual Revolution 9:30 News 10.00 Based On a Story 11:20 Movie: James Journey To Jerusalem 1:00 Pol Pot: Behind The Killing Fields

celebrations, a new food outlet at the Australian Stockmans Hall Of Fame called the Cattlemans Bar & Grill, which will open in April and the Blackall Woolscours 100th celebrations. After lunch the Blackall Shire Council provided a bus to take members on a town familiarisation tour and a visit to the Woolscour, with Bob Wilson as tour guide. After the tour the Blackall Woolscour provided members with afternoon tea. Kayla said she had received great feedback about the day, especially on the quality of the food provided throughout, and Bobs tour. They really enjoyed themselves all day and now they have experienced what Blackall has to offer they can give rsthand knowledge and experience to visitors planning to travel through Blackall, Kayla said. -- by Kayla Schurmann

Page 14- The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008

Sunday March 23 Monday March 24 Tuesday March 25

T he chair of C W O Q TA M ichell M cF ayden

M em bers of the C Q O Q TA pictured w ith S lim M urray, B ob W ilson A nnette R ichardson and Julie D arbey, returning for afternoon tea after having a tour of the B lackall W oolscour

A bove left and left: C hildren enjoyed a gam es and a sausage sizzle after helping adults clean up B lackall on C lean U p A ustralia D ay

Blackall CWA celebrated International Womens Day

The Blackall CWA held a cake stall on Saturday, March 8 to help celebrate International Womens Day. Winner of the handbag was Rebecca Parry while Sonia Irwin won a necklace. The stall made $156 and also sold tickets in a Mothers Day Rafe, to be drawn on May 2. Cotters Creations with their garden ornaments is the latest to sign up for a stall at the CWA Stalls Day on Saturday, April 19.

Programs correct at time of printing but may change owing to unforeseen circumstances
CLASSIFICATIONS: M Mature Classication Recommended for viewing by mature audiences. MA Mature Audience Not suitable for people under 15 years of age. General Classication AV

Parental Guidance Recommended

Adult Violence Classication Not suitable for people under 15 years of age.

WANT TO SAVE 5% to 7.5% off your weekly Grocery Bill? Use your purchase power to keep Blackall the place to shop! See advert at the bottom of Page 3. *Conditions Apply
The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008 - Page 7

Kindy hosts mock murder mystery

The scenario of oil tycoon and multi-millionaire Jerry Oilman being found murdered in his Blackall home was the state of affairs grappled with by 40 of the districts rich and famous last Saturday night. The ctional Jerry was killed after a blunt force trauma but the ensuing police investigation was complicated by the lavish party underway in his home. Fourteen suspects were initially identied and all in attendance were asked to assist the police in their investigations to ascertain who committed such a brutal crime. Saturdays evening of murder and mayhem was organised by the Blackall Kindergarten and Daycare Centre as their rst fundraiser of 2008. The Celebrity Celebrations host a murder evening, held at the Multipurpose Centre at the showgrounds was attended by the likes of Marilyn Munroe, Fred Astaire, Bob Marley, Lucille Ball, Jimi Hendrix, Tammy Wynette, John Wayne and Bruce Lee. This eclectic group of celebrities joined together in full costume to solve the murder mystery, interspersed with a two-course meal, the reading of the ofcial police report and the last will and testament of the deceased. All were provided with clues to be shared with each other during the night to help solve the crime. Rita Hayworth, also known as Melissa McKay, put together all the clues and accused Jimi Hendrix (Craig Scholes) of murder. Police Ofcer Pamela Persimmons (Katrina Northdurft) arrested the felon and took him away in handcuffs. All who attended the function put a great deal of time and effort into researching their characters and came dressed in full costume. Due to the positive outcome of the evening, the Blackall Kindergarten and Daycare Centre is proposing to hold an 80s themed night in the future and would request that anyone interested in attending contact the Centre and leave their details.

