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Sekolah/Instansi : SMKN 1 PAYAKUMBUH

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Jurusan : XI/Manajemen Perkantoran

Read carefully and choose the correct answer between A, B, C, D, or E!

Don’t forget begin your test with Basmallah!

1. Dirk: Can you give me an opinion about my sculpture?

Jake: Sure thing! I think you should have had fixed the hand.
Dirk: Thanks, Jake.
Jake: No problem!
From the dialogue above, Dirk is...
A. Asking for help
B. Giving help
C. Giving opinion
D. Asking for an opinion
E. Asking for help
2. X : We‟ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Y : ...
A. I am thinking of going to Bali Sorry
B. Sorry, I can‟t tell you
C. It‟s not your business
D. I have nothing to do
E. I don‟t know what to do
3. A : What do you think about the film ?
B : I think ....
A. I like it
B. Thank you
C. I can‟t hear you
D. You forget it
E. Let‟s go
4. Dave: So what do you think of my singing?
John: It's really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.
Dave: Thanks, John.
John: No problem, Dave!
From the dialogue above, John is...
A. Asking for help
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for an opinion
D. Giving help
5. Man : Hi, Stephany. I hear that you‟re getting an English test tomorrow. I think you
should prepare it well.
Woman : Yes, that‟s right, Bob. I have been learning all day long.
Man : That‟s very good. I hope you will get a good score.
Woman : I hope so. Thanks Bob.
Narrator: What are they talking about?
A. English Test preparation
B. Getting an English score
C. Expressing hope
D. Good score
E. Learning English
6. Jane: Roxy, what do you think of the cake I bake?
Roxy: It' really delicious! I love it!
Jane: yes!
From the dialogue above, Jane is...
A. Asking for an opinion
B. Asking for help
C. Requesting for attention
D. Giving an item
E. Giving opinion
7. Ramlan : Hi Renny , would you like to do something with me this weekend ?
Renny : Sure . What shall we do ?
Ramlan : I do not know . Do you have any idea?
Renny : What about going to cinema?
Ramlan : That sounds good. Which movie shall we see?
Renny : Let‟s see “Iron Man 4”.
Ramlan : Hmmmm... I do not like violent films. How about going to “Mad
DoctorBrown“? I hear it‟s a funny movie.
Renny : OK. Let‟s see that. When is it on?
Ramlan : It‟s on at 8 o‟clock at the Rex . Shall we have a bite to eatbefore the movie?
Renny : Sure, that sounds great. What about going to that new Italiano restaurant “La
Ramlan : Great idea ! Let „s meet there at six .
Renny : OK . I‟ll see you at “La Pasta” at six . Bye .
Ramlan : Bye .
What is the topic of the dialogue?
A. Deciding place to have dinner
B. Deciding kind of movie
C. Going to have refreshing
D. Choosing a romantic movie
E. Planning to spend time on weekend
8. Bowo : I feel tired and I feel dizzy.
Sri : I think …. Don‟t leave the bed if it is not necessary.
A. I must take some rest, too
B. You should lie down and have some rest
C. You can see the doctor tonight
D. I will take you to the hospital
E. You must sing
9. Jade: What do you think of my drawing?
Rose: It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
Jade: Thank you so much for you opinon, Rose!
Rose: My pleasure.
From the dialogue above, Rose is...
A. Asking for attention
B. Asking a question
C. Giving an opinion
D. Giving help
E. Asking for help
10. Dave: So what do you think of my singing?
John: It's really good, but I suggest to try singing in a high tune.
Dave: Thanks, John.
John: No problem, Dave!
From the dialogue above, John is...
A. Asking for help
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for an opinion
D. Giving help
E. Giving attention
11. Andy : What do you think about the restaurant?
Budy : The price is too expensive
From the dialogue above we can conclude that .….
A. Andy is giving his opinion
B. Andy is agree with Budy
C. Budy is giving his opinion
D. Budy is agree with Andy
E. Budi is giving help
12. Nadhira : We‟ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Nisrina : ….
Nadhira : I hope you have a nice trip
A. I don‟t know what to do
B. It‟s not your business
C. Sorry, I can‟t tell you
D. I am thinking of going to Bali
E. I‟m okay
13. Vernon : Hai Josh
Joshua : Hai bro, What are you doing?
Vernon : Well, just wanna see a sunset. Btw have you seen a task from Mr. Kim? …..
about the task?
Joshua : In my opinion, he gave us a very difficult task
A. What's your opinion?
B. What's your favorite colour?
C. What's your problem?
D. In my opinion
E. Thank you
14. Vic: Hi Kev, have you heard about the new bakery store?
Kev: Yes, I have
Vic: What do you think about it?
Kev: Personally, I think the flavor is little bit too sweet
Vic: (Hmm, aku tidak setuju denganmu)
A. Hmm, it's fine
B. Hmm, he's handsome
C. Hmm, i agree with you
D. Hmm, I disagree with you
E. I think so

