M2-Post Task

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What you KNOW about the What you WANT to know What you LEARNED about
topic? about the topic? the topic?
Structures What organism has the most Cells generates the essentials to
The different structures of cells cells? every bodily function which
enable life activities, including then enables living organisms to
respiration and nourishment. It reproduce like coral reefs since
is the functional unit of life. it is one of the largest living
things on earth that has the most
Functions When do cells stop Some functionalities of the cell
Cells take in food's nutrients, reproducing/functioning? stops If the different checkpoints
convert them into energy, and detect DNA irregularities, some
carry out certain functions. They cell functions are interrupted,
also provide the body with and the cell then strives to either
morph. complete DNA replication or
regrowth of DNA. If the harm is
irreparable, the cell may
undergo apoptosis, or
programmed cell death.
Cell cycle Why does cell cycle occur? The series of activities that take
A process in which cells place in a cell as it develops and
undergoes mitosis where growth Can cell cycle affect an multiplies is known as a cell
occurs. It is also a development individual negatively? cycle. The cell eventually leaves
where chromosomes and other interphase, undergoes mitosis,
cell components double to and undergoes full division.
generate two replications. Diseases like cancer can result
from an alteration in the cell
cycle's regular function. Cells
can divide randomly and collect
genetic mistakes that can result
in a malignant tumor when the
cell cycle is out of control.
Cell division What phase of cell division is The four stages of cell division
There are two types of cell the most significant? are called prophase, metaphase,
division which are the meiosis anaphase, and telophase.
and mitosis. Prokaryotic organisms divide
Meiosis (the process by which their cells in a simple way called
gametes are produced in sexual binary fission, which divides the
reproduction.) parent cell into two daughter
Mitosis (eukaryotic cells that cells. The genetic material that
have only one cell reproduce was previously replicated is
asexually. equally split between the two
daughter cells.
DNA How related are different The study of disorder,
It is the genetic composition of species' genes to one another? assessment of a person's specific
humans and nearly every other genes to diseases, detection of
life. It contains genetic data genetic disorders, and creation
necessary for an organism's of new treatments have all been
evolution and activity. transformed by DNA.

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