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June Month Editorial Vocabulary - 2020

Editorial 01 – 06 – 2020 5) Curtailment (Noun) – कटौती

1) Resumption (Noun) – पुनरारं भ Meaning: the action or fact of reducing or restricting

Meaning: the action of beginning something again something.

after a pause or interruption. Synonyms: reduction, cut, cutback
Synonyms: restart, restarting, recommencement Antonyms: increase, expansion

Antonyms: suspension, abandonment Usage: “the curtailment of human rights”

Usage: “with peace came the resumption of foreign

imports” 6) Modest (Adjective) – विनयपूणण
Meaning: unassuming in the estimation of one’s
2) Diligence (Noun) – लगन abilities or achievements.
Meaning: careful and persistent work or effort. Synonyms: self-effacing, self-deprecating
Synonyms: conscientiousness, assiduousness, Antonyms: boastful, conceited

assiduity Usage: “he was a very modest man, refusing to take

Antonyms: laziness, carelessness any credit for the enterprise”

Usage: “few party members challenge his diligence

as an MP” 7) Ethos (Noun) – लोकाचार
Meaning: the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or
3) Mitigating (Verb) – न्यूनीकरण करना community as manifested in its attitudes and
Meaning: make (something bad) less severe, aspirations.

serious, or painful. Synonyms: spirit, character, atmosphere

Synonyms: alleviate, reduce, diminish Antonyms: abstract, exterior

Antonyms: aggravate, increase, intensify Usage: “a challenge to the ethos of the 1960s”
Usage: “drainage schemes have helped to mitigate
this problem” 8) Engulfed (Verb) – वघरा हुआ
Meaning: sweep over (something) so as to surround

4) Vulnerable (Adjective) – भेद्य or cover it completely.

Meaning: exposed to the possibility of being Synonyms: inundate, flood, deluge

attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. Antonyms: unflooded, uninundated
Synonyms: in danger, in peril, in jeopardy Usage: “the cafe was engulfed in flames”

Antonyms: well protected, invulnerable, resilient

Usage: “we were in a vulnerable position” 9) Thugs (Noun) – ठग या गुण्डा
Meaning: a violent person, especially a criminal.

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Synonyms: ruffian, hoodlum, bully boy Synonyms: strict, firm, rigid

Antonyms: law, police Antonyms: lenient, flexible
Usage: “he was attacked by a gang of thugs” Usage: “stringent guidelines on air pollution”

10) Inevitable (Adjective) – अिश्यंभािी 5) Malaise (Noun) – अस्िस्थता

Meaning: certain to happen; unavoidable. Meaning: a general feeling of discomfort, illness, or
Synonyms: unavoidable, inescapable unease whose exact cause is difficult to identify.
Antonyms: avoidable, uncertain Synonyms: unhappiness, restlessness, uneasiness
Usage: “war was inevitable” Antonyms: comfort, well-being
Usage: “a general air of malaise”

Editorial 02 – 06 – 2020 6) Abate (Verb) – न्यून होना

Meaning: become less intense or widespread.
1) Ominous (Adjective) – अशुभ
Synonyms: subside, die down/away/out
Meaning: giving the worrying impression that
Antonyms: intensify
something bad is going to happen; threateningly
Usage: “the storm suddenly abated”
Synonyms: threatening, menacing, baleful
7) Tweaking (Verb) – तेजी से मोडना या खींचना
Antonyms: promising, auspicious, propitious
Meaning: twist or pull (something) sharply.
Usage: “there were ominous dark clouds gathering
Synonyms: twist, tug, pinch
Antonyms: allowance, blunder, coddling
Usage: “he tweaked the boy’s ear”
2) Prognosticated (Verb) – भविष्यद्वाणी करना
Meaning: foretell or prophesy (a future event).
8) Ostensibly (Adverb) – प्रत्यक्ष तौर पर
Synonyms: forecast, predict, prophesy
Meaning: as appears or is stated to be true, though
Antonyms: recalled
not necessarily so; apparently.
Usage: “the economists were prognosticating
Synonyms: apparently, seemingly, on the face of it
financial Armageddon”
Antonyms: genuinely, really, truly
Usage: “the party secretary resigned, ostensibly from
3) Belied (Verb) – झुठलाना
ill health”
Meaning: fail to give a true impression of
9) Vaunted (Verb) – डींग मारना
Synonyms: contradict, be at odds with
Meaning: boast about or praise (something),
Antonyms: testify to, reveal
especially excessively.
Usage: “his lively, alert manner belied his years”
Synonyms: acclaim, esteem, revere
Antonyms: criticized, unsung
4) Stringent (Adjective) – कडी से कडी
Usage: “he was initially vaunted by the West for his
Meaning: strict, precise, and exacting.
leadership of the country”
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Meaning: attempt to explain or justify (behavior or an

10) Purge (Noun) – वनष्कासन attitude) with logical reasons, even if these are not
Meaning: an abrupt or violent removal of a group of appropriate.
people. Synonyms: Vindicate, Justify, account for , defend,
Synonyms: removal, expulsion, ejection extenuate ( to represent as less serious)
Antonyms: acceptance, addition Antonyms: accuse, withheld
Usage: “the savagery of the government’s political Usage: All States should take steps to enhance and
purges” rationalise property tax regime
Editorial 09 – 06 – 2020

1) Precipitated (verb) – तेजी या जल्दबाजी करना 5) Manoeuvres (Noun) – युद्धाभ्यास

Meaning: To hasten the occurrence of ; Meaning: a movement or series of moves requiring

Synonyms: expedite, hasten, accelerate skill and care.

Antonyms: hinder, cease, slow Synonyms: operation, exercise, movement
Usage: Why has China precipitated a fresh military Antonyms: neglect, surrender, mismanagae

crisis with India in eastern Ladakh? Usage: India must prepare for a long-drawn stand-
off, and manoeuvres aimed at ensuring China’s pull

2) Resilience (Noun) – लचीलापन back.

Meaning: power or ability to return to original state,
position. 6) Laxity (Noun) – ढढलाई
Synonyms: Flexibility, pliancy, elasticity, adaptability Meaning: lack of strictness or care.
Antonyms: fragile, Vulnerable, weakness Synonyms: Shoody, slovenly, inattentive, reckless,

Usage: The question of the resilience of the Indian remiss, impetuos

health system becomes more pressing Antonyms: chariness, wariness, carefulness
Usage: Laxity in one airport can deliver the virus

3) Skirmish (noun) – झडप thousands of miles away.