-- by Kirstie Davison

Lew is K elly and R oger E llison are am ongst the sizeable contingent celebrating their 50th birthdays in B lackall this year. T hey had a celebratory ale at the B lackall M em orial and S ports C lub on M arch 6, w hile B ill C ripps celebrated his 50th m ilestone w ith a party there a couple of days later. Public Holiday Blackall and district residents are advised that the annual Public Show Holiday has been moved and is now on Tuesday, 4 November for the annual Melbourne Cup. Overgrown Allotments Owners of land within Blackall are reminded to regularly mow the grass and undergrowth to keep the land tidy. Failure to do so creates hazards from vermin, snakes and res. Regular inspections of the town are being carried out to ensure owners are compliant with Local Laws. Fires in the Town Area The lighting and maintaining of res is prohibited on land situated within the town area. Illegal Dumping in the Shire Residents of Blackall are reminded that the only place legally available for the dumping of any waste including green waste (lawn clipping, branches etc) is at the Blackall Rubbish Dump situated along Evora Road the dumping of green waste at Falliss Crossing along Daisy Street or along the Jericho

Jonathan P artt and A m y W ebb of B undaberg, form ally of B lackall, w ere delighted w ith the birth of their rst child, C aidence E m ilyR ose P artt. W eighing 6lb 14ozs, C aidence w as born at 11 am on the 11th M arch at the B undaberg B ase H ospital. C aidence is the 3rd grandchild for Lance and K errylyn P artt and the 16th great-grandchild for M ervyn and R uby W illiam s.

Council News
Road or in any place other then the Council Rubbish Dump is illegal and Council will take appropriate action against individuals found to be dumping in this areas. Dogs in Blackall A reminder that all dogs kept within the town of Blackall the age of 3 months and over must be registered with Council and must wear a current identifying tag. No dog is permitted in a public place, which includes footpaths and streets, unless the dog is under a persons effective control. Water Restriction Hours From 01 October to 30 April sprinklers are banned between the hours of 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday. No water restrictions are in force over the weekends. Be WaterWise save money, energy and the environment WaterWise Tip: Wash your car with a bucket and trigger nozzle over a grassed area.

Judy G arland (LeeA nne E agle), Janis Joplin (K ristie O live), P atsy C line (N atasha G erber) and D usty S pring eld (Jo D avison) w ere eager to discuss the evidence and solve the crim e at S aturdays host a m urder party.

Tam m y W ynette (A ngela S trohm ayr), C harlie C haplin (P aul B anks) and Jerry O ilm ans law yer, Ludm illa Lucas (Jess G roves) get together to discuss the evidence in the m urder case.

F red A staire (M urray A llan), Lucille B all (M ardi N oonan) and E lvis P resley (B rent G erber) didnt seem to upset by the death of the party host, Jerry O ilm an.

P osing for the paparazzi w as Jim m y D urante (Troy N ichols).

Jim i H endrix (C raig S choles) w as escorted from the hom e of Jerry O ilm an by police ofcer P am ela P ersim m ons (K atrina N orthdurft) after being found guilty of m urdering the m ulti-m illionaire. R ight: H elping out in the kitchen w ere John W ayne (B rian D avison), O fcer P ersim m ons (K atrina N orthdurft), G reta G arbo (E m m a M artin) and B ruce Lee (D avid E verett).

B ec O live w as a very stylish M arilyn M onroe at the B lackall K indy H ost a M urder on S aturday evenin g.

Advertising Rates 2008
Please send your contributions to: Email: Post: PO Box 195, Blackall Q Phone/fax: 4657 6966 or in person: The Blackall Visitor Information Centre, 108a Shamrock St, Blackall


1/8 pg ad: $12.50 1/6 pg ad: $25.00 1/4 pg ad: $31.50 1/3 pg ad: $43.50

1/2 pg ad: $62.50 Full page ad/Insert: $125

Left: S uspect G roucho M arx (G len D avison) professes his innocence to Lee M arvin (C am eron S chutt). Page 8 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008

ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIEDS Only $5 per minimum of 3 lines - $1.25 each extra line * For Sale * Happy Birthday * * In Memoriam * AGM *

Commonwealth Bank Blackall Casual Position Available Flexible hours As a casual Customer Service Representative (teller), you will be responsible for eeting our customers everyday needs. For further information or to apply visit our website www. or contact Blackall Branch on (07) 4657 4411

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008 - Page 13

Liquor Offences On Friday 14 March a seventeenyear old Blackall man was issued with liquor infringement notices at the Blackall Showground for offences related to being a minor on licensed premises and for possessing liquor in a public place. The penalties for these offences amounted to $500.00 and once again highlight the seriousness of the matter in the eyes of the law. Sergeant Kevin Ongheen advised