Long time ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of
mortals, there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The
King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess
Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married. One day Sang
Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the
competition. Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden
Begawan and used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his
wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon
realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept
this, so she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was
very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.
15. Which one of the following statements is false about Sang Prabu?
A. Sang Prabu was a father of his only daughter
B. Sang Prabu was a king of a kingdom in West Java
C. Sang Prabu was taken to Kahyangan by a wicked fairy
D. Sang Prabu was a wise man
E. Sang Prabu didn‟t have a son

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of
mortals, there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The
King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess
Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married. One day Sang
Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the
competition. Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden
Begawan and used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his
wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon
realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept
this, so she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was
very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan.
16. Why the wicked fairy did used her magic to make Raden Begawan unconscious?
A. She didn‟t like Raden Begawan
B. She didn‟t want Raden Prabu marry the princess
C. She wanted Teja Nirmala to forget about her wedding
D. She didn‟t want the prince of Blambangan marry the princess
E. She didn‟t want the prince of Blambangan feel love with her

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of
mortals, there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The
King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess
Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married. One day Sang
Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the
competition. Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden
Begawan and used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his
wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon
realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept
this, so she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was
very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan
17. What do you think will happen if gods or goddesses cannot mingle in the affairs of
A. Princess Segara will have married with Raden Begawan
B. Sang Prabu will not hold strength competition
C. Raden Begawan will not die
D. Teja Nirmala will stay in the Kahyangan
E. Wicked Fairy will not take Raden Begawan‟s life
Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of
mortals, there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The
King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess
Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married. One day Sang
Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the
competition. Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden
Begawan and used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his
wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon
realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept
this, so she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was
very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan
18. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan. (Paragraph 2) The word her in the
A. The wicked fairy
B. The nice fairy
C. Princess Nirmala
D. Prince Teja
E. The prince of Blambangan

Long, long ago, when the gods and goddesses used to mingle in the affairs of
mortals, there was a small kingdom on the slope of Mount Wayang in West Java. The
King, named Sang Prabu, was a wise man. He had an only daughter, called Princess
Teja Nirmala, who was famous for her beauty but she was not married. One day Sang
Prabu made up his mind to settle the matter by a show of strength.
After that, Prince of Blambangan, named Raden Begawan had won the
competition. Unfortunately, the wicked fairy, Princess Segara fell in love with Raden
Begawan and used magic power to render him unconscious and he forgot his
wedding. When Sang Prabu was searching, Raden Begawan saw him and soon
realized that he had been enchanted by the wicked fairy. The fairy could not accept
this, so she killed Raden Begawan. When Princess Teja Nirmala heard this, she was
very sad. So a nice fairy took her to the Kahyangan
5. The similarity between fairy and human according to the text.
A. The place they live
B. The jealousy that they posses
C. The way they don‟t feel a love
D. The strength they have
E. Their life that is immortal
A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo
Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well
as a creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people
enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the
new harvest was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his
hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn
to rage.
So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his
stupidity. They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the
houses and temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the village
gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected before
into the hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling . Kbo Iwo was
buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it
overflowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo
is known as Mount Batur.
19. Which the following fact is true about Kbo Iwo?
A. Kebo Iwo ate a little amount of meat
B. Kebo Iwo is a destroyer that cannot make anything
C. Kebo Iwo was angry because his food was stolen by Balinese people
D. Kebo Iwo destroyed all the house but not the temple
E. Kebo eat food was equal for food of thousand people

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo
Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well
as a creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people
enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new
harvest was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his
hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn
to rage.

So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his
stupidity. They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the
houses and temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the village
gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected before
into the hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling . Kbo Iwo was
buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it
overflowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo
is known as Mount Batur.
20. Why did Kbo Iwo feel angry to the Balinese people?
A. Because Balinese people ate his meal
B. Because Balinese people took his food so his barns was empty
C. Because Balinese people didn‟t give him food
D. Because Balinese people were in hunger
E. Because Balinese people turned to rage

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo
Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well
as a creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people
enough food for a thousand men.

Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new
harvest was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his
hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese turn
to rage.

So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his
stupidity. They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the
houses and temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the village
gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected before
into the hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling . Kbo Iwo was
buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it
overflowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo Iwo
is known as Mount Batur.
21. According to the story, if Kbo Iwa is never existed in Bali island, what do you think
will happen?
A. There will be no Bali island
B. Bali People will never be angry
C. All Bali people will live in a prosperous way
D. We are not able see the beauty of Lake Batur
E. Mount Batur will not be a sacred place now

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo
Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well
as a creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people
enough food for a thousand men.

Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the new
harvest was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In his
hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese
turn to rage.

So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his
stupidity. They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the
houses and temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the
village gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected
before into the hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling . Kbo Iwo
was buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it
overflowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo
Iwo is known as Mount Batur.
22. “So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant……”(Paragraph
3). The antonym of the word “oppose “ is….
A. Support
B. Defeat
C. Turn Against
D. Beat
E. Change

A long time ago, there lived on the island of Bali a giant-like creature named Kbo
Iwo. The people of Bali used to say that Kbo Iwo was everything, a destroyer as well
as a creator. He was satisfied with the meal, but this meant for the Balinese people
enough food for a thousand men.
Difficulties arose when for the first time the barns were almost empty and the
new harvest was still a long way off. This made Kbo Iwo wild with great anger. In
his hunger, he destroyed all the houses and even all the temples. It made the Balinese
turn to rage.
So, they came together to plan steps to oppose this powerful giant by using his
stupidity. They asked Kbo Iwo to build them a very deep well, and rebuild all the
houses and temples he had destroyed. After they fed Kbo Iwo, he began to dig a deep
One day he had eaten too much, he fell asleep in the hole. The oldest man in the
village gave a sign, and the villagers began to throw the limestone they had collected
before into the hole. The limestone made the water inside the hole boiling . Kbo Iwo
was buried alive. Then the water in the well rose higher and higher until at last it
overflowed and formed Lake Batur. The mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo
Iwo is known as Mount Batur.
23. What is mount batur?
A. A lake build by Kbo Iwa
B. A well dug by Kbo iwa
C. The mountain build by Kbo Iwa
D. A mound of earth dug from the well by Kbo iwa
E. A home build by Balinese people to Kbo Iwa

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a
few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to
pass through wild and unsafe forest.
One day, a farmer‟s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother
and brother. She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her
brother said “ it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her
baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They
began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At
once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, “ please eat my
own son instead.” Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and
took her nephew away. Everyone understood that this was because the woman was
very good and kind. She had offered her own son‟s life to save her nephew.
They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick
sticks and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw
something very strange. Instead of eating the woman‟s baby the wolves were playing
with him.
24. What separated between one village to another a long time ago in the New
A. Another village
B. Mountains
C. Forests
D. Hills
E. Towers and logs

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a
few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to
pass through wild and unsafe forest.
One day, a farmer‟s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother
and brother. She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her
brother said “ it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her
baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They
began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At
once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, “ please eat my
own son instead.” Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and
took her nephew away. Everyone understood that this was because the woman was
very good and kind. She had offered her own son‟s life to save her nephew.
They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick
sticks and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw
something very strange. Instead of eating the woman‟s baby the wolves were playing
with him.
25. Who was Ah Tim ?
A. The young woman‟s brother
B. The young woman‟s son
C. The young woman‟s brother and nephew
D. The young woman‟s brother‟s son
E. One of the men who fetched a stick

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a
few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to
pass through wild and unsafe forest.
One day, a farmer‟s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother
and brother. She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her
brother said “ it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her
baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They
began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At
once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, “ please eat my
own son instead.” Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and
took her nephew away. Everyone understood that this was because the woman was
very good and kind. She had offered her own son‟s life to save her nephew.
They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick
sticks and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw
something very strange. Instead of eating the woman‟s baby the wolves were playing
with him.
26. Who walked in front when they were in the forest ?
A. Ah Tm
B. The woman
C. The woman‟s son
D. Her brother‟s nephew
E. The baby and his mothe
A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were only a
few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often had to
pass through wild and unsafe forest.
One day, a farmer‟s young wife went to the next village to visit her own mother
and brother. She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to leave, her
brother said “ it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Tim go with you though the forest.”
So Ah Tim led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying her
baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They
began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah Tim kicked against a stone and fell down. At
once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, “ please eat my
own son instead.” Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the wolves and
took her nephew away. Everyone understood that this was because the woman was
very good and kind. She had offered her own son‟s life to save her nephew.
They ran back to the house and called for help. All men in the village fetched thick
sticks and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they saw
something very strange. Instead of eating the woman‟s baby the wolves were playing
with him.
27. How could the wolves catch Ah Tim ?
A. He was afraid
B. He was stumbled by a stone
C. He ran slowly
D. The woman cried
E. The wolves were good runners