Meaning: an episode of irregular or unpremeditated

fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of 7) Allegiance (Noun) – वनष्ठा
armies or fleets. Meaning: loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a
Synonyms: Confrontation, Conflict, Fight group or cause.
Antonyms: Peace, truce, Unanimity Synonyms: steadfast, devotion, homage, Adherence,

Usage: If such skirmishes normally follow the melting obedient

of snowlines, for example, then why was the LAC not Antonyms: treachery, disloyalty,

adequately manned Usage: Elected representatives swear allegiance to

the Constitution, and thereby to the Union of India,

4) Rationalize (verb) – युविकरण करना and not to their constituents alone.

8) Drawdown (noun) – आहरण द्वारा कमी

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June Month Editorial Vocabulary - 2020

Meaning: to bring down, To lower. To minimize. 2) Shrouded (verb) – आिरण या दृश्य से विपाना
Synonyms: reduction, decrease. Meaning: cover or envelop so as to conceal from
Antonyms: Augment, Develop, Enlarge, Extend view.
Usage: During the Doklam incident, even after a Synonyms: swathe, cloak, obscure disguise
meeting between the leaders on the sidelines of a G- Antonyms: conspicuous, stand out,
20 summit, it had taken several high-level Usage: But here, at home, some courts have not
engagements to ensure a drawdown to the 73-day found the time to seek an explanation for the police
stand-off. brutality writ large, but heartlessly shrouded in the
exigencies of the Covid-19 lockdown.
9) Ravage (verb) – नाश करना
Meaning: cause severe and extensive damage to. 3) Aggrieved (adj) – असंतुष्ट, व्यवथत, पीडाग्रस्त
Synonyms: Ruin, devastate, ransack, desolate, Meaning: feeling resentment at having been unfairly
despoil, maraud, wrecked treated.
Antonyms: develop nurture, conserve, indemnify Synonyms: resentful, affronted, indignant,
(compensate (someone) for harm or loss). disgruntled, discontented, distressed, anguished
Usage: The hurricane ravaged southern Florida Antonyms: pleased, soothe, placid
Usage: Far from reaching out to the aggrieved
10) Savage (Adj) – उग्र, हहसक या अवनयंवित student body, the police have issued notices to
Meaning: fierce, violent, and uncontrolled. (of dozens of them
something bad or negative) very great; severe.
Synonyms: ravening, predatory, mutilate, mangle, 4) Cavil (verb) – दोष ढू ंढना
lacerate, desecrate Meaning: make petty or unnecessary objections.
Antonyms: tame, civilized, harmless. Synonyms: complain, grouse, grouch, condemn,
Usage: His decision was a savage blow for the town decry
Antonyms: sanction, endorse

Editorial 10 – 06 – 2020 Usage: There can be no cavil with that proposition.

1) Exigencies (noun) – एक तत्काल आिश्यकता या मांग

5) Dereliction (noun) – पररत्यवि
Meaning: an urgent need or demand.
Meaning: The state of having been abandoned and
Synonyms: need demand requirement want
become dilapidated.
necessity essential requisite
Synonyms: Decrepitude, negligence, delinquent,
Antonyms: frivolousness, triviality, levity, flightiness
Antonyms: Fulfillment, satisfied,
Usage: But here, at home, some courts have not
Usage: Former Supreme Court judges took public
found the time to seek an explanation for the police
transport to visit the affected areas and pointed out
brutality writ large, but heartlessly shrouded in the
clear dereliction of duty by the police
exigencies of the Covid-19 lockdown.

6) Browbeat (verb) – धमकाना

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Meaning: intimidate (someone), typically into doing Meaning: taken as a measure against something
something, with stern or abusive words. possible,
Synonyms: bludgeon, intimidate, domineer, Synonyms: deterrent, protective, precautionary.
subjugate Antonyms: permissive, vulnerable, impuissant
Antonyms: hamper, impede, hinder, Usage: After the LG’s intervention, the Chief Minister
Usage: The investigation officers are reportedly and his deputy, Manish Sisodia, reiterated (say
browbeating innocent political activists to surrender something again) the argument and preemptively
sought to wash their hands of the worsening
7) Spree (noun) – अनगणल गवतविवध का एक जादू या वनरं तर situation.
Meaning: a spell or sustained period of unrestrained Editorial 11 – 06 – 2020
activity of a particular kind.
1) Pastime (noun) – शगल
Synonyms: Splurge, binge
Meaning: an activity that someone does regularly for
Antonyms: rest, disturbance,
enjoyment rather than work; a hobby.
Usage: Governments are on a law-making spree
Synonyms: amusement, avocation, diversion,
divertissement, distraction. enthusiasm
8) Missives (noun) – समाचार, बुलेरटन, घोषणा
Antonyms: tediousness, languor, ennui.
Meaning: a letter, especially a long or official one.
Usage: Since Independence, the load on this
Synonyms: news, bulletin, announcement.
national pastime has exponentially increased.
Antonyms: neglect, silence
Usage: Elon musk’s latest missives on the social
2) Lingering (verb) – लंबे समय के वलए स्थायी होना
media network was his demand to break up Amazon
Meaning: lasting for a long time or slow to end.
Synonyms: niggling, gnawing, lasting, residual,
9) Apportioned (verb)- विभावजत
protracted, persistent, prolonged.
Meaning: divide up and share out.
Antonyms: short live, leave, intermittent
Synonyms: handout, allocate, assign
Usage: Notwithstanding lingering criticism that the
Antonyms: amass, reassemble, gather, consolidate, Supreme Court’s intervention, on its motion, may
have come too late
Usage: But the fluidic contiguity (nearby) of
peoPioneerple, who chased ambition in one and a
3) Ameliorate (adj) – सुधारना
comfortable living in the other, has meant that they
Meaning: make (something bad or unsatisfactory)
got blended in a concept called the National Capital
Region or (NCR). In other words, lives were
Synonyms: tweak, enhance, ease, redress
apportioned among these extended territories
Antonyms: worsen, deteriorate,
around the power capital.

