Tut 4

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Tutorial 4

1. One kmol of ideal diatomic gas (Cp = 3.5R), is at an initial state of 22.4m3, 1atm
and 273.15K. This undergoes the following process:
a. Adiabatic Reversible Compression
b. Isothermal Reversible Compression
c. Adiabatic Reversible Expansion
d. Isothermal Reversible Expansion

For these series of steps, complete the following table:

P (atm) V (m3) Q (kJ) W (kJ) U (kJ) H (kJ)

1.00 22.4

Step a 2.64 11.2

Step b 5.28 5.6

Step c 2.00 11.2

Step d 1.00 22.4

2. A gas burner consumes 1Nm3 of CH4 per hour at 298K and uses air of 8Nm3
per hour to burn the CH4. The air enters the burner at 500K. The combustion
product contains CO2, CO, H2O and N2. Find the temperature of the flame.
Assume adiabatic and isobaric process. Assume ideal gas behaviour for all
∆Hf,298 CH4 = -74.5 kJ/mol, ∆Hf,298 CO2 = -394 kJ/mol, ∆Hf,298 CO = -111 kJ/mol,
∆Hf,298 H2O(liquid) = -285.82 kJ/mol, ∆HevoparationH2O = 40.65 kJ/mol
Cp values of
CH4 = 35.8 J/(mol.K), CO = 33.6 J/(mol.K), CO2 = 57.1 J/(mol.K), N2 = 33.6
J/(mol.K), H2O(l) = 75 J/(mol.K), H2O(g)=36 J/(mol.K), O2(g)= 32 J/(mol.K)
If the fuel rate is doubled and correspondingly doubles the Air flow rate, what
will happen to the temperature of the flame?
If only the air flow rate is increased to produce only CO2 in the product (no
CO), what do you think will happen to the temperature of the flame?

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