The Blackall Hospital Auxiliary held its AGM on Thursday, March 13. The group assists the community and hospital in many ways, such as updating auxiliary house, which is available to relatives of inpatients who live out of town. It has also purchased lockers, privacy curtains, overnight boarder beds, a blood taking chair and a high chair for the hospital. People wishing to be involved can come along to meetings which are held every second Thursday of the month. Further information is available by contacting Jenny Avery or John Turner. FLU facts 1. Inuenza is a highly contagious and potentially deadly disease that can be spread through coughing or sneezing. 2. Inuenza is caused by a virus and is not the same as a cold. It can cause serious and debilitating complications such as pneumonia, especially in the elderly and others in the at risk group. 3. Inuenza causes 2,500 deaths, 80,000 GP visits and

Blackall Hospital Health News

15,000 hospitalisations in Australia each year amongst at risk groups. 4. 1.2 million Australians aged under 65 are in the at risk group. 5. People with a chronic disease have a 40 times increased risk of death from inuenza. A combination of heart and lung disease increases this risk 800 times. 6. Only 42 per cent of the at risk group under 65 years of age are being vaccinated annually. 7. Only 20-50 per cent of health care workers, who are at a greater risk of contracting and spreading inuenza, are being vaccinated annually. 8. Fifteen per cent of inuenza-related deaths and 60 per cent of hospitalisations are in the under 65 at risk group. 9. Ten per cent of all workplace absenteeism associated with illness is due to inuenza. 10. Annual vaccination is the single most effective measure to prevent inuenza. Are YOU at risk?

that police would continue to heavily police minors at licensed events. Easter Weekend Blackall Police would like to wish all residents a safe and happy Easter Weekend. Police advise all motorists who will be traveling long distances over the long weekend to be aware of the fatal four: driving whilst fatigued, speeding, drink-driving and failing to wear seat belts.

Police News

Easter Wedding On Easter Saturday the Blackall Police Stations bubbly administration ofcer Helen Chambers will be marrying her anc Dan Burton at a garden ceremony at the home of Brent and Natasha Gerber. All ofcers attached to Blackall Station would like to pass on their congratulations to Helen and wish her all the best for the future. Do you have diabetes? Do you have kidney problems? Do you have heart problems? Do you have breathing problems? Do you have severe asthma? Do you have a medical condition that requires regular review by a doctor? Has your immunity been suppressed through illness or medication? Are you a health care worker? Are you over 65 years of age? Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person aged over 50? Do you live or work in a nursing home or other long-term care facility? Are you pregnant? If you answered 'Yes' to any question it means that you may be at risk of developing serious complications from inuenza, regardless of your age. Protect yourself and those in your care - get immunised now! See your GP Glory Baker - Director of Nursing

Blackall lamb carcass comp on again

The Barcoo Pastoral Society is tapping into western Queenslands growth industry with its prime lamb carcass competition. Run for the rst time last year and attracting entries from Longreach, Isisford, Muttaburra, Barcaldine and Blackall, the decision by organisers to continue with the new section at the 2008 Blackall Show has been vindicated, with much interest from breed societies wanting to sponsor the event. This should make the event keenly contested, said head steward Ranald Noble. With the demand for lamb outstripping supply, the industry is sure to keep growing. A new section has been added to the competition this year, for lambs with a dressed weight of between 23.1 and 28 kg. This is in addition to the original section for lambs between 18 and 23 kg dressed weight. Ranald said the additional section had been added as some of the best carcasss last year were too heavy and fell outside the judging criteria. Teams of six lambs, any breed, showing milk teeth, are required, with three to be killed and three live animals to be displayed at the Blackall Show on Sunday, May 4. Carcass conrmation, eye muscle and fat colour will be taken into account, and points will be deducted for the degree of variance within the team on all judging criteria. Ranald said competitors must nominate teams into the relevant section prior to judging. The actual competition will take place two days before Blackalls main show day, on Friday, May 2, at the Barcoo Butchery abattoir. As there will be no skin value, livestock should be shorn for ease of slaughtering, but this is not essential. Ribbons and prize money will be awarded to three places in the two sections, along with the Ryan Family Coolalee perpetual trophy for the champion prime lamb carcass. Sheep breeds shown last

year included Border Leicester, Coolalee, Damara, Dorper, Dohne, SAMM and Van Rooy. Once the hides were off the carcasses, there was very little separating the teams, Ranald said. Prize money so far this year amounts to $1500, from Macquarie Dohnes, Lindon Grazing SAMMs and the Prime SAMM Breeders Society of Eastern Australia, and Allambie Dorper Stud.

A perpetual trophy (held here by B ruce A lexander, W arringah) w ill once again be on offer, along w ith $1500 in prizem oney for the B arcoo P astoral S ocietys prim e lam b carcass com petition.