10) Preemptive (verb) – ररविपूिण

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Usage: the courts are making an effort to ameliorate Antonyms: overlook, neglect
their living conditions is an undoubted source of Usage: We should reconnoitre the Galwan River
comfort and relief. valley

4) Chastened (verb) – अपस्फीवत करना 8) Austere (noun) – गंभीर या सख्त ढंग

Meaning: (of a rebuke or misfortune) have a Meaning: severe or strict in manner or attitude.
restraining or moderating effect on. Synonyms: distant, solemn, unyielding, grim.
Synonyms: deflate, squash, mortify, subdue Antonyms: genial, friendly, lenient
Antonyms: release, commend, uplift Usage: London Olympics, the austere post-war
Usage: Chastened by open criticism from former games that saw the English fill the stands to the brim
members of the higher judiciary, as well as many
senior lawyers and jurists, the top court has sought 9) Fascism (noun)- ररश्तेदारी, वनरं कुशता
to redeem its stature(prestige, position) by a series Meaning: Fascism is a form of government that is a
of directions type of one-party dictatorship.
Synonyms: Kingship, depotism
5) Expeditions (noun) – अवभयान Antonyms: communism, socialism
Meaning: a journey undertaken by a group of people Usage: The first fascist country, Italy, was ruled by
with a particular purpose, especially that of Benito Mussolini (Il Duce) until he was dismissed
exploration, research, or war.
Synonyms: peregrination, voyage, commission, 10) Clanging (verb) – बजना
enterprise Meaning: make or cause to make a clang,
Antonyms: hindrance, shortage, reatrdation Synonyms: reverberate, ring, clank
Usage: Ghulam Rasool remained attached with the Antonyms: silent, calm.
British expeditions as a guide Usage: So far, we haven’t seen supporters in
Mumbai Indians jerseys clanging the Wankhede
6) Intrusions (verb) – अवतक्रमण करना gates, goading (provoke, annoy) the BCCI to restart
Meaning: the action of intruding, invading, entering IPL
illegaly Editorial 13 – 06 – 2020
Synonyms: invasion, encroachment 1) Glaring (verb) – चकाचौंध या अत्यंत उज्ज्िल होना
Antonyms: withdraw, retreat Meaning: giving out or reflecting a strong or dazzling
Usage: frequent Chinese intrusions into our territory light.
as also the building of roads started receiving Synonyms: dazzling blinding, blazing, extremely
attention bright, fluorescent
Antonyms: Dim, low
7) Reconnoitre (noun) – जांच या संिीक्षण Usage: The lapses were glaringly exemplified by the
Meaning: make a military observation of (a region). death of patient..
Synonyms: examine, scrutinize
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2) Ingenious (verb) – विदग्ध Antonyms: laidback, perfunctory, slipshod,

Meaning: clever, original, and inventive. nonchalant (unconcerned)
Synonyms: intuitive, sophisticated, trailblazing, Usage: He is an honest and very punctilious
pioneering German
Antonyms: unskillful, slow, uninventive, unready
Usage: She was ingenious at finding ways to work 7) Rattle (noun) – खडखडाहट
more quickly. Meaning: To make a series of short sharp noises
Synonyms: convulse, agitate, shatter, vibrate
3) Pretensions (Noun) – वमथ्यावभमान Antonyms: appease, placate, soothe calm
Meaning: a claim or assertion of a claim to Usage: An unexpected heat jarred her to her core,
something. and the earth beneath her feetshook violently
Synonyms: ostentation, aspiration, claim, assertion enough to rattle her teeth.
Antonyms: demureness, modestness, simplicity, 8) Lacerate (verb) – ढकसी िस्तु को काटना, चीरना
discreetness, plainness Meaning: Cut, rip an object
Usage: He spoke about his achievements without Synonyms: butcher, wound, maim (To cause
pretension. permanent loss of function of a limb),shred
Antonyms: assist, cure
4) Anoint (verb) – अवभषेक करना Usage: The broken glass lacerated his feet.
Meaning: smear or rub with oil, typically as part of a
religious ceremony. 9) Insular (Adj)- संकुवचत विचार का
Synonyms: consecrate, sanctify, bless, ordain. Meaning: Ignorant of or uninterested in cultures,
Antonyms: condemn, degrade, disrespect. ideas, or peoples outside one’s own experience
Usage: He was anointed the Chief minister. Synonyms: ignorant, narrow-minded, provincial,
parochial, petty, blinkered.
5) Galore (noun) – बहुतायत Antonyms: broad-minded, tolerant, cosmopolitan,
Meaning: in abundance. liberal, open-minded
Synonyms: penty, plethora, copious Usage: Countries are turning more insular.
Antonyms: scant, miniscule, imperceptible
Usage: There are stories galore of his no nonsense 10) Pertain (verb) – से सम्बंवधत
attitude towards freedom Meaning: Be appropriate, related, or applicable to
Synonyms: apply, bear, refer, regard, relate
6) Punctilious (Adj) – सूक्ष्म वनयमिाला Antonyms: disconnect, disjoin, divide.
Meaning: Showing great attention to detail or correct Usage: The aim of the society is to promote
behaviour genealogy and local history particularly pertaining to
Synonyms: fastidious, meticulous, assiduous, stilted, the Biddulph area.
accurate, pedantic, studious, dogmatic (Inclined to
lay down principles as undeniably true) Editorial 15 – 06 – 2020
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1) Brinkmanship (noun) – पैंतरे बाजी Synonyms: upended, upturned, inverted, reversed,

Meaning: the art or practice of pursuing a dangerous backward, capsized
policy to the limits of safety before stopping, Antonyms: careful, formal, standard, disciplined,
especially in politics. coherent
Synonyms: manoeuvring, politicking Usage: His decision, now overturned by the Delhi
Antonyms: tediousness, languor, ennui. Lieutenant Governor.
Usage: After months of brinkmanship, India and
Nepal have brought their relations to the edge of a 5) Tenuous (Adj) – करठन
precipice (a very steep rock face or cliff, especially a Meaning: Very slender or fine
tall one). Synonyms: ethereal, narrow, reedy, twiggy, light,
insubstantial, dainty, vaporous
2) Flinched (verb) – एक त्िररत, घबराए संचालन करना Antonyms: substantial, convincing, significant, solid,
Meaning: make a quick, nervous movement, sound, definite
especially as an instinctive reaction to fear, pain, or Usage: This apoliticism of the AAP, however, was
surprise always a tenuous claim.
Synonyms: winced, cringed, blenched, recoiled,
started, quailed, quaked 6) Whirlwind (Adj) – बिंडर
Antonyms: confront, edfaced, forged, met, remained, Meaning: Moving or proceeding with significant
stayed speed
Usage: The Modi government has in the past not Synonyms: headlong, impulsive, dizzy, tumultuous
flinched from taking tough measures, including the Antonyms: prepense, vigilant, well-thought-out,
2015 blockade that severely affected India’s land- apprehensive, reserved
locked neighbour. Usage: But the whirlwind unleashed(unravel, reveal,
release) by the Bharatiya Janata Party threw him off
3) Forbearance (Noun) – सहनशीलता balance on his tightrope.
Meaning: make (something bad or unsatisfactory)
better. 7) Purged (Verb) – शुद्ध करना
Synonyms: tweak, enhance, ease, redress Meaning: rid of; clean out
Antonyms: worsen, deteriorate, Synonyms: evicted, excluded, exterminated, sacked,
Usage: Since the full lockdown lasted longer than absolved, cleared out, forgave
initially envisaged(foresee,predict), and only began Antonyms: castigated, charged, condemned,
to unwind this month, the forbearance on offer was a constructed, created, dirtied
necessary step. Usage: They were purged from the party.