Dear sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in Today‟s time, I would like to be considered
for Marketing Senior Assistant post.
My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special
responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electroic goods,
like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a marketing specialist as soon
as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good
relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company
about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.
Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Clarks
28. Why does the sender write the letter?
A. To apply for a certain position.
B. To provide inputs for the company.
C. To give information about his speciality.
D. To convince the readers about his experience
E. To tell about him

Dear sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in Today‟s time, I would like to be considered
for Marketing Senior Assistant post.
My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special
responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electroic goods,
like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a marketing specialist as soon
as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good
relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company
about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.
Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Clarks
29. What does the sender possibly do after sending the letter?
A. Wait for the response of the recipient.
B. Call the recipient for the confirmation.
C. Work as a marketing specialist.
D. Complete his firs degree
E. Go to work
Dear sirs,
With reference to your advertisement in Today‟s time, I would like to be considered
for Marketing Senior Assistant post.
My present position in n an electronic marketing staff where I have special
responsibility for home appliances. I also have experiences in other electroic goods,
like cameras and smart phones. I have been working as a marketing specialist as soon
as I completed my first degree in 2012. My tasks among other are building good
relationship with distributors and customers, and providing inputs for the company
about pricing policies, marketing strategies, and customer satisfaction.
Hoping to hear from you soon, I enclose my curriculum vitae and rencent photograph.
Yours faithfully,
Harry Clarks
30. “…I enclose my curriculum vitae..” The word “enclose” is in the closest meaning
A. Hedge.
B. Attach.
C. Confine.
D. Encircle
E. Lamp

Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just read an article in the New and Observer about Taylor‟s new computer
center just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-
level programmer at the center.
I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer documentation. I am a
fresh graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an Associate‟s
Degree in Computer Science. In addition to having taken a broad range of courses, I
served as a computer consultant at the college‟s computer center where I helped train
computer users on new systems.
I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and
experience match your needs. You can reach me at my home address, at (9191) 233-
1552, or at


Raymond Krick
31. Why did Mr. Krick write the letter?
a. To apply for a job.
b. To ask for some information.
c. To introduce himself to Taylor.
d. To explain his educational background.
e. To tell about him

Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just read an article in the New and Observer about Taylor‟s new computer
center just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-
level programmer at the center.
I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer documentation. I am a
fresh graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an Associate‟s
Degree in Computer Science. In addition to having taken a broad range of courses, I
served as a computer consultant at the college‟s computer center where I helped train
computer users on new systems.
I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and
experience match your needs. You can reach me at my home address, at (9191) 233-
1552, or at

Raymond Krick
32. How does Mr. Krick know the vacancy?
a. From the radio.
b. From a colleague.
c. From a newspaper.
d. From the television
e. From social media

Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just read an article in the New and Observer about Taylor‟s new computer
center just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-
level programmer at the center.
I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer documentation. I am a
fresh graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an Associate‟s
Degree in Computer Science. In addition to having taken a broad range of courses, I
served as a computer consultant at the college‟s computer center where I helped train
computer users on new systems.
I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and
experience match your needs. You can reach me at my home address, at (9191) 233-
1552, or at


Raymond Krick
33. What will the Human Resources Director probably do after reading the letter?
a. Evaluate the salary offered.
b. Start working at Taylor, Inc.
c. Promote Mr. Krick to be a manager.
d. Ask Mr. Krick to come for an interview
e. Go to the office

Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Human Resources Director:

I just read an article in the New and Observer about Taylor‟s new computer
center just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position as an entry-
level programmer at the center.
I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer documentation. I am a
fresh graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology in Atlanta with an Associate‟s
Degree in Computer Science. In addition to having taken a broad range of courses, I
served as a computer consultant at the college‟s computer center where I helped train
computer users on new systems.
I will be happy to meet you at your convenience and discuss how my education and
experience match your needs. You can reach me at my home address, at (9191) 233-
1552, or at


