Possible Questions

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1. Why did your group chose this topic?

We specifically chose this topic because it is greatly relevant especially because we are in an Academic
track which many people expect us to always give our best and excel. And those expectation certainly has an
effect on our academic performance. Additionally, we want to contribute to the field of education towards the
expansion of knowledge by means of the possible contributions this study.
2. How did your group arrived with research questions
we have arrived at these questions by doing a preliminary research about our chosen research topic, by
doing so we have identified and noted the research gaps that we wanted to address in our research, we crafted
this questions in such a way that, when answered, they will guide us in achieving the aim of our research.
3. What possible contributions can this study yield?
This topic is not yet well explored and there are still a lot of research gaps that needs to be addressed.
With that being said this research provides additional based information in the existing body of knowledge
about this topic. This will be of great significance to various institutions, organizations or even for future
researchers who are planning to investigate the same topic. Moreover this research is of great benefit to the
students who are enrolled at GMTISAT whom are experiencing a high parental expectations because it provides
them the knowledge and strategies they utilized to overcome the said expectations.
4. What makes your research unique?
This topic has already been explored by various researches. Some of their significant finding only
highlights the positive and negative impact of parental expectation. However, there are still research gaps that
are not yet explored which our research aims to address. Specifically this research aims to explore how parental
expectation affects the Academic performance of the grade 12 STEM student who are studying at GMTISAT,
and by conducting a survey, those parents who sets too much or high expectation may come to think of it or
realize what are the consequences of their actions which might be detrimental to the personal and behavioral
conditions their child.
5. How to answer when you don’t know the answers?
Pardon me Ma’am/Sir for I still don’t have the answer as of now for this question, however I will put
this in consideration during our revision to provide the best and accurate answers. We are yet to explore in-
depths about this topic, but this is what I know (give your opinion or ideas) It will be highly appreciated if you
can enlighten us about this question.
6. What are the scope of your group’s research?
This study was conducted to know the effect of parental expectation among the grade 12 STEM
students, This research was set on May 2022, and is expected to be accomplished by the end of this Semester.
This will be conducted inside the premises of Godofredo M. Tan Integrated School of Arts and Trades
(GMTISAT), San Andress Road, Brgy. Pagkakaisa, San Narciso, Quezon. The respondents of this research are
the fifteen (15) respective parents and fiften (15) respective grade 12 STEM students.

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