4) Overturned (verb) – पलटना 8) Metamorphosed (Verb) – कायापलट होना

Meaning: Inverted, so that the top is now at the Meaning: To have become something different
bottom. Synonyms: evolved, converted, reformed, turned
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Antonyms: stalled, stayed, stayed the same, ,clung,

hibernated, clinged 2) Hubris (noun) – घमंड, अहंकार
Usage: The IAC was a heterogeneous(diverse in Meaning: lasting for a long time or slow to end.
character or content) crowd ranging from non- Excessive pride, presumption or arrogance
governmental organisations to the RSS; AAP (originally toward the gods)
metamorphosed as majoritarian in instincts and Synonyms: vanity, arrogance, conceitedness,
authoritarian in practice. Mr. Kejriwal had figured prideself-importance, haughtiness,
the cocktail that sways politics contemptuousness, disdainfulness, vainglory,
9) Disenfranchised (Verb)- असुरवक्षत, रक्षाहीन होना Antonyms: modesty, humility, respect, timidity,
Meaning: Lacking sufficient power or strength shyness, unpretentiousness, meekness
Synonyms: vulnerable, defenceless, ineffectual, Usage: Nepal’s ability to dare India is a sign of our
dependent, feeble, impuissant diminished power and diplomatic hubris.
Antonyms: strong, mighty, potent, puissant
Usage: He could harvest the sentiments of those 3) Maxim (adj) – कहाित
disenfranchised and brutalized by the market Meaning: A pithy expression of a general principle or
10) Feign (verb) – बहाना करना Synonyms: phrases, shibboleth, epigraph, quotation
Meaning: To make a false show or pretence of Antonyms: activity, execution, doing,
Synonyms: counterfeit, devise, dissemble, forge, implementation, movement, ambiguity
fabricate, masquerade, play-act, pose, posture, Usage: It is probably a wise maxim in any
profess democracy
Antonyms: reveal, be original, show, disclose,
divulge 4) Snobbery (noun) – असभ्यता का गुण
Usage: He feigns humility and claims to listen to the Meaning: The property or trait of being a snob
people. Synonyms: arrogance condescension pretension
pride snootiness
Editorial 16 – 06 – 2020 Antonyms: respectshynesstimidity, meekness
Usage: It is often subject to elite snobbery.
1) Opaque (Adj) – अपारदशी
Meaning: Not able to be seen through
5) Hounded (verb) – मजबूर या वििश करना
Synonyms: non-transparent, clouded, dirty, dingy,
Meaning: To have caused someone to do
dull, smeared, grimy, lusterless
something, usually against their inclinations
Antonyms: transparent, crystal-clear
Synonyms: daunted, coerced, compelled, required,
Usage: Telangana has still not ramped up testing
induced, obliged, pressed
numbers adequately and has been
Antonyms: relaxed, calm, untroubled, happy,
opaque in the release of testing data.
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Usage: Both are on display in the way in which anti- Synonyms: dominion, stewardship, sway,
CAA protestors are being hounded. sovereignty, ascendance
Antonyms: servility, subjection, subservience,
6) Inordinate (Adj) – असामान्य yielding, surrender, impotence
Meaning: Unreasonable or inappropriate in Usage: The Indo-Pacific has prospered under
magnitude American hegemony for the previous 40 years
Synonyms: uncurbed, unlimited, immeasurable,
untempered, wanton,extortionate, gratuitous 10) Consternation (noun) – विस्मय, भ्रम, उन्माद
Antonyms: hesitant, wary, embarrassed, unassertive. Meaning: A sudden upsetting or surprising event or
Usage: Most citizens were willing to go to inordinate experience
lengths to support the effort. Synonyms: astonishment, confusion, hysteria,
7) Pawn (Noun) – जमानत, जमा, िारं टी Antonyms: cheer, felicity, placidity, quiescence
Meaning: Something deposited or pledged as a Usage: The shelling and the retaliations along the
guarantee of the fulfillment of an undertaking or loan Line of Control with Pakistan are a matter of
Synonyms: bail, deposit, warranty, indemnity, consternation.
promise, contract, covenant
Antonyms: uncertainty, breach, jeopardy, exposure. Editorial 18 – 06 – 2020
Usage: Instead of taking responsibility, take the 1) Stigmatize (verb) – अपमानजनक या अज्ञानता के रूप में
credit and pawn the blame वचवननत करना
Meaning: To characterize as disgraceful or
8) Cogently (Adv) – प्रबलता से ignominious
Meaning: In a forceful or powerful manner Synonyms: blacken, smear, denigrate, slander,
Synonyms: coercively, intensely, actively, violently, malign
fiercely. Antonyms: approve, compliment, destigmatize, exalt
Antonyms: incredulously, questionably, strangely, Usage: The routine aim is to disparage and
unsoundly, inadequately stigmatize activities or sentiments that displease
Usage: The Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien policymakers in Washington.
Loong’s perceptive essay in the latest issue of
Foreign Affairs cogently spells out the dilemma that 2) Metaphor (Adj) – रूपक
confronts Singapore Meaning: The word or phrase used in this way:
Deliberate or unintentional overstatement,
9) Hegemony (noun)- नायकत्ि particularly extreme overstatement
Meaning: Domination, influence, or authority over Synonyms: analogy, conceit, emblem, image,
another, especially by one political group over a symbol, allegory
society. Antonyms: meiosis, compression, decrease,
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Usage: In that sense we use the metaphor of the bar Usage: Such a structure would only entrench current
code, it’s a unique identifier for each species. divisions and might even lead to ethnic cleansing.

