Forgiveness Scale

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Index of Emotional Expressiveness

Sr.# STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. I think of myself as emotionally expressive.

2. People think of me as an unemotional person.

3. I keep my feelings to myself.

4. I am often considered in different by others.

5. People can read my emotions.

6. I display my emotions to other people.

7. I do not like let other people see how I am feeling.

8. I am able to cry in front of other people.

9. Even if I am feeling very emotional, I do not let other see my feeling.

10. Other people are not easily able to observe what I am feeling.

11. I am not very emotional expressive.

12. Even when I am experiencing strong feelings, I do not express them outwardly.

13. I cannot hide the way I am feeling.

14. Other people believe me to very emotional.

15. I do not express my emotional to other people.

16. The way I feel, I different from how other think I feel.

17. I hold my feeling in myself.

1 = Never True

2 = Not True

3 = Maybe Not True

4 = Maybe True

5 = True

6 = Always True

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