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Arranged by:

Group 4

1. Althea Vere Putri Maryanto

2. Missye Aprinanda Srimulyana
3. Qanita Salsabila
4. Reva Sydney
5. Rica Saputri
6. Sabrina Dwi Putri

Teacher: Yuli Asmala Kurnia, M.A.



SCHOOL OF YEAR 2022/2023


Praise is to the presence of God Almighty. For His grace and guidance, the writers were
able to complete the report entitled "Cervical Cancer" on time.

The writers realize that this activity report is still far from perfect. Therefore, suggestion
and constructive criticism are expected so that the writers will be better in the future.

In writing the text of this report, the writers expresses his deepest gratitude to the teacher
who has given us instruction and guidance, so that we can complete the task of this report.

Palembang, 5th August 2022



1.1 Introduction

Cervical cancer is a disease caused by malignant tumors in the cervical (neck) area as a
result of uncontrolled tissue growth and damage to surrounding normal tissue. Cervical
cancer is one of the most common malignancies in women and is one of the biggest causes of
death. The cause of cervical cancer is the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This virus found in
95% of cervical cancer cases. Every woman is at risk of developing oncogenic HPV infection
can cause cervical cancer. HPV can be easily transmitted through sexual activity and multiple
sources of transmission independent of the presence of penetration, but also through skin
contact in the genital area. Often cervical cancer does not cause symptoms but if it has
developed into cervical cancer, then symptoms such as bleeding and abnormal vaginal
discharge, pain when urinating, and pain appear during sexual intercourse. Women who have
sex under the age of 20 years and frequently changing partners are at high risk of getting

1.2 Background

The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that is connected to the vagina. One of the
functions of the cervix is to produce mucus or mucus. Mucus helps transport sperm from the
vagina to the uterus during sexual intercourse. Cervical cancer or cervical cancer is cancer
that attacks the cervix caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV. Cervical cancer occurs
when cells in the cervix are abnormal, and continue to grow uncontrollably.

Cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in the world. Cervical cancer is
also referred to as the “silent killer” because the development of this cancer is very difficult
to detect. The journey from viral infection to cancer takes a long time, about 10-20 years.
This process often goes unnoticed until it reaches the asymptomatic pre-cancerous stage.


2.1 Research Type

This type of research is quasi-experimental research design. The experimental method was
the researcher carries out treatments the research subject which aims to determine the effect
that arises.

2.2 Research Desain

The samples used were 50 samples with three types of samples, namely, fresh tissue
samples, tissue stored in FFPE and vaginal swab samples. Tissue sampling based on biopsy
technique and vaginal smear sampling based on the pap smear technique. From the 50
samples showed that 50% of cervical cancer patients detected HPV.

2.3 Understanding

Cervical cancer or cervical cancer is a cancer that attacks the cervix caused by the Human
Papilloma Virus or HPV. Cancer Service occurs when cells in abnormal cervix, and
continues to grow uncontrollably.

2.4 Pathophysiology

Mild forms (mild and moderate dysplasia) have a high regression rate. Time the time
required from dysplasia to carcinoma in situ (KIS) ranges from 1-7 years, whereas the time
required from carcinoma in situ to become invasive is 3-20 years. The process of cervical
cancer development is slow, beginning with the presence of, slowly progressive dysplastic
changes. This dysplasia can appear when there are increased epithelial regenerating activity.
For example due to mechanical or chemical trauma, infection viruses or bacteria and the idea
of hormonal balance. Within 7-10 years the progression to a preinvasive form evolves to
become invasive in the stroma cervix in the presence of a malignant process. Extension of the
lesion in the cervix can cause sores, growths that are exospheric or can be filtered into the
cervical canal. Lesions may extend to the formic, cervical tissue, parametric and eventually
invade the strum and bladder. Viral DNA attacks the epithelium Cervical surface on the large
cells above the aid is assisted by other risk factors result in irreversible, permanent and
irreversible changes in genes in vital molecules the nature of loss and control of normal cell
growth resulting in malignancy.
2.5 Etiology
The etiology of cervical cancer are as follows:
 Hereditary factor
 Age, especially women >40 years old
 Smoke
 Lack of consumption fruit and vegetables
 Obesity
 Use of contraception take (birth control pills) long term long
 Pregnancy frequency and give birth to
 Pregnant or give birth in very young age
 Certain medical conditions, such as chlamydial infection
 Drug consumption certain
 Sexual activity with many couples

2.6 Signs and Symtoms

The following are the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer:
 Unnatural bleeding from Miss V
 Menstrual cycle becomes irregular
 Pain in the pelvis (in the lower abdomen lower)
 Pain during sex
 Pain in the waist (lower back) or foot
 The body is weak and tired easily
 Losing weight, but not on a diet
 Loss of appetite
 Abnormal vaginal discharge, such as smells or is accompanied by blood
 One leg is swollen

2.7 Treatment
Treatment for cervical cancer can be done by following ways:
 Operation
In the early stages, cervical cancer is usually treated by surgery. However, the type
of surgery will be determined based on the size of the cancer, its stage, and whether
the patient plans to become pregnant in the future.
 Radiotherapy
Radiotherapy is a cancer treatment method that uses X-rays or proton beams with
high radiation to kill cancer cells. In early-stage cervical cancer, radiotherapy can be
done as a single therapy or run with a surgical procedure. Radiotherapy can also be
combined with chemotherapy to control pain and bleeding in advanced cervical
 Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is the administration of anticancer drugs in the form of drinking or
injection. This drug can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body so it is
very effective in killing cancer cells in various areas of the body.
 Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy is a method of treatment that involves the use of drugs to strengthen
the immune system against cancer. The stronger the immune system, the easier it is to
destroy cancer cells more effectively.
 Radiation therapy
At certain stages of cervical cancer, doctors can run radiation therapy or
radiotherapy as a way to treat cervical cancer. Radiation therapy is a way of treating
cervical cancer by involving high-energy X-rays or radioactive particles to kill cancer
cells in the body.


3.1 Conclusion

Cervical cancer ranks second after breast cancer which is the cause of cancer in
women Indonesia. To determine the type of HPV, it is necessary to test the HPV DNA using
molecular biology methods. PCR technique is one way to detect HPV infection and
determine its type. HPV DNA amplification using GP5+6+ primers. While amplification for
HPV DNA type 52 using a specific primer for HPV type 52. Cervical cancer also uses
multiple samples, The positive of a sample HPV type 52 can be seen from the specific DNA
band at a length of 323 bp. In this case, there is only one the identified sample has a DNA
band length of 323 bp, namely tissue sample no. 22.

3.2 Recomendation

If you have some symptoms of cervical cancer that last for several weeks or become
progressively worse, see your doctor immediately. Do not take this condition lightly, because
many people with cervical cancer can recover if an early examination is carried out, proper
treatment can minimize the consequences, so that treatment can be carried out more quickly.

Maryanto, Putri Vere Althea. Etc. 2022. “Cervical Cancer” Available at:

Srimulyana, Aprinanda Missye. Etc. 2022. “Cervical Cancer” Available at:


Salsabila, Qanita. Etc. 2022. “Cervical Cancer” Available at:


Sydney, Rev. Etc. 2022. “Cervical Cancer” Available at: http:

/ Palembang.

Saputri, Rica. Etc. 2022. “Cervical Cancer” Available ydney, Reva. Etc. 2022. “Cervical
Cancer” Available at: http:
/ Palembang.

Putri, Dwi Sabrina. Etc. 2022. “Cervical Cancer” Available at:


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