3) Uncharted (adj) – सिेक्षण या मैप नहीं ढकया गया 7) Mellow (noun) – मधुर
Meaning: Not surveyed or mapped Meaning: Having a melodious or harmonious sound,
Synonyms: unexplored, unfamiliar, unplumbed, Having an easy-going mood or temperament
unmapped Synonyms: mellifluous, melodious, rich, soft, tuneful,
Antonyms: familiar, near, explored dulcet, euphonious tranquil, composed, unruffled,
Usage: For a professional explorer to stumble upon nonchalant
such uncharted territory can be very chastening. Antonyms: uneasy, edgy, nervy, worried, jittery,
4) Hitherto (noun) – अब तक Usage: He seems considerably more mellow to me
Meaning: Up until this or that time today than he did then and still a man of impeccable
Synonyms: earlier, formerly, hereto, fore, previously, integrity.
before, so far, theretofore 8) Expediency (noun) – समीचीनता
Antonyms: henceforth, hence, forward, hereafter, Meaning: Appropriateness or suitability , Temporary
thenceforth help
Usage: In May of 1985, Simpson and his partner Synonyms: convenience, advisability, benefit,
Simon Yates set out to scale the west face of Siula effectiveness, utilitarianism, wisdom, meekness,
Grande, a hitherto unclimbed peak in Peru. shift, substitute, contrivance
Antonyms: recklessness, irresponsibility, incaution,
5) Countenance (noun) – मुखाकृ वत impulsiveness
Meaning: . A person’s face or facial expression Usage: They are not just men sacrificed to
Synonyms: semblance, appearance, features, expediency, they are not men too civilised for an
visage, aspect uncivilised world.
Antonyms: hindrance, anxiety, uneasiness,
nervousness, disquiet, gaucheness 9) Hurtle (noun) – तेज गवत से चलना
Usage: He received, and scoursed to every person Meaning: Move or cause to move at high speed,
with a leasant and smiling countenance. typically in an uncontrolled manner
Synonyms: blaze, blow, boogie, zoom, blast, run,
6) Entrench (verb) – मोरचाबंदी करना stampede
Meaning: To place, lay or set firmly in surrounding Antonyms: crawl, creep, poke, plod, slow
matter Usage: Firefighters change en route, as they bowl
Synonyms: lodge, root, embed, establish, plant down the Byres Road or hurtle along the motorway.
Antonyms: depose, overturn, expel, disturb,
defenestrate 10) Belie (verb) – अपमान करना, विरोधाभास करना

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Meaning: To demonstrate or expose to the falsehood Antonyms: hindrance, rest, slowing, stoppage
of something Usage: It’s that sense of immediacy and instant
Synonyms: disprove, contradict, discredit, confute, gratification that is part of the allure.
refute, debunk, rebut
Antonyms: confirm, establish, prove, validate 4) Wriggling (verb) – बाहर वनकलना
Usage: These figures belie the constantly repeated Meaning: Present participle for to insert or introduce
claims of mass popular support for the brutal war. in a stealthy way
Synonyms: winding, infiltrating,insinuating(Provoking

Editorial 19 – 06 – 2020 doubt ), working in, edging-in, injecting, inserting

Antonyms: accepting, confronting, admitting,
1) Echelon (noun) – सोपानक
Meaning: A level or rank in an organization, a
Usage: I let them down gently, first wriggling out of
profession, or society
my board duties, and then letting go of the technical
Synonyms: category, grouping, repute, quality,
Antonyms: insignificance, lowliness, unimportance
5) Reincarnation (noun) – पुनजणन्म
Usage: For example, a friendly higher echelon may
Meaning: A rebirth of a mental capacity, such as a
have interdicted the enemy formation we expected to
soul, in a physical life form, such as a body
Synonyms: resurrection, revitalization, rejuvenation,
renascence, revivification
2) Eschew (verb) – दूर करना या त्याग करना
Antonyms: degeneration, destruction, disappearance
Meaning: To shun or shy away from
Usage: Under teachings of Tibetan
Synonyms: evade, shun, elude, body-swerve, get
Buddhism, reincarnation of important lamas is done
out of, hedge, cheat, fudge
through divination or mystical means.
Antonyms: conspicuous, embrace, face, keep, like,
love, meet, indulge in
6) Scattershot (verb) – अचयवनत, अचेतन
Usage: Professionals don’t completely eschew the
standard win and place bet, but their focus is Meaning: Covering a broad range in a random and
unsystematic way
overwhelmingly on the exotic bets, especially
Synonyms: unselective, unconsidered, desultory,
slapdash, unfocused, whimsical, changeable
Antonyms: selective, systematic, deliberate,
3) Immediacy (adj) – तुरंत्ता
Meaning: feeling the quality of bringing one into
Usage: Literature concerning photography by
direct and instant involvement with something, giving
Africans remains scattershot and largely
rise to a sense of urgency or excitement
Synonyms: propinquity, vicinity, imminence,
juxtaposition, vicinage, adjacency, closeness
7) Enunciation (noun) – घोषणा करना
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Meaning: The style of enunciation or articulation in Usage: The painting suggests deeply considered
speaking or singing, To declare loudly, openly or feeling, transparent and mysterious, direct
publicly and oblique.
Synonyms: declare, proclaim, state, promulgate, Editorial 20 – 06 – 2020
announcement, assertion 1) Turncoat (noun) – विश्वासघाती, दलबदलू
Antonyms: silence, standard, denial, concealment, Meaning: One who turns against a previous
vagueness affiliation or allegiance
Usage: Indeed, one might say that we reinterpret Synonyms: traitor, apostate, betrayer, defector,
these concepts at every moment of utterance deserter, Judas, quisling, serpent,
or enunciation. Antonyms: loyalist, patriot, defender, supporter
Usage: I believe our great councillor before him
8) Christened (noun) – समवन्ित, प्रत्यायोवजत would never have defected and become a turncoat.
Meaning: To have appointed a person to a position
Synonyms: ordained, delegated, selected, chose, 2) Smother (verb) – दम घोंट कर मार डालना
entitled, preferred, singled out Meaning: To refrain from openly expressing or
Antonyms: ignored, unnamed displaying: To kill something by suffocating
Usage: Celebrity fisherman Ian Synonyms: assuage(make little intense), stifle,
Botham christened the proceedings by pouring the repress, strangle, suppress, muffle, restrain, conceal
traditional quaich of whisky into the dark waters. Antonyms: accelerate, separate, unfasten, expedite,
9) Stoical (verb) – उदासीन होना Usage: Plastic toys, cigarette lighters, and derelict
Meaning: Enduring pain and hardship without fishing gear smother the coral reefs and litter the
showing feeling or complaint island shores.
Synonyms: unemotional, dispassionate, unexcitable,
unflustered, untroubled, quiet, sober, torpid, 3) Grotesque (adj) – विवचि
lukewarm Meaning: Comically or repulsively ugly or distorted;
Antonyms: emotional, upset, hot-headed, impulsive, causing fear or terror
perturbed Synonyms: gnarled, mangled, mutilated, freaky,
Usage: You sense that the man behind it was homely, deformed, distorted, unnatural, bizarre.
a stoical man and stoicism doesn’t talk too much. Antonyms: attractive, beauteous, beautiful, bonnie,
10) Oblique (verb) – प्रत्यक्ष रूप से व्यि या नहीं ढकया गया Usage: The masks are often grotesque, humorous or
Meaning: Not expressed or done in a direct way satirical and the dances can be noisy and
Synonyms: unclear, puzzling, enigmatic, cryptic, boisterous.
perplexing, mysterious, equivocal
Antonyms: upright symmetrical, roman, 4) Churn (verb) – मथना
perpendicular, balanced
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Meaning: To rise and fall rhythmically or Usage: Nebraska is a classic West Coast team with
spasmodically(occasionally); sometimes violently; To a lot of jumps and scramble shifts before the ball is
agitate rapidly and repetitively snapped.
churn out something definition: to produce This is a new benchmark for LCD production that
something automatically, without much thought, and competitors will have to scramble to emulate.
in large amount
Synonyms: boil, seethe, swirl, roil, foam froth, toss, 7) Scrimmage (noun) – धक्का मुक्की
Heave, moil, be turbulent effervesce(Be vivacious Meaning: A dispute or conflict between opposing
and enthusiastic) groups or individuals, A practice game which does
Antonyms: be happy, stream, pour, roll, be still, be not count on a team’s record
flat Synonyms: skirmish, combat, conflict, dustup,
Usage: But while the business continued fracas, fray, hassle, scrap, scrum
to churn out revenue, his management team was in Antonyms: conciliation, pacification, goodwill,
the midst of a longstanding bicoastal tug-of-war. cordiality, amity
Usage: Winning in football has long been traced to
5) Whimsical (noun) – सनकी controlling the line of scrimmage.
Meaning: Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an
appealing and amusing way Acting or behaving in a 8) Salvage (noun) – उबार
capricious manner; Treating serious issues with Meaning: To rescue (a wrecked or disabled ship or
inappropriate humor its cargo) from loss at sea, To prevent or protect
Synonyms: wise, flippant, facetious, eccentric, (something) from being destroyed
mischievous, odd, peculiar Synonyms: preserve, regain, recapture, recoup,
Antonyms: sincere, earnest, genuine, honest redeem
Usage: This whimsical piece of mischief by his Antonyms: abandon, endanger, forfeit, harm, hurt,
brother brought a quiet laugh from David. injure
Usage: Use the crop tool to salvage something
6) Scramble (verb) – फु ती, तात्कावलकता usable from your obscured photo, and the enlarge
Meaning: To cause disarray or disorganization in the wizard to blow it up to a reasonable size.
order of: Struggle or compete with others for
something in an eager or uncontrolled and 9) Harking back (verb) – आरं भस्थाल को लौटना
undignified way, A rush or hurry towards a Meaning: To have origin in or be reminiscent of a
destination or goal past event or condition; recall or evoke
Synonyms: swiftness, urgency, hastiness, bustle, Synonyms: listening, attending, hearkening, hearing,
hustle, flurry , scuffle, tussle harkening , apprehending, descrying(Arriving at after
Antonyms: arrangement, neatness, single, searching, study, or effort),
orderliness, calm, control Antonyms: ignoring, tuning out

