12th Economics Half Yearly

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Mallikarjun School Lohaghat


Time allowed: 3 hours Class - 12th
Roll. No…………….. Maximum Marks: 80
General instructions:
i. All the questions in both the sections are compulsory. Marks for questions are indicated against
each question.
ii. Question number 1 - 10 and 18 - 27 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They
are required to be answered in one word or one sentence each.
iii. Question number 11 - 12 and 28 - 29 are short-answer questions caring 3 marks each. Answers to
them should not normally exceed 60-80 words each.
iv. Question number 13 - 15 and 30 - 32 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each.
Answers to them should not normally exceed 80-100 words each.
v. Question number 16 - 17 and 33 - 34 are long answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to
them should not normally exceed 100-150 words each.
vi. Answer should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible.

SECTION - A (Macro Economics)


1 In order to control the money supply in the economy to control bank may………………………….
Choose the best alternative 1
(A) Buy securities in the open market.
(B) Sell securities in the open market.
(C) Reduce Cash Reserve Ratio.
(D) Reduce Repo Rate.
2 Two components of money supply are……………. and………………. 1
3 According to theory of Keynesian economist the value of Average Propensity to
consume can never be…………………
(choose the correct alternative)
A) unit B) zero 1
C) more than one D) less than one
4 Define the term “public good”

5 When Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 850 crores and price index is 170,
Real Gross Domestic product (GDP) will be………………… 1
( Fill up the blank with correct answer )

6 What is equilibrium income?


7 State the two components of M1 measure of money supply? 1

8 Define National Income?

9 Define macroeconomics? 1

10 Who is the father of modern economics? 1

11 What is double counting in economy how can it be avoided? 3

12 Justify The following statement with valid reason.

“Ex-ante Aggregate demand is always equal to Ex- ante Aggregate supply ” 3

13 Using a hypothetical numerical example explain the process of credit creation by

commercial bank? 4

14 Taxation is an effective tool to reduce the inequalities of income. Justify the given
statement with valid reasons? 4

15 Can the value of APS be negative? If yes then when. 4

16 Draw a hypothetical propensity to consume schedule from it, draw this to same the 6

17 Calculate NNP at market price by production method and income method? 6

S.no Particulars / Contents Amount

(in ₹crores)
i. Intermediate consumption
Primary sector 500
Secondary sector 400
Tertiary sector 300
ii. Value of output of
Primary sector 1000
Secondary sector 900
Tertiary sector 700
iii. Rent 10
iv. Emoluments of employers 400
v. Mixed income 650
vi. Operating surplus 300
vii. Net factor income from abroad -20
viii Interest 05
ix Consumptive of fixed capital 40
x Net indirect tax 10

SECTION-B (Indian Economic Development)

18 Define “Trade surplus ” 1

19 Mention any one advantage of organic farming? 1

20 State whether the following A statement is true or false. 1

“In the last few decades primary sector has created maximum jobs in India”
21 First industrial Policy resolution of independent India was announced in the year…………… 1
Fill in the blanks with correct alternative
a) 1947
b) 1948
c) 1951
d) 1956
22 What does export surplus main? When ……………..… 1
(Choose the correct alternative)
a) Revenue from Exports is equal to import.

b) Revenue from export is greater than imports.
c) Revenue from export is less than import.
d) None of these.

