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College of Computer Studies

BS Information Technology
Python Programming Language
LABORATORY Activities |1

Online Laboratory Activity No. 7

Record Keeping Application
Learning Outcome
At the end of this activity, the student should be able to code the file handling statements using Python

Activity Requirement
1. Create a Record Keeping App.
2. The app will display the following options
A. Add a Record
B. View All Record
C. Clear All Records
D. Exit
3. If A, the user will input the following information (Name, Email Address, Home Address).
The app will save the information in a text file.
4. If B, the app will display all the records.
5. If C, the app will clear the text file (not delete the file) and display “No records found!”
6. If D, display “Thank you!”

Sample Output
A. Add a record
B. View all record
C. Clear all records
D. Exit
Please enter your choice: _

Source Code (paste your code under this tab using Courier New font)

Screenshot of Output (paste your output under this tab)

ITL313-18 |Systems Integration and Architecture Laboratory Prepared by Prof. TCAlcantara, MSIT
College of Computer Studies
BS Information Technology
Python Programming Language
LABORATORY Activities |2

1. Create a Python file and save it following the filename “”
2. Save this file as PDF following the filename “ITL313-18_section_OLA-6_Reverse_Surname.pdf”
(ex: ITL313-18_3-BSIT-.1_OLA-6_Reverse_Alcantara.pdf).
3. Upload your PDF and Python files to the folder you created in the shared Google Drive under
ITL313-18_Lab_Surname folder.

ITL313-18 |Systems Integration and Architecture Laboratory Prepared by Prof. TCAlcantara, MSIT

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