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Usage: songs that hark back to the soul music of the Meaning: flagellate can be used for any variety of
1960s. whipping or beating, it often means a
kind of religious self-punishment; to whip or scourge
10) Outright (verb) – खुला और प्रत्यक्ष Synonyms: scourging, thrashing, whipping, beating
Meaning: Open and direct, Conspicuously or Antonyms: losing
obviously bad, wrong or offensive Usage: It is the British equivalent of Shia
Synonyms: unexpurgated, unabridged, entire, Muslims flagellating their backs with chains.
uncondensed, exhaustive, clear, definite,
unequivocal 4) Shelve (verb) – पररत्याग करना, स्थवगत करना
Antonyms: ambiguous, conditional, hesitating, Meaning: To postpone or assign to a later time or
imperfect, incomplete date
Usage: His idea of campaign finance reform is to Synonyms: hold over, abandon, adjourn
ban soft money outright while removing all limits for Antonyms: execute, implement, revive, advance,
personal contributions. complete, contrive
Usage: He opposed it and later shelved it.

Editorial 23 – 06 – 2020
5) Gargantuan (noun) – विशाल, बृहत्काय
1) Nagging (Adj) – लगातार ददण या हचता करना
Meaning: Significantly large in size, amount, value or
Meaning: Persistently painful or worrying
Synonyms: troublesome, unremitting , aching,
Synonyms: monumental, mammoth, prodigious,
endless, interminable, lingering
titanic, tremendous
Antonyms: tranquil, comfortable, peaceful, quiet,
Antonyms: insignificant, miniscule, ordinary, paltry,
Usage: The numbers were nagging and repetetive
Usage: His vulgar displays of vanity while in the
house were truly gargantuan in
2) Delineate (verb) – िणणन या वचिण करना
Meaning: To give a representation, or an account of,
in art or literature
6) Trammel (verb) – िंवचत करना
Synonyms: describe, portray, chart, depict,
Meaning: Deprive of freedom of action: To become
silhouette, allocate
weaker or of poorer quality
Antonyms: confuse, distort, conceal, suppress
Synonyms: ensnare, fetter, forestall, hamstring, hold
Usage: The following description intends
back, restrain, obstruct
to delineate quite a rich, but not
Antonyms: assist, help, facilitate
bibliographically registered, resource.
Usage: I shall not trammel you with any restrictions
or annoy you with any advice.
3) Self-flagellating (adj) – डांटना, पीटना, कोडे मारना

