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Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science


Tutorial No. 5 ____________ Date: 06.09.2022

1. The following figure gives two adiabatic reversible lines in a system of 1 kmol of a diatomic ideal
gas. Find the P, V and T values for the different states given in the figure.
F state V, m3 P, atm T, K
A 22.418
B 11.209 360.42
C 5.605
C G D 11.209
E 22.418
F 5.605
G 6.832 439.35
Adiabatic rev.
B Isothermal rev.


Process Type Q (kJ) W (kJ) ΔU (kJ) ΔH (kJ) ∫(δqr/T), kJ/mol/K

C→B Isothermal rev.
B→A Adiabatic rev.
A→D Isothermal rev.
D→C Adiabatic rev.
E→A Isochoric
D→B Isochoric
C→F Isochoric
C→G Isobaric

From the values calculated, can you assert the following giving reasons where needed?
A. Any reversible traverse from one adiabatic reversible line (bold line) to the other
gives the same value for ∫(δqr/T).
B. You can try any other reversible path: e.g., straight line paths from C→A.The
above conclusion remain the same. That is ∫(δqr/T) between the two lines is path
C. The value for ∫(δqr/T) is zero for reversible traverse along the bold lines.
D. There is no reversible adiabatic path between the two bold lines. That is, two
adiabatic reversible lines do not intersect.
E. There is no way one can travel from a bold line above to a line below, reversible
or irreversible. That is travel from any point on the line above to the line below is
an adiabatically impossible process. On the other hand traverse in the other
direction can only be a spontaneous (irreversible) process.

Therefore we assert that

(i) there is a state property, say level of degradation S, which has the same
value for all states on an adiabatic reversible line (bold line),

(ii) Between two states lying on two different lines, the change in this
property is measured as ΔS = ∫(δqr/T), that is along a reversible path, and

(iii) In ANY adiabatic process, ΔS ≥0, equality standing for reversible process
and inequality for irreversible (spontaneous or natural) process.

A. One kilogram of water at 273 K is brought into contact with a heat
reservoir at 373 K. When the water has reached 373 K, what is the entropy
change of the water, of the heat reservoir, and of the universe?
B. If the water had been heated from 273 to 373 K by first bringing it into
contact with a reservoir at 323 K and then with a reservoir at 373 K, what
would have been the entropy change of the universe?
C. Explain how the water might be heated from 273 to 373K with almost no
change of entropy of the universe.

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