Raymond Krick
34. What is the synonym of the word „fresh‟?
a. Old
b. New
c. Urgent
d. Presen
e. Traditional

78 Jalan Balai Raya

East Jakarta
April 2, 2007
Ms. Dina Siregar.
Directory of Administration
Navaro Inc.
27 Jalan Edelweis.
Dear Ms. Siregar,
Your advertisement in March 30 issue of the „Republika‟ was attractive because I
believe I have the proven skills you are requiring for an administrative assistant.
I am Linda and I‟m 22 years old. I recently completed a three course Apple Computer
System. These specialization skills have proven valuable in my work for the past
eight months as an assistant to the chief accountant at Galaxy Building.
Since „proven skills‟ are best explained in person I would appreciate an interview with
you. Please phone me in the afternoon between and 5 p.m. at (021) 4733756 to let me
know the day and time most convenient for you.

35. What position is needed?
A. Receptionist.
B. Interviewer.
C. Chief accountant.
D. Administrative assistant
E. Staff

78 Jalan Balai Raya

East Jakarta
April 2, 2007
Ms. Dina Siregar.
Directory of Administration
Navaro Inc.
27 Jalan Edelweis.
Dear Ms. Siregar,
Your advertisement in March 30 issue of the „Republika‟ was attractive because I
believe I have the proven skills you are requiring for an administrative assistant.
I am Linda and I‟m 22 years old. I recently completed a three course Apple Computer
System. These specialization skills have proven valuable in my work for the past
eight months as an assistant to the chief accountant at Galaxy Building.
Since „proven skills‟ are best explained in person I would appreciate an interview with
you. Please phone me in the afternoon between and 5 p.m. at (021) 4733756 to let me
know the day and time most convenient for you.

36. What doe‟s the applicant hope after sending the letter?
A. She will be a” manager.
B. She will start training.
C. She will receive the salary.
D. She will be interviewed.
E. she will be good

78 Jalan Balai Raya

East Jakarta
April 2, 2007
Ms. Dina Siregar.
Directory of Administration
Navaro Inc.
27 Jalan Edelweis.
Dear Ms. Siregar,
Your advertisement in March 30 issue of the „Republika‟ was attractive because I
believe I have the proven skills you are requiring for an administrative assistant.
I am Linda and I‟m 22 years old. I recently completed a three course Apple Computer
System. These specialization skills have proven valuable in my work for the past
eight months as an assistant to the chief accountant at Galaxy Building.
Since „proven skills‟ are best explained in person I would appreciate an interview with
you. Please phone me in the afternoon between and 5 p.m. at (021) 4733756 to let me
know the day and time most convenient for you.

37. “… proven skills” (line 5). The word „proven‟ has a closest meaning to …
A. acknowledged
B. external
C. internal
D. Outcome
E. Outdoor

February 15,2014
Ms Rosmayana
SMAN 123
Pettarani Office
Dear Ms Yana,
Thank you for posting your need for a teaching on I am available to fill this
opening and can (11) … working immediately after hiring.
I (12) … obtained my degree from Makassar State University. As a graduate in
English Educatian, I have acquainted myself with a range of skills that would allow
me to blend with your school.
From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have (13)
… spoken and written English skills. I look forward to an opportunity to meet you and
further discuss my qualification.
Very truly yours,

Amar Mundi
A. begin
B. pass
C. lose
D. stop
E. win
February 15,2014
Ms Rosmayana
SMAN 123
Pettarani Office
Dear Ms Yana,
Thank you for posting your need for a teaching on I am available to fill this
opening and can (11) … working immediately after hiring.
I (12) … obtained my degree from Makassar State University. As a graduate in
English Educatian, I have acquainted myself with a range of skills that would allow
me to blend with your school.
From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have (13)
… spoken and written English skills. I look forward to an opportunity to meet you and
further discuss my qualification.
Very truly yours,

Amar Mundi
A. totally
B. recently
C. discussed
D. intensively
E. Expensive

February 15,2014
Ms Rosmayana
SMAN 123
Pettarani Office
Dear Ms Yana,
Thank you for posting your need for a teaching on I am available to fill this
opening and can (11) … working immediately after hiring.
I (12) … obtained my degree from Makassar State University. As a graduate in
English Educatian, I have acquainted myself with a range of skills that would allow
me to blend with your school.
From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have (13)
… spoken and written English skills. I look forward to an opportunity to meet you and
further discuss my qualification.
Very truly yours,

Amar Mundi
A. among
B. ordinary
C. common
D. normal
E. excellent

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