23 Which of the following economist estimated per capita income during colonial period? 1
a) William Digby
b) Findlay Shirras
c) Dada Bhai Naoroji
d) All of these
24 An economy in which there is private as well as public ownership of the means of 1
production is called?
a) Capitalistic economy
b) Socialistic economy
c) Mixed economy
d) None of these
25 What do you mean by Quotes? 1
a) The quantity of goods which can be exported.
b) The quantity of goods which can be imported.
c) Boath a and b
d) None of these
26 Assertion and reason question 1
Assertion (A): Terrifs and Quotas in the economic policy post independence were used
to assist domestic industries.
Reason (R) :Our planners wanted to use foreign exchange for importing luxury goods.
a) Both assertion and reason are true, and reason is correct explanation of
b) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation
of assertion.
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
27 Assertion (A): NITI Aayog is a policy think tank of Government of India that aims to 1
involve the estates in economic policy making in India.
Reason (R) : Planning Commission was replaced on January 1, 2015 due to its
traditional top down approach.
a) Both assertion and reason are true , and reason is the correct explanation of
b) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is not the correct explanation
of assertion.
c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
28 Discuss the economic features of Indian economy prior to the advent of British rule? 3

29 Briefly discuss the problem related to agriculture in India? 3

30 State the meaning of import substitution? Explain how import substitution can protect 4
the domestic industries.

31 A) State any one positive contribution made by the britishers in India? 1+

B) what is the conditions of foreign trade of India at the time of independence? 3=4

32 India experienced export surplus during colonial rule then why was there drain of 4
wealth from India during the same?

33 State the features of Indian economy at the time of independence? 6

34 Define economic system? What are characteristics of different types of economic 6


Mallikarjun School Lohaghat
Half Yearly Examination
SESSION (2022-23)


Roll. No. -…………………… Class - 12 th


1) The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions.

2) Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple choice
questions. All questions are compulsory.
3) Sections B consist of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very short
answer types and should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5.
4) Sections C consist of Question 25-30 carrying 3 marks each and are short answer
types and should not exceed 100-150 words. Attempt any 5.
5) Sections D consist of Question 31-33 carrying 4 marks each and are case studies.
There is internal choice available.
6) Section E consists of Question 34-37 carrying 5 marks each and are short answer
types and should not exceed 200-300 words. Attempt any 3.


1. Which one of the following is not an objective of planning in sports tournament?

(A) Management of a tournament
(B) Finding out the causes of failure
(C) Distributing work accordingly to the ability
(D) achieving the target on time

2. The reception committee for the tournament is responsible for ________?

Welcoming the participants
(A) Arranging accommodation and meals for the participants
(B) Proper upkeep of the venues
(C) welcoming the chief guest and spectators at the opening and closing
(D) Welcoming the chief guest and spectators at the opening and closing

3. Which one of the following is not the important objective of planning in a sports
(A) Timely achieving of target
(B) To ensure coordination
(C) To improve the sports performance
(D) To earn money

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4. Which of the following committee is responsible for selecting various officials?
(A) Committee for officials
(B) reception committee
(C) Finance Committee
(D) Announcement committee

5. If the responsibility of a committee is to fix the venue, date and timing of the sports
event, it is a_______?
(A) Post meeting committee
(B) Pre meet committee
(C) During meet committee
(D) All of the above

6. Which of the following tournament type also known as the Olympic system
(A) Knockout tournament
(B) League tournament
(C) Robin round tournament
(D) Combination tournament

7. Which one of the following tournament types are opted by the organizer, if a large
number of participants are there or if teams are coming from different regions of the
(A) League tournament
(B) Combination tournament
(C) Knockout tournament
(D) Robin round tournament

8. What is the main feature of the special seeding?

(A) Many byes are used
(B) Strong team directly participate in the quarter final
(C) Strong team directly participate in the quarter final or semi final
(D) None of the above

9. In the fixture, which team gets the first Bye?

(A) The first team of upper half gets first bye

(B) The last team of lower of half gets bye
(C) The first team of lower half gets first bye
(D) The last team of upper half gets the first bye

10. In which fixture method games are arranged in a sequential form, there is no bye
and no problem of odd or even?
(A) Staircase method
(B) Tabular method
(C) Cyclic method
(D) Seeding method
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11. In the cycling method the number of rounds will be if there are N teams participating

(A) N+1
(B) (N+1)/2
(C) N-1
(D) (N-1)/2

12. If in any League tournament 6 teams are participating then there will be matches
will be played?

(A) 10
(B) 12
(C) 13
(D) 15

13. Out of the following method, which one is the deciding factor for the winner of a
single League tournament?

(A).Number of matches won

(B) Percentage of matches won
(C) Percentage of matches won
(D) All the above

14. In a double League tournament such as IPL a total of how many matches are
played during the league face if 7 teams participating?