AUDIOLOGIST: Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. CARDIAC SPECIALIST TEAM: Ph: 4654 3277 for an appointment. CHILD HEALTH AND ADULT/ CHILD HEARING TESTS: The Child Health Nurse - Blackall Monday March 31 & April 14. Ph: Blackall Hospital on 4650 7700 Referrals required for hearing tests. COMMUNITY HEALTH INDIGENOUS HEALTH, QIDDI & SOCIAL WORKERS: Ph: Longreach Community Health Service 4658 3344. CONTINENCE ADVISOR: Ph: Joanne de Vries on 4658 3622.DENTIST: All patients who require dental treatment must register on a waiting list. Phone Blackall Hospital to add name and family to the list. Barcaldine Dental Clinic- 4651 1311; Longreach Hospital- 4658 4720; Private Clinic Longreach- 4658 1283. DIETICIAN: Ph: Longreach Hospital for enquires. DERMATOLOGIST: Dr David Leslie visiting in May 2, 2008. Appointments at Black Stump Surgery on 4657 4677 Referral required. EMOTIONAL & SOCIAL WELL BEING TEAM: Ph: 4658 1928 for details. ENT (Ears, Nose, and Throat): Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735.

FOOT CARE CLINC: March 25 & April 14, ph: Blackall Hospital GASTROENTEROLOGIST: Dr Stevenson -Referrals required. Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. GYNAECOLOGIST and OBSTETRIC: New Lady Doctor visiting Blackall May 26, 2008. Referral required. Ph: Blackall Hospital for an appointment. OPHTHALMOLOGIST: Dr Glasson/ Dr Stark Blackall October 2008. Referrals are required. Ph: 4650 7700 for an appointment. OPTOMETRIST: Geoff Fitzpatrick Blackall April 7. Ph: 1800 008 020. ORTHODONTIST: Ph: Patti Smith Longreach 4658 4735. ORTHOPAEDICS: Ph Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. OUTPATIENTS: Free service held at the Blackall Hospital at 9.00am Weekdays only. Maximum of four patients per day so please book early at Administration before 9am. Please call 4650 7700 to book.MENTAL HEALTH NURSE: Ph: Longreach Hospital 4658 4700 to make an appointment. PAEDIATRICIAN TEAM (Child Psychiatrist and Paediatrician): Dr Helen Heussler- visiting Longreach Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital for appointment 4658

Specialist Dates

4735. Referal required PODIATRIST: Ph: Maree Longreach Hospital 4658 4700. PSYCHIATRIST: Dr Richard Zimmerman Central West March 2528, 2008. Ph: Mental Health Longreach Hospital 4658 4700; Blackall Hospital Wednesday March 26. Referrals required. PSYCHOLOGIST: Ph: Longreach RFDS 4658 1928 for appointment. Blackall March 19. PHYSIOTHERAPIST: Ph: Longreach Hospital 4658 4700. Ph: Barcaldine 4651 1311 QUEENSLAND ILLICIT DRUG DIVERSION INITATIVE: Ph: Longreach Mental Health 4652 7951. RELATIONSHIPS AUSTRALIA: Visit Blackall on a needs basis. Phone 1300 364 277 RESPIRATORY PHYSICIAN: Dr Simon Bowler. Ph: Patti Smith Longreach Hospital 4658 4735. SURGEON: Phone Longreach Hospital for enquires. SPEECH THERAPIST: Ph: Erika Healy 4652 7951 WELL WOMENS CLINIC NURSE: Louise Cameron - May. Ph: Blackall Hospital 4650 7700 to make an appointment. WELL WOMENS CLINIC DOCTOR: Dr Louise Russell - Blackall April 2, 3, 30 & May 1 Ph: Blackall Hospital on 4650 7700 to register on waiting list.

O most beautiful ower of Mount Carmel, fruit of the vine, splendorous of heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. O Star of the Sea help me and show me herein you are mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of heaven and earth I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O show me here you are my mother. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (say three times). Holy Mary I place this cause in your hands (say three times). Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. This prayer must be said for three days and after that the request will be granted and the prayer must be published.


Come and visit Landmark Blackall

We service the Blackall District with our team of experienced Staff in:

T.V.Fairfax Pastoral is a privately owned Queensland beef breeding, backgrounding and nishing enterprise with properties in the Monto, Clermont, Blackall, Tambo and Moura/Bauhinia Downs districts. A Stockperson/Stationhand position is available on Evora, a cattle breeding property 42 km north of Blackall in Central Western Qld. Well maintained three bedroom, air-conditioned accommodation is provided. Primary and Secondary Schools at Blackall. The applicant for this position must be a competent horseperson, and should be able to carry out normal station maintenance. Applicants need to have a sound understanding and commitment to OH&S. T.V.Fairfax Pastoral is focused on staff training and applies the principles of Low Stress Stock Handling on all properties.