7) Eviscerate (verb) – अंतडी वनकालना

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Meaning: To disembowel, to remove the viscera T o Antonyms: discourage, dissuade, halt, hinder
weaken or make feeble Usage: How do you coordinate and shunt trains so
Synonyms: enervate, enfeeble, prostrate, they don’t smash into each other
attenuate, blunt, encumber, extenuate while going in opposite directions on the same track?
Antonyms: invigorate, strengthen, animate
Usage: Scientists are figuring out how to locate Editorial 24 – 06 – 2020
and eviscerate the worst moments of
1) Quintessential (noun) – मौवलक, वनवहत
your life.
Meaning: Fundamental, inherent or central in nature
Synonyms: staple, pivotal, predominant, immanent
8) Concussion (noun) – अस्थायी बेहोशी
Antonyms: ancillary, sub, adscititious, insignificant,
Meaning: temporary unconsciousness or confusion
caused by a blow to the head;
Usage: These comprise the quintessential sights
Synonyms: impact, crash, jolt
and sounds of Maritime coastal communities.
Antonyms: avoidance, building, compliment,
2) Straddle (verb) – दोनों तरफ घेरना
Usage: Unless he’s staying overnight because of
Meaning: Extend across or be situated on both sides
that mild concussion we’re back to
of; To take up or maintain an equivocal position with
sharing a room.
regard to (a political issue)
Synonyms: vacillate, teeter, dither, falter
9) Conquest (verb)- विजय हावसल करना
Antonyms: decide, hold, remain, stay, dive, inplunge
Meaning: The subjugation and assumption of control
of a place or people by military
Usage: Clearly rattled, Brash tried to straddle both
force ; An instance of one moving object or person
sides of the argument at once.
striking violently against another; the
act of conquering a country, area, or situation
3) Ribald (adj) – अवशष्ट, भद्दा
Synonyms: acquisition, takeover, appropriation,
Meaning: Depicting or referring to lewd matters in a
invasion way that is unacceptable in
Antonyms: ignoring, tuning out
polite society
Usage: Conquest of nature is fundamental to human
Synonyms: bawdy, indecent, racy, coarse, filthy
progress, and at the centre of the development of
comical, hilarious, witty
Antonyms: sophisticated, harmless, innocuous
Usage: See the Black Sheep draymen sharing
10) Shunt (verb) – टक्कर लगना
a ribald joke as they lower a barrel down the drop,
Meaning: Crash against An instance of one moving
there it is.
object or person striking violently
against another Bypass or diversion
4) Juggernaut (noun) – धमणयुद्ध, धक्का, आंदोलन
Synonyms: ; collision, impact, bump, strike, cash
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Meaning: Overpowering force Meaning: Of, or typical of, a despot or tyrant ; Based
Synonyms: crusade, push, movement on random choice or personal whim, rather than any
Antonyms: hesitation, compunction, discouragement reason or system
Usage: The whole purpose was to create this idea Synonyms: chance, capricious, inconsistent,
that there was this Prussian Juggernaut.. discretionary, tyrannous, peremptory, summary,
domineering, high-handed, gratuitous
5) Caprice (noun) – सनकी Antonyms: prudent, democratic, considered, shrewd,
Meaning: A sudden and unaccountable change of discerning
mood or behavior; A concept formulated in the mind Usage: I down vote you for being an ignorant,
Synonyms: fancy, vagary, Whimsy, impulse, fad, overreacting, emotional wreck over arbitrary ranking.
Antonyms: firmness, predictable, invariable, certitude 9) Vociferous (Adv)- शोरगुल िाला
Usage: If cricket is a game of glorious uncertainties, Meaning: Making or characterized by a noisy outcry
then its one-day version is sheer caprice. Synonyms: clamant, loud, noisy, obstreperous,
strident, vehement, vocal
6) Snippet (verb) – टुकडा, वनिाला Antonyms: quiet, silent, still, hushed
Meaning: A small part of something, such as a song Usage: After World War II, the Canadian Indians
or fabric became more vociferous in demanding a restoration
Synonyms: bit, fragment, morsel, piece of their rights.
Antonyms: comment, declaration, excerpt,
observation, abundance, gob, fistful, profusion, 10) Genuflect (verb/Adj) – घुटने के बल बैठना
wealth Meaning: To stoop down and rest on the knee or
Usage: Every recipe is accompanied by a story from knees Show respect for
his childhood, or a snippet of background information Synonyms: kneel down, drop a curtsy
gleaned from his training. Antonyms: disrespect
Usage: Journalists were not the only ones who failed
7) Stellar (noun) – तारकीय to genuflect before the lessons of history that he
Meaning: The best of its kind or class worshipped.
Synonyms: bonnie, fabulous, famous, fantabulous,
gangbuster Editorial 25 – 06 – 2020
Antonyms: execrable, lousy, pathetic, poor,
1) Circumvent (noun) – चकमा देना या वबगाडना
Meaning To prevent from happening; To find a way
Usage: Turns out television ratings for the CBC’s
coverage of championship curling have been less
Synonyms: dodge, evade, outwit, stop, thwart, foil
than stellar..
Antonyms: confront, encounter, encourage, face

8) Arbitrary (Adj) – मनमाना

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Usage: It hopes crowd funding will circumvent these Usage: The second violation would lead to
obstacles and create new opportunities. temporary revocation of network privileges..
Mathematical procedures, such as Fourier
deconvolution and derivation, have been developed 6) Flagrant (noun) – बुरी तरह से दुष्ट
to circumvent this problem. Meaning done in an obvious way that shows you do
not care if you break rules or offend people;
2) Thaw (verb) – वपघलाना Horrifyingly wicked
Meaning To gradually melt, dissolve, or become fluid Synonyms: outrageous, dreadful, enormous,
Make or become friendlier or more cordial shocking, atrocious, brazen, abominable
Synonyms: soften, dissolve, become, friendlier, contemptible, despicable
loosen up Antonyms: obscure, arcane, abstruse, inconceivable
Antonyms: condense, assemble, coagulate, Usage: In flagrant violation of all existing legal
concentrate principles, the detainee must then prove
Usage: Even during the brief periods of thaw there his innocence.
was little space for innovation, critique, or the avant-
garde. 7) Absolve (noun) – दोषमुि
Meaning: The best of its kind or class; To remove
3) Daggers drawn (adj) – कट्टर शिु from suspicion or guilt
Meaning If you say that two people are at daggers Synonyms: acquit, exonerate, free, vindicate,
drawn, you mean they are having an discharge, exculpate
argument and are still very angry with each other. Antonyms: reprimand, rebuke, chide, scold, criticise,
Usage: She and her mother were atdaggers drawn. criticize, berate, admonish, chastise, indict
Usage: So I hereby absolve myself of guilt should he
4) Wean (noun) – िु डाना ever read this.
Meaning Overpowering force
Synonyms: ancestor, begetter, detach, deter, 8) Inscrutable (Adj) – असंिेदनशील
discourage, dissuade Meaning Having a covert or obscure meaning;
Antonyms: unite, join, marry, couple Impossible to understand or interpret
Usage: Patients were screened daily using published Synonyms: opaque, unfathomable, impenetrable,
guidelines for ability to wean from the obscure, abstruse, ambiguous, baffling
mechanical ventilator. Antonyms: clear, obvious, plain, accessible
Usage: Newspaper stories see the light of day for all
5) Revocation (noun) – प्रवतसंहरण sorts of strange and inscrutable reasons.
Meaning An act or instance of revoking
Synonyms: repeal, cancelation, abrogation, 9) Alacrity (Adj)- तत्परता
annulment, rescission, voiding, rescindment Meaning speed and eagerness
Antonyms: continuation, approval, confirmation Synonyms: rapidness, rapidity, swiftness, quickness
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Antonyms: dullness, inertia, lethargy, reluctance Synonyms; strengthen, harden, coagulate, compact,
Usage: Dillingham pointed out that in certain cases consolidate
the FAA has acted with alacrity. Antonyms– enfeeble, debilitate, disorder
Usage: The higher charge didn’t inure to the benefit
10) Infinitesimal (Adj) – बहुत िोटा of the defendants in that case.
Meaning: incalculably, exceedingly, or immeasurably
minute; That cannot be observed 4) Indefatigable (Adj) – अथक
Synonyms: negligible, imperceptible, indiscernible Meaning: Extremely persistent and untiring Showing;
Antonyms: huge, enormous, large, astronomic having or involving great activity or vitality; without
Usage: Let us conceive the zone in question to be regret or guilt
divided into infinitesimal rings of equal Synonyms: indomitable, industrious, persistent,
area. pertinacious, indurate, in human
Antonyms: fatigued, feeble, pusillanimous, spiritless
Editorial 26 – 06 – 2020 Usage: One can only salute
such indefatigable souls, and wish them success in
1) Stagger (verb) – लडखडाना
their efforts.
Meaning: Walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall;
astonish or deeply shock; To
5) Torrent (noun) – धार
arrange (events, payments, hours, etc.) so that they
Meaning:: A strong and fast-moving stream of water
do not occur at the same time
or other liquid
Synonyms: disperse, distribute, amaze, astonish,
Synonyms: spate, inundation, deluge, flow,cascade,
totter, falter
cataract, rapids, attack, bout
Antonyms: steady, stay, calm, clarify
Antonyms: drought, drouth, dearth, deficiency
Usage: Our daily parade down the Croisette has
Usage: He looked for a moment as if he was going
turned from a saunter(a leisurely stroll) to a stagger.
to break out with a torrent of
2) Avalanche (noun) – वहमस्खलन
Meaning: undergo a rapid increase in conductivity
6) Miffed (noun) – ढकसी बात से नाराज
due to an avalanche process.
Meaning: Somewhat indignant, irritated, angry, put
Synonyms: stream, storm, showers, pate, wave
out or annoyed
Antonyms: trickle
Synonyms: distressed, upset, anxious,
Usage: Two skiers were killed in the avalanche.
disenchanted, discomfited
Antonyms: inspirited, good, well, assuaged
3) Inure (verb) – मजबूत या कठोर बनाना
Usage: I was so miffed at missing out on my eggy
Meaning: To cause (someone) to become
muffin treat, I determined to make some at home on
accustomed (to something); To impart information or

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June Month Editorial Vocabulary - 2020

7) Accentuate (noun) – तेज करना, बढाना Editorial 27 – 06 – 2020

Meaning: Make more noticeable or prominent; to 1) Disgruntle (verb) – असंतुष्ट करना
increase in degree, amount, size, or value Meaning: To cause to feel discontented or
Synonyms: intensify, enhance, magnify, strengthen disgruntled
Antonyms: camouflage, blanket, enshroud, Synonyms: estrange, alienate, discontent, displease
downplay, understate, cover Antonyms: encourage, compose, flatter
Usage: He also uplit the upper facades of the Usage: There aren’t any foreign language
building to accentuate the tower’s verticality. soundtracks available on the disc, which
could disgruntle some.
8) Doldrums (Adj) – तन्हाई, तन्मयता
Meaning: A state of low spiritsA temporary halt or 2) Machiavellian (noun) – षड्यंिकारी
slowdown of activity Meaning: Attempting to achieve one’s goals by
Synonyms: dreariness, forlornness, heartache, unscrupulous scheming; someone who
heartsickness, abeyance, dormancy, suspense secretly makes plans to do something illegal or
Antonyms: euphoria, exhilaration, exuberance, harmful.
exultation, felicity, glad Synonyms: perfidious, conniving, cutthroat, devious,
Usage: Kildare were in the doldrums but he quickly plotter, conspirator
rescued them and they almost succeeded in Antonyms: virtuous, conscientious, honourable,
achieving All-Ireland glory. good, respectable
Usage: Reuther’s political success cannot be read
9) Clout (noun) – उत्तोलन, प्रवतष्ठा solely in terms of Machiavellian politics.
Meaning: Influence or power, especially in politics or
business leverage 3) Rumbling (verb) – गडगडाहट
Synonyms: leverage, prestige, advantage, control, Meaning: A loud, deep resounding noise; Warning
prestige, advantage, control sign
Antonyms: surrender, fail, compliment, help, assist Synonyms; grumble, roar, rumble, reverberation,
Usage: Both countries have clout within the African, resonance
Arab, and non-aligned groups. Antonyms– peace, calm
Usage: He leaned out over the small rail and was
10) Nauseating (Adj) – मतली लानेिाला about to embrace the blackness when a truck
Meaning: Causing intense disgust or displeasure; came rumbling along the road.
excessively sentimental or emotional
Synonyms: unctuous, obsequious, disgusting, 4) Wield (verb) – ढफराना
revolting, distasteful Meaning: To have in one’s possession, command or
Antonyms: pleasant, clean, agreeable control ;
Usage: Occasionally, the free speech of those in Synonyms: have, hold, maintain, command
attendance sunk to nauseating levels. Antonyms: ensconce, cease, conceal, fail, idle
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June Month Editorial Vocabulary - 2020

Usage: At one point the nurse left the room, leaving Antonyms: humble, unobtrusive, nonprovocative,
the dentist to rather innoxious
unskillfully wield both drill and suction device. Usage: Although Joan does things that some might
Evan was beginning to learn how to wield a short consider repugnant, Linney fashions her alter-ego
sword and boasted about his strength into a sympathetic human being..
and speed.
8) Rekindled (Adj) – पुनजीवित
5) Carrot (noun) – चारा, ररश्वत Meaning: for to provoke or bring about ;
Meaning: The act of inveigling, or the state of being Synonyms: revived, revivified, reanimated
inveigled ; The underlying Antonyms: killed
intentions or motives of a particular person or group Usage: As Zerin rekindled the fire, the sun came up,
Synonyms: bait, bribe, impetus, intent, intention covering the cold earth with its rays.
Antonyms: determent, deterrent, discouragement,
penalty, punishment, consideration 9) Feudal (noun) – सामंती
Usage: However Bruce needs no carrot greater than Meaning: Of, or relating to feudalism
the one provided by Father Time. Synonyms: old-fashioned, outdated
Antonyms: stylish, contemporary, trendy, up-to-date
6) Unwieldy (noun) – बोझल Usage: Both In a feudal system there is always
Meaning: A hefty amount or abundant; Causing another member of the clan to step forward to
trouble, difficulties, or discomfort; assume the leadership.
Incapable of, or indisposed to, quick and effective 10) Succour (Adj) – परे शानी में सहायता
action Meaning: Give assistance or aid to; Feel or express
Synonyms: cumbersome, awkward, bothersome, sympathy
inconvenient Synonyms: relieve, alleviate, aid, help, assist
Antonyms: handy, manageable, dainty, agile Antonyms: agitation, annoyance, antagonism,
Usage: She’d make a dint in this unwieldy task by hindrance, obstruction
visiting schools to make contact with kids before they Usage: It is true that all NGOs, except those
start dropping out. exclusively concerned with succour and relief, are
about change. Conditions deteriorated and the milch
7) Repugnant (noun) – घृणास्पद cow of the state could no longer succour the system.
Meaning: Offensive or disgusting ; Denotes a strong
aversion or opposition to something
Synonyms: abhorrent, loathsome, nauseating,
despicable, grisly, gruesome

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