(A) 42
(B) 45
(C) 54
(D) 58

15. In a single knockout tournament how many byes need to be given if 17 teams are

(A) 17
(B) 16
(C) 15
(D) 14

16. If 20 teams are participating in a knockout tournament then how many matches will
be played

(A) 17
(B) 18
(C) 19
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(D) 20

17. Match the following


-A B C D

(1) 4 2 1 3
(2) 2 4 1 3
(3) 4 3 2 1
(4) 1 2 3 4

18. If in any League tournament 6 teams are participating then there will be matches
will be played

(B) 12
(C) 13
(D) 15

Section – B

19. What is knockout tournament?

20. Explain league tournament?
21. Define planning?
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22. What is the combination tournament or what do you understand by combination
23. Enlist various types of tournaments?
24. Define fixture?

Section – C

25. What are the objectives of the planning or explain the objectives of the planning?
26. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the knockout tournament?
27. Explain the procedure (method ) to fix byes ?
28. Write down the importance of the extramural tournament?
29. Write down the activities for the intramural tournament?
30. Draw a knockout fixture of 11 teams?

Section – D

31. Aditya of XI B is a great athlete. After the lockdown he went to see his physical
education teacher Mr Ramesh, the PE teacher is shocked to see Aditya, because
has gained a lot of weight. He also observed many other students have also gained

He decided to conduct an inter-house tournament on the campus. He

conducted . . tournaments on a league basis.

(i) Mr. Ramesh feels that the league method is the best one for inter-
house tournaments. Why?
1. Less period required
2. Limited official required
3. True winner
4. Players would be less tired

(ii) If seven teams participate in a double League tournament. How many

matches will be conducted in the first phase of league?


(iii) What is the formula to determine number of matches in double league

fixtures for an even number of teams?

1. N+2
2. N-1/2
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3. N(N-1)
4. N(N+1)/2

32. ABC school is one of the reputed schools in their locations for the number of Sports
facilities it provides to its stakeholders. Keeping that in consideration CBSE sports
cell has given them the responsibility of conducting CBSE football cluster.

35 teams have sent their entry for participation in the tournament.

(i) Due to the large number of teams willing to participate. The

School is conducting the competition by. Fixture.
(a) League
(b) Knockout
(c) Staircase
(d) Challenge

(ii) The number of matches in the first round will be

(a) 8
(b) 12
(c) 24
(d) 16

(iii) The number of rounds will be

(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 6

(iv) Total number of matches will be

(a) 34
(b) 30
(c) 28
(d) 24

33. Competing in physical education activities has been the natural tendency of
humans. The competitions and tournaments are held according to the set rules and
regulations. The success of the tournament depends upon as suitable fixture.

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Observe the given fixture and answer the following.

(i) The method followed in drawing the fixture is

1. League
2. Knockout
3. Ladder
4. Combination

(ii) Number of matches played can be calculated by the formula

1. N
2. N-1
3. N+1
4. N+2

(iii) The advantage of this tournament is

1. Economical
2. Less time
3. Both A and B
4. None of this

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(iv) In this type of tournament a team once defeated gets
1. Eliminated
2. Bye
3. Another chance
4. Wild card entry

Section – E

34. What do you mean by knockout tournament? Draw the fixture of 21 teams on the
knock out basis.
35. what do you mean by cyclic method? Draw the fixture of 18 team on the basis of
cyclic method.
36. What do you mean by staircase method? Draw the picture of 19 teams on the basis
of staircase method.
37. What are intramural and extramural tournament? Write both the advantages and
disadvantages of each type.

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