Merchandise, Livestock, Finance, Insurance, Wool, Rural Property


Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm Sat 9-11am - 103 Shamrock St, Blackall

Phone 0746 574299 Fax 0746 574176

Please send applications with resumes to The Manager Evora Blackall 4472 Email: Fax: (07) 46575001

Page 12 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008

The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008 - Page 9

The students of St Josephs received a visit from the Governor of Queensland, Ms Bryce. She informed the school of her role and some of the exciting things she has experienced throughout her life. Ms Bryce also told the children how lucky they were to grow up in a town like Blackall and answered their inquisitive questions. She also spent some time with the Year 6/7 students and talked with them about their role as leaders of the school. *** The citizens of the Blackall RSL were entertained by the Year 6/7 students who presented their song the Boys from the Bush by Lee Kernaghan. *** After weeks of training, St Josephs students Abbie Ongheen, Jake Richardson, Thomas Fletcher, Kelly Hauff and Matt Parker helped make up the Western Wave team for Challenge Cup played in Yeppoon, joining students from Catholic schools in Barcaldine and Longreach to compete against other Catholic schools in the Rockhampton diocese in football and netball. The girls netball team had some tough (and very tall) competition, winning the quarter nals in their division. In the footy, the boys also played extremely well, making it to the nals and ended up winning the B grade nal. *** The Rockhampton Catholic Education Ofce began an appeal to raise money for the families who have Australian National Wheelchair Basketball League player Reo Lewis, 25, visited Blackall last Friday to talk to school students about a car accident which changed his life. Reo, whose dream now is to play for Australia in the Paralympics, is using his experience to help inuence other young people into making safer and healthier lifestyle choices. His main message was ask young people to remember that the choices they make in a split

School been affected by the oods in Mackay. To aid this News

appeal St Josephs students have raised $105 by holding a Free Dress Day and paying a gold coin donation. *** Safety awareness was high on the list of priorities recently with the students of St Josephs after they received a visit from paraplegic Reo Lewis. Reo is from New Zealand and was injured in a car accident 6 years ago at the age of 18. Since then he has become involved in wheelchair basketball and has played for the Australian League. The students were interested to hear Reos story and advice and were impressed with his on court moves in the wheelchair.

B lackalls w ater ofcer Law rie D oonar heading for a dunking

Tex H ayw ard and S im on C am pbell w ere am ongst the crow d farew elling the B lackall shire on F riday night Left: S ally C ripps takes her turn in the dunk tank R ight: C assidy F lynn and ? G erber ready for the tug of w ar, recalling the titanic struggle put up by the B lackall shire against am algam ation.

R eady to cast a spell on F riday night w as A quatic C entre m anager K aryn Lee

T he W estern W ave team set off for the C hallenge C up in Yeppoon

Drink driving message driven home to Blackall youth

second can have a huge effect on the rest of their lives. Reos accident occurred due to a combination of drink driving and driver fatigue. He spoke to students about always wearing a seat belt and a bike helmet, never to drink or use drugs and drive, and not to drive tired. Reo was invited to Blackall by the Blackall Rural Young Males & Alcohol Project which is working with Longreach, Winton and Barcaldine communities to try to reduce the harm that alcohol and binge drinking is doing to young people. Blackall Shire Council Community Services supported the day by supplying refreshments and a sausage sizzle which allowed the older students to chat informally with Reo, and a few took the wheelchairs for a spin. On March 29 there is a Wheel-athon from Longreach to Ilfracombe to raise money to assist Reo to buy a new basketball wheelchair.

N ew nurse K atie had her introduction to B lackall at the goodbye party, being chaperoned by M ardi N oonan

Fireworks and fun at the the End of Council Extravaganza

C hristine K elly takes aim at one of the candidates in the dunk tank.

Parry Contracting
Scott Parry
Rural Fencing 42 Rose St Blackall Qld 4472 Ph: 4657 6123 0427 576 101

F oot S chluters support crew w atches him get dunked on F riday night at the B lackall shire farew ell party Page 10 - The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008

S ue F letcher sold a heap of E aster rafe tickets at the E nd of an E ra night The Barcoo Independent, Friday, March 21 2008 - Page 11

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