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Enhance Paper Report

Paper Design:  Paper Design is a window where the reports are run.  Any kind of changes can be done in this window.  After compiling the report, Press button.  But changes which are done in the Paper design window will affect in the Paper Layout Window.  The output will be displayed according to template. For e.g.

Output after modification:

Modifying a Report:  Report modification is nothing but editing the template which is developed.  The report may be added with some new columns.  The format of the Report can be changed.  Groups can be added to the Report. For e.g. the above Report is modified.

And the output will displayed as,

Aligning Columns:  The columns are aligned to produce a clear and legible output.  To align the columns, the Field name and its corresponding field should be selected.  Now, go to the Lay Out option in the Tool Bar. Layout Alignment.

 Align Objects Window Opens.

 Now, choose the respective type. And click OK.  The columns will be aligned accordingly.  To change the alignment of the fields, select the field and click any one of these Buttons.

Setting a Format Mask:      Format Mask is used to display the number fields in the required Format. To use Format Mask, select the field and press F4 or double-click on the particular field. Property Inspector Window opens. Navigation: Property Inspector Field Format Mask. elect an option from the list to set that format to the corresponding field.

 And so, the sample output will be

Modify Visual Attributes:  Visual attributes are the font, color, and pattern properties that you set for objects that appear in your application interface.  These attributes are done in the Paper layout Window.  To modify any kind of visual attributes, Select the object before it is done.  The fonts can be changed from the Font selector list; its size can also be changed accordingly.

 The fonts can be made into Bold, Italic and Underline.  The Objects can be aligned as per it is required using  For the numbered objects are used to display in required.

 The colors of the objects can be changed, by selecting .  The first color Attribute is the Fill color Attribute, where the background color can be given for the objects.  The second color Attribute is the Line color Attribute, where colors can be given for the frames and any other lines.  The third color Attribute is the Text color Attribute, where the colors can be given for the text which is to be displayed in the output.

Apply Conditional Formatting:  Conditional Formatting is done to highlight particular columns based on some condition.  Select the object, Press F4 or double-click on the object to open Property Inspector Window.  Navigation: Property Inspector General layout Conditional Formatting.

 Click the Button next to it.  Conditional Formatting Window opens.

 Click New.  Format Exception Screen appears.

 Select the Field name and choose the respective condition.  And in the Format, make all the changes which are to be displayed in the output.

 And Press OK.

 Now Press Apply and then OK.  The field will be highlighted